Prologue - The Beginning of A Mere MMO Quest
Narrator: Space. The Final Frontier. The…ok, we all know this is a Star Trek rip off, so lets just cut to the stuff that matters. Basically, World War 3 happened, nukes destroyed civilization, and a cease fire was commenced…but the world was still in ruin. The USTA was formed as an alliance to keep things in check, and from that, the SRF for Space Travel. Sure enough, Warp Speed was discovered, a Moon Base created, and now Earth is ready to EXPLORE THE VASTNESS OF SPACE!
*Enter Edge, our hero, whose sleeping, greeted by a brown haired girl*
Edge: zzzzzzz…
Girl: …Um…Edge?
Edge: zzzzzz *mumble*
Edge: Zuh? WHAT!? Oh, hi, Reimi…what’s up?
Reimi: You missed orientation…AGAIN! Just so you could take a nap on this space ship?
Edge: Oh, yeah, decided to skip it. Its not important or anything. I mean, if Lightspeed Kenni was speaking LIKE HE WAS SUPPOSE TO, that’d be one thing. I mean, HE’S A HERO! But no, its just probably Shimada ranting again.
Reimi: …nevertheless, that attitude will cost you some day! Be thankful I was there to cover your sorry self.
Edge: Oh, thanks. Its great having a friend like you Reimi!
Reimi: Anyway, we’re gonna head off today…or did you forget?
Edge: Uh, no, of course I didn’t! We’re going to space today, right!?
Reimi: …ok, maybe your brain does work some! Anyway, we’re leaving in like one hour. Be at the bridge!
Edge: Well, that’s certainly enough time to DO A TUTORIAL!!!
*one boring Star Ocean 4 Battle System Tutorial later*
Edge: Hmm…I guess this is my seat, so…oh, looks like I’m getting a call!
*pink haired girl with glasses appears on screen*
Pink Haired Girl: Hello there! My name is Welch, we’ll be partners from here on in! We’ll be talking a lot, so I’m your main contact from base! We’ll be best friends, yep yep!
Edge: …of all the base managers or whatever they are, I get the psychopath pink haired girl?
Welch: Hey! I heard that! Now feel free to call me about anything! We have to get a good relationship if we’re going to be pals, right!?
Edge: Uh, yeah, whatever. *turns monitor off* Man, I hope I never have to speak to her again…oh, look, I got another call?
Welch: HEY! DON’T DO THAT! At least say good bye!
Edge: Oh, uh, right! Good Bye, freaky Pink Haired girl! *turns monitor off again* Dodged a bullet there…huh? Another call? Oh god damn it, don’t tell me…
Red Haired Guy: Yo, Edge, what’s up!
*Edge turns it off instantly*
Edge: No.
Reimi: Hey, Edge, wasn’t that Crowe?
CROOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!Reimi: Why don’t you be nice and answer him? I mean, you two are like best buds!
Edge: Fine, fine, I’ll talk to him *patches link back through* Uh, hi…
Crowe: Edge, don’t be like that! I mean, yeah, sure, I’ve kicked your butt a lot in like everyway, and I’m now Captain of the SRF-001 Aquila while you’re just a standard person, but hey, you’ll move up in rank!
Edge: That…doesn’t sound too encouraging…
Crowe: Hey, its not my fault you get yourself into your own troubles. Anyway, just thought I’d say hi and remind you to FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS! Its why we’re in the SRF, right? Anyway, laters! *he gets off monitor*
Edge: So…what was that all about?
Reimi: SHH! Captain Graffton is coming in! He’s got something important to say!
Graffton: Oh man, I think I have a hang over…yeah, I was drinking before I got here…but its not like I’m PILOTING the ship, I’m just giving commands.
Edge: …
Reimi: …
Graffton: Anyway, Edge, Reimi, are all things ready!?
Edge: All good over here!
Reimi: Yep, we’re ready to go Aeos!
Graffton: Two worthless extras who are likely to not matter after this scene, are you ready?
NPC #1: Yep!
NPC #2: All’s clear here! Man, this is going to BE AWESOME!!!
