
Author Topic: Arcana  (Read 1991 times)


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« on: January 15, 2008, 11:52:37 PM »
There are 5 characters in the game: Rooks, Teefa, Darwin, Salah and Axs. Salah joins in chapters 2 and 4, Axs joins in chapters 3 and 4, Teefa joins in chapters 1 and 5, Darwin joins in chapters 2, 4 and 5, and Rooks is in your party for the entire game. Darwin always joins 3 levels above Rooks, while Salah always joins 3 levels below Rooks ( Teefa and Axs join at the same level ). Levels are taken for Axs and Salah when they leave the party at the end of chapter 4, as is equipment.

HP - You know what this is
MP - Obvious
Strength - Physical Attack strength, factored with the weapon's power
Endurance - Physical Defense power, factored with the armou + shield's defensive strength
*note that Endurance affects defense more than Strength affects attack*
Intelligence - Affects how much damage your spells do, as well as how much damage you take from magic
Alertness - The be-all end-all stat. Alertness is a mixutre of other RPG stats, better know as ( in no particular order ): Agility ( action rate ), Luck ( critical rate ), Evade ( dodge rate ), Accuracy ( hit rate )

And now a couple other notes:
1) Stat-down and stat-up spells stack. However, the stat-ups are less effective than the stat-downs unless you power-level or use lots of honeys. The stat-downs are much superior, and have ~99% accuracy.
2) Spirits are immune to all statuses.
3) Paralysis and Stone seem to be permanent statuses ( I've not seen them wear off ). Sleep wears off randomly, though it usually takes 4 rounds on the enemies I tested before it does. Attacking a sleeped character DOES NOT wake them up.
4) Confusion causes an enemy to use only physical attacks on himself, or enemies. It does not seem to wear off, even if the confused are hit.
5) When someone wakes up from sleep or is cured from paralysis, they can act the same turn they get cured ( ie, they don't lose a turn ).
6) Weapons and Shields in Arcana can be "Annihilated" in battle to cast a spell. Contrary to what proper English might indicate, the equipment is NOT destroyed. The spells cast from these weapons seem MORE effective than the usual, non-item spells. ie, a Smash 3 from the Demon Axe was doing 70 damage. Granted, the stat-ups are as useless as ever, and HP Restore All only heals about 10 HP more ( for a grand total of 70 ), but mostly, the spells are stronger. These spells will be indicated next to the respective equipment by [brackets].

Hm....well, that's all the major notes for now...until we get to Rooks, that is....yes, I'm working BACKWARDS for the characters here...( I'll get better character pictures later )

Level 33
HP - 456
MP - 175
STR - 61
END - 115
INT - 114
ALR - 87

Wish Wand - +86 Attack [Water 2]
Shaman Robe - +63 Defense
Magic Shield - +31 Defense [Sleep]

Attack Power - 90
Defense Power - 120

Physical Attack - 60
Physical Attack after Defense Impair All - 72
Attribute 6 - 60 Damage, more if used on an enemy weak to Fire or Wind ( 23 MP )
Attribute 3 - 60 Damage, more if used on an enemy weak to Fire or Water ( 20 MP )
Attribute 4 - 60 Damage ( sensing a trend here? ), more if used on an emeny weak to Earth or Wind ( 15 MP )
Attribute 8 - 100 Damage, more if used on an enemy weak to Earth, Wind or Water ( 24 MP )
Heal 1 - Heals 85 HP ( 16 MP )
Heal 2 - Heals 190 HP ( 24 MP )
Defense Impair All - Lowers Enemy Defense Power ( 7 MP )
Accuracy Impair All - Lowers Enemy Accuracy ( 7 MP )
Offense Impair All ( crappy name, I might add ) - Lowers Enemy Evade AND Agility ( 7 MP )
Attack Impair All - Lowers Enemy Attack Power ( 7 MP )

Comments: screwed. She lacks good equipment ( nothing unique, nor really good store-boughts ), and her levels are a little low, due to her being a temporary PC, as well as starting at a low level naturally. A pity, since she'd have pretty good stats at higher levels, and she's a pretty cool character. Her stat-down selection is really nice, but, lacking the levels and equipment, she can't take too much of an advantage of it. Though, if you allow her to cast item spells, she gets a major boost from that Magic Shield.

