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Re: Simpsons Mafia DAY FOUR
« Reply #325 on: March 11, 2009, 10:53:21 PM »
Apologies for my Absences, I will post tommorow morning with all my thoughts on events.
Do I really look like I have a clue?


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Re: Simpsons Mafia DAY FOUR
« Reply #326 on: March 11, 2009, 11:14:09 PM »
OK, time to go through everyone left... Warning! Major Wall of Text approaching!
Would break it down into two posts, but that seems kinda pointless. Game's nearly over anyway, right?  ;-)

Tom, there's no doubt about. He's town, simple as that.
Now, the not-so-suspicious...
From here, I'll say that this is from going through every post from the start to now, so take all of this as it is, and not in light of previous posts.

Cid - Voted Andy & Meep Day1. Didn't change to Xanth after cop claim. Continued pressure on suspicious players, and the flip to lynch Andy just to end SD. Yeah, not seeing scumCid at all.
Xanth - Still can't see both of them being scum in Day1SD - the logic holds true, even if Xanth had expected Meeple could somehow be killed. Would be suspicious if logic didn't tell me otherwise.

Hrm. The three more suspicious ones...
Delta - Lots of inactivity suspicion/votes Day1, lots of possible-OMGUS as a result - who were mostly scum, to be fair. Went on to reiterate what had already been said - clarification or scum cover? Well-timed MeepVote for town, and had Andy & Meep start against him. Vote for Tom Day2, but doubting Alex understandable at the time.
Excal - Commented on Cid agreeing on Meeple, but voting Andy. Lots of attacks on Cid... Scum, reason for Cid's targeting or neither? Suddenly kicks into life upon being accused, and then gives his most townish posts on threat of Day3 lynch. Day1 on likely town, no vote Day2, Day3 on town. Expected to die Day2 with either only two posts or no effort to defend self. Said Andy was main suspect, never got questioned by Andy. Also, see all points below.
Snow - Says Delta = inactive = pointless vote. Votes Bard, corrects & changes to Rat for inactivity = pointless vote by his logic? (I know the difference between single post & no post, but... no vote & jokephase vote?) Defended Xanth in Day1SD - town or looking for town ally? (WIFOM, yes, but just both possibilities) - Also defended Meep. Still somewhat confused by some arguments, but, looking back, could just as easily be town mistakes as they could be scum moves. Also didn't change despite cop claim, and early Snow seems very townish (especially early Day2)... Ugh. The more I read, the more town this seems. Trying not to go by general feel of posts though, so...

Excal > Snow > Delta > others. And now I feel stupid for the fact that I keep changing my opinions on these last few. >.<
Main reasons for this order are that Excal's only been 'cleared' through the nature of his posts, whereas the others are cleared through actions - both Day1, Delta for pushing the MeepTrain further & Snow for not switching vote off copclaim despite being alive.

Now, to go back to some interesting quotes I found on my scan through...
1st Point:
Quote from: El Cideon
Thus, I'm inclined to consider that if Xanth is scum then the early votes for him likely aren't; and vice versa.
Still following this, Cid? If so, it's a simple toss-up between Excal & Xanth, but I'm guessing a lot's changed.

2nd Point:
Quote from: Snowfire
AndrewRogue: Not sure if I'm as against him as El Cid; yesterday was Saturday after all, and any player (scum or town) would probably have switched their vote if they'd been genuinely active.  And EvilTom was already out of the woods as far as being lynched.  The one notable exception to this scenario...  a scumteam with Meeple/Andy/Excal.  In that case, pretending inactivity and letting Ryogo get lynched would be in his interest (as swapping to Ryogo would look a bit odd).
Interesting to bring this up again, now that we know Andy -was- scum.

3rd Point:
Quote from: Excal
Alright...  There hasn't been a whole lot today that's done much except to cement my opinion that scums among Andy/Yoshi/Rat.  And I'm now heavily leaning towards the first two.
Excal: Any reason you thought that me & Andy would both be scum, despite the fact that we both started the trains against each other?

