Author Topic: Tales of the Abyss  (Read 9818 times)


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Tales of the Abyss
« on: January 15, 2008, 12:12:12 PM »
Whee, new stat topic time.  This will be incomplete for a bit since I'll still reeling in the damages from techs (argh Tales game after all).

<PC info primarily from Eph>

The obligatory boring explaination of stuff.  All PC levels are taken at level 60, except Anise cause she had to die and miss out on two level so I second guess her stats for 60 (not too far off).  No, I do not have a file with the temp character's stats yet.  (OK! be sure to note him when you first get him!)

HP: I have nothing to say.
TP:  Now in double and triple roll size!
P. ATK:  Physical attack strength and the base for all Strike artes.
P. DEF:  Physical defense and such
F. ATK: The F stands for Fonic, which is just another name for magic cause the name magic is overrated!
F. DEF:  Holy crap! A magic defense stat in a Tales game?!
AGL:  Movement speed. Unlike other games in the series, the higher this is, the faster you are.  This also measures rates for Criticals although it's not that important.
ENH:  Enhancement.  This stat alone does nothing except teach special AD skills (more on that in a little bit).  By my default, Anise is the only character with this stat.

There are six elements in the game like ToL: Fire, Water (includes Ice), Wind (includes Thunder), Earth, Light, and Dark.  Also, since there's a storebought full status blocker, all of the status in TotA are: POIZN, Paralysis, Petrify, Weak (Max HP is halved), Seal (Silence), and Sick (immune to healings!) for those who only allow those specific status to be blocked.  I'm not sure if there's an universal magic status blocker (immune to stat downs) or not.

C. Cores

C. Cores are stat enhancers that gives you bonus points on level ups. It also teaches you AD skills based on how much bonus points you accumulated.  You cannot unequip a C. Core and all PCs have a default C. Core. By the materia rule, I'm listing all stats and AD skills with their default C. Core.  Keep in mind that this changes things by quite a bit, so I'll list their bonus stats earned from C. Cores next to the respective PC stat.

AD Skills

Sort of like EX skills from Tales of Symphonia, these are innate abilities that are gained from levels and earning a certain amount of bonus stats through C. Cores.  There's a lot of redundant and pointless skills (like BACKSTEP and FREE RUN! INFINITE EVADE!!1) that all PCs learn.  I'll list all AD skills that are learned through their C. Cores and other ones that might have some meaning.

Field of Fonons

I'm not too sure how to take this in the DL.  Since this is a gameplay thing and not really special for the PCs. Field of Fonons (FoFs) are special circles left over from elemental attacks.  Tear, Anise, and Jade can make good use of these since they can create a 100% FoF with one spell, then use that FoF for a special attack.  Luke and Guy need to spam certain techs 4 times to create a full FoF and Natalia can't create them at all.

Techs are divided into Strike artes Fonic Artes, and Mystic artes.  Strikes artes are the physical techs, divided into Base and Arcane.  Base, Arcane and Mystic artes can be linked together in that order.  Fonic artes are magic attacks and cannot be comboed with at all.  Mystic artes are the "limit break" attacks, since they can only be used in Overlimits, which take quite a while to build up (not as bad as in ToS though).  From experence it takes around 5-6 turns of attacking to fully raise the Overlimit bar.  TAUNTS can be use to raise the limit bar quicker, but those fail horribly.

Phew, that should be it for that.

Luke fon Fabre
"And just stay dead."

HP: 3983
TP: 325
P. ATK: 1332 (118 is from C. Core stats)
P. DEF: 528 (59 is from C. Core stats)
F. ATK: 305
F. DEF: 311
AGL: 358
ENH: 0

Default Equipment:

Weapon - Soul Crush: +820 P. ATK
Armor - Mumbane: +95 P. DEF, resists Fire, Water and Light by 30%
Arm - Draupnir: +40 P.DEF
Other - *Jewel of Lorelei: Mad HP/TP regen.  Like 10% every 2-3 seconds.  This makes Luke almost immune to low damage dealers.

*note that the Jewel of Lorelei is a temporary accessory that gets fused with another key item that becomes a worthless weapon.(Soul Crush is better in everyway)  You get to keep the jewel for 1 1/2 dungeons and you can do some sidequest stuff with it. I allow it for the sake that Luke never uses the weapon it fuses with, which is pointless as I said.

Physical string (4 hits): 4000

Base Artes

Fang Blade - 5 TP: 1630
Demon Fist - 5 TP: 1140
Havoc Strike - 5 TP: 1550
Rending Thrust - 9 TP: 1710
Raging Blast - 10 TP: 2100, knocks down the enemy
Sonic Thrust - 5 TP: 1710
Steel - 7 TP: raises critical hit rate.  I don't see it do anything at all. >_>.

Arcane Artes

Light Spear Cannon - 20 TP: 3010
Guardian Field - 16 TP, Light elemental: 3100
Devil's Inferno - 18 TP, Fire elemetnal: 3870
Swallow Fury - 20 TP: 3650
Lightning Blade - 11 TP, Wind elemental: 2500
Slag Assault - 12 TP, Earth elemental: 2670
Sonic Blast - 10 TP, Wind elemental: 3440
Fang Blade Havoc - 16 TP: 3390
Rending Fang Blade - 20 TP: 3650
Fang Blade Rage - 21 TP: 3700
Rending Havoc - 22 TP:
Raging Havoc - 23 TP:
Rending Blast - 24 TP:

Mystic Arte - Useable only in Overlimits

Radiant Howl: ~16000
Lost Fon Drive: ~24000, useable when in critical HP, requires Key of Lorelai

AD skills

{coming soon} (Seems pointless now that I think about it)


Single hit: 4000 (physical)
Combo damage: physical+Rending Thurst+Swallow Fury = 9360

Tear Grants
"I feel like....I'm going to pop out."

HP: 3375
TP: 404
P. ATK: 956
P. DEF: 453 (59 is from C. Core stats)
F. ATK: 1188 (59 is from C. Core stats)
F. DEF: 437 (59 is from C. Core stats)
AGL: 367
ENH: 0

Weapon - Blue Crystal Rod: +600 P. ATK, +700 F. ATK
Armor - Fonic Guard: +72 P. DEF
*alt - Lunar Guard: +68 P. DEF, resists Dark by 30%
Arm - Queen's Gloves: +42 P.DEF
Other - Tear's Pendant: raises F. ATK, F. DEF by 20% (not factored into stats or damage)

Physical string (3 hits): 1880

Base Artes

Pow Hammer - 4 TP: 1100
Nocturnal Light - 9 TP: 1600

Arcane Artes

Severed Fate - 14 TP: 2100
Banishing Sorrow - 18 TP: 2460

Total Physical damage: physical+Nocturnal Light+Banishing Sorrow = 5940

Fonic Artes

First Aid - 8 TP: 30% healing
Healing Circle - 32 TP: 60% healing, GT
Revitalize - 80 TP: 70% healing, huge GT (not full MT)
Resurrection - 40 TP: revives with 30% HP
Charge - 20 TP: gives 20 TP to an ally
Enhance Cast - 18 TP: Shortens casting time. (OMG INSTANT CLEAVE FOR CYAN for team battles? *shot)
Eclair de Larmes - 20 TP, Light elemental: 3890
Holy Lance - 34 TP, Light elemental: 6300
Invoke Ground/Water/Aqua/Fire - 8 TP: makes a FoF at 50%
Nightmare - 8 TP, Dark elemental, always inflicts Stun: 3480
Force Field - 28 TP: immunity to damage for a short while (like 1 turn)
Holy Song - 48 TP: 30% healing, raises P. ATK/DEF by 20%
Grand Cross - xxTP, Light elemental: 7500
Judgment - 32 TP, Fire elemental (..don't ask why fire): 5000, hits 1-3 times.  Depends on the size of the enemy.


Single Hit: Grand Cross, 7500

Mystic Artes - useable only in Overlimits

Innocent Shine: ~10500
Fortune's Ark: ~16000

Guy Cecil
"You were amazed at my arts."

HP: 3633
TP: 384
P. ATK: 1288 (59 is from C. Core stats)
P. DEF: 437
F. ATK: 212
F. DEF: 375
AGL: 553 (118 is from C. Core stats)
ENH: 0  

Weapon - Shakunage: +820 P. ATK
*alt - Jewel of Gardios: +725 P. ATK, required for Brillant Overlord Mystic Arte
Armor - Reflex: +90 P. DEF, +15 F. DEF
Arm - Draupnir: +40 P.DEF
Other - *see universal accessories* Probably the full status blocker

Physical string (3 hits): 3010

Base Artes

Demon Fang: 1250
Cresent Strike: 1690
Void Tempest: 2090
Tiger Blade: 2000
Tempest: 1720
Center: Heals 15% of mHP, instant.

Arcane Artes

Beast: 3450
Sword Rain: Alpha: 2900
Severing Wind, wind elemental: 2500
Final Cross: 2800
Soaring Light Spear: 2650
Moonlight Demon: 3900
Demonic Void: 3550
Demonic Tiger Blade: 3885
Moonlight Tempest: 3890
White Tiger Strike: 3700
Nihil Blade Tempest: 3670


Single Hit: Moonlight Demon, 3900
Combo damage: physical+Void Tempest+Moonlight Demon = 9000

Mystic Artes

Razing Phoneix, Fire elemental: ~12000
Brillant Overlord: ~22000 *requires HP < 15% and Jewel of Gardios equipped*

Jade "I am not really Lezard" Curtiss
"No, no, no, you should really value your life."

HP: 3663
TP: 414
P. ATK: 1099
P. DEF: 451 (59 is from C. Core stats)
F. ATK: 1338 (118 is from C. Core stats)
F. DEF: 525
AGL: 338
ENH: 0

Weapon - Fonic Lance: +720 P. ATK, +720 F. ATK
*alt - Gungnir: +850 P. ATK, +600 F. ATK (physical Jade hype!)
Armor - Fonic Robe: +68 P. DEF, +68 F. DEF
*alts - Viridian Robe: +58 P. DEF, +58 F. DEF, 20% Wind resistance
Amber Robe: +51 P. DEF, +51 F.DEF, 20% Earth resistance
Mirage Robe: +38 P. DEF, +38 F.DEF, 20% Light resistance
Arm - Draupnir: +40 P.DEF
Other - *see universal accessories*

Physical string (3 hits): 2455

Base Artes

Thunder Lance - 8 TP, wind elemental: 1500
Sonic Spear - 4 TP: 1330

Arcane Artes

Impaling Heaven - 12 TP: 2390
Sovereign Gale - 10 TP, wind elemental: 2161

Total physical damage: physical+Thunder Lance+Impaling Heaven = 6345

Fonic Artes

Energy Blast - 7 TP: 2800
Drain Magic - 4 TP: Drains 10 TP from the target back to Jade
Ground Dasher - 32 TP, earth elemental: 6500
Blessed Drops - 32 TP, water elemental: 4450
Infernal Prison - 28 TP, fire elemental: 7900
Thunder Blade - 36 TP, wind elemental: 7100
Absolute - 48 TP, water elemental: 5900
Prism Sword - 64 TP, light elemental: 7200
Meteor Storm - 80 TP: 5440, hits 2-3 times, average 13600

Single Hit: Meteor Storm, 13600

Mystic Artes

Mystic Cage: Full MT, ~12000
Indignation "aka BoltX-3!": 21000, Jade elemental.

