Author Topic: Shadow Hearts: Covenant  (Read 3842 times)


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Shadow Hearts: Covenant
« on: January 10, 2008, 12:21:58 PM »
Shadow Hearts 2 Character stats.
By Neph and OK

HP: Gee! What could this be!
MP: I cast the magicz lol
SP: Everyone uses 1 SP a turn, and when it runs out, they go 'berserk', which usually means that they do random things, but their attack increases. Usually, they're screwed at this point. It's much like confusion in other RPGs.
STR: Base Strength, affects attacks and physical-based attacks.
INT: Base Intelligence, affects magic and special-type attacks.
VIT: Base Defense, affects physical-based defense.
POW: Base Power, affects special-based defense.
AGL: Speed, affects turn order.
LUC: Tentatively, we think it affects Criticals and Status odds.

OK Note: Each point in STR/VIT/INT/POW increases the respective stat ( P-ATK/P-DEF/S-ATK/S-DEF ) by 1 point.  Basically, subtract the core stats from the final stats to get equipment boosts.  This will also work for the fusion stat boosts - just do a little addition and subtraction.

A note about fusions: In Shadow Hearts Covenant, fusions don't take a massive amount of SP to turn into. They're free to change into, the only thing is that they have an increased about SP for each turn the character remains in that form. Granted, the two people with fusions have obscene amounts of SP anyway, so this isn't really a huge deal...

OK Note 2: Yuri has too many damn fusions - 3 for each element, and then 3 non-elemental ones, for a grand total of 21.  I'm adding the highest level of each elemental fusion, plus Neo Amon and Dark Seraphim.  Unlike in SH1, the elemental fusions here serve a purpose ( since you don't need to revert to transform into different ones ), so yay more work!

Another note. In-game, you're given Crests. Everyone can use them except for Yuri and Kurando. They allow you to use TEH MAGIX. I'll do some checking to see if anyone starts with Crests (I know Anastasia does.)

OK Note 3: Crests can get powered up during the game by doing a little puzzle game that you can access during the middle of disk 1.  This adds extra spells to each crest.  This only matters for Anastasia, Lucia and ( possibly ) Gepetto and Joachim.  The spells gained from the crest upgrades will be noted in each character section.

There are 4 Crucifixes in the game, if you allow them.

All stats are taken at level 55, against the final boss, who has pretty solid defenses for a SH boss, so if the damage seems low, that's probably why.  All rings are also considered perfected, using the Normal Ring set-up.

Yuri Hyuga "If that's all they've got, no problem."
Dark Innate
HP: 703
MP: 490
SP: 72
STR: 70
INT: 52
VIT: 69
POW: 55
AGL: 65
LUC: 56

Chimera Claw, Bike Jacket, *Flare Brooch
*Like in Shadow Hearts 1, the Flare Brooch reduces SP loss by 50% ( rounded up ).  There are 2 in the game, 1 for Kurando, and 1 for Yuri.   

P-ATK: 281
P-DEF: 247
S-ATK: 242
S-DEF: 217

Normal Attack: 270 damage over 5 hits.

Yuri's Fusions

Gaudion - Earth

SP: 5/a turn. (3 w/Flare Brooch)

STR: 87
INT: 61
VIT: 85
POW: 69
AGL: 78
LUC: 68

Attack: 300 damage over 5 hits.

Shield: Raises one ally's P-DEF by 18% (12 MP)
Crag: 200 earth-typed special damage over 5 hits (16 MP)
Stand: Stops all SP damage to party members when they are "resisting" (26 MP)
Thorn: 230 earth-typed special damage over 6 hits (32 MP)
Arc Shield: Raises all allies' P-DEF by 36% (36 MP)
Howling: Restores 9 SP to all allies (44 MP)
Strike: 270 earth-typed special damage (64 MP)

Veneficium - Water

SP: 5/a turn. (3 w/Flare Brooch)

STR: 80
INT: 66
VIT: 85
POW: 65
AGL: 79
LUC: 73

Attack: 285 damage over 5 hits.

Mirage: Raises one ally's evade by 18% (12 MP)
Splash: 220 water-typed damage over 3 hits (16 MP)
Cure Plus: Heals 305 HP (24 MP)
Icicle: 240 water-typed damage over 9 hits (32 MP)
Arc Mirage: Raises all allies' evade by 36% (36 MP)
Cure All: Fully restores HP (32 MP)
Hail: 280 water-typed damage over 10 hits (64 MP)

Fides - Fire

SP: 5/a turn. (3 w/Flare Brooch)

STR: 86
INT: 66
VIT: 86
POW: 67
AGL: 74
LUC: 69

Attack: 300 damage over 5 hits.

Rage: Raises one ally's P-ATK by 18% (12 MP)
Blaze: 220 fire-typed damage over 6 hits (16 MP)
Energy Charge: Increases one ally's P-ATK by 150%; lasts for the next round only (49 MP)
Magma: 240 fire-typed damage over 3 hits (32 MP)
Arc Rage: Raises all allies' P-ATK by 36% (36 MP)
Hell Flame: 280 fire-typed damage over 6 hits (64 MP)
Inferno: 350 fire-typed physical damage over 15 hits (80 MP)

Libertis - Wind

SP: 5/a turn. (3 w/Flare Brooch)

STR: 81
INT: 67
VIT: 77
POW: 70
AGL: 82
LUC: 71

Attack: 285 damage over 5 hits.

Gale: Raises one ally's AGI by 142% (12 MP)
Howling: 220 wind-typed damage over 7 hits (16 MP)
Arc Heal: Recovers Ring and status abnormalities for all allies (18 MP)
Slash: 240 wind-typed damage over 12 hits (32 MP)
Arc Gale: Raises all allies' AGI by 142% (36 MP)
Gathering: Gathers all targets into a tight circle (64 MP)
Storm: 280 wind-typed damage over 8 hits (64 MP)

Miserati - Light

SP: 5/a turn. (3 w/Flare Brooch)

STR: 80
INT: 69
VIT: 79
POW: 70
AGL: 79
LUC: 71

Attack: 285 damage over 5 hits.

