Author Topic: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic  (Read 121691 times)


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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #275 on: January 19, 2008, 07:10:16 AM »
Ok time for my post, sorry for my inactivity i was relying on day 1 to go for 24 hrs longer than it did.
Read over all the pages, god i get called into discussion even when im not here.

My thoughts
What Tom did, was very very risky, it could have turned out bad, but hey it didn't result badly so it's nto worth looking into.
2nd of all, theres heaps of people and am finding it dificult to keep trakc, now i see why large games are harder.

Rat - Gut says he is Town, despite staying on the Tom train his posts make sense to me for some odd reason, no reasoning to bac thing up just my gut says something good about him.

Otter - Admittedly blew things out of proportion to a fair degree, however this is just like he was in Tsukihime mafia, so its a minor town feel for it.

Corwin - seems to be keeping quiet, posting just enough to minroly egg on a possible argument and then drifting under the radar again, minor scum feel but not enough to go on.

Chisa - along the same lines as corwin, jus a low posts and was part of the Tom train, disturbs me slightly but not enough for a vote.

Patch - 1 big long post and a hammer, complete nuetral feel, iw as going to ocmment on how quiet it they were until i read that big long rant.

Nitori - almost always feels like scum to me and i never know why, his post ocunt seems higher than normal though so i am getitng a minor town feel.

Alex - Post count seems lower than usual, didn't attack Tom as hard as i expected, but nothing serious really.

In all honesty day 1 seems really chaotic to me, i assume this is what it looks like to you lot when i cause a fuss on day 1.


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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #276 on: January 19, 2008, 07:11:03 AM »
Wow i should have reread that before posting, sorry about spelling errors.


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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #277 on: January 19, 2008, 07:28:40 AM »
Honestly, if I were one of you guys right now, I'd vote for me too.  I was flipping my vote around like crazy, and all I can blame for that is day one.  I voted Andrew because he was lurking, then pulled it off when he talked.  I voted Tom for his bad town play, when there was, in my opinion, nothing else to go on besides Tom's standard defensiveness.  I let my vote stay through the cop claim because, once again, nothing else to go on, and I really didn't believe the claim.  That much at least I got right.  Then I read back and noticed my little mistake.  It was a very small thing to vote on, but it was at least something that wasn't attributable to Tom being Tom.  I turned out to be wrong on that one, and now we're down two townies.

However, now that Tom and Strago have flipped, there are actually things to discuss, like me and my voting pattern.  Also, the very suspicious Patch-hammer.  Seriously, most of the post is talking about Tom, and yet there is put a Strago vote just to get the day over.  There's no mention of the case on Strago once in there before the vote.  And to top it all off, "MULTIPLE POSTS APPEARED BEFORE MINE AND I DON'T CARE!111"  When there's people that are close to being lynched, it's not only a good idea, but VITAL to check and see what other people are doing and voting on.  The preview button takes all of two seconds to use.  I for one would have liked to hear Strago's roleclaim, and also if he had just had the chance to tell me, "Hey, I honestly didn't notice this," I probably wouldn't have kept my vote on him.

Is this an airtight case?  No.  But it's a hell of a lot better than what we had to go on in day one.  And as should be obvious, I like using my votes on people that I'm suspicious of.
##Vote: patchcloud

Now I'm off to sleep.

FAIR WARNING: Inside my head, every day is May 7th, 986.


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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #278 on: January 19, 2008, 08:50:07 AM »
I was actually preparing to hammer Strago there with a few minutes left on the clock as it was obviously the only lynch choice getting any support but got ninja'd. Alex/Andrew made some very valid points too, a scum faking cop has pretty much sealed their fate...though they could wreak havoc on an important day. This didn't end up mattering of course, given Dread Thomas for some reason gave a fake roleclaim that was getting him in trouble sooner rather than later instead of a real roleclaim HE DEMONSTRATED AFTER MAKING THE FAKE ONE. I do not comprehend.

As for day 2 madness, I've been up all night and my eyes give brain shutting down signals at anything more than a few lines of text. I'll be taking a nap before any thoughts.
<Niu> If I ever see that Langfadood, i'll strangle him on sight
<Gourry> What, for making the game three times better?
<Gourry> And playable, at that?
<Niu> that lose the whole point of of L2!!!