*back at moon base*
Fat Bald Guy: Finally, we shall explore the vast reaches of space and become WEALTHY! Right LIGHTSPEED KENNI!?
Kenni: More importantly, we can secure mankind’s future, and get off this broken planet of ours. Heinz, what do you think?
Heinz: Well, personally, I think most of these ships are doomed and only half of them will do anything worth noting…but then I’m just a cynical bastard who has no purpose other than to shadow you.
Kenni: I figured that. Sir Shimada…
Kenni: Right, my apologies. Please don’t forget that above all else, our mission is to explore potential planets for colonization.
Shimada: Yes, and we shall become RICH!!! Through this.
Kenni: But what about the fate of…
Shimada: Oh pish posh! Just quiet. Anyway, YOU 5 SHIPS! MOVE OUT!!!
*back at the Calnus*
Graffton: Alright, lets go!
Edge: Alright, FINALLY! SPACE!!!
*back with Kenni*
Kenni: And so those brave souls head off…to the vastness of space. The STAR OCEAN!!!
*back with the Calnus*
Reimi: Hyper Space is secure. There’s a slight fluctuation but it shouldn’t hurt our course…by which I mean we’re probably screwed cause everything in Hyper space matters SO MUCH.
Graffton: That’s not good. Edge, what are your thoughts?
Edge: Well, if you ask me? WE’RE GONNA DIE!!!!
Graffton: Well, it’s a good thing you’re not captain! Reimi, get us out of Hyper Space, pronto!
Reimi: Roger!
*They get out of Hyper space*
Reimi: Our ship is out of control!
Graffton: Use emergency controls and prepare for a crash landing on the closest planet!
Edge: Crash landing? Isn’t that…a little dangerous?
Graffton: Yes, yes it is, but it beats blowing up in space, since at least we have a 30% chance of living.
Edge: Oh, right, forgot about the alternative for a second.
*the Calnus crash lands, somehow in perfect condition, on the grass, avoiding all mountains etc.*
Graffton: Status report!
Edge: Uh, I think everyone’s alive, so that’s a good thing, right?
Reimi: Oh, hey! Look at that! We LANDED ON AEOS! Talk about dumb luck!
Graffton: So what about the other ships?
Reimi: Uh…lets see. We are here *dots on map appear* The B Ship is over here, by which I mean it crashed in the ocean. The D ship is close by as well. The Eremis Ship landed somewhere more remote. The Aquila is…nowhere to be found.
Edge: Any reason you stated the Eremis and Aquila were stated by name?
Reimi: Well, the other two ships are completely irrelevant, that’s why.
Edge: Ah, makes sense.
Graffton: Right! Our first duty is to meet up with the crews of the near bye ships and salvage what we can. We’ll join up with the Eremis once we deal with the local problems.
Everyone Else: RIGHT!
Graffton: Specifically, you two useless NPCs will get stuff, Reimi, you’ll study the environment and make sure there’s nothing there to EAT US, and Edge…you’ll just walk around like a maniac, but we’ll call that Scouting Duty.
Edge: Ok, works for me.
*on Aeos, the 3 crews have joined up*
Edge: Scouting…scouting…scouting…oh, hi Reimi, what have you learned?
Reimi: This planet is effectively equivalent to Earth during the Jurassic Period.
Edge: Oh, cool! So there are like Dinosaurs!?
Reimi: No! We detected no huge life forms here!
Edge: But what about the BUSes that exist on all Alien planets?
Reimi: Bugs of Unusual Size? I don’t think they exist!
*Huge giant bug comes out of nowhere and nearly lands on Reimi*
Reimi: AH! Help me!
Edge: Reimi!
NPC #1: Oh god! Quick, #2, Shoot the thing!
NPC #2: Right!
*NPC #2 shoots, barely misses hitting Edge*
Edge: What are you aiming at? I swear, guns never hit their targets! Makes me wonder why I’m even holding this damn thing…let alone not using it…
NPC #2: Oh, right, sorry!
*he shoots the bug, some shield blocks all the shots*
Edge: …Rail Guns don’t work on it? WE’RE GONNA DIE!!!
