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Re: Beauty Conest 1-A
« Reply #25 on: March 07, 2009, 07:58:12 PM »
Luserina (S5) vs. Lady (SH3): Quiet elegance wins.
Shania (SH3) vs. Aya Brea (PE): Don't know Aya.
Isabel (S5) vs. Wyna (TA): Don't know Wyna.
Aeris (FF7) vs. KOS-MOS (XS): KOS is pretty good at times.
Excellen (SRWs) vs. Gwendolyn (OS): Gwen captures the fairy-tale princess beauty extraordinarily well. Excellen is good but more in  a normal attractive sense. In terms of beauty Gwen wins.
Lucia (FE9/10) vs. Sharon (Legaia2): Sharon's face is kind of ugly. Lucia is stunning.
Mia (FE9/10) vs. Micaiah (FE10): Not horribly impressed by either.
Opera (SO2) vs. Koudelka (Koud): Don't know Koudelka unless SH1 counts <_<
Lucia (SHC) vs. Isolde (MK): Isolde is coldly beautiful. Quite nice. Lucia is more the fanservicy sorty of attractive, which loses out here.
Jenna (GS2) vs. Cynthia (AT2): I guess.
Lulu (FFX) vs. Pamela (MK/AI): Lulu's style isn't really to my liking but she pulls it off very well.
Naoto (P4) vs. Lefina (SRW): Naoto isn't beautiful.
Xelha (Baten Kaitos) vs. Alice (SH): Don't know Xelha.
Ethlin (FE4) vs. Claves (ES): Claves is absolutely stunning. Perhaps its partially the 360 rendering, but that still gets points from me.
Melvina (GL5) vs. Shelly (XS)
Nel (SO3) vs. Harken (WA): ACF art to the rescue.


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Re: Beauty Conest 1-A
« Reply #26 on: March 07, 2009, 09:24:49 PM »
Luserina (S5) vs. Lady (SH3)- Luserina is gorgeous
Shania (SH3) vs. Aya Brea (PE)- abstain
Isabel (S5) vs. Wyna (TA)- abstain
Aeris (FF7) vs. KOS-MOS (XS)- KOS_MOS is hot. I say this as a straight female
Excellen (SRWs) vs. Gwendolyn (OS)- Gwen is pretty, Excellen has breasts. Pretty>>>> Breasts (Yeah I looked at the pictures posted last topic)
Lucia (FE9/10) vs. Sharon (Legaia2)
Mia (FE9/10) vs. Micaiah (FE10)- again, Pretty>>>> Boobies
Opera (SO2) vs. Koudelka (Koud)- abstain
Lucia (SHC) vs. Isolde (MK)
Jenna (GS2) vs. Cynthia (AT2)- abstain
Lulu (FFX) vs. Pamela (MK/AI) Cute>>>>> Boobies
Naoto (P4) vs. Lefina (SRW)-abstain
Xelha (Baten Kaitos) vs. Alice (SH)- abstain
Ethlin (FE4) vs. Claves (ES)- Bonus points for Ethin being in this contest
Melvina (GL5) vs. Shelly (XS)- abstain
Nel (SO3) vs. Harken (WA)

