Author Topic: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic  (Read 124282 times)


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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #900 on: January 25, 2008, 09:52:53 PM »
Let's Play Danmaku Detective Game! Vote Count:

Tonfa (4): El Cideon, Carthrat, Smodge13, Halbarad
El Cideon (3): Tonfa, Otter, Yakumo
Smodge13 (1): Gatewalker

With 11 alive, it takes 6 to lynch. Day ends in a little over 32 hours.

The flavor linked vengeful Alex and Ciatodeath very strongly together so speculating it was the scum NK seems...just a tad weird.

Don't waste your time speculating based on the story, it serves as a story and nothing more.

[22:28:39] <Edible> Mafia would be a much easier game if we were playing "spot the asshole"


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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #901 on: January 25, 2008, 09:56:03 PM »
If I'd had time yesterday I would have said it then, so don't try to use that against me.  It's 'convenient', yes, but it isn't my fault the day went by too fast.  All I can do is point to how much I'd been after Corwin since night one, as soon as I had some evidence to use.  The majority ended yesterday before I could speak up. 


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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #902 on: January 25, 2008, 10:19:36 PM »
Bleh, alright. Don't like having a useless vote sitting around. Smodge, consider yourself under an FoS for today, but I've got better things to do with my vote then sit on you.

Like, actually throwing it into the El Cid/Tonfa race, for example.

Now that we have a Cid post, I...hmm. It seems to be full of much the same as the large majority of his posts. Not much at all. I go back and look at these earlier arguments against Cor that he speaks of, and you know what stands out to me? He drops them pretty quickly. Day 3.5, he comes out with a huge Nitori vs Corwin post, votes for Corwin...and then promply unvotes him and doesn't vote on anyone after that. When Nitori is sitting at -1 to hammer, he makes a post saying that he's waiting for the hammer to fall...but doesn't drop it himself, doesn't revote for Cor saying he would be a better lynch, and doesn't vote for anyone else either. He just there, talking but not taking a stand on anything. Doesn't look any better then Cid does, for alot of the same reasons(low post count, lower content, etc). But he's not the one being fingered by a cop claim. Also, i still don't like the way his train built that fast, even though I can only really find fault with one vote on it.

Between the two, Cid's got the copclaim against him and Tonfa's just got lurkyness.

##Vote:El Cid

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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #903 on: January 25, 2008, 10:29:22 PM »
One moment, post in progress. Do give me the dignity of a few final words, no?


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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #904 on: January 25, 2008, 10:51:11 PM »
Haven't read over things yet, but ever woken up and thought "wow that was really stupid"
Anyway on to reading.


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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #905 on: January 25, 2008, 10:53:26 PM »
stop the hammer


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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #906 on: January 25, 2008, 10:55:52 PM »
Looks like i need to come out, finally.
I am in fact the town cop,
Day 1: Rat = Town
Day 2: Gatewalker = Town
Day 3: Yakumo = Town
Day 4: El Cid = Town

Hence the reason of my gut claims, i was really tempted to keep it quiet but honestly, we're reaching the point where i might as well come out and say it.
Gatewalker Confirmed my Sanity.
Probably stupid i come out before i actually find scum, but i'd rather avoid a mislynch at the moment.


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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #907 on: January 25, 2008, 11:01:19 PM »
>.> now that i think of it that was stupid v.v
Cid could be godfather and Yakumo could have the 1 shot of supercop.
I'm really out of it today.
I've given what info i can.


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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #908 on: January 25, 2008, 11:05:42 PM »
Smodge, I'd point out that a) Gate hasn't been confirmed yet.  And b) given there's probably not more than 4 scum, and we've got two, even if you are Naive, that's still a minimum of two people on your list that you got right.

Anyways, it is odd, but Yakko's claim to have been hard on Corwin does check, even if he never pressed overly hard on it.  That does leave me with a question though.  Tai was mostly lurking before he came into the spotlight on day 3, and we had no reason to think him anything worth keeping until QR's claim.  So, I'm wondering why you decided to protect Tai on Night 2 when there were other candidates that might have been more deserving of cover?


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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #909 on: January 25, 2008, 11:17:06 PM »
Flandre, like Alice, is connected to Marisa.  My flavor text implies that as well, though it isn't stated outright.  So, since I'm horrible at guessing who scum want dead(see NR mafia) I defaulted to protecting the Marisa character night two.  Night four should be obvious.


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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #910 on: January 25, 2008, 11:17:26 PM »
Okay, possibly last post before I vanish, hopefully not but we'll see.