*bug smacks Edge away, breaks his gun, Edge’s Workman Blade conveniently falls out of his back pocket and lands near bye*
Edge: Notgoodnotgoodnotgoodnotgoodnotgood…huh? That tool that isn’t meant to be a weapon but looks like a weird laser sword anyway…well, a gun didn’t work, CLEARLY THIS MELEE WEAPON WILL!
*Edge stands up, his hand glows with a weird crest*
*Bug goes splat*
Edge: Holy shit! That actually worked! …and I just noticed only now there are like 7 more of those things. Well, its either use this piece of junk sword which I apparently am very skilled with for some unknown reason, or just sit here and die…yeah, I’m thinking option 1 sounds nice.
*Edge kills all bugs effortlessly with his useless cutting tool that looks damn cool*
Edge: I…did it? Nice!
Reimi: Yes, but so many people were killed.
Edge: …*sigh*
Reimi: But think about how many people would have been killed if you didn’t do that Edge!
Edge: Yeah, you’re right…let’s go tell Captain Graffton!
*in the Calnus*
Graffton: So you’re saying that half of the crews from our 3 ships are now dead, and everyone but Edge was completely useless?
Edge: Uh, yeah, might be hard to believe, but that’s what happened.
Graffton: Actually, I believe every word of it! You’re something else, Edge!
Edge: Oh, I am? Sweet!
Shimada: HEY! Don’t ignore me! I’m still on this intercom thing!
Graffton: Oh, right. Yeah, see, you heard it; giant bugs appeared, my arm is in a sling, and Edge is the only useful person we got. I think we should abandon this mission and worry more about finding a way back.
Reimi: Um, about those ships. We don’t know the status on the Eremis, the Aquila is nowhere to be found. Calnus is damaged but fixable, but it’ll probably take a while, possibly some OMINOUS ALIEN TECHNOLOGY as well, to fix. The B Ship sort of landed in the middle of the ocean, and the guys in it barely swam to safety. The D Ship sort slammed into a mountain, and spontaneously combusted and exploded…oh, but don’t worry, we saw parachutes!
Shimada: NO EXCUSE! CONTINUE INVESTIGATING! You have one useful kid, USE HIM! I AM YOUR SUPERIOR! LISTEN TO ME! Anyway, I’m going to take a hot bath!
Edge: Bad. Image. Leave. Brain. NOW!
Graffton: I’m sending you on a lone suicide mission to investigate this planet, look at the Eremis, and report back to me what you’ve found!
Edge: Ok, sure, sounds fine to me!
Reimi: Wait! Edge! You can’t do that!
Edge: Why not?
Reimi: Cause its dangerous!
Edge: So?
Reimi: And you could get hurt!
Edge: So?
Reimi: And you may die!
Edge: Look, Reimi, you see way too concerned for my own well-being. We’re just friends, remember? Its not like we’re going to suddenly fall in love in a few months. Besides, I’m just going, not you! You have it pretty easy!
*several hours later*
Edge: Well, I’m off! Its time to take my footsteps into becoming a GRAND HERO!!
Reimi: Yeah, lets go Edge!
Edge: Ok Rei-…wait, what are you doing here?
Reimi: I’m coming with you! I can’t let you go at this alone!
Edge: But I thought he said-…
Reimi: Oh, I had a little “Talk” with the captain and well, he said it’d be fine if I could go.
Edge: …I’m not going to question what you actually did with him. But in any event, how do you plan on not getting in the way?
Reimi: WITH THIS!!!! *Reimi points to a high tech looking bow*
Edge: Ok, I know you’re awesome at archery but…Guns are useless against these things, you think a Bow and Arrow will do better?
Reimi: Pretty much.
Edge: Well, I don’t see anything wrong with that logic. Lets go…TO THE EREMIS!
*Traversing Aeos, beating up bugs of unusual size, globs, traveling through caves, among other boring shit*
Edge: Ok, we just ran through this cave, how are we suppose to know where the Eremis is?
Reimi: I…think that’s it over there *points in direction of a huge, partially capsized space ship in the middle of the lake*
Edge: Well, can’t complain about convenience! So are there any survivors?
Reimi: No, it looks like…
Dying Guy: I’m not quite dead yet.