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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #279 on: January 19, 2008, 09:16:56 AM »
Mmm, checking Chisa's previous posts it seems one of his reasons for going after Strago was because.. Strago agreed with Chisa's argument? And this was a suspicious thing to do 'cos Chisa later discovered a flaw in it. This seemed a pretty shaky reason to vote someone, especially someone who has been missing for a good period and can't be expected to have absorbed the entire thread at once; in such cases, it seems natural to look to what other people have said as signposts.

Okay, I may have spotted something.

On my latest reread, I noticed my mistake.  I also noticed that Strago brought up my example as, in his words, the best reasoning for the Tom vote.  Now why would someone single me out for good thinking when I screwed up, as a check of the thread could indicate?  This...looks like a more substantial scumtell than the Tom thing, which I didn't originally feel that good about anyway.

(votes go here)


And with regard to your latest post, you're not doing yourself any favours by talking about voting for you being what you'd do and such. Rest of it looks fine, though, and honestly, in light of recent developments, ##Unvote: Chisa, ##Vote: Patchcloud. Contradicting yourself in the same post about what you did just a few hours ago? I really had no problem with anything up until you voted for Strago, but that post and the one you've made today don't look good.

Still waiting on Cid to justify his Strago vote near the end. Some kind of reason is required.


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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #280 on: January 19, 2008, 12:36:07 PM »
Tom was playing for Team Tom and lied, badly. Is anyone surprised? Probably those that jumped ship and moved off to lynch Strago. Well, why shouldn't we all have, some might ask, given Alex's insistence that cop claims trump everything. Aside from them being claims (and hey, just imagine Tom had survived the night to point fingers around randomly; that's a major hit to town, right there, and another day wasted), what about Strago? I don't know what Illusionist would be, here, but he certainly would have played better, and now we've lost that and his town-aligned role.

That said, I think it's a matter of playstyle/philosophy, and perhaps something to be debated in the general mafia thread, so I won't try to clutter the discussion with this here beyond this post.

Let's take a look at some people, then....

Agreement with QR on a lot of points in her page 15 post and follow ups (though we depart on a few minor things: she seemed to believe Tom was scum or useless as a cop, I leaned more towards town, as he always seems to be, but a lying one that doesn't care about town's chances much). QR also had the dubious privelege of sticking her neck out and tell the shifting mob that she would stay right where she is.

Reading on, I see smodge delurked to agree with QR and others keeping their votes on Tom. Given this is pre-flip, I'm getting a mild town vibe from that post of his (on page 16). He of all people would know Tom best, and he just doesn't give me a scummy vibe. I don't know, maybe I've debated myself into a standstill, but the things he says that seems like tells are too ridiculous to have come from scum (the changing of nicks, stating the obvious in the post I'm commenting about....) I dunno. Am I just looking past them because I'm used to smodge posting this way, and because I like it that he thought along the same lines as I did on Tom?

On Andrew. Eh. I guess I was too quick to call the things smodge mentioned self-evident. With a claim of Cop, did you really expect one to live through the night? Night kills, roleblocks, a variety of other annoying scum powers, a vig or SK that doesn't buy the claim.... I just don't see how we would have gained anything of use day 2, and that is taking as certain the claim in question, which we now know was false. Bad play, even stupid play? No, I'd consider eliminating a better player with a role as well to be that.

On Cid's page 16 post. You and Ciato think that it's okay to just go along with 'that's just Tom', and before the flip, I might have been convinced. But would you still give him the same leeway in a future game you're with him, when he claims cop or another useful role? Would you lynch the people he fingers there, if allowed to live and 'investigate'? Maybe I started out as more jaded than you, but there's surely a time when merely letting bad play go and ignoring it becomes suicidal. Yes, I see that you've come to roughly the same conclusions in the second half of your post, Cid, but for some reason you find it within you to give Tom just one more chance. In a long line of one more chances.

Page 17, I'm catching up! OK's post misses the point slightly. I do not advocate hitting people I know have played badly in the past. No. Even when he first began to act scummy, he didn't really get that many votes right away. If you look back, you'll see that I, Yakumo and a few others tried to offer Tom advice instead. We only ended up voting for him when he seemed to ignore it all and lash out at people. Ulterior motive? Err, right. I suppose I could admit to being slightly annoyed at my good will being wasted, but I firmly believe it hadn't affected my ultimate decision. Strago voting Tom after Tom voted Strago, and both of them being the lynch candidate? I don't think there's anything inherently scummy about that, especially if Strago felt his (to him) confirmed role was more important to town than Tom's claimed one. I would say more, here, but it's clearly too late to affect the outcome.