Barrier: Raises one ally's S-DEF by 18% (12 MP)
Heaven: 225 light-typed damage over 4 hits (16 MP)
Raise Up: Revives a downed ally to 25% Max HP (24 MP)
Nova: 245 light-typed damage over 6 hits (32 MP)
Arc Barrier: Raises all allies' S-DEF by 36% (36 MP)
Resurrection: Revives a downed ally to 100% Max HP (40 MP)
Pulse: 285 light-typed damage over 17 hits (64 MP)

Somnion - Dark

SP: 5/a turn. (3 w/Flare Brooch)

STR: 85
INT: 61
VIT: 82
POW: 72
AGL: 78
LUC: 70

Attack: 300 damage over 5 hits.

Surge: Raises one ally's S-ATK by 18% (12 MP)
Hell's Eyes: 200 dark-typed special damage over 3 hits (16 MP)
Mind Assault: ~25% Max MP nuke ( dealt ~250+ to the last boss's 999 MP; note that it totally nukes all random enemy MP, so bosses might have some resistance to it ) (1 MP)
Dark Claw: 230 dark-typed special damage over 9 hits (32 MP)
Arc Surge: Raises all allies' S-ATK by 36% (36 MP)
Delay: Delays opponent's action until the next "round" (40 MP)
Thanatos: 270 dark-typed special damage over 13 hits (64 MP)

Neo Amon - Void

SP: 6/a turn. (3 w/Flare Brooch)

STR: 92
INT: 74
VIT: 91
POW: 77
AGL: 87
LUC: 78

Attack: 330 damage over 5 hits.

Demon Rays: 220 special-based damge (36 MP)
Mind/Body Revival: Fully Revives, Heals, and restores SP for one target (48 MP)
The End: 220 special-based damage (54 MP)
Not Yet!: Revives all downed allies to 25% Max HP (56 MP)
"Die, Scumbag!": 315 special-based damage over 18 hits (88 MP)

Dark Seraphim - Void

SP: 7/a turn. (4 w/Flare Brooch)

STR: 95
INT: 77
VIT: 94
POW: 80
AGL: 90
LUC: 81

Attack: 340 damage over 5 hits.
Attack+For Everyone+Energy Charge - 1650 damage over 5 hits

For Everyone: Raises all allies' S-DEF, P-DEF, S-ATK, S-DEF, AGI by 36% (72 MP)
For Tomorrow: Drains 330 damage, healing the party by that same amount (88 MP)
For the Child: 490 special-typed damage over 30 hits + Doubles all damage targets take for one round; this also auto-combos every attack your characters make (160 MP)

Karin Koenig "Don't mess my clothes up."
Fire Innate
HP: 671
MP: 597
SP: 16
STR: 64
INT: 64
VIT: 64
POW: 62
AGL: 65
LUC: 56

Durandal, Microskirt, *Anne's Cross
*Anne's Cross grants Karin total status immunity, as well as regenerating 5% of her max HP per turn.

P-ATK: 265
P-DEF: 236
S-ATK: 263
S-DEF: 230

Normal Attack: 250 damage over 4 hits.

Heuervelk: 255 fire-based special damage (64 MP)
Bullenfogel: 265 fire-based special damage over 2 hits (64 MP)
Geuschbenst: 275 physical-based damage over 24 hits (72 MP)
Sonnestark: 300 fire-typed special damage over 2 hits (88 MP)

Gepetto "Haha! Don't underestimate me because I'm old!"
Non-class (Assuming basic dress)
HP: 581
MP: 697
STR: 55
INT: 69
VIT: 52
POW: 68
AGL: 60
LUC: 61

PATK: 243
PDEF: 212
SATK: 282
SDEF: 248

Normal Attack: 220 damage over 3 hits.

Gepetto has access to 9 (10 if you count the starting one) different dresses for his puppet, Cornelia. Upon getting each of these, he gains access to a different skill. Each dress has an elemental affinity and increases the damage by the spells by 20%. It also modifies Geptto's Innate element to the corresponding one.

Poor Saint Starting Outfit. Does Nothing.
Little Mushroom Earth class
Sassy Sailor Water class
Fire Dancer Fire class
Windy Pixie Wind class
Angel of Light Light class
Dark Beauty Dark class

Black Queen Non-class. Improves Dark and Wind damage.
Beastmaster Non-class. Improves Fire and Earth damage.
Blue Virgin Non-class. Improves Light and Water Damage.

All of Gepetto's skills are gained through the obtaining of each dress. Assuming he wears the corresponding dress for each element, these are the values for the attacks.

Earth Cast - 275 Earth-based Damage (20 MP)
Water Cast - 275 Water-based Damage (20 MP)
Heat Cast - 275 Fire-based Damage (20 MP)
Air Cast - 275 Wind-based damage (20 MP)
Holy Cast - 275 Light-based damage (20 MP)
Dark Cast - 275 Dark-based damage (20 MP)
Passion - 300 Dark-based damage (36 MP)
Ecstasy - 320 Earth-based damage (72 MP)
Advent - 400 Light-based damage. (88 MP)

Blanca "Awrooooo!"
Wind Innate
HP: 650
MP: 560
SP: 18
STR: 65
INT: 72
VIT: 64
POW: 64
AGL: 72
LUC: 55

P-ATK: 262
P-DEF: 232
S-ATK: 271
S-DEF: 245

Beast Medal, Charm Pouch, *Colorful Comb
*The Colorful Comb seems to increase Blanca's Agility (I'd say it goes to 99) when he's reduces to red HP. This pretty effectively will make him doubleturn anyone fast, or triple turn anyone slow.

Normal Attack: 240 over 4 hits.

Red Comet: 300 Wind-based damage over 12 hits (Unevadeable) (20 MP)
Full Moon: Recovers Ring and Status Abnormalities for all allies. (18 MP)
Comeback: Restores all HP to an Unconcious ally. (36 MP)
Aurora: Restores all HP to all allies. (54 MP)

Note: All Blanca's 'Manifestations' are gotten from optional Wolf Bouts he can do throuought the game. None of them are very difficult to find, even the last few.

