
Author Topic: Watching any anime?  (Read 265561 times)

Hunter Sopko

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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1875 on: May 20, 2012, 01:15:02 PM »
Surprised a mecha fan like you hasn't seen VOTOMS yet. And it's more or less is about the various and hilariously awesome/improbable ways Chirico flips the middle finger at death. Now move onto Shining Heresy (a sequel) and Roots of Ambition (a prequel). Good stuff. The rest is ignorable unless you really like VOTOMS.


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1876 on: June 03, 2012, 07:02:08 PM »
Kawamori is officially the all-time King of Trolls.


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1877 on: June 04, 2012, 10:21:43 PM »
Apparently I watch anime occasionally. Hulu and Funi are getting better at this.

A Certain Magical Index: Episode 18 or so. Decently enjoyable show, although it is really weird to think this is the main series and Railgun is the sister show. Think it would have been a little better to have the amnesia played straight (it kinda makes 0 difference from what I've seen thus far with him hiding it). Still, fun.

Fate/Zero: Up to Saber/Lancer fight. Decent so far? Not sure what else to say. Many of the identities being spoiled right away is sorta sad. =(


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1878 on: June 05, 2012, 07:40:24 PM »
Those are not Time of Eve.  Watch Time of Eve.  It is good.
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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1879 on: June 10, 2012, 02:58:20 PM »
Perfect Blue - watched


The internet is saying that there is controversy regarding whether the ending is supposed to be taken at face value or not, personally I didn't feel anything wrong with the ending as it was. Oh well.

Planetes - watched through

Pretty good/entertaining for the most part. Goes downhill late. Not really a fan of the ending, especially if the implications of the scene are accurate.

I had been fairly sure that the events with the Third Division and Mars were telegraphing what was going to end up happening, for all that I couldn't really come up with a way that it would be allowed, only to find that I was horribly wrong anyway. Oh well.

I also don't like Lucy.

Kaiji S1 - watched through

Pretty good/entertaining for the most part. Goes downhill late.

For the girder arc, I had been banking on the final gimmick being that they were going to have to make a return journey with the additional weight of their winnings. Unfortunately, the actual final gimmick (or not the final one, depending on how you look at it) was much dumber. Oh well.


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1880 on: June 20, 2012, 01:42:28 PM »
Ghost Hound - watched through.

Pretty good.

Started slow, but got interesting reasonably quickly. Ended up leaving a fair amount of things unanswered, which is annoying but I don't know if they could really have satisfactorily answered everything anyway.

Very psychobabbly at times.

Godmars - watched episodes 1 through 32


Started slow, still fairly slow at times. Godmars itself is usually boringly invulnerable, and uses more stock footage than I prefer. I tend to like the enemy mech designs at least.

I was surprised to find the Gishin arc end in episode 24, whereas SRW had me believing that it was the entirity of the show. To be fair, Gishin Zuul is perfect for a final enemy style enemy while nothing of the kind has shown up in the Marume arc yet, but there's still plenty of time for it to make up ground on that front.

Loze has also left the party and I am not really a fan of Flore, disappointing. Hopefully she will come back at some point. In any case it seems strange that SRW didn't jump at the chance for space pirate ship.

Black Jack @ Viki - watched episodes 6 through 16

Either I am getting scarily desensitized or they have replaced/improved the subs. Hopefully it's the latter. At minimum I haven't seen them inconsistently naming characters any more.

This adaptation has far too much Pinoko/Sharaku/Largo (especially since as far as I remember Largo died in the original comic they first appeared in, and I don't remember Sharaku appearing at all but am less confident on that front).

Hunter Sopko

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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1881 on: June 24, 2012, 10:44:45 PM »



I can't stop laughing.



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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1882 on: June 26, 2012, 09:01:04 PM »
Soppy, I have told you to watch it since the con, and you just did it now.

Quick, jump to 25 quickly, the trolling doesn't stop there.


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1883 on: July 14, 2012, 02:36:58 PM »
Cowboy Bebop The Movie - watched

I graded it as pretty good, but I don't really remember enough about it to say anything specific.

Memories - watched

Bleaker than I expected, although since I had no real expectations going in that wasn't hard. I guess Magnetic Rose was the best segment, but none of them were superfantastic. Magnetic Rose itself raises questions regarding how particular memories could possibly have been known by a particular character. Although now that I'm thinking about it, it's possible that they were cut out of whole cloth and the owner was out of it enough to not realise - I've seemed to recall a line from earlier on which would make them impossible, although I could be misremembering it and/or who said it (plus the possibility of it being a lie, etc).

