Author Topic: French Revolution (maybe) mafia interest?  (Read 3383 times)


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French Revolution (maybe) mafia interest?
« on: March 16, 2009, 12:26:42 AM »

La baignoire n'a pas de défense de Marat...

Bonjour, bonjour, madames et monsieurs...  SnowFire is looking to run a mafia game.  Hmm, in what kind of a setting where people would wildly overreact to crimes by executing people semi-randomly, because, well, they're probably guilty of something?  And cheerfully throw their own allies to the mobs if they thought it'd get them more power?  La Révolution is not merciful with traitors to the people!  Even the traitors who weren't actually the killers.

First off.  This game will not run until after Pokemon mafia is finished.  Go check the thread for that first, they still need one more player as of this writing.  Secondly...  if there isn't interest in a French Revolution setting, I could also be easily convinced to run something more Cthulu mythos / Shadow Heartsish.  It'd change the setup somewhat, but it'd go more toward horror/(comedy?) instead.  And as an additional wrinkle...  I also have a slightly more role-crazy version of a game I'd like to run someday, but I'm assuming that people would rather have a more basicsish game for now, since I'm technically an unproven GM around here and Pokemon mafia is supposed to be role madness.  The crazier version could be in either setting, but actually would work better as the Shadow Heartish one.  The rest of these comments will assume that people are interested in the French Revolution game with low amounts of role-craziness, but since there's plenty of time before this game will run, go ahead and post your preferences.

General rules (ninja'd from various sources, but mostly Mai Hime mafia):

*Town Must Lynch; ties are resolved via sudden death.
*Scum Must Kill
*Serial Killers Must Kill
*Days will be 48-72 hours by default.  Days will end by default at the same time (tentatively 7:30 PM) - after night is finished, the next day will finish at the next 7:30 in that range.  (So if night is over at 11:30 PM, the next day will last 68 RL hours until the next 7:30.)  If this is a problem, go ahead and say so; I'm mostly scheduling around the GM here.
*Extensions granted on request.  Preferably someone should second the request.  Extensions can be for any length of time up to 24 hours; longer than 24 hours will require an explanation.
*You will be informed if someone tries to kill you at night or if you are roleblocked, regardless of applicability or success.
*Night 0 will exist.
*Flips are 100% reliable about alignment; only restriction is that the role-name might not be explained if it is a variant role, though the name should generally be helpful.  See below.
*Civility is your friend.  Insulting another character is awesome and will get you role-play points.  Insulting players will get you warned and eventually modkilled.  Don't.
*Play to win.

Setup is technically closed...  but is mostly semi-open with the caveats mentioned below.  The reason that the setup is technically closed is that there are a few positions I reserve the right to add a few wrinkles to in a non-obvious fashion.  They will generally make the role weaker, not stronger, though.  I retain the ability to make up names for these limitations and not tell you what they mean after a flip.  The biggest asterisks:
* Restrictions on any legal ability are also possible.  So One-shot cops, trackers who can only track every 2nd round, hitmen with only one protection-busting shot, whatever. 
* Same with roles that don't turn on until a condition is met.  "You only become a roleblocker if you can accomplish the following task" type deal.  It's quite likely that an ability like this will never turn on at all.
* Combinations of roles are also possible.  If both roles are active generally you can only pick one of them to use.

Approximately ~50% of the players will be vanilla or "near-vanilla" town.  What do I mean by near-vanilla?  Their ability will be fairly minor.  The one-shot doublevoter is a good example - it can turn the game at a crucial turn, and turn something like 2 town - 2 scum from a loss into LYLO, but isn't THAT powerful.

Post restrictions, if any, will be extremely light, akin to "If you doublevote you must denounce whoever you doublevote in some clearly marked off epic speech for the ages."  I'm not an English teacher, the speech could be an over-the-top rant, a haiku, or "OMG U SUCK."  Role-playing is optional.  I'm personally a fan but if you want to just leave the flavor to the GM, go ahead.  I think Mai-Hime mafia had the right idea here - wry comments at the beginning of posts, then getting down to business.

Role possibilities (don't be overwhelmed by the size of the list, like I said above, I'm mostly avoiding role madness here, but I don't want to make it clear what's afoot):

* Vanilla.
* Cop (Sane, Insane, Slow, "Variant."  If you are a variant cop, you will have a full and trustworthy explanation in your PM.  Scum cops do NOT guarantee the existence of an SK / other faction.)
* Doctor. (Normal, "Variant."  Variants will have a full and trustworthy explanation in their PM.  Scum doctors do NOT guarantee a Serial Killer / Vigilante / other faction existing.)
* Rolecop.
* Roleblocker.
* Messenger.
* Masons / Mason variant. (Example: Masons who aren't sure the other is town but can still talk, as well as one-way proofs - i.e. you know someone else is town but they have no guarantee on you.)
* Tracker
* Watcher
* Bulletproof
* Doublevoter
* Tiebreaker (Rather than SD, a tie instead lynches whoever you were voting for - if they were one of those tied for the lynch, at least.)
* Bodyguard
* Squeaky-Clean (always shows as town regardless of cop type)

Town only:
* Vigilante.
* Miller.

Mafia only: (Scum must kill, scum chosen to kill can't do any other actions unless said action is part of their ability, like Hitman)
* Godfather. (Not guaranteed to exist, extent of protection from NKs / cops varies.  Guaranteed to have none if sent on nightkill, though.)
* Hitman (May ignore protections of any kind if sent on the kill. )

Mafia and Third Party Only:
* Framer (3rd party framer can only appear in a game w/ > 17 people.  But vaguely possible.)