Anise Tatlin
"Seargantoracleknightfonmasterguardiananisetatlin Wins!"

HP: 4005
TP: 340
P. ATK: 1135
P. DEF: 451
F. ATK: 1040
F. DEF: 530 (118 is from C. Core stats)
AGL: 286
ENH: 59 (all from C. Core stats)

Weapon - Grand Cross: +700 P. ATK, +600 F. ATK
Armor - Queen Cloak: +72 P. DEF
Arm - Queen's Gloves: +42 P.DEF
Other - *Anise has loads of accessories for her doll (she uses it to fight).  I'll list them all here:

Wonder Doll: +50 AGL, Luck!
Heihachi (Tekken guy): unlocks Demon Breath and Stone head
Artificial Life Form (KOS-MOS): unlocks X-BUSTER, OPB
Warrior Maiden: +50 P. ATK, +50 F. ATK
Time Traveling Hero (Cless): RAISES CRIT RATE
Priestess (Philia): unlocks Inspect Eye!  (instant godlike)
Great Pirate (Chat): unlocks Pow Hammer
Time Traveling Girl (Reola?): unlocks Resurrection
Empty Girl (Presea): unlocks Beast
Rare Genius (Harold): unlocks Divine Saber
The Prince (of all Cosmos): 15% chance of revival from KO! Kosanji-like.
Ant Lion Man: 8% HP/TP regen

Physical string (3 hits): 2470

Base Artes

Dragon Surge: 1630
Dual Punishment: 1330
Shadow Raid: 1540
Eagle Dive: 1720
Lucky - 12 TP: Increases Luck! Anti-FE swordmasters, 1445
Mighty Charge - 16 TP: Raises normal physical damage by about 10%.

Arcane Artes

Soaring Blast: 3890
Cyclone Shot: 2730
Surge Breaker: 4010
Dual Dragon Surge: 3600
Shadow Punishment: 3380
Shadow Tempest: 3430

Fonic Artes

Limited - 10 TP, light elemental: 3380
Negative Gate - 16 TP, dark elemental: 4600
Bloody Howling - 26 TP, dark elemental: 6100
Miracle Hammer - 24, hammer? elemental: 5900
Divine Saber - 28 TP, wind elemental: 4500


Single Hit: Blooding Howling, 6100
Combo damage: physical+Eagle Dive+Surge Breaker = 8200

Mystic Artes

Final Fury: 11900
Dying Moon: 11900 (Final Fury extension) + ~4500 = 16300

Natalia Luzu Kimlasca Lanvaldear
"This swimsuit is about to fall off!

HP: 3473
TP: 320
P. ATK: 1113
P. DEF: 574 (118 is from C. Core stats)
F. ATK: 373
F. DEF: 470 (59 is from C. Core stats)
AGL: 401
ENH: 0

Weapon - Celestial Star: +720 P. ATK
*alt - Elven Bow: +700 P. ATK, required for Noble Roar Mystic Arte
Armor - Solar Guard: +75 P. DEF, 30% Light resistance
Arm - Queen's Gloves: +42 P.DEF
Other - *see universal accessories*

Physical string (3 hits): 2255

Base Artes

Piercing Line - 5 TP: 1580
Storm Edge - 9 TP: 1430
Aerial Laser - 7 TP: 1850
Cavalry - 14 TP: Immune to Knock Down. That's what it says!  GARLAND SLAYER!

Arcane Artes

Star Stroke - 14 TP: 2335
Star Embrace - 18 TP: 1400 (fail)
Gallant Barrage - 20 TP: 3460

Fonic Artes

Heal - 20 TP: 60% healing
Cure - 48 TP: Full healing
Recover - 10 TP: Status recovery
Healing Force - 36 TP: 5% HP regen
Revive - 64 TP: Auto-life with 30% HP
Barrier - 16 TP: raised physical defense by 20%
Sharpness - 20 TP: raises physical damage by 20%
Resist - 18 TP: raised magic defense by 20%
Scare Shot - 18: lowers enemy's physical defense by 20%


Single Hit: Gallant Barrage, 3460
Combo damage: physical+Aerial Laser+Gallant Barrage = 7565

Mystic Artes

Astral Rain: ~10000
Noble Roar: ~18000 *requires Elven Bow

Universal accessories - all storebought stuff, no stuff from Din's shop

Wizard Hat: F. DEF +48, males only
Rare Helm: P. DEF +48, Luke/Guy only
Rare Circlet: P. DEF +42, girls only
Ancient Ribbion: F. DEF +41, girls only
Amulet: immunes all physical status.
Elven Cape: +20 P. DEF, +10 F. DEF, +30 AGL, 10% resist to all elements
Flare Cape: +23 P. DEF, +11 F. DEF, 30% fire resistance
Rare Boots: +35 P. DEF, +120 AGL

Averages! (From OK - I love you Eph!)

HP: 3689
1) Anise - 4005
2) Luke - 3983
3) Jade - 3663
4) Guy - 3633
5) Natalia - 3473
6) Tear - 3375

PDEF: 482
1) Natalia - 574
2) Luke - 528
3) Tear - 453
4t) Anise - 451
4t) Jade - 451
6) Guy - 437

FDEF: 441
1) Anise - 530
2) Jade - 525
3) Natalia - 470
4) Tear - 437
5) Guy - 375
6) Luke - 311

AGL: 384
1) Guy - 553
2) Natalia - 401
3) Tear - 367
4) Luke - 358
5) Jade - 338
6) Anise - 286

Non-Combo Damage: 6427 (5477 without Meteor Storm)
1) Jade - 13600 (Meteor Storm)
[Jade - 7900 (Infernal Prison)]
2) Tear - 7500 (Grand Cross)
3) Anise - 6100 (Bloody Howling)
4) Luke - 4000 (Attack Sequence)
5) Guy - 3900 (Moonlight Demon)
6) Natalia - 3460 (Gallant Barrage)

Combo Damage: 9204 (8254 without Meteor Storm)
1) Jade - 13600 (Meteor Storm)
2) Luke - 9360 (Attack Sequence-Rending Thrust-Swallow Fury)
3) Guy - 9000 (Attack Sequence-Void Tempest-Moonlight Demon)
4) Anise - 8200 (Attack Sequence-Eagle Dive-Surge Breaker)
[Jade - 7900 (Infernal Prison)]
5) Natalia - 7565 (Attack Sequence-Aerial Laser-Gallant Barrage)
6) Tear - 7500 (Grand Cross)

Average of the Averages: 7816 (6866 without Meteor Storm)
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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Re: Tales of the Abyss
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2008, 12:14:08 PM »
Bosses!  Awesome!

Much like with Tales of Symphonia, I'll be getting only important plot bosses (well, and some of the boss forms for already ranked characters).  I'll make sure to get all forms for all bosses.  I'm only getting attacks on normal mode - if you really kick me into it, I might look for Mania Mode and/or Hard Mode, but for the moment, this is it (most don't allow the abilities anyway >_>).  All bosses do have a speed stat: however, it's not listed for some reason (  All average HP stats are taken from all characters currently available, not just from the party I'm using.  Here we go! 

For boss speeds, here's a general comparison (I am still trying to find speed stats somewhere):

Guy > Synch > Natalia > Legretta = Tear = Van > Asch = Luke = Mohs > Jade > Largo = Anise > Arietta >= Dist (Arietta typically doesn't move ever, so it's hard to gauge her speed)

Arietta 1
"You killed Mommy!  Now, you die!"
HP: 3000
PDEF: 263
FDEF: 235

Limited: 195 fonic/light, AoE
Negative Gate: 250 fonic/dark, AoE (only seems to be able to access this at 50% HP or less)
Barrier: Raises DEF by 20%
Sharpness: Raises ATT by 20%; godly for Arietta (only seems to be able to access this at 50% HP or less)

Liger 1
HP: 3700
PDEF: 228
FDEF: 167
Reduces Wind damage by 25%

Forward Charge: 120 physical
Sky Charge: 150 physical
Strike: 170 phsical
Spin Attack: 300 physical (only seems to be able to access this at 50% HP or less)
Howl: Releases 5 lightning bolts that deal 100 wind-based fonic damage for each one that hits, AoE; on average, 1 lightning bolt will strike an individual target

Combo Notes: Forward Charge ---> Strike, Sky Charge (290, 270)

Hresvelgr 1
HP: 3500
PDEF: 236
FDEF: 172
Takes 25% more damage from Fire
Reduces Water damage by 25%

Vacuum Wave: 150 physical, inflicts Silence ~50%
Feather Skimming: 180 physical/water, AoE
Charge: 175 physical

Average HP faced: 865

Dist 1
"Now, who do you think you are?  Just you wait!  I'm putting this down in my revenge journal!"
HP: 19000
PDEF: 302
FDEF: 204
Takes 50% more damage from Water

Right Hand Swipe: 120 physical
Left Hand Thrust: 190 physical
Rage: 255 physical, AoE (only seems to be able to access this at 50% HP or less)
Head Sliding: 200 physical (only seems to be able to access this at 50% HP or less)

Combo Notes: Right Hand Swipe ---> Left Hand Thrust (310)

Average HP faced: 1017

Sync 1
"Sync the Tempest, God-General of the Oracle Knights, shows no mercy!"
HP: 13000
PDEF: 222
FDEF: 150

Attack Sequence: 290 physical
Turbulence: 200 fonic/wind, AoE
Dragon Shot: 165 physical
Reaper's Toll: 220 physical
"I'll kill you!": Taunts foolish n00bz
Stone Dragon Ascent: 365 physical/earth, AoE (only seems to be able to access this at 50% HP or less)
Thunder Blade: 325 fonic/wind, AoE (only seems to be able to access this at 25% HP or less)

Combo Notes: Attack Sequence ---> Dragon Shot, Reaper's Toll (455, 510)
Attack Sequence ---> Stone Dragon Ascent (615)

Largo 1
"This should be fun!  Let's see how you've grown since I last saw you, cowering on the Tartarus!"
HP: 17000
PDEF: 210
FDEF: 100

Attack Sequence: 430 physical
Beast: 255 physical
Blazing Talon: 300 physical/fire, AoE (only seems to be able to access this at 50% HP or less)
Scream Really Loudly and Raise Weapon in a Taunting Pose: Taunts opponent, making them angrier and making Largo look cooler
Ravaging Thunder: 400 physical/wind, LT (only seems to be able to access this at 25% HP or less)

