Skelly (CC) vs Nanami (S2)- Faster.
Skelly vs Garcia (FE8)- Played around with this a bit. Everyone doubles Garcia, whatever your interp. Possibly Kongol doubles Garcia. Anyway, with 5% evade vs Skelly's 86% accuracy, given CC accuracy mechanics it's fairly safe to say Skelly doesn't miss too much. Between doubles and all he can string together something like 800 damge in the first blow. Unfortunately for him, Garcia's got 125% HP, so that's to a kill point in excess of 1600. Even if he could use his L7 again, which he can't, he falls somewhat short and Garcia 2HKOs him.
This pool sucks, someone doubled as much as Garcia shouldn't win, even in Light, even if he 2HKOs, dammit!
Nanami vs Garcia- Nanami falls short of a 4HKO.