
Author Topic: Music Tournament of DOOM Vol. 2 ~Pool 4~  (Read 5086 times)


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Re: Music Tournament of DOOM Vol. 2 ~Pool 4~
« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2009, 06:11:18 AM »
Because doing things in the wrong order is fun.  Still some really good tracks here, but more erratic than pools 1 and 2.

The Bird Chirps, I Sing (Tales of Legendia) vs. Requiem (Super Robot Wars F Final) - Perhaps the next time this gets run, any ToL noms get byes into round 3 or something?  Requiem's good for what it is, and The Bird Chirps isn't anywhere near the best song on Legendia's soundtrack, and this still isn't close.
Over the Wind (Wild ARMs 4) vs. Hometown (Silent Hill 3) - Hometown is not my style.
Love & Death (Age of Wonders) vs. Godsibb (Xenosaga 3) - Wow, major props to whoever nommed Love & Death (checking...  Flaya, apparently).  Easily the best piece on the Age of Wonders soundtrack, and the only problem is that the main game doesn't use it nearly enough.  In fact, I'm not sure it uses it at all?  It played a bunch in the demo, I remember, but while it came installed with the game in the music folder, it didn't play nearly enough in the game.  Music tournies tend to favor "event" pieces, but I seriously respect a good background track that can get you ready to defend the homeland and conquer the bad guys.  That said it came up against Godsibb, which while not quite perfect, is still awesome.
Protecting my Devotion (Final Fantasy IX) vs. Idola the Strange Fruits (Phantasy Star Online Episode 3) - Idola did pretty well last time, right?  Mildly tempted to antivote it in favor of something new, but the quality difference is too big here.
A HOT CRASH!! (Grandia 3) vs. Kimi no Kioku (Persona 3) - The Persona track isn't bad, though the later verses need to mix things up more.  But G3's boss theme was excellent.
Wings(US Vocal) (Wild ARMs 3) vs. Battle Hymn of the Soul/Battle for Everyone's Souls (Persona 3) - You know, I have to admit liking Wings, but as a guilty pleasure because I know the singer is not actually good.  Not as much on the Everyone's Souls hype train, but it still collects a clean victory here.
Radical Dreamers - Without Taking the Jewel (Chrono Cross) vs. Coin Song (Final Fantasy VI) - Checking....  Noriko Mitose also did that remix of EXEC_SPHILIA and Mana Khemia's STIGMATA, too, both of which were surprisingly great.  Clearly she needs to do more video game work.
Disappeared (Kingdom Hearts) vs. Twilight of the Anti-Hero (Wild ARMs XF) - Twilight is only okay, though I will grant that it's got a cool bit towards the very end.  Meanwhile, Disappeared is...  also only okay?  I guess Shimomura has off days too.

Dark World (Final Fantasy VI) vs. Slam Shuffle (Final Fantasy VI) - A) Why is Dark World in the failure bracket?  Moody piano, atmospheric, it works.  B) Why is Zozo's music in the failure bracket?  It's supposed to be sleazy.  Anyway, I can do without sleazy much more than good melancholy, so Slam Shuffle "loses."

Rinne no Hate ni (Tsukihime) vs. Outer Senshi Theme (Sailor Moon) - Odd pick from Tsukihime?  It's pretty, but perhaps a bit too placid for my tastes - it's almost a lullaby.  I'm not sure what to make of the Sailor Moon piece, meanwhile, so prettiness wins the day.
Love Song (Gasaraki) vs. Jounetsu (Tokyo Underground) - Ow, I don't like the singing in Jounetsu.  Love Song was one of the mild saving graces of Gasaraki.  (Off topic: Through accidental scientific study, Gasaraki exactly defines the anime mediocrity line - it is as bad as possible while still being basically watchable all the way to the end, rather than causing the viewer to give up in disgust.)

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Re: Music Tournament of DOOM Vol. 2 ~Pool 4~
« Reply #2 on: March 25, 2009, 06:22:01 AM »
The Bird Chirps, I Sing (Tales of Legendia) vs. Requiem (Super Robot Wars F Final) - Ah, so that's Requiem, thought it was something else for some reason.  Bird is nice, but I don't think it's enough here.

Over the Wind (Wild ARMs 4) vs. Hometown (Silent Hill 3) - Over the Wind isn't impressive, but Hometown is even less so.

Love & Death (Age of Wonders) vs. Godsibb (Xenosaga 3) - Huh, Love & Death is better than I remember it being.  Certainly a lot *longer* than I remember it being as well.  At any rate, enough to outdo Godsibb?  I think I'll go with yes.

Protecting my Devotion (Final Fantasy IX) vs. Idola the Strange Fruits (Phantasy Star Online Episode 3) - Yeah those are some strange fruits alright.  Pretty good, too.  Beats whatever will wind up winning the above match.

A HOT CRASH!! (Grandia 3) vs. Kimi no Kioku (Persona 3) - And here we have a thrilling matchup of lamery!  Hot Crash is nowhere near as exciting as advertized, and Kimi no Kioku sounds like a boring ending song.

Wings(US Vocal) (Wild ARMs 3) vs. Battle Hymn of the Soul/Battle for Everyone's Souls (Persona 3) - Wings is meh.  BfES is pretty good, meanwhile.