4th Point:
Quote from: Excal
Oh yeah, don't think I said this yet.  Tom, if I am scum, then I deserve absolutely no kudos for surviving this far.  Day 2 I did jack all to save myself, and Day 3 my grand strategy was to...  do everything to bus my last remaining scum mate that I could possibly think of.  Might be alright for personal survival, sure.  But that's one hell of a losing strategy.
Yet you still voted for me? Seems like your strategy could have been to provide a good argument in case Andy did go, which would have seemingly been today - it was likely that one of us two was going yesterday. (Not saying this is strictly right, just that Excal's explanation isn't the only one.)

To conclude:
FoS: Excal.
I'm willing to hear him out, and I'm not voting yet on the basis that it would only take one more to lynch there.
That said, I think it'll take a hell of a lot to sway my opinion, and I'd personally prefer more logic I/we've missed on other players. With others on voting Excal now, Snow tomorrow if townExcal.
Also interested in this:
Quote from: Excal
So, Cid.  Would it have looked better if I had said screw living a second time and decided to stick with my guns?
Firstly, I'd say yes - especially in hindsight, but even at the time. Secondly, if it would look that bad to just give up, why do it the first time? One of these surrenders doesn't make sense, and I'm willing to lean towards the second one.

Hunter Sopko

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Re: Simpsons Mafia DAY FOUR
« Reply #327 on: March 12, 2009, 01:13:09 AM »
Excal (2)- EvilTom, Cid
Snowfire (1)- Xanth

There are 24 hours left in Day Four.


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Re: Simpsons Mafia DAY FOUR
« Reply #328 on: March 12, 2009, 02:17:24 AM »
Explain what about my presentation is aggrivating, please. ...  I am confident that I've done nothing but examine facts in a clinical fashion.

Huh, thanks.  I wasn't quite sure what exactly it was that was bugging me, but I think that helped me cut to the core of it.  If you want to know more I'd be glad to chat after game is over, but I think knowing exactly what's going on should help a lot in keeping it from inerfering with play.

Now, on to actually finding scum (yeah, I know there's cases on me, but most of them are now process of elimination against which the only defense is a good offense, Cid, who is using scum hunting as a scum tell, and Yoshi, who I will be glad to answer after I'm done with this.)  Also, much as the meat of my last few posts of Day 3 were effectively written as Day 4 content, these are mostly going to be written for Day 5.  If you want to listen early, I'd love it, but yeah.

Anyways, it seems that at this point everyone who's left has done their part to help hammer scum, or they're Tom.

Anyways, Tom has the benefit of a confirmed Townie saying he's good.  So he's good.

Xanth not only has the Day 1 headache behind him, he also has the fact that he stepped in and tied Tom with the other two candidates.

Yoshi has the fact that he decided to take a risk on Andy instead of making the safe play of saving himself, that no one would even look at him funny for.

Delta has...  pushed Meeple into the lead.

Cid has, he pushed Meeple into the lead, and was the tie-breaker for Andy.

And Snow has...  that he didn't lynch Xanth when he had the chance.  And that's about it.

So, let's start with the obvious, that Snow hasn't actually cleared himself.  The main point in favour of Snowfire is that he didn't just try to avoid passing the buck, but that he was trying to find a third option.  But here's the thing.  If he's scum, then he knows Xanth is town, so why be seen as overly in favour of that.  Also, he knows who Meeple is, and has a cop claim backing him up in that argument.  Finally, as Cid said, Snow could simply have panicked and went for what seemed like the best idea.  All said, he doesn't have anything backing him up.

As for the rest, it involves arguments of bussing.  But, honestly, there's not a case of bussing on Andy that really makes sense for the first three.  It would have been so much easier for any of them to have gotten a mislynch in that case, so why bus?  Cid is the only one where a case makes sense as he might have worried that someone who'd vote Andy would return before Andy himself did and take the credit.  Especially bad would have been if I showed up, as that would have shot down Andy and given me something solid.

As for Meeple, that lynch was less sudden, and the cop claim may have been planned, allowing for a bus there to be hoped to be countered with the cop claim.  He gets off, but if something does go wrong, credit for the people on him.  Of the people on Meeple, only Cid and Delta are left, so their claim to freedom isn't quite absolute, and of lesser quality than the Andy lynch.

So, this leaves us with Snow, Delta, and Cid as the ones without alibis, in ascending order of strength.  So, let's look at them in descending order.

