...yeah. mIRC either dislikes this computer, I'm doing something wrong, or there's some sort of firewall issue blocking the connection, because god-knows-how-much waiting will not make this problem go away.
When I type in a /join command, or any other / command that would be relevant and actually be executed, the program acts as if there was no command ever issued; I'm connected to the server, but I can't join any rooms or do anything. Note that if I input an invalid command, it will recognize it as such (such as if I put /join, rather than /join #rpgdl). I have no idea what to do, honestly...
Unfortunately, since I do not have a computer to call my own, I am thereby forced to use my mother's computer. Thus meaning I cannot alter settings, or deal with the fact that she just switched a better browser out for a worse one.
And no, waiting hasn't helped. So, were it possible for someone to help, it would be greatly appreciated...