Combo Notes: Attack Sequence ---> Beast, Blazing Talon, Ravaging Thunder (685, 730, 830)

Average HP faced: 1234

Legretta 1
"That's what I'm talking about: this world is mad!  Someone has to change it!"
HP: 31000
PDEF: 319
FDEF: 196
Resists Light damage by 25%

Attack Sequence: 350 physical
Eclair de Larmes: 520 fonic/light, AoE
Rage Laser: 650 physical/light, LT (only seems to be able to access this at 50% HP or less)
Holy Lance: 850 fonic/light, AoE (only seems to be able to access this at 25% HP or less)
Searing Sorrow: 1250 physical/fire, AoE (only seems to be able to access this at 25% HP or less)
*Note that she seems to only be able to use Searing Sorrow and Holy Lance once per battle

Combo Notes: Attack Sequence ---> Rage Laser (1000)

Average HP faced: 1511

Asch 1
"To think that trash like you stole my family, my home...everything from me!  I'm going to be sick!"
HP: 10000
PDEF: 340
FDEF: 100

Attack Sequence: 580 physical
Rending Thrust: 400 physical
Havoc Strike: 390 physical
Raging Blast: 640 physical
Stalagmite: 730 fonic/earth, AoE
Fang Blade Havoc: 800 physical (only seems to be able to access this at 50% HP or less)
Icicle Rain: 600 fonic/water, AoE (only seems to be able to access this at 50% HP or less)

Combo Notes: Attack Sequence ---> Havoc Strike, Rending Thrust, Raging Blast, Fang Blade Havoc (970, 980, 1220, 1380)

Average HP faced: 1813 (solo Luke battle)

Dist 2
"You have no right to criticize me!  You gave up before you even started!"
HP: 40000
PDEF: 512
FDEF: 390
Takes 30% more damage from Water

Right Hand Swipe: 370 physical
Left Hand Thrust: 480 physical
Rage: 550 physical, AoE
Head Sliding: 560 physical (only seems to be able to access this at 50% HP or less)
Twin Laser: 770 physical, LT
Blast Strike: 700 physical/fire, AoE (only seems to be able to access this at 50% HP or less)

Combo Notes: Right Hand Swipe ---> Left Hand Thrust (850)
Right Hand Swipe ---> Left Hand Thrust ---> Blast Strike (1550)
Twin Laser ---> Head Sliding ---> Blast Strike (2030)

Average HP faced: 2074

Sync 2
"I won't let you get away!  You're going to drown in the sludge here!"
HP: 83500
PDEF: 537
FDEF: 462

Attack Sequence: 870 physical
Dragon Shot: 570 physical
Reaper's Toll: 700 physical
Turbulence: 450 fonic/wind, AoE
Ground Dasher: 650 fonic/earth, AoE
Absolute: 1200 fonic/water, AoE
"I'll kill you!": Taunts foolish n00bz
Stone Dragon Ascent: 1250 physical/earth, AoE (only seems to be able to access this at 75% HP or less)
Cyclone Blaze: 1500 physical/fire, LT (only seems to be able to access this at 50% HP or less); the full damage from this move is 3000, assuming all 8 hits connect - the average is about 1500 with 4 hits
Thunder Blade: 800 fonic/wind, AoE (only seems to be able to access this at 50% HP or less)
Akashic Torment: 3800 physical (only seems to be able to access this at 25% HP or less)
*Note that he seems to only be able to use Akashic Torment once per battle

Combo Notes: Attack Sequence ---> Dragon Shot, Reaper's Toll (1440, 1570)
Reaper's Toll ---> Dragon Shot (1270)
Attack Sequence ---> Stone Dragon Ascent (2120)

Average HP Faced: 2686

Arietta 2
"Fon Master...don't get in the way!"
HP: 26000
PDEF: 459
FDEF: 348

Limited: 750 fonic/light, AoE
Negative Gate: 950 fonic/dark, AoE
Bloody Howling: 1180 fonic/dark, AoE (seems to only be able to access this once at 75%, 50% and 25% HP)
Sharpness: Raises ATT by 20%
Barrier: Raises DEF by 20%
Big Bang: 1800 fonic, MT, cannot reduce HP below 1 (seems to only be able to access this after one or both of her allies have died)
*Note that Big Bang can only be used once per battle; Bloody Howling can also only be used 3 times per battle, at the instances listed (75%, 50% and 25% HP)

Largo 2
"How about you go back to your castle and behave yourself, Princess?"
HP: 32000
PDEF: 489
FDEF: 348
Reduces Earth damage by 25%
Reduces Fire damage by 50%

Attack Sequence: 500 physical
Beast: 420 physical
Blazing Talon: 450 physical/fire, AoE
Ravaging Thunder: 600 physical/wind, LT (only seems to be able to access this at 50% HP or less)
Stone Beast: 540 physical/earth, AoE (only seems to be able to access this at 50% HP or less)
Scream Really Loudly and Raise Weapon in a Taunting Pose: Taunts opponent, making them angrier and making Largo look cooler (only seems to be able to access this at 50% HP or less)

Combo Notes: Attack Sequence ---> Beast, Blazing Talon, Ravaging Thunder, Stone Beast (920, 950, 1100, 1040)

Legretta 2
"Tear, stop sacrificing yourself!  Is this world really worth that much?"
HP: 29000
PDEF: 469
FDEF: 348
Reduces Light damage by 25%

Attack Sequence: 600 physical
Eclair de Larmes: 725 fonic/light, AoE
Rage Laser: 940 physical/light, LT (only seems to be able to access this at 50% HP or less)
Holy Lance: 1200 fonic/light, AoE
Searing Sorrow: 2000 physical/fire, AoE (seems to only be able to access this once at 75%, 50% and 25% HP)
Blessed Drops: 1000 fonic/water, AoE (only seems to be able to access this at 50% HP or less)
*Note that Searing Sorrow can only be used 3 times in the battle, at the instances listed (75%, 50% and 25% HP); also, Blessed Drops can only be used once per battle

Combo Notes: Attack Sequence ---> Rage Laser (1540)

Average HP faced: 2964

Van 1
"Can you not live unless you were born for some purpose?!"
HP: 132000
PDEF: 700
FDEF: 561

Attack Sequence: 800 physical
Radiant Dragon: 1200 physical, LT
Guardian Frost: 2050 physical/water, AoE (only seems to be able to access this at 75% HP or less)
Raging Blast: 1050 physical (only seems to be able to access this at 75% HP or less)
Lightning Tiger Blade: 1600 physical/wind (only seems to be able to access this at 75% HP or less)
Imperial Slaughter: 6100 physical (seems to only be able to access this once at 50% HP and 25% HP)
Shining Blade: 1200 physical, AoE (only seems to be able to access this at 50% HP or less)
Negative Gate: 1100 fonic/dark, AoE
Ground Dasher: 1300 fonic/earth, AoE
Holy Lance: 1600 fonic/light, AoE (only seems to be able to access this at 50% HP or less)
Infernal Prison: 1700 fonic/fire, AoE (only seems to be able to access this at 25% HP or less)
*Note that Imperial Slaughter can only be used 2 times in a battle, at the instances listed (50% and 25% HP)

Combo Notes: Attack Sequence ---> Radiant Dragon, Guardian Frost, Raging Blast, Lightning Tiger Blade, Shining Blade (2000, 2850, 1850, 2400, 2000)

Average HP Faced: 3146

Arietta 3
"Your deaths will be for Mommy!  Anise, yours is for Ion!  For Van too!  I'll finish all of you!"
HP: 25000
PDEF: 859
FDEF: 956

Limited: 900 fonic/light, AoE
Negative Gate: 1100 fonic/dark, AoE
Bloody Howling: 1500 fonic/dark, AoE (seems to only be able to use this at 50% HP and below)
Big Bang: 2400 fonic, MT, cannot reduce HP below 1 (seems to only be able to access this after both of her allies have died)
Evil Light: 2260 fonic, LT (only seems to be able to access at 50% HP and below)
Sharpness: Raises ATT by 20%
Barrier: Raises DEF by 20%
*Note that Evil Light and Big Bang can only be used once per battle

Liger 2
HP: 38000
PDEF: 946
FDEF: 843
Reduces Wind damage by 25%

Forward Charge: 210 physical
Sky Charge: 260 physical
Strike: 310 phsical
Spin Attack: 650 physical
Breath: 525 physical/wind, LT (only seems to be able to access this at 50% HP or less)
Howl: Releases 5 lightning bolts that deal 150 wind-based fonic damage for each one that hits, AoE; on average, 1 lightning bolt will strike an individual target

Combo Notes: Forward Charge ---> Strike, Sky Charge (520, 470)
Strike ---> Breath (835)
Spin Attack ---> Strike (860)
Spin Attack ---> Breath (1175)

Hresvelgr 2
HP: 36000
PDEF: 962
FDEF: 853
Takes 25% more damage from Fire
Reduces Water damage by 25%

Vacuum Wave: 330 physical, inflicts Silence ~50%
Feather Skimming: 510 physical/water, AoE
Charge: 460 physical
Breath: 500 physical/water

Average HP faced: 3689

Dist 3
"...So you would really abandon me?!  Then...then I'll fight in earnest as well!"
HP: 110000
PDEF: 1104
FDEF: 861

Charge: 1040 physical
Spin Attack: 720 physical
Vulcan: 750 physical/fire
Drill: 750 physical
Air Laser: 1500 physical, AoE
Ground Laser: 1500 physical, LT

Combo Notes: Drill ---> Air Laser, Spin Attack, Charge (2250, 1470, 1790)
Vulcan ---> Air Laser, Spin Attack, Charge (2250, 1470, 1790)

Average HP faced: 3831

Largo 3
"Well said.  You are a worthy opponent.  En garde!"
HP: 140000
PDEF: 769
FDEF: 593
Reduces Earth damage by 25%
Reduces Fire damage by 50%

Attack Sequence: 1200 physical
Beast: 950 physical
Blazing Talon: 1030 physical/fire, AoE (only seems to be able to access this at 75% HP or less)
Scream Really Loudly and Raise Weapon in a Taunting Pose: Taunts opponent, making them angrier and making Largo look cooler (only seems to be able to access this at 75% HP or less)
Ravaging Thunder: 1360 physical/wind, LT (only seems to be able to access this at 50% HP or less)
Stone Beast: 1340 physical/earth, AoE (only seems to be able to access this at 50% HP or less)
Savage Flame: 1250 physical/fire (only seems to be able to access this at 50% HP or less)
Infernal Blast: 1920 physical/fire, FT (only seems to be able to access this at 50% HP or less)
Brimstone Tempest: 6700 physical/fire (only seems to be able to access this at 25% HP or less)
*Note that Brimstone Tempest can only be used once per battle

