An outrage. An absolute outrage, this is. The NRDL committee has disallowed Rozalin, the only daughter of Overlord Zenon, the right to assign a proxy to the duels she is to fight in! Even more insulting, they have stuck her in Middle, against...a knight. Not even the knights known so well in the Netherworld for both their destructive capabilities and tendencies to die less than a certain irritating travel show host, but a lowly HUMAN knight! No matter, this should be done with in very little time. After all, while she isn't so well-versed in the matters of dueling with such barbaric weapons as swords and whathaveyou, the graceful netherworld princess is deadly accurate with a gun, and can deal death without having to dirty her hands. If that doesn't settle it, then the fact that these gunshot wounds tend to hamper an enemy's own evasion should. The last thing desired by any royalty, after all, is to be humiliated by someone as faceless and worthless as Rozalin's current opponent! Nevermind the fact that he probably will be faceless after a meeting with her trusty chaingun...