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Nippon-Ichi musings
« on: April 18, 2009, 08:13:28 AM »
Grefters BEWARE! Contains Nippon-Ichi.

So due to stat-topiccing Soul Nomad and my general fondness for the Nippon-Ichi multiverse, I started thinking about who the 'big players' in the over-arching storyline of N1 were. Inevitably, since I am a nerd who likes the idea of 'power rankings' as much as a Type-Moon fan, I ended up creating a list of N1 characters arranged by how I perceived their level of power.

A list like this may already exist, and I have yet to play Disgaea 3 or Prinny: CIRbtH?, but I thought I'd share my thoughts and see if anyone had any input on the idea.

Tier 1: The Top Dogs and Optional Super-Bosses
This group has world- and universe-shaping abilities, and often have cannibalized the lives of many powerful beings to achieve their status. This tier deserves some individual explanations.

N1's nominal 'most powerful being'. Simple call for me.

Devourlord Revya
A bit more difficult call. I place her this high because as Devourlord, she cannibalizes every powerful being she comes across including other high-ranking members of this Tier. Also, she started out as a descendant of Median, a Drazillian World Eater, AND has Gig and the Onyx Blade.

We see Zenon's true form only in flashback in Dis2. But apparently, when 'The God of All Overlords' inhabits Adell's already-powerful body after his defeat, Zenon gains even -more- power.

Zenon-Rozalyn "God of All Overlords"
Her true form as the "God of All Overlords" is renowned throughout the multiverse, and she is known to have defeated over 100 (1000?) Overlords. Seemed like she belonged this high.

Revya - Gig/Median/Unsealed
Revya already had a lot going for her (World Eater, Onyx Blade), but when Median and Gig willingly give their souls to her, she was able to destroy a deity who could create worlds.

Drazil - Gamma/Joules
A world-creating deity who creates World Eaters. Constantly in battle with Haephnes. He's also cannibalized quite a large number of souls, too. Notably, when he cannibalizes his two fellow gods Gamma and Joules, he's even more ridiculously powerful. Gets destroyed by Revya no matter what, though.

A world-creating deity who manipulates all of the events of Soul Nomad for her rivalry with Drazil. Okay, so she's doing it in the best interest of the mortals, but she's still pretty crafty and powerful. Though since she never attacks Drazil directly, I can only assume she's not as outright powerful as him.

This... I'm not sure about. It's stated that he defeats Gig by himself to stop the flow of souls because he's a greedy bastard who wants immortality (oh, and to save the life of his kid). He lives on as a freakin' powerful zombie too and has the Onyx Blade at the peak of his power. Might need to go lower, though.

Virtuous - Layna
Another deity, though she works under Haephnes, so I assume she's less powerful than her. Still, she also defeats Gig and silences the World Eaters. All while using a human body. I imagine as a Goddess, she'd be quite a bit stronger.

I may need to separate "Gig" and "Vigilance". For now, I'm considering both here. Gig is shown to be incredibly powerful. Moreso than the average god. He has gotten some power from both Haephnes and Drazil, AND he's cannibalized a LOT of souls. If it weren't for all those pesky defeats he seems to have, he'd be much higher on this list. When he's combined with Revya, they are one of the most powerful beings in the multiverse, however.

Fake Zenon - Veldime-powered
Not as powerful as the real thing, but a good opportunist. He cannibalizes the humanity of an entire planet to boost his power, which is more than enough to destroy waves upon waves of demons who seek to claim his (stolen) title in Disgaea 2. He also seems to be able to draw some power from Zenon herself, which contributes to this ranking. We never get to fight him at full power in Dis2, so it's hard to accurately gauge his rank.

Gods that are about the same rank as Gig, but clearly not as powerful to me. It's implied they are ranked slightly higher than Vigilance was, so they get this spot.

Star Lord Valvoga - "The One"
Makai Kingdom is incredibly vague on just what power "The One" truly possesses. But she's stated to be the keeper of balance with incredible unfathomable power. MK also reveals that "The One" is a part of Star Lord Valvoga, an already-powerful Overlord who is the incarnation of the Tera Star spell  (highest-ranked non-elemental magic, pretty awesome). "The One" seems to be quite capable of hiding her true abilities, so I'm just ranking her, along with the rest of Valvoga, just above Zetta.

Zetta - Salome's mana
Zetta at full power, cannibalizing Salome's mana (unknowingly), seems to be the most powerful 'normal' Overlord featured throughout N1. As a Sacred Tome, he's a bit limited, but his body is overflowing with mana power. So much so that Baal decided to use Zetta's soulless body as a home for a while. Also, as the Sacred Tome, he has the ability to fulfill wishes, in essence making him both a powerful destroyer AND world-creator.

Really powerful World Eaters created by Drazil. They seem to be a bit above 'normal' World Eaters. And they've cannibalized quite a number of souls during their reign of destruction alongside Gig. They may need to be placed lower anyway, though.

King Krichevskoy
Known to have defeated Baal. Only reason he's this high. Otherwise, I'd consider him a 'normal' Overlord.

Holy crap powerful. Not sure what to make of him, but he seems stronger than 'normal' Overlords to me. Could change.

