
Author Topic: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic  (Read 124290 times)


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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #875 on: January 25, 2008, 06:22:06 AM »

Kilga, mind updating the first page?


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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #876 on: January 25, 2008, 06:22:37 AM »
Oh. By the way, while the day is still young: I'm going on a road trip on Saturday and Sunday, and may not be stopping anyplace with an Internet connection between the morning I leave and the night I get home. I've already cleared this with Kilga, but please don't kill me for lurking if I leave and can't check in before the day ends.
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[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.


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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #877 on: January 25, 2008, 06:27:08 AM »
Kilga, mind updating the first page?

I already did about a half hour ago.

[22:28:39] <Edible> Mafia would be a much easier game if we were playing "spot the asshole"


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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #878 on: January 25, 2008, 06:29:33 AM »
And yes, I have cleared Shale for his road trip.

[22:28:39] <Edible> Mafia would be a much easier game if we were playing "spot the asshole"


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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #879 on: January 25, 2008, 06:38:21 AM »
3. Carthrat - Fujiwara no Mokou
5. AndrewRogue - Sakuya Izayoi <--- Excal, not Andrew. >_>
6. Taishyr - Marisa Kirisame


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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #880 on: January 25, 2008, 06:53:19 AM »

[22:28:39] <Edible> Mafia would be a much easier game if we were playing "spot the asshole"


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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #881 on: January 25, 2008, 07:02:50 AM »
will have very limited posting time this Day, i should be able to get 1 significant post every 24 hours, so if my neck goes on the block, at least give me time to defend myself.


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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #882 on: January 25, 2008, 07:17:39 AM »
Alright...  I was hoping to see if we could figure out if there were any other people who were role blocked before OK was, for all that the discovery of Cor did paint him in a very flattering light.  That said, I'll put the call out again.  Are any of the remaining people here role blocked before night three?

Alright, it's a shame to see those two gone.  They were two of the few people on my probably town list (Ciato may be controversial, but she's insightful, and I'd like to think I could catch it if she tried to fake one of her rants).

Alright, since I caught up this morning (but you all decided to rush hammer so I couldn't post these thoughts fresh) my impressions aren't going to be as sharp as they could have been.  However, general impressions, in order of how towny I feel they are at present.

5. Excal - Sakuya Izayoi

I think this is the one time I can readily say I can see the arguments against myself.  Heck, I'd probably be willing to join in the lynch if I hadn't of gotten the word of Mod as to his alignment.  Regardless to say, Sakuya is under new management, and our 100% Town affiliation should soon become apparent.

6. Taishyr - Marisa Kirisame

Second on the list only by virtue of not being me.  Barring some serious shenanigans, I think we can safely say he's town.

17. Halbarad - Yukari Yakumo

Sure, it's possible that he's not town.  But from what I recall, both of our esteemed scum took their share of shots at him.  However, it was most notably the way Alex went after him that convinced me.  Alex contradicted a few key points that he says are fairly good scum tells to nag on Hal.  The most notable is a fixation on post count instead of content.  There was also the way he took a couple of jabs trying to remind us about how long it'd been since Hal posted last, and named him as a high profile lurker when a LaL wind was blowing through the air.  Simply put, it was a hard press, and I can't see a scum bus going that hard for no reason, especially when neither Alex nor Hal were in any danger.

13. El Cideon - Remilia Scarlet

Generally quiet, but when he does talk, he tends to go on at length about the issues, and chips in where he can.  I think he's trustworthy.  I especially agree with the points he was making during the Tai/QR dispute.

3. Carthrat - Fujiwara no Mokou

Rat...  he always throws me for a bit of a loop.  That said, my impression on him is vaguely town, as he's been coming in, generally been good at keeping the discussion flowing, and not harping on any point after there's no reason in continueing on with it so that a fresh flow of ideas can keep going.

8. Gatewalker - Hong Meiling

A solid neutral read here.  Despite reading through everything, I can't remember any strong points you made, nor any time when conversation has centered around you.  As such, you really do come across as someone who's simply dropping in, tossing in your two cents, and then hanging around the lobby some more.  That said, it doesn't feel too much like you're just parrotting everyone else, so I'm not too worried about you.

10. Shale - Yuka Kazami

He's also part of this crowd that generally seems to be on the fringes, looking in, staying silent for a while, and then jumping in for short bursts of activity that leave you with...  again, not much.