Level 35
HP - 633
MP - 111
STR - 137
END - 136
INT - 82
ALR - 83

Demon Axe* - +120 Attack [Smash 3]
Demon Mail - +81 Defense
Demon Shield - +35 Defense [lightning 2]

Attack Power - 126
Defense Power - 145

*The Demon Axe does much less damage to Undead typed enemies. Granted, he probably wouldn't be fighting many, but it's important to note. And...even with the reduction, he's still better off with the Demon Axe*

Physical Attack - 85
Heal 1 - Heals 80 HP ( 16 MP )
Offense Impair - Lowers Enemy Evade AND Agility ( 7 MP )
Sleep - Puts enemy to sleep, 80% effective ( 10 MP )

Axs is kind of the stereotypical fighter. He's got a little variety, though. Sleep is very nice, since Arcana status effects seem to be quite accurate. With Offense Impair, he moves nice and fast ( his speed may be the lowest, but it actually isn't bad in-game; he occasionally double-turns ), and he has healing ( even though it sucks ).

Level 42
HP - 539
MP - 247
STR - 81
END - 82
INT - 152
ALR - 150

Spirit Staff - +122 Attack [lightning 2]
Robe of Valor - +79 Defense
Spirit Gauntlet - +39 Defense [Accuracy Increase All]

Attack Power - 126
Defense Power - 138

Physical Attack - 72
Heal 1 - Heals 85 HP ( 16 MP )
Heal 2 - Heals 185 HP ( 24 MP )
Attribute 1 - 20 Damage, more if used on an enemy weak to Earth or Water ( 10 MP )
Attribute 2 - 20 Damage, more if used on an enemy weak to Earth or Fire ( 15 MP )
Attribute 5 - 40 Damage, more if used on an enemy weak to Water or Wind ( 20 MP )
Attribute 9 - 60 Damage, more if used on an enemy weak to Earth, Fire or Wind ( 30 MP )
Attribute 10 - 65 Damage, more if used on an enemy weak to Water, Fire or Wind ( 30 MP )
Attribute 11 - 120 Damage, more if used on an enemy weak to any element ( 40 MP )
Attack Impair All - Lowers Enemy Attack Power ( 7 MP )
Paralyze - Paralyzes Enemy, 80% effective ( 13 MP )

Teefa is pretty good. Good MP reserves help her alot. Paralyze is nastily effective, and she can take advantage of any elemental weakness. And unlike her sister, she actually has unique equipment! A good character, overall.

Level 44
HP - 630
MP - 193
STR - 155
END - 85
INT - 122
ALR - 159

Desiree - +187 Attack [Confused]
Earth Plate* - +91 Defense
Moon Gauntlet - +43 Defense [Stomp All]

Attack Power - 193
Defense Power - 155

*Earth Plate makes Darwin strong against Earth and weak to Lightning/Wind. This is not a good thing ( who uses Earth, anyway? ), but the drop in defense power would hurt him, and his HP should last him in a battle*

Physical Attack - 96
Physical Attack + Defense Impair All - 124
Heal 1 - Heals 80 HP ( 16 MP )
Attribute 2 - 20 Damage, more if used on an enemy weak to Earth or Fire ( 15 MP )
Attribute 5 - 35 Damage, more if used on an enemy weak to Water or Wind ( 20 MP )
Attribute 7 - 65 Damage, more if used on an enemy weak to Earth, Water or Fire ( 24 MP )
Offense Impair - Lowers Enemy Evade AND Agility ( 4 MP )
Defense Impair All - Lowers Enemy Defense Power ( 7 MP )
Accuracy Impair - Lowers Enemy Accuracy ( 4 MP )
Attack Impair All - Lowers Enemy Attack Power ( 7 MP )
Sleep - Puts enemy to sleep, 80% effective ( 10 MP )

Darwin should never use his magic, beyond sleep and his stat-downs. His physical attack is strong, and he's fast. Overall, he's got good stats ( minues the low defense and Wind/Lightning weakness, made up for by good HP ). Plus he's a badass Elf, and elves are cool.

And now, for some notes on Rooks:
1) Rooks can only have 1 spirit out at a time, though he is free to change during his turn without wasting his turn ( as long as he doesn't make another action other than switching spirits )
2) Rooks can carry many types of cards to use as items ( he's the only one who can use them, in-game )...he technically can have 8 stacks of 9 cards at any time, though he'll most likely NEVER need that many.
3) Rooks always starts with a spirit ( he doesn't need to summon them in-battle; he can have one ready to start as soon as he enters battle ). They are independent units, and are basically another fighter in battle.

