
Author Topic: Watching any anime?  (Read 291711 times)


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1950 on: May 20, 2013, 10:02:55 PM »
When you have doubts, never trust J.C. Staff.
I still can't let go the grudge on how they trashed 0930 arc....


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1951 on: May 22, 2013, 11:47:07 PM »
"The Experimental Films Of Osamu Tezuka" - watched through

In order from best to worst I would rank them:
Tales Of The Street Corner
Broken Down Film
Pictures At An Exhibition
Legend Of The Forest
The Drop
The Genesis

with Self Portrait not really existing enough to be ranked.

I also rewatched (original) Gundam recently as I wanted something I could watch without needing to pay much attention to it, this time the physical copy that they had finally brought out since the previous time I watched it, so with dubbing. Still fine.


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1952 on: May 23, 2013, 04:07:33 AM »
Totally off-topic, but I'm just noticing what Twil's avatar is.

That is great.


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1953 on: June 08, 2013, 02:22:08 AM »
Slayers Movies - watched through

In order from best to worst I would rank them:
Slayers Return
Slayers Great
Slayers: The Motion Picture
Slayers Gorgeous
Slayers Premium

TMP probably had the most worthwhile plot, though. If you're looking for one. Great is the ultimate loser in that battle.

I feel that Naga's interaction with Lina was much better in Return and Great, and to a lesser extent in Gorgeous, than in TMP, although that could be partially due to TMP being the first thing I've seen with her in it.

Premium is a travesty and makes me concerned for Revolution/EvolutionR for when I eventually get around to getting them. Also shouldn't really be considered a movie.


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1954 on: June 09, 2013, 01:48:50 AM »
Shingeki no Kyojin: EPIC SPEECH GIVING.

Fuck I want this OST so bad.


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1955 on: June 14, 2013, 03:10:17 AM »
Don't worry, Shingeki is just filled with hope!  Sure it gets brutally crushed under foot constantly and endlessly, but it's there!  Unlike Bokurano which is all doom and gloom all the time and still more cheery than the manga.

My initial comparison was going to be Claymore, a show I could never like as much as I wanted to due to its adamant refusal to let the protagonists ever get a clean win and its general insistence on presenting the opposition as unbeatably overpowered right to the end...but now that I'm caught up on Shingeki, I am comfortable saying that it is not unwilling to let its characters succeed. Just very reluctant and begrudging! Which is an approach that I'm fundamentally okay with.

And verily that OP is a decidedly rocking composition. Yers.

The titans' fixed expressions have proven an oddly effective creative decision. It's creepy and conveys all the malicious glee of a child kicking over an anthill. But Fudo why did you want to avatar that.


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1956 on: June 14, 2013, 07:29:42 AM »
Because he looks just so gosh-darn HAPPY!


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1957 on: June 16, 2013, 05:36:18 AM »
Redline- Sopko fanservice go.

This movie is such a pet project.  These dudes gave no fucks if the movie was salable.  They made what they wanted to.  I just wish I had more levels in animation geek, there is so much going on in this movie and I would love to be able to analyze more of what's going on with it.

No mistake though, this is a thoroughly entertaining movie on its own merits.  Just, everything under the hood has me intrigued but I just don't have the background to dig in.
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<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1958 on: June 23, 2013, 03:27:34 PM »
Catching up on the Daihasei arc of Railgun manga right now.

Man, the manga versions of Kongou and her two friends are a million times more awesome than their anime counterparts, to the point where they're almost completely different characters. I think the anime episodes actually came first so this isn't (yet another) case of JC Staff screwing up an adaptation, but I can still blame their writers for sucking in general.


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1959 on: June 26, 2013, 12:00:37 AM »
The Daihasei arc in Railgun is really good. Establishes several characters (Kongou/her crew/Misaki/Mitori/Baba), introduces a few cool side characters (Misaki's crew) and has several powerful scenes ranging from heartbreaking Misaki and Dolly to just flat out awesomeKongou and the antenna, Misaki and the researcher's meeting. Also the actual Daihasei events are pretty fun themselves.