Radical Dreamers - Without Taking the Jewel (Chrono Cross) vs. Coin Song (Final Fantasy VI) - Not a fan of Coin Song.

Disappeared (Kingdom Hearts) vs. Twilight of the Anti-Hero (Wild ARMs XF) - Yep.

Dark World (Final Fantasy VI) vs. Slam Shuffle (Final Fantasy VI) - Slam Shuffle is down here?  I think it's more cheesy than actual fail, but whatever.  I hate Dark World pretty passionately, so yeah.

Rinne no Hate ni (Tsukihime) vs. Outer Senshi Theme (Sailor Moon) - Eh.

Love Song (Gasaraki) vs. Jounetsu (Tokyo Underground) - Matchup of meh and fail.

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Re: Music Tournament of DOOM Vol. 2 ~Pool 4~
« Reply #3 on: March 25, 2009, 06:31:44 AM »
Protecting My Devotion - Going for the old favourite today, plus underdog vote. Very close to me.
A Hot Crash - I really don't care for most P3 music, whereas Hot Crash is the type of boss theme I dig.
Wings - Probably the best WA vocal, which is a bit of a backhanded compliment but y'know, it's still solid enough. DDR music is better than most P3 music because DDR > P3, but it's still nothing special.
Coin Song - Average > below average.
Twilight of the Anti-Hero - Disappeared needed to really, really wow me to have a chance. Then it started out bad. It does get somewhere, but it's not exactly special even then... so yeah, slaughter.

Dark World - Has noooo value whatsoever outside the game. I actually like Slam Shuffle, or I'd consider Dark World's in-game value to have at least some merit, but yeah, too bad.

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Re: Music Tournament of DOOM Vol. 2 ~Pool 4~
« Reply #4 on: March 25, 2009, 07:57:08 AM »
The Bird Chirps, I Sing (Tales of Legendia) vs. Requiem (Super Robot Wars F Final): Ah, I remember this one from the last tourney. It's neat.
Over the Wind (Wild ARMs 4) vs. Hometown (Silent Hill 3): Man, it's like a spaghetti western themesong. I've always liked the melody in the WA song, but this is pretty cool.
Love & Death (Age of Wonders) vs. Godsibb (Xenosaga 3): Sounds like it could be the end credits music to a movie circa 1990. I'm thinking of Mogwai getting his ass kicked at the end of Last of the Mohicans now. That's good enough for a win.
Protecting my Devotion (Final Fantasy IX) vs. Idola the Strange Fruits (Phantasy Star Online Episode 3): Someone needs to send me this, dammit. Anyway...I like the FFIX track. It has personality. But Idola is more my style.
A HOT CRASH!! (Grandia 3) vs. Kimi no Kioku (Persona 3): Both of them suck. Hot Crash ends faster.
Wings(US Vocal) (Wild ARMs 3) vs. Battle Hymn of the Soul/Battle for Everyone's Souls (Persona 3): Always been a fan, and we saw plenty of its opposition last tourney.
Radical Dreamers - Without Taking the Jewel (Chrono Cross) vs. Coin Song (Final Fantasy VI): It takes a lot to top the harmonies near the end of Radical Dreamers. Coin Song's nice, but SNES synth just isn't up to the task.
Disappeared (Kingdom Hearts) vs. Twilight of the Anti-Hero (Wild ARMs XF): Much more focused. Pretty easy win.

Dark World (Final Fantasy VI) vs. Slam Shuffle (Final Fantasy VI): Eh. For all that Dark World is perfectly suitable for when and where it plays in-game, it suffers vastly more than Slam Shuffle when taken out of the game.

Rinne no Hate ni (Tsukihime) vs. Outer Senshi Theme (Sailor Moon): Huh, never heard the full version of the Tsukihime track before. Rather think that one verse of it was enough. Still, the SM track is a jumble (with some nice parts, I suppose, but not until halfway through).
Love Song (Gasaraki) vs. Jounetsu (Tokyo Underground): Prettier and doesn't start with that singing-into-a-fan nonsense.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2009, 07:58:48 AM by El Cideon »


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Re: Music Tournament of DOOM Vol. 2 ~Pool 4~
« Reply #5 on: March 25, 2009, 08:06:36 AM »
The Bird Chirps, I Sing (Tales of Legendia) vs. Requiem (Super Robot Wars F Final) - Hmm, neither one is that good, and they're both kind of similar.  But the SRW piece doesn't get on my nerves, while Bird Chirps does a bit.
Over the Wind (Wild ARMs 4) vs. Hometown (Silent Hill 3) - ...  It's like they took the SH1 intro, made the music worse, then added distracting lyrics.  Sadly, bland but effective beats fallen awesome.
Love & Death (Age of Wonders) vs. Godsibb (Xenosaga 3) - Doesn't take forever to go nowhere.
Protecting my Devotion (Final Fantasy IX) vs. Idola the Strange Fruits (Phantasy Star Online Episode 3) - I do like Idola, but Beatrice is just better.
A HOT CRASH!! (Grandia 3) vs. Kimi no Kioku (Persona 3) - Hmmm...  Good memories.  Yeah, Kimi no Kioku just brings back that pleasent feeling of something that took a lot of time and some effort, but was worth it.  And while Hot Crash is good, I'm not sure anything can beat something that can evoke that emotion on technical merit alone.
Wings(US Vocal) (Wild ARMs 3) vs. Battle Hymn of the Soul/Battle for Everyone's Souls (Persona 3) - Huh...  if that had been the regular opening song, it'd have taken it.  But I like this one a lot less, and once Battle for Everyone's Souls gets going, it's pretty good.  Then again, I am a shameless piano/chant whore.
Radical Dreamers - Without Taking the Jewel (Chrono Cross) vs. Coin Song (Final Fantasy VI) - I am also a shameless acoustic guitar whore.
Disappeared (Kingdom Hearts) vs. Twilight of the Anti-Hero (Wild ARMs XF) - Eh, I can appreciate what Disappeared is going for.  Just, the tension it builds needs something else for you to focus on as it's clearly a background piece.  TotAH gets it for being better stand-alone.

