Purim, X, Edgar, Emily, Worker, Deamoned
Purim versus X...X needs to overcome Lucid Barrier sufficiently. My gut reaction is that he really can't given his limited amount of gas, especially since he has to transform quickly or be statuses. Purim beats Edgar (Balloon), Purim beats Emily (Emily does like 91% damage to me, and Purim has 92% HP), Balloons her, and barely loses to Worker, I think (Compress+threat of Crush heal locks, and she doesn't 4-3, and even with either Thunder attacks or guaranteed crits, she can't tear off enough to win (She needs to do about 36% damage) (Good match though!), and loses to Deamoned
X...dunno. WE always confuses me. Don't think he 2HKOs Edgar, so that's a loss. Loses to Emily too I'd imagine. She's ripping off too much too quickly. Gut says he beats Worker, but I don't know. Loses to Deamoned.
Edgar loses to Emily, Worker, and Deamoned
Emily beats Worker. Deamoned...does his HP->1 hit evasion?
Deamoned 4-0
Emily 3-1
Purim 3-2
Worker 2-3 (Hey, looks like he actually should upgrade!)
Edgar 1-4
X 1-4
Ryu (BoF 1), Laharl, Guy (FE 7), Kresnik, Kyra
Ryu beats Laharl (3HKOs faster), loses to Guy thanks to being doubled/Guy evading (I think), loses to Kresnik thanks to hitting Mdef, and overwhelms Kyra thanks to hitting Mdef!
Laharl loses to everyone (ITE means he has a shot against Guy...except Laharl doesn't 2HKO to me, and that's not even considering that I'd see Flonne's damage as being higher than in the topic)
Guy beats Kresnik, and bites it to Kyra.
Kresnik 3-1
Guy 3-1
Ryu 2-2
Kyra 2-2
Laharl 0-4
Rico (XG), Gordon, Slash, Cid, Gijimu, Porom
Rico probably just loses to everyone. Gordon 4HKOs and 4-3s, Slash is tanky, far faster, and has some magic at least, Cid does the 4-3ing at the worst...etc
Gordon loses to everyone else.
Slash...tanky enough to fuddle up Cid, I think. Gijimu is too damaging though, and probably eats Porom's tricks with Image.
Cid loses to Gijimu and Porom
Gijimu 5-0
Porom 4-1
Slash 3-2
Cid 2-3
Gordon 1-4
Rico 0-5