Slayers Try - watched through

Fairly entertaining. Don't remember enough of original/Next to compare. Feels like Xellos was less entertaining this series than in Next.

At some point, they're going to run out of superentities for villains.

Godmars - watched episodes 33 through 64


The Marume arc ran for too long, and they never ended up explaining anything about the plus/minus forces and why they were supposed to hate each other (unless the explanation is 'They aren't and Gyron was deluded into thinking that way by Zuul and he managed to indoctrinate the rest of them').

I don't understand the train of thought that could lead to characters being written to think that Gyron would be fine with them settling the Dead Planet after the miracle considering he's been conducting genocide against them and endeavouring to have relevant people who are in separate planetary systems killed off, let alone people on Marume's twin planet.

Disappointing to see Earth Zuul in the Earth Arc have completely the same design as Gishin Zuul. I don't really understand whether Earth Zuul and Gestalt Zuul are the same Zuul or not, and I'm not sure whether the Zuul which interfered with Marume was Earth Zuul or if it was a Marume Zuul which we don't see any more of afterwards. Earth Zuul is pretty clearly a separate entity from Gishin Zuul from what it says, at least. Earth Zuul is also much more a dick than Gishin Zuul, which was probably an attempt to make up for the Earth arc having very little villain plot.

You know what the Earth arc had too much of
ghost Marg
hate ghost Marg

So ghost Marg wanted Takeru to find the burning star, which might as well be a request for him to find the two-armed man as far as it looks to me. Spoiler: it was the sun. Earth Zuul was keeping the ghosts of people from Gishin there for some reason.

Spoiler: the ending didn't make any sense.


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1884 on: July 23, 2012, 12:00:33 AM »
This is super-late, but I just saw what the movie ticket for the upcoming Madoka movies looks like and man, that's hilarious.

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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1885 on: July 23, 2012, 12:43:22 AM »

[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1886 on: July 24, 2012, 11:17:22 PM »
<Ko-NitoriisSulpher> roll 1d100 to grade Nitori?
<Hatbot> ACTION --> "Ko-NitoriisSulpher rolls 1d100 to grade Nitori? and gets 100." [1d100=100]


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1887 on: July 25, 2012, 02:19:16 PM »
SRWOG: Divine Wars - rewatched 1 - 20, watched through rest (including special)

Fairly entertaining. The SRW basing isn't doing as much for me these days as it was back before I stopped due to misguided optimism of a local release.

I don't remember Juses being in OG1 at all, Septy got a fairly poor showing, never used transformed R-Gun as far as I remember, barely any Viletta, no Gust Lander as far as I remember.

SRWOG: The Inspector - watched through

it hurts
it hurts
it hurts

Beyond the flagrant 'fan' 'service', I don't remember Wendolo getting Einsted up ingame. Lee survives, and never even really turns evil. The world is still under military rule. The change in final villain is dumb, although from one point of view it retains the same lack of sense-making that the game did. OG2 being inferior to OG1, I don't remember it as well, so it's possible that more things match up than I think do.

Also still no Gust Lander.

Is The Inspector's version of Decisive Battle/Final Judgement (e25 ~5:40 - 6:40) on a soundtrack anywhere?


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1888 on: August 05, 2012, 12:06:09 PM »
Brain Powered - watched through

I cannot recommend this show.

The show does not think much of women. At at least one point everything is blamed on working mothers being something that exists. Johnathan's motivations also stem from his mother being a working mother. In two early episodes Yuu kisses Hime to stop her from talking and I was afraid it was going to be a thing but fortunately they dropped it.

Things are left unexplained. It's never explained what the antibody pilots are actually becoming 'immune' to. It's brought up that the Brains actually came from a different Orphan which never comes up again. There is no explanation with regards to how Baron Maximillian knows anything about Baronzus or so on. The ending doesn't make it clear whether Orphan actually goes into space or just stays in orbit (disregarding that orbitting is in space, really) and if it's supposed to be the former it isn't explained how this could happen considering that essentially everyone was supposed to die if it did.

Everything regarding the U.S. being a young country with no history and what this supposedly means was stupid.

I was watching the ChromaSubs subs, and fairly often things seemed pretty badly worded - given this show's reputation, I'm not sure whether ChromaSubs are to blame here or if they were being true to it.