I'm with Gate that Smodge looks the most suspicious of anybody left based just on post content, but we've got a cop claim and it would be foolish not to consider it.

So, Cid. The major point in his favor, from reading his earlier posts, is that he butts heads with with Alex and Corwin a few times, in ways that don't look choreographed. I'm not sure I saw Alex and Cor do that. (If they did and I missed it, somebody show me, I'll be grateful. Haven't had time to read over their posts plus Cid's and still do work/pack for the trip).

Anyhow, that goes as far as joining the abortive Corwin train after OK claims, and he doesn't jump off it that quickly - it's almost 24 hours later. He does decline to vote again after that, which is pretty odd. Day 4 he does nothing, and here we are on Day 5.

Okay, so. I was going to say that I don't see anything really suspicious there, but...I don't see much of anything there aside from the argument with Corwin and a mild defense of Mia when she was getting trained on day 2. Which makes me more inclined to call him out for playing under the radar, but even so, without the cop claim I wouldn't be considering pushing him to -1. So...gharg. The question becomes, how much do I trust Yakko?

...and now I am ninja'd by another cop claim, this time from my top suspect. Bloody hell, this just got more headachey. Smodge says "Gatewalker confirmed my sanity," which...doesn't make a lick of sense to me. Nobody on that list has flipped, and you could easily be naive. Explain?
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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #911 on: January 25, 2008, 11:19:21 PM »
Cid's last post...

the only reason I'm taking the time to post right now is because my poor deluded sister's trying to frame me.
You're implying Yak is scum here, i.e. that he's taking a dive to attack you. Now, why would they bother doing this? I'm gonna call for you to roleclaim at this point.

Throughout day 2 he threw out a couple shots at people who were lurking, and then one at Cor, but overall his presence was very low at this time. Day 3 he opened with a pretty hefty post that mainly focused on the QR/Tai thing, but I didn't see anything horrible about it on first glance (yeah, he was pro-lynching QR, but again I don't think that's necessarily a scummy stance to have taken at the time.) Went after Corwin later on day 3 when choosing between Nitori and Cor to lynch. He DID slam Cor day 2 for taking on Andrew for a silly reason.

Did say he highly suspected Andrew on being a third party but would rather 'hunt scum', yes, I think this is somewhat weird behaviour.

And after that, the only post he makes of interest is the list just now. Lesse...

Surprised Yak didn't rate higher on it, given that they both went after Cor 'before it was cool', as they say. Nothing else stands out as too unusual.


Cid doesn't really look that bad to me at a glance. This is mainly looking at his posts stand-alone. In fact, if you'd asked me before the copclaim, I'd probably be more likely to point to Yakko as the more likely scum. His flaw could be a lack of posts, but he's had *some* content, I wouldn't be calling him a lurker (especially not with other more lurkerish lurkers around). Yak HAS repeatedly gone after Cor throughout the game (and said stuff like "I've had a bad feeling about him all game..." so I'm inclined to give his copclaim credibility.

I don't think he's been that close to Cor and Alex in opinion throughout the game, except that he did, like them, seem to think Andrew was sus (for having too much power, mainly.)


Smodge uh do you mean the hammer on Cid or the hammer on Tonfa, although Tonfa hasn't really got *anything* going for him at this point?

Edit: Copclaim. So... you... got four town results on four investigations. One set of investigations obviously can't be trusted, especially focusing on the Cid part. Worth noting that the investigations were on different days. My question to both cops now is: why did you pick the targets you selected, and what do you think of the other cop?

I'm no longer sure I want Cid to roleclaim. However I am curious as to why he didn't do so in his response to Yak. Since he thinks Yak was trying to frame him I assumed there'd be some reason why he believes this.


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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #912 on: January 25, 2008, 11:23:11 PM »
Naive i guess i possible, but to get Town 4 nights in a row would be stretching luck pretty far.

Gatewalker claimed bodyguard and noone stepped forward to counterclaim, also it obviously worked because OK survived the night he claimed to use the bodyguard, hence i believe Gate is town and my sanity is confirmed.