Edge: Yes you are.
Dying Guy: I’m not.
Edge: You’re injured, you’ll be dead soon.
Dying Guy: I’m getting better!
Edge: You’ll be stone dead in a moment!
Dying Guy: I feel fine! I feel…happy. I feel…happy!
*Edge stabs the guy in the throat*
Reimi: What was that?
Edge: Oh, uh, nothing…
Dying Guy: Beware…the alien…meteor…thing…*he dies*
Edge: How ominous and…WHAT THE HELL IS THAT THING!?
*Small flying space ship thing lands, a green haired bishie with hair ornaments appear*
Bishie: Greetings, Earthlings. I come in peace!
Edge: …
Reimi: …
Bishie: Umm…hello, are you Edge Maverik and Reimi Saionji?
Edge: !!!

Bishie: Hmm…you don’t seem to understand me…my translator must be not be functioning properly </actual lines of dialog>
Edge: Err…uh…excuse us for being dumbfounded, considering you came out of nowhere on technology we never heard of on a planet that’s suppose to be completely deserted of all intelligent lifeform, but we understand you fine.
Reimi: I…uh…yeah, that’s it!
Reimi’s Mind: He’s so beautiful! Those eyes! That hair! Those weird ear things…I NEED HIM NOW!
Bishie: Excuse me, but my name is Faize. I’m an Eldarian.
Edge: A what?
Faize: Uh…well, in terms that might be easier for you to understand…I’m an alien, by your standards.
Edge: Oh…so where are your tentacles, freaky shaped heads, and why aren’t you talking to us telepathically?
Faize: …I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that and we’ll get down to business. Basically, I was told to look for you cause I have my Sol, which is a handy little thing for traversing lots of terrain. I was told I would find you here.
Reimi: Why were you look for us exactly?
Faize: Oh, your Captain Graffton asked me too!
Edge: So you’ve met him? But wait, how did you get in contact?
Faize: Actually, Earth and Eldar have been in contact for a while, but you guys probably have kept things under the hood, and wouldn’t know. Essentially, Earth wanted to send help but couldn’t, and we just happened to be in the area, so they asked us to help. To further friendly relations, we agreed.
Edge: So we’re at the mercy of a bunch of aliens?
Faize: That’s a negative way to put it.
Reimi: Do you know what happened here? He spoke of Aliens that we shouldn’t trust and…
Faize: Hey, we only JUST arrived on this planet AFTER you. We had no part in blowing up that ship!
Reimi: I wasn’t accus-…
Faize: My apologies, but we should probably head back to the Eldarian ship. The rest of your Earthling Companions are there, currently getting treated.
Edge: OK, that sure, that works! And-…
*Large bubble appears out of nowhere*
Edge: Ok, no, that thing was definitely NOT there a moment ago!
Reimi: That must be the thing that destroyed the Eremis!
Faize: Jumping to conclusions already?
Reimi: No, its pretty obvious. What ELSE could do it!?
Faize: Hm…fair, I will assist you in this fight! Right after it, I expect full and complete trust of me!
Edge: Uh, sure, whatever.
*First boss fight starts with stupid annoying gimmick that is completely unfun and takes forever and you almost run out of resources*
Faize: This is taking too long. *starts chanting* How wonderful this power feels! Flames of the Apocalypse! By the power of the Orb…DIE!!!
*Boss dies*
Edge: So we won? Nice! And it dropped this meteor?
Reimi: You know, even though he didn’t say it, I could have sworn they were investigating some rock which caused that monster to kill their ship!
Faize: Well, if this is the rock…it clearly is completely harmless now!
Edge: Yeah, you’re right, lets take it back to get studied! So what about that little ship of yours? Can it take us back?
Faize: It can, but it won’t! Only so we waste more time! Sol, fly off will you?
*The Sol leaves*
Edge: Alright, lets head back to…whatever it is we’re heading towards
*At the Eldarian Ship, which is right where the Calnus was*
Graffton: Ah, Edge, Reimi, you made it! And I see you met Faize! This is Commander Gaghan of the Eldarians.
Gaghan: Charmed to meet you.