15. Otter - Reimu Hakurei

Otter...  Now, he's an interesting case in that I do have thoughts on him, though apparently some of the particulars have slipped my mind which is frustrating.  Anyways, I note one or two of his positions being odd, and specifically something about his interaction with Alex.  I dunno...  I know he was one of the two lurkers named by Alex, but looking at that, I just have this nagging suspicion that Alex might have been trying to use that to help clear one of his buddies or himself if they were caught.  So, why Otter and not Hal?  Because Alex kept on going after Hal, and because Hal was the one that everyone felt the comment was unfair to.  Again, this isn't the only thing that's bugging me about Otter, but I'll need to topic dive again to get the full impression.

Aside from that, though...  he looks clean, plays clean.  He'd be a lot higher if it weren't for the fact that something in the back of my head says to look at him more closely.

14. Yakumo - Flandre Scarlet

So, Yakko's basically been doing the same thing as Shale and Gate, so why is he down here?  Simple, I can remember even less of his commentary.  At least those two drop in, make their small comments, and generally try to get a lot of thoughts out when they do post.  Yakko, it feels like he's making a lot of small meaningless posts around the periphery of important happenings so that it looks like he's a part of everything, despite not actually being a part of anything.

19. Smodge13 - Komachi Onozuka

See Yakko, only less so.  Of course, part of this is simply that Smodge doesn't have much presence in general.  So I tend to give him so added leeway.

7. Tonfa - Yuyuko Saigyouji

Which brings us to Tonfa.  Perhaps it's the fact that Hal's been making a good, and consistant, case here.  Or the fact that you seem to combine Yakko's general periphery hanging with Shale's level of posting.  Either way, you're not looking terribly good.

Now, this reminds me of one other thing.  Alex, at one point, decided that we needed to focus on the lurkers.  He did this by trying to get us going after two people who were not, in fact, lurking.  He also did this at around the same time as some other people were trying to steer us towards lynching the lurkers.  I believe it was one of Ciato's few bursts of activity that Alex derailed.  This leads me to suspect that there may well be scum hiding in one of the lower posting members of our game.


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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #883 on: January 25, 2008, 12:16:11 PM »
Three kill attempts? Huh, interesting. Attributing one to Alex is probably a safe bet, given his title. If so, hopefully that was the only shot he had.  Another kill is presumably the scum NK. Ciato, maybe? That one doesn't tell us much, which may have been the point, but OK and Tai seem like more obvious targets for scum (OK = Watcher, Tai = confirmed townie). The third, I'm not sure speculating on who that was will do us much good right now. Quite the opposite, if it's the same person that killed Alex.

Anyway, no one seems to standout as a prime suspect right now; no issue dominates yet like it did on days three and four. So, I'm going to rattle off my impressions of everyone still living, get my thoughts in order.


(Alphabetical order!)

Carthrat: Null read; he's very active and verbose in every game, which actually makes him harder for me to read. I'll have to go back and parse through all his posts sometime this weekend, but I can't recall anything that sends up a red flag.

Excal: I still have my suspicions about Sakuya being a third-party role (despite the main proponnent of this theory now being revealed as scum). Excal having a markedly different playstyle from Andy doesn't necessarily invalidate everything that happened before the player switch. The fact that we are unable to discern his alignment on account of the night action immunity doesn't help him (Meta reaction: it's a good way to give a self-aligned role a fighting chance). Now, I'll wait a bit and see how Excal plays things, but this stack of powers still feels like too much for one townie to have even in this game.

Gate: Null read. Which isn't great at this point in the game, but Tai's statements seem to have cleared him for the moment. A late joiner on every successful votetrain, also...not sure what to make of that. Not high on the list of suspects right now.

Hal: Looks pretty clean to me. He's a low-poster, yeah, but I do not feel that his posts lack content, which is the important distinction. The fact that Alex called him on lurking consistently without really commenting on what Hal was actually saying...Alex just went after him too hard for to me to believe it was a scum smokescreen. Feel pretty secure in calling Hal trustworthy right now.

Otter: Was pretty much the first to go after Nitori after OK's roleclaim. He was also the first to vote for Corwin on day four, but Cor's death was probably a forgone conclusion after the late Kaguya was accused by a confirmed townie (Tai). His attack on Gate day four seems misguided, too. Gate's roleclaim wasn't exactly necessary, no, but Otter's reasons for attacking it seemed specious to me. Now, Alex calling him out for lurking at a point in the game when Otter was no longer lurking was odd, and is probably a mark in Otter's favor if you view it as an attempt by scum to get a train started, but I'm not entirely sold on Otter being with us here.

