
Author Topic: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic  (Read 132490 times)


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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #375 on: January 20, 2008, 09:03:24 PM » Andy's roleclaim calling...

I...ok.  I can see where you get that.  My impression on reading it was more of a late-game thing, but...I see where you're getting that now.  I thought by substantiate he meant a later thing - perhaps I'm just reading and inserting my own view of it, but to me, substantiation means that I have enough information to not only prove the cop is lying, but also to support other things, since I'm likely not going to live long.  

His original post you cited on day 1:

"Yeah, sure, we can get along with a cop. But why on earth would we do that when we don't really need to? We hammer Tom now, we get either dead scum or dead cop. If we wait, we can (potentially) later confirm his actual alignment and deal with him, all without smacking down an (uncountered, might I add) cop claim?"

I'm not getting a sense of urgency with invites for a counter claim.  I read it as more of: "Ok, don't kill cops this early, especially since we can check on it later.  The cop claim isn't even countered by someone else, so we have no real reason to nuke him for lying".  That's what I got out of it.  It seemed more like musing, openly, on the fact that there is no reason to doubt his claim.  A counter would have brought doubt into the argument, I think is all he was trying to say there.  Or at least that's how I read it.

Granted, his later posts do seem to be more on the line of pulling for claims.  

"And idly, the problem with a hugely delayed counterclaim is that it allows misinformation to spread and become harder to get yourself accepted as the proper cop. It also means you can start playing the protection game as well as quite likely take out a scum in the process. In other words, if you can generally get scum killed, you should. We win with exchanges and what have you."

The hugely delayed counterclaim...really depends on the definition.  Even saying this is Day 5 when the counterclaim comes out, for the case of Tom, I wouldn't expect him to be around that long.  But in general speak?  Misinformation does spread, yes, but the longer you live, the stronger your investigations become.  And a later cop claim keeps you alive longer, because you're not targetted.  You're under the radar, so to speak, but in a good way - scum aren't looking to kill you as a power role.  I do disagree with Andrew here - a properly timed claim is ideal.  If Tom had lived and given crap information, it would have got him nuked - another cop claiming would likely be accepted with viable information.  An early counter claim isn't helpful unless you can back it up.  If in a theoretical example I had claimed cop to counter Tom (ignore the stupidity of this statement), what could I back it up with?  Nothing until the next day at best.  If I were a real cop, I'd have information, but it would do scant little good in this case especially, and generally bad in most cases.  That's ignoring all the other issues that could arise with investigations.  And early counterclaim is worse than a later one, since a later one has much more information to back the claim up with, strengthening the role.

NR mafia was a decent example - early claim from Super (scum), counter from Meeple (town).  It got Super killed, because we could back it up (and shoot holes in Super, but that's besides the point).  But there was a lot of questioning later on about Meeple's investigatees, because it was early and people were acting weird.  There was so little information to back all that up that the cop claim (besides Meeple's suicide) didn't help as much in the end because there was so little info.  

Yes, I do agree trading a scum for town is generally good.  That's a good thing to do to win.  But...not counterclaiming early.  Not at all.

So yes, Corwin, I do agree with you now that I've been able to re-read and re-think.   Definitely interested enough to question this some more.

##Unvote: Shale

Shale's speaking, and I'm sure he'll post more.

##Vote: Andrew

While I do believe you could have mispoken or been mis-read, this does bear some suspicion so it doesn't fall through the cracks.
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

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[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #376 on: January 20, 2008, 09:05:53 PM »
Also, I think there are about 7 hours to go.  Still waiting for more from Yakko and Mia if they can.
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #377 on: January 20, 2008, 09:08:31 PM »
Let's Play Danmaku Detective Game! Vote Count:

Patchcloud (6): Ran, Otter, Chisa, Carthrat, Gatewalker, Nitori
Chisa (0): Carthrat, Nitori
Tonfa (0): Corwin, Halbarad
Nitori (0): OblivionKnight
Halbarad (0): El Cideon
QuietRain (1): AndrewRogue
Shale (3): Tonfa, El Cideon, Smodge13, OblivionKnight
OblivionKnight (1): Yakumo
Taishyr (0): Corwin
AndrewRogue (2): Corwin, OblivionKnight
Corwin (1): Taishyr

Love Count:

Chen (1): Ran
Everyone (2): OblivionKnight, Taishyr (drunk)
Nitori (1): Nitori
Reisen (3): Corwin, Taishyr (spark bullets), El Cideon
Strago (1): Taishyr (spark bullets)
Ran (1): Yukari
QuietRain (1): Gatewalker

Hate Count:

Kaguya (1): Mokou

With 19 people alive, it takes 10 votes to lynch.