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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #913 on: January 25, 2008, 11:25:45 PM »
Problem the first: Gate protected Taishyr that night.
Problem the second: Nobody counterclaimed doc...and? Counterclaiming doc anytime short of endgame when you're not in imminent danger of being lynched is moronic.
Problem the third: Naive means "Always gets a town result, no matter what the target's actual nature," so as long as you've never gotten a scum read nothing can confirm you as sane.
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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #914 on: January 25, 2008, 11:27:54 PM »
Honestly, why did i pick my targets?
Um i seem to have an uncanny knack of picking people who the scum kill, so this time i decided to focus more on the lurkerish people, those i thought would survive until close to the end, so that this way, when my sanity is confirmed, thats 4 confirmed townies that go with me, Yakumo honestly i believe his claim only because  i investigated him as innocent, however 1 supercop, 1 normal cop (Tai also mentioned 1 shot cop didnt he?) and Yakumo as a fourth cop-type, i'm would be dubious about listening to, however QR/Nitori has shown us we should listen to these things.


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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #915 on: January 25, 2008, 11:30:32 PM »
i guess i could be nieve, i always thought nieve was  50% chance each way.


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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #916 on: January 25, 2008, 11:30:55 PM »
That's Random.
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[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #917 on: January 25, 2008, 11:37:52 PM »



*head explodes*

Alright, I'm better now.

Anyway, time to look at some facts. We now have 2 seperate cop claims. One which has produced 0 town results and 2 scum results, one which has produced 4 town results and 0 scum results. They both claim to have investigated El Cid, and have gotten differing results. We know that at 1 of Yakumo's 2 results were correct, thanks to Corwin's flip. Nobody smodge has investigated has flipped yet, so we don't have any similar results on his side.

So what to make of this? It could be a scum ploy by either Yakko or Smodge to mislynch a townie/save a scumbuddy respectively, of course. Or Yakko could just be a paranoid cop. Or Smodge could just be a naive cop. Or even both! Wouldn't that be fun! *headdesks*

Bah. Thoughts going nowhere right now. I'm soaking wet, tired as hell, and now getting a headache from this. I'm going to go shower, grab something for a really late lunch, and then sit back down and try to make heads or tales of this situation with a clearer mind. This post is mostly just for my own referance to look back at a compiled list of the facts about the claims when I try to sort this out.
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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #918 on: January 25, 2008, 11:47:43 PM »
Honestly, depending on how things are going, I might have an idea for how to test Smodge's ability.

Now, I've looked at El Cid, and I definately remember agreeing with him on some points, and he did join the rush on Cor, but...  On the One hand, I can sympathise with not posting much.  Do it a lot myself.  On the other hand, Alex very clearly made a play to try and draw fire off lurkers, of which El Cid is clearly one.  Not to mention, the number of times he's said a further post was coming, and it never did, makes me wonder if this current post of his is simply a stalling tactic with the hopes that something else will come up and distract us.  Or, simply to come up with something compelling.

There's also one other confusing aspect that's in play at the moment, that I cannot talk about much.  Let's just say that OK or Yakko would understand and leave it at that.  But it tosses in an interesting wrinkle as far as my reasoning concerning El Cid goes.

Anyways, I have work to do so I'll be away for a while.  Here's hoping something interesting comes up while I'm off.


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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #919 on: January 25, 2008, 11:49:29 PM »
This took longer than expected because people keep posting. >.< I type too slow (well, I obsessively edit and revise things as I go along, but it has the same effect, really). Anyway, I mostly have to respond to Rat's post right now:

Cid's last post...

the only reason I'm taking the time to post right now is because my poor deluded sister's trying to frame me.
You're implying Yak is scum here, i.e. that he's taking a dive to attack you. Now, why would they bother doing this? I'm gonna call for you to roleclaim at this point.

Part of that was me having fun with flavor. Yeah, I know, this isn't the time to joke around, but that's the kind of person I am. There will be a not-so-witty rejoinder on my tombstone, I'm sure. Probably a hint of OMGUS in the response too, in fairness. I'm aware this is bad form, but I was quite taken aback at seeing Yakko's post.

You do make a good point, though, and I can't very well contradict it when I've spent so much of the game using "1-1 trades are bad for scum" as my logic in making certain decisions.

Did say he highly suspected Andrew on being a third party but would rather 'hunt scum', yes, I think this is somewhat weird behaviour.

I think this is a difference of opinion, and one apparently shared by many others here since we haven't lynched Andrewcal. I can't help but see an organized cabal as a bigger threat than a lone third-party player, especially one who was willing to put his ability at the service of a town vote (and this is where people point to WoT Mafia, I know, but I maintain that third-parties in general are easier to deal with than a full-fledged mafia). We can argue that this is misguided if you like, but those are my priorities.

And after that, the only post he makes of interest is the list just now. Lesse...

Surprised Yak didn't rate higher on it, given that they both went after Cor 'before it was cool', as they say. Nothing else stands out as too unusual.