Tier 2: Overlords and Overlord-like beings.
Overlords are demons who have defeated enough Demon Lords and Demons to have become the rulers of their own Netherworld. They are generally pretty destructive and terrible and have to rule with might and fear, making me think that most of them are somewhat stronger than their Celestian counterparts. Not sure where Marl/La Pucelle gods and demons fall in this spectrum.

Babylon - full power
Alexander, God of Destruction
Seedle, Underlord
Overlord Priere
Goddess Poitreene
Seraph Lamington
Fallen Angel Calamity

Tier 3: Demon Lords and Angelic Warriors
Powerful Demons and Angels that aren't quite Overlord-level. Included here are humans who have been granted large amounts of power from Demons and Gods.

Sprout - Sulphur-powered
Demon Lord Etna
Maiden of Light Alouette
Dark Prince Croix
Overlord Ledgem - The Lord of the Underworld from Rhapsody. Easily dominated "cute bunny puppet" Overlord. Not sure where he should go as he isn't mentioned outside of Rhapsody.
Thuris - A really weak World Eater.
Mediator Hermes the Dragon Zombie - From La Pucelle, he claims to be keeper of balance between the Goddess Poitreene and the Fallen Angel Calamity. Sounds similar to 'The One', but on a lesser scale. This could be argued up or down. He never really shows off much of his power and seems to be effected by old age (could just be for comic effect, though).
World Eater Layna - Only slightly more powerful than your average Drazillian, it seems.

Tier 4: Stronger than your average demon!
Kind of a mixed bag. Some really powerful humans fit here.

Raphael - Sulphur-powered
Demon Hunter Adell
Dark Adonis Vyers
King Drake the Third
Half-Demon Noir
Sienna, Scarlet the Brave
Fallen Angel Flonne

Tier 5: Normal Demons!
Large category. Some fairly strong 'normal' demons near the top, with some fairly pathetic 'normal' demons near the end. Powerful humans/mortals fit in here as well - especially magic-users.

Dark Hero Axel
Phantom Ash
Mocha the Putti
Demon Fubuki
Demon Yukimaru
Demon Hunter Prier
Gordon, Defender of Earth
Red Tink
Demon General Veloute Normande
Puppetmaster Dana Albijwaz
Dark Count Seville Tempete - These three are from La Pucelle in case you didn't remember them. They worked for Noir.
Prinny Kurtis
Demon Mom
Demon Dad
Blue Tink

Tier 6: Mortals and Humans
Warriors who haven't really risen above the limits of human capability.

Father Salade
Demon Hunter Croix Raoul
Queen Alexemia
Dark Eclair

Tier 7: Scrubby
They may have some interesting abilities going for them (or not), but these guys aren't really warriors (or very durable).

Princess Eclair

This list is NOT based on in-game Levels, even though they are considered canonical. This is mostly because I didn't want to have to look up starting level for all of these people... (especially the ones with cameo appearances). It'd be interesting to see how my thoughts compare with the 'official' list, if there is one. Also, uh... let me know if I forgot anyone important... >.>;;

Yay, multiverse series! ^_^

« Last Edit: April 21, 2009, 12:33:09 AM by DjinnAndTonic »


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Re: Nippon-Ichi musings
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2009, 09:54:47 PM »
Very well, for the list, there si few thing you need to remember...

First move Ball out of list. He and the Mediators ('The One') and a certain Prinny and a certain Ancient Weapon Protottype are consider cheating. It is best to leave them out of the equation. Especially the Mediators, depsite insanely powerful, their power is heavily dependant ont he circumstances. They literally can not use their power unless some sort of cosmic balance is disrupte dint he first place.

Now, with the cheaters gone, the top tier of normally powerful ones are covered by Zeta and Rozalin. Zeta's power needs no argument, as he has N1's official seal. Also one of the three overlords who is allowed to bear the title "The Strongest". The other two two Overlord who also held the "The Strongest" title should be ranked in this tier as well, which includes Rozalin and Mao's dad.

Also, do not instantly put Regulators so high ont he list, like Haephnes and Drazil. Despiet they are EXTREMLY pwerful int heir domain of control, they are not so much outside it. Especially when World Class Name Bearer Regulators showed no control of powre outsid their worlds should be an evidence of this. Being a regulator also does not speak of their destructive power. Gig alone is far more power than the other Regulators in the same game, even the Name Bearer. If anything, the classes of the Regulators represents their adminsitrative powres, not their detsructive force. In general, I would rank Regulators who held no other psoitions ot be weaker than Overlords, as their power would strictly limited to their domain. And I would just say drop the World Eater to the same tier as loew rnak Overlords cosnider the World Eaters are watered down version of Regulators.

Also, you can be a Regulator and a Overlord at the same time too. Pram, Alex, Valvolga are all Regulators on top of being Overlord, this should really give them an edge over other normal Overlord.

Also, I suggest putting Laharl and co. higher on the list. They have highly improved throught he course of the series, and with the power of the three of them combined, they managed to defeat Baal. So in a csense, at the very least, Laharl right now is about 1/3 of aal's power.