Combo Notes: Attack Sequence ---> Beast, Blazing Talon (2150, 2230)
Blazing Talon ---> Savage Flame (2280)
Beast ---> Savage Flame (2200)
Stone Beast ---> Savage Flame (2590)
Attack Sequence ---> Blazing Talon ---> Savage Flame (3480)
Attack Sequence ---> Beast ---> Savage Flame (3400)

Average HP faced: 3894

"...Tttraitorrrr!  Uohh...I wwon't llet the world bbe dddestroyyed..."
HP: 141000
PDEF: 461
FDEF: 1050
Takes 25% more damage from Light
Takes 50% less damage from Dark

Breath: 1410 physical, inflicts Poison/Illness/Slow status ~50%
Negative Gate: 1500 fonic/dark, AoE
Stalagmite: 1330 fonic/earth, AoE
Splash: 1110 fonic/water, AoE
Flame Burst: 920 fonic/fire, AoE
Explosion: 2110 fonic/fire, AoE (only seems to be able to access this at 50% HP and below)
Absolute: 1500 fonic/water, AoE (only seems to be able to access this at 50% HP or less)
Blessed Drops: 1640 fonic/water, AoE (only seems to be able to access this at 25% HP or less)
Bloody Howling: 1960 fonic/dark, AoE (only seems to be able to access this at 50% HP and below)

Average HP faced: 3966

Legretta 3
"The will of the people should be their own!"
HP: 143000
PDEF: 1081
FDEF: 782
Resists Light damage by 50%

Attack Sequence: 900 physical
Searing Sorrow: 2600 physical/fire, AoE (only seems to be able to access this at 75% HP or less)
Rage Laser: 1250 physical/light, LT (only seems to be able to access this at 50% HP or less)
Inlay Nocturne: 2100 physical/light, AoE (only seems to be able to access this at 50% HP or less)
Eclair de Larmes: 810 fonic/light, AoE
Blessed Drops: 760 fonic/water, AoE (only seems to be able to access this at 50% HP or less)
Holy Lance: 1350 fonic/light, AoE (only seems to be able to access this at 75% HP or less)
Prism Ballet: 7900 physical/light (only seems to be able to access this at 25% HP or less)

Combo Notes: Attack Sequence ---> Rage Laser (2150)
Holy Lance ---> Searing Sorrow (3950)

Average HP faced: 4034

Asch 2
"Well said.  I will make those words your last, Replica!"
HP: 60000
PDEF: 697
FDEF: 429

Attack Sequence: 420 physical
Rending Thrust: 460 physical
Havoc Strike: 400 physical
Raging Blast: 570 physical
Light Spear Cannon: 850 physical (only seems to be able to access this at 50% HP or less)
Fang Blade Rage: 1020 physical (only seems to be able to access this at 50% HP or less)
Rending Fang Blade: 1080 physical (only seems to be able to access this at 50% HP or less)
Swallow Fury: 1000 physical (only seems to be able to access this at 50% HP or less)
Explosion: 1000 fonic/fire, AoE
Thunder Blade: 1200 fonic/wind, AoE (only seems to be able to access this at 50% HP or less)
Rending Sabre: 2200 physical (only seems to be able to access this at 25% HP or less)
*Note that Rending Sabre can only be used once per battle

Combo Notes: Attack Sequence ---> Havoc Strike, Rending Thrust, Raging Blast, Light Spear Cannon, Fang Blade Rage, Rending Fang Blade, Swallow Fury (820, 880, 990, 1270, 1440, 1500, 1420)
Attack Sequence ---> Raging Blast ---> Light Spear Cannon (1840)
Attack Sequence ---> Raging Blast ---> Fang Blade Rage (2010)
Attack Sequence ---> Rending Thrust ---> Light Spear Cannon (1730)
Attack Sequence ---> Havoc Strike ---> Fang Blade Rage (1840)
Attack Sequence ---> Havoc Strike ---> Swallow Fury (1820)
Attack Sequence ---> Rending Thrust ---> Swallow Fury (1880)
Attack Sequence ---> Raging Blast ---> Swallow Fury (1990)

Average HP faced: 4376 (solo Luke battle)

Sync 3
"Let's test it.  You, or the empty me.  Let's see which side this world wants to survive!"
HP: 120000
PDEF: 885
FDEF: 620
Resists Light damage by 25%
Resists Wind damage by 50%

Attack Sequence: 1140 physical
Dragon Shot: 1180 physical
Reaper's Toll: 1440 physical
Stone Dragon Ascent: 2450 physical/earth, AoE (only seems to be able to access this at 75% HP or less)
Cyclone Blaze: 2800 physical/fire, LT (only seems to be able to access this at 50% HP or less); the full damage from this move is 4300 if all 8 hits connect - the average is about 2800 with 4 hits
Turbulence: 1030 fonic/wind, AoE
Ground Dasher: 1200 fonic/earth, AoE
Thunder Blade: 1800 fonic/wind, AoE
Absolute: 1400 fonic/water, AoE
Flare Tornado: 1340 fonic/fire, AoE (only seems to be able to access this at 75% HP or less)
Gravity Well: 2150 fonic, AoE, inflicts Slow status ~100% (only seems to be able to access this at 50% HP or less)
Frigid Coffin: 2260 fonic/water, AoE (only seems to be able to access this at 25% HP or less)
"I'll kill you!": Taunts foolish n00bz
Harrowing Gale: 9500 physical (only seems to be able to access this at 50% HP or less)
Akashic Torment: 8200 physical (only seems to be able to access this at 25% HP or less)
*Note that Harrowing Gale and Akashic Torment can only be used once per battle

Combo Notes: Attack Sequence ---> Dragon Shot, Reaper's Toll (2320, 2580)
Reaper's Toll ---> Dragon Shot (2620)
Attack Sequence ---> Stone Dragon Ascent (3590)
Dragon Shot ---> Stone Dragon Ascent (3630)

Average HP Faced: 4156

Van Final Part 1
"I cannot accept perishing early the way you can"
HP: 122000
PDEF: 750
FDEF: 750

Attack Sequence: 900 physical
Radiant Dragon: 1400 physical, LT
Guardian Frost: 2250 physical/water, AoE (only seems to be able to access this at 75% HP or less)
Raging Blast: 1150 physical (only seems to be able to access this at 75% HP or less)
Lightning Tiger Blade: 1800 physical/wind (only seems to be able to access this at 75% HP or less)
Shining Blade: 1300 physical, AoE (only seems to be able to access this at 50% HP or less)
Negative Gate: 1900 fonic/dark, AoE
Ground Dasher: 1600 fonic/earth, AoE
Holy Lance: 2550 fonic/light, AoE (only seems to be able to access this at 50% HP or less)
Infernal Prison: 2700 fonic/fire, AoE (only seems to be able to access this at 25% HP or less)
Imperial Slaughter: 6500 physical (seems to only be able to access this once at 75% HP and 25% HP)
Celestial Elegy: 7100 physical + 4300 MT; note that the 4300 damage cannot reduce targets below 1 HP; the 4300 damage also affects the initial target (only seems to be able to access this at 50% HP or less)
*Note that Imperial Slaughter can only be used 2 times in a battle, at the instances listed (75% and 25% HP); in addition, Celestial Elegy can only be used once per battle

Combo Notes: Attack Sequence ---> Radiant Dragon, Guardian Frost, Raging Blast, Lightning Tiger Blade, Shining Blade (2300, 3150, 2050, 2700, 2200)

Van Final Part 2
"To dispose of you, it appears I must unleash the terrible power within me..."
HP: 152000
PDEF: 850
FDEF: 780

Attack Sequence: 1000 physical
Radiant Dragon: 1600 physical, LT
Guardian Frost: 3100 physical/water, AoE (only seems to be able to access this at 75% HP or less)
Shining Dragon: 1600 physical, FT (only seems to be able to access this at 75% HP or less)
Raging Blast: 1250 physical (only seems to be able to access this at 75% HP or less)
Shining Blade: 1500 physical, AoE (only seems to be able to access this at 50% HP or less)
Lightning Tiger Blade: 2050 physical/wind (only seems to be able to access this at 50% HP or less)
Negative Gate: 2400 fonic/dark, AoE
Ground Dasher: 1900 fonic/earth, AoE
Holy Lance: 3050 fonic/light, AoE (only seems to be able to access this at 50% HP or less)
Judgment: 2250 fonic/fire per hit, MT, averages around 1-2 hits (only seems to be able to access this at 50% HP or less)
Prism Sword: 3500 fonic/light, AoE (only seems to be able to access this at 25% HP or less)
Infernal Prison: 3250 fonic/fire, AoE (only seems to be able to access this at 25% HP or less)
Ancient Requiem: 10000 physical (seems to only be able to access this once at 75% HP and 25% HP)
*Note that Ancient Requiem can only be used 2 times in a battle, at the instances listed (75% and 25% HP)

Combo Notes: Attack Sequence ---> Radiant Dragon, Guardian Frost, Raging Blast, Lightning Tiger Blade, Shining Blade (2600, 4100, 2250, 3050, 2500)
Radiant Dragon ---> Shining Blade (3100)

Average HP Faced: 4240
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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Re: Tales of the Abyss
« Reply #2 on: January 15, 2008, 12:15:25 PM »
Temp stats!  Asch is taken at level 27, along with the rest of the party at the point (Jade, Natalia, Anise).  Yes, his stats are the exact same as Luke's, except he doesn't have a Capacity Core, which hurts him a bit.  His Weapon, Armour and Accessory cannot be changed, though his Armband can (he's equipped with the best armguard possible at this point).  Everyone is using the best storebought or found equipment at this point.   