Edge: Holy shit, ITS ELROND! How’s Legolas?
Gaghan: What?
Edge: Uh…er…nevermind. By the way, we found this weird rock here, can you analyze it?
Gaghan: Oh, sure, we’ll get right on it!
Graffton: Mind telling me what happened at the Eremis?
*blank screen, return instantly*
Graffton: Ah, I see. Well, Edge, you succeeded in your duties just like I expected. Congrats, Edge, you are now promoted to Captain!
Edge: I…wait, what? You mean I’m EQUAL TO CROWE now?
Graffton: Yes. Do note that I’m only doing this cause I myself am needed here with the Eldarians and we can’t just halt our search for new planets to colonize, so we need another Captain and you’re by far the most fitting.
Edge: Uh…thanks, I…guess?
Reimi: But wait, what’s Edge’s Ship and Crew?
Graffton: Oh, the Calnus is repaired, Edge, that will be your ship! As for your crew it, it will consist of…Reimi, who is your first Officer. And…Reimi.
Reimi: So…I’m going to be alone, in a space ship, with Edge, for quite a while?
Graffton: That is correct.
Reimi: I…see…
Reimi’s Mind: Oh my! This is like a dream come true!
Gaghan: Say, Edge, what’d you think of Faize’s combat abilities?
Edge: Oh, you mean how he hits things with a Rapier and then can summon huge giant boulders of nowhere LIKE MAGIC!?
Gaghan: Ah, yes, so you’ve seen his Symbology. It’s a talent Faize has and he’s done well to learn quite a bit in his youth.
Faize: …but I only know one spell…
Gaghan: HE IS AN AMAZING KID! HE IS PERFECT IN EVERYWAY…except he lacks experience. Which I believe YOU can give him!
Edge: But I’m just a rookie…
Gaghan: Ah, but so is he! Faize, go with Edge and learn much from him!
Faize: I would be honored.
Reimi’s Mind: NOOO! Stupid Alien guy breaking the chance for romantic tension!
Graffton: Anyway, I’m sorry its only going to be the three of you, and I can’t supply you with a proper crew, but…well…that’s how it goes! Leave whenever you’re ready!
*a few hours later*
Edge: This is Captain Maverick! Crew, are you ready!?
Faize: Aye Aye, Captain!
Reimi: Yes, Edge…I mean Captain…I mean…uhh…
Edge: …just call me Edge…
Reimi: Right, Edge!
Edge: Anyway…wait, where are we going again?
Faize: To a distant planet called Lemuris.
Edge: Alright, we’re off! TO THE STAR OCEAN!!!
*they make a successful landing on Lemuris*
Faize: We have landed successfully! The air is breathable, and…
Reimi: HEY! That’s my line! The air is breathable and the civilization is equivalent to medieval Earth.
Edge; Right, let’s head to the closest town! And lets hope these NEW TRANSLATORS work so they don’t come after us with pitchforks and torches!
Shimada *on intercom*: You’re the new captain? Pfft! You don’t look like much…BUT DON’T SCREW UP! I’m…er…we’re counting on you!
Edge: Uh, yes, sir! Alright, sir! *to himself* Also, lose some weight you fat piece of shit.
Shimada: I HEARD THAT!
*At the nearest town*
Edge: So…these are the natives?
Reimi: Yeah, and…they’re coming right for us…
Edge: …Faize, please take off those ornaments before you give us away!
Faize: I think our fashion sense is enough of a give away.
Townsperson: Are you…a GOD?
Edge: …no?
Townsperson: THEN DIE!
Reimi: *smacks Edge* Edge, when someone asks if you’re a god, you say YES!
Edge: Er…I mean, yes! YES WE ARE GODS!
Townsperons: HA! I KNEW IT! We saw you land here from the STAR OCEAN. Please, go talk to the Elder!
Edge: Ok. But…no, I’m sure he’ll understand more.
*Meeting the Elder, he’s some guy in a wheel chair*
Elder: Ah! Gracious Gods! You’ve come to save us!
Reimi: Uh, yeah, about that…being the Elder, you should probably understand better than…
Elder: Please! Heed us! Save us from BACCHULUS!