Little under 8 hours to go. Better make a decision soon. If people want to start sending me night actions, that'd be good, though if you want to hold off to see how the day plays out I understand perfectly.

[22:28:39] <Edible> Mafia would be a much easier game if we were playing "spot the asshole"

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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #378 on: January 20, 2008, 09:14:58 PM »
Almost any scum play at ALL can be explained as 'bad town'! I mean, you even have extreme cases like Tom, and lying about being cop! If someone lies about being cop, you'd think they were scum, right? NOT IN TOUHOU!

There's a difference being bad play and baaaad play. (Hopefully) scum know better than to make giant waves, I feel. This is why I didn't join the Tom train, and this is why I am not on the miasma train, mostly. Naturally I make exceptions to this rule so people don’t go all hyperbole on me (like if Super did this, I would nail him to the wall).

I suppose this is at the core of my suspicion of Andrew wanting a day 1 counterclaim from cops. This was clearly posted on day 1, and tried to argue for Tom's sake while mentioning no claims to the opposite have been made (and seeming to invite any). So no, he never said "HAY COPS CLAIM ON DAY 1" and I never argued such. But his words and the pattern of his posts certainly felt like he was trolling for claims or, at the very least, felt a cop counterclaim on day 1 was acceptable.

Looking farther back, I see nothing else really relevant to my case. However, here is that update that Tai seemed to want, of what exactly Andrew has said that seemed scummy and how it was said. Please comment, people. If this remains just between Tai and myself I fear Andrew's scumminess would fade into the background.

If he did shout HAY COPS CLAIM ON DAY 1, then he'd be an idiot. Subtlety is basically the way one WOULD go about trying to get people to roleclaim, by quietly implying that it was a good idea. Honestly Corwin's case here seems really really solid, I guess it could be playstyle differences, but trying to get roleclaims is a very big no-no in my book.

One thing that caught my eye (not really as anything serious) is Cid/QR kind of harping on that we can't trust cop claims anymore. You shouldn't be fulling trusting anyway, and I don't see how this changes the situation. A townie shouldn't be doing this, well, ever, and I hope the lesson was learned. That said I don't really suspect QR in particular; she declares her intent to go after the people who switched from Tom to Strago because she finds jumping on the Strago train suspect, but ruination of her case by killing Tom just doesn't seem smart.

El-Cid seems to just be calling out lurkers, mostly, and having a general weirdness in Day 1 by unvoting Strago in the middle of the madness. Not really sure what to think here.

That said, I find the people who either stubbornly stayed on board the Tom train (trying to kill a potential cop) or the people who hopped on the Strago train at the very very end the most suspect. OK’s weird questioning of him claiming cop instead of slowcop or rolecop when the evidence on him was tenuous. Rat seemed fairly set on lynching him as well. OK also brings out weirdness later by calling out Nitori of all people to bring up more stances when he has been. <_<

In any case, who is willing to give him credit for a day? I kind of don't want to, as his day one play was just.. really reckless, especially for someone with such a potentially useful role, and nor was that exactly a stirring defence.

Gate doesn’t have a vote on him up until the end, and THEN say he wants to hammer him after he claims cop, which I find to be extremely extremely weird.

I'm getting more suspicious of "LYNCH FOR BAD PLAY" voting as I play more games, though, because it's so rarely caught scum.

Shale, that just might be because it's not the immediate intent of this. Sure, sometimes scum really do play badly and we catch them that way. Great. But more often than not, it eliminates bad play from the equation, and we're back to seeking out scum without distractions, smokescreens and diversions. Also, as long as bad players remain in the game, I keep on thinking, "What if they're actual scumtells this time? What if he's really scummy?" and it diverts my attention. Am I really the only one that happens to?

There has been much talk over day 1, but how useful is any of it with the way conversation had centered around Tom? If that persists into day 2 and on, how is that not a disadvantage to town?

