Author Topic: Watching any anime?  (Read 291479 times)


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1450 on: August 25, 2010, 12:00:40 PM »
Twas a sad day. :/
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19:36:14 (Sanae) o.o
19:39:11 (Sanae) I'd love to dupe a second trancehime.


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1451 on: August 27, 2010, 01:15:39 PM »
Laid in an order for Kon's Millenium Actress as it was on the list of things I was eyeing anyway.

Tru Change Getta Armageddon -

Rewatched this, this time with English subtitles instead of Italian/Spanish ones. It didn't increase the understandability of the plot by as much as I would have liked.

Megazone 23 -

So. The first part is all about what should by rights result from youths getting their hands on a mech and trying to expose/oppose the military. The second part is all about everyone dying. The third and fourth parts are closer to a more traditional rebelling against the military.

That the majority of the 'good' characters in the second part turn out to have only received non-fatal injuries and all turn up at what passes for the escape pod, while the majority of the citizenry is obliterated including presumably a number of good characters from the first part, is a fairly atrocious twist. Now that I'm writing about it I seem to remember that the general population was directed to shelters, but I don't recall these shelters ever being released. The central chamber is the only section we actually see later.

So the financier who barely had any screen time in the first part starts off the second part conniving his way about making an end-run around the military towards overtures towards the Dezalg. And then we never see him again. Well-done implications that he was discovered and discreetly dealt with or failure plot that forgot he existed?

So the UN somehow obtained enough power to extradite the majority of the population of the planet to off-planet for several centuries, with a sword hanging over their heads that if they haven't improved by the time they get back they'll get smited. Yet according to the history related to Shogo in Part 1, fighting between 'zones started happening almost immediately after this. On the one hand, Bahamut did wipe all knowledge of what was happening from the citizenry, and they wouldn't realise the implications of this - on the other hand, Bahamut did wipe all knowledge of what was happening from the citizenry, and they consequently shouldn't have even known that the other 'zones existed. It's not the most sensible set of events of all time.

I swear, Ryo's entire reason for existence in Parts 3/4 is just to provide a way for Eiji's E=X disk to get to Shion. She does almost nothing else of consequence. On top of that even that disk in itself is fairly contrived.

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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1452 on: August 27, 2010, 07:00:42 PM »
Megazone 23 is watched for parts 1 and 2. 3 is just a joke played on the public by the producers.


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1453 on: September 05, 2010, 11:18:31 PM »
Black Jack (Movie)-

Does a reasonably good job of being fairly intriguing. The plot gets a bit stupid at points but it all ends up tieing together and I'm not really sure how I should feel about that.

Not a fan of Pinoko.

Gundam 00 S2 V1-

This was mostly just the gang getting back together, so not a whole lot to say about it. 00 Gundam is reasonably stylish. Bad Times continued for Saji, but in complete reverse from my expectations they have decided not to ride them for everything they're worth and he has already had some of his misconceptions shattered. There still exists hope that he will get to kill off the remnant at least.

Seems strange that they would go out of their way to rescue Marina. She isn't really connected to them at all except Setsuna, and there wasn't too much of a connection there as I recall.

Transformers G1-

Finished Season 1 and one disc of Season 2. Entertaining enough so far, for all that encyclopedias could be written about the show's lack of internal consistency.

Unhappy to see that the Dinobots were built by the Autobots as opposed to being 'natural'.


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1454 on: September 07, 2010, 06:37:52 AM »
Wheeljack made the Dinobots. Funny skit about that can be found here.


Anyways, has anyone seen a show called Baccano? I saw one clip and was intrigued. Wondering if it was worth looking into.
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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1455 on: September 07, 2010, 06:38:50 AM »
Anyways, has anyone seen a show called Baccano? I saw one clip and was intrigued. Wondering if it was worth looking into.

Yes. It is utterly fantastic. Watch it.


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1456 on: September 07, 2010, 06:49:45 AM »
Just watched Baccano!  Utterly fantastic.  This show is, among other things, a case study of how to do comic relief right.
Rocky: you do know what an A-bomb is, right?
Bullwinkle: A-bomb is what some people call our show!
Rocky: I don't think that's very funny...
Bullwinkle: Neither do they, apparently!

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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1457 on: September 07, 2010, 07:31:55 AM »
Just watched Baccano!  Utterly fantastic.  This show is, among other things, a case study of how to do comic relief right.

