Author Topic: Final Parties  (Read 7890 times)

Hunter Sopko

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Final Parties
« on: January 24, 2008, 06:14:30 PM »
Starting this up again randomly, since I usually liked peeking back at it in the old forum.

.hack//infection- Kite, BlackRose, Mistral (Same for mutation and quarantine)
.hack//outbreak- Kite, BlackRose, Wiseman
.hack//G.U.- Haseo, Atoli, Pi
AtL4- Kharg, Darc, Maru, Paulette, Camellia, Volk
Ar Tonelico- Lyner, Jack, Krusche, Aurica
Atelier Iris- Klein, Delsus, Marietta
Atelier Iris 2- Felt, Gray, Fee
BoF3- Ryu, Garr, Rei
BoF4- Ryu, Ursula, Nina
Brigandine- Lance (Salamander, Phoenix, Pegasus, High Centaur), Adilicia (Holygriff, Dao, Gryphon, High Centaur), Kirkmond (Dragon, Unicorn, Gryphon, Jinn)
CC- Serge, Karsh, Norris
CT- Crono, Frog, Ayla
Chaos Wars- Hyoma, Yuri, Alice, Hiro, Okita
Disgaea- Laharl, 3 Galaxy Mages (Victoria, Adora and Rei), 1 Male Sword Cosmic Warrior (Hunter), 1 Female Axe Cosmic Warrior (Arianna), 1 Female Eternal Fist (Leatanna), 1 Gun Recruit (Jacynth), 1 Sword Shogun (Anastasia), 1 Sword Shinobi (Naruto). Swap in a Female Savior (Tionne) whenever needed.

Disgaea 2- Adell, 1 of each color Skull (R- Raoul, B- Fartharen, G- Watt), 1 Spear Freya (Anh), 1 Axe Minerva Lass (Arianna), 1 Sword Warlord (Hunter), 1 Priest (Gabrielle), 1 Tsukikage (Kasumi)
FFT- Ramza, Orlandu, Generic Female Master Priest/Master Chemist (Tionne), Generic Female Master Ninja/Master Lancer (Julia), Generic Male Master Knight/Master Chemist (Jeremy).
FF6- Edgar, Locke, Terra, Celes.
FF7- Cloud, Tifa, Red XIII
FFX- Tidus, Wakka, Auron
FFXII- Vaan, Basch, Fran
Front Mission 3- Kazuki, Ryogo, Miho, Alisa
La Pucelle- Prier, Culotte, Mayor Fire (Fairy Fire), Bear Express (Bear), Hippo Sushi (Mr. Moo), Ghost Disco (Spirit), Homard, Yattanya.
Mana Khemia- Vayne, Jessica, Anna (Flay, Nikki, Roxis)
Ogre Battle- Slust, Fogel, Yushis, Deneb, Warren
Persona 3 (The Journey)- Minato, Junpei, Yukari, Aigis
Persona 3 (The Answer)- Aigis, Junpei, Yukari, Mitsuru
Persona 4- Souji, Yosuke, Chie, Yukiko
PSII- Rolf, Rudo, Anna, Amy
PSIII- (Generation progression) Rhys- Nial- Adan
PSIV- Chaz, Rika, Wren, Rune, Raja
Pokemon (Blue)- Mewtwo, Blastoise, Articuno, Zapdos, Gengar, Dragonite
Pokemon (Sapphire)- Kyogre, Swampert, Manectric, Gardevoir, Ludicolo, Skarmory
SO2- Claude, Rena, Celine, Leon
SO3- Fayt, Cliff, Maria
Shadow Hearts- Yuri, Alice, Keith
Shadow Hearts: Covenant- Yuri, Karin, Joachim, Blanca
Shadow Hearts 3- Johnny, Shania, Slim Hilda, Ricardo
Shining Force 2: Bowie, Chester, Sarah, Jaha, Kazin, Slade, Peter, Gerhalt, May, Karna, Janet, Sheela
Suikoden- F- Flik, Grenseal, Viktor B- Cleo, Tir, Kasumi
Suikoden II- F- Riou, Kasumi, Wakaba B- Eilie, Tir, Rena
Suikoden III- A- Hugo(FC)/Fubar. B- Fred/Little Viki. C- Edge/Sgt. Joe
Suikoden IV- Lazlo, Kika, Jewel, Keneth (Secondary Party: Ted, Mitsuba, Mizuki, Lino)
Suikoden Tactics- Kyril, Seneca, Andarc, Lazlo, Flare, Kika, Hervey, Sigurd, Akaghi, Mizuki
Suikoden V- Kyle, Shigure, Lyon, Freyjadour, Miakis, Zerase
Thousand Arms- Meis, Sodina, Wyna
ToE- Reid, Farah, Meredy, Keele
TotA- Luke, Tear, Jade, Natalia
TotW:RM- Main Character, Reid, Arche, Tear
Valkyria Chronicles- Edelweiss, Shamrock, Alicia, Freesia, Aika, Rosie, Vyse, Alex, Largo, Catherine
Valkyrie Profile- Lenneth, Arngrim, Aelia, Jelenda
Wild Arms 2- Ashley, Kanon, Lilka
Wild Arms 5- Dean, Rebecca, Avril
Wild Arms XF- Clarissa (Elementalist/Dandelion Shot/Enigmancer), Labrynthia (Elementalist/Arcanist), SPOILER (Secutor/Royal Fencer/Strider), Generic Male Grappler (Hunter), Generic Male High Cavalier/Sacred Slayer/Fantastica (Keith), Generic Female Gadgeteer/Sacred Slayer/Fantastica (Niniel)
Xenogears- Fei, Citan, Billy. Xenogears, Fenrir, Seibzehn
Xenosaga- Shion, chaos, Ziggy
« Last Edit: January 12, 2011, 01:39:27 AM by Hunter Sopko »


