
Author Topic: Watching any anime?  (Read 291483 times)


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1525 on: October 24, 2010, 08:12:24 AM »
Zambot 3 -

Not the greatest show of all time.

So the overall theme is Bad Things Happen To Kappei. I don't know whether we're supposed to be feeling sorry for him or what? The majority of the show everyone hating/fearing him is completely justified as he is a thoughtless jerkhat who keeps getting civilians involved in battles whenever the battle isn't already. Keeping in mind that at the beginning of the series, before anything has gone down, he's already hated/wanted by the police. And he's 12.

I am divided on whether the show is trying to be clever and showing what happens if you put that sort of power in the hands of a 12-year-old or whether the show is just dumb.

Lategame it pulls a Zeta and starts killing people off, and just as in Zeta it doesn't work well. Kappei has been generally deserving of punishment for most of the show and got nothing except a lot of people hating him which didn't seem to affect him too much, and only start this up once he's started improving slightly and people have a generally more ambivalent opinion? That's just being vicious for the sake of being viscious. Especially since some of the deaths are completely worthless such as when one of the Beal components is sacrificed in order to destroy the Bundock's propulsion but it still manages to escape while the rest are distracted.

The human bomb section of the show was a considerable let-down. The most effective part was when a kid tried to die with dignity but ended up not being able to hack it, followed at a distance by a guy who tampered with his own in order to save a number of other people from suffering the same fate. But for the most part - why should we really be concerned about these unwitting pawns resulting in minor destruction when the Guyzock could have caused vastly more by themselves? The bomb which was presumably supposed to be the most traumatic doesn't really have anything going for it but a handful of scenes where the situation is almost revealed but isn't, and he broke orders to bring them onboard anyway - plus the explosion didn't kill anyone except the unlucky person in question. Sure it may have been disheartening for Kappei, but there wasn't any reason in that episode to cause me to feel anything for it.

Uchuuta gets very little characterisation. He does manage to get more than Keiko. Keiko only really gets any worthwhile screentime in one episode, where Uchuuta and Kappei spend time insulting her on her birthday. So that she will go AWOL and run back to her mother and she can spend her birthday with her mother. Kappei, you are a tool, and the scriptwriters fail at life. This is then followed by her getting some of the hate that the show's populace normally lavishes on Kappei, so she may be in luck that she wasn't often doing anything of consequence.

I am reminded of a segment where Kappei is refusing to drive Zambo Ace because the populace's hate has managed to reach him in some way and the grandfather says that that's fine because they can control it via remote control and have Uchuuta control Zambot 3. Some time later when Kappei has resolved his personal problems he just runs over and flies off in Zambo Ace which hadn't moved. Even when the show says that it's going to give the second bananas something to do it doesn't.

So there's this guy Kouzuki who hates Kappei since before the series starts, so much so that he pushes Kappei-on-a-bike over the edge of a dock and they have a... rope-anchor fight at one point. After things start happening he hates on Kappei even more because like everyone else he blames him for everything. Then he disappears from the show for some time. Then when he shows back up he has mellowed egregiously towards Kappei, keeping in mind that unlike the general populace he already hated Kappei. I can't really see any way in which this makes sense.

Keeping on Kouzuki, there's a scene later where he is caught in the inner sanctum of the Bundock by Killer and Guyzock, and Guyzock tells Killer to kill him. Next scene he's just back in the prison cell. Uh.

All up: Show was generally baddish. Also, Killer the Butcher never did end up being as fabulous as I had hoped but was sometimes entertaining.

Transformers G1: Scramble City -

Oh deity this was a thoroughly pointless feature. The first third of it is just a recap of early G1 which plays up Devastator as being some ludicrous godmoder for some reason! Combiners keep showing up and overpowering each other! Out of nowhere it turns out that changing the configuration a combiner is using alters its power level! Metroplex and Trypticon turn up and then it ends!

Transformers G1: Movie -

Decent. Would have been nice for some of the new Autobots to have gotten origins like Galvatron et al as opposed to just Rodimus, which is extremely sketchy anyway since Hot Rod was new with no explanation.

The Decepticons have no right being so competent in this considering their lack of such in the series to this point.

Not really a great deal to say is coming to mind.

Transformers G1: Season 3 -

Around halfway through this. Quality has been generally lower than Season 2 so far, although I believe Season 2 still has some episodes which are worse than have been presented as yet. Rodimus is kind of a failure which is distressing as I had always been under the impression that he was pretty cool, but for the longest time I had only ever seen the movie and the final serial from this season. His most sterling example of atrociousness so far was when he ordered an entire planet destroyed so that the Decepticons couldn't get their hands on it. That was certainly the most sane option available.

Bizarre how they take Blitzwing, the guy who took over a football field and who got caught in a trap meant for Optimus Prime, and turn him into the only sane decepticon in the first serial of this season. Maybe they got their files mixed up. Then they write him out. Ah well.