A very weird stance. Nothing major, of course, since it’s probably just a contrast of philosophy. Mostly for personal bookkeeping

Not going to quote individual parts due to laziness, but I do agree with this assessment of Chisa. He was on all the big trains and making me suspicious otherwise, plus trying to push yet another train in miasma. He seems to be lashing at Cor a bit, which bothers me. Actually Corwin’s smugness about the Tom thing bothers me a bit too, but I understand the sentiment to a degree, so whatever.

Yakko has been fairly unpresent but I have been too and I figure for the same reason, so no hard feelings here certainly. Wait and see case.

Person I suspect most after reading is Chisa and Gate.

##VOTE: Chisa for now. I need to look back over the case on Gate more thoroughly first since I am not sure if I can justify it at this time.
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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #379 on: January 20, 2008, 09:52:35 PM »
Re: Andrew: When I read his post today, I didn't really think it was that a big a deal at first, since I wasn't really of the mindset that he was going was an immediate counterclaim; I did agree with the gameplay theory he presented to a degree (the basic idea, although I would change a few specifics) and I was on a mindset that him saying the claim was uncountered was describing the scenario at hand...while I don't really get a sense of him wanting an immediate counterclaim, it does sound like he would have encouraged a cop outing had EvilTom survived, which could really mess with things. Adding this to other reasons; he did not have a reason to move onto Strago, and he did manage to somehow forget his vote, so I don't think Andy looks particularly great right now. 2/5.

I could really see myself moving to Andy, but as long as mia has no analysis I really can't take my vote off her until she posts some.
<Ko-NitoriisSulpher> roll 1d100 to grade Nitori?
<Hatbot> ACTION --> "Ko-NitoriisSulpher rolls 1d100 to grade Nitori? and gets 100." [1d100=100]


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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #380 on: January 20, 2008, 10:04:46 PM »
Turns out that between unexpected stuff that happened (outside game, that is) and the desire to sleep kicking in I don't have time for any massive full-field analysis for today. Quick post before sleep consumes me entirely, I'll try to wake up before day deadline.

patch: Still waiting for the promised post, will check back in the morning at the latest.

Andrew: Is starting to look just plain weird from all the recent analysis, though I'm still inclined to believe yesterday's pseudoclaim. Wanting to see some further explanation.

Tai/Corwin: Got talking by analyzing Andrew, but my brain is refusing to spot anything in particular about the players themselves at the moment.

Shale: Well, the reason I voted on him was him not posting, so now that it has been (partially) fixed I'll move my vote on someone who's setting off huge question marks in my head right now...

Hal: Okay, so he wants me to elaborate on my actions which evidently looked lurky and scummy, and drops a vote for it "as an alternate case to review". Fair enough. I respond to him, -he doesn't mention this at all in his further posting and still leaves a vote on me-. Huh? What? This is not how discussion works. You should at least say why you're leaving the vote on me after I have said my defense. Unless the vote's actual reason was "well I'll drop a seemingly justified vote on him and see if anyone else catches on as I highlight it as an alternate case". Which would be a scum tactic. This time, I want some explanations from you, sukima. Explain your current case for voting.

##UNVOTE: Shale
##VOTE: Halbarad

Also, now that I'm looking over the votecount, I'm just confused again. Hal never unvoted for me in his posts, but apparently he has in the votecount. Huh?
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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #381 on: January 20, 2008, 10:15:07 PM »
I recalled seeing him unvoting you when I looked through the topic before making that but I just looked through it again and I couldn't find what I saw before, so I've fixed it. Sorry.

[22:28:39] <Edible> Mafia would be a much easier game if we were playing "spot the asshole"


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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #382 on: January 20, 2008, 10:20:19 PM »
Just got back.  Still looking things over, but I'm wondering why you're going so overboard on Andrew, Corwin?  Sure, he's suggesting things that you might not like... but the situation he's talking about NO LONGER EXISTS IN THIS GAME.  Attacking him for a gameplay thing that doesn't matter now as the situation is already resolved is a pointless smokescreen to me.


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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #383 on: January 20, 2008, 10:57:12 PM »
I've gotta say, the case for Andy doesn't seem very compelling to me. Personally, I got the impression that he was speaking hypothetically, and while that might not be the best use of our time, I didn't see it as a surreptitious poke for roleclaims. I'll go back and reread the whole discussion, but Cor looks kinda suspect to me for making a big deal ouf of the whole thing. There's also Andy's softclaim on day one, which...if I'm reading it right is both very easy to prove should we need him to and a bad call for scum to make. Andy's scanning Town right now.