Joachim Valentine "See?  I'm Terrific!"
Earth Innate
HP: 730
MP: 507
SP: 40
STR: 67
INT: 56
VIT: 70
POW: 54
AGL: 62
LUC: 65

Nautilus, Rose Bondage, *Gold Band/Prism Band/Electro Band
*Ah, Joachim.  Here's the fun part.  Joachim has 3 ( well, 4 technically ) transformations.  The happen throughout the game at certain intervals, which can be deduced by checking his Joachythms screen.  The forms are:
1) Invisible, which is pretty useless
2) Golden Bat, which doubles P-ATK but reduces Max HP by half
3) Grand Papillon, which doubles his P-ATK at no cost
4) Upon completion of the man festival, Grand Papillon gets replaced by the Great Question, which doubles both P-ATK and S-ATK with no downsides
His 3 accessories listed above are not factored into his attack and defense stats below ( yay +2 points! ), since I'm not sure how you want to view it yet.  By equipping one of them, it improves the frequency of transformations for one of the forms ( Gold Band for Gold Bat, Prism Wrist for Invisible, and Electro Band for Grand Papillon/Great Question ).  In addition, there are items you can find in the game that, when used on him, transform him into that form.  Below, I'm listing stats without considering these 3/4 forms.  For all intents and purposes, double damages if you consider them, and it'll look about right.
**As an added note, Joachim begins the game equipped with the Agares and Gremory crests.  These crests will be listed above his Muscle Arts

P-ATK: 279
P-DEF: 248
S-ATK: 241
S-DEF: 212

Normal Attack: 270 damage over 5 hits.

Earth Edge: Adds the earth element to an ally's physical attack (8 MP)
Rock Rot: 170 earth-typed special damage (16 MP)
*Rock Storm: 200 earth-typed special damage (32 MP)
Barrier: Raises S-DEF by 18% (12 MP)
*Bright Light: 175 light-typed special damage (16 MP)

Drain Touch: Drains 160 special-type damage (20 MP)
Grand Slam: 250 physical-based damage over 4 hits + Instant Death Effect ~33% (36 MP)
Deathtron Hammer: 290 physical-based damage over 15 hits (72 MP)
Artem Buster: 340 earth-typed physical damage + Instant Death Effect ~67% (88 MP)

Lucia "Aw, now I'm all sweaty."
Dark Innate
HP: 587
MP: 668
STR: 58
INT: 63
VIT: 52
POW: 70
AGL: 63
LUC: 67

Nemesis, Dancer's Stars, *The Seven Stars
*The Seven Stars makes all of Lucia's Tarot Card results 'Special'. WOOHOO. This is a bit more useful in-game, when she isn't totally dependant on what they do.

Normal Attack: 210 damage over 3 hits.

Lucia... ...uh. Wow, where to start with Lucia. She has two things she can do. Tarot Cards and Aromatherapy. Tarot Cards are once-per-battle, random, and do all sorts of things. I'm not bothering with them. She's really screwed if you don't allow her to use any of the Crests... (I do, personally.)

OK Edit: I feel bad for the poor here's what her Tarot Cards do, assuming her with the Seventh Dance accessory ( God knows she needs it ).  My comments are contained after the descriptions ( you can tell I love Lucia ):

The Fool: Quadruples the size of damage displayed! ( i.e., all healing, damage numbers are 4x the size they normally are!  She can blind someone with their sheer size! )
The Magician: MP Consumption is reduced to 1/4 its normal cost ( if she hits this, she'll actually be able to use MoonxAurora! )
The High Priestess: MP is fully restored ( Does she really have a use for it, though? )
The Empress: Evasion Rate is quadrupled ( If only evasion actually, you know, was possible )
The Emperor: Turn interval is reduced to 1/4 the normal time ( One I'm not extremely sure on...speed boost nonetheless, which is nice )
The Hierophant: HP is fully restored ( finally, a useful one! )
The Lovers: HP, MP and SP are fully restored ( awesome...too bad there's like no chance of it happening )
The Chariot: Causes damage = 3/4 max HP value ( eh...not 100% sure on this one either, so no comment )
Strength: Amount of damage caused is quadrupled ( like, makes her physical really strong! )
The Hermit: SP is fully restored ( ...yeah, not even helpful in-game )
Wheel of Fortune: Luck stat is multiplied by 256 ( teh pwnage! )
Justice: Lucia dies and fully restores all allies ( OMG ubar! )
The Hanged Man: Next two turns are skipped ( Do not pass Go, do not collect $200 )
Death: Instantly kills all enemies ( And with this, she turns into yet another death whore, like Alys )
Temperance: SP reduction per round is negated ( not 100% sure on this one, again...still fairly worthless, so I guess it don't matter much )
The Devil: Causes a random status abnormality ( too bad that status is, you know, random...Dekar with Mental Break, anyone? )
The Tower: Current cash amount is doubled ( Holy Shite Man! )
The Star: Max HP doubles ( But not restored! )
The Moon: Max MP doubles ( Still useless! )
The Sun: Max SP doubles ( Even more useless! )
Judgment: Draw one more card, which is never a reverse effect ( simply awesome...unless she draws The Sun as her next card )
The World: Money, Experience and Soul Energy received is quadrupled ( Beating Ramus with this card = early retirement )

*A couple notes on the Tarot Cards - She can only draw one per battle ( with the exception of Judgment ), and no more.  Also, there's a 50% chance that the card will come up "reverse".  This means that the effects are reversed ( i.e., Death now kills your whole party, instead of the enemy's ).  With 22 cards, and a 50% chance of them not being positive effects...yeah, she's got a 2% chance of getting any one positive effect on a card ( and considering half the cards are worthless, she's only got about a 1% chance of picking a useful card ).  Oh, and as I mentioned in my comments above, I'm not 100% sure on some of them: due to the nature of the Tarot Cards, it's really hard to test them out.  I'll try to get to them...eventually....maybe.