Dark World (Final Fantasy VI) vs. Slam Shuffle (Final Fantasy VI) - Dark World >> Bird Chirps.

Rinne no Hate ni (Tsukihime) vs. Outer Senshi Theme (Sailor Moon) - Just like it more.
Love Song (Gasaraki) vs. Jounetsu (Tokyo Underground) - The first one is kinda generic, and while Jounetsu isn't much special, it's very well put together and catchy.

Cid, just right click and choose properties, it'll tell you what the url of the song is and you can download it from there.


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Re: Music Tournament of DOOM Vol. 2 ~Pool 4~
« Reply #6 on: March 25, 2009, 08:45:35 AM »
The Bird Chirps, I Sing (Tales of Legendia) vs. Requiem (Super Robot Wars F Final)- Even though not the best of ToL, it is still better than a lot of other things

Over the Wind (Wild ARMs 4) vs. Hometown (Silent Hill 3)- Dislike both, I'll just give the losing one a hand.

Love & Death (Age of Wonders) vs. Godsibb (Xenosaga 3)- Moody, climatic, and emotional too.

Protecting my Devotion (Final Fantasy IX) vs. Idola the Strange Fruits (Phantasy Star Online Episode 3)- Likes both, but Idola is just a level higher.

A HOT CRASH!! (Grandia 3) vs. Kimi no Kioku (Persona 3)- This is more
 about anti voting the P3 song.

Wings(US Vocal) (Wild ARMs 3) vs. Battle Hymn of the Soul/Battle for Everyone's Souls (Persona 3)- And was never a fan of Battle for Everyone's Soul either.

Radical Dreamers - Without Taking the Jewel (Chrono Cross) vs. Coin Song (Final Fantasy VI)- SFC quality hurts here....

Disappeared (Kingdom Hearts) vs. Twilight of the Anti-Hero (Wild ARMs XF)- Disappeared is moody, but didn't exactly capture the ambiance it is aiming for.  While Twilight of the Anti-Hero simply accomplishes what it suppose to do.


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Re: Music Tournament of DOOM Vol. 2 ~Pool 4~
« Reply #7 on: March 25, 2009, 02:14:02 PM »
The Bird Chirps, I Sing (Tales of Legendia) vs. Requiem (Super Robot Wars F Final)
Over the Wind (Wild ARMs 4) vs. Hometown (Silent Hill 3)
Love & Death (Age of Wonders) vs. Godsibb (Xenosaga 3)
Protecting my Devotion (Final Fantasy IX) vs. Idola the Strange Fruits (Phantasy Star Online Episode 3)
A HOT CRASH!! (Grandia 3) vs. Kimi no Kioku (Persona 3)
Wings(US Vocal) (Wild ARMs 3) vs. Battle Hymn of the Soul/Battle for Everyone's Souls (Persona 3)
Radical Dreamers - Without Taking the Jewel (Chrono Cross) vs. Coin Song (Final Fantasy VI)
Disappeared (Kingdom Hearts) vs. Twilight of the Anti-Hero (Wild ARMs XF)

Dark World (Final Fantasy VI) vs. Slam Shuffle (Final Fantasy VI)

Rinne no Hate ni (Tsukihime) vs. Outer Senshi Theme (Sailor Moon)
Love Song (Gasaraki) vs. Jounetsu (Tokyo Underground)

(Off topic: Through accidental scientific study, Gasaraki exactly defines the anime mediocrity line - it is as bad as possible while still being basically watchable all the way to the end, rather than causing the viewer to give up in disgust.)

This is my opinion on Tokyo Underground as well.  Weird.