Honestly, my biggest thing against Cid is that he's been late onto all of the scum trains he's been on.  He was the last vote for both Meeple and Andy, and ended Day 2 by trying to advocate a double lynch of town.  That's all I've got on him at present, in large part because my time is short, and he's got a ton of posts.  And partly because I'm currently leaning town for him.  Scummiest of the people I'm seeing as town, but still town.

Delta comes next.  And I'll be honest, I did read over all of his stuff, especially when I noticed that he was basically not here for Day 3.  Then I noticed that after he showed up on Day 1 he was pretty prolific until the end of Day 2.  And what he did have felt pretty strongly pro-town, so, yeah.  I've actually got no issues with him aside from after the near lynch at the opening of Day 3, he just asked people not to lynch instead of actually retractig his vote.

Which leaves me with Snow.

The guy did next to nothing day 1 besides flail around a bit, talk game theory, and request an extension.  Granted, he did give a valid excuse, but scum can have those as well.  Did at least telegraph his Tom vote early though.  Also joined the near quicklynch as the -1 vote, and claimed that it was in part because he was ninjaed, despite a warning and preview text.  That, and his random Yoshi vote at the end.  Though, honestly, in this scenario, it's a win/win scenario for him.

Sigh...  hopefully this out lines my thoughts.  Still not entirely confident with Snow, but he fits best.  And I'm running low on time.

Yoshi, I'll get to you, but there's something else I'm doing at the same time that gets priority, so it may be a while.


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Re: Simpsons Mafia DAY FOUR
« Reply #329 on: March 12, 2009, 04:29:21 AM »
First off, schedule warning: there's an event after work tomorrow (drinks at the local bar to welcome a new arrival.  Amusingly enough, I don't drink, but it'd look bad to not go.).  I have no idea how long I'll be out, so it's possible that I'll miss the deadline tomorrow (short of an extension to possibly 9:00-10:00 or so).  However I don't anticipate my vote will change that much, though...

##VOTE: Excal

The same reasons as on Day 3 stand.  Meeple/Andy/Excal fits perfectly into the scenario B I mentioned and that El Cid quoted.  And Yoshi's towniness has since risen after his vote for Andy.

Yoshiken: Interesting. We aren't actually certain there's even a cop involved, are we? Unless I've missed something major here.

Mafia without a cop is weird, since it becomes really hard to get reliable information to the town.  Beats me what Sopko has set up - I guess it's possible to replace the cop with, say, a watcher which is also pretty good at sniffing out scum and then have fewer scum - but a detective is probably the rarest role to be without.  Also some historical significance to it - the party game version has cop as its only (town) role and is pretty foundational.  So no, I don't know for sure.

(Side note: I've played mafia games without a detective before where the clues were entirely in the "story" the GM posted every night.  More like a group reading a mystery novel and having communal guessing as to who the killers were.  Fun, since kinda sorta everyone is a detective, but also swingy since the clues need to be really subtle, as they can instantly end a killer's career if somebody picks up on a clue too well.)

El Cideon: So, Snowfire and Yoshi: please read in detail my opening post from this day. Alert me if you find any inconsistencies or oversights.

Your post seems fair enough, and more to the point I generally agree with the arguments against Excal from Day 3.  The reason I switched was...  well, logically Excal and Yoshi seemed similarly likely to be culpable, but Yoshi was setting off some alarming thoughts.

Xanth: I'm immediately worried. Lynch Excal and if he comes up town then Andy looks a lot better? Ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch.

Eh.  Yoshiken brought that point up too, on Day 3.  Obviously impossible to prove this, but no, that was meant as a situation in which Andy would be very likely to be scum (following El Cid's logic about Andy possibly lurking it up to avoid having to switch his vote on Day2 from EvilTom).  With any luck Excal will flip scum and this theory - that Meeple/Andy/Excal is a logical scum combo - will be confirmed.

Also, Xanth...  seems like we got lucky due to the dual kill anyway, but wasn't it horribly risky to use your vigilante ability?  It seems common at Mafia games at the RPGDL to include a Godfather for the scum, and the Godfather is normally immune to nightkills.

Excal: The guy did next to nothing day 1 besides flail around a bit, talk game theory, and request an extension.  Granted, he did give a valid excuse, but scum can have those as well.

