Ok, this post is dedicated to me figuring out who to pick up when, as things stand now!
I CANNOT TAKE MORE THAN 4 PEOPLE IN MY CAR. That's the absolute limit. I'd ideally want only 3 at most but 4 is the limit! So anyone who has NOT given a time yet, please compare it to people already coming and what not, and try to come during a time when I'm not picking up 4 people at once already. Unless you don't mind waiting at the Airport for an extra 5 hours or something...
First off, people who are getting here not via plane, thus don't really require much assistance!
Shale (?)
People coming before the Con thus become irrelevant to all this shenanigans!
Grefter (Monday)
Tonfa (Tuesday)
Djinn (Wensday)
Now for the stuff that matters!
July 30th:
12:10 PM, Newark: Super, Pyro, CK, Tal
3:14 PM, La Guardia: Ciato
3:16 PM, Newark: Zenny, Nitori
8:30 PM, Newark: Dhyer, Tai, MC, Gate, Niu
First off, I'm aware this isn't everyone but, but as it stands now, there's one minor problem with the list, and that's Ciato and Zenny basically come in at the exact same time from 2 different Airports. AS SUCH, I'm going to require some assistance in getting at least one of them. I know some of you volunteered to help out, and as it stands, I'll at least need help here.
...yeah, bit of a problem here. See, NIu's coming in half hour after others...when I already have 4 people then. If someone has NOT finalized during that time and can change, that'd help a lot; alternatively, someone's just going to have to come with me to Newark at that time, and grab him.
Nitori is coming in technically an hour before the listed time, but he said he wouldn't mind waiting an hour at the airport, so yeah. Important to note for whoever is going to pick up Zenny, since as I said, Ciato's coming in from a different Airport at the same time, so someone other than myself is going to have to care.