OH GOD PATCHCLOUD MY EYES MY EYES. You and smodge, I swear, you and smodge....

The crying image... ##Love: Reisen. Closest thing to a hug, even though it would be a bit improper with a pet.

At least the reactions to Tom's flip keep my spirits up. Ah, same old Tom, and people fall for it still.

Andrew's page 18 post, and Kilga's response. Eh, doesn't read to me like he was also a cop one bit. Especially since Kilga adds that the illusionist is his own creation as opposed to the wiki, but doesn't comment on the doublevoter. By context, it strongly suggests the second role is from the wiki.

Yakumo's follow up post to this really resonates with me in the part where he says those that jumped ship later on in the day are quite suspicious in their own right. Yes, that's right, Tom claimed cop. But let's not forget it took Ran barging in and loudly castigating Tom voters. So, uhh, "It's wrong to vote cop! But we can't tell this apparently basic fact on our own without Ran's help!" -- that's how it all seems to me. Not sure following a confident player is scummy in itself, but I'm not sure I trust the insight of such players as much.

Rat's post. The Tom part has been rehashed enough already, so let's look at his logic re: Strago train. Considering most of the late comers there departed from the Tom train, it was indeed possible to get some lurker lynched instead. Town only needed a majority for day 1 (and possibly for remaining days, I don't see anything about no lynch in the OP or Kilga's other posts). They alone might have been enough in changing the tide. Ran also doesn't look particularly good for choosing Strago, but in his case it was probably because he wasn't sure he could move people away from Tom, whom he seemed to believe, and thus didn't want Tom to perish in a majority vote. Still, couldn't you have picked a different target once you saw people were listening to you, Ran? This might be a bit of meta, but I can't help but think Strago could be more useful to town than some people who tend to stick to the shadows.

Finally, page 19! I think Alex is missing a (minor?) point with his analysis. Yes, if you're vanilla and someone claims cop... I could find myself in agreement. But if you have a strong pro-town role, while the other guy might be lying to save his neck... is it really that clear that you must submit yourself and deprive the town of your abilities based solely on that? I don't find it an obvious choice, and apparently neither did Strago. And that is even without considering who can help more with actual discussion, which surely is another factor.

Nitori fingers Tonfa, and I find myself agreeing that while I remember him posting, I don't remember actual original content. Worth a pressure vote, perhaps? If nothing better comes up when I'm done catching up, that's where it goes. Yes, Alex's case against Cloud seems decent for day 2, but I'm leery of following someone whose previous arguments I find myself disagreeing with. I'll just wait on a response from Cloud, first. Ditto on Chisa, since similar logic seems to be in use, there.

Find myself agreeing with Ciato that the outcome was hardly a hit to morale, unless QR meant annoyance at townies lying for no reason and making the others less willing to play. However the case, I think we'll get over it.


Read over all the pages, god i get called into discussion even when im not here.

Corwin - seems to be keeping quiet

Pot, kettle. I'm allowed to sleep, right? Especially on the weekend?

Anyway, I'd like to think I've stuck my neck out just as much as anyone else so far. My arguments are largely my own and don't parrot anyone else's. Even if I agree with someone, I try to explain the ways I came to that conclusion or where I depart from that of the person I'm seconding. If there's more I can do to help you with getting a better read on me, by all means, I'm open to suggestions. (this isn't sacrasm or anything of the sort, do tell me what I should do here short of being lucky to hit scum so early into the game). The other reason I'm commenting on this is because I generally find myself nodding to your views on the people you covered this time around (aside from myself, clearly).

Okay, done with the thread. ##Vote: Tonfa, as promised. Like I said, pressure vote. I notice your post near the end of the recent posts, yes, but I see it as an explanation of your own actions rather than insight into other people. And after saying that... you relurk for a nap. Fine, I've been known to slumber myself. Once you wake up, this vote will be here to remind you that you promised to post more original content. Please do.

smodge, thoughts on Tonfa?


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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #281 on: January 19, 2008, 01:53:58 PM »
Let's Play Danmaku Detective Game! Vote Count:

Patchcloud (4): Ran, Otter, Chisa, Carthrat
Chisa (1): Carthrat, Nitori
Tonfa (1): Corwin

Love Count:

Chen (1): Ran
Everyone (1): OblivionKnight
Nitori (1): Nitori
Reisen (1): Corwin

With 19 people alive, it takes 10 votes to lynch.