Aromatherapy on the other hand, is... well, it's kind of useless, honestly. She combines two types of oil to get an effect for the entire party. The only real issue with this is that if it's for 'one round', it only lasts until her next turn. So, if she has someone on her team who goes faster than her, they'll still get the benefit even if three 'rounds' have passed. I'll list the most effective single combinations here.

Ocean Oil x Aurora Oil - 180 HP healed for two turns. (56 MP)
Misty Oil x Aurora Oil - Protection from Ring and Status Abnormalities for three turns (48 MP)
Grass x Aurora Oil - Defense and Special defense up 24% for three turns. This stacks with other defensive bonuses. (48 MP)
Shining Oil x Aurora Oil - Attack and Magic Attak up 24% for three turns. (48 MP) This stats with other offensive bonuses.

Lucia's Starting Crest: Aim

Rage Increases one character's Physical Attack by 36% (12 MP)
Shield Increases one character's Physical Defense by 36% (12 MP)
Gale Increases one character's Action Speed by 142% (12 MP)
Heat Edge Gives one character a Fire-elemental attack.

Princess Anastasia Romanov "Well, you deserved what you got."
Water Innate
HP: 600
MP: 641
SP: 15
STR: 56
INT: 67
VIT: 53
POW: 66
AGL: 63
LUC: 70

Gold Angel, Prayer Robe, *Panoramic Lens
*Anastasia's Panoramic Lens is her unique allows her to use Snap Shot on all targets!  Snap Shot uses 1 MP to take a picture of an enemy and reveal its stats.
**Anastasia begins equipped with several crests: Dantalion, Balam, Andrealphus, and Botis.  These crests will be listed above her Album entries.

P-ATK: 248
P-DEF: 218
S-ATK: 276
S-DEF: 241

Normal Attack: 230 damage over 3 hits.

Arc Barrier: Raises all allies' S-DEF by 36% (36 MP)
*Bright Crime: 240 light-typed special damage over 5 hits (32 MP)
Arc Mirage: Raises all allies' Evade by 36% (36 MP)
*Hail Breeze: 240 water-typed special damage (32 MP)
Aqua Edge: Adds the water element to an ally's physical attack (8 MP)
Heat Edge: Adds the fire element to an ally's physical attack (8 MP)
*Entrance: Increases one ally's S-ATK by 150%; lasts for the next round only (64 MP)
Earth Edge: Adds the earth element to an ally's physical attack (8 MP)
Air Edge: Adds the wind element to an ally's physical attack (8 MP)
*Gathering: Gathers all targets into a tight circle (64 MP)

Aqua Raise: 260 water-typed special damage + Poison Effect 100% (36 MP)
Direct Press: Halves target's current HP (28 MP)
Cash Steal: Stealz teh moniez! (38 MP)
Remove: Dispels positive status boosts (50 MP)
Pillage Storm: Stealz teh itemz! (38 MP)
Falling Leaves: Runs away! (1 MP)
Power Cannon: 300 special-based damage over 17 hits (72 MP)
Spirit Ward: Scares an enemy away! (80 MP)
Nightmare: Reduces target to 1 HP (56 MP)
Euthanasia: 325 water-based special damage + One random status effect 100% (88 MP)

Kurando Inugami "Another soul by my hand."
Light Innate
HP: 635
MP: 478
SP: 58
STR: 69
INT: 62
VIT: 68
POW: 61
AGL: 70
LUC: 61

P-ATK: 288
P-DEF: 242
S-ATK: 240
S-DEF: 223

Mumeiro, Ogre's Loincloth, *Flare Broach
*There are 2 Flare Broaches in the game. One for Yuri, one for Kurando.

Physical Attack: 280 Damage over 5 Hits.

Kurando's Fusions

Light Innate
SP: 5/a turn (3 with Flare Broach)

STR: 87
INT: 71
VIT: 84
POW: 68
AGL: 87
LUC: 75

Attack: 350 damage over 5 hits.

Hell's Light: 245 Light-based special damage. (64 MP)
Star's Shadow: Full HP, Status and Ring Abnormality recover for one. (48 MP)
Moon's Rainbow: 296 Light-based special damage. (88 MP)

SP: 7/a turn. (4 with Flare Broach)

STR: 99
INT: 79
VIT: 93
POW: 76
AGL: 96
LUC: 80

Attack: 380 damage over 5 hits.

Ascetic's Fire: 306 Non-elemental special damage. (88 MP)
Seven Bonds: Reduces damage from special attacks for one ally by 1/4 (32 MP)
Heavenquake: 500 Physical damage to one target. (160 MP)

Stat Averages:
*Non-factors in the average will be listed in {} to show their relative strength; to keep it organized, only Jutendouji for Kurando and Dark Seraphim for Yuri are listed

HP: 645
1) Joachim - 730
2) Yuri - 703
3) Karin - 671
4) Blanca - 650
5) Kurando - 635
6) Anastasia - 600
7) Lucia - 587
8) Gepetto - 581

P-DEF: 231
{Dark Seraphim Yuri - 272}
{Jutendouji Kurando - 267}
1) Joachim - 248
2) Yuri - 247
3) Kurando - 242
4) Karin - 236
5) Blanca - 232
6) Anastasia - 218
7) Lucia - 214
8) Gepetto - 212

S-DEF: 233
1t) Gepetto - 248
1t) Lucia - 248
3) Blanca - 245
{Dark Seraphim Yuri - 242}
4) Anastasia - 241
{Jutendouji Kurando - 238}
5) Karin - 230
6) Kurando - 223
7) Yuri - 217
8) Joachim - 212

AGL: 65
{Crisis Blanca - 99}
{Jutendouji Kurando - 96}
{Dark Seraphim Yuri - 90}
1) Blanca - 72
2) Kurando - 70
3t) Yuri - 65
3t) Karin - 65
5t) Anastasia - 63
5t) Lucia - 63
7) Joachim - 62
8) Gepetto - 60

Damage: 358
1) Kurando - 500 physical (Heavenquake)
2) Yuri - 490 special (For the Child)
3) Gepetto - 400 light (Advent)
4) Joachim - 340 earth (Artem Buster)
5) Anastasia - 325 water (Euthanasia)
6t) Karin - 300 fire (Sonnestark)
6t) Blanca - 300 wind (Red Comet)
8) Lucia - 210 physical (Physical Attack)
« Last Edit: January 10, 2008, 12:25:55 PM by OblivionKnight »
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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Re: Shadow Hearts: Covenant
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2008, 12:24:15 PM »
This post will have all the other forms, unless I get lazy at one point. (Good chance of happening)
Edit: Nevermind that. I wanted to post PC damage averages for the other bosses too, so I'll post them. (And for simplicity's sake) And I'll post other important/awesome bosses too. Yeah.