The list was in alphabetical order, silly person. >.> No, this isn't a serious point; just clearing that up in case you were half asleep when you read it (the rest of your post suggests that you were not, of course!)

I'm no longer sure I want Cid to roleclaim. However I am curious as to why he didn't do so in his response to Yak.

You're probably tired of hearing this, but I was at work. Yeah, I know, genuine excuses are good for scum, etc, but in every game I've been in, it's the exception and not the rule that I'll have an opportunity to be active on the board while I'm there. Granted, I probably should've done it preemptively given how quickly Cor went down yesterday (seriously did not expect that to be done by the time I got home. I was like, "We lynched someone in less than twenty-four hours? Is this still the same game?")

I also had fewer votes on me at the time. I shouldn't need to point this out, but roleclaiming isn't something people should ever be eager to do in this game. I will if people need me to, but it isn't preferable.

More stuff to come as it occurs to me--I find it difficult to organize megaposts.


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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #920 on: January 26, 2008, 12:06:05 AM »
Honestly, depending on how things are going, I might have an idea for how to test Smodge's ability.

I admit to a certain amount of curiosity regarding this theory! Please elaborate when the time is right if I am not dead at that point.

Now, I've looked at El Cid, and I definately remember agreeing with him on some points, and he did join the rush on Cor, but...  On the One hand, I can sympathise with not posting much.  Do it a lot myself.  On the other hand, Alex very clearly made a play to try and draw fire off lurkers, of which El Cid is clearly one.

Can you link me to when this happened? Not saying it didn't, I just can't recall when. I do recall Alex harping on Otter and Hal for lurking, and this was silliness.

Not to mention, the number of times he's said a further post was coming, and it never did, makes me wonder if this current post of his is simply a stalling tactic with the hopes that something else will come up and distract us.  Or, simply to come up with something compelling.

Can't really contradict this one. I said this a couple times on Wednesday and never followed up. All I can say in my defense is that it was a truly wretched day and Mafia was not the main thing on my mind when I got home. As for yesterday...well, we've been over that. I get home a little after 5PM EST, hammer happened just before that, and day five didn't start until very late at night.


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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #921 on: January 26, 2008, 12:24:34 AM »
I am about to post a very long analysis of game-to-date voting, and this post will put El Cid at -1 to hammer. Please let me know when you're done with your rebuttals, Cid, because this will put you on the brink and  do want to give you every attempt to clear your name first. (Nothing against Yakko's claim, but Cid should be allowed to try to clear himself - or hang himself, if that's the way things go).
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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #922 on: January 26, 2008, 12:30:49 AM »
I can't really qualify what it was that got me to pick Corwin on day one, but there's never much to go on on that night anyway.  I looked at the list, and he just seemed like a good idea at the time.  As for El Cideon, similar to what I jumped on Dhyer for at the end of Random.  He's not around a ton, and his stances just don't look solid to me, like he's kinda floating along and not hitting anyone really hard.  It's not usually enough to hit someone for all by itself, but it looks odd enough that I want to know the truth.


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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #923 on: January 26, 2008, 12:42:41 AM »
I should probably address the copclaims first.

If they're both telling the truth about their roles, then...balancewise it makes sense for one or the other to be less than perfect in sanity. I admit that smodge's sanity remains unproven since his investigations targeted people who are all still alive (for the time being, at least,) but I do think something must be off in regards to Yakko's power.

The alternative, of course, is that we have a framer in our midst. Which is a possibility given the size of the cast and the all-round weirdness going on with the roles, but I have to admit that I would've been an odd target for such a person on night three. It's more unlikely that it would've happened just as Yakko investigated me. But then again, what were the odds of an unknowing supercop investigating a miller and getting killed for it?

...I have to admit that lynching me will give a lot of info one way or another on how far the cops can be trusted. If you believe it's for the good of the town, go ahead, but I would much prefer that you kill actual scum instead.

For what it's worth, my vote's staying on Tonfa. He was on the Nitori train (along with most of you, in fairness), which seemed like nonsense to me for all the reasons I related at the time. He's done his damnedest to stay out of the spotlight and avoid strong opinions, and that shouldn't be happening at this point in the game. a very convenient roleclaim for someone getting heat, and I think you should consider very carefully how seriously you can take it.

Okay, that's about all I've got the energy for right now. Fire away, Hal.


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Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« Reply #924 on: January 26, 2008, 12:44:03 AM »
I should look at posting times more closely, I guess; it's been more than half an hour since Cid's last post, so here goes.