~39 hours to go.

[22:28:39] <Edible> Mafia would be a much easier game if we were playing "spot the asshole"


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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #282 on: January 19, 2008, 03:19:02 PM »
Alright then. Nap has been taken, shower and food has been had, topic has been read. So.

*eyeballs the final votecount* Ciato has mad doublevoting skillz, or is that second vote on me an error?

Alex: AUGH DO NOT BLATANTLY POST AFTER HAMMER. Circumventing the rules, no matter how minor the post, really annoys me. I'm -almost- tempted to vote because of this but rationally there are better targets so consider this a Finger of Irritation instead.

patchcloud: The end of day explosion, complete with blatantly ignoring new posts could be frustrated town or frustrated scum, there's no telling either way with my less than awesome senses for this stuff. Regardless, it's pretty freaking bad. Let's try to stay coherent and follow the game, mmyes? Wait...-unaware hammer-? I'd have perfectly understood the hammer had it been aware as there clearly was no point in trying to sway the tide like 10 minutes to deadline, but -unaware hammer on the person you didn't express reasons for voting for in your post-?
*alarm sirens and explanation demanding go here*

Andrew: People putting votes on you while you sleep shouldn't be something to get overly cranky over, it will always happen. >_> Regardless, getting a townie vibe from Andy thus far.

Tonfa: A lot of his posts seem to be reiterations (keeping vote on Tom), as far as I can tell. Stayed very, very neutral throughout day 1, but wasn't on any other trains.

I do not comprehend. Keeping a vote on one person and being very, very neutral? Curious how you see those two working together.

Overall, discussion seems to be opening up a little from the boundaries it was in during day 1 (There really is painfully little relevant to analyze about day 1 posts, more so than usual that is), which is most pleasant.

...actually, wait wait wait. Took another look at the votecount and...

Strago (11): Nitori, patchcloud, Gatewalker, AndrewRogue, El Cideon, EvilTom, Anonymous, Ran, Ciato, Nitori, Chisa, Gatewalker, AndrewRogue, El Cideon, Patchcloud

Not only Ciato has two votes in the list, but Andrew does too? what. what. what.

##Summon: Kilgamayan

All I can think of is that some doublevotes first appeared in guest votecount updater Gate's list, so I presume that must have been screwed up and never corrected. *sigh* What now? Is the lynch even valid?
<Niu> If I ever see that Langfadood, i'll strangle him on sight
<Gourry> What, for making the game three times better?
<Gourry> And playable, at that?
<Niu> that lose the whole point of of L2!!!


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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #283 on: January 19, 2008, 03:43:31 PM »
Interesting, Tonfa. Since it wasn't lynch by hammer, from what I can see, but a majority lynch at deadline, even 9 votes would be enough to lynch Strago over Tom (who had 8). I chose to check Ciato's votes. I don't consider a mod's mistake to calculate the votes properly to be a scumtell for the apparent 'doublevoters', but this seems important enough, and I'm ashamed that I myself didn't notice it. Maybe I was trying to catch up too much on all the pages of posts. Certainly something to correct next time.

Ciato's last post for day 1 with a vote in it:

That's a vote for Strago. The other vote before is here: , and it's indeed for Tonfa. No unvote was made that I've seen.


Unvotes Patchcloud, Votes Strago:
Votes Patchcloud:
Unvotes QR, Votes Strago:

Huh. Andrew definitely seems to have voted twice. I suppose the lynch still stands if you say that Ciato forgot to unvote, but Andrew... man. Unless there's an explanation for this, I'll be voting for you.

Regardless, ##Unvote: Tonfa for providing exactly what I expected to gain with my vote, that being original content.


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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #284 on: January 19, 2008, 03:46:35 PM »
Oh yeah. The linked posts/votes were going back from the present, since that's how I looked them up with the 'last posts by person X' feature. Apologies for any unintended confusion.


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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #285 on: January 19, 2008, 03:52:21 PM »
Ok.  That did suck a bit, but it could have been worse.  I really wish Tom would have elaborated on what he thought was 'interesting' about me, but oh well.  As I said, we could have actually lost a cop, and Tom did at least prevent the scum from killing an actual cop...assuming that Tom was simply a double-voter and not some powerful hybrid cop/double-voter.  But that's unlikely.  So it sucks to lose what we did, but I think we have stuff to go on.  