Yakko...I was about to toss a vote at him since I almost forgot he was in the game, but now he's back (if not particularly verbose) and making a point I agree with about Andy/Cor.

Mia...hasn't done a lot to make herself look better. Or, rather, she hasn't done much today that really helps town. A lot of self-defense posts, but too much of that gets us caught up in an unproductive vicious circle. What are your thoughts on everything else going on right now? Andy/Tai/Cor stuff? If it comes down to her and Andy, I will vote for her.

Right now I'll...blast, I was going to vote Yakko for being lurkerrific, but he's unidled now. Shale...I'd like to hear more from him, really, but I'll lay off for the moment since someone else has drawn my attention. ##Unvote: Shale.

So for now I'll ##Vote: Corwin for exaggerating a point to make a case. May switch to Mia near the deadline if she doesn't get back and provide something more constructive.


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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #384 on: January 20, 2008, 11:15:48 PM »
Re - Defending Myself: Well, last time I tried to both respond to people's accusation's against me while also trying to address other people during a game, people told me I was acting like a punching bag and that didn't make me look good for town. Sorry. That's the last time I'll Q_Q about this but I felt like getting it off of my shoulders.

About this "Cop should Counter-Claim/Andy/Blah" thing. The only benefit I see to counter-claims = Scum favorable. Thinking of the multiple possibilities... One is get town to lynch the imposter for being a liar, and at night, you can kill the one who counter-claimed. What if there's no doc to protect the counter-claim? What if there's a doc and they don't trust the counter-claimer? What if there's multiple cops so both people claiming aren't lying and you end up lynching one by mistake? Isn't it kind of dangerous for the counter-claimer to assume there's only cop for that matter? Etc etc. I could stretch this out to be wordier and make a whole paragraph of what if's but they'd ultimately be what if's.

People who seem to be in focus today -
Shale: Erm, I'm not sure why/how Shale managed to pick up votes. I think there people who are lurkmoar than him (ie: Smodge), but that could just be me? As far as his posts and such go, he feels neutral-y. Nothing he's said/done strikes me as particularly town or scum. Although, I feel like this about a lot of people because certain people just tend to draw in more attention than others.

Andrew: Negative read from him. Partially because I don't like the idea of a cop counter-claiming, though not quite to the extreme of Corwin. See above about why. Too many possibilities to fill up another wall of text. Also, I tried to find his reasoning for voting for Strago. I'm well aware my defense doesn't look kawaiihappycreampuffrainbow to any of you, but Andrew's reason for voting for Strago is like... non-existent? Andrew has said nothing to explain his Strago vote. On Day 1, Andrew voted on Strago to pressure vote, then voted on me, then forgot he voted on me then voted for Strago again but rather wordlessly and somehow is getting away with it probably because of the focus on me, plus the focus he puts on others who wanted to stick on Tom. It seems like he's begun picking up a little train that I'll be happy to jump on since I don't have any really strong leads on people in the game besides him right now. ##Vote: Andrew

QuietRain: She picked up heat from Andrew about Tom, but I'm not exactly looking favorably at Andrew which could impede my judgement of her, possibly. Actually this is probably true and I should quit trying to assess her because I am probably biased from what I think of Andrew...

Corwin: I could see his argument against Andrew in two different ways - From the PoV of a townie or as a scum trying to find things to pick apart someone for. Although, much like how I feel about QR due to Andrew, I feel like this in regard to Corwin too, which is a bad sign for me.

Is how I'm viewing QR and Corwin and letting our seemingly shared opinion of Andrew cloud (lol) my view the best idea ever? No, but since I don't think well of Andrew atm, Cor/QR are going to look better to me for calling Andrew out on things they think are suspicious about Andrew's posts, because this tells me that it's not just me being crazy in thinking there is something about Andrew that's worth possibly discussing. Andrew aside, they both seem like they want to keep discussion going and contribute likewise, but nothing screams town/scum to me in particular.

Random -
Smodge: Grammar and EPIC idea cause lulz on day 1 then smodge fades into the background. Repeatedly. Negative reading.


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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #385 on: January 20, 2008, 11:26:30 PM »
Ok i'm awake, but will probably miss the deadline by 2-3 hours (picking up contract for my new job).

Thoughts on the Andrew case.
Personally i don't see it as fishing for roleclaims just speculating.
This may be doing the scums thinking for them, but from their point of view it's probably glaringly obvious.

