So in honor of my father, for Father's Day, I decided to try my hand at cast iron pan-frying a steak.
Step 1: Heat oven, with cast iron skillet inside, to 500F.
Step 2: Season room temperature meat with salt, pepper, cayenne pepper, etc. Lay it on thick!
Step 3: Take skillet out of oven and place on hot stove element, to heat further.
Step 4: Rub a little oil on one side of the steak, then place this oil-side down on the skillet.
Step 5: Flail around the kitchen and shoo your helpers to cover up the smoke alarms. Check and see if you didn't accidentally set your pot holder on fire instead of the meat.
Step 6: Pour a little oil on the side of the steak that's up and then, after 2 minutes, flip. Cheer at the beautiful crust you've made! Return to flailing and start fanning the plumes of smoke toward the door and window.
Step 7: Put the steak in the oven for 5-10 minutes before going to the door to assure the nice fireman and all the people in your building who evacuated when the very loud alarm started going off that everything's just fine!
Step 8: Pull the steak out of the oven, muttering that this had better be the best goddamn steak in the history of mankind.
Step 9: Sit down and enjoy, trying to ignore the horrible, horrible burning in your nose from the flash-cooked pepper.
Hooray! Success. I would rate it a very good steak, but I don't think it was good enough to rate going through THAT debacle again. Still, my dad will be proud.