I was surprised the manga continued to be so good after the Sisters arc ended.


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1960 on: July 22, 2013, 03:56:29 AM »
The Sky Crawlers - So, I visited the USS Arizona & other Pearl Harbor monuments on Thursday.  So what better to do while flying back from Hawaii on Friday->Monday morning then watch a Japanese anime that somehow involves WWII-ish dogfighting?  Seems the perfect thing to watch on a plane.

Anyway...  glad I went into it blind.  It's pretty good, but Valkyria Chronicles in the sky it ain't.  The dogfighting mostly wasn't THAT good, but the movie isn't really about it anyway, and it doesn't take up much time.  The main plots - the madness of Commander Kusanagi and the Strange Case of What The Fuck Happened To Lt. Jinro - were both pretty good.  Knowing Japan, I could see where the plot was going, but that's fine; a plot twist totally out of nowhere is doin' it wrong, so the fact that the viewer can figure out what's going on faster than the characters is still fine.  The movie is very good about teasing out where it's going with background details, confirming it, then moving the plot revelations onward farther.  I wouldn't call it a great, but it's very solid at what it does, so recommended.  (Just don't read any reviews, or the Wikipedia page, or the back of the box if you take a look.)

More spoilery comments - The movie mercifully didn't spend much time on it, because any attempt to explain why vat-grown adolescents must fight each other in planes is usually pointless aside from "it's the bad guys" (see also: Hunger Games babble from villains about why they do that.)  Still, I hope that the answer was because "the entire war is as fake as a three dollar bill" (aka "The Truman Show" scenario), not because of some vague "corporations fight for something actually on the line, just agree to do it in a weird way."  Since Rostock's "command" seems to intentionally not send notice of that bomber attack, and people comment the Teacher came to their side of the Front because "they'd been winning too much" does make it seem like it's all fake & strictly for the enjoyment, which is good.  Also, while again I'm glad the movie doesn't spend too much time on it, vaguely curious WTF was up with The Teacher, possibly intentionally.  Our Hero randomly busts out he thinks he's his father?  Certainly it can be argued that like Mitsuya, he's got a scrambled hash of memories of previous lives and he DID know that at some point....  oh well.  Also, I very much like the guts in the ending, although there's obviously still some minor hope for change in the tortured Miss Kusanagi, for whom all the smoking & erraticness makes perfect sense.  That and an ending where they go randomly murder some uninvolved adults would probably not go over too well.

Also, it must be noted that the entire setup is essentially real-life Team Fortress 2.  Just sayin'.


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1961 on: July 22, 2013, 09:04:08 PM »
Redline: Well that happened.

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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1962 on: August 09, 2013, 09:00:18 AM »
Monogatari Season 2: Nekomonogatari White - Wow. As usual, Tsubasa arc is amazing. Was expecting big things after Nekomonogatari Black, was not disappointed. The resolution was absolutely heartbreaking despite know how it would end up ahead of time. Haven't sympathized with an anime character this much in a long time.


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1963 on: August 11, 2013, 04:02:56 PM »
Shingeki no Kyojin: God the female titan is so utterly terrifying in motion.


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1964 on: August 12, 2013, 02:10:48 AM »
Blood Lad- Things have been satisfying so far up to ep.6
I was expecting things to burn and crash when I heard there is only 10 episode. But geesh, how they condense stuff while still maintaining the animation quality is amazing. Staz's otaku nature is fully intact, which is another plus.

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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1965 on: August 22, 2013, 08:05:34 AM »
Sword Arts Online Abridged: Better than the actual show.



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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1966 on: August 22, 2013, 07:00:48 PM »
Not an anime, and mentioned this awhile back on FB & in chat, but saw the Rurouni Kenshin live action movie.  It's pretty good, although probably not as good if you're not familiar with the show.  A movie + live action accentuates RK's strengths and downplays its weaknesses, IMHO; the problems of the show, especially the first season, is too much damn filler as well as too many opponents who just aren't a credible threat (which is fair enough, actually, most shouldn't be if your character is in the top 5 biggest badasses in Japan...  but then you should let the side characters do stuff more often.  which alas won't play, you gotta have the main character do most of the stuff.  sigh.).  A movie condenses things nicely to "okay these people & opponents matter" and demote Yahiko and the like to cameo status.  Additionally, live action lends the affair a certain gravitas which animation lacks, at least for me.