And now for the individual spirits. They are basically the same, sans a couple spells and their elemental attributes, so I won't bother doing comments on them.

Sylph - Wind/Lightning Innate
Level 43
HP - 475
MP - 218
STR - 80
END - 151
INT - 151
ALR - 120

Attack Power - 34
Defense Power - 105

Physical Attack - 20
Change Attribute to Wind - Changes the elemental affinity of all allies to Wind/Lightning. They are resistant to Wind/Lightning, weak to Earth, and their physical attacks are now Wind/Lightning-elemental ( 4 MP )
Dodge All - Increases Evade rate for all allies ( 5 MP )
Lightning 3 - 50 Damage ( 20 MP )
Paralyze All - Paralyze Enemy, 75% ( 23 MP )
Chaos Wind - Instant Death, 60% ( 25 MP )

Efrite - Fire Innate
Level 43
HP - 570
MP - 191
STR - 155
END - 84
INT - 120
ALR - 156

Attack Power - 38
Defense Power - 93

Physical Attack - 25
Physical Attack + Stomp All - 30
Change Attribute to Fire - Changes the elemental affinity of all allies to Fire. They are resistant to Fire, weak to Water/Ice, and their physical attacks are now Fire-elemental ( 4 MP )
HP Restore - Heals 110 HP ( 30 MP )
Stomp All - Increases physical damage for all allies ( 5 MP )
Flame 3 - 50 Damage ( 20 MP )
Confused All - Confuses Enemy, 75% ( 20 MP )
Destroy - Instant Death, 60% ( 25 MP )

Marid - Water/Ice Innate
Level 43
HP - 527
MP - 248
STR - 83
END - 84
INT - 157
ALR - 156

Attack Power - 34
Defense Power - 93

Physical Attack - 20
Change Attribute to Water - Changes the elemental affinity of all allies to Water/Ice. They are resistant to Water/Ice, weak to Fire, and their physical attacks are now Water/Ice-elemental ( 4 MP )
HP Restore All - Heals 60 HP ( 30 MP )
Accuracy Increase All - Increases accuracy for all allies ( 5 MP )
Water 3 - 50 Damage ( 20 MP )
Sleep All - Puts enemy to sleep, 75% ( 20 MP )
Restore All - Restores abnormal statuses ( 10 MP )

Dao - Earth Innate
Level 43
HP - 655
MP - 142
STR - 153
END - 154
INT - 86
ALR - 84

Attack Power - 38
Defense Power - 106

Physical Attack - 25
Change Attribute to Earth - Changes the elemental affinity of all allies to Earth. They are resistant to Earth, weak to Wind/Lightning, and their physical attacks are now Earth-elemental ( 4 MP )
Wall All - Increases physical defense of all allies ( 5 MP )
Petrify All - Stones Enemy, 75% ( 23 MP )
Smash 3 - 50 Damage ( 20 MP )
Entomb - Instant Death, 60% ( 25 MP )

And the Big Man himself:

Level 43
HP - 652
MP - 204
STR - 150
END - 153
INT - 118
ALR - 115

Spirit Sword* - +202 Attack [Heal 1 All]
Grand Armour - +95 Defense
Grand Shield - +43 Defense [Attribute 11]

Attack Power - 208
Defense Power - 170

*The Spirit Sword is not Rook's best weapon. His best weapon is the Giant Sword, which he gets through a plot scene pretty much like how Valkyrie gets the Glance Reviver. I didn't put it in yet, as A) Some people don't think the GR is legal, and  The only enemy I could test it on is not the best enemy to test it. For best results, add about...30 points or so to his physical attack*

Physical Attack - 150
Physical Attack + Defense Impair - 180
Heal 2 - Heals 185 HP ( 24 MP )
Heal 3 - Heals all HP ( 42 MP )
Call Fire Spirit - Deals 100 Damage ( 40 MP )
Call Wind Spirit - Deals 100 Damage ( 40 MP )
Call Water Spirit - Deals 100 Damage ( 40 MP )
Call Earth Spirit - Deals 100 Damage ( 40 MP )
Ruinous Mission - Kills Rook's currently active spirit to deal 100% Instant Death to all enemies ( 50 MP )
Restoration of Spirit - Revives all dead spirits ( 50 MP )
Attack Impair - Lowers enemy physical attack ( 4 MP )
Defense Impair - Lowers enemy physical defense ( 4 MP )
Confused - Confuses Enemy, 80% ( 10 MP )

