The thing that makes me leerey about OK (compared to Alex) is that Alex has been actually consistently active, where as OK has been kind of hanging back the entire game, and popping in. RL Issues, maybe, but still...
I mean, from what I saw, it was basically the few people speaking on Day 2, which wasn't a lot, but still there was some discussion. Alex was one of those people, and trying to promote discussion. He claims Cop, exclaiming he doesn't want to see the day end due to a Modkill, and his cop-claim came true, so he has some credit thre.
OK though? comes out of nowhere, counter claims Cop and states "You are scum Alex!" He didn't do anything before that, from my recollection (gonna go back and check through Day 2, but given how Day 2 went, I don't think he said anything), and he even twisted Alex's words through this:
What Alex said: I have cop powers; I am not revealing how many shots I have left, if any, and I already used one.
What OK claimed Alex said: Alex claims to not know how many shots he has left, which goes against the "No Hidden Roles!" aspect.
He tried using that argument AGAINST Alex even, claiming the Cop Claim was suspicious since Alex "didn't know how many uses he had" but that's not what Alex said; Alex clearly stated (I read the line myself recently, mind) that he has x amount of shots, but he isn't revealing what x is.
This is why OK feels off. He comes out of nowhere to counter-claim Cop, claiming the Cop is scum, and used a "He sees Shirts!" excuse too, not quite explaining how that works (we're Pokemon, after all, we don't wear shirts!), and he contributed nothing else that day beyond that claim. Alex was contributing throughout the day. And Xanth's flip did in fact hold true to Alex's claim, so Alex does have some credibility there.
I'm thinking "OK is a God Father" is a very likely scenario, which would explain why he didn't die to my Vig, though its possible he merely got protected as well; I really don't know though. I just really don't like how OK looks, basically, and were it not LYLO, I'd vote him now.