"Enter the evil noble, Abyss Silver!"
HP: 1813
TP: 160
P. ATK: 427
P. DEF: 203
F. ATK: 157
F. DEF: 198
AGL: 182
ENH: 0

Weapon: Maestro Sword +230 P.ATK
Armour: Maestro Robe +35 P.DEF, +35 F.DEF
Armguard: Steel Bracelet +15 P.DEF
Accessory: Maestro Stone

Attack Sequence: 900 (3 hits)

Fang Blade: 460 (5 TP)
Havoc Strike: 500 (5 TP)
Steel: Raises Critical Rate by ~20% (7 TP)
Raging Blast: 600 (10 TP)
Demon Fist: 420 (6 TP)
Sonic Thrust: 480 (5 TP)
Rending Thrust: 700 (9 TP)

Lightning Blade: 700 physical/wind (11 TP)
Slag Assault: 620 physical/earth (12 TP)
Sonic Blast: 800 (10 TP)
Fang Blade Havoc: 960 (16 TP)
Fang Blade Rage: 950 (21 TP)
Raging Havoc: 1100 (23 TP)

Guardian: Reduces fonic damage by 80%; this works the exact same way as ToS's and ToL's Guardian skills does, in that it is activated to receive the brunt of an attack (30 TP)

Stalagmite: 200 fonic/earth, AoE (14 TP)
Icicle Rain: 100 fonic/water (18 TP)
Thunder Blade: 400 fonic/wind (36 TP)
Explosion: 300 fonic/fire (22 TP)

Rending Sabre: 3000 physical (Requires Asch be in Overlimit; activated by using an Arcane Arte, after completion of which, Rending Sabre kicks in)
*Note that you can't use Mystic Artes until you hit level 30, so this is semi-estimated

Average HP: 1757
Average PDEF: 206
Average FDEF: 229
Average AGL: 176
Average Damage: 1200 (1900 via combos)

And now, for endgame stats:

"I've grown weak..."
HP: 3983
TP: 325
P. ATK: 624
P. DEF: 409
F. ATK: 305
F. DEF: 340
AGL: 358
ENH: 0

Weapon: Maestro Sword +230 P.ATK
Armour: Maestro Robe +35 P.DEF, +35 F.DEF
Armguard: Draupnir +40 P.DEF
Accessory: Maestro Stone

Attack Sequence: 900 (3 hits)

Fang Blade: 460 (5 TP)
Havoc Strike: 500 (5 TP)
Steel: Raises Critical Rate by ~20% (7 TP)
Raging Blast: 600 (10 TP)
Demon Fist: 420 (6 TP)
Sonic Thrust: 480 (5 TP)
Rending Thrust: 700 (9 TP)

Lightning Blade: 700 physical/wind (11 TP)
Slag Assault: 620 physical/earth (12 TP)
Sonic Blast: 800 (10 TP)
Fang Blade Havoc: 960 (16 TP)
Fang Blade Rage: 950 (21 TP)
Raging Havoc: 1100 (23 TP)

Guardian: Reduces fonic damage by 80%; this works the exact same way as ToS's and ToL's Guardian skills does, in that it is activated to receive the brunt of an attack (30 TP)

Stalagmite: 200 fonic/earth, AoE (14 TP)
Icicle Rain: 100 fonic/water (18 TP)
Thunder Blade: 400 fonic/wind (36 TP)
Explosion: 300 fonic/fire (22 TP)

Rending Sabre: 3000 physical (Requires Asch be in Overlimit; activated by using an Arcane Arte, after completion of which, Rending Sabre kicks in)

Average HP: 3689 (3732 w/Asch)
Average PDEF: 482 (472 w/Asch)
Average FDEF: 441 (427 w/Asch)
Average AGL: 384 (380 w/Asch)
Average Damage: 6427 (9204 via combos) [ 5666 w/Asch (8275 via combos w/Asch) ]

Yes, his damage does not change, nor does his equipment.  Quite possibly the most godly temp PC ever.
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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Re: Tales of the Abyss
« Reply #3 on: January 15, 2008, 12:16:34 PM »
<Eph post>

BECAUSE I CAN!  All scaled to endgame stats.  (Use PC averages and such)

Reid Hershel

HP: 80000
Phy Atk: 652
Phy Def: 1130
Mgc Atk: 386
Mgc Def: 541

Reid always opens the fight with Rising Phoneix.

Attack Sequence: 500

Rising Phoenix: 780
Demon Hammer: 786
Sonic Blade (translation error, it's really Lightning Blade): 500
Neo Swarm: 1000
Tempest Strike: 850
Spiral Attack: 620
Neo Tempest Swarm: 1100 (useable at 25% HP):
Demon Lightning Hammer: 950

Combo damage: Attack Sequence+Demon Hammer+Neo Swarm = 2286

Comments:  Not as impressive as you think at first. Most of his strong attacks come off of Hard/Very Hard mode (Burning Phoenix and Aurora Wall) and Unknown (LIFE BOTTLES).  Anyways, solid 2HKO off impressive physical durabilty. Don't let the 80000 HP throw you off, it's rather high for a 4 person boss battle.  Heavy. Better than his ToE form for the reason of boss immunities.

Philia Philis

HP: 50000
Phy Atk: 540
Phy Def: 980
Mgc Atk: 386 (heh, kind of low >.>)
Mgc Def: 941


Bomb Rain: 2600
Philia Bomb: 1200
Flare Tornado, fire elemental: 830
Eurpution, fire elemental: 780
Thunder Blade, wind elemental: 950
Explode, fire elemental (useable only at 50% HP): 1050
Stop Flow (useable at 50% HP): Stops battle temporary, this is like 5 seconds >_>
Meteor Storm (useable at 25% HP, OPB): 1300 per hit. Can hit 1-3 times depending on the enemy.
Holy Lance, Light elemental (useable at 25% HP): 1200


Return of the shy girl with the perverted sword. Anyways, no, that is not a typo. Her best damage is not any shape or form magical, but it's freaking BOMBS.  Yes, she will bomb you to death.  No other outstanding features besides impressive magic defense (she takes half of the damage listed in the Fonic artes PC post). Extreme magical spoilar. Heavy Get your ass an upgrade!

Nanaly Fletch

HP: 70000
Phy Atk: 642
Phy Def: 1030
Mgc Atk: 786 (...)
Mgc Def: 541


Attack Sequence: 250

Storm Glare: 890
Frigid Glare: 650
Negative Gate, dark elemental: 2460
Splash, water elemental: 2260

Combo damage: Attack Sequence+Storm Glare = 1140


Hey, look everybody, it's that ToD2 trash they called Nanaly. Why does she get a cameo?  Well, apparently Tales Studio has a hard-on for archer girls with massive magic attack.  Twice that of Philia?  The hell?  Anyways,  those who don't block dark or water get fried pretty badly.  Low Heavy/High Middle. And Xeroma is probably going to kill me now. *Runs Away*

Mint Adnade

HP: 60000
Phy Atk: 600
Phy Def: 980
Mgc Atk: 386
Mgc Def: 1041

Mint always opens the fight with Acid Rain and never uses it again.


Pow Hammer: 590
Barrier: Raises Phy Def by 20%
Sharpness: Raises Phy Atk by 20% (I never seen mint cast this on herself, might boost the damage of POW HAMMER?!)
Acid Rain: reduces Defense/Magic Defense by 20%


Everyone's favorite NR puny.  Well, what does this form have?  5-6HKO Pow Hammer good enough? No? Besides great Magic defense and decent HP score along with boss immunites, she still pretty bad by Light's standards.  Like Reid, most of her utility awesomeness comes from the harder difficulites where she gains the likes of Cure, Ressurection, and Time Stop.  Prepare the MintAll hype! Light
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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Re: Tales of the Abyss
« Reply #4 on: May 23, 2008, 01:13:29 PM »
I said I'd do this, and so here it is.

Do note that this is in my second playthrough, and my levels are lower than the stats above.
But thanks to Tutti leveling, my damage and everything else is pretty darn similar.
Damages were tested on Beginner's level for Singles in Baticul Arena, and each FoF change was tested at least 5 times, and the damage numbers that appeared most often were taken instead of the average.
I calculated the multipliers so you can choose which damage numbers to use between OK's/Eph's and mines.
Two damage average are posted. One with FoF cancels, and another without.

Also, please note that Tear uses her pendant here, so her spell damage is OBSCENE.

PC Relevant self-doable FoF changes!!

A few notes about FoFs.
Field Of Fonons are basically created when the PC uses an Arte or spell which has some form of element.
An Earth spell creates an Earth FoF, and so on.
If an Arte or spell requires a certain element's FoF to FoF change, and it happened to be used in the FoF, an FoF change occurs and the FoF is used up.
FoF changes generally power up Artes and spells by a certain multiplier, and changes the element of the Arte/spell. Most of the elemental changes are the same as the FoF used, but I'll note if there is any difference.

Another feature to FoFs is that PCs can sort of "FoF cancel", because when doing a FoF change(for ARTES ONLY), the PC acts faster than they normally would.
Depending on your interpretation, you may allow the PC to FoF cancel at the end of the combo for extra damage.
Arte-made FoFs tend to last pretty short by the way, while spells last a long while.
You can argue that an Arte-made FoF won't last long enough for the next turn's full combo, and only limit them to using that one skill.

Luke Fon Fabre
Light: 4 Guardian Fields
Wind: 4 Sonic Blasts
Fire: 4 Devil's Infernoes
Earth: 4 Slag Assaults

Light Spear Cannon -> Light Blast (Wind FoF)(Light elemental) : 3000 -> 5200 : 1.73x
Devil's Inferno -> Devil's Maw(Earth FoF)(Apparently, still fire elemental) : 4400 -> 7200 : 1.64x
Havoc Strike -> Burning Havoc(Fire FoF) : 2100 -> 5600 : 2.67x (WHAT THE)
Fang Blade -> Lightning Tiger Blade(Wind FoF) : 2100 -> 4000 : 1.90x
Swallow Fury -> Shadow Fury (Fire FoF) (Dark elemental): 4900 -> 8200 : 1.67x
Rending Thrust -> Rending Quake (Earth FoF) : 1600 -> 3500 : 2.19x

Luke's best combo damage(average of 4 turns)(FoF cancelling) = 12050 damage.
(Physical combo + Rending Thrust + Devil's Inferno) x 4 + Shadow Fury.
Luke's best combo damage = 10500
Physical combo + Rending Thrust + Swallow Fury.
Luke's best non-combo damage(average of 4 turns, FoF cancelling) = 6450
Devil's Inferno x 4 + Shadow Fury

Tear Grants
Dark : 2 Nightmares
Light : Holy Lance, Grand Cross
Grand Cross damage with the pendant on = 10200

Pow Hammer -> Frozen Hammer(Water FoF) : 1400 -> 1800 : 1.29x
Nocturnal Light -> Inlay Nocturne(Earth FoF) : 2000 -> 3400 : 1.70x
Severed Fate -> Fatal Circle(Wind FoF) : 3000 -> 4300 -> 5000(hits 7-8 times, roughly 650 damage a hit), average 4650 :  1.43x-1.67x, average 1.55x
Banishing Sorrow -> Searing Sorrow(Fire FoF) : 3300 -> 5400 : 1.64x
Holy Lance -> Cluster Raid(Earth FoF): 8000 -> 13000 : 1.63x (Note that it's REALLY HARD TO HIT because of the small aoe)

Tear's best damage(FoF cancelling) = 15600
Grand Cross + Searing Sorrow
Tear's best combo damage(average of 2 turns) = 9740
Grand Cross + Physical chain + Nocturnal Light + Searing Sorrow
Tear's best damage = 10200
Grand Cross.

Guy Cecil
Wind: 4 Severing Winds (Note that Severing Wind's FoF lasts for a long while unlike most other Arte-made FoFs)
Severing Wind's damage tested. Roughly about 3000.
A note about Beast's damage as listed in OK/Eph's stats.
Beast is actually a 3 hit attack, with the first two dealing about 2300 in total, and the final hit does about 3700. The first two hits are REALLY easy to miss unless you chain Beast off of Tiger Blade, which is probably the reason for the mistake.