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Re: Music Tournament of DOOM Vol. 2 ~Pool 4~
« Reply #8 on: March 25, 2009, 04:53:41 PM »
The Bird Chirps, I Sing (Tales of Legendia) vs. Requiem (Super Robot Wars F Final)
Over the Wind (Wild ARMs 4) vs. Hometown (Silent Hill 3)
Love & Death (Age of Wonders) vs. Godsibb (Xenosaga 3)
Protecting my Devotion (Final Fantasy IX) vs. Idola the Strange Fruits (Phantasy Star Online Episode 3)
A HOT CRASH!! (Grandia 3) vs. Kimi no Kioku (Persona 3)
Wings(US Vocal) (Wild ARMs 3) vs. Battle Hymn of the Soul/Battle for Everyone's Souls (Persona 3) - Just really beautiful. I love Wings but no.
Radical Dreamers - Without Taking the Jewel (Chrono Cross) vs. Coin Song (Final Fantasy VI)
Disappeared (Kingdom Hearts) vs. Twilight of the Anti-Hero (Wild ARMs XF)

Dark World (Final Fantasy VI) vs. Slam Shuffle (Final Fantasy VI)

Rinne no Hate ni (Tsukihime) vs. Outer Senshi Theme (Sailor Moon)
Love Song (Gasaraki) vs. Jounetsu (Tokyo Underground)


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Re: Music Tournament of DOOM Vol. 2 ~Pool 4~
« Reply #9 on: March 25, 2009, 05:32:23 PM »
The Bird Chirps, I Sing (Tales of Legendia) vs. Requiem (Super Robot Wars F Final): Requiem's quite unspecial. Bird works again even though I grew annoyed of it in the latter rounds of last year's contest.
Over the Wind (Wild ARMs 4) vs. Hometown (Silent Hill 3): Again, Silent Hill vocals.
Love & Death (Age of Wonders) vs. Godsibb (Xenosaga 3): Godsibb's Kajiura quality. Love & Death is just amazingly boring.
Protecting my Devotion (Final Fantasy IX) vs. Idola the Strange Fruits (Phantasy Star Online Episode 3): IDOLA, I~DO~LA~
A HOT CRASH!! (Grandia 3) vs. Kimi no Kioku (Persona 3): Neither of these are very good but the P3 track is at least memorable.
Wings(US Vocal) (Wild ARMs 3) vs. Battle Hymn of the Soul/Battle for Everyone's Souls (Persona 3): Still quite good.
Radical Dreamers - Without Taking the Jewel (Chrono Cross) vs. Coin Song (Final Fantasy VI): Coin Song is one of FF6's top tracks but against a Mitose song? Not even on the same tier.
Disappeared (Kingdom Hearts) vs. Twilight of the Anti-Hero (Wild ARMs XF): Twilight starts out uninspiring but gets pretty groovy, which is more than enough against a forgettable KH track.

Dark World (Final Fantasy VI) vs. Slam Shuffle (Final Fantasy VI): Yeah well. Dark World at least has atmospheric value.

Rinne no Hate ni (Tsukihime) vs. Outer Senshi Theme (Sailor Moon)
Love Song (Gasaraki) vs. Jounetsu (Tokyo Underground)
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Re: Music Tournament of DOOM Vol. 2 ~Pool 4~
« Reply #10 on: March 25, 2009, 06:22:21 PM »

The Bird Chirps, I Sing (Tales of Legendia) vs. Requiem (Super Robot Wars F Final)- Requiem's damned good but not quite good enough.
Over the Wind (Wild ARMs 4) vs. Hometown (Silent Hill 3)- More of a over the win antivote.
Love & Death (Age of Wonders) vs. Godsibb (Xenosaga 3)- Voting for underdog.
Protecting my Devotion (Final Fantasy IX) vs. Idola the Strange Fruits (Phantasy Star Online Episode 3)- Not close.
A HOT CRASH!! (Grandia 3) vs. Kimi no Kioku (Persona 3)- I'll take Persona music every day over anything G3 musically has. (Or has as a game. Fuck G3)
Wings(US Vocal) (Wild ARMs 3) vs. Battle Hymn of the Soul/Battle for Everyone's Souls (Persona 3)- Champ powered versus tolerable.
Radical Dreamers - Without Taking the Jewel (Chrono Cross) vs. Coin Song (Final Fantasy VI)- Much as it pains me to agree with Elfboy...
Disappeared (Kingdom Hearts) vs. Twilight of the Anti-Hero (Wild ARMs XF)


Dark World (Final Fantasy VI) vs. Slam Shuffle (Final Fantasy VI)- Both are solid pieces. The real failure's the piece that replaces dark world.

Rinne no Hate ni (Tsukihime) vs. Outer Senshi Theme (Sailor Moon)- Lyrics on the Tsukihime piece did not hold up for me.
Love Song (Gasaraki) vs. Jounetsu (Tokyo Underground)
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Re: Music Tournament of DOOM Vol. 2 ~Pool 4~
« Reply #11 on: March 25, 2009, 07:59:33 PM »
Hey, songs I know both without looking.  Neat.