Shale: Makes a multitude of small posts, but that's how I've always seen him play. Not going to get after someone for a simple playstyle difference, especially when he's around pretty consistently and usually has something worthwhile to add to the topic at hand. Not going to say he's beyond suspicion, but he's not exactly at the top of the list, either. Looking at his votes, though...he's stayed off pretty much every train prior to Corwin and voted fairly consistently for people who are now confirmed townies, so he might bear looking at later. Not going to try interrogating him right now since he says he'll be away for the weekend (yeah, I know, legitimate excuses are good for scum, but you can't just ignore them all).

Smodge: Neutral to negative read here. Hangs about on the sidelines a lot without building up a case of his own. Also...seem to remember him parroting Alex a bit earlygame (which I can understand to some extent, in fairness. Alex plays the Concerned Townie act well), but I need to go back and reread the first few days to be sure this isn't just my memory being faulty. All in all, I can't recall much he's contributed. Seems a more viable suspect than most others right now.

Tai: Confirmed by someone now revealed to be a Town Supercop. Beyond suspicion.

Tonfa: See Smodge. Posts low without saying much when he does, so I'm not inclined to give him a pass like I will with Hal. Yeah, I know, timezone hijinks, but c'mon, man. Give us your thoughts on people, something other than just the flavor of the moment. Who do you think looks bad right now and, perhaps more importantly, why? A simple list doesn't do us much good.

Yakko: Was after Cor before it was cool, at least, though I have a hard time remembering what else he's said. Will have to make a topic reread and focus on his posts, but I'm getting a pretty neutral read on him right now.


So...after all that, I'd like to call Tonfa to the fore and get his thoughts on, well, a lot of things, really (Smodge too, but he says he's going to be away for a bit, so we can deal with him later in the day). I can't associate him strongly with any past cases at the moment, which isn't a great sign this far into the game.

##Vote: Tonfa


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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #884 on: January 25, 2008, 01:22:37 PM »
Went to review Tonfa...

Quote from: Tonfa
Well! Nitori not being scum was :psyduck:y. Though it makes sense, thinking of it. A docbusting kill(which was his actual ability, most likely) wouldn't trigger Andycal immunity based on what is known, after all. This would also clear Corwin as town doc, I think? OR there's the case where Nitori's power was nothing at all, seems less likely, with the Mad Scientist moniker, to me. Want to see Watcher results.

Also, I'm so very glad that at least one of my hunches was correct, that being Alex being awfully scummy. Mm. Now to review day 3 by reading it over, I suppose.

You were *very* quick to confirm Corwin here. It seemed like you forgot that there was indeed a scumkill unaccounted for if this was the case. Cor certainly looked better but there was no way he was out of the running at this stage- and remember that we don't know for sure what Nitori's role actually did (just a fairly well-educated guess, I'll admit.)

That was pretty much your only post of content on day 4, which was admittedly very short. Continuing to look at what few posts you did... like everyone is saying, they're very devoid of content. You also talk about your radar lots, with random statements like this-

Quote from: Tonfa
Gate: ...radar isn't registering anything. This is vaguely worrying.

I picked that one out pretty much at random from his previous posts. You've made Gate an *exception* worth bringing up here, but you're hardly posting at all on anyone else! And again, hardly anything at all on day 3. Here's another thing...

Quote from: Tonfa
On the QR/Tai issue, I'm inclined to say it's a careful scum ploy by QR that backfired. Andrew vote on day 2 after dayvig claim has me the most uneasy of anything either has said during the course of the game here. Makes more sense to me than any possible Tai Xanatos Gambit scenario here. Both of them could be townies, though....mmph.

*At that time*, I feel this was a REALLY unlikely conclusion to hint at. YES, the possibility was there, naive cop, lack of complete role information, buuuut I know that when I was thinking about it, those ideas seemed so very unlikely. Of course, now we know that they both *are* townies (QR via death, Tai via incontrovertible investigation)... well. I think the only people who would have reason to speculate on this were scum. If I remember right, Tai *was* hesitant about lynching QR, which I find odd in retrospect but since he's clear...