Awesome. Now watch Durarara. Same guy, same universe!


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1458 on: September 12, 2010, 02:19:37 PM »
Millennium Actress -

Brilliant. Only real complaints are that at times (moreso early on than later) it can be a bit hard to follow, and that the final line throws everything into a somewhat different light which I find less pleasing than the existing lighting.

Transformers G1-

Only one disc further in, but just mourning the recent descent of the show into wholesale advertising mode. The recent serial about "Dinobot Island" introduced three new planes and a plane/tank triple changer for the Decepticons, and six vehicles, a hovercraft, and a handheld microscope for the Autobots (with Perceptor there only missing out on the ludicrousness crown because Reflector, three robots that combine into a single handheld camera, already existed since season 1). On the one hand this is an awesome development but on the other hand it is saddening because the show hadn't really been this way up until this point. The Decepticons for instance had, unless I am misremembering things, only really gained the Constructicon team since the first episodes. New Autobots have been showing up sporadically but not to this extent.

Also currently watching Kurokami V1 but as I have not yet reached any points I consider to be arbitrary enough in it I will withhold comment for now.


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1459 on: September 15, 2010, 06:29:05 AM »
School Rumble - Watched an episode of this on a whim, got hooked.  Watched up to episode 17 or something now.  One of the few shows where almost all of the characters are likeable.

Hikaru no Go - Started this too.  Watched up to episode 11 I think.  It... seems like it could be interesting but hasn't managed to do much so far.  Will probably keep going for a bit more at least.


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1460 on: September 19, 2010, 01:34:07 AM »
Spriggan -


Was surprised to see that MacDougall didn't die in the manner which had been foreshadowed (actually, I'm not sure if he ended up dying at all... was a little unclear). His repeated failure to kill Yu despite what he's supposed to be capable of was a bit annoying.

Kurokami V1-

Finished, now I have to wait until November for V2 annoyingly.

The case blurb says that Keita is a videogame programmer and that he loses an arm. Neither of these are true.

Outside of the first episode, they haven't really done enough with the Doppleliner system as I would have liked.

So there are three instances of every person on the planet, one of which is the 'root' and two of which are 'subs', and they have 'fate' split up between them with the root getting the lion's share and the subs dividing what's left over. If the root meets one of their subs, the sub dies soon afterwards; if both subs meet each other, they both die. When this happens their 'fate' gets sent back to the root. On top of this, subs tend to have generally worse luck in life than roots do. Now you would expect that people that know about this would have questions regarding it. The people in the show that do don't really have any, though! The most explanation that we've gotten so far is that it is set up this way to 'protect the co-existence equilibrium', a vague and unexplained thing which sounds suspiciously like it is referring to circular reasoning. This is all despite the fact that they have access to some of the people guarding the system that would presumably be happy to discuss it, although I have some doubts that they really know the purpose of it either. Anyways, the question has only been asked three-odd times so far, and this is including times when it was asked rhetorically to people who had no way of answering.

Roots with both their subs killed by the system (or unnaturally?) become Master Roots which so far has not meant a whole lot aside from that they're pretty much all bastards who were happy for their subs to have been killed. Most of the ones we've seen so far didn't know anything about it until after they were picked up by the people who organised it after the fact, but still.

Keita wins a fight by insisting that the person he is fighting is miserable and it is annoyingly annoying. She also dies shortly afterwards for no explained reason which is further aggravation.

So our main man Keita here is supposed to be a sub which should in theory be somewhat interesting. The show does not seem to want to run with this at all and is constantly making him out to be special. It is disappointing and I will not be surprised if it turns out that he isn't a sub at all.

I originally thought that the show was going to be playing up Ration as having seemingly evil goals but he was actually going to dismantle the System, but it looks like what he was actually after is not going to be clarified any time soon if ever. It doesn't seem to match his character, what little of it we got to see, for him to just be generically evil.

I fully expect Kuraki to turn out to be a negative root. Interested to see where his playing off of Akane against Yuki goes.

Transformers G1-

Finished season 2.1, onto season 2.2. I don't have too much of a problem with new Autobots showing up out of nowhere (originally I thought they were being built like the Dinobots, but the show has used the Dinobots being the only ones built on Earth as a plot point - not that the show is particularly consistent), but when it comes to Omega Supreme this is a bit of joke. He's a tad too big to have just been overlooked until now.