All bosses except for Kato and the Mutant Apes are by Fenrir.  Those two are by OK.

Edit after a bit of IRC chat: Bosses tend to not have the same speed on the first turn and during the rest of the battle, so both are listed.
Note: For this stat topic, the average damage of the team is the average damage against random monsters, this time. (Hence why both the damage average of the team against the bosses and the boss defensive stats often seem high) It's a better method all things considered.

Average damage is taken and with the standard ring and without buffs (duh), Mind's Eye and combos.

Grand Papillion - Earth

HP: 355
MP: 55
DEF: Above average
SDEF: Below average
AGI: Goes last, then average

Party averages:
HP: 94.
Damage (Without combos): ~55

Physical: 40 in 3 hits. Pretty inaccurate.
Drain Touch: Steals 50 HPs. 20 MPs.
Physical Attack Down: Normal physical with the added effect of slightly lowering... physical attack power. Lasts 5 turns or so.

Comments: Passable damage, but really pathetic durability. Average speed, though! Light.

Veronica - Water

HP: 220
MP: 90
DEF: Average.
SDEF: Average.
AGI: Goes last, then... Slightly below.

Party averages:
HP: 105
Damage: 110 (She fights Grand Papillion alone)

Physical: 33
Special attack down: 33, decreases special attack by 30%.
Hail Beak: 31, Ice.

Comments: Too good for words. Light.

Great Gama - Light

HP: 250
DEF: Average.
SDEF: Average.
Speed: Goes first, then average.

Party averages:
HP: 117
Damage: 65. (Fights Joachim alone)

Physical: 34.
Grand Slam: 43, I'm guessing 50% odds of ID. (Same as Joachim)

Comments: Depends entirely on how you see his HPs since this is a solo fight. For me, a better DL Joachim, High Middle.
Note: All the GG forms are fought as soon as they're beatable by a normal human being. This means as soon as he appears, for the first form.

Lenny - Earth

HP: 570
MP: 0
DEF: High
SDEF: Average
Speed: Slightly below average, then slightly above.
Not immune to: S-DEF down, Evade Down, Delay, Poison, Deadly Poison.

Party averages:
HP: 128
Damage: 97

Attack: 40.
Paralysis: 40 + 100% Paralysis.

Comments: Middle thanks to Paralysis! He has great defense but... The damage is bad, the HPs is trashy (He has one of the lowest magic durabilities in the DL), and the speed isn't really good. Still.

André - Fire

HP: 830
MP: 260
DEF: Average
SDEF: Average
Speed: Average all the way.

Party averages:
HP: 138
Damage: 89

Fake Ring: 60 + 100% Fake Ring.
Blaze: 55, Fire.
Cash Steal: Steals around 1/10th of your cash.

Comments: Woah. You could hype Fake Ring as something that lowers accuracy, I guess! Light.

Great Gama - Light

HP: 500
DEF: Average
SDEF: Average
Speed: Goes first, then average.

Party averages:
HP: 184
Damage: 85 (Fights Joachim alone)

Attack: 73.
Deathtron Hammer: 80. Physical.
Third Key: 220. Used on the third turn in game, OPB.

Comments: Average boss with OPB overkill damage. Pretty nice. Heavy.

OK stats:

Lenny Curtis ( Godhand ) - Earth

HP: 1960
DEF: Average
SDEF: Average
AGI: Above Average (Fenrir: Goes last, then average)
Not immune to: Slow

Average HP - ~210 ( level 20 )
Average damage: 128

Physical Attack - 70 damage, spread over 4 hits
Petrify - 80 physical damage, 100% petrify status
Deadly Three - 110 physical damage to one target, 40 to others in a line ( this attack can hit one target solo )

Comments: Dehuai-lite, in general. Stone is a great trick, and he has solid damage and decent durability ( no Mind's Eyes are available yet ). Like all the other bosses, he's slow, but comparatively, he's probably one of the better ones. Solid Middle, most likely.

R-3 - Light

HP: 506
DEF: Average
SDEF: Average
Speed: Goes last, then average

Party averages:
HP: 207
Damage: 97 (Blanca fights alone)

Attack: 40
Nova: 37, Light.
Panic: 40 + 60% panic.

Comments: m (°__°;) m Light.

Amon - Non elemental

HP: 765
DEF: Above average
SDEF: Above average
Speed: Average

Party averages:
HP: 239
Damage: 135 (Karin and yuri fight him alone)

Demon Rays: 75. Non elemental.
The End: 90. Non elemental.
Physical: 100

Comments: Yes, I lacked a good picture. So what? Kind of like Karin without the regen. High Light.

More OK stats for a while:

Veronica ( Night Queen ) - Water

HP: 2380
DEF: Average
SDEF: Above Average
AGI: Below Average (Fenrir: Above average, then average. How odd)
Not immune to: P-DEF down, S-DEF down.

Average HP - ~275 ( level 26 ) (Fenrir: Around 260 at my level)
Average damage: 135

Instant Death - 70 physical damage, 100% ID status
Red Blaze - 90 fire-special damage
Gale Spark - 115 wind-special damage
Hail Breeze - 100 water-special damage
Rock Rot - 95 earth-special damage
Rock Storm: 110 earth special damage

Comments: Lenny with ID, and magic instead of physical damage. Sadly, her damage is worse, though her status is arguably better. Unfortunately for her, you can easily have one Mind's Eye by now, which rapes her badly ( Yuri+ME+EC+AR=1800+ damage ), though I really don't hold that against her. She's another good Middle, probably about on par with Lenny.