In terms of the two major trains, obviously there are scum on them somewhere, somehow.  The difficulty is going to lie in picking them out and figuring out just what is up with everything.  Both trains I feel were pretty weak overall, and people did start jumping to Strago from Tom (for good reason to avoid Tom - cop claim, even if defunct, is a good role to keep; Strago though...), in some cases because there was "no better" idea.  I agree with Quietrain's thoughts that the last minute jumping on the Strago train are a bit odd.  The first few lurker votes on Strago I don't think were too bad - I mean that's pretty normal.  But a lot of the later ones are a bit fuzzy.  He seemed like the perfect, weak, easy prey to jump on.  The one that stood out a bit to me is this:

Reply #162 Nitori
Hm, Tom looks bad, but he was at least being aggressive with his play. I'll stick with Strago until he has a decent post up; it's been a relatively large amount of time since his last one, and there's no content from him yet. I'll relook at Tom when Strago comes back, although I kind of wish he would have just answered Otter's original question straight away and save us the smokescreen.

Reply #191 Nitori
Tom thoughts:

A cop roleclaim from Tom...that is on his impending lynch and is highly dubious as a result. I don't think I need to say anymore on how playing this way as a cop is a bad thing~. It's certainly the most predominant case right now, but I can't help but feel a little iffy about it.

Also, ##UNVOTE: Strago. The boxed rabbit is back, which means that this vote now serves no purpose. I'd end the day here, but Shale has promised an analysis of sorts, and I should be around for most of today anyway.

Reply #221 Nitori
Dammit, Alex does make sense even if I don't really buy the claim...and I didn't buy it based on gut instinct; after reading that post, I realized there's no real definitive proof (yet) that his roleclaim is false, and I'm not hot on Tom's case at all. The part that really makes me agree with Alex, though, is the size of the game. Even if Tom is scum in this scenario, he has plenty of rope to hang himself with. I also don't think that Strago is the scummiest person here, but it's too close to deadline to really do anything but ##VOTE: Strago. He acknowledged it and went back on does feel a bit strange now, especially since one of his reasons (we just finished a game with a TON of cops!) isn't really valid.

These were his entire set of posts before day 1 ended.  Well, up to about page 6, it was all joking stuff.  There's...not much, as you can see.  4 posts of thought, mostly being things said by others.  Jumping between two lynch trains.  In his most recent post, says that Chisa had a lucklustre reason to vote for Strago, even though his reason (nothing better with the deadline approaching) itself wasn't that strong, which he also acknowledged himself.  Seems like he's going after someone who did the same thing he did?  I understand where he was coming from (lynches are important to get info out of).  Nonetheless...if you don't feel the case is strong, don't vote on it.  It looked pretty suspcious that you went kind back and forth, contradicting things you said.    

That's where my ##Vote: Nitori comes from to start the day off.  I'd like to see some more from you, Mr./Ms./Mrs.

Other thoughts:

Tonfa and Hal have both posted little.  Timezones and work are forgivable, so I'm not to concerned at the moment.  I just want to see some more from them on this all fairly soonish.  Tonfa did at least comment (lightly) on why he kept his vote on Tom. a bit of something to look at. getting workings from everyone right now.  I...don't think this is scum.  It's a bit confusing to read through and work with, and her last post was suspect, but...mmm...I'm going to have to read some more.  She's...someone to look at.  That hammer was a bit odd.  Even though I know reading through posts while you type yours up is annoying, you kind of need to.  I do, even though I make the note about it, I do that to note I have read them.  It helps a lot.  You're getting plenty of pressure now, so we'll see how that comes up.

Corwin: Thank you for clarifying.  It seemed like a lot of the consensus from people was that typical style should be "punished" if it's damaging like Tom's was.  A fantastic smokescreen overall that made it hard to read both the afflicted parties and others, and brought misunderstanding to a head.  I wasn't particularly saying you had ulterior motives, but saying in general, that that style of thinking could be a good screen for an ulterior motive. 

Those are the big ones now.  


.....and Tonfa posts.  Suspicion of him very low, suspicion of Nitori higher.

##Summon: Kilgamayan
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #286 on: January 19, 2008, 04:25:05 PM »

I think I need a drink.


##Love Drunk: Everyone. We all need it, I think. Also ##Love Spark Bullets: for Reisen/Strago, redeemable at any one (1) Marisa Spark. Marisa Spark. Where you go when you need that blast of positive energy.