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1889 on: August 06, 2012, 03:32:56 PM »
Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt: Up to episode I don't even know.

Yup. It is what it is. I am ashamed that I have been enjoying it, but whatever. It is stupid fun.


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1890 on: August 22, 2012, 04:30:27 AM »
Watching THE ENTIRETY of Detective Conan, probably because I hate myself. Up to episode 270, so only like 400 something to go. >_>

Well, I will say that the specials are worth watching as self-contained thrillers. But dear lord this series redefines "filler." Still, it's easy to watch while doing other things.

Hunter Sopko

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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1891 on: August 22, 2012, 06:42:48 AM »
Even better, a couple years ago I read all of the 725ish chapters that were out at the time in about a week.

Hey kids! It's time for another CLOSED ROOM MURDER!~~~


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1892 on: August 22, 2012, 07:50:56 AM »
First Fenrir rises from the ashes, then Otter returns all grown up and sexy and now a completely random Cromage post from nowhere?  Truely we live in interesting times.

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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1893 on: August 22, 2012, 11:06:11 PM »

Hey kids! It's time for another CLOSED ROOM MURDER!~~~


First Fenrir rises from the ashes, then Otter returns all grown up and sexy and now a completely random Cromage post from nowhere?  Truely we live in interesting times.



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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1894 on: August 23, 2012, 08:19:57 AM »
NO MORE POKEMON - Meeplelard.
The king perfect of the DL is and always will be Excal. - Superaielman
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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1895 on: August 26, 2012, 04:37:09 PM »

Eh, not much. Graduated; got a boyfriend; work freelance.

Also, a bit more on-topic:

Angelic Layer Rewatch: Is still the second-cutest CLAMP anime. Unlike Cardcaptor Sakura though, it emphasizes the character network in ways I kind of missed earlier -- even the side characters pop up in odd places from time to time, making an effective "small world" setting where everyone knows everyone else. Technically shounen (pet android martial arts tournament!) but with definite shoujo appeal.


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1896 on: September 02, 2012, 11:00:22 AM »
TOA4: Lum The Forever - watched

It was a bit confusing. I presume that it assumed grounding in the legend which was being referred to. Fine outside that.

So Long Mr Despair 2/Extreme - watched through

Speaking about confusing

Generally entertaining. I didn't care much for the instances where they had two stories running at the same time, but I don't remember that happening much (offhand, there was the story where Fujyoushi was listening to an episode of SLMD on the radio while doing other things, and there was the Commodore Perry episode which as far as I can tell had gag subbing to begin with so there were subs for the voices and subs for the gag subs to pay attention to... although there were times when the subbing for the voices cut out and there was just subbing for the gag subs, so I'm not sure what was going on there).

I don't remember how much Kaerexploitation they had in the original series (like I can remember anything about the original series) but the amount they had in this series was pretty annoying.


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1897 on: October 05, 2012, 06:55:24 AM »
Zetsuen no Tempest - Wow, the animation is good. The presentation and direction is pretty well done too. It actually felt tense and exciting, I totally did not expect this to be possible with Zetsuen.
I do have some issues with the voice actors, but those are just minor problems.
I wonder how they'll maintain this atmosphere and tension when confronting with Samon.


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1898 on: October 05, 2012, 03:22:36 PM »
Baccano!: Fun as advertised.

Steins;Gate (1-12): Slightly different than advertised, but still fun.


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1899 on: October 06, 2012, 03:45:48 AM »
Sword of the Stranger - Pretty good.  I learned there are three tiers of warrior in Sengoku Japan:

Japanese soldiers - Pretty much fodder, but there's a lot of them.
Chinese assassins - Total badasses, worth like 30 Japanese conscripts.
Europeans - Practically unstoppable.  Far better samurai than the Japanese themselves, far better assassin than the Chinese.

If this had been a Tom Cruise production where it turns out the best Chinese assassin is a European and the best Japanese samurai is also European, I'd roll my eyes.  Instead the Japanese just come off as having something of an inferiority complex.

Pretty funny to watch D&D rules basically being enforced.  There's a scene where a Chinese assassin is pinned against a wall with a spear, and like 10 archers shoot at her at short range, and she *still doesn't die.*  Only d8 damage yo and she's like level 12 and you're level 1 suck so you're missing even with huge hit bonuses and your hits are only taking off d8 damage, so fire again bros.

But yeah.  Pretty good overall, I liked it, though it's not like it a classic or anything.