OK and NEB mix:

Rasputin ( Asmodeus ) - Void

HP: 2880
DEF: Above Average (Fenrir: Average)
SDEF: Above Average (Fenrir: Average)
AGI: Below Average (Fenrir :Goes last, then average)
Not immune to: S-Def down, Delay.

Average HP - ~384 ( level 32 ) (Fenrir: ~345 (Level 28, exploring every path of the Idar Flamme while never getting lost))
(Fenrir: Average damage: 150)

Bent Space - 150 non-elemental special damage (Fenrir: 160)
Evil Crest - 130 dark element special damage, lowers special attack by 30% (Fenrir: 150)
Surge - Boosts special attack by 30%. Raises Bent Space to 180 damage at level 32.
SP Lowering - 165 physical damage, halves SP by max SP/2. (Fenrir: 180)

Comments: Uhhhh....yeah. First, I'll note that I explored all of the Idar Flamme, and didn't rotate the party at all. Therefore, I'm a higher level. That said, he probably 2HKOs at a lower level ( 28-30 I'd assume ). Bent Space is still a 3HKO, but more respectable, and Evil Crest is...decent utility, I suppose, while Surge can help for killing limit fighters. Probably a low Heavy.

Nicolai ( Astaroth ) - Void

HP: 3040
DEF: Good (Fenrir: Average)
SDEF: Good (Fenrir: Above average)
AGI: Above Average (Fenrir: Goes last, then average/below average at high levels)
Not immune to: S-Atk down.

Average HP - ~397 ( level 33 ) (Fenrir: ~355)
(Fenrir: Average damage: 150)

Meteor Fall - 190 non-elemental special damage (Fenrir: 200)
Bright Crest - 170 light element special damage, lowers special defense by 30% (Fenrir: 185) Slow recharge time.
Barrier - Boosts special defense by 30%. Fast recharge time.
Delay - 180 physical damage, delays character action ( FFX Delay Attack, basically ) (Fenrir: 200) The delay effect has a 2/10 rate.

Comments: Best of the demons, in general. Like for Rasputin, I'm probably a little high, so Meteor Fall is probably a good 2HKO at normal levels, and Bright Crest+Meteor Fall is a 2HKO at my levels. His defenses are solid, and Barrier allows him to tank magic very well. Delay is of limited utility, but still nice to have. Heavy.
*Notes: This is his first form at the end of disk 1. Due to story reasons, I'd probably not allow the 2nd form ( in Mt. Fuji ). Basically, the Mt. Fuji form is just scaled for the point, and has Cure Plus, which heals 800 HP.

Terada - Water

HP: 3360
DEF: Below average
SDEF: Above average
Speed: Goes last, then average
Not immune to: P-Atk down, P-Def Dow, S-Ark down, Slow.

Party averages:
HP: 380
Damage: 180

Rapid Fire: 72, SP - 30
Rapid Fire: 175, inflicts Speed Down
Attack: 225

Comments: Wow, you'd think that Terada is a complete scrub, but the damage is there, the durability isn't too bad, and the status immunity helps. The second Rapid Fire kills healers, the first... is godly in game (No one but Joachim/Yuri breaks 30 SP at this point, and no one period breaks 60), but I'll let you interpret it however you want. In any case, a solid highish Heavy.

Hien - Wind

HP: 621
DEF: Bad
SDEF: Good

Speed: Goes last, then above average

Party averages:
HP: 650
Damage: 219

Attack: 100
Anti-armor bomb: 118. Noticeable delay.

Comments: Light.

Raiden - Earth

HP: 675
DEF: Average
SDEF: Below average
Speed: Goes last, then average

Party averages:
HP: 650
Damage: 219

Attack: 100
Anti armor bomb: 101. Noticeable delay.

Comments: Light.

Tsukiyomi - Light

HP: 3600
DEF: Average.
SDEF: Above average.
Speed: Goes last, then average
Not immune to: P-Atk down, S-Atk down, Delay, Slow.

Attack: 270
Evasion Down: 270, evasion -30%.
Hell's Light: 205, Light.

Party averages:
HP: 380
Damage: 180

Comments: Solid straightforward boss. He can 2HKO average both physically and magically, has decent durability, and the usual boss status immunity. High Heavy. Now... This form isn't really legal storywise, sadly, since Kurando isn't himself while using him.

Garan - Darkness

HP: 3720
DEF: Average
SDEF: Good.
Speed: Goes last, then average.
Not immune to: S-Def down, Evade down.

Party averages:
HP: 390
Damage: 195

Mind Assault: 100% MP Drain
Gale Spike: 210, wind.
Rock Strike: 210, earth.
Evil Summoning: 210, dark.
Hail Crash: 210, water.

Comments: His other form is just better in just about every way. The greatest loss is the lack of magic immunity, of course. Still manages to do some damage in Heavy; 2HKO, Mind Assault screwing over a ridiculous number of people, and good durability.

Great Gama - Light

HP: ~850
DEF: Average
SDEF: Average
Speed: Goes last, then average.

Party averages:
HP: 472
Damage: 222 (Joachim fights him alone)

Artem Buster: 82
Physical: 92
Fifth Key: 461, used on the fifth turn. OPB

Comments: What happened, Great Gama? This form is complete trash in game compared to the others, It's sad. Excellent OPB damage, nothing else whatsoever. High Middle.

Hojo - Master Cylinder - Earth

HP: 5040
DEF: Average
SDEF: Average
Speed: Goes last, then average
Not immune to: P-Atk down.

Party averages:
HP: 450
Damage: 230

Super Rotation: Varies. 250- 370
Physical: 250
Dissolve: 250 + 100% Instant Death.
Paralysis: 250 + 100% Paralysis. (I'm guessing)

Comments: Mad scientist Hojo. Badass status backed up by solid damage. The durability isn't too good but isn't too bad either, you know the drill. High Heavy. Note that he's in a giant mech or something, though. A master cylinder. It's probably not legal thanks to the Hammer Clause.