Yes, well, been over it before, but remember that my main semi-substantive post was when the only things to talk about were A) jokevotes and B) The Andy/Meeple Delta train.  So...  I addressed B.  This was followed by a post composed in the morning that was short due to time constraints, then returning for sudden death.

(Other side note: I'm thinking that I'm liking 36 hour Day 1s, which I've seen that some mafia game have used in the archives.)

I do have one crazy other theory I'm considering, but it probably is more relevant for Day 5, if there is a Day 5.  Best to deal with the simpler possibilities first (Excal).   In the off chance that I get killed the next night...  it's possible that this is El Cid on the bravest gambit ever, as Excal was kind of getting at yesterday?  I really really don't want to think that, but hmm.  Won't bother looking into it since I really want to think that Excal should come up scum.


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Re: Simpsons Mafia DAY FOUR
« Reply #330 on: March 12, 2009, 04:39:58 AM »
Excal is at -1 now I think.
This is your life and it's ending one minute at a time.


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Re: Simpsons Mafia DAY FOUR
« Reply #331 on: March 12, 2009, 05:02:02 AM »
Ah screw it.  I don't actually care anymore.  Here's your flip, Cid.

##Unvote: Snowfire, ##Vote: Excal

Hunter Sopko

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Re: Simpsons Mafia NIGHT FOUR
« Reply #332 on: March 12, 2009, 11:34:03 AM »
After another successful Stonecutter lynch, town immediately contacted America's Most Wanted to get their good friend Milhouse on the show once again.

Monty Burns financed it, Bart tipped them off. The last they saw of Milhouse was just before he ran out of town.

"But my Mom says I'm innocent!"

It wasn't too long until town had heard Milhouse had been cornered and thrown himself off a dam. This time though, he didn't survive.

Too bad for town. They should have listened to Milhouse's Mom.

Excal (4)- EvilTom, Cid, Snowfire, Excal
Snowfire (1)- Xanth

Excal AKA Milhouse Van Houten, VANILLA TOWN, was lynched!

Send in night actions!

Hunter Sopko

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Re: Simpsons Mafia DAY FIVE
« Reply #333 on: March 12, 2009, 02:57:12 PM »
It was a quiet night. A dark one too. When the townspeople looked back the next day, only then could they recall the faint sound of a sucking pacifier.

A terrible tragedy was uncovered the next day. The body of poor Maggie Simpson, stuffed in a pet carry cage, buried alive in the mud flats near Springfield Harbor.

Xanth AKA Maggie Simpson, TOWN ONE-SHOT VIGILANTE, was killed overnight!

With 5 alive, it takes 3 to lynch.

Day Five ends in 48 hours.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2009, 03:00:15 PM by Hunter Sopko »


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Re: Simpsons Mafia DAY FIVE
« Reply #334 on: March 12, 2009, 03:14:26 PM »
Well I was wrong. Maybe Xanth was right. ##Vote Snow
Mass roleclaim time?
This is your life and it's ending one minute at a time.


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Re: Simpsons Mafia DAY FIVE
« Reply #335 on: March 12, 2009, 05:10:11 PM »
Indeed it is not Magaggie's birthday. Sadness.

So, Xanth and everyone on his train (sans Meeple) were indeed town. Whatever happened day one, it looks like scum seriously dropped the ball. (I am of course obligated to note that this game has provided an impressive amount of trainwrecking on both sides.)

I'm going to take Tom up on his request for mass claiming. Even if we mislynch again today, we'll still have a chance tomorrow to get things right. Better to have roleclaims out of the way now than tomorrow, when a BS claim from scum could potentially work in their favor (if someone lies about a claim today, we at least have more opportunity to catch them on it). So: C. Montgomery Burns, vanilla townie, checking in. Shocking revelation, I know. Also agreed that Snowfire looks like the most likely candidate here, but going to review everyone as always. Onwards:

Tom: Cleared by Alex, yada yada yada, we've been over this before. It's not impossible for a serious act of bastard modding to make twin masons have different alignments, but I don't believe that Alex would've vouched for Tom's alignment if he weren't specifically told in his role PM that Tom was also town. So yeah, not considering Tom, as usual.