Void Tempest -> Dragon Tempest : 2200 -> 3200 : 1.45x
Beast -> Thunder Beast : 6000 -> 9100 : 1.52x (yes, Beast hurts like all hell. definitely his best damage)

Guy's best combo damage(average of 4 turns)(FoF cancelling) = 10485
(Physical chain + Void Tempest + Severing Wind) x 4 + Thunder Beast
Guy's best combo damage(average of 5 turns)(Not FoF cancelling) = 9390
(Physical chain + Void Tempest + Severing Wind) x 4 + Physical chain + Tiger Blade(No Void Tempest, or else Dragon Tempest happens) + Thunder Beast
Guy's best combo damage = 11000
Physical chain + Tiger Blade + Beast (Tiger Blade is used because Void Tempest knocks the enemy back, making the first 2 hits of Beast miss)
Guy's best non-combo damage = 6000

Jade Curtiss
Light: Prism Sword
Water: Blessed Drops, Absolute
Earth: Ground Dasher
Fire: Infernal Prison
Wind: Thunder Blade, 4 Thunder Lances

Also tested Meteor Storm. The damage range is HUGE, like between 3900 - 5200+. Averaging that would be about 4550 a hit.
And most enemies don't get hit more than twice. Out of 40 testings, 12 times it hit only once, 25 times did it hit twice, and only 3 times did it hit thrice on the same, human sized, enemy while standing near the middle of the battle screen. So the damage average is either 9100 for 2 hits being most often, or 8076(by calculating the chances).
Standing at the edge, NONE of Meteor Storm's falling rocks of doom would ever hit.
My Jade's damage numbers are pretty close to OK's/Eph's, so it depends on you which Meteor Storm you want to take.
Absolute damage = 5600.

Impaling Heaven -> Goring Hell (Fire FoF) : 2600 -> 3600 : 1.38x
Blessed Drops -> Divine Saber(Wind FoF) : 4000 -> 5500 : 1.38x(If fighting someone large, add about 2400 damage to this number. The first 4 lightning strikes pretty much NEVER hit)
Sovereign Gale -> Mighty Deluge(Water FoF) : 2100 -> 3600 : 1.71x
Thunder Lance -> Lightning Tempest(Wind FoF) : 900 -> 1450 : 1.61x
Sonic Spear -> Crushing Spear(Earth FoF) : 800 -> 1300 : 1.63x
Ground Dasher -> Frigid Coffin(Water FoF) : 6200 -> 8700 : 1.40x
Infernal Prison -> Raging Mist(Water FoF)(And yes, it IS water elemental) : 7600 -> 9800 : 1.38x
Thunder Blade -> Gravity Well(Earth FoF)(the 50% slow status seems to only work like 50% of the time for Jade, unlike Sync) : 5800 -> 7900 : 1.36x

Jade's best average damage(FoF cancelling) = 11200
Infernal Prison + Goring Hell
Jade's best average damage = 9100
Meteor Swarm.

Anise Tatlin
Dark: Bloody Howling
Light: 2 Limiteds
Wind: 4 Surge Breakers

Also tested three of her dolls. The Cless/Cress , Ant Lion and Presea doll.
The Cless/Cress doll raises her crit rate tremendously, like one quarter of the time. This raises her effective PHYSICAL damage by 25%.(I'll refer to him as Cress from here onward. Easier on my eyes, don't ask me why. XD)
The Ant Lion doll pretty much activates every time it's her "turn", so to speak. Probably because of the slow comboes.
The Presea doll gives her the Arcane Arte Beast, which is pretty awesome in terms of damage. It deals about 5800 and works the same way as Guy's. It doesn't have a FoF change like Guy's though.

Bloody Howling -> Maelstrom(Water FoF) : 7400 -> 10200 : 1.37x
Limited -> Spark Wave(Wind FoF) : 2200 -> 6000 : 2.73x(Leh holy shit)
Dragon Surge -> Stone Dragon Ascent(Earth FoF) : 1800 -> 3200 : 1.78x
Dual Punishment -> Lightning Punishment(Wind FoF) : 1700 -> 3200 : 1.88x
Shadow Raid -> Fire Dragon Blast(Fire FoF) : 2200 -> 3700 : 1.68x
Surge Breaker -> Gungnir a Go Go(Wind FoF) : 4900 -> 6800 : 1.39x
Cyclone Shot -> Cyclone Blaze(Fire FoF) : 3200 -> 4700 : 1.47x
Soaring Blast -> Brutal Torrent(Water FoF) : 4700 -> 6200 : 1.32x
Miracle Hammer -> Rock Mountain (Raining Mieu of doom) (Earth FoF) : 6000 -> 8500 : 1.42x

Anise's best combo damage(average of 4 turns)(FoF cancelling) = 11270(14088 with Cress doll)
(Physical chain + Shadow Raid + Surge Breaker) x 4 + Gungnir a Go Go.
Anise's best combo damage = 10470
Physical chain + Shadow Raid + Beast
Anise's best combo damage = 9570(11963 with Cress doll)
Physical chain + Shadow Raid + Surge Breaker
Anise's best non-combo damage (FoF cancelling) = 13600(15150 with Cress doll)
Bloody Howling + Brutal Torrent.

Natalia Luzu Kimlasca-Landalvear
After all the trouble of typing her name, SHE HAS NO FOFS. Unless I've forgotten something, feel free to tell me.

Natalia's best combo damage = 8050
Physical chain + Aerial Laser+ Gallant Barrage.
Natalia's best non-combo damage = 3700
Gallant Barrage.

New damage averages

Damage average(FoF cancelling)= 11916(12175 with Anise crits)

Tear - 15600
(Anise - 15150)
Anise - 13600
Luke - 12050
Jade - 11200
Guy - 11000
Natalia - 8050

Damage average (not FoF cancelling)= 9887(10136 with Anise crits)

(Anise - 11963)
Guy - 11000
Luke - 10500
Anise - 10470
Tear - 10200
Jade - 9100
Natalia - 8050

Average of averages = 10708 (11067 with Anise crits)

Non-combo damage average

Damage average (FoF cancelling) = 9425 (9991 with Anise crits)
Tear - 15600
(Anise - 15150)
Anise - 13600
Jade - 11200
Luke - 6450
Guy - 6000
Natalia - 3700

Damage average (Not FoF cancelling) = 6883
Tear - 10200
Jade - 9100
Anise - 7400
Guy - 6000
Luke - 4900
Natalia - 3700

I knew Tear's damage with the pendant was good, but this is...crazy.
Anise get's a REALLY big damage boost in exchange for extreme tankiness by regen if you let her choose her dolls.
Another thing to note is that Natalia's C.cores stat in the stats above have a mistake. She joins only at level 12, which means you need to take off 24 P.Def and 12 F.Def off her stats.
It'll affect the average somewhat, but it doesn't really matter because defense in TotA BARELY reduces damage.

The mages will love the new, single-skill averages if you let them.
They can abuse their full FoFs straight away for massive FoF-cancelling damage boosts.
« Last Edit: September 27, 2008, 11:30:36 AM by muakaka »


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Re: Tales of the Abyss
« Reply #5 on: May 24, 2008, 03:19:44 AM »
Revive can create a fill Light FOF.

Amber Robe - 51 P.Def, 51 F.Def - 10% Earth reduce.
Carnelian Robe - 26 P.Def 26 F.Def - 10% Fire reduce.
Cerulean Robe - 34 P.Def 34 F.Def - 10% Water reduce.
Feather Robe - 21 P.Def 21 F.Def - 10% Wind reduce.
Mirage Robe - 38 P.Def 38 F. Def - 10% Light reduce
Viridian Robe - 58 P.Def 58 F.Def - 10% Wind reduce.

Mumbane - 95 P.Def - 20% Water/Fire/Light reduce.

Solar Guard - 75 P.Def - 10% Light reduce.

Lunar Guard - 68 P.Def - 10% Dark reduce.

Gloves, Girls only
Feather Gloves - 12 P.Def - 5% Wind reduce.
Kitchen Mittens - 12 P.Def - 5% Fire reduce.
Mirage Gloves - 25 P.Def - 5% Light reduce.
Snow Mittens - 12 P.Def - 5% Water reduce.

Hats, Men only
Hunting Hat - 27 F.Def - 5% Water reduce.
Pointed Hat - 15 F.Def - 5% Earth reduce.
Silk Hat - 33 F.Def - 5% Fire reduce.
Straw Hat - 12 F.Def - 5% Wind reduce.

Ribbons, Girls only
Blue Ribbon - 24 F.Def - 5% Water reduce.
Elemental Ribbon - 50 F.Def - 15% Earth/Water/Fire/Wind reduce. Only one exists and it's in the second playthrough optional dungeon The Abyss, added it only for completions sake.
Green Ribbon - 23 F.Def - 5% Wind reduce.
Orange Ribbon - 12 F.Def - 5% Earth reduce.
Purple Ribbon - 28 F.Def - 5% Dark reduce.
Ribbon - 7 F.Def - 5% Fire reduce.
Yellow Ribbon - 15 F.Def - 5% Light reduce.

Drain Charm - 15 P.Def 15 F.Def - 15% Fire reduce, prevents Weak.
Drain Ward - 5 P.Def 5 F.Def - 5% Fire reduce, 50% chance pf preventing Weak.
Paralysis Charm - 15 P.Def 15 F.Def - 15% Wind resist, prevents Paralysis.
Paralysis Ward - 5 P.Def 5 F.Def - 5% Wind resist, 50% chance of preventing Paralysis.
Poison Charm - 15 P.Def 15 F.Def - 15% Water resist, prevents Poison.
Poison Ward - 5 P.Def 5 F.Def - 5% Water resist, 50% chance of preventing Poison.
Stone Charm - 15 P.Def 15 F.Def - 15% Earth resist, prevents Stone.
Stone Ward - 5 P.Def 5 F.Def - 5% Earth resist, 50% chance of preventing Stone.

Effecti Ring - Reduces all damage by 15% including Elemental. Din's shop so once again only listed for completions sake.
Reflect Ring - Reduces all Elemental damage by 20%. One drops from The God-General Trio, then once again only Din's shop carries them, yay.
Resist Ring - Reduces all Elemental damage by 10%

Aqua Cape - 28 P.Def 14 F.Def - 30% Water reduce.
Earth Cape - 40 P.Def 20 F.Def - 30% Earth reduce.
Elven Cape - 20 P.Def 10 F.Def - 5% Earth/Water/Fire/Wind reduce, increases Agility by 30.
Flare Cape - 23 P.Def 11 F.Def - 30% Fire reduce.
Wind Cape - 34 P.Def 17 F.Def - 30% Wind reduce. One of a kind.