Grimlock has also been turned into more of a dumb-idiot type than a barbarian-idiot type, as well as having been promoted to a more major secondary character. Was it really worth it, Grimlock.


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1526 on: October 27, 2010, 04:30:20 PM »
Ore No Imouto. Started off decent, is now about incest. Goddamnit Japan.


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1527 on: October 27, 2010, 05:05:25 PM »
Ore No Imouto. Started off decent, is now about incest. Goddamnit Japan.

You expected anything else?
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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1528 on: October 27, 2010, 05:11:58 PM »
Ore No Imouto. Started off decent, is now about incest. Goddamnit Japan.

You expected anything else?

A man can hope. I knew it was moe moe shit, I just hadn't thought it'd ACTUALLY be siscon shit.

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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1529 on: October 27, 2010, 08:36:27 PM »
Ore No Imouto. Started off decent, is now about incest. Goddamnit Japan.

You expected anything else?

A man can hope. I knew it was moe moe shit, I just hadn't thought it'd ACTUALLY be siscon shit.

Considering the title of the series, it's impressive that the thought hadn't crossed your mind.
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[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1530 on: October 27, 2010, 09:43:23 PM »
Hm? Dislike incest? Then stay far away from Yosuga no Sora. Real incest sex is expected around ep.12


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1531 on: October 28, 2010, 01:14:46 AM »
I feel like pointing out that based on preorder rankings (#2 disc in the anime section right now, I think), the Japanese otaku are really looking forward to that incest episode.


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1532 on: October 28, 2010, 04:09:34 AM »
More precisely,Yosuga no Sora's sales expectation was actually in a steady decline, but sky rocketed back to the top upon the airing of the ep.4


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1533 on: October 29, 2010, 04:50:34 AM »
Railgun ch.36- YEEEES!! YEEEEEEEEEEES!! This is how things should have been done!! Fuck the anime FUUUUCK! This is what I want to see!!!


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1534 on: October 29, 2010, 04:51:27 AM »
Railgun ch.36- YEEEES!! YEEEEEEEEEEES!! This is how things should have been done!! Fuck the anime FUUUUCK! This is what I want to see!!!

Sort of want.


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1535 on: October 29, 2010, 05:14:02 AM »
Well, it is mostly Touma this time.
It is the Touma vs. Accelerator fight in the Sister arc. Just, this is the best version so far.


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1536 on: November 01, 2010, 01:10:52 AM »
Ore No Imouto. Started off decent, is now about incest. Goddamnit Japan.


I'm sorry, I have to get the cruel laughter out of the way.

Seriously. The title might as well be "My wild and raunchy sister - now with 200% more incest!"

I wouldn't be surprised if there was already *several* pornographic publications called this. did you miss this?

*patpats* I guess it's good that you're still so innocent-minded. :P


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1537 on: November 01, 2010, 02:24:10 AM »
I missed it because I was promised it was not about incest. The first episode stresses that he thinks his sister is not cute. The second episode stresses that he'd rather not deal with his sister at all. The third episode changes the status quo slightly and then... the fourth episode, with reckless abandon, is incest.

At least Star Driver does not disappoint yet. Absurd plot, I love it. Next season have Remember My Mr Lovecraft, apparently about Cthulhu disguising as a young girl and some bloke and a harem. Madness.

Djinn, Japan is nuts. How can you bear to live there?!


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1538 on: November 01, 2010, 03:12:06 AM »
Probably because I'm not related to anyone here.


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1539 on: November 01, 2010, 03:53:06 AM »
Probably because I'm not related to anyone here.

Not BLOOD related.


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1540 on: November 01, 2010, 04:36:12 AM »
Star Driver ep.5- This is self explanatory *Niu laughs maniacally


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1541 on: November 01, 2010, 07:27:21 AM »
Seriously. The title might as well be "My wild and raunchy sister - now with 200% more incest!"

Oh come now, there are plenty of things in English that should be porn but somehow are not:

Deep Impact
My Little Pony
Moby Dick.  I mean, if that doesn't scream "porno about a DJ," I don't know what does.
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Bullwinkle: A-bomb is what some people call our show!
Rocky: I don't think that's very funny...
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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1542 on: November 01, 2010, 08:45:10 AM »
Jim man, you totally lack relevance in modern cinema.  Just from the top 10 grossing films this year you have these.

Toy Story 3 - Obvious
Alice in Wonderland - Some would argue the source material being along those lines
Inception - Cream pies.
Shrek Forever After - Bride porn
The Twilight Saga: Eclipse - Already is porn.
Iron Man 2    - Men in uniform
Clash of the Titans - BBW
How to Train Your Dragon - Obvious.
Despicable Me - BDSM
The Karate Kid - Lesbians.
NO MORE POKEMON - Meeplelard.
The king perfect of the DL is and always will be Excal. - Superaielman
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Gravellers are like, G-Unit - Trancey.