Moving on to more serious news...

...*blink blink Patchy book attack end of day 1*

... I'm missing the contradiction Alex is referring to in his post responding to Patchycloud today. The switch from Tom to Strago in the Bookpost does look weird, though. Mind explicitly pointing out the contradiction for me, the apparently blind one here? Zfff, Tonfa's explanation makes me realize more what Alex was saying. Okay, that makes more sense.

Re: Andrew and Ciato...

... that's, uh, really odd. If it's not... that's... uh. ...zuh, I have nothing.

All I can say is that I am -very glad- no one counterclaimed EvilTom. That would have been... nightmare supreme.

Regarding my current opinion?

...nyeah. Goddamnit coherent thought comes not tonight. Will post in the morning, but a quick summary of thoughts: ... Yeah, the way Chisa's voting fell looks really odd on a surface read, and while I need to look at the context more, that's currently striking me more than Patchy's vote, as much as.... that also feels like it has purpose/is justified, since that contradiction is really odd. Bah. I'm really failing to get a read here on any of this, which is frustrating as hell. Will try again early tomorrow.


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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #287 on: January 19, 2008, 05:29:13 PM »
Huh, I went to sleep at the beginning of day 2 and didn't wake up with half a dozen lurker votes on me this time. Neat. Anyway, let me try to collect my thoughts.

Re: Tom's flip
...heh. Doublevoter instead of cop. You know what, rather then berate Tom for his lying, I'm just going to take solace in the fact that any cops we may have are still at large and out there waiting to help. That's a yay thing. Aside from that, well, I could probably get into a metagamey tactics discussion that's along the lines of what Ciato was thinking, but that won't help us catch scum now, so I won't bother. Tom's dead, he's not a cop, and he won't be smokescreening any more days. All in all, well, we're certainly not ahead as we didn't kill any scum, but the blow wasn't as heavy as it could have been.

Re: Andy's doublevoting?
Okay, I think this one might just be a clerical error/brainfart combo. Andy's latest day one votes were as follows:
reply #165 unvote QR, vote Strago
reply #222 vote for patch, no unvote for strago.
replay #239 unvote patch, vote strago.

Now, I missed that he already had a vote on Strago when I counted his vote for patchu in my unofficial votecount, so that's the clerical error part. Andy, however, did forget to UNVOTE which is why I missed it.

Andy, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong here.

EDIT: somehow I manage to miss Cor pointing out the same thing. >_<

Re: Late Day1 Mia Rant
Okay, I actually did read that through, twice even to make sure I wasn't missing anything. First thing I want to say is this: Mia, this is mafia. Everyone will get on everyone else's case at some point. It is never personal.

Secondly though...I have to agree that rant looks bad for you. It's already been said, so I won't harp on it much, but the first half of that rant seemed to be in favor of lynching Tom, and then you go and vote Strago instead. That's just really odd and you do need to explain how you jumped from "I don't see the flowers and roses you guys see around Tom, cop claim or not." to a vote for the other guy who's on the block with him, who seems to mirror your thoughts on Tom?

Alright, my brain is shutting down from just getting up and I need coffee/food. So I'm going to end this with a ##Vote:Patchucloud for the time being.

Also, geneal Gate disclaimer you should all be used to by now: Weekends. I tend not to exist overly much. Family and such. So I'll be posting less frequently today/tomorrow.
<%Laggy> we're open minded individuals here
<+RandomKesaranPasaran> are we
<%Laggy> no not really.

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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #288 on: January 19, 2008, 05:38:03 PM »
*wakes up* I really don't think miasma (or patchucloud or whatever) is really scum. That last post of Day 1 is so obviously frustrated SoC, these things happen, and you guys are acting like they don't! We don't want to be down this many townies because of what the gods of Mafia have dictated to you as BAD PLAY, we want to catch scum and I think picking on someone who did some things that were questionable (mostly not checking posts after she was posting) is... well, not examining the situation closely at all. I'm not here to lecture people on how to not play as townies, I'm here to catch scum! And I think voting for miasma is pretty silly for this reason. She explained why she voted for Strago. She wanted to help end the day even if she didn't agree with the consensus on Strago lynching.