Personally i think it was just speculation on comments on general game tactics, suggestions on how a cop should act in that situation.

But hey lets hypothetically say he was fishing for roles (if poorly)
Andrew has softclaimed at least a way to stop the lynch.
This shows he is willing to put himself at risk in order to save a possible cop, if your town and make this claim, you most likely won't survive the night (well night 2 because Tom obviously took priority to them).
So his abilities are some what protective, we don't know the details of it but we know he can at least stop a lynch.
Does anyone else see the possibility of Andrew wanting a hint of what people are in order to protect town power roles?.

Personally i think it was just discussion on game tactics, but above is a situation which also fits.

Patch still seems to = bad town, dangerous bad town but still town to me, i could be being fooled though.
I know a lot of you say almost all Scum Tells can be called Bad town, but this is where you use simple reasoning, who has seen patch play in another game before? Do they have only 1 or 2 games behind their back, or is it 5 or 6+? (personally i cant recall seeing patch in anygame, then again i'm semi new). If we saw someone like Ran or QR or Otter doing "Bad Town" play we'd naturally call them out for it, simply because they have the experience behind their backs to definately know better.
But when it comes to inexperienced play from a player i have never seen in a game it makes sense they may do the occasional "Bad Town" thing.

Maybe because i am often in patches place i have a lot of sympathy for it, but hey, this is how i see it.

Shale, i'd still like to hear a bit more of your thoughts, same with Yakumo
##Unvote: Shale
For now.

Now to reread the thread and put my final vote before deadline down.


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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #386 on: January 20, 2008, 11:29:13 PM »
Let's Play Danmaku Detective Game! Vote Count:

Patchcloud (6): Ran, Otter, Chisa, Carthrat, Gatewalker, Nitori
Chisa (1): Carthrat, Nitori, Ciato
Tonfa (1): Corwin, Halbarad
Nitori (0): OblivionKnight
Halbarad (1): El Cideon, Tonfa
QuietRain (1): AndrewRogue
Shale (0): Tonfa, El Cideon, Smodge13, OblivionKnight
OblivionKnight (1): Yakumo
Taishyr (0): Corwin
AndrewRogue (3): Corwin, OblivionKnight, Patchcloud
Corwin (2): Taishyr, El Cideon

Love Count:

Chen (1): Ran
Everyone (2): OblivionKnight, Taishyr (drunk)
Nitori (1): Nitori
Reisen (3): Corwin, Taishyr (spark bullets), El Cideon
Strago (1): Taishyr (spark bullets)
Ran (1): Yukari
QuietRain (1): Gatewalker

Hate Count:

Kaguya (1): Mokou

With 19 people alive, it takes 10 votes to lynch. If there are further errors, please let me know.

About 5.5 hours to go. Better make a decision soon. If people want to start sending me night actions, that'd be good.

[22:28:39] <Edible> Mafia would be a much easier game if we were playing "spot the asshole"


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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #387 on: January 20, 2008, 11:35:31 PM »
Posting right now. Sorry, haven't been a t the compy.


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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #388 on: January 20, 2008, 11:36:00 PM »
First thing, no need for the hostage anymore.  *tosses Shanghai at Alice*  Fair enough, I haven't been talking much either, but I'm working on that right now.

##Unvote: OblivionKnight

Well, I guess I should have directed that last post at more than just Corwin, upon further review.  Still, the point stands... why are you attacking him for trying to draw out a counterclaim, when the original claim is dead and no longer matters?  This is attacking a point of how he prefers to play, not a point from this particular game, and as such really doesn't seem to have any bearing on this game.  Unless you're suggesting that he's talking about if a claim comes up later, but most of you seem to agree that if it happens later it's a better idea since they have more information to give out and such.  The thing that came from day one seems less like role fishing than noting that there wasn't evidence that he was lying about the claim.

As far as QR's arguement that she wanted to lynch Tom despite the claim, well, I can sympathize there.  I don't like the idea of lynching a cop claim like that, but there's a couple things about Tom's play that still rubbed me the wrong way.  One, the way he was acting was inflammatory and almost certain to draw attention.  I realize that's fairly normal for him, but there's one little thing:  The game where he actually WAS a cop(Phoenix Wright), he actually didn't do anything like that, and was in fact fairly quiet until he made the roleclaim.  So these things made me kinda leery of trusting his claim anyway(I did see it before the next day went up and he was found dead, and I wasn't sure I believed him then, even before he turned up dead).  So, I can see both sides of the argument and don't really think it's that significant.