Anyway, I think there's more to Tonfa that just lurkering with a glance at these posts; what he has made seems to either be shoving trains in directions they shouldn't go without proper reasoning behind them, or poor attempts at concealing a lack of real deductive thought. I would dearly love for you (and smodge, for that matter) to come out with your prophecized analysis.

In the meantime I think I'm going to follow suit and ##Vote: Tonfa.


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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #885 on: January 25, 2008, 01:42:42 PM »
Ok my posting Time,

Honestly i have no idea whats going on here, i have jumped from confusing argument to confusing argument.

My gut Says Rat, Gatewalker, Yakumo and El Cideon are All town, seeing as my gut is often more accurate than my reasoning i choose to list it here.

Can't believe day 3 ended so quickly, good job on catching scum though guys.

Analyzing Vote Records as i don't have much else to go on, i'm bad at analyzing so bear with me.

So far, Ran AND Corwin were on the Tom train, if i discard the people my gut feels are town it leaves Tonfa and Halbarad in that list.
We follow on to the Nitori Train, Tonfa and Shale is on the list.

Generally Tonfa has been on 2 of our mislynch trains, he lurks a fair bit, and other members of the town have made some good points on him.
So for now ##Vote: Tonfa
He looks the worst so far just from reading over, i will read more in depth when i ahve time and it may change my decision, but on a quick reread he seems the worst to me so far.


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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #886 on: January 25, 2008, 01:57:35 PM »
Just starting work, but a general impressions thread is not a bad way to start the day. In rough order of how town I think they are.

Taishyr - Marisa Kirisame

Absolute no-brainer. Confirmed town by a supercop, there can't be any doubt about this one.

Halbarad - Yukari Yakumo

The only reason Tai is higher than I am is because -everyone- knows he's town. I'm glad to see that folks see me favorably; I've been doing everything I can to benefit town.

Carthrat - Fujiwara no Mokou

Seems to be a good, solid townie to me so far. He's questioned me on several mistakes I've made to date (which is good!) but he hasn't kept hounding me on those mistakes once he's received reasonable answers for them, which lessens my inclination to believe that he's trying to drum up a scumbus on me. Also has been pretty consistent with content and posting, given his hours.

Gatewalker - Hong Meiling

Has been kind of low post count but moderate post content to date; also, if he's to be believed he's responsible for saving Tai yesterday, and I for one believe it (as Tai pretty much has to be scum's top priority to kill, since we know beyond a shadow of a doubt he's town and can trust what he says as being pro-town, accuracy to be determined by the reader). A bit weaker than Carthrat as I don't see him as quite so active, but I completely understand how lack of time can affect your ability to deep-dive a Mafia topic.

AndrewRogue/Excal - Sakuya Izayoi

Null read at the moment, with the new management. I could easily believe third party at the moment, but at least for the time being I'm not 100% inclined to believe that it's a third party that's against town. Andrew was playing very risky previously, I'll agree, and if it were still him he'd be lower on this list, but I'm willing to wait and see how Excal pans out with the role before I make a call.

Otter - Reimu Hakurei

-Very slightly- negative read. Hyperaggressive attack of scumtells is definitely the way Otter plays, but when you're going after Gate for a mistake - not even a scumtell - and drop a vote on it? That's too much. I'll agree that announcing his role without any pressure might not have been the best advised move in the world, but it happened, and it's not the end of the world - or evidence that he's scum, without anything else to back it up. Jumping on the slightest slip anyone makes is not going to catch you scum, it's going to catch you -everyone-; we're all human and we've all made mistakes, myself included. There has to be SOME kind of leeway or personal threshold you need to say "okay, this goes past mistakes since they've made too many/they're too consistent with the mistake" to then call it a scumtell. Barring other clear mistakes from Gate, other than lowish postcount, making a roleclaim when he thought he was no longer useful was not that big a deal.

Yakumo - Flandre Scarlet

Yakko... don't have a really solid read on him aside from my gut; I haven't done a total topic review yet (probably come later today) but I seem to recall his activity during the QR/Tai debate being rather hotheaded, and I want to go back and review that along with his other posts. Not on a list of cases I want to pursue today, however; there are clearer scum cases to look into, and as I said - the longer we leave the more active scum alone, the more tells they'll pile up on themselves. If Yakko is scum, odds are he'll slip up at some point. And if he's not, all well and good.