The Bird Chirps, I Sing (Tales of Legendia) vs. Requiem (Super Robot Wars F Final)- mmm, solid match.  Defaulting to the higher sound quality I guess, but still surprised.
Over the Wind (Wild ARMs 4) vs. Hometown (Silent Hill 3)- Hometown is somewhere between Bond Opening and The 80's Incarnate.  Which is hilarious but I think I have to vote for the solid Over the Wind over it.
Love & Death (Age of Wonders) vs. Godsibb (Xenosaga 3)- I... guess.
Protecting my Devotion (Final Fantasy IX) vs. Idola the Strange Fruits (Phantasy Star Online Episode 3)- IDOLA is a strange song.  It's clearly good but not something I'd really listen to, if that makes any sense.  Meanwhile, I have a definite fondness for both this track and the associated scene in FFIX, so guess I'll vote with nostalgia here.
A HOT CRASH!! (Grandia 3) vs. Kimi no Kioku (Persona 3)- HOT CRASH bores me, every other battle track in that game is better.  P3... sounds like the ending track?  It's okayish.
Wings(US Vocal) (Wild ARMs 3) vs. Battle Hymn of the Soul/Battle for Everyone's Souls (Persona 3)
Radical Dreamers - Without Taking the Jewel (Chrono Cross) vs. Coin Song (Final Fantasy VI)
Disappeared (Kingdom Hearts) vs. Twilight of the Anti-Hero (Wild ARMs XF)- I think.  Disappeared feels like the sort of song that might grow on me over time.

Dark World (Final Fantasy VI) vs. Slam Shuffle (Final Fantasy VI)

Rinne no Hate ni (Tsukihime) vs. Outer Senshi Theme (Sailor Moon)- Outer Senshi is pretty good really, but Tsukihime hits the CK biases more strongly.
Love Song (Gasaraki) vs. Jounetsu (Tokyo Underground)
« Last Edit: March 27, 2009, 05:40:38 AM by Cmdr_King »
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Re: Music Tournament of DOOM Vol. 2 ~Pool 4~
« Reply #12 on: March 25, 2009, 11:09:15 PM »
The Bird Chirps, I Sing (Tales of Legendia) vs. Requiem (Super Robot Wars F Final) - How odd. I kept thinking that other songs had started when listening to Bird Chirps. Either way, preferred Requiem.
Over the Wind (Wild ARMs 4) vs. Hometown (Silent Hill 3) - Whoa. Both of these are quite awesome. OtW just about takes it, in my opinion.
Love & Death (Age of Wonders) vs. Godsibb (Xenosaga 3) - Ehh, sure. Won't be too bothered whichever wins this, tbh.
Protecting my Devotion (Final Fantasy IX) vs. Idola the Strange Fruits (Phantasy Star Online Episode 3) - Ehh. Idola's not bad, but nowhere near Protecting my Devotion's standards.
A HOT CRASH!! (Grandia 3) vs. Kimi no Kioku (Persona 3) - Towards the start of the song, it was certain for Hot Crash. KnK didn't change much at all, but somehow grew on me over the course of the song. Win. <3
Wings(US Vocal) (Wild ARMs 3) vs. Battle Hymn of the Soul/Battle for Everyone's Souls (Persona 3) - Both good, but just more pure awesome.
Radical Dreamers - Without Taking the Jewel (Chrono Cross) vs. Coin Song (Final Fantasy VI) - I thought Coin Song was an almost-certain winner here. Seems probable isn't equal to definite.
Disappeared (Kingdom Hearts) vs. Twilight of the Anti-Hero (Wild ARMs XF) - Yeah, I can't even remember Disappeared from KH. Not great outside of game either.

Dark World (Final Fantasy VI) vs. Slam Shuffle (Final Fantasy VI) - Again, I quite like both of the Fail Bracket entries. However, I like Slam Shuffle more for it's upbeat style, so I'll go with Dark World.

Rinne no Hate ni (Tsukihime) vs. Outer Senshi Theme (Sailor Moon) - Not even close.
Love Song (Gasaraki) vs. Jounetsu (Tokyo Underground)


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Re: Music Tournament of DOOM Vol. 2 ~Pool 4~
« Reply #13 on: March 26, 2009, 12:18:11 AM »
The Bird Chirps, I Sing (Tales of Legendia) vs. Requiem (Super Robot Wars F Final)
- ...holy crap, Requiem is awesome.  But so is The Bird Chirps, I Sing.

Over the Wind (Wild ARMs 4) vs. Hometown (Silent Hill 3)
- oh my god my ears

Love & Death (Age of Wonders) vs. Godsibb (Xenosaga 3)
- Meh.

Protecting my Devotion (Final Fantasy IX) vs. Idola the Strange Fruits (Phantasy Star Online Episode 3)
- I do like the melody in Protecting my Devotion, but Idola just rocks more.

A HOT CRASH!! (Grandia 3) vs. Kimi no Kioku (Persona 3)
- The Answer's ending is better.

Wings(US Vocal) (Wild ARMs 3) vs. Battle Hymn of the Soul/Battle for Everyone's Souls (Persona 3)
- Battle for Everyone's Souls is awesome, but Wings is like one of my favourite vocals ever.

Radical Dreamers - Without Taking the Jewel (Chrono Cross) vs. Coin Song (Final Fantasy VI)
- Coin Song is kind of meh.  Radical Dreamers is beautiful.  The choice is clear.

Disappeared (Kingdom Hearts) vs. Twilight of the Anti-Hero (Wild ARMs XF)
- Twilight of the Anti-Hero is fun.

Dark World (Final Fantasy VI) vs. Slam Shuffle (Final Fantasy VI)
- Whatever.

Rinne no Hate ni (Tsukihime) vs. Outer Senshi Theme (Sailor Moon)
- Easy enough.

Love Song (Gasaraki) vs. Jounetsu (Tokyo Underground)
- Whatever.