Edge: Wha? Faize, know anything about that?
Faize: Never heard of it.
Elder: Oh, see my feet? They’re rocks now! Bacchulus turns people to stone! We heard about it in the past, and its making a come back! Please, help us! Save us! Oh yeah, and new kinds of monsters have been appearing too.
Edge: Uh, yeah, see, we aren’t gods or anything. We just kind of came from space…
Elder: Oh, is that so? Dear me…
Edge: Oh! Don’t worry! We’ll help!
Reimi: Why should we help them?
Edge: Cause they’re people in need! Besides, SRF directives state we have to find any habitable planet for Earth. Part of Colonizing is eliminating any threats on this planet! So HA! IT GOES WITH OUR ORDERS TOO!
Reimi: Except you clearly are doing it just to help these people. I know you too well Edge.
Edge: …damn. Still, my logic is sound!
*Little girl walks in*
Girl: Grandpa, how are you feeling, ‘kay?
Elder: Ah, Lymle, you’ve returned.
Lymle: Here’s a flower, be sure to water it, ‘kay? Also, I’m going to the shrine to get a symbology to help everyone in town, ‘kay?
Edge: Who is this?
Elder: Oh, she’s my granddaughter Lymle. She lost her parents to Bacchulus a few years back.
Edge: I…see…say, what are you drawing?
Faize: Hey! That looks just like Symbology! Well, it’s a little different than mine, but its still clearly a symbological symbol!
Elder: Yes, Lymle is our best Symbologist here.
Faize: HA! Surely you jest!
*giant flaming dog comes out of nowhere, almost eats Faize’s head off, Faize screams like a little girl*
Lymle: His name’s Cerberus, he’s my summon, ‘kay?
Faize: Er…I believe you now!
Elder: Lymle, you can’t go, its too dangerous!
Edge: Than we’ll go!
Elder: Oh, you will? THANK YOU!
Lymle: I’m going anyway, ‘kay.
Elder: Well, once you made up your mind, there’s no changing it, but take care of her, ALRIGHT!?
Edge: So we’re baby sitters now?
Elder: Yes.
Edge: …great…anyway, I’m Edge, and this is Reimi.
Lymle: Lym. Edgie. Reirei.
Edge: Huh?
Reimi: I think she’s giving us nicknames…
Edge: Oh.
Faize: Hi, I’m Faize…I guess…I’m Faizie?
Lymle: Lymle. Faize.
Edge: Well, at least its not Mr. Faize…
Faize: I don’t think I share your optimism.</actual lines of dialog>
Edge: Anyway, to the shrine we go!
*at the Shrine*
Edge: That’s one big do-…huh? Suddenly, I feel DIFFERENT.
Faize: How so?
Edge: I…say, what are these symbols on the door?
Faize: Oh, that’s Symbology! It only reacts to people who can actually use it…which means you can use Symbology Edge! Oh, and Reimi, you can’t.
Edge: So I have magic now? Sweet! Oh, sorry about the fact that you can’t do it Reimi. Not everyone can be awesome and special like me!
*after traveling through the shrine, dealing with puzzles and such, the team reaches the end*
Edge: So where’s this special Shrine Maiden Girl person suppose to be?
Lymle: She’s not hear, oh no.
Reimi: What…is that thing?
Faize: I think it wants to kill us…
Lymle: You…killed the nice lady. Get him, doggy!
*Lymle summons Cerberus, it attacks the Dragon Newt, gets smacked away*
Lymle: Now I’m angry, ‘kay.
Edge: No, Lymle! Don’t worry, you won’t have to do it alone.
Faize: Yeah, we’re right behind you!
Lymle: Why are you helping me, ‘kay?
Edge: Because we’re…*exposition close up* YOUR FRIENDS!
*Utterly pathetic boss fight occurs and ends
Reimi: Oh no, how can we cure Bacchulus without that woman’s help? She must be dead!
Lymle: Hey, Lutea was here, ‘kay? She must know this symbol. Lets ask her, ‘kay.
Edge: How do you know she was here? And who is she?