Corwin's  got some little things that are bugging me.  He's claimed that Hal isn't as active as he expects him to be... but I'm not used to seeing Hal even this active.  Are you referring to IRC or something?  I know he sometimes does that when he's working and doesn't have enough time for bigger things like his editing or Mafia, so I wouldn't personally use IRC activity as a good judge of Hal's general activity level.  The pressure on Andrew for the copclaim, I already covered, though Corwin is being really agressive with it and keeps regurgitating pretty much the same arguement, to the exclusion of pretty much any other commentary.

Chisa looks fine to me, had a reason to change votes at least instead of just jumping ship because someone yelled, and has been putting out reasonable analysis.

Patchucloud is a hard one to judge.  On day one stuff, I wouldn't want to say she's scum or town based just on that.  Then she starts putting out inconsistent arguements about that post today, and lies down and practially gives up.  She certainly doesn't look good, I can't really argue against her case much.  Probably my #2 suspect.  EDIT for new Patch post:  well, that helps, but it's probably too little too late.  Still, if you're town, it's good that you didn't go out lying down.

I think I'm going to stick with a vote for Corwin, though.  He's the one that's rubbing me the wrong way, and now these other little things are starting to add up and make him look bad enough to me for a vote.

##Vote: Corwin


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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #389 on: January 20, 2008, 11:55:10 PM »
Holy hell, there's a lot about me and not a lot of time to go. I'm going to try and sum this up as quick as possible on the things I remember.

Yes, I was thinking the wrong person. Carth claimed cop day 1 to save his hide at the last moment. Otter outed him the next day as the real cop (not the best way, but it worked in a small game) and Otter proceeded to spend most of the game alive because of a doctor.

Anyhow, let me try to sum my thoughts up here. My basic, original point is that we had nothing to say that Tom was not cop. My point (re: uncountered cop claim) was more to just emphasize that particular point. Hell, a day one counterclaim is fairly silly to begin with, because, well, there's no proof. I do believe that, yes, once the doc is able to substantiate his claim (both that he is the real cop AND that the other claimer is actually scum), he should, as Soppy would say, take the shot and take the scum down. Falsecop misinformation can be dangerous, especially if left unchecked. Further, and yes, I think this bears some thought, the longer the real cop leaves things alone, the greater the chance he will get NKed at random, which causes its own problems.

So yes, I suppose there is some sense of urgency in my posting as, left unchecked, a good falsecop will mess things up pretty bad and the longer the real cop takes, the harder it will be to perform damage control (if it can be done at all). Do I really think a cop ought to have come out on Day 1 and gone "Naw, I am the cop?" Hell no. Not even day 2 is really good. You need to not only confirm the alignment of the false cop, but also catch him in a lie so you can substantiate your own claim so you can survive your own attack. I'm not suggesting our cop waste himself. I'm suggesting our cop out scum as soon as he can reasonably do it.

The one-for-one deal I thought was pretty self explanatory. If a townie can take out scum, they should. We outnumber them, and if we can trade kills with scum, we can win.

Posting now to get this out there. Will post again.


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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #390 on: January 21, 2008, 12:10:05 AM »
For general defensive measures, I'm going to actually spill what I was talking about when Tom was in danger of being lynched, since I'm worried a lot of you have it in your head that I can straight out stop lynches, and I'd rather not have you all think I was lying when I was instead just trying to make an opaque (but real) threat.

I'm a one-shot vig, and can kill at day or night. Had pressure kept piling on Tom, I would have killed off voters to try and protect him. Obviously, I am willing to use this power to protect myself as well. I have other abilities as well, but for now, I do believe it is all right if I leave them well enough alone, isn't it? Might as well have some surprises up my sleeve.

On my Strago vote, it was just the standard "he's not being very talkative, pressure him into it" vote. So, in a sense, it was a filler vote since I didn't think I shouldn't have something out somewhere.

Will post again.


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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #391 on: January 21, 2008, 12:29:19 AM »
Andrew/Patch i find the arguments against them are tenuous at best.
The attack on Andrew seems almost rediculously weak and i can see it as a possible scum tactic after observing Alex's accusation on myself as the same in Random mafia.
Tempted to vote for Corwin but his earlier day 2 posts before this attack on Andrew were giving me a town feel and on reread he has built on the Andrew case over time.