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Re: Music Tournament of DOOM Vol. 2 ~Pool 4~
« Reply #14 on: March 26, 2009, 12:50:20 AM »
The Bird Chirps, I Sing (Tales of Legendia) vs. Requiem (Super Robot Wars F Final)
Over the Wind (Wild ARMs 4) vs. Hometown (Silent Hill 3)
Love & Death (Age of Wonders) vs. Godsibb (Xenosaga 3)
Protecting my Devotion (Final Fantasy IX) vs. Idola the Strange Fruits (Phantasy Star Online Episode 3)
A HOT CRASH!! (Grandia 3) vs. Kimi no Kioku (Persona 3)
Wings(US Vocal) (Wild ARMs 3) vs. Battle Hymn of the Soul/Battle for Everyone's Souls (Persona 3)
Radical Dreamers - Without Taking the Jewel (Chrono Cross) vs. Coin Song (Final Fantasy VI)
Disappeared (Kingdom Hearts) vs. Twilight of the Anti-Hero (Wild ARMs XF)

Dark World (Final Fantasy VI) vs. Slam Shuffle (Final Fantasy VI)

Rinne no Hate ni (Tsukihime) vs. Outer Senshi Theme (Sailor Moon)
Love Song (Gasaraki) vs. Jounetsu (Tokyo Underground)


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Re: Music Tournament of DOOM Vol. 2 ~Pool 4~
« Reply #15 on: March 26, 2009, 01:23:57 AM »
The Bird Chirps, I Sing (Tales of Legendia) vs. Requiem (Super Robot Wars F Final) - I said it in the first music tournament, but it bears repeating: the lyrics in Bird Chirps make me cringe. The non-lyric version of that track is far, far superior.
Over the Wind (Wild ARMs 4) vs. Hometown (Silent Hill 3) - Hometown might work if the singer could know...sing.
Love & Death (Age of Wonders) vs. Godsibb (Xenosaga 3)
Protecting my Devotion (Final Fantasy IX) vs. Idola the Strange Fruits (Phantasy Star Online Episode 3) - And so it begins.

A HOT CRASH!! (Grandia 3) vs. Kimi no Kioku (Persona 3) - I kinda like A Hot Crash. I just wish it lasted a bit longer.
Wings (US Vocal) (Wild ARMs 3) vs. Battle Hymn of the Soul/Battle for Everyone's Souls (Persona 3) - Battle for Everyone's Souls vs. Idola the Strange Fruits. Make it happen, peeps.
Radical Dreamers - Without Taking the Jewel (Chrono Cross) vs. Coin Song (Final Fantasy VI) - Always reminds me of one of the best scenes in FF VI.
Disappeared (Kingdom Hearts) vs. Twilight of the Anti-Hero (Wild ARMs XF) - Closest match of the pool for me. Won't be disappointed either way.

Dark World (Final Fantasy VI) vs. Slam Shuffle (Final Fantasy VI) - Dark World does not belong in the Failure bracket.

Rinne no Hate ni (Tsukihime) vs. Outer Senshi Theme (Sailor Moon) - Not three tracks ham-handedly crammed into one.
Love Song (Gasaraki) vs. Jounetsu (Tokyo Underground) - The beginning of Jounetsu was jarring, but it did get better after that. Love Song is okay.


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Re: Music Tournament of DOOM Vol. 2 ~Pool 4~
« Reply #16 on: March 28, 2009, 05:04:09 AM »
The Bird Chirps, I Sing (Tales of Legendia) vs. Requiem (Super Robot Wars F Final)
Over the Wind (Wild ARMs 4) vs. Hometown (Silent Hill 3)
Love & Death (Age of Wonders) vs. Godsibb (Xenosaga 3)
Protecting my Devotion (Final Fantasy IX) vs. Idola the Strange Fruits (Phantasy Star Online Episode 3)
A HOT CRASH!! (Grandia 3) vs. Kimi no Kioku (Persona 3)
Wings(US Vocal) (Wild ARMs 3) vs. Battle Hymn of the Soul/Battle for Everyone's Souls (Persona 3)
Radical Dreamers - Without Taking the Jewel (Chrono Cross) vs. Coin Song (Final Fantasy VI)
Disappeared (Kingdom Hearts) vs. Twilight of the Anti-Hero (Wild ARMs XF)

Dark World (Final Fantasy VI) vs. Slam Shuffle (Final Fantasy VI)

Rinne no Hate ni (Tsukihime) vs. Outer Senshi Theme (Sailor Moon)
Love Song (Gasaraki) vs. Jounetsu (Tokyo Underground)