*yawns* Just wanted to post this for now, I've got some topic searchin' to do.
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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #289 on: January 19, 2008, 05:40:26 PM »
Wow.  Nice catch, Yuyuko-sama.  Either there's something extremely bastardly going on with doublevotes, or the hammer wasn't a hammer at all.  I really don't think it's likely that we'd actually have all these doublevoters... Upon further review, it all seems to stem from Gate's post 231.  He's the one who gave Ciato and Andrew the two votes.
Kilga doesn't seem to be around, and I think it's time for one, so....

Unofficial Votecoute:

Taishyr (0): Shale
Otter (0): Strago, Yakumo, , OblivionKnight, Halbarad, Gatewalker, EvilTom, Taishyr
Shale (0): Yakumo
Yakumo (0): Gatewalker
Strago (8): , patchcloud, Nitori, Gatewalker, AndrewRogue, El Cideon, EvilTom, Anonymous, Ran, Ciato, Nitori, Chisa
Gatewalker (0): QuietRain
AndrewRogue (0): Sir Alex, Corwin, Chisa, Gatewalker, QuietRain, patchcloud
Nitori (1): El Cideon, Yakumo, Taishyr
Corwin (0): Halbarad, Carthrat
Smodge13 (0): EvilTom, Carthrat, Tonfa
El Cideon (0): Chisa
EvilTom (8): Smodge13, Ran, Chisa, Otter, QuietRain, Corwin, Halbarad, Yakumo, Tonfa, Carthrat, Strago
Chisa (0): Tonfa
Ciato (0): patchcloud
OblivionKnight (0): El Cideon
QuietRain (0): AndrewRogue
Tonfa (1): OblivionKnight, Ciato
patchcloud(2): Shale, Andrew

Love Count:

Chen (2): Ran, Yukari
Strago (0): OblivionKnight
Everyone (1): Taishyr
Work-Interrupting Snow (1): El Cideon
Mokou (1): Kaguya
Ran (1): Yukari
Nitori (1): Nitori

With 21 people alive, it takes 11 votes to lynch.

Here's hoping I didn't miss anything. Someone smack me if I have, please.

Guest votecounters in general don't seem to have their stuff together though.  On post 117, OK gives both Andrew and Nitori two votes each, and the second votes each made never happened!

Since I'm doing this for another game:

Taishyr (0): Shale
Otter (3): Strago, Yakumo, Tai, OK, Hal, Gate
Shale (0): Yakumo
Yakumo (0): Gatewalker
Strago (1): Nitori, miasmacloud
Gatewalker (0): QuietRain
AndrewRogue (0): Sir Alex, Corwin, Quietrain, Chisa(?)
Nitori (1): El Cideon, Nitori
Corwin (0): Halbarad, Carthrat
Smodge13 (3): EvilTom, Carthrat, Tonfa
El Cideon (0): Chisa
EvilTom (2): Smodge13, Alex, Otter
Chisa (1): Tonfa, Andrew
OK (1): ElCid
Quietrain (1): Andrew

Love Count:

Chen (1): Ran, Hal
Strago (0): OblivionKnight
Everyone (1): Taishyr

Think that's it...

The consistency regarding Andrew is a bit suspicious, yes.  But as Corwin and later Gate said, Andrew and Ciato didn't officially unvote pre-231.  That I could see as a vote counting error.  OK's totally screwed-up count doesn't make any sense, especially since there was nothing in any of Andrew's posts that could be interpreted as a vote on me, and the only thing Nitori did to himself was Love.  While it's not enough to make me change my vote, um, OK, could you explain this please?
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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #290 on: January 19, 2008, 05:46:16 PM »
Unvotes Patchcloud, Votes Strago:
Votes Patchcloud:
Unvotes QR, Votes Strago:
Huh. Andrew definitely seems to have voted twice. I suppose the lynch still stands if you say that Ciato forgot to unvote, but Andrew... man. Unless there's an explanation for this, I'll be voting for you.

I'd just go with the last vote cast anyway, but...yeah, forgetting who you voted for is highly suspicious.
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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #291 on: January 19, 2008, 05:57:01 PM »
I just forgot to unvote. That was my bad. <_< Nothing there aside from that.
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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #292 on: January 19, 2008, 06:11:55 PM »
Forgot to unvote (I didn't even recall voting Strags before), so unless I have a magical double voting power I'm not aware of.

Any chance of a clarification, Kilga?

And I do have one question before I go the gym. How is forgetting a vote suspicious? I had six pages of posting to catch up on, with very little in the way of vote counts. Obviously my own posts aren't my focus, so it is quite possible to forget I made another vote at some point.