Elemental Card x3 - Deals 50 Damage of whichever element of card Rooks used
Null Card - Instant Death, 80%
Call Amulet - Casts "Call X Spirit" of a random element

He's got variety, and lots of it. Full healing, statuses up the ass, and just about anything you could want on a character. A great fighter.
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


  • Boom! Big reveal: I'm a pickle. What do you think about that?
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Re: Arcana
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2008, 11:53:06 PM »
<From Tai>

Because, if one day I'm cruel enough to Super, this may be relevant in NR!

All damage noted will be to Rooks/Spirit.


First Form:
~1500 HP
Physical: 30/60

Damage dealt:
Flame/Lightning/Water/Smash 3: 40.
Call Fire/Water/Earth/Wind Spirit: 90.
Rooks Physical: 130.
Spirit Physical: ~14.

There is a HP/MP restore between forms, involving a HP-1 hit from Rimsala on initiative in second form. It's all plot, but if you're inclined to allow the hit or even just a formchain, whatever.

Second Form:
~3500 HP
Can tripleturn. ...this is effectively 200% speed or so statistically, I think, since even 100% can doubleturn in game. Lol Arcana speed. Will pretty much doubleact every round, whether you like it or not. This being said, you occasionally get two turns as well.
Physical: 60/100.
Attribute 11: 130/180. (hits weakness on anything that has a weakness, else the damage would be the same here. ...although... this may not be right, and it may just be a powerful nuke. Not sure. Turning Rooks into an Earth element person makes it do the same damage. Frankly? Don't care enough. Moving on. I think that his equipment overrides the weakness by giving him about 25% elemental resist, honestly; it makes the most sense here.)

Damage dealt:
Flame/Lightning/Water/Smash 3: 30.
Call Fire/Water/Earth/Wind Spirit: 60.
Physical: 150
Spirit Physical: ~14.

Average HP: 575
End level: 43. Didn't even try to match OK and I did so.

Opinion: ...Godlike. Doubleturning 2HKO, occasional tripleturn (1/3 chance?), and sickening durability. Yeah.

Idly, taking Rooks against only his Spirits, which is what the final battle and 3/4 of the boss battles in general are, his damage is incredible. >_> Gooo Rooks?
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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Re: Arcana
« Reply #2 on: May 17, 2015, 11:52:18 PM »
A few assorted mechanical notes I've picked up from talking to people who ROM hack and/or speedrun this game plus my own observations:

Elemental affinities
RPGClassics' info is at least partially wrong here.  This is what I know:
  • The human PCs all take 75% damage from wind, earth, fire and water innately.  This also applies to boss Ariel and his various apprentices you fight throughout the game.
  • Wind-element enemies and PCs take about 50% from wind, 25% from earth, 100% from water and 125% from fire.
  • Earth-element enemies and PCs take about 125% from wind, 50% from earth, 25% from water and 100% from fire.
  • Water-element enemies and PCs take about 100% from wind, 125% from earth, 50% from water and 25% from fire.
  • Fire-element enemies and PCs take about 25% from wind, 100% from warth, 125% from water and 50% from fire.

Other assorted details
  • Rooks' Spirit Sword and Teefa's Spirit Staff both seem to have a unique elemental property.  zombero, who made a hardtype ROM hack of the game, suspects that both these weapons do reduced damage to any enemy with an elemental property, but increased damage specifically to Rimsala's first form.
  • OldGumphrey, who speedruns Arcana, has observed that Intelligence seems to have no perceptible effect on the damage dealt by enemies' basic elemental attack spells, but that it does have a small effect on the damage dealt by enemies' Attribute spells (in the speedrun, this is mostly observed on Rimsala, whose Attribute 11 does about 25 less damage on average against a Rooks who has eaten 20 intelligence honeys).  On the other hand, zombero notes that Teefa does take slightly less damage from enemy magic in general, so YMMV.
  • OldGumphrey also observed that he has seen Rimsala quad-turn at least once, though this may only happen at extremely low levels.
« Last Edit: May 18, 2015, 12:00:59 AM by Reiska »