My life is great. Well, it's good. I'm not starving, I have a job at least until the end of the year, I'm going to graduate no matter what, I have some awesome friends, I'm on good terms with my parents, I'm making rent, I went to Europe recently, etc. etc. etc. There are a few anxieties and lamentations but overall my life is pretty sweet.
That said, no matter how much I tell myself to focus on the good things, to stop being whiny and all, I'm never really happy. Hell, telling myself to stop being whiny just makes it worse, since it turns self-pity into self loathing which turns back to more self pity.
I could go on a rant about this but the pretentiousness of arguing over whether anyone is ever happy probably doesn't appeal to everyone as much as it does to me. I'll cut it short and say, I'm unhappy but I don't really have cause to be. Really starting to think it might be a clinical thing. Eh.