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Re: Beauty Conest 1-A
« Reply #27 on: March 07, 2009, 10:06:19 PM »
Luserina (S5) vs. Lady (SH3) - Luserina looks nice, but plain. Lady has a certain unworldly charm to her, and that usually really wins points in my book.
Shania (SH3) vs. Aya Brea (PE) - Yeah.
Isabel (S5) vs. Wyna (TA) - Both lose at life.
Aeris (FF7) vs. KOS-MOS (XS) - KOS-MOS wouldn't make a good crossdresser, let alone a good beauty. The whoretastica and copious cockshots make me absolutely unable to vote for her in almost any instance. Maybe I'd vote her over P4 Hanako, but certainly not someone who's at least vaguely generically pretty.
Excellen (SRWs) vs. Gwendolyn (OS) - Remember that unworldly charm thing? Yeah.
Lucia (FE9/10) vs. Sharon (Legaia2) - Lucia is workable. Sharon has the body, but she ruined it all by slamming her face into a meat grindery when she was a kid and ended up having a complexion similar to the Wicked Witch of the East's.
Mia (FE9/10) vs. Micaiah (FE10) - Less Trancetastic. >_>
Opera (SO2) vs. Koudelka (Koud) - Eh. Opera is fugly.
Lucia (SHC) vs. Isolde (MK) - SH2 Lucia ranks up there with P4 Hanako in the "what kind of genetic deformation bit you in the ankles" tier.
Jenna (GS2) vs. Cynthia (AT2) - Eeeeeeeeew, Camelot art. Dunno Cynthia, though, so no vote.
Lulu (FFX) vs. Pamela (MK/AI) - Pamela... is not pretty. Maybe cute in a teddy bear way, but not pretty. >_>
Naoto (P4) vs. Lefina (SRW) - Maybe when you're six years older, Naoto. Promise is not deliverance.
Xelha (Baten Kaitos) vs. Alice (SH) - No vote, but I need to note that Shadow Hearts tends to like its female PCs ugly as sin, and Alice is no exception. >_>
Ethlin (FE4) vs. Claves (ES) - No vote. I'm just too lazy to look up people I don't know more than once or twice.
Melvina (GL5) vs. Shelly (XS)
Nel (SO3) vs. Harken (WA) - ... mmmmmmm, no, Nel doesn't do anything for me pretty-wise.
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[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
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Re: Beauty Conest 1-A
« Reply #28 on: March 07, 2009, 10:11:04 PM »
Luserina (S5) vs. Lady (SH3): Opposite of Cid, I think. Lady wishes this were based on character worth. Don't find her too attractive.
Shania (SH3) vs. Aya Brea (PE): Shania is certainly better, for instance. Don't really care for PE's artstyle.
Isabel (S5) vs. Wyna (TA): Nor TA's.
Aeris (FF7) vs. KOS-MOS (XS): Aeris is kinda bleh, KOS is at least decent sometimes.
Excellen (SRWs) vs. Gwendolyn (OS): Um, hmm, close.
Lucia (FE9/10) vs. Sharon (Legaia2): Lucia gets close to beautiful, Sharon... doesn't.
Mia (FE9/10) vs. Micaiah (FE10): Just more striking. Plus Mia always looks a bit off, somehow, to me.
Opera (SO2) vs. Koudelka (Koud): I suppose.
Lucia (SHC) vs. Isolde (MK): Close enough, but yeah.
Jenna (GS2) vs. Cynthia (AT2): GOLDEN SUN
Lulu (FFX) vs. Pamela (MK/AI): Yep, sorry.
Naoto (P4) vs. Lefina (SRW): Echoing CK, I guess...?
Xelha (Baten Kaitos) vs. Alice (SH): Unimpressive match. Neither is bad, but...
Ethlin (FE4) vs. Claves (ES): Whoa, surprising, considering how bad most FE4 art looks in-game. Also, Claves auto-loses because her art style makes her waist like half the width of her hips. That is noooo gooood!
Melvina (GL5) vs. Shelly (XS): I suppose.
Nel (SO3) vs. Harken (WA): I think so, anyway.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2009, 04:32:16 AM by Dark Holy Elf »

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Re: Beauty Conest 1-A
« Reply #29 on: March 08, 2009, 03:05:53 AM »
Luserina (S5) vs. Lady (SH3)
Shania (SH3) vs. Aya Brea (PE)
Isabel (S5) vs. Wyna (TA): ...
Aeris (FF7) vs. KOS-MOS (XS): Aeris. Not a big fan of KOS-MOS design overall, loses points for XS2.
Excellen (SRWs) vs. Gwendolyn (OS): First round? HATE. THE BOT.
Lucia (FE9/10) vs. Sharon (Legaia2)
Mia (FE9/10) vs. Micaiah (FE10)
Opera (SO2) vs. Koudelka (Koud)
Lucia (SHC) vs. Isolde (MK)
Jenna (GS2) vs. Cynthia (AT2): Meh.
Lulu (FFX) vs. Pamela (MK/AI)
Naoto (P4) vs. Lefina (SRW)
Xelha (Baten Kaitos) vs. Alice (SH): One of these actually has to move on...
Ethlin (FE4) vs. Claves (ES): Early FE art meh.
Melvina (GL5) vs. Shelly (XS)
Nel (SO3) vs. Harken (WA)
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Re: Beauty Conest 1-A
« Reply #30 on: March 08, 2009, 10:47:21 PM »
Not going to be dropping a lot of commentary since I actually see having wonky taste as a good thing here.  Less guys competing for the ladies I like, after all.