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1461 on: September 19, 2010, 02:40:12 AM »
Durarara!! - all the cards are in my hand.
Rocky: you do know what an A-bomb is, right?
Bullwinkle: A-bomb is what some people call our show!
Rocky: I don't think that's very funny...
Bullwinkle: Neither do they, apparently!

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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1462 on: September 19, 2010, 06:52:57 AM »
Yay! Now I can scar you with this:


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1463 on: September 19, 2010, 08:29:23 AM »
you're a bad man.
Rocky: you do know what an A-bomb is, right?
Bullwinkle: A-bomb is what some people call our show!
Rocky: I don't think that's very funny...
Bullwinkle: Neither do they, apparently!


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1464 on: September 20, 2010, 04:29:05 AM »


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1465 on: September 20, 2010, 05:38:33 AM »
Izaya: Trolling people both in-universe and out.


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1466 on: September 25, 2010, 03:27:31 PM »
High School of the Dead - fun references to zombie flicks if you are into them.  Gets all anime when it shouldn't with wayyyy to much screaming and crying over stuff that you shouldn't and dragging out DRAMA scenes that were already played out for the right amount of drama in the original versions.  Doesn't anime it enough where it should.  Action scenes should have been over the top ridiculous.  I got one of those in the 6 episodes I watched.

First three episodes are good fun referencing the right things and other than the excessive screaming and crying and failing to kill dudes in episode 1.

Episode 4 was horrible and just straight up should have been killed in production.  It is like there was not quality checking done on the series at all.  Episode 5 was slow and would have been tolerable if Episode 4 hadn't existed.  Even if they mashed the half a real episode that was in Episode 4 into 5 it still would have been a slow show.  Episode 6 continued to just peter around doing nothing with the hand brake slammed on until absolutely nothing happens.

Fun series that had potential and shouldn't be taken serious with situations involving the main group (because when it tries to be serious it is fucking stupid).  Failed completley and totally after they had run out of ideas.

Ultimately I was bored and glad I ran out of episodes.  Worth watching what I had as an exercise, but there is porn that moves its plot along with better pacing than this shit.
« Last Edit: September 25, 2010, 03:32:14 PM by Grefter »
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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1467 on: September 25, 2010, 04:34:27 PM »
Gonna pretty much second everything Grefter said on HSOTD except I only made it through a few episodes.


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1468 on: September 26, 2010, 07:54:32 AM »
Grefter, what are you saying?? That show has no meaning outside fan service.

Yay! Now I can scar you with this:

I prefer this one a lot more.
« Last Edit: September 26, 2010, 11:31:17 AM by Niu »


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1469 on: September 27, 2010, 06:53:16 AM »
Rocky: you do know what an A-bomb is, right?
Bullwinkle: A-bomb is what some people call our show!
Rocky: I don't think that's very funny...
Bullwinkle: Neither do they, apparently!


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1470 on: September 27, 2010, 08:24:21 AM »
Errrr of course you would, the second one is the far more superior song.

Although the first one is suprisingly good, but Japan isn't allowed to have 2 good songs in relation to one show.
NO MORE POKEMON - Meeplelard.
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Don't worry, just jam it in anyway. - SirAlex
Gravellers are like, G-Unit - Trancey.

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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1471 on: September 27, 2010, 11:27:08 AM »
Errrr of course you would, the second one is the far more superior song.

Although the first one is suprisingly good, but Japan isn't allowed to have 2 good songs in relation to one show.

Actually, it doesn't. The first one is an alternate opening to Bakemonogatari. It's normally sung by a chick.


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1472 on: September 27, 2010, 11:33:08 AM »
Errrr of course you would, the second one is the far more superior song.

Although the first one is suprisingly good, but Japan isn't allowed to have 2 good songs in relation to one show.

Neither song is related to Durarara.
The first one Soppy said it. The second one is a song by Radwimps's 9th single back on 2008. Though I never expected it to work so well for a Iza/Shizu video.

BTW, here is the Shizu version of Love Circulation

......oh, almost forget ask. Soppy, did they keep the toothbrush scene in the Bakemonogatari anime??

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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1473 on: September 27, 2010, 11:46:26 AM »
It's been a while, so I'm not sure.

For completeness, here's the ORIGINAL version of Love Circulation:

Still love her hat.


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1474 on: September 28, 2010, 03:51:23 AM »
.....should I post the one with Solid Snake??