A few things i want to know though.
Where has Otter gotten to i'm interested in hearing his thoughts.

##Vote: Nitori
1. Was part of the Strago Train
2. is part of the Patch Train yet thinks Chisa is more likely scum? (thats how i read it anyway)
3. Lowish post count (pot kettle yeah i know) and generally drifting under the radar.
4. Minorly comments on the Tom argument but doesn't commit to either side.

It's not a very strong case i know, but Patch/Andrew/corwin seem town to me.

I wouldn't mind hearing from Otter/Halbarad/Shale/Chisa/Carth and Ran once more before deadline but unfortunately i probably won't be here to see it.


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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #392 on: January 21, 2008, 12:31:36 AM »
As far as specific people go at the moment... blech.

I'm obviously a little biased towards the people on my case at the moment, as I feel they are blowing an argument a little out of proportion here, but blah, blah, gut feeling, etc, non-logic there.

Ultimately though, Patchcloud's aggravated final post and most recent post are bother me. Notably...

About this "Cop should Counter-Claim/Andy/Blah" thing. The only benefit I see to counter-claims = Scum favorable. Thinking of the multiple possibilities... One is get town to lynch the imposter for being a liar, and at night, you can kill the one who counter-claimed. What if there's no doc to protect the counter-claim? What if there's a doc and they don't trust the counter-claimer? What if there's multiple cops so both people claiming aren't lying and you end up lynching one by mistake? Isn't it kind of dangerous for the counter-claimer to assume there's only cop for that matter? Etc etc. I could stretch this out to be wordier and make a whole paragraph of what if's but they'd ultimately be what if's.

This is all kinds of bad logic piled together. Sure, I might have been a little enthusiastic, but she is actively discouraging ANY counter-claims. Hell, she's doing it with faulty logic too. Just read those examples. This is seriously discouraging townies from speaking up to expose scum lies, and THAT is scummy as all hell.

Andrew: Negative read from him. Partially because I don't like the idea of a cop counter-claiming, though not quite to the extreme of Corwin. See above about why. Too many possibilities to fill up another wall of text. Also, I tried to find his reasoning for voting for Strago. I'm well aware my defense doesn't look kawaiihappycreampuffrainbow to any of you, but Andrew's reason for voting for Strago is like... non-existent? Andrew has said nothing to explain his Strago vote. On Day 1, Andrew voted on Strago to pressure vote, then voted on me, then forgot he voted on me then voted for Strago again but rather wordlessly and somehow is getting away with it probably because of the focus on me, plus the focus he puts on others who wanted to stick on Tom. It seems like he's begun picking up a little train that I'll be happy to jump on since I don't have any really strong leads on people in the game besides him right now.

Er... okay. I think I misunderstood which vote you guys were talking about, and I'm a bit hurt that no one can figure out why I voted Strags there. I... pretty much said it. Tom and Strags were up for lynching. We were running out of time. I didn't want Tom lynched. Do you follow the logical train there?

Anyhow, on that note, the "counter-claims are good for scum thing" is so utterly ridiculous and scummy that I'm joining this train.

##Unvote: QR
##Vote: Patch

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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #393 on: January 21, 2008, 12:36:03 AM »
Counter-claims on Day 1 are good for scum. Gives them someone to target, especially if they had docbust. ESPECIALLY in a game this big where the chance of there being two cops is perfectly valid, and a cop saying they are a cop doesn't mean that the first cop is lying.
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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #394 on: January 21, 2008, 12:41:31 AM »
Well yes, a day one counter-claim is beyond stupid.

But Patch didn't say a day one counter-claim anywhere. She said the only benefit to to counter-claims is for scum. Period.

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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #395 on: January 21, 2008, 12:45:55 AM »
*nods* This is true. I can understand how that argument could be appealing on the surface, certainly. *scratches head* How long do we have?
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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #396 on: January 21, 2008, 12:49:26 AM »
*stares at Andrew's post*

I was desperately hoping you were going to say Governor or something, but one shot vig?  Thank heavens you didn't use it!  You'd have killed off what would most likely have been a townie, we'd still have been out Tom and if you think that you would have survived long after making such a play, you're off your rocker.  Talk about a potential clusterf*ck narrowly averted.