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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #293 on: January 19, 2008, 06:15:50 PM »
* Gatewalker nods.

I figured it would just be people forgetting to unvote. Though I should have caught that when I did my unofficial votecount, so I'll take my share of the blame for the confusion.

Just, as someone who's modded before, I'll make a note to please remember who you've voted for and remember to unvote before you vote again. It makes things alot easier on the mod.
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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #294 on: January 19, 2008, 06:25:41 PM »
On a random note, have I mentioned how mean looking at that picture of that bunny-girl crying makes me feel? <_<
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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #295 on: January 19, 2008, 06:25:42 PM »
Because it seems to indicate inattention, Andrew, which is usually a scumtell. But no, it's hardly enough to vote for you, especially since there was an error with the count as well.

Hmm... I'm still not certain that the actual case being presented against Patchu is solid in any way. The entire thing reads like groupthink (both on the side of the prosecution and the defendant) to me. She voted with the majority with no compelling arguments behind it -- indeed against what she believed -- because it seemed like the expected thing to do of town. Not something I condone in any way, but players like this exist as well. I do approve of pressing her and other people who changed their mind not after Tom's cop claim but after Ran's post, so like I said before, I would keep on watching her defend herself. If there's something in here, the pressure would get Patchu talking and the chance of seeing further scumtells is high.


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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #296 on: January 19, 2008, 06:25:59 PM »
...oh, sorry. That was my fault - I thought the links were in chronological order and didn't read the dates on the posts. Looked to me like you'd voted for Cloud then, when you changed your vote, unvoted QR.
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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #297 on: January 19, 2008, 06:28:00 PM »
Mrf.  Awake, but will be gone all today.  Leaving my vote on Patchucloud for now - don't see anyone scummier.  I'm willing to chalk up the vote insanity to forgetful errors at the moment, hopefully Kilga will straighten out what was and wasn't valid whenever he sees this.  Minor question marks on Ciato and Andrew. 

Also minor question mark on Ciato for her defense of Mia, which still doesn't explain why she voted Strago instead of Tom, still doesn't explain her inconsistency in whether or not she knew what she was doing, and.... "Oh come on she was just a frustrated townie doing one of the worst things possible, these things happen, it's not scummy" doesn't really sit right as a defense with me. 

Again I'm truly sick of people pulling stunts.  What the gods of Mafia dictate as bad play?  Aka common scumtells?  That is the only valid way to find scum, in my opinion, I don't seem to have godlike intuition or whatever Ciato uses, and "close examination"... is what I'm doing, and turns up things like Mia's inconsistencies.  That's what I'm examining *for*.  I'd love to hear what other possible criteria there could be.  It isn't hard to avoid insanity as town, so would people kindly stop lying, making suspicious blind hammers, and whatever else? 

Re: Chisa, trainhopper case is good, but I can't agree that it's better than the case on Cloud, or even better than any of the other train-hoppers, really.  He/she seems to be playing mostly rationally, I feel like some of the votes are coming from them being the new guy and least familiar person on the trains.  The inconsistency pointed out with them is... they found a hole in their own argument and then questioned people who bought into it?  That ain't scummy in my book.  In fact that's quite good play.

Anyhow, off to

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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #298 on: January 19, 2008, 06:56:08 PM »
"Why vote Strago over Tom, especially at 7-8?"
...maybe to avoid a possible tie? I mentioned the 7-8 thing on purpose. If I had voted Tom to 8 and no one else had voted, then tie = No Lynch, and you go by the mantra that "no lynch = no good!", so.

"Why not read new posts?"
Because I thought there was something like zero time left when I hit post.

"Mia is playing bad!"
Oh really? A certain someone didn't seem to think it was bad play when I was criticized for not doing exactly what I did on the end of Day 1.

Sorry(?) I have these things called frustration and impulsiveness and that I felt rushed.

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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #299 on: January 19, 2008, 07:10:49 PM »
It's not intution. I just believe that thinking outside of a vacuum is sometimes a good idea, and seeing that there is no reason for a scum player to be that frustrated. I guess you could say she was lying and I guess that's just a gut call, but it doesn't seem like it's faked to me. And yes, bad play is detrimental to town, but lynching people like this makes the scum's job easy. I'm not condoning bad play, but I am saying that people do play badly as town and that's something that needs to be examined and accounted for. Is her behavior suspect? I think it is. Do I think she's scum? No.
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