Neo Amon - Non elemental

HP: 6660
DEF: Average
SDEF: Slightly above average
Speed: Goes first, then above average
Not immune to: P-Def down.

The End: 310, non elemental.
Red Crest: 280, fire.
Physical: 470

Average HP: 480
Average damage: 230

Comments: This is assuming you do the Tiffauges sidequest as soon as it can be opened. It's perfectly doable, but you might think he's inflated becuase of this. Anyway... Best defenses up to that point, excellent speed, borderline OHKO damage. Finally, a Godlike.

OK goodness:

Garan ( Yama ) - Darkness

HP: 5100
DEF: Below Average
SDEF: Infinite; Garan is magic-immune - all magic, including light-based magic, does no damage
AGI: Average

Average HP - ~517 ( level 42 )
Average damage: 235

Mind Assault - 100% MP drain
Red Cradle - 225 fire-special damage
Hail Crash - 240 water-special damage
Gale Spike - 245 wind-special damage
Rock Strike - 230 earth-special damage

Comments: Baby Head is strong. Again, I'm probably a little higher levelled here, since I did a couple of the side-quests, so levels would probably be around 38-40. Good HP, magic immunity, and a 100% MP nuke is great. Magic damage is 2HKO/3HKO borderline, which isn't bad, but not great either. Heavy.
*Notes: This is Garan's 2nd form. I'd probably allow his last form in the Dog Shrine,'s pretty much the exact thing, just scaled, and with no new abilities.

Now, Dhyer's stats. (I really should have made a new stat topics, thinking about it. Those are on the post above. Oh well)

Saki 1 (Kouenki)- 5720 HP, 582 MP, Fire Innate
Speed: Averagish (Fenrir: Goes last, then average. Average DEF, Average SDEF)
Not immune to P-Atk down.

My average level: 39-40
Average HP: 460
Average Def: 208.25
Average Mdef: 206

Seal- 235-2500 Physical Damage+Silence 100%
Soaring Souls- 215, non elemental.
Red Cradle- 215 Fire Damage
Energy Charge- Increases Strength 125% for one turn; This speeds up her next turn.
Energy Charge Physical- Did about 555 average to Yuri. The first 2 hits did 494 to Lucia. Probably about 580 average (estimate)

Ranking: Decent Heavy. Passable durability, accurate Silence, 3HKO Physical or Magical Damage, and the possibility of Energy Charge at low HP.
Fenrir comment: Saki can cast Enery Charge anytime (even at full HPs).

Wolfman - Wind

HP: ~1900
DEF: Average
SDEF: Good
Speed: Goes first, then... Pretty hard to say with all the Energy charges, but around Blanca level.

Party Averages:
HP: 560
Damage: 265 (He fights Blanca alone)

Attack: 165
Rocket Fist: 240. Seems physical
Energy Charge: Increases Strength 125% for one turn; This speeds up his next turn
Attack after Energy Charge: 405

Comments:Wolfman, AKA Wolf-suit Star, AKA "More badass than Yuri" Wolfman, AKA the beloved hero of all the children, AKA the other Sea Mother, the list goes on. He's pretty good for a solo fighter in the DL setting, with Energy Charge's recovery time. Heavy. Tends to be beaten easily by good tricks and healers, though.

Neo Astaroth - Non elemental

HP: 6120
DEF: Average
SDEF: Average
Speed: Goes last, then average
Not immune to Delay.

Party Averages:
HP: 545
Damage: 310

Barrier: Special Defense increases by 30%.
Meteor Burst: 265, non elemental.
Bright Crest: 265, light elemental. Reduces SDEF by 30%.
Attack: 310.
Delay: 310, physical, inflicts delay. (Never worked for me)
Cure Plus: Heals 800 HPs.

Comments: 2HKOing on a boss is always nice. Barrier + Cure Plus can help outlast a few mages... And he can always choose magical damage. Those tricks don't really help in heavy, though. Some sort of low Heavy, I guess.

Peach Bat - Earth

HP: ~800
SDEF: Good.
Speed: Goes first, then Joachim level.

Party Averages:
HP: 632
Damage: 300

Energy Charge: Increases Strength by 125%.
Attack after 3 Energy Charges: ~8000. Ignores Spikes, and the defend command.

Comments: It would be nice to know what kind of damage she can deal without Energy Charges.

Mecha Lord - Water

HP: 6380
DEF: Infinite
SDEF: Average
Speed: Goes last, then average
Not immune to: P-Atk down, S-Atk down, P-Def down, S-Def down, Evade down.

Party Averages:
HP: 545
Damage: 330

Physical: 375
Cannon: 240 to Joachim. He never uses it. Probably non elemental.
Power Cannon: 270, non elemental
Reverse Ring: 375, adds Reverse Ring.

Comments: Too bad Terada is in a mech there, because this form rules. Physical immunity + good 2HKO damage... Godlike.

Garan (Hotoke) - Darkness

HP: 6980
Def: Average
SDef: Infinite
Agi: Average, then still average.

Mind Assault: 100% MP Drain
Black Vortex: 380, non elemental.
Red Cradle: 355, fire
Bright Banish: 355, holy
Evil Summoning: 355, dark
Gale Spike: 355, wind.

Party averages:
HP: 610
Damage: 340

Comments: Old Garan scaled. Godlike.

Saki 2 (Kouenki) - Fire

HP: ~2850
Def: Average
Sdef: Average
Speed: Goes last, then constantly doubleturned (She's fighting Jutendouji)

Party averages:
HP: 607
Damage: 390 (She fights Kurando alone)

Physical: 270
Energy Charge: Increases Strength by 125%. Fast recharge time.
Energy Charge Physical: 664
Soaring Souls: 294, non elemental.
Red Cradle: 272, fire.

Comments: Saki scaled. The HPs are pretty good for a duelling form, but the damage is worse and the speed is sad. Still Heavy, but she wants the other form.