On that note...  since I just got back from GenCon...  I killed some occasional downtime in-between games with both lectures & anime.  Didn't actually watch any anime, but went to a few geeky panels (top 10 and bottom 10 anime villains, some silly night court ripoff thing, etc.).  One of said panels was Anime Deadliest Warrior, taking the format of the TV-show: examine two characters, look at their movesets, compare the similar ones, then try and argue for who'd win.  In other words: Yes, this was the anime DL.  So I'll ramble some on it.

They broke down 3 match-ups.  First was swordsmen in Kenshin vs. Roro from One Piece.  I'm not familiar with One Piece, but it seemed in its own way a sort of fair match-up - Kenshin is kind of hax, so throwing someone from a series with authentic superpowers is probably okay.  (Including the superpower of super-ventriloquism to talk despite holding a sword in his mouth and somehow not drooling everywhere.)  Because yeah, Kenshin has a theoretically good match-up in a lot of ways - it was pointed out in the ultimate technique section, for example, that the Hiten Mitsurugi ultimate technique is designed to counter a 9-point disabling strike.  Well, Roro's ultimate technique apparently involves getting possessed by a demon and swinging 9 swords (which which he can, uh, kill a giraffe w/ a 6 pack stomach??).  HMMM.  Additionally, though the presenters didn't stress this too much, Roro didn't appear to be the brightest bulb in the yard, getting new techniques because his sword talks to him or something, so knowing Kenshin fights, that means that after they dink around for awhile Kenshin can presumably find some weakness in his style and exploit it.  Unfortunately for Kenhin, much like a Middle "spoiling" a Heavy yet still losing, some of Roro's other stuff is just a little too hax.  Apparently Roro can cut steel dudes or something and is shown breaking lots of swords at once, can take ridiculous hits and keep going, etc.  Also, he majorly wins the "ranged" category - he's got some BS 108-pound cannon move that just sends some force beam that's capable of knocking down walls (dunno what this has to do with swords, but uh sure I guess).  Meanwhile the best the Kenshin presenter could come up with was one time where Kenshin basically uses his sword as a golf club to kick up a wave of pebbles & dirt in the direction of his enemy.  That might actually work in reality, but it's way weaker here.  So yeah, Roro ended up winning the vote, which I can't entirely argue with from a distance.

Second match-up was Nanoha vs. Lina Inverse.  Yet another match where I only know half of it, but Lina was awesome enough for me to stick around.  Much like DLers hyping alternate forms or "but you can do this at endgame even if you couldn't the whole game!", the Lina presenter actually hyped Lina as skipping casting times on some of her big spells because some later episodes didn't show it...  yeah, if she's casting 6 Dragon Slaves in a single episode, I think that's called "we don't want to bore our viewers," nice try.  Anyway, I have to say, from what I could gather from the presentation, Lina looked depressingly enough like the loser.  A lot of her spells seem subject to gravity and Nanoha apparently fights in the air constantly, Nanoha & her enemies apparently have magic shields up constantly, and Nanoha was even shown interrupting enemy move-name recitals with fast shots herself.  Lina's most powerful stuff all has long casting times, and more to the point, while fantastic at destroying scenery & buildings, she curses the comedy side of her show as it's rarely enough vs. non-mooks.  So if it isn't interrupted, it's likely just getting shielded anyway.  I really don't buy Lina breaking out Giga Slave for anything less than a demon lord, which this isn't.  That leaves Ragna Blade as the only shields-piercing spell that's likely to do much in Lina's arsenal...  except even that didn't work once in Slayers Try, and more to the point, it's short-range, while Nanoha seems a long-range fighter.  From a "perfect AI" sense Nanoha flies around and pelts Lina from range forever while being invincible.   ... this isn't to say that I didn't vote for Lina anyway, and so did most of the room (although who knows, maybe others were baking in Giga Slave hype).  Just this is clearly a case where Lina's propensity for fighting dirty and trickery comes into play, and assuming that Nanoha is some kind of at least SOMEWHAT naive magical girl, there's presumably a variety of horrible unchivalrous things to do to lure her into range for a killing Ragna Blade.