<.< geez

I don't like the train on Patchy at this point.  I'm not getting scummy vibes, just lots of frustration and a few bad plays.  I am NOT going to just let it go unnoticed, she'll definately be on my watch list, but I don't think I want to add to that.  I do think that Andrew has more than made up my mind that of all the people that are currently acting odd, he's the one that I worry about the most.  I am going to put my Vote where my mouth is, even though I realize at this point, we're prolly going to lose Patchy to the lynch.  

##Vote Andrew
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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #397 on: January 21, 2008, 12:51:47 AM »
Alright, I feel no reason to vote for Andrew for that.  Yell at him maybe, but he was trying to protect a now-confirmed townie that said he was a cop.  Sure, I disagree with using that method to do that, but what about that is scummy, seriously?


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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #398 on: January 21, 2008, 01:07:16 AM »
Well, Andy's explanation does clear up the main issue I had with his post today - that he sounded like he advocated for a day 2 counterclaiming of the cop had Tom survived. That claim certainly isn't the power that was implied, and I don't feel all that great about what he planned to do with it. Since that scenario didn't really happen, I suppose there's no real way to tell what Andy would have done, so I'm a bit less suspicious of him now that he's cleared that post up.

Re: Corwin. His tirade on Andy did take up most of the day, but I did find value in the diversion to Andy, even if it wasn't for his original, main reason of Andy wanting a day one counterclaim (which I don't think is a very good one). We didn't exactly get smokescreened from a lot, either, it was mostly Patchu up until then. I don't see anything particular scummy in what he's been doing so far, but it does look a little...odd.

The patchu has posted. Andy is right that the absolute statement of counter-claims are always good for scum doesn't look particularly good, although it might be a stray gameplay opinion. Other than that, it's pretty solid analysis, really. Especially why specifically Shale picked up lurker pressure, when Yak, Shale, and Smodge were acting that way. Mrr...I still think I see her worse than Andy/Chisa.

Re: Smodge. I did think Chisa was more likely scum until patchu did that whole "I give up" thing. I was not really suspicous of patchu from the day 1 ending, and still thought her less likely scum than Chisa until that post. When I recompared the two, I saw that Chisa was both defending himself (although I didn't find it particularly that great; Rat, what was that detail you saw?) and talking about others, while patchu was just defending herself. From there, I thought it more likely that patchu might be scum.

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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #399 on: January 21, 2008, 01:08:55 AM »
Patch on the cop issue:

About this "Cop should Counter-Claim/Andy/Blah" thing. The only benefit I see to counter-claims = Scum favorable.

What the hell.  If you can catch a lying scum, you should be willing to call them on it.  Like I said before, counter claiming this early is not a good idea, but if you have proof someone is full of it, you put it out there for town to see.  Doing anything else is BAD FOR TOWN.

Quote from: patchcloud
Thinking of the multiple possibilities... One is get town to lynch the imposter for being a liar, and at night, you can kill the one who counter-claimed.
This part is written from scum's POV.  I don't see any plausible reason for town to do such a thing.

Quote from: patchcloud
What if there's no doc to protect the counter-claim? What if there's a doc and they don't trust the counter-claimer?
Then we trade a cop for a scum.  Despite what some people think, this IS worth it.  We only need to take out about five scum to win.  Plus, we probably have other power roles, and even if we don't, it's very possible to catch scum without them.

Quote from: patchcloud
What if there's multiple cops so both people claiming aren't lying and you end up lynching one by mistake? Isn't it kind of dangerous for the counter-claimer to assume there's only cop for that matter? Etc etc. I could stretch this out to be wordier and make a whole paragraph of what if's but they'd ultimately be what if's.
This is why the other cop has to have proof.  You can't just say "Hey, you're not a cop 'cuz I am."  But the proof is built into the role, because cop two is a cop, and can do investigations.  Of course, such things as sanity may throw this off, but that's the chances you take in Mafia.

With every post, you keep looking worse and worse to me.  Vote remains, barring last minute power role crap like in Phoenix Wright.

Aaaaaand everybody and their sister ninja's me.  Arg.  Andrew's explanation...I'm actually liking it.  It's getting some strange gears turning in my head.  The claim of one shot vig blows my mind, but why the hell would scum make such a weird claim?  Yes, I know this is WIFOM territory, but I just can't buy this as a scum ploy.
FAIR WARNING: Inside my head, every day is May 7th, 986.