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Re: Music Tournament of DOOM Vol. 2 ~Pool 4~
« Reply #17 on: March 29, 2009, 04:09:33 AM »
The Bird Chirps, I Sing (Tales of Legendia) vs. Requiem (Super Robot Wars F Final) - Like Lance said, the lyrics here are awesome and worthy of praise~
Over the Wind (Wild ARMs 4) vs. Hometown (Silent Hill 3) - I swear WA uses that track in every game. Anyway Andy always wins
Love & Death (Age of Wonders) vs. Godsibb (Xenosaga 3) - XS3 never fails at anything ever~
Protecting my Devotion (Final Fantasy IX) vs. Idola the Strange Fruits (Phantasy Star Online Episode 3) - FF9 doesn't have music at all from what I have heard
A HOT CRASH!! (Grandia 3) vs. Kimi no Kioku (Persona 3) - I always thought P3's ending song was a thing
Wings(US Vocal) (Wild ARMs 3) vs. Battle Hymn of the Soul/Battle for Everyone's Souls (Persona 3) - WA has too many vocals. This is better than the other ones though~
Radical Dreamers - Without Taking the Jewel (Chrono Cross) vs. Coin Song (Final Fantasy VI) - Whatever is a word that describes this
Disappeared (Kingdom Hearts) vs. Twilight of the Anti-Hero (Wild ARMs XF) - Kingdom Hearts doesn't have music no matter what CK says

Dark World (Final Fantasy VI) vs. Slam Shuffle (Final Fantasy VI) - Less MYSTARY

Rinne no Hate ni (Tsukihime) vs. Outer Senshi Theme (Sailor Moon) - When in doubt, Tsukihime > Sailor Moon
Love Song (Gasaraki) vs. Jounetsu (Tokyo Underground) - More active~
« Last Edit: March 31, 2009, 10:33:14 PM by Nitori »
<Ko-NitoriisSulpher> roll 1d100 to grade Nitori?
<Hatbot> ACTION --> "Ko-NitoriisSulpher rolls 1d100 to grade Nitori? and gets 100." [1d100=100]

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Re: Music Tournament of DOOM Vol. 2 ~Pool 4~
« Reply #18 on: March 29, 2009, 01:13:58 PM »
The Bird Chirps, I Sing (Tales of Legendia) vs. Requiem (Super Robot Wars F Final)- Pretty solid.
Over the Wind (Wild ARMs 4) vs. Hometown (Silent Hill 3) - Eh
Love & Death (Age of Wonders) vs. Godsibb (Xenosaga 3)
Protecting my Devotion (Final Fantasy IX) vs. Idola the Strange Fruits (Phantasy Star Online Episode 3) - Eh
A HOT CRASH!! (Grandia 3) vs. Kimi no Kioku (Persona 3) - Coinflip. Both aren't very good.
Wings(US Vocal) (Wild ARMs 3) vs. Battle Hymn of the Soul/Battle for Everyone's Souls (Persona 3) - Not a fan of the vocal version of Wings. If this were the whistling version though, it'd have crushed it.
Radical Dreamers - Without Taking the Jewel (Chrono Cross) vs. Coin Song (Final Fantasy VI) - Eh
Disappeared (Kingdom Hearts) vs. Twilight of the Anti-Hero (Wild ARMs XF)

Dark World (Final Fantasy VI) vs. Slam Shuffle (Final Fantasy VI) - Whats with FF6 music and background noise?

Rinne no Hate ni (Tsukihime) vs. Outer Senshi Theme (Sailor Moon) - Tsukihime music is good... except for the vocal songs.
Love Song (Gasaraki) vs. Jounetsu (Tokyo Underground) - iksi;d has a good sound, for J-Pop.

(Off topic: Through accidental scientific study, Gasaraki exactly defines the anime mediocrity line - it is as bad as possible while still being basically watchable all the way to the end, rather than causing the viewer to give up in disgust.)

This is my opinion on Tokyo Underground as well.  Weird.

Actually, it's true for both, just while Tokyo Underground is generic as hell shounen, Gasaraki is boring as hell mecha. TU at least has some stylish OPs.


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Re: Music Tournament of DOOM Vol. 2 ~Pool 4~
« Reply #19 on: March 29, 2009, 04:23:59 PM »
Not a fan of the vocal version of Wings. If this were the whistling version though, it'd have crushed it.

Dunno if it makes a difference for you, Sopko, but there is no whistle version of Wings (that I know of, at least). Wings is the vocal track that plays over the end credits. Pretty sure you're thinking of Advanced Wind here.


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Re: Music Tournament of DOOM Vol. 2 ~Pool 4~
« Reply #20 on: March 30, 2009, 12:56:31 AM »
The Bird Chirps, I Sing (Tales of Legendia) vs. Requiem (Super Robot Wars F Final)- Love the beginning of the ToL track, but it really stagnates.
Over the Wind (Wild ARMs 4) vs. Hometown (Silent Hill 3)- Hearing Over the Wind was the first time that I thought WA 4 was really going to be something special.
Love & Death (Age of Wonders) vs. Godsibb (Xenosaga 3)- Both are good.
Protecting my Devotion (Final Fantasy IX) vs. Idola the Strange Fruits (Phantasy Star Online Episode 3)- Close though.
A HOT CRASH!! (Grandia 3) vs. Kimi no Kioku (Persona 3)- Being good for P3 isn't really a complement musically.
Wings(US Vocal) (Wild ARMs 3) vs. Battle Hymn of the Soul/Battle for Everyone's Souls (Persona 3)- That P3 track was really done very little for me. I liked it's base track much more in P2.
Radical Dreamers - Without Taking the Jewel (Chrono Cross) vs. Coin Song (Final Fantasy VI)
Disappeared (Kingdom Hearts) vs. Twilight of the Anti-Hero (Wild ARMs XF)- Twilight works much better in game. probably the same, but if you haven't gone somewhere and 75% of the song is over, you get closed.