Lymle: She’s a friend who lives nearbye and smells real nice, ‘kay. She wrote her name on this symbol; you only write names on symbols if you know them, ‘kay.
Faize: Well, its worth looking into.
Edge: Right, lets get out of here!
*at a balcony*
Edge: So we know where to go and its down there…the question is HOW DO WE GET DOWN?
Reimi: Hey, maybe we can climb on these vines!
Edge: Oh, good idea! I’ll go down first and make sure everything is safe! It is my duty as captain and leader!
Reimi: NO! I’m going down first, you…PERVERT!
Edge: Wait, what?
*at the NEXT town, the team meets Lutea*
Lutea: Oh, Lymle! Nice to see you again. Yes, I understand what’s going on. Here, take this special symbol stone and use it at its source! Then you can cure the disease!
Edge: Wait, if its that simple, why didn’t you do it yourself?
Lutea: I have to stay here and help the others…besides, its not like I know where the source is anyway!
Edge: Oh, well, that’s understandable…I think? But who would know.
Lymle: Grandpa, ‘kay.
Edge: Oh, right, he knows everything! So how do we get back to your town?
Lutea: Take the route through the forest. Mind, you’ll require a stupid fetchquest to get that far, but worry not!
Edge: Ok.
*some fetch quest nonsense later, back at Lymle’s town*
Edge: Yo, pops, we need to get to the source of Bacchulus, you know anything?
Elder: Well, before you got here, a DIFFERENT ship crashed! And then all the weird stuff happened. This happened like 6 months ago.
Faize: Aha! That OTHER SHIP must be the cause of everything.
Edge: Oh, nothing. Anyway, team, lets go! Lymle, thank you for your help, but I think you should stay with your Grandpa. This might be more dangerous!
Lymle: ‘kay.
*Edge and co. leave*
Elder: They’re risking their lives for us people even though they have nothing to gain…maybe they really are gods!
Lymle: They’re not gods, they’re friends, ‘kay.
Elder: Ah, Lymle, you’ve opened your heart to these people. Truly, I am very happy for you. *he starts coughing a lot*
Lymle: Grandpa, I’m gonna save you, ‘kay.
Elder: I’ll be ok. Go with them, Lymle, you can be of great help!
Reimi: Why did you spontaneously shout the name of your biggest rival, Edge?
Edge: That ship…could it be the Aquila? I mean, it could be, right!
Reimi: Edge, that makes no sense! The Aquila left the same time we did, this ship crashed months ago! It must be a different ship!
Edge; Yeah, but…the Eremis…it had clearly been crashed longer. It wouldn’t make sense if it only happened just now. So I was thinking…did we maybe land in different times?
Reimi: That makes no sense!
Faize: Actually, given the nature of Hyper Space, a slight miscalculation can cause you to land decades apart, since it requires shifting through space and time! So Edge’s theory holds some water. Regardless, I say we investigate it.
Edge; Agreed, lets go!
Lymle: Wait! Edgie! You forgot something, ‘kay.
Edge: Oh, what did we forget?
Lymle: A friend, ‘kay?
Edge: Well, we must be pretty absentminded to forget something like that, huh? Lets go!
Lymle: Oh, don’t forget this Fire Ring, ‘kay? You need it to get to the ship!
Edge: Oh, a random game play plot device thing, ok!
*at the downed ship*
Reimi: Edge, I get the feeling that this ship isn’t as deserted as it looks.
Edge: Oh come on! Everything that was on it is clearly de-…
*Team gets attacked by harpies*
Edge: …you’re never going to let me live this down, are you?
Reimi: NOPE!
*several plastic explosives on doors later, team comes to a big computer*
Faize: I think I can get some info about this ship! Lets see…its from the Cardionans!
Edge: The what?
Faize: Lizard like Aliens from the Arcturus Sector or some such. Here, see, watch this video! It shows them doing stuff, then they turn into monsters and eat each other.
Edge: So the Cardionans killed themselves? Well, that explains why we haven’t met any!
Faize: It seems the source of the problem is in the center of the ship.
Edge: Right! We’re going there now!
*Team enters the center of the ship*
Edge: It’s a huge…giant…crystal…
Faize: I’m getting energy read outs similar to those we had on Aeos! You see…
Edge: How long is this going to take?