Well, this turned into a much more major post than I'd originally planned - I'd originally intended to go over scum+Tonfa voting records, but looking over these in conjunction with the issue du jour - El Cid vs. Yakko - turned it into more of a complete analysis. I don't have -everyone- I find fishy on here, but I do cover the two known scum, as well as Tonfa, Yakumo, and El Cid (the first for reasons that should be apparent due to my play over the course of the game; the latter two due to the fact that they're the issue du jour and the resolution of this case will likely result in the day's lynch.)

FOR OTHER PEOPLE'S REFERENCE: I have tried to make the voting records as factual as possible; summary statements will necessarily be colored somewhat with my own prejudices, since I'm paraphrasing events. If you're uncertain about anything I've placed here, please do review the day in question for yourself, and correct me if necessary. I don't claim this to be biblical truth here, just the best analysis I can make for five voters since the game's start.

DAY 1: Bit of a mess because it is of course day 1, but here's the record:

Ran: Rode the Tom train, switched over to Strago.
Corwin: Stayed on the Tom train.
Tonfa: Started on Smodge for early stupidity, moved to Tom and stayed there.

Ran: No votes.
Corwin: Myself and Rat, both joke votes based on character/avatar choice (I should have KNOWN that using Tohonifun's Kaguya meant she was a total psychopath).
Tonfa: OK and Ciato, no real research on why.


By: Voted for the Tom train, also had votes on Shale and Otter (both pressure, IIRC; I'm not rereading all of day 1 as it's not spectactularly helpful).
For: Received a vote from Gate, IIRC this was a joke vote.

El Cid:
Voted on OK, jumped on Strago, back off, and then back on again.
Received a vote from Chisa (likely a pressure vote? Again, it's day 1)

DAY 2: Things actually mean things now! More information about why votes switched as I scan.

Ran: Started the Patchu train, stayed there all day. Starts to breadcrumb lurkiness on me, although this is actually after the Tonfanalysis.
Corwin: Laid pressure on Tonfa to provide content early, then backed off when he "did" (mostly in the form of catching the votecount discrepancy from day 1; I actually covered the post in question's lack of content on actual game PLAY rather than PROCEDURE in the Tonfanalysis).  Switches to a pressure vote on Tai for lurking, then moves on to Andrew (now Excal) for mistakes made on the claimfishing defense. Remained there until the end of the day.
Tonfa: Lays a pressure vote on Shale, then OMGUS'es me for the Tonfanalysis since I don't reply to him the same day. Vote remains there until end of day.

Ran: Again avoided suspicion.
Corwin: Tai voted him on a misstep in arguing Andy's claimfishing; only retracts it when it seems they keep missing each other's points and moves to the Beansprout train to get the lynch used. Yakumo switches from OK to him after picking up on flaws in his claimfishing arguments.
Tonfa: Corwin early on asking for more content; myself later on in the day when I found him notably lacking in content even after Corwin's quickly-retracted pressure vote.


By: Pressure vote on OK early in the day; then backed off and went after Corwin after Corwin started attacking Andy.
For: No votes.

El Cid:
By: Pressure voted me early in the day; backed off when I posted Tonfanalysis.
For: No votes.

DAY 3 (part 1):

Ran: Early on suggests Tai without voting; also calls me on lurking again (after I'd been rather active in discussing and clarifying a few things early in the QR/Tai debate). Flips fast at Tai's pseudo-roleclaim and comes down on the side of QR; then goes for Andy vigging himself which really raises a lot of alarm bells with people.
Corwin: Comes out with a lot of analysis early (see points on Tonfa below for part of it) then finally drops a full vote on QR even after Gate had requested no further real votes to prevent the day from ending early.
Tonfa: Did not weigh in at all.

Ran: Started to raise suspicion when he continued to go after me for lurking and tried to dilute the discussion on QR/Tai, then voted for Andy to vig himself. Received a vote prior to vigging from Andy for this last.
Corwin: Yakumo popped up early in the day to drop a vote on him, citing that his previous arguments were never addressed. Vote was pulled in favor of the QR lynch due to that whole mess; I won't rehash it here.
Tonfa: Take a wild guess. I voted him by giving my point-by-point on his counterargument for the Tonfanalysis. I did not retract the vote at day end, although I did use the "Andy" syntax to call for Tai to be vigged.


By: Jumped on Corwin immediately at day start; shifted to QR early on in that debacle.
For: None.

El Cid:
By: Comes out on QR with a fairly lengthy post, but most of it does cover points already covered in topic. This isn't necessarily wrong, but it's a point to consider.
For: None.