El Cideon - Remilia Scarlet

Not necessarily scummy, but currently ranking very high on the lurker scale - prior to posting in the past day or so, I'd forgotten he was even in the game (although this may be ancient sukima's memory acting up). Either way he hasn't pinged my radar much at all, so I'd like to see more activity from him. What  I've seen today is a good start - I'm not ready to call scumlurker on him yet.

Shale - Yuka Kazami

Reminds me to an extent of Tonfa in that he doesn't post often or post much when he does; while that might be his normal playstyle it's also rather unhelpful to town. I do recall him making some decent contributions, so I'm not -quite- ready to lump him in with my main scum candidates at the moment - especially given that he's going out of town for the weekend, I'm shelving him for the moment. We only get one lynch a day (and a vig, possibly) so I'm not particularly inclined to go after him guns blazing until we clear out the folks who I feel are more clearly scummy than he is.

Smodge13 - Komachi Onozuka

Low personal content and very careless play (which is not necessarily a scumtell in and of itself, but). Only higher than Tonfa because I've been following Tonfa's activities for longer and I feel I can make a more definite call on Yuyu.

Tonfa - Yuyuko Saigyouji

Been over it before, and likely I shall cover the remainder of his posts that I didn't get to in my original Tonfanalysis post (just don't have time at this exact minute). Has been extremely cautious about showing any of his own opinions for the entire game and even seems to merely parrot existing thinking when joining existing trains (which to date have caught only one scum).

And without further ado, I do what I do with the first post of almost every day so far this game:

##VOTE: Tonfa

You still haven't answered my questions, Yuyuko dear~
- Have you ever contemplated suicide?
 - Frequently. But only for others.


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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #887 on: January 25, 2008, 02:10:05 PM »
I really dislike Smodge's last post.

Firstly, every lynch apart from Cor's so far has been a mislynch, and Cor's was a pretty obvious case to everyone who was there. It seems ultra-dangerous to use 'but he was on a mislynch train!' as your sole criteria at the moment.

Secondly, I HATE GUTCLAIMS. I read your post as basically 'here's a bunch of people I trust for no reason and a couple I don't like, and look! They were on trains!' There are eleven people alive at the moment. Just saying you trust four of them outright seems kind of... dumb, to be honest.

I reiterate, I'm awaiting a real attempt at analysis of, well, anything here. This post, combined with your previous declaration of awayness, would seem to hint that I'm just not going to get it today. Please surprise me. Lists of people seem to be all the rage at the moment, so...

Just saying that you're not good at it is not enough for me.


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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #888 on: January 25, 2008, 03:23:45 PM »
 Dear sister, we need to have a little heart-to-heart.

I am a schizo Paladin, which means I alternate between Cop and Doc, apparently.  I've been covering dear Marisa on even nights, like last night.  My cop targets were Corwin first night and El Cid night three.  Both came back Scum.  I am either sane or paranoid.  So, sister, how about we stick YOU in the basement for a change?  ^_^


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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #889 on: January 25, 2008, 03:30:00 PM »
It appears I have been -2'd, if I'm reading correctly. Alright, first I'd like to say that lynching me is not a good idea, and I don't mean "lol I'm obviously town" by that. If I were to be accused of spellcard theft unwarranted...I'd get a bit furious. Go wild and kill a random person on the lynch train. And yes, this is my roleclaim. Or, if you do not trust me, at least I ask that Tai and Gate stay out of the train, I want no part in possibly killing a confirmed/near-confirmed townie as my last action.

- Um, wow. I'm still in process of rereading the topic and compiling the post but then I check the topic for ninja posts with Preview to see...this. Very interesting. Yeeeaaahhh going to read Cid posts now.
<Niu> If I ever see that Langfadood, i'll strangle him on sight
<Gourry> What, for making the game three times better?
<Gourry> And playable, at that?
<Niu> that lose the whole point of of L2!!!


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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #890 on: January 25, 2008, 03:48:19 PM »
Okay, first of all people need to learn the difference between pressuring somebody to talk and training a random lurker for no reason. 4 votes on Tonfa before the first morning of the game is insane.

...and time to review the Cid's record. Yikes.
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[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.


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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #891 on: January 25, 2008, 03:55:47 PM »
Okay, going piecemeal since I'm at work and putting together a long post could take all day.

First thing that's off: Yesterday, Cid shows up in the middle of Corwin's doom...and then doesn't vote, or even hint at how me might go.