Luserina (S5) vs. Lady (SH3)
Shania (SH3) vs. Aya Brea (PE)
Isabel (S5) vs. Wyna (TA)
Aeris (FF7) vs. KOS-MOS (XS)
Excellen (SRWs) vs. Gwendolyn (OS)
Lucia (FE9/10) vs. Sharon (Legaia2)
Mia (FE9/10) vs. Micaiah (FE10)
Opera (SO2) vs. Koudelka (Koud)
Lucia (SHC) vs. Isolde (MK)
Jenna (GS2) vs. Cynthia (AT2)
Lulu (FFX) vs. Pamela (MK/AI)
Naoto (P4) vs. Lefina (SRW)
Xelha (Baten Kaitos) vs. Alice (SH)
Ethlin (FE4) vs. Claves (ES) - For those who haven't voted, both their pics have been linked to.
Melvina (GL5) vs. Shelly (XS)
Nel (SO3) vs. Harken (WA)
« Last Edit: March 09, 2009, 09:00:15 PM by Excal »

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Re: Beauty Conest 1-A
« Reply #31 on: March 08, 2009, 11:25:57 PM »
May as well...

Luserina (S5) vs. Lady (SH3)
Shania (SH3) vs. Aya Brea (PE) - Not Shania
Isabel (S5) vs. Wyna (TA) - Not Wyna
Aeris (FF7) vs. KOS-MOS (XS) - Not Slutbot
Excellen (SRWs) vs. Gwendolyn (OS) - Gwendolyn isn't bad by any means, but I'm not really seeing the hype
Lucia (FE9/10) vs. Sharon (Legaia2)
Mia (FE9/10) vs. Micaiah (FE10) - Don't really care
Opera (SO2) vs. Koudelka (Koud) - Not Opera
Lucia (SHC) vs. Isolde (MK)
Jenna (GS2) vs. Cynthia (AT2) - Eh.
Lulu (FFX) vs. Pamela (MK/AI) - NO
Naoto (P4) vs. Lefina (SRW) - Isn't a middle schooler
Xelha (Baten Kaitos) vs. Alice (SH)
Ethlin (FE4) vs. Claves (ES) - Uhhh... yeah
Melvina (GL5) vs. Shelly (XS) - Meh.
Nel (SO3) vs. Harken (WA) - More eh.


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Re: Beauty Conest 1-A
« Reply #32 on: March 09, 2009, 01:32:56 AM »
Luserina (S5) vs. Lady (SH3) - Lady. Though both are a little too vacant for me.
Shania (SH3) vs. Aya Brea (PE) - Tough one, but I really like Nomura art.
Isabel (S5) vs. Wyna (TA) - Sexy pirate girl hype.
Aeris (FF7) vs. KOS-MOS (XS) - Aeris is suitably beautiful. And while KOS-MOS has some good pictures out there, the overall robotic abs of steel thing is kind of... eh.
Excellen (SRWs) vs. Gwendolyn (OS) - Very beautiful and elegant. Champ-powered if more people had played her game.
Lucia (FE9/10) vs. Sharon (Legaia2) - More sexy pirate girl hype.
Mia (FE9/10) vs. Micaiah (FE10) - Both are too young-looking.
Opera (SO2) vs. Koudelka (Koud) - I really like the Koudelka manga art, but Koudelka ends up looking way too young. I prefer women who actually look like adults.
Lucia (SHC) vs. Isolde (MK) - Both are suitably adult, but Lucia, despite her personality, does dance rather sensuously.
Jenna (GS2) vs. Cynthia (AT2) - Nothing wrong with Golden Sun art. Jenna has a 'girl-next-door' kind of attractiveness, so she probably won't get very far in a contest of fantasy-themed beauties.
Lulu (FFX) vs. Pamela (MK/AI) - Not dead. Also, significantly more adult.
Naoto (P4) vs. Lefina (SRW) - Uuhh...
Xelha (Baten Kaitos) vs. Alice (SH) - She has some really pretty art in Chaos Wars, too.
Ethlin (FE4) vs. Claves (ES) - Best part of ES is the character designs and Claves' is the best.
Melvina (GL5) vs. Shelly (XS) - Shelly's not bad, but Melvina has the fantasy-themed beauty thing -and- GL art -and- Wendee Lee's voice. Champ-powered combination of sexiness, dignity, and beauty.
Nel (SO3) vs. Harken (WA) - Nel's render is better than her art, this bothers me a bit. Although, her manga art is suitably gorgeous. Harken's ACF art is equally beautiful. I'm torn. Coinflip.