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1543 on: November 01, 2010, 01:30:34 PM »
I wish I could give you something for making me realize just how dirty a title "How to Train your Dragon" is. ;D


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1544 on: November 01, 2010, 09:53:24 PM »
Right, so I've actually been watching some anime recently too, mostly of the variety that does not require a lot of mental heavy lifting, it being in the thick of the semester.

Gokusen - Badass heir of a yakuza family works incognito as a homeroom teacher in a school full of delinquents.  Fun stuff, with her trying largely unsuccessfully to hide her battle-hardened background from her students and her totally un-teacherlike tendency to run from cops.  Never really felt like it reached its full potential, alas.

Working!! - entertaining show about a slew of quirky part-timers in a diner.  Works fairly well, with various characters taking turns as the straight man depending on the situation.  The characters' quirks are a bit too contrived, but the character interaction and development makes it work; a decent building on a shaky foundation.

Hanamaru Kindergarten - Adorable show about a newly-minted kindergarten teacher.  I assume this is more or less what Djinn's life is like.  I mean, the dude gets advice from his students for a handheld Dragon Quest game that he plays while he's supposed to be teaching!  Show has great style - excellent pastel color scheme really works for it.
« Last Edit: November 01, 2010, 09:55:01 PM by NotMiki »
Rocky: you do know what an A-bomb is, right?
Bullwinkle: A-bomb is what some people call our show!
Rocky: I don't think that's very funny...
Bullwinkle: Neither do they, apparently!


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1545 on: November 02, 2010, 04:11:27 AM »
Railgun Ch 36: I didn't get into this Manga for Touma. He has his own series! But then again, this Touma is incredibly awesome. Why is Touma never this much a certified badass who gets into exciting fights in his own story? It is just inexplicable.

Oh wait no it's not.

Record of Lodoss War: I watched a bit of this a long time ago and watched it all a little while back. Generic as all get-out but you know what I don't care. It was fun. And the dual-wielding at the end even gets my approval. From now on if someone asks me "what is an example of a generic fantasy anime that doesn't suck" I'll know what my response is going to be.

TWGOK 4: Keima is screwed up. I liked the style of this episode primarily because it felt so completely isolated. It was just Keima playing his game that no one else in the world even cared about, and that was clearly isolating him from everyone around him. There was a constant feel of loneliness both in his game-world and in the real world. The comedy scenes with Elsee were pretty well done but ultimately the real purpose of the ep was to get across that "Keima is screwed up". It worked.

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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1546 on: November 02, 2010, 04:57:52 AM »
Railgun Ch 36: I didn't get into this Manga for Touma. He has his own series! But then again, this Touma is incredibly awesome. Why is Touma never this much a certified badass who gets into exciting fights in his own story? It is just inexplicable.

Oh wait no it's not.

TWGOK 4: Keima is screwed up. I liked the style of this episode primarily because it felt so completely isolated. It was just Keima playing his game that no one else in the world even cared about, and that was clearly isolating him from everyone around him. There was a constant feel of loneliness both in his game-world and in the real world. The comedy scenes with Elsee were pretty well done but ultimately the real purpose of the ep was to get across that "Keima is screwed up". It worked.

::Reads Chapter 36:: It's nearly the same damn fight. It's certainly more streamlined for awesome, but... goddamn, no idea what people are orgasming about.

TWGOK: Turning that chapter into a full episode was pretty surprising, especially since they left out full-on God-Mode Keima, but I really, really like how they did it. However, they seem to be leaving the fact that Keima is completely and utterly uncaring and unapologetic for his choice in life by the wayside in their attempt to make you feel sympathy for him. In the manga, you... kinda do, but he makes it harder on you. The seeming lack of SD might hurt Elsee's hilarity and cuteness levels. It's ironic that the ONE FRIGGEN TIME I like something that randomly goes SD, they don't use it in the anime!


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1547 on: November 02, 2010, 05:36:40 AM »
Railgun Ch 36: I didn't get into this Manga for Touma. He has his own series! But then again, this Touma is incredibly awesome. Why is Touma never this much a certified badass who gets into exciting fights in his own story? It is just inexplicable.

Because JC sucks? That they can't do the simplest of the fight scene right and the novel still remain much more engaging despite the lack of visual??
An death to ep.4, they should have kept the scene where Tsuchmikado makes fun of Kaori.

Though, you do know that ch.36 is not from BiriBiri's PoV, but from Accelerator, right?


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1548 on: November 02, 2010, 06:34:21 AM »
Star Driver ep. 5.

I think it's all been said so far.
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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1549 on: November 02, 2010, 10:50:01 PM »
Quote from: Soppy
::Reads Chapter 36:: It's nearly the same damn fight. It's certainly more streamlined for awesome, but... goddamn, no idea what people are orgasming about.
It was a good but not great chapter. Like I said I don't read the Railgun Manga for Touma's fights again. I totally saw the opportunity to make the Biribirivision joke and took it though.