Third Party (None will exist in a game with less than 14 people in it):
* Serial Killer. (Will flip as scum to investigations.)
* Survivor.
* Lyncher (Unsure of name - someone who wants to off certain people regardless of their scuminess, but otherwise is a townie.)

Characters will be public from the get-go.  If you'd like to pre-claim, go ahead; otherwise I will pick a character for you.  Mafianess and power roles will be selected totally randomly; some minor abilities / disadvantages will be doled out on a character basis, though.  (Some ideas if you want to character claim early: King Louis XVI, Marie Antoinette, Marquis de Lafayette, Maximilien Robespierre, Louis de Saint-Just, Lazare Carnot, Georges Danton, Jean-Paul Marat, Jacques-René Hébert, Madame Tallien, Napoleon, Dr. Joseph-Ignace Guillotin, Marquis de Sade, Archbishop Jean-Baptiste-Joseph Gobel, the Scarlet Pimpernel, Detective Dupin's grandfather, Benjamin Franklin, or a humble and obviously guiltless commoner member of the staff / army.  That's 18, and there's plenty more if we somehow need them.)

11 players is the bare minimum; 13 is preferred, and 15 and up would be great.  I am also interested in a co-mod, especially someone who would be around daylight hours.


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Re: French Revolution (maybe) mafia interest?
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2009, 12:33:53 AM »
Why not.

Marquis de Lafayette.


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Re: French Revolution (maybe) mafia interest?
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2009, 02:23:14 AM »
Robespierre! Yes please :D

Georges Danton, Jean-Paul Marat
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Re: French Revolution (maybe) mafia interest?
« Reply #3 on: March 16, 2009, 09:18:17 AM »
Hrm, probably will. I'm guessing there'll be an extra check after Pokemon mafia, in which case, I'll drop out then if I'm not gonna be playing.
As it happens, though, I'm not really interested in the French Revolution, so couldn't care much less for the flavour. That said, I don't know what Cthulu is and I've never played Shadow Hearts, so neither of those appeal to me either. :P


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Re: French Revolution (maybe) mafia interest?
« Reply #4 on: March 16, 2009, 06:47:37 PM »
Oui! J'aime la mafia en francais! Non, J'adore la mafia en Francais. Je joue la Francais revolution mafia!

(translated: Yea, should be well good. /in)
Do I really look like I have a clue?


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Re: French Revolution (maybe) mafia interest?
« Reply #5 on: March 16, 2009, 06:54:27 PM »
Yoshiken: Cthulu mythos = stuff based on the writings of H.P. Lovecraft, an only moderately successful writer from the 1910s-20s or so who got a positive reassessment from pretentious college students in the 60s and onward.  Also helped by the vast majority of his stuff being public domain and thus easy for anybody to keep writing stuff for.  Generally wrote stuff in which some studious gentleman discovers Something Not Right, Things Not Meant To Be Known, Interdimensional Horrors Who Devour People, etc.  (Sample: The Music of Erich Zann.  Picked because it's really short and gives you an idea of Lovecraft's style.)  What this generally turns into in gaming terms is "stop the cultists from completing some mad rite to unseal a great evil / grant them ultimate power, because if they finish you're sure not keeping your mind intact."

Also play Shadow Hearts II.  It's among the highest ranked games in the DL "rank your favorite games" thread, and also Penny Arcade approved( , ), which is impressive considering that they aren't fans of most JRPGs.  Shadow Hearts is a little different though, because the protagonists ALSO have weird crazy powers and thus can actually stand up to the sanity-draining nightmare horrors and beat them up stylishly, while Lovecraft's characters tended to be civilians and thus a lot more helpless.  A mafia game, of course, would stick with mostly civilians.  Another possibility: Patients at a mental hospital.  Though it seems like there's interest in la France, so these points are likely moot.


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Re: French Revolution (maybe) mafia interest?
« Reply #6 on: March 21, 2009, 04:53:38 AM »
I'm out of Mafia for a while. Good luck though, the theme is awesome (guillotines~).


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Re: French Revolution (maybe) mafia interest?
« Reply #7 on: March 26, 2009, 01:52:41 AM »
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!

I <3 Cthulhu, and French Revolution also. Both appeal to me. I'm actually playing the Arkham Horror board game this weekend :)
I've never modded before, but if your willing to give me a chance, I'd like to co-mod with you if I can. I like playing, but I tend to prefer watching the drama unfold from afar.


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Re: French Revolution (maybe) mafia interest?
« Reply #8 on: March 26, 2009, 03:18:22 AM »
Mods must know how to spell :P
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Re: French Revolution (maybe) mafia interest?
« Reply #9 on: March 26, 2009, 03:22:39 AM »
Mods must know how to spell :P

Touché. I always make that mistake when typing, but usually catch myself afterwards when I scan my message really quick.


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Re: French Revolution (maybe) mafia interest?
« Reply #10 on: May 31, 2009, 12:12:19 AM »
Oui, oui! J'aime le mafia! J'aime la Francais revolution, aussi. Je m'appelle Jacques de Flesselles, c'il vous plait!

(Yes, I like mafia. I like the French revolution, too. Could I please be Jacques de Flesselles?)
<%King_Meepdorah> roll 1d999 for "It was beauty...that killed the mage"?
* +Hatbot --> "King_Meepdorah rolls 1d999 for "It was beauty...that killed the mage"? and gets 999."12 [1d999=999]
<%King_Meepdorah> ...
<+superaway> ...Uh oh.
<+RandomConsonant> ...
* +superaway shakes head.


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Re: French Revolution (maybe) mafia interest?
« Reply #11 on: March 04, 2010, 07:40:53 AM »
Sounds cool. I'd love to be the Scarlet Pimpernel.