Yoshi: Given Yoshi's level of activity since joining, Strago's low presence/contribution looks very much like just a result of his time crunch. Really don't think that should be held against Yoshi any more. I'm seriously inclined to consider him fully cleared by this point. His day 3 actions make no sense otherwise, because it would mean that he stuck with a vote for a scumbuddy (Andy), even when it looked like he himself was about to be killed, instead of making a perfectly excusable move to a townie (Excal). If this was a gambit to give Andy townie cred by burning Yoshi then I'm impressed and he deserves to win. I seriously doubt that's the case, though.

Snowfire: Scum!Snowfire has typically just left me baffled as to why he wouldn't hammer Xanth day one. He had plenty of reason and opportunity to do so without looking suspicious. I should probably listen to my own advice about scum fallibility, though. Something clearly went catastrophically wrong on the scum team that day. I've been inclined to attribute a number of Snow's slips to the errors of a newbie not used to playing mafia on a message board--overlooking Bard's post day one, for example, and not taking the time to read ninjaposts before voting on Excal day three. I'm no longer certain this is the case. He's only voted for townies throughout the entire game, being notably absent from criticism of both Meeple and Andy. He paid lip service to the growing case on Andy day three but did little to contribute to it. And it's entirely possible that he simply refrained from hammering Xanth day one because Alex had expressed a willingness to do it himself and Snow was more than glad to let a townie do the job of hammering another townie--which would've happened if it weren't for Rat's overlooked vote.

Delta: Starting to take another look at him, if in part out of necessity. Doing so gets me tangled up in WIFOM, though, as I just can't figure out what in god's name scum was doing day 1 if he was one of them. If anyone has anything substantial on him, please let me know, but I've had trouble finding anything myself.

Not putting a vote down just yet even though Snowfire is the obvious option. I know, we're not in LYLO just yet, and that anyone pulling a surprise hammer today would look horrible and get killed tomorrow, but paranoia is kicking into high gear.

Hunter Sopko

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Re: Simpsons Mafia DAY FIVE
« Reply #336 on: March 12, 2009, 09:09:29 PM »
Snowfire (1): EvilTom

There are 42 hours left in Day 5.


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Re: Simpsons Mafia DAY FIVE
« Reply #337 on: March 12, 2009, 11:41:02 PM »
Well, it looks bad for our hero.  I know that my little twerp StragoYoshiKenBart thinks he's the star, but he's got another thing coming when/if I leave the stage.  Reality will come crashing down, along with ratings.  You were warned!

Okay.  The only good defense for a townie is actual scumhunting himself.  Since there was a call for roleclaims, I, Homer Simpson, am...  not a vanilla townie.  But I am a townie.  Don't really want to go much further into it (though...  my role fits fairly well with one episode in particular of the show.  Which is probably completely useless since Homer's had a lot of things happen to him.).

Tom is completely cleared.  This leaves El Cid and Yoshi on insane crazy gambits, and Delta...  gambiting on Day 1, at least. 

For me...  meh.  I can't deny that, if nothing else, the main alternatives to my lynch have scored large amounts of town credit by helping lynch Andy faster.  (On Day 3, I would have been in favor of lynching Yoshi first, then Excal, then Andy, in that order.)  And El Cid is correct that my votes have ended up being for townies, with the main thing to my credit being votes I didn't cast for different townies.  So like Excal, I can't really deny that I'm not a good lynch target, though I'd be an incorrect one.

I...  I don't have anything on Delta either.  If Delta's scum, he's been playing a strange but possibly effective game?  He wasn't on the Andy train.  But he hasn't made tons of posts either.  Really hard to get a read on him.

As for Yoshi...   hmm.  Could be that he tossed the vote on Andy just to have something to crow about for when Andy inevitably died later, but he actively whipped up a train, too.  And didn't switch his own vote to Excal.  I just find this really hard to believe.

And lastly, El Cid.  If El Cid is scum then, well, obviously he was a little too effective in places, but he got his general goal: to lead the town around.  I'm hesitant to attack people for being "too towny" since this normally leads to mislynches, but man.  Extreme chutzpah just might be rewarded with a victory...  after hammering his scumfriend, who on earth is going to accuse him?  He'd even set it up to not look bad before by making it clear that Andy was his #2 target.  This is wandering way off into WIFOM territory, but since clearly somebody here is still scum...  could be a "so crazy it just might work" deal.  It's more believable than Yoshi, at least, as El Cid cast the deciding vote once an Andy train already existed - I personally see that as more suspicious, as I can see scum thinking "Andy will likely die soon anyway, hopping aboard an already existing scum train might get credit."  Yoshi started one from nowhere.

I'm confused.  I've put out my thoughts, but I can't say with any certainty who is scum.  At worst Delta is neutral, and everyone else reads positively towny.  Delta > El Cid > Yoshi >> Tom, tentatively.


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Re: Simpsons Mafia DAY FIVE
« Reply #338 on: March 13, 2009, 12:52:14 AM »
*sigh* Well, that was... frustrating. This last scum is really taking us for a ride here, so whoever it is, congrats on being confusing as hell. >.<

At this stage, I'm going to say that I'm no longer claiming certainty on anyone being town other than myself & Tom.
Cid... Still almost certainly town, although for an extra reason now (although it's almost entirely WIFOM surrounding Excal. I'll not go into that unless people actually want me to.)

Snow... Yes, Day1 is still suspicious. And since then... Yes, the vote problem. Yes, the occasional flawed argument problem. In fact, the lack of Xanth-hammer is about the only thing going for him, and all logic seems to say that I should vote here, especially after neglecting to role-claim in a situation that's quite clearly going against him. (Also, I know it's not what you're hinting at, but should I point out that Homer was once a Stonecutter? =P)

...But, for all that I said I'd ignore instinct, I'm -still- unable to shake my doubts with Delta. Part of it may be because he's been wa~ay too quiet throughout, but, that said, the only things he's got going for him are Day1. Not only that, but one of those two points is that he was voted for by Andy & Meep - both early Day1, and both meaningless in the long run, except for giving him town-credit.

With all that said, I'm gonna say a few last things. Firstly, to Snow:
I -strongly- suggest you roleclaim. If we make a mistake in lynching tonight, we're into LyLo. And, even if you suddenly claim cop or something, I get the feeling people are gonna doubt it if town go tonight.

As things stand, FoS: Delta.
Delta has way too much to answer as things stand, and hasn't even given much of a reason for constant absences. Delta! I'm hoping we can see that post on your thoughts of the last day or two, because I'm failing to see much since you said "It is between Excal and Yoshi for me. One of you, convince me." You hinted towards switching to Andy after that, but only after things had built up in SD, and then... disappeared. Also wondering: what happened there, exactly? (This is end of Day3, by the way.)


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Re: Simpsons Mafia DAY FIVE
« Reply #339 on: March 13, 2009, 01:35:44 AM »
Snowfire: I don't see any reason to make a partial claim at this point in time. You've already suggested that you're not vanilla and this alone makes you a tempting NK target for the remaining scum player (if it isn't you). I don't see any good reason to hold off on a full claim...unless perhaps you're waiting for Delta's claim to make sure he has no way to contradict your own. It alarms me to consider that you might be putting off your full claim in order to tailor it to fit whatever Delta might say.


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Re: Simpsons Mafia DAY FIVE
« Reply #340 on: March 13, 2009, 01:43:07 AM »
Yoshi: I'm sure you can think of some roles which make no sense at all to reveal, giving the scum useful info and not really helping the town.  For example (because it's false in my case)....  a Bomb that kills people who nightkill me.  (Assume it's not the type that kill a lyncher as well).  If scum would blow up on killing me, well, great, let 'em.  (Though I'm not a bomb.)  It's something along those lines.

I too am interested in what Delta has to say.

Ninja'd by El Cid: Lovely.  On second thought, I think I will respond, since a scum dumb enough to NK me (assuming I survive tonight, and the scum isn't lynched) is, well, dumb, since I'd be a huge lynching target tomorrow as well.  I'm Bulletproof - it's the Homer Simpson effect.  Go ahead, take a surgical 2x4 and give me a whack with it.  Homer is hard to kill (the only reason he's still alive, really).


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Re: Simpsons Mafia DAY FIVE
« Reply #341 on: March 13, 2009, 02:01:21 AM »
Had something written up where I actually decided to vote Snowfire based on the partial roleclaim (paranoia be damned, anyone surprise hammering today is clearly scum and will get killed tomorrow, etcetera), then Snowfire ninjas me. Great.

Snowfire: If there was even a possibility of you being a cop or a watcher, scum might want to nightkill you rather than take the risk of being found out overnight and outed tomorrow. Even if it means sacrificing a potential mislynch, even if you roleclaiming on LYLO would be a dubious proposition in and of itself. (Of course, now I've made it so that they don't have to worry about that possibility at all. Well, that was brilliant.)

Not sure what else to say right now, other than that I feel like an idiot for not considering the below notion earlier. It just made more sense for scum to have been on Xanth's train day one, but this is now obviously wrong.

And it's entirely possible that he simply refrained from hammering Xanth day one because Alex had expressed a willingness to do it himself and Snow was more than glad to let a townie do the job of hammering another townie--which would've happened if it weren't for Rat's overlooked vote.

Delta needs to talk, need everyone's perspective before moving, etcetera and so on. Blah, it's been said.


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Re: Simpsons Mafia DAY FIVE
« Reply #342 on: March 13, 2009, 04:34:28 AM »
##Vote extension
I want Delta to talk and claim so I can hear Snow's claim. If Delta lurks, I want the time to lynch him first. I think an extension might be in order.
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Re: Simpsons Mafia DAY FIVE
« Reply #343 on: March 13, 2009, 04:49:08 AM »
Eh, Tom? Snowfire just did claim. Post right above my last one.

Anyway, extension? Hm, maybe. Will consider it more seriously if Delta's still not present tomorrow.


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Re: Simpsons Mafia DAY FIVE
« Reply #344 on: March 13, 2009, 05:14:57 AM »
Oops, missed that somehow. Eh, I'll leave my extension vote there anyway. Bulletproof huh, interesting.
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Re: Simpsons Mafia DAY FIVE
« Reply #345 on: March 13, 2009, 09:17:49 AM »
Snowfire, do you think that there is going to be two bulletproofs in town with such a small setup as this? I am Apu, Bulletproof town.

Explainations of absences.

End of Day three, I was typing my post, but was called down to dinner, without having time to finish it, coming back, I typed the rest of it up, only to be ninja'd by El Cid's hammer. So, of course, I didn't reply because it was hammer.

Day four, Well, yesterday was probably the most important day of my life. No kidding. Year 9 options evening was yesterday, and for the English amongst you here, if there is any, they know what it's like. It affects my entire future life, so yes, I did forego mafia yesterday, forgetting to inform you on my schedule. Apologies once again.

Scum Cid, I can only see if he hadnt been on the trains of the two dead scummies. However, seeing as he has been, I say this effectively clears him, for the time being.

Snowfire, looks suspicious to me since he has claimed bulletproof also, and in this smaller game, I simply cannot see two bulletproof townies, being one myself.

ET, looks good. Effectively cleared by Alex.

Yoshi, looks better than snow to me. I was hinting at an Alex hammer, and I was actually writingthe post in which I was going to hammer him, when I was called down for dinner. >.< Sucky reason I know, but I don't like it any more than you guys do.

I am still mildly miffed from when Xanth put us in three-way sudden death, since it didn't particularly make town's job easier, I suppose that it is all in the past now, but still annoys me. Excal's self-hammer too.

Anyway, that is my little analyisis for now. Feeling sick, so more after school, or maybe earlier depending on how I feel. Damned flu.

Oh thank you, come again!

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Re: Simpsons Mafia DAY FIVE
« Reply #346 on: March 13, 2009, 01:46:10 PM »
Snowfire (1): EvilTom

There are 25 hours left in Day 5.


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Re: Simpsons Mafia DAY FIVE
« Reply #347 on: March 13, 2009, 02:48:51 PM »
Two bulletproof town is unlikely. I'm sticking with my vote on Snow.
Delta, if you're confident in y our theory, will you be voting for Snow?
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Re: Simpsons Mafia DAY FIVE
« Reply #348 on: March 13, 2009, 04:23:38 PM »
It's not impossible that there are two bulletproof townies here, as the role setup has already proven itself to be a little wacky. It is unlikely, though. So yeah, this sounds good:

##Vote: Snowfire


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Re: Simpsons Mafia DAY FIVE
« Reply #349 on: March 13, 2009, 06:33:19 PM »
I think that it is our best option right now.

Sorry Snow.

##Vote: Snowfire
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