Faize: How long to technobabble rants usually take in your Sci-Fi movies?
Edge: …Reimi, better start making some coffee. This is going to take a while.
*one technobabble rant later*
Faize: And basically, that’s the jist of it.
Edge: …you’re done? OH THANK GOD!
Lymle: I’ll do it from here, ‘kay.
*Symbol stone disappears*
Lymle: Lutea’s stone didn’t work, ‘kay.
Reimi: Uh, hey guys…I think that Crystal is slowly…turning…into…a large dragon like being.
Faize: That’s physically Impossi-…
*Faize looks at the Dragon*
Faize: Note to self, Fantasy and Science do not mix…at all.
*one stupid gimmick boss fight later, a big flash of light appears*
Edge: How ominous…
Lymle: Lets head back to town and tell Grandpa, ‘kay?
Faize: I don’t like the looks of this…
*back at town*
Lymle: Grandpa! Granpda! Where are you, ‘kay?
*They came to a stone statue that wasn’t there before, which has a flower in in*
Lymle: …dummy. You need to water the flowers, ‘kay.
Reimi: Oh, Lymle, I’m so sorry!
Edge: Damn it! We didn’t save anyone!
Lutea: Oh, thank god you’re safe Lymle! Suddenly, all those infected with Bacchulus turned to stone and died. I’m sorry about your grandfather.
Edge: Was all that we did in vain?
Lutea: No. While its true, you did hasten the deaths of those people, Bacchulus doesn’t seem to be around anymore, and all the irregular monsters have disappeared. All that’s left are the usual species.
Edge: So…basically, we couldn’t save anyone who was already infected, but we DID save everyone who wasn’t?
Lutea: Yeah. I know, its not ideal, but you still helped us out a lot. Thank you.
Reimi: Cheer up Edge. We managed to save half the people here instead of none of them. That’s not bad, right?
Edge: Yeah, I guess you’re right. Anyway, I think we know where we need to go next.
Faize: To Cardionan, right?
Edge: Yes. I think everything that’s going wrong is linked there!
Lymle: I’m coming too, ‘kay.
Edge: …ok, sure. But it’ll be a long and hard trip.
Lymle: I can keep up better than Faize, ‘kay?
Reimi: I guess there’s no use arguing with that. Lets go!
*on the Calnus, the team is now at Cardionan*
Edge: That’s…their home planet?
Faize: Well, their planet is no longer hospitable, so they kind of moved their entire civilization to one really huge mother ship. Oh yeah, they seem to be doing FORCED COLONIZATION as their goals.
Edge: In other words…an invasion?
Faize: In more barbaric terms, yes, that.
Reimi: Oh no! Guys! We have a problem!
Lymle: This ride is all bumpy, ‘kay.
Faize: I can’t get us out of there! We’ll just have to hope they’re friendlier than they look when we forcefully get sucked into their ship.
*Team gets sucked in*
Edge: So…uh…lets investigate the surroundings?
Cardionan Guard: There they are! KILL THEM!
Edge: *sigh* We can’t get a break, can we?
*Battle starts*
Edge: Stampede…BLAST!
Reimi: Sonic Thorn!
Faize: Earth Grave!
Lymle: Hatchet…REEL!
Cardionan #1: Inferior…BEINGS!!!
Cardionan #2: Beaten by Inferior being!?!?
Cardionan #3: I’m a GONER!!!
Cardionan #4: My money, MY MONEY!!!
*after battle, elsewhere on the ship*
Ominous Silouhette with Long Ears: Hm…seems the party has just begun. Well then…No! Please! Don’t take away my screen time just yet!
Faize: So that…was the entire beginning of this game?
Edge: I think so?
Faize: Well, things started off smoothly, I guess.
Edge: Yeah…I think this is going to be one hell of an epic adventure!
Faize: Well, the only thing that can make this story worse is suddenly referencing every single plot from this series, and then pull random plot twists that don’t make sense. But I believe that our creators have enough sense to not do that!
Edge: Yeah! Tri-Ace loves us!
Faize: …I wouldn’t go that far…