Quote from: El cideon
Whoa. In general. Basically caught up, but I have no time for a lengthy post while at work. Expect stuff when I get home!

Yes, time concerns, etc., but the situation was as cut and dried as you can get: A confirmed townie calling suspected scum on a crucial lie. You don't need a lengthy post to hash that out.
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[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.


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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #892 on: January 25, 2008, 03:56:10 PM »
Hmn. Cid posts are really nondescript, Other than the kill speculation at the beginning of his today's sizable post. The flavor linked vengeful Alex and Ciatodeath very strongly together so speculating it was the scum NK seems...just a tad weird.

Tai being near-killed and somehow protected lends credit to Yakumo. At least if Tai isn't pulling an OBJECTION! here like against Corwin. >_>

Third kill...well damn. I do have a sneaking suspicion of Excal but mmph. Back to reading the topic. For now:

##Vote: El Cideon
<Niu> If I ever see that Langfadood, i'll strangle him on sight
<Gourry> What, for making the game three times better?
<Gourry> And playable, at that?
<Niu> that lose the whole point of of L2!!!


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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #893 on: January 25, 2008, 04:01:47 PM »
Hokay. Tonfa's claim doesn't really give him a shred of clearance. If it's TRUE there aren't really ways around it we could hope to rely on, but claiming a bomb variant is just as likely a cheap trick to get people scared. This wouldn't shift my vote in the least...

...but the copclaim has a pretty damned good chance of doing so. It's pretty obvious; if he's lying, we kill him the following day. If he's not, that's one step closer to victory for us! (Again, I think the roleclaim came earlier than it needed to, but... eh, it's a tough call to make at this point of the game.)

Him being paranoid would be what gives us problems, though, but it wouldn't take much of a case on Cid for me to give this a try. He's been really indistinct to me during the game, I know he's posted but I can barely remember a thing he's said.


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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #894 on: January 25, 2008, 05:22:03 PM »
Bomb claim doesn't change anything and Tonfa still looks bad.  I don't think it's as solid as the cop claim from Yakumo, though.  It's obviously possible that Yakumo's lying, Cid will flip town, and then Yakumo will blame it on "Oh, my bad, I must be paranoid" but, pending further review, I want to tip the scales towards Cid right now.  I need to look back over Tonfa, Yakumo, and Cid in some detail (as well as look at Cor and Alex's interactions with them, if any), but just this second, Tonfa is dangerously close to hammer and I want to even things out in the interest of making today last a bit longer than yesterday did.  It's not quite as clear-cut today.  So.

##VOTE: El Cid


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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #895 on: January 25, 2008, 05:25:47 PM »
Alright, didn't see the flip last night as I had gotten fed up with the computer and wandered off to play FE before bed, so sitting down to look everything over now.

Issues of the Day

Re: Tonfa Train
Uh, yeah, seriously people, this train built a little too fast for my comfort. Tonfa doesn't particularly look all that good, but -2 to hammer before even 12 hours have passed on a lurker/low content case? I can understand moving that fast on a case like Cor, but here? Eh, it looks really fishy.

...actually, thinking about it, there's only one(well, 2, but I'll get to him a bit) vote on this train that looks fishy. Let's break it down. Hal's been going after Tonfa all game, so his vote doesn't surprise me. El Cid...well, I'll get back to him in a bit. Carth throwing a second vote on him early seems like a classic "lurker pressure vote". That's still only 2 out of 6 needed. But the third vote, pushing him to halfway to lynch...that gets my attention. Smodge. Who comes out with "Tonfa's been on two mislynch trains!" as his best evidence(which is a fallacy, actually. Tonfa's only been on 1. Tom wasn't lynched, he was nightkilled. Yes, it was still a vote for a now confirmed townie, but the incorrect terminology was irritating me and I needed to correct it). His other reasons are "lurks a fair bit"(pot and kettle, in smodge's case here, he's been just as lurky and content light all game) and that "other members of the town have made some good points on him" which is just me-tooism at it's worst. Pushing a person to halfway to lynch, that early, without anything better to go on? And then claiming both "more analysis later, oh but I'm bad at it so don't expect much" and "limited posting time, expect only 1 signifigant post every 24 hours" I don't like it. I don't like it at all. I hope that wasn't your one signifigant post for this 24 hours, Smodge. For now, ##Vote:Smodge. This vote might be changing soonish, depending on the below issue, but I wanted to put it down and have my suspicions out there.