DAY 3 (part 2): OK is Watching You!

Ran: Retains day 3.1 vote for Excal and never removes it, arguing through most of the day for the entire Nitori/Corwin thing to be ignored in favor of lynching Andy/Excal as third party.
Corwin: Votes for Nitori as "lying scum".
Tonfa: Lays a vote on Nitori with his only post; promises "more analysis later" but never provides it.

Ran: Starts with residue vote from day 3 pt. 1 from Andy/Excal; Excal removes later  to help finish off Nitori (this is admittedly Excal's first post). NKed by someone after the end of the day.
Corwin: Nitori - after OK's watcher reveal, pegs Corwin as the scumkiller on Tom. Gate jumps in with a pressure vote for him to explain his actions regarding Tom on night 1, then backs off. Yakumo jumps back on with his first day 3.2 post. El Cideon requests further explanation from Corwin. With 1 to hammer, Smodge switches from Nitori to Corwin, then immediately switches back on no other input but his own.
Tonfa: My day 3 pt. 1 vote stood through the remainder of day 3; received no other votes.


By: Jumps quickly on Corwin at the beginning of the day with little reasoning, continues to harry Corwin through the day.
For: Receives no votes.

El Cid:
By: Pressure votes Corwin, then unvotes with an admission that he's not actually read anything but doesn't want to keep "needless condemnation" going without analysis. Day concludes without him weighing in again.
For: Receives no votes.

DAY 4: Everyone ride the Corwin train!

Corwin: Doesn't bother to vote anyone.
Tonfa: Hammers Corwin.

Corwin: -Everyone- that participated in the day at all.
Tonfa: Duh, I voted for him prior to the springing of Tai's trap for Corwin (who is surprised at this point?); vote was removed when Tai's trap was sprung and moved to Corwin.


Neither Cid nor


Corwin's first analysis post of day 3 (part 1) compliments me for coming out with analysis without being provoked, but asks that I look at people other than Tonfa. (I haven't done so other up until now because settling one case strikes me as the most important thing; I've researched my most likely scum case, still haven't been solidly rebutted on it, and will continue to stick with it until it's resolved. This isn't to say that I won't do things like this to help clear up the issue du jour, but I'm not going to abandon a researched attack until it's either been clearly defused or resolved with a flip. The fact that it's acknowledged scum saying this tends to add weight to my negative analysis on Tonfa, especially given that the OTHER known scum came out with a very flimsy lurker case on me when I'd been relatively high-content/low-count on posting and was quite clear that I wasn't going to be swerved off of Tonfa without good reason.

His only day 3 post of any kind drops a vote on the now-confirmed-townie Nitori with no real analysis whatsoever, promising more later but never actually coming up with any.

Day 4 he posts twice, once announcing intent to hammer Corwin (why bother?) and then again to drop the actual hammer. Doesn't say anything beyond Corwin's case failing to convince anyone.

(I'm mainly adding this section since this post is turning into a full-thread analysis on everything, not just Yakko/Cid, and I don't want to have to go through everything AGAIN to find these points. Given that Tonfa seems to be getting sidelined for today, I'll probably refer everyone back here tomorrow if necessary).


I find it slightly odd that Yakko, given his day 2 return of scum on Corwin, decides to go after OK for lurking first; he does stick to Corwin after that (aside from the QR swerve on day 3.1)

However, El Cid does look worse at this point; he's very low on content (although not as obvious about it as Tonfa is; he's better at faking volume and analysis).

Aside from the early vote on OK, Yakko was pretty doggedly on Corwin - even without a lot of reasoning - from day 2 onward; while he does drop a vote on OK first, I'm inclined to believe that this is a pressure vote to keep him looking "active" until Corwin dropped something that he could sink his teeth into. Given that Tai WAS blocked from a nightkill last night, when every expectation of mine would be that he'd die immediately (you've been lucky, Miss Unlucky Black-White, since you're confirmed town),  I'm inclined to believe his roleclaim.

The main reason I'm irked is that this is derailing the attention on Tonfa, but as I've said before we can only lynch one scum per day - so for today, it might as well be the one with the more clear-cut case.

##UNVOTE: Tonfa
##VOTE: El Cideon

Side notes on today's posts: I'm also looking at Sakuya sideways at the moment; however, I'll take scumhunting first, and I don't believe that Excal is aligned with the scum. Therefore it can wait for now.
- Have you ever contemplated suicide?
 - Frequently. But only for others.