Wow, this is all pretty A-level material here.
Spellbinding Eye (Grandia 2) vs. Lionheart (Final Fantasy 8) -Lionheart's cool, but SBE is just all-around cooler -and- more useful. Better in a duel, too.
Screwdriver (Mana Khemia) vs. Ripper Blast (Star Ocean 2) - The more I watch the clips of this one, the more hilarious it becomes... ^_^
Radiant Howl (Tales of the Abyss) vs. Lightning Stab (Final Fantasy Tactics) - Favorite Mystic Arte + nice to see plot power in action.
Devour (Final Fantasy 8) vs. Underpants Dance (Dragon Quest VIII) - God, it's probably Champ-powered.
Chain Saw (Final Fantasy 6)vs. Intrude (Wild Arms 4) - Damn close to me... Raquel's signature move just barely edges out zOMG itsaChainsaw.
Aether (Fire Emblem 9) vs. Blinding Blaze (Valkyrie Profile 2) - VP2 does stylish better than FE.
Pancake (Rhapsody) vs. Double-Edged Sword (Suikoden Tactics) - Far too amusing.
Coup de Grace (La Pucelle: Tactics) vs. Holy (Final Fantasy Tactics) - And maybe we'll see who wins between absurd humor and teen humor next week?
Yay, I love the Tech Tourney! ^_^