Now for the other issue of the morning...

Re: Scarlet Sister Showdown
So we've got another cop claim, a halftime cop anyway, and a claim of a scum reading on El Cid. Also a claim of a scum reading on Cor night 1. Hmm. I'll cetainly need to look back over the Cid's posts more closely with this in mind, for one thing. It does occur to me though that claiming to investigate Cor day 1 after Cor's already flipped scum and using that to seem more valid on claiming someone else you want lynched is scum would be a nasty scum tactic. But I can already see a couple holes in that line of thought, mostly along the lines of "this would still be a 1 for 1 trade, not good for scum" and also the question arises of "why Cid?" So, for now I'll take Yakko at face value and assume he is a cop.

I do have one question for you though, Yakko. Why call him out with a cop claim and not vote?
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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #896 on: January 25, 2008, 05:54:13 PM »
Forgetfulness, I guess.  And I was afraid someone would say that about Cor.  I intended to claim yesterday after I got my second investigation, but the day was gone before I even saw it.

##Vote: El Cideon


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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #897 on: January 25, 2008, 06:37:53 PM »
Interesting claims, I'll want to review El Cid's activity in the topic myself before I shift votes though. Had to actually come in to work for testing today, though, so I don't have time to do more than drop an "aware of what's going on, will comment when I have more time" post.
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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #898 on: January 25, 2008, 06:48:01 PM »
Sigh. The more I read the previous posts...the...well, same amount of info I can gleam off them. Well, since those Town to Scum lists are all the rage these days, ~

Taishyr - zomg he clearly became a self-aligned sk on alice death. Anyway, supercopped to be town and all that.

Gate - Roleclaim still seems to check in with past history.

Yakumo - Willing to believe him as of now. Seems to check in.

Shale - Short, short posts. But generally the content gives me a helpful town image.

Rat - Mostly neutral with slight town lean I cannot justify.

Hal - Eh. Neutral. (Needs better taste in voting targets though. <_< >_> <_<)

Otter - Is...Otter. Jump on Gate is the only thing that I catch as odd here right now.

Smodge - Odd thing about this one is's smodge. Thus he gives off scumtells a lot but I can't be at all sure whether to trust them as to him -actually- being scum. Lots of me-tooism and blah.

Excal - Ringing alarms. Could very well be a SK on loose.

El Cideon - Fingered as a scum by cop? Better tell than anything else I can see here.

I need a nice, long rest. Will check the other mafia game I'm in then crash, most likely.
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<Gourry> What, for making the game three times better?
<Gourry> And playable, at that?
<Niu> that lose the whole point of of L2!!!


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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #899 on: January 25, 2008, 09:18:07 PM »
Okay, going piecemeal since I'm at work and putting together a long post could take all day.

First thing that's off: Yesterday, Cid shows up in the middle of Corwin's doom...and then doesn't vote, or even hint at how me might go.

Quote from: El cideon
Whoa. In general. Basically caught up, but I have no time for a lengthy post while at work. Expect stuff when I get home!

Yes, time concerns, etc., but the situation was as cut and dried as you can get: A confirmed townie calling suspected scum on a crucial lie. You don't need a lengthy post to hash that out.

I probably would have voted for him--if you guys hadn't killed him before I got home from work. Day four began after I went to bed Wednesday night and ended before I had time to put together a good post on the matter the day after. Would it look better to you if I'd wandered in, tossed out a vote post with little to no explanation, and then disappeared again? I don't have a lot of time for this at work, and shouldn't really be doing it at all--the only reason I'm taking the time to post right now is because my poor deluded sister's trying to frame me.

Also, given my consistent suspicion of Cor throughout the game (see day two, when I went after him for exaggerating a case against Andy, and day three when I explained why I thought he was more likely to be scum than Nitori--and believe me, when I get home, I'm going to go back and check which of my accusers were on that bus), do you really think I wouldn't have voted for him with a confirmed townie's testimony against him? The only reason I didn't vote right then is because I didn't expect you people to bring down the hammer before I got home. I am not voting to send someone to the gallows without giving a good accounting of why in the same post. This has been an extremely busy and unpleasant week and there was not time yesterday for me to do this from work.

More later, though right now I will note that Yakko's only other investigation being someone who's already dead is very convenient indeed.