Dark World (Final Fantasy VI) vs. Slam Shuffle (Final Fantasy VI)- SS goes somewhere at least.
...into the nightfall.


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Re: Music Tournament of DOOM Vol. 2 ~Pool 4~
« Reply #21 on: March 30, 2009, 05:16:56 AM »
The Bird Chirps, I Sing (Tales of Legendia) vs. Requiem (Super Robot Wars F Final) - Not close.

Over the Wind (Wild ARMs 4) vs. Hometown (Silent Hill 3) - Isn't Hometown.  Sorry, Andy.  >_>

Love & Death (Age of Wonders) vs. Godsibb (Xenosaga 3) - Surprisingly good!

Protecting my Devotion (Final Fantasy IX) vs. Idola the Strange Fruits (Phantasy Star Online Episode 3) - One of my dark horse favorites from the past music tourney returns!

A HOT CRASH!! (Grandia 3) vs. Kimi no Kioku (Persona 3) - Pleasantly surprised by A HOT CRASH!

Wings(US Vocal) (Wild ARMs 3) vs. Battle Hymn of the Soul/Battle for Everyone's Souls (Persona 3) - Champ this time please~

Radical Dreamers - Without Taking the Jewel (Chrono Cross) vs. Coin Song (Final Fantasy VI) - Nice match.  Just personal preference.

Disappeared (Kingdom Hearts) vs. Twilight of the Anti-Hero (Wild ARMs XF) - Can't say I like either.  Eh.

Dark World (Final Fantasy VI) vs. Slam Shuffle (Final Fantasy VI) - What is there to say.

Rinne no Hate ni (Tsukihime) vs. Outer Senshi Theme (Sailor Moon) - Both pretty great.  I am a noted Tsukihime aesthetics fanboy though.

Love Song (Gasaraki) vs. Jounetsu (Tokyo Underground) - More my style.


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Re: Music Tournament of DOOM Vol. 2 ~Pool 4~
« Reply #22 on: March 30, 2009, 05:40:00 AM »
The Bird Chirps, I Sing (Tales of Legendia) vs. Requiem (Super Robot Wars F Final)
Over the Wind (Wild ARMs 4) vs. Hometown (Silent Hill 3)
Love & Death (Age of Wonders) vs. Godsibb (Xenosaga 3) - Like Snow said, I only can remember this song from the demo version but it left a big impression on me
Protecting my Devotion (Final Fantasy IX) vs. Idola the Strange Fruits (Phantasy Star Online Episode 3) - One of my fav's from last years contest
A HOT CRASH!! (Grandia 3) vs. Kimi no Kioku (Persona 3)
Wings(US Vocal) (Wild ARMs 3) vs. Battle Hymn of the Soul/Battle for Everyone's Souls (Persona 3)
Radical Dreamers - Without Taking the Jewel (Chrono Cross) vs. Coin Song (Final Fantasy VI)
Disappeared (Kingdom Hearts) vs. Twilight of the Anti-Hero (Wild ARMs XF)

Dark World (Final Fantasy VI) vs. Slam Shuffle (Final Fantasy VI) - Damn good songs for failures

Rinne no Hate ni (Tsukihime) vs. Outer Senshi Theme (Sailor Moon) - Uranus Planet Power.... Make Up!
Love Song (Gasaraki) vs. Jounetsu (Tokyo Underground)


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Re: Music Tournament of DOOM Vol. 2 ~Pool 4~
« Reply #23 on: March 31, 2009, 09:34:08 PM »
The Bird Chirps, I Sing (Tales of Legendia) vs. Requiem (Super Robot Wars F Final)
Over the Wind (Wild ARMs 4) vs. Hometown (Silent Hill 3)
Love & Death (Age of Wonders) vs. Godsibb (Xenosaga 3)
Protecting my Devotion (Final Fantasy IX) vs. Idola the Strange Fruits (Phantasy Star Online Episode 3)
A HOT CRASH!! (Grandia 3) vs. Kimi no Kioku (Persona 3)
Wings(US Vocal) (Wild ARMs 3) vs. Battle Hymn of the Soul/Battle for Everyone's Souls (Persona 3)
Radical Dreamers - Without Taking the Jewel (Chrono Cross) vs. Coin Song (Final Fantasy VI)
Disappeared (Kingdom Hearts) vs. Twilight of the Anti-Hero (Wild ARMs XF)

Dark World (Final Fantasy VI) vs. Slam Shuffle (Final Fantasy VI)

Rinne no Hate ni (Tsukihime) vs. Outer Senshi Theme (Sailor Moon)
Love Song (Gasaraki) vs. Jounetsu (Tokyo Underground)


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Re: Music Tournament of DOOM Vol. 2 ~Pool 4~
« Reply #24 on: March 31, 2009, 09:35:32 PM »
Also, I apologize for forgetting to put a warning up last night, but this closes at midnight tonight.  I've heard some people have been having problems with Putfile today, so I'd just like to let you know I added a link to a .rar of all the songs in this pool to the original post.