The third match-up was Gurran Laggan vs. GaoGaiGar.  Mood of the room seemed to be that Gurran Laggan autowins vs. anything, but I didn't care about either so left before watching the breakdown.


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1967 on: August 23, 2013, 05:16:35 AM »
lol implying Lina wouldn't get her shit wrecked by Starlight Breaker

then again that would also lead to the question if Nanoha would even be brought to use it, and I guess the match boils down to that.


TTGL does auto-win against anything, but anything less than that GGGG kinda has stronger options, but I think Not!TTGL does still win out if we're not considering Genesic GGG. So, just like the DL, it's a matter of form interps! Also they wouldn't even be fighting against each other. They should be on the same side to begin with. Banpresto plz. PLZ.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2013, 05:23:38 AM by TranceHime »
19:35:58 (trancehime) there's a specific spot in the game that's for item duping
19:36:14 (Sanae) o.o
19:39:11 (Sanae) I'd love to dupe a second trancehime.


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1968 on: August 24, 2013, 12:05:07 AM »
Starlight Breaker was the uber move they stacked up against Giga Slave, yes.  Don't know how reluctant Nanoha is to use it, but I think the Nanoha person argued that she could spam the move if worst came to worst since it takes mana from the surrounding area, so she could just fly around mana-thiefing various areas to get more blasts off.  The clip they showed seemed to imply that a city was blowing up as collateral damage from it, which seemed weird - does Nanoha fight in parallel realms or something, or is she actually murdering half of some poor Japanese city?

The presenters noted that they were having trouble thinking of someone who'd present a good fight for Nanoha since she's pretty hax, until someone figured out Lina was out there, who is the right combination of similar enough to compare yet different enough (not just another magical schoolgirl) for a good fight.

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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1969 on: August 30, 2013, 08:17:33 PM »
Sword Arts Online:  Yeah, I'm late to the party.

Anyway, excellent excellent show.  Was (pleasantly) surprised that despite the setting, it's not an action show.  The Alfheim arc was certainly weaker than the SAO arc, but still very enjoyable.  Sugou getting dismembered made my heart smile.


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1970 on: September 02, 2013, 09:08:06 AM »
Attack on Titan (4): Those winning Titan smiles
<Ko-NitoriisSulpher> roll 1d100 to grade Nitori?
<Hatbot> ACTION --> "Ko-NitoriisSulpher rolls 1d100 to grade Nitori? and gets 100." [1d100=100]


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1971 on: September 02, 2013, 11:13:16 AM »
Here's lookin' at you kid.


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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1972 on: September 02, 2013, 01:34:02 PM »
Railgun Anime: The transition from the best storyline the index series ever produced to this new original arc has been... very messy. Complletely changed the tone of the show from rather dark to lighthearted fun. It doesn't work at all.

Railgun Manga: A Certain Manipulative Queen. I hope we get more of Misaki in the Railgun manga. She is the most charismatic of the characters this series produced. Which fits given her mind controlling power.

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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1973 on: September 03, 2013, 02:37:59 AM »
Sword Arts Online:  Yeah, I'm late to the party.

Anyway, excellent excellent show.  Was (pleasantly) surprised that despite the setting, it's not an action show.  The Alfheim arc was certainly weaker than the SAO arc, but still very enjoyable.  Sugou getting dismembered made my heart smile.

The quality of your taste has grown quite suspect, Cap'n

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Re: Watching any anime?
« Reply #1974 on: September 03, 2013, 03:45:45 AM »
Well it's your own fault, your abridged link got me interested in the actual show.