Aquamarine - 50% Water reduce
Garnet - 50% Fire reduce.
Opal - 50% Wind reduce.
Ruby - 50% Earth reduce.

And just for the hell of it
Flamberge - 595 P.Atk - Fire element.
Swordian Dymlos - 750 P.Atk - Fire element.
Vorpal Sword - 630 P.Atk - Water element.

There's only one of both the Flamberge and Vorpal Sword, and the Swordian Dymlos is a Din's shop creation, so none of them are legal ha! On an added note Flamberge can only be gotten after the Vorpal Sword too.

Spears, like Jade would ever need melee for elemental damage!
Efreet - 100 P.Atk 300 F.Atk - Fire element.
Gnome - 100 P.Atk 600 F.Atk - Earth element.
Sylph - 100 P.Atk 700 F.Atk - Wind element.
Undine - 100 P.Atk 250 F.Atk - Water element.


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Re: Tales of the Abyss
« Reply #6 on: May 24, 2008, 04:04:06 AM »
Well, correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't Auto-Life-ish skills....generally considered disallowed?
Well, even considering the full Light FoF, the only available damage-dealing FoFs she has are Voltaic Line, Blast Edge and Astral Laser.

But it doesn't really matter because if she uses one turn of Revive and the next turn to physical chain + skill + FoF change,she
1. burns through her MP in record time.
2. still has better average damage without FoFs

Mainly because Revive doesn't deal damage, and FoF cancelling it doesn't do much good for her.
She's better off sticking to her reliable Suiko-healer-like, limit-dependant, fighting style, even if her damage is crap according to my numbers.


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Re: Tales of the Abyss
« Reply #7 on: May 24, 2008, 05:43:25 AM »
Auto-life skills are allowed, but some function in a way such that they are ineffective in the DL setting.  The classic example is FFT's, where all party members dying is a game over, even if one has autolife (since the revival wouldn't kick in until their next turn, the game over condition still registers).  If an auto-revive works in a way that prevents game over if the user is the last character to die, it's generally seen to work in the arena.
No idea how Tear's functions though.
CK: She is the female you
Snow: Speaking of Sluts!

<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.


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Re: Tales of the Abyss
« Reply #8 on: May 24, 2008, 07:31:07 AM »
It does prevent Game Over.  If the last PC alive has Revive/Angel's Breath/Angel's Tear up, they revive before Game Over.


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Re: Tales of the Abyss
« Reply #9 on: June 09, 2008, 05:15:23 PM »
AD skills time.

Backstop: Dodges backwards. (Pointless!)
Recover: (Even more pointless!)
Critical Guard: Can further reduce damage taken by guarding. (Less pointless but still so!)
Magic Guard: Activates Magic Guard/Guardian for character. (Actually not pointless!)
Free Run: Run in 3D! (Infinite Evade!)
Overlimit: Activates Overlimit. (Already been said!)
Taunt: Increases Overlimit bar by 1/20. (Way to waste 20 turns!)
Special: Activate Mystic Arts. (Kick ass after 20 turns!)

Combo Force: Mitigates damage from a basic combo attack by 10% (Supposedly increases damage.)
Power Charge: Hold down while not attacking or jumping to increase P.Atk for 20 seconds. (Worthless in a duel!)
Critical Up: Increases chance of inflicting Critical Hits. (But too low to do anything!)
Heavy Hit: Increases chance of stunning an enemy with a physical hit. (Luke stun chain hype!?)
Add Combo: Adds an extra attack, making 4 basic. (Already in averages!)
Roll: Reduces damage when hitting the ground. (Broken as hell.)
Guard Plus: Decreases damage taken by guarding even further. (Attacking is still more useful.)
Rear Guard 1: Reduces chance of an enemy causing Guard Break. (Like Guard Break could happen anyway.)
Void Attack: Occasionally prevents staggering when hit with a physical attack. (So pointless.)
Counter: Can attack immediately after guarding. (How dare they make guard useful!)
Pow Hammer: Occasionally counters with pow Hammer. (More Luke stun chain hype! I've only ever seen this activate when Luke's been hit with a  Mystic Arte.)
Item Thrower: Able to use items on an ally. (Meh.)

Roll: Reduces damage when hitting the ground. (Broken as hell.)
Guard Plus: Decreases damage taken by guarding even further. (Attacking is still more useful.)
Rear Guard 1: Reduces chance of an enemy causing Guard Break. (Like Guard Break could happen anyway.)
Void Attack: Occasionally prevents staggering when hit with a physical attack. (So pointless.)
Critical Magic: Inflicts Critical Damage when using a spell attack. (Spells with crits?  Crazy!)
Lucky End: Decreases the paralysis time after casting a spell by 1/4. (The worthlessness.)
Heavy Magic: Increases the chance of stunning the enemy with a spell attack. (Go hog wild.)
Lucky Magic: Occasionally decreases the amount of TP consumption when casting a spell by 1/8. (Oh yes, a Tales fighter running out of resources.)
Void Magic: Occasionally prevents staggering when receiving a spell attack. (GASP!)
Resist: Occasionally prevents status effects. (A useful AD skill?  Shocking.)
Anti Element: Occasionally decreases damage from an elemental attack by half. (Sounds useful, but the activation chance is less then 1%)
Magic Guard Plus: Reduces damage received wile using Magic Guard by 10%. (Why does this have a nice % figure?)
Resurrect: Occasionally revive automatically. (Has around a 5% of working.)
Reflect: Occasionally reflects damage while guarding. (This game uses Occasionally too much.)
Nullify: Occasionally nullifies a spell attack. (Still has a piss poor chance of working, and even then only on Mystic Artes.)
Lucky Soul: Occasionally recovers 5% max TP when knocked to the ground. (Might actually have a whole 1% chance of working!)
Blood Spirit: Recovers 1 TP for each hit received when attacked with a combo of 3 or more hits. (Take that multi-hit games!)
Spell Save: Decreases casting time of same spell if spell is interrupted by an enemy. (Useful as hell in a duel.)
Reducer: Decreases TP consumption by 25% when a spell is used twice in a row. (My god an actually useful skill?  It's been so long...  Also, I can't spell reducer worth a damn apparently.)
Status Guard: Reduces the effect of magical ailments. (Debuffs.)
Condition Guard: Reduces the effects of physical ailments such as poison and weak. (Since ToTA status suck anyways it's hard to gain a measure on how effective this is.)

Combo Force: Mitigates damage from a basic combo attack by 10% (Supposedly increases damage.)
Power Charge: Hold down while not attacking or jumping to increase P.Atk for 20 seconds. (Worthless in a duel!)
Critical Up: Increases chance of inflicting Critical Hits. (But too low to do anything!)
Dash: Increase mobility during battle by 20%. (This is why Guy is so damn fast!  Well, part of it.)
Run away!: Reduces the time needed to escape by 25%. (The exclamation point!)
Comeback: Hit Square repeatedly to shorten stagger period. (Bleh.)
Item Pro: Decreases amount of time character is unable to move after using items by 25%. (Draw your own conclusions.)
O.L. Boost: Increases the duration of Overlimit by 25%. (With Guy's speed he might actually be able to abuse this.)
Landing: Decreases amount of time character is unable to move after landing by 33%. (Take that Street Fighter!)
Quick Turn: Able to turn around instantly even when moving. (Doesn't stack with Run Away!.)
Aerial Jump: Double jump. (Rawr.)
Rebound: Able to attack during the effects of Recover. (So many worthless skills...)
Jump Combo: Able to link air to ground attacks. (Works well with Double Jumping power!)
C. Counter: Damage increases by 25% when hitting an enemy in the middle of an attack. (Slow casters beware.)
Item Rover: Increases chance of stealing an item. (Fell the fear.)
Item Thrower: Able to use items on an ally. (Meh.)

Roll: Reduces damage when hitting the ground. (Broken as hell.)
Guard Plus: Decreases damage taken by guarding even further. (Attacking is still more useful.)
Rear Guard 1: Reduces chance of an enemy causing Guard Break. (Like Guard Break could happen anyway.)
Void Attack: Occasionally prevents staggering when hit with a physical attack. (So pointless.)
Critical Magic: Inflicts Critical Damage when using a spell attack. (Spells with crits?  Crazy!)
Lucky End: Decreases the paralysis time after casting a spell by 1/4. (The worthlessness.)
Heavy Magic: Increases the chance of stunning the enemy with a spell attack. (Go hog wild.)
Lucky Magic: Occasionally decreases the amount of TP consumption when casting a spell by 1/8. (Oh yes, a Tales fighter running out of resources.)
Speed Cast: Decreases spell casting time. (Make Meteor Storm viable.)
Magic Charge: Hold down in increase F.Atk for 20 seconds. (Meh.)

Void Magic: Occasionally prevents staggering when receiving a spell attack. (GASP!)
Resist: Occasionally prevents status effects. (A useful AD skill?  Shocking.)
Anti Element: Occasionally decreases damage from an elemental attack by half. (Sounds useful, but the activation chance is less then 1%)
Magic Guard Plus: Reduces damage received wile using Magic Guard by 10%. (Why does this have a nice % figure?)
Stat Boost: Increases the effect of magical stat boosts. (Team battle hype!)
Life Up: Occasionally increases max HP by .5% after a battle. (This explains her high HP.)
Spirit Healer: Increases Tp recovered after battle by 3%. (Gauntlet run.)
Happiness: Occasionally increases EXP after battle. (There's probably a doujin named Happiness.)
Life Healer: Recovers 6% Max HP after battle. (More gauntlet power.)

Roll: Reduces damage when hitting the ground. (Broken as hell.)
Guard Plus: Decreases damage taken by guarding even further. (Attacking is still more useful.)
Rear Guard 1: Reduces chance of an enemy causing Guard Break. (Like Guard Break could happen anyway.)
Void Attack: Occasionally prevents staggering when hit with a physical attack. (So pointless.)
Immunity: Decreases chance of receiving status effects. (This is an actual good chance, like 50%)
Endure: Decreases amount of time needed to recover from a stagger hit by 1/12. (Oh boy!)
Void Magic: Occasionally prevents staggering when receiving a spell attack. (GASP!)
Resist: Occasionally prevents status effects. (A useful AD skill?  Shocking.)
Anti Element: Occasionally decreases damage from an elemental attack by half. (Sounds useful, but the activation chance is less then 1%)
Magic Guard Plus: Reduces damage received wile using Magic Guard by 10%. (Why does this have a nice % figure?)
Resurrect: Occasionally revive automatically. (Has around a 5% of working.)
Reflect: Occasionally reflects damage while guarding. (This game uses Occasionally too much.)
Nullify: Occasionally nullifies a spell attack. (Still has a piss poor chance of working, and even then only on Mystic Artes.)
Lucky Soul: Occasionally recovers 5% max TP when knocked to the ground. (Might actually have a whole 1% chance of working!)
Blood Spirit: Recovers 1 TP for each hit received when attacked with a combo of 3 or more hits. (Take that multi-hit games!)
Status Guard: Reduces the effect of magical ailments. (Debuffs.)
Condition Guard: Reduces the effects of physical ailments such as poison and weak. (Since ToTA status suck anyways it's hard to gain a measure on how effective this is.)


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Re: Tales of the Abyss
« Reply #10 on: June 10, 2008, 12:16:51 PM »
Alright, now that it's been requested, here's the movement speed tests.
This was done because some people(namely, ME) judge Tales' characters action speed by their movement speed.

Tests were done in Baticuloon, where i murdered all the balloons that stand in the way, and leave a few high up so they don't disturb the character's paths.
This is the time taken in order to get from one end of the field to the other.
Each character's speed was tested at least 5 times, and only the instances where i managed to start and stop the stopwatch accurately were taken.
The figures listed below are averages which are at most 0.1 secs apart, rounded off to the nearest 0.05 seconds.
Do note that the ONLY character with Dash on was Guy, because the rest don't reach the AD skills stat requirement.

Movement speed average = 3.6 s
Guy 2.50
Tear 3.35
Luke 3.50
Natalia 3.75
Jade 3.80
Anise 4.70

Alright, Guy we all know was fastest. Nothing's changed there.
Tear we also knew was quite speedy, so that number's okay.

Luke is a surprise here. I always thought he was much slower than the rest, but his speed.... is above average O_O. I did this an extra 3 times just in case.
The only explanation I can think of is that he takes large steps in comparison to the cast, which makes him APPEAR slower, and that our senses aren't detecting this because of the short time frame.

That.... works opposite for Natalia, it seems. I ALSO thought she was second fastest after Guy, but I suppose it's due to her running style that makes her seem much faster. Another one I did an extra 3 times for.

Jade and Anise are, as expected.

EDIT: Remembering the simple physics formula of Speed = Distance/Time, I came up with some "real" speed numbers in case it's wanted.
Distance is assumed to be 100, but it doesn't matter, since they all ran the same distance. This just clears off some headache for me.

Movement speed average = 27.8
Guy - 40
Tear - 29.8
Luke - 28.5
Natalia - 26.6
Jade - 26.4
Anise - 21.3
« Last Edit: June 10, 2008, 01:04:19 PM by muakaka »


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Re: Tales of the Abyss
« Reply #11 on: September 20, 2008, 08:18:36 AM »
super wanted me to test Harrowing Gale because he's a Sync fanboy.  Got some other random stuff as well.

Harrowing Gale appears to be half wind, half physical.  It also crashes my game if it hits.  Obviously an instant win.
Absolute can only be used under 63,500 HP.
Cyclone Blaze can only be used under 61,000 (NOT 60,000) HP and must be used some time before Harrowing Gale.  (I.e. Harrowing Gale cannot be used until Cyclone Blaze is used at least once.)


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Re: Tales of the Abyss
« Reply #12 on: September 25, 2008, 05:13:49 PM »
That reminds me.

I did some testing with Overlimits to check the boosts, so here it is.
Testing was done in Baticul Coliseum, since the first fight in the Coliseum can use Overlimits. This is the average after 5 tries, rounded off to the nearest 25.

Overlimits info : It's a status that the character/boss enters by using Overlimits. PCs need to fill up the Overlimits bar to do this.
Mystic Artes use up the Overlimits, and do not receive the boosts from Overlimits for the Mystic Arte.
Overlimits deals pathetic damage to surrounding, but guarantees a knockdown. It ALSO cancels off indefinite debuffs like Acid Rain's negative defense. It does not cancel debuffs that do not have a time limit, like the Demon's Seal.
Using Overlimits takes up a fraction of a second(See that as you will, be it turn cancelling or initiative.), and can be used anytime except Knocked Down, even when stunned. The bosses generally like it if you let them start every turn with it.

Overlimits really only applies to the healers of the group, and only a select few bosses.
Unless they're fighting someone with REALLY good durability. Or people with multi-hit attacks to increase the gauge faster.

Bosses that can use Overlimits : Legretta, Reid (Asch and Largo can't on Normal difficulty)
Bosses that absolutely SPAM Overlimits : Sync, Van

Overlimits boost

Damage tests

Damage when not in Overlimits -> Damage when in Overlimits
1200 -> 1475 (Luke physical)
2450 -> 3225 (Light Spear Cannon)
10200 -> 12900 (Grand Cross)

So, both Fonic and Physical attack receives a direct 25% damage boost.

Defense tests

Damage received when not in Overlimits -> Damage received when in Overlimits.
600 -> 300 (enemy slash)
1200 -> 625 (Full Metal Warrior double slash)
1500 ->800 (Castle Golem spin)

Damage dealt to non-Overlimits enemy -> Damage dealt to Overlimits enemy

1200 -> 600 (Luke physical)
500 -> 225 (Luke's physical chain 7th hit)
2700 -> 1425 (Energy Blast)

....Yes, it's quite clear that Overlimits also gives a (for all practical usage) 50% damage reduction in both Physical and Fonic.

Turns TotA bosses extremely tanky all of a sudden, if you allow them.
Even under strict interpretations, however, Sync and Van should at least get it. They're quite prone to spamming Overlimits 3 times in a row for fun.
Van even prioritizes Overlimits before anything other than a MA once his Overlimits runs out.

PC Overlimits

I must be mad to do this, but here it is.
The amount of turns needed to build up the Overlimits bar to the maximum.
I will list the fastest way to raise the bar, followed by the turns needed through optimal damage.
Still doing this, will be complete after i get back from my hometown(in... 2 days?)

I've used Eph's Mystic Arte damage stats except for Tear, since he didn't have the Pendant on.
I did test Tear's and Jade's though, so the numbers will differ from Eph's.

And also, here's the respective kill points for easy reference.
FoF-cancelling(combo) = 29790 (30438 with Anise crits)
Not FoF-cancelling(combo) = 24718 (25340 with Anise crits)
FoF-cancelling(alone) = 23563 (24978 with Anise crits)
Not FoF-cancelling(alone) = 17208 (No changes with Anise crits)

Luke -
6 turns - down attack x 4, Rending Thrust, Light Spear Cannon (8600 damage)
7-8 turns - down attack x 4, Rending Thrust, Devil's Inferno (10000 damage, 7 turns if using FoF cancel to Shadow Fury. +8200 on fourth turn for 18200 there)

Luke's Overlimits turn damage
- Uses attack x 4, Rending Thrust, Devil's Inferno. (Swallow Fury will knock the opponent out of range). Physical Mystic Artes must be chained off an Arcane or FoF change.
Radiant Howl(combo) = 28500 damage
Radiant Howl(alone) = 5500 + 16000 = 21500 damage
Lost Fon Drive(combo) = 36500 damage (Needs low HP, and 100 TP. OPB.)
Lost Fon Drive(alone) = 5500 + 24000 = 29500 damage

Tear -
7 turns - Holy Lance + Fatal Circle (FoF cancelling) (12650 damage)
11 turns - Grand Cross + Searing Sorrow (FoF cancelling) (15600 damage)
11-12 turns - Physical chain + Nocturnal Light + Severed Fate (Not FoF-cancelling)(6680 damage)

Tear's Overlimits turn damage - Innocent Shine cannot be chained, Fortune's Arc is chainable if you allow her to use Judgement right after an action(instant cast here)
Innocent Shine = 13000
Fortune's Arc + Extension(combo) = 49500 (Gives 20% bonus Physical and Fonic attack, and Physical defense. Revives all allies with 50% health, full heals those alive. Needs 100 TP. OPB)
Fortune's Arc + Extension(alone)= 30000 (Read above for buffs)

Guy -
5 turns - attack x 3, Void Tempest, Sword Rain : Alpha (8100 damage)(Blame Sword Rain : Alpha here for the multiple hits)
9 turns - attack x 3, Tiger Blade, Beast (11000 damage)

Guy's Overlimits turn damage - Uses attack x 3, Tiger Blade, Moonlight Demon(Again, Beast knocks them out of range). Brilliant Overlord works the same way as Fortune's Arc.
Razing Phoenix(combo) = 23125 damage, of which 12000 is FIRE damage.
Razing Phoenix(alone) = 4875 + 12000 = 16875 damage
Brilliant Overlord(combo) = 33125 damage (Needs low HP, and 50 TP. Not OPB.)
Brilliant Overlord(alone) = ~22000 damage (Read above)

Jade -
7 turns - Prism Sword + Goring Hell (FoF cancelling)(10800 damage)(Prism Sword. Hits more times than Sword Rain : Alpha.)
8-9 turns - Prism Sword (Not FoF cancelling)(7200 damage)
10 turns - Infernal Prison + Goring Hell (FoF cancelling)(11200 damage)

Jade's Overlimits turn damage
- Sorry, Jade fans. Jade can't chain a Mystic Arte since he needs to cast a spell to do so. You can argue that after a chain, Jade begins Indignation casting, which is uninterruptable, to make his turn faster I suppose?
Mystic Cage = 13500 damage (Full MT)
Indignation = 23000 damage (Will. Rock. Your. World.)(100 TP. Not OPB.)

Anise -
6-7 turns - Bloody Howling, Maelstrom FoF, repeat. (averaged to 8800 damage a turn, Dark then Water damage)
10-11 turns - Bloody Howling + Brutal Torrent (FoF cancelling)(13600 damage a turn, Dark then Water damage)

Anise's Overlimits turn damage - Uses attack x 3, Shadow Raid, Surge Breaker. Damage in [these] are with the Cress doll, and (these) are using the FoF cancelling Bloody Howling + Brutal Torrent. Fever Time is not chainable, and works the same way as Fortune's Arc.
Final Fury + Dying Moon(combo) = 28250 damage - [35300 damage] - (33300 damage) - [(44400 damage)]
Final Fury + Dying Moon(alone) = 22425 damage - [28031 damage] - (33300 damage) - [(44400 damage)]
Fever Time = ~40000 damage (Needs full HP. She'll never see this.)

Natalia -
8-9 turns - physical attack x 3, Gallant Barrage, Aerial Laser (8050 damage) (8 turns if large enemy, + 800 damage. 9 turns if medium/human sized)

Natalia's Overlimits turn damage - Uses physical attack x 3, Gallant Barrage, Aerial Laser. Noble Roar works the same way as Fortune's Arc, except with Piercing Line.
Astral Rain(combo) = 20050 damage.
Astral Rain(alone) = 10000 damage.
Noble Roar(combo) = 28050 damage.
Noble Roar(alone) = 18000 damage. (Needs 50 TP. Not OPB.)

EDIT: Meh, thanks for the reminder. Now only the names are coloured.
« Last Edit: October 11, 2008, 02:35:08 PM by muakaka »