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Re: Beauty Conest 1-A
« Reply #33 on: March 09, 2009, 02:12:31 AM »
I am obligated to correct Djinn: Melvina is voiced by Mary Elizabeth McGlynn, not Wendee Lee. Much sexier voice, in my opinion, not that I'm factoring that into this contest. (Wendee Lee actually sounds pretty good as Nel, but for every SO3 or WA4 there is something totally bland where she's just kind of an annoyingly generic teenager.)

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Re: Beauty Conest 1-A
« Reply #34 on: March 09, 2009, 03:11:25 AM »
Luserina (S5) vs. Lady (SH3)
Shania (SH3) vs. Aya Brea (PE)
Isabel (S5) vs. Wyna (TA)
Aeris (FF7) vs. KOS-MOS (XS)
Excellen (SRWs) vs. Gwendolyn (OS)
Lucia (FE9/10) vs. Sharon (Legaia2)
Mia (FE9/10) vs. Micaiah (FE10)
Opera (SO2) vs. Koudelka (Koud)
Lucia (SHC) vs. Isolde (MK)
Jenna (GS2) vs. Cynthia (AT2)
Lulu (FFX) vs. Pamela (MK/AI)
Naoto (P4) vs. Lefina (SRW)
Xelha (Baten Kaitos) vs. Alice (SH)
Ethlin (FE4) vs. Claves (ES)
Melvina (GL5) vs. Shelly (XS)
Nel (SO3) vs. Harken (WA)
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Re: Beauty Conest 1-A
« Reply #35 on: March 09, 2009, 03:14:08 AM »
I am obligated to correct Djinn: Melvina is voiced by Mary Elizabeth McGlynn, not Wendee Lee. Much sexier voice, in my opinion, not that I'm factoring that into this contest. (Wendee Lee actually sounds pretty good as Nel, but for every SO3 or WA4 there is something totally bland where she's just kind of an annoyingly generic teenager.)

Ugh. Sorry. I get them confused. Wendee Lee did... Faye from Cowboy Bebop, right?



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Re: Beauty Conest 1-A
« Reply #36 on: March 09, 2009, 06:34:31 AM »
Ugh. Sorry. I get them confused. Wendee Lee did... Faye from Cowboy Bebop, right?

This is correct.