Great Question - Light

HP: ~2400
Def: Average
Sdef: Average
Speed: Goes last, then above average.

Deathtron Hammer: 221
Physical: 225
7th Key: 1600, OPB. Used on 7th turn in game.
Grand Slam: 193, 50% ID.

Party Averages:
HP: 708
Damage: 510 with Artem Buster (Massive lag, though) 475 with Physical. Note: He fights Grand Papillion alone.

Comments: Decently durable, with insane OPB damage, sexiness and little else. Godlike, his best form. The great question is: How is he not ranked?

Tin Lion - Water

HP: 10
Def: Infinite
Sdef: Infinite
Speed: Goes first, then average
Not immune to petrification

Party averages:
HP: 610
Damage: Does it matter?

Attack: Varies. Around 10000 on average

Comments: "Tin Toy designed to destroy humanity". What can I add. High Godlike.

Solomon - Non elemental

HP: 9350
Def: Average
Sdef: Above average
Speed: Goes first, then average.

Party averages:
HP: 610
Damage: 385

SP Lowering: 210, reduces SP by MSP/2.
Melt Crest:  480, magical, non elemental. Comboes with another move if the opponent doesn't get a turn in between.
Evil Crest: Less, evil elemental damage. I'm guessing around 400. Solomon only likes spamming Melt Crest.

Comments: Typical solid High Heavy boss.

Dark Seraphim - Non elemental

HP: ~3000
Def: Average
Sdef: Slightly above average
Speed: Goes first, then average

HP: 680
Damage: 380 (Yuri fights it alone)

Physical: 400
For Tomorrow...  305, parasistic
For Everyone: Attack, speed, def, invasion +30%

Comments: Quite good. For Tomorrow is one of the only parasistic moves than can both do alright damage and heal enough, For Everyone is nice as always, and the Physical is always there for raw damage. Not to mention the decent durability. Heavy/Godlike.

Hien and Raiden ( Fuujin and Raijin ) - Wind/Earth
HP: 3540/3780
DEF: Average/Average
SDEF: Average/Average
AGI: Above Average/Below Average

Average HP - 630

Physical - 215 physical damage
Special Defense Down - 220 physical damage, lowers special defense by 30%
Lightning Flash - 275 wind-typed damage
Anti-Armour Bomb - 170 special-typed damage

Physical - 225 physical damage
Physical Defense Down - 240 physical damage, lowers physical defense by 30%
Lightning Flash - 260 wind-typed damage
Anti-Armour Bomb - 170 special-typed damage

Kato, Ouka, Hien, Raiden ( Susan-o, Yasakani Gem, Kusanagi Sword, Yata Mirror ) - Void/Void/Void/Void
HP: 10000/1250/1590/1370
DEF: Good/Above Average/High/Average
SDEF: Good/Above Average/Above Average/Good
AGI: Above Average/Average/Above Average/Below Average

Average HP - 645

Status Howl - 300 special-typed damage, can choose to inflict one of Mental Break, Deadly Poison, Seal, Petrify, Panic, Death, and other statuses
Final Revelation - 350 special-typed damage, nukes 25% Max MP
Uber Combo of Death - 1300 damage...this is an estimate, as the first 3 attacks of the combo do 900 damage themselves ( Fearsome Thunder + Extinguish Blow + Frenzied Surge + Final Revelation )

Yasakani Gem
Fearsome Thunder - 100 special-typed damage over 100 hits, inflicts Fast Ring, Reverse Ring and Fake Ring
Profound Purity - Full party dispel
Supreme Divinity - Heals 800 HP

Kusanagi Sword
Physical - 180 damage
Extinguish Blow - 200 physical-typed damage

Yata Mirror
Tempest Grace - Raises AGI by 133%
Tempest Aegis - Raises evasion by 30%
Spirit Grace - Raises S-ATK by 30%
Frenzied Surge - 130 special-typed damage
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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Re: Shadow Hearts: Covenant
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2008, 12:24:40 PM »
Enter only ye brave ones...Godliness ahead!  This is PC Nicholai, taken at level 4, compared to Karin at level 3 and 4 ( since Nicholai does have a 1 level advantage initially, you can take either ).  Prepare to be amazed.  Brackets will indicate Karin's level 4 stats; the normal listed stuff are her level 3 stats.

Karin Koenig "Army Uniform for Godlike!"
Fire Innate
HP: 46 [56]
MP: 37 [48]
SP: 4 [5]
STR: 8 [9]
INT: 8 [9]
VIT: 8 [9]
POW: 8 [9]
AGL: 9 [10]
LUC: 6 [7]

Officer's Sabre, Officer's Coat

P-ATK: 19 [20]
P-DEF: 18 [19]
S-ATK: 17 [18]
S-DEF: 16 [17]

Normal Attack: 20 damage over 2 hits. ( 25 damage over 3 hits ) [Same Damn Thing]

Nicholai Conrad "Was that it?  Hardly worth the effort!"
Light Innate
HP: 61
MP: 58
SP: 9
STR: 11
INT: 11
VIT: 11
POW: 11
AGL: 11
LUC: 11

Galahad's Sword, Paladin's Robe

P-ATK: 21
P-DEF: 19
S-ATK: 21
S-DEF: 21

Normal Attack: 30 damage over 2 hits. ( 40 damage over 3 hits )

Cure: Full healing (6 MP)
Blessed Light: 50 light-based special damage (10 MP)

Divine Light: 90 light-based(?) special damage (Only used when Berserked, i.e., when SP is gone)

Stat Averages:

HP: 54 {59}
1) Nicholai - 61
2) Karin - 46 {56}

P-DEF: 19 {19}
1) Nicholai - 19
2) Karin - 18 {19}

S-DEF: 19 {19}
1t) Nicholai - 21
1t) Karin - 16 {17}

AGL: 10 {11}
1) Nicholai - 11
2) Karin - 9 {10}

Damage: 35
1) Nicholai - 50 light (Blessed Light)
2) Karin - 20 physical (Physical)
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory