Author Topic: PokeMafia - Day 4  (Read 47162 times)


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Re: PokeMafia - Day One
« Reply #125 on: March 26, 2009, 07:27:01 AM »
Meh.  I have a sore throat and a sniffly nose and still can't sleep and people are still...  I don't follow what exactly the problem is with what I said.  Life sucks sometimes.

I'm repeating myself here but I have nothing better to do while blowing my nose.  I apologize if I come off too snarky here, but since things obviously aren't being communicated well, I feel some snark is required.

Kilgamayan: Like I said before.  I've already explained my very hypothetical, Day1ish argument.  I will be the first to say that it's not foolproof but those are the kind of arguments we have on Day1.  Lynching everyone who proposes a theory is great for scum.  I've also already explained why my comments don't really apply for Xanth, but might make more sense in the case of a hypothetical scumSylon.  Basically:

Scum want to do two things: Appear town and defend their buddies.  When a chance comes along to simultaneously defend their buddies and appear town, then they often take it.  Not always, for sure, as this can lead to its own predictability and WIFOM issues...  but in general.  This is even more true if we are dealing with two small scum teams - a team of 4 scum can afford to spread itself out across the debate early, while 2 scumbuddies need to stick together a bit more, especially due to the risk of randomly getting nightkilled by the other side.

Making a fuss over Sylon would - to me at least - be a town-aligned move.  And if Sylon was scum, then this would fulfill both a scum's goals- defend their buddy without looking too suspicious (to people like me who think lynching a person mostly not around is useless).  Obviously if you don't buy that defending Sylon is particularly town-friendly, ignore this!  But I do.

The same scenario doesn't apply to Xanth, as he doesn't have Sylon's "but he's not here" argument.  (Also Xanth isn't here due to time zones, not an RL issue or illness - presumably he'll be here shortly?  He said he would, at least...)  Someone stepping up to defend Xanth majorly..  well, why?  It could be done, but if Xanth ever flipped, they might look bad.

I also want to stress that this is all based on chances going one way or the other.  Obviously scumbuddies could be in the wrong timezones, making mistakes, not agreeing with what I think, the works, but I stand by "this is likely what would happen in general."  A weak argument?  Perhaps, but it's enough for me.

Excal: Yes I am fighting this one out.  I'm fighting it out because I believe that Day1 matters, and that we should get a good lynch off it, and not sit back and let randomness / scum decide our lynch for us.  I believe Xanth is more likely to be that lynch than Sylon, whose lynch would tell us very little.  (On the bright side, Sylon does not appear to be in nearly as much danger at the moment, albeit at the cost of confirmed townie me now being in the spotlight.)  Of course this is all with the huge asterisk of "if no extension goes through."  Who knows, it's quite possible I'll be hopping on board a new Sylon train after all, but I'd like to see Sylon post again first.

Sir Alex: It's a philosophical issue.  I would have voted Gore in 2000 even if I'd been a Nader supporter (which happily I wasn't).  You note that others believe that too.  If you wish to argue against it, great, but it can't possibly be a scumtell since I would cheerfully repeat the same thing outside of the game and in any game I am in.  (Usual disclaimer: if we have more time such that changing the lynch target is possible, that DOES entirely change the game.  However that is even less true now than it was when I first noted that.)

Ninja'd by Carthrat and Xanth.  Hmm.  Is this really making so little sense?  Yeesh.  I'm not sure what to say.  I'll just repeat again that the exact same logic was used to defend Delta in Simpsons mafia, and I basically agree with it!  Serious mafia philosophy question - is there something I'm just massively missing here as to how the Delta and Sylon cases are being seen differently?  Anyway looks like I need to post again, though preferably after seeing Xanth's post.  Since as I've said before, Xanth was only a "best alternative" lynch to me.


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Re: PokeMafia - Day One
« Reply #126 on: March 26, 2009, 07:28:00 AM »

Yoshiken(0): Bardiche
Snowfire(4): Xanth, Snowfire, SirAlex, Excal, Kilgamayan, Carthrat
Carthrat(1): OblivionKnight
OblivionKnight(0): Excal, Carthrat
Kilgamayan(0): Nietz
Sylon(2): SirAlex, EvilTom, Excal, Carthrat, Ryogo, Nietz
Deltaflyer2k8(1): Sylon, Snowfire, Yoshiken
Xanth(4): Kilgamayan, Meeplelard, Strago, SnowFire, EvilTom
Meeplelard(1): Bardiche, Xanth
QuietRain (0): EvilTom
Ryogo (0): SnowFire

VOTES FOR EXTENSION (9 needed for majority)
(8) : SnowFire, Yoshiken, Nietz, Sylon, Meeplard, Ryogo, EvilTom, Carthrat

Deadline in about half an hour hours at midnight my time.
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Stamp Bear Mud
« Reply #127 on: March 26, 2009, 07:40:00 AM »
First off, do I actually have much in the way to actually defend? I haven't worked my way through all of the posts, but there mostly seems to be an artificial balancing act where I'm 'the best option'. If there's anything you actually want me to answer, list it here or I may well not see it before the end of the day.

The one reason I've seen touted is for tapping Delta back into line, which I look back at and still see as appropriate (which is to say that his were a slightly bigger deal than some have said, and that mine were a considerably smaller deal). I'd say it wasn't even a scum thing, but I did admittedly then say I was reading him on the negative side of neutral later on.

I haven't read it back to the start, but I don't really get where Snow's 'Sylon not here, Xanth is here' part of his reasoning. I can't imagine why I'd want to be here as scum if [by this reasoning] I'd have done a lot better to have just stayed in bed (it would have been natural, after all - I've had to wake myself up hours early to make it) and assumed votes wouldn't come my way. This isn't to say I'm using that as a defence as it stands, just that it doesn't stack with this pile of logic he's constructing.


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Re: PokeMafia - Day One
« Reply #128 on: March 26, 2009, 07:41:18 AM »
As I recall from the prior game, Meeple was caught on day one not so much because he voted for Delta, but because he voted for Delta after outright saying 'Delta is a crappy lynch and the guy I was just voting for is better'.

YOU are suspect for very different reasons, which is calling Sylon townie for not being around and catching heat from several others- when Sylon himself HAS posted and HAS used an active delaying tactic, in the form of 'you post first, I'll go over here.' Your later justifications and arguments have done you no favours.

Ninja by Xanth, yeah I'm not too thrilled about 'he's here!' being an apparently significant chunk of anti-xanth reasoning (which again, doesn't seem to work; doesn't your logic naturally point at someone going after Sylon as likely scum?)


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Re: PokeMafia - Day One
« Reply #129 on: March 26, 2009, 07:42:19 AM »
Carthrat: As a reminder re: changing lynch targets, I had hoped to get to sleep about three hours ago.  I would have been fine with changing my vote to who I actually thought if I felt that I would be able to change it back to a "relevant" vote come deadline if that train did not catch fire, but I didn't think that would happen.  Otherwise...  see comment to Alex re: mafia philosophies.

Otherwise, re Sylon again...  I raise your "what"s right back at you.  SF's defending Sylon so therefore he's scum?  And thinks everyone should agree?  Of course I think everyone should agree.  What kind of person argues a point he doesn't believe in or think is right?  I...  don't follow your post at all.

My own personal inclinations are to suspect scum of those who seem to be wildly misinterpreting what I'm saying, but obviously townies are apparently included in that group as well, so...  yeah.  I expect disagreement but I fail to see the logic against me here even a little bit.

As for follow your heart thoughts...  I may have to retract what I said about Excal having a townie vibe before.  Complaining about the lack of serious mafia is an easy thing to do to get townie points, and to some extent Excal has, I feel, chipped in throughout the thread to me-too somewhat.  Including me-tooing against me, so yes I'm somewhat biased, but there you go.  I think I may have cooled on Sir Alex suspicions - this could be a town-town dispute gone wrong - and Carthrat...  I suppose my read on him depends on how it is that everyone else has been seeing my argument.  I'm not sure if everyone's just misinterpreting it, or it actually is bad, or if it just doesn't vibe with the philosophies resident here.

So yeah, now that we have at least a few more posts to work with (Though there could be more with an extension..), I'll lightly suspect Excal.  I'm fine with changing my vote if enough others are willing to do so before deadline.

Ninja by Carth and Xanth again, will get to in next post.


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Re: PokeMafia - Day One
« Reply #130 on: March 26, 2009, 07:43:41 AM »
Back on a computer now.
Just quickly: Xanth, I assume you're going to switch votes to Snow?
Argh keep getting ninja'd.
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Ceremony Roof Hammer
« Reply #131 on: March 26, 2009, 07:45:10 AM »
There's now no reason for me not to:

##Unvote: Meeple
##Vote: Snow

...which I guess I'll post again without adding commentary yet since immediate ninjas want to know. As I said, posting in bits and pieces, more to follow.


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Re: PokeMafia - Day One
« Reply #132 on: March 26, 2009, 07:45:54 AM »
Actually, I've often found it equally likely that on Day 1, scum will either defend their buddies, or gleefully bury them.  All three of the successful Day 1's I can think of have involved Scum on that train somewhere, two of them having been started by one of the scum and successfully led by that fellow scum.  So I do have to disagree that defending a scumbuddy is actually a guaranteed goal for scum on Day 1.

Next up, after explaining in detail why scum would want to be very sure to stick up for each other, you then go on to explain why this particular instance of you sticking up for Sylon is not, in fact, scummy.  But this contradicts your earlier post.  Especially since the way you've gone about it has shown that it in fact does not come across as overly townish to do so.

Your point to me fails in that you have given no compelling reason that Sylon is town.  Only an argument that we would gain nothing from it, and that we'd gain more from lynching the active poster as opposed to the inactive poster.

And your point to Alex fails in that when you started on Xanth with the claim that it had to be him or Sylon, there were no votes on you.  Now Sylon is safe, and you are tied with Xanth.  Obviously, with a good argument there was more than enough time to fight for somebody who people felt was actually scummy.  Which means that either you didn't have a good argument, or that you wanted us to think we had no choice.  Both of which make Xanth seem a very poor choice for our lynch if even the most vocal proponant of his lynch cannot give good reason for it.  It also makes a mockery of your statement that you believe we should fight for Day 1, when you aren't even willing to fight for who you feel is the scummiest, going for someone you feel isn't especially scummy instead.

NInja'd, will read after posting


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Re: PokeMafia - Day One
« Reply #133 on: March 26, 2009, 07:47:04 AM »

Yoshiken(0): Bardiche
Snowfire(5): Xanth, Snowfire, SirAlex, Excal, Kilgamayan, Carthrat, Xanth
Carthrat(1): OblivionKnight
OblivionKnight(0): Excal, Carthrat
Kilgamayan(0): Nietz
Sylon(2): SirAlex, EvilTom, Excal, Carthrat, Ryogo, Nietz
Deltaflyer2k8(1): Sylon, Snowfire, Yoshiken
Xanth(4): Kilgamayan, Meeplelard, Strago, SnowFire, EvilTom
Meeplelard(0): Bardiche, Xanth
QuietRain (0): EvilTom
Ryogo (0): SnowFire

VOTES FOR EXTENSION (9 needed for majority)
(8) : SnowFire, Yoshiken, Nietz, Sylon, Meeplard, Ryogo, EvilTom, Carthrat

Deadline in about 15 minutes at midnight my time.
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Re: PokeMafia - Day One
« Reply #134 on: March 26, 2009, 07:52:49 AM »
I'd humbly suggest as an alternative, Xanth, that you vote for the extension after all.  Yes, you can cast what might the finishing vote against me....  or we can see if anything new has popped up in another day.   (NINJA: Already done, that works.)

Yeesh.  Let me say in case I do end up getting lynched: The reason I caught heat in the first place was supporting a lynch which I never particularly wanted to be a part of.  I've already explained several times before that voting Xanth was only a second-best option in the case of there being no time, i.e., no extension.  I stil think it's not a great lynch.  But it seemed the only option where my vote would have weight.  I never claimed that my logic was bulletproof - hell, it's entirely a play the percentages deal.  But...  oh, meh. I've already said my piece.

Excal: But I'm not a vocal proponent of Xanth's lynch!  I'm a vocal proponent of an extension so we can find a better target than Xanth to lynch!  Come on, that's an easy one.


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Re: PokeMafia - Day One
« Reply #135 on: March 26, 2009, 07:54:45 AM »
Also, Excal.  I obviously believe that fighting for a good Day 1 lynch meant not lynching Sylon before he could respond.  Which it seems we won't do!  On the downside we lynched sure town, but so it goes.

I'll roleclaim if no one wants to step in for a last-minute extension.


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Re: PokeMafia - Day One
« Reply #136 on: March 26, 2009, 07:55:18 AM »
- Bardiche: Gets after Meeple for not reading the rules. Supposedly he was unaware that Meeple did not reada the rules, but Bard still unvoted after Meeple explained he did not read the rules, implying that it was an important point. Why does logic that contradicts the rules scummy?

It is not the logic that contradicts the rules that is scummy, it is the inattention to the rules, the suggestion that we should lynch someone just for the sake of lynching, but worded as
"Vote on Sylon cause he has votes" just to get a lynch in doesn't seem like a bad idea

which makes me wonder why it is not a bad idea to lynch a random person for the sake of lynch.

##EXTENSION, I'm going to need one as I'll depart for school now and I feel sufficient discussion is on-going to warrant it.


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Re: PokeMafia - Day One
« Reply #137 on: March 26, 2009, 07:56:27 AM »
Why is inattention to the rules scummy?

[22:28:39] <Edible> Mafia would be a much easier game if we were playing "spot the asshole"


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Re: PokeMafia - Day One
« Reply #138 on: March 26, 2009, 07:57:13 AM »
QuietRain (0): EvilTom
I hate to be fussy over small things, but that wasn't actually me.

Re: Anti-Snow - I can see where people are coming from. But, in my mind, it only works if Snow and Sylon are a scumteam. For a scum Snow, Sylon has to be scum, otherwise why would Snow go to such an extend to save a scumbuddy as to get himself killed (which would mean his own deaht). So if Snow flips scum, are the people on the snowtrain currently willing to lynch Sylon tomorrow? If yes, then why weren't you willing to do so today? I know I wouldn't be willing to lynch Sylon based on his (in)actions, so by extension, that argument doesn't work for me against Snow.
That's the reason why I'm not seeing Snow as scum - I don't see the scum connection or the motive.

And yeah, I admit the case on Xanth is also weak. Weak cases all round. Argh so many ninjas.
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Re: PokeMafia - Day One
« Reply #139 on: March 26, 2009, 07:57:44 AM »
Also goddamnit I stayed up this late because I expected the day to end tonight.

What a goddamn waste of sleep time.

[22:28:39] <Edible> Mafia would be a much easier game if we were playing "spot the asshole"


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Re: PokeMafia - Day One
« Reply #140 on: March 26, 2009, 07:58:32 AM »
Okay, I owe you one Bardiche.

Time to take another shot at getting to sleep.  Will be more than happy to respond tomorrow as to things.  Also, to put my money where my mouth was before....

##UNVOTE: Xanth
##VOTE: Excal


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Re: PokeMafia - Day One
« Reply #141 on: March 26, 2009, 07:58:47 AM »
And that makes majority.  Extension asked for and granted.  24 hours for all.
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Re: PokeMafia - Day One
« Reply #142 on: March 26, 2009, 07:59:24 AM »
Except that past experience has shown that extensions only delay the flip, they do jack all to actually help town.  As such, they're actually more useful to scum because it leads to burn out by making sure Town gets to go through this intensely stressful near the end of day turmoil twice.  This leads to burn out, burn out leads to town hunting less well.

Also, we've shown that it was not too late when you started on Xanth by turning the Sylon train around, and starting yours.  Hell, last game had the same thing happen to at least Andy, with Yoshi pulling his lynch out of nowhere at the last second.  Your words ring hollow, Snow.

Edit: Fuck.  There's goes the flip.  Anyways, I won't be here for day end tomorrow.  And I was mostly staying on for the damned flip.


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Shrapnel Duke Jumper
« Reply #143 on: March 26, 2009, 07:59:59 AM »
What I'm seeing immediately from Snow is a lot of flangy logic, from which I can see how he's put his foot in it, but I'm not sure I weigh much of it heavily against him so long as he's then talked out of it. What I immediately don't like, however, is the passing off this train as the 'only' choice in a responsibility-evading manner.

...grand, last minute extension. Can't say I'm happy with that at all (day one will continue to be day one, and I'll probably need to set my alarm again), but it's reason enough for me to stuff writing the rest of this now and go back to bed.

Ninjad so many times it hurts.


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Re: PokeMafia - Day One
« Reply #144 on: March 26, 2009, 08:00:46 AM »
Seconding Kilga.  Yay, now we get to hang around for 12 hours debating.... nothing new.  Whelp.  

How bout some more people vote Snow so we can get a majority lynch on him?  I have nothing else in particular to post.


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Re: PokeMafia - Day One
« Reply #145 on: March 26, 2009, 08:03:07 AM »
- Bardiche: Asks Xanth about his switch, citing that nothing had changed with Meeple since Xanth's last post. I thought Xanth made it pretty obvious why the switch was made when he mentioned that the Snow case wasn't going anywhere, and I question why that didn't register in Bard's mind.

It did register to my mind, but the point of my query was to see whether he had had any other reasons. As it stands he says he felt more comfortable pursueing Meeple because someone else did, and so I learned new information.

I'll expand that when I return.


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Re: PokeMafia - Day One
« Reply #146 on: March 26, 2009, 08:10:09 AM »
That couldn't wait until Day 2?

Ugh, fuck me. I'm going to bed.

[22:28:39] <Edible> Mafia would be a much easier game if we were playing "spot the asshole"


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Re: PokeMafia - Day One
« Reply #147 on: March 26, 2009, 09:04:20 AM »
Clinic closes in 20 minutes, so I've got to rush out. Will post once I've returned.


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Re: PokeMafia - Day One
« Reply #148 on: March 26, 2009, 10:06:46 AM »
Sir Alex: This is what I don't get.
This will be my last attempt to explain myself as I sadly am unable to find sleep.  Let's rate people on a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being confirmed town and 10 being surely scum.

Xanth is average - 5.
Sylon is, to me, mildly townie - 4.
SnowFire is extremely townie - 0.
SirAlex is, to me, mildly scummy - 6.

If the choice is between Xanth and Sylon - well, 5>4 !  Thus it may make sense to vote for a "random" - if the only other options are even worse.

5>4 Correct.

6>5 Correcter. (yay for made-up words)

You state that you believe Sir Alex to be scummier than Xanth, and yet you do not explain why, or why Xanth is more scummy than Sylon, or why you think sylon is townie.

Can you please rectify this, as I am confused. Snowfire does not offer a half-decent explanation at all. His almost half-assed explaination was here:

Sir Alex: It's a philosophical issue.  I would have voted Gore in 2000 even if I'd been a Nader supporter (which happily I wasn't).  You note that others believe that too.  If you wish to argue against it, great, but it can't possibly be a scumtell since I would cheerfully repeat the same thing outside of the game and in any game I am in.  (Usual disclaimer: if we have more time such that changing the lynch target is possible, that DOES entirely change the game.  However that is even less true now than it was when I first noted that.)


Anyways: ##VOTE: Snowfire
Do I really look like I have a clue?


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Re: PokeMafia - Day One
« Reply #149 on: March 26, 2009, 12:59:46 PM »
I can't say I like how the Sylon wagon has waned without him having to do anything. And I like even less how SnowFire argues that Sylon is town exactly for doing nothing.
In fact, pretty much everything SF has said is one of the messier bunchs of contradictions I've ever seen, as a lot of people have pointed out.
The only reasons I have not to vote him right now is that I frankly don't see why scum would expose themselves so much on Day 1, and that I don't want to give Sylon a free pass for active lurking. I know he's sick and all, but as someone said, scum can get sick too, and if he could get online he could at least have posted something earlier.
Also, I noticed that OblivionKnight and Strago have tried to keep a particularly low profile as well, specially the later. I just think Sylon's case is worse right now for actively trying to keep it down even when the attention was onto him.