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Re: Beauty Conest 1-A
« Reply #37 on: March 09, 2009, 09:14:28 PM »
Edited in more votes.
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Re: Beauty Conest 1-A
« Reply #38 on: March 10, 2009, 03:02:31 PM »
Luserina (S5) vs. Lady (SH3) - Luserina is too...ugh.  Looking at her reminds me of everything I hated about the girls at my high school.  Lady wins by a landslide.
Shania (SH3) vs. Aya Brea (PE) - Aya is...meh.  Shania at least has the dark-skin-light-hair appeal going for her, even if she is rather stripperific.
Isabel (S5) vs. Wyna (TA) - Yeah.  Better.  Thanks, Cideon.
Aeris (FF7) vs. KOS-MOS (XS) - Not a FF character design
Excellen (SRWs) vs. Gwendolyn (OS)
Lucia (FE9/10) vs. Sharon (Legaia2) - Definitely enough to beat Sharon.
Mia (FE9/10) vs. Micaiah (FE10) - I'll admit.  FE has good character art.  Even if I still hate the gameplay.
Opera (SO2) vs. Koudelka (Koud) - Yeah, I'm not into that whole "three eyes" thing.
Lucia (SHC) vs. Isolde (MK) - Can't find art.  Not voting.
Jenna (GS2) vs. Cynthia (AT2) - Armorlike outfit and welding mask win today.
Lulu (FFX) vs. Pamela (MK/AI) - Lulu's design seems to be a lot of "ZOMG BOOBS".  Autofail.
Naoto (P4) vs. Lefina (SRW) - Everyone who voted for Lefina fails.
Xelha (Baten Kaitos) vs. Alice (SH) - What the FUCK.  Xelha, your clothes fail.  Alice wins by default.
Melvina (GL5) vs. Shelly (XS) - Another one-sided match.
Nel (SO3) vs. Harken (WA) - Almost a tie.  Almost.  Nel is better.
« Last Edit: March 10, 2009, 05:50:57 PM by Namagomi »
<+Nama-EmblemOfFire> ...Have the GhebFE guy and the ostian princess guy collaborate.
 <@Elecman> Seems reasonable.


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Re: Beauty Conest 1-A
« Reply #39 on: March 10, 2009, 03:43:24 PM »
TA = Thousand Arms.


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Re: Beauty Conest 1-A
« Reply #40 on: March 11, 2009, 02:14:27 AM »
I should preface this like Djinn does, but my opinion is as fickle as a woman's in continuous menstruation.  But generally, bowgirls >>> all, face > ass > tits > legs, and the body needs good proportions, damnit!  Also, red hair >>> all, and younger look > older look, but this is subjective by a lot (AND NOT IN A PERVERTED WAY, DAMNIT!).

Luserina (S5) vs. Lady (SH3) - Mmm...Lady's art is shitty.  Official art.  Her in-game CG is good. least on par with Luserina?  Bleh, this is close.  Lady.
Shania (SH3) vs. Aya Brea (PE) - Aya.  Shania actually looks more attractive in her fusions, I think >_>  I like Aya's hardened look.
Isabel (S5) vs. Wyna (TA) - ...bleh.  Isabel.
Aeris (FF7) vs. KOS-MOS (XS) - Aeris.  Robo-tits are not hot. 
Excellen (SRWs) vs. Gwendolyn (OS) - Excellen.  The wings make her ass look way, way too big.
Lucia (FE9/10) vs. Sharon (Legaia2) - Lucia.  Sharon is...not hot, but she is attractive.  Lucia is better.
Mia (FE9/10) vs. Micaiah (FE10) - MIA.  You fail for choosing Micaiah >_>  Mia is super hot.
Opera (SO2) vs. Koudelka (Koud) - Koudelka.  3 eyes is not hot.
Lucia (SHC) vs. Isolde (MK) - ...mmm...Isolde.  Lucia reminds me of Shania...and I really don't like either.
Jenna (GS2) vs. Cynthia (AT2) - Cynthia.  Jenna's...not bad for the crappiness of her art. 
Lulu (FFX) vs. Pamela (MK/AI) - Pamela.  Never thought Lulu was attractive in any way.
Naoto (P4) vs. Lefina (SRW) - Lefina.  Naoto is a better man...not that she's ugly or anything <_<
Xelha (Baten Kaitos) vs. Alice (SH) - Xelha.  Like her hair a bit better.
Ethlin (FE4) vs. Claves (ES) - Claves!  Yes!
Melvina (GL5) vs. Shelly (XS) - ...Shelly.  Melvina...seems overdone.
Nel (SO3) vs. Harken (WA) - Harken. 
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

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[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
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[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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Re: Beauty Conest 1-A
« Reply #41 on: March 11, 2009, 02:28:21 AM »
Maybe linking to the full picture I got my avatar from will help here...