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Re: Final Parties
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2008, 08:58:44 PM »
Do what I can remember off the top of my head.

ToS - Lloyd, Presea, Raine, Genis
TotA - Luke, Guy, Jade, Tear
WA5 - Dean, Avril, Carol
XS - KOS-MOS, Jr., Shion
S3 - Hugo/Geddoe, Emily/Chris, Hallec/Sasarai
FF6 - Terra, Relm, Sabin, Cyan
FF9 - Zidane, Steiner, Vivi, Eiko
« Last Edit: January 25, 2008, 04:08:56 AM by Ultradude »
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Re: Final Parties
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2008, 09:28:12 PM »
Shit I'll do what I can remember, for games I've beat a few times I'll try and do my first playthrough.

FF1- 4 Knights (Yes I was a douche)
FF3- 2 Sage, 2 Ninja, obviously
FF6- Edgar, Sabin, Mog, Terra
FF7- Cloud, Cid, Tifa
FF8- Squall, Zell, Quistis I think
FF9- Zidane, Steiner, Vivi, Garnet
FFX- Tidus, Auron, Yuna (well they got used the most)
FFX-2- DK, Gunner, Alchemist iirc
BoF3- Ryu, Nina, Rei I think
BoF4- Ryu, Ursula, Nina
BG1- Kivan, Coran, Main (Ranger), Imoen, Khalid, Jaheria.  All 6 used ranged weapons because it was imba
BG2- Main (Mage), Imoen, Nalia, Minsc, Korgan, and Jaheira  (Yes I was a mage whore)
BG2x- Main (Mage), Sarevok, Jaheira, Imoen, Edwin, and... I think Korgan?
CC- Serge, and shit if I remember, he did everything
CT- Crono, Marle, Ayla or something, half guessing now who I woulda liked at the time
FFT, Dis1, Dis2- Use the named mains, plus a thief/healer usually
Pokemon- Alakazam, Venosaur, Starmie, Zapdos (Jolteon if no birds), Articuno (cloyster), Sandslash (sucks but I liked him/her!)

Brain dead.  FE, S, I'll do later


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Re: Final Parties
« Reply #3 on: January 24, 2008, 09:57:18 PM »
.hack (1, 2, 4) - Kite, Mistral, Blackrose
.hack (3) - Kite, Wiseman, Blackrose
.hack//G.U. (all) - Haseo, Atoli, Pi/Kuhn
Ar tonelico - Lyner, Krusche, Jack, Misha
Atelier Iris - Klein, Lita, Norn
Atelier Iris 2 - Felt, Fee, *spoilers*
Breath of Fire 3 - Ryu, Momo, Rei
Breath of Fire 4 - Ryu, Nina, Ursula
Ephemeral Fantasia - Mouse, Claire, Rinna/Rummy
Final Fantasy 9 - Zidane, Garnet, Vivi, Freya
Final Fantasy 10 - Tidus, Yuna, Wakka
Growlanser 5 - Haschen, Melvina, Randall, Sherris
Legaia 2 - Lang, Maya, Sharon
Persona 3 - Minato, Yukari, Mitsuru, Aigis
Romancing SaGa: Minstrel Song - Barbara, Claudia, Aisha, Jamil, Gray/Hawke
Shadow Hearts - Yuri, Alice, Halley
Shadow Hearts 2 - Yuri, Karin, Lucia, Anastasia
Shadow Hearts 3 - Johnny, Shania, Ricardo, Hilda
Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga (both) - Serph, Argilla, Gale
Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne - Demifiend, Daisoujou, Black Frost, The Harlot/Trumpeter
Star Ocean 2 - Rena, Claude, Celine, Ashton
Star Ocean 3 - Maria, Cliff, Nel
Suikoden 3 - Chris, Emily, Juan, Rody, Nei, ...someone.
Suikoden 4 - Lazlo, Flare, Jeane, Kika
Suikoden 5 - Freyjadour, Lyon, Miakis, Viki, Jeane, Zerase
Super Mario RPG - Mario, Toadstool, Mallow/Geno
Tales of Symphonia - Lloyd, Collete, Raine, Genis
Tales of Legendia - Senel, Chloe, Norma, Grune
Tales of the Abyss - Natalia, Luke, Jade, Tear (though only Natalia ever did anything!)
Wild ARMs 2 - Ashley, Lilka, Marivel
Wild ARMs ACF - Jane, Cecilia, Jack
Wild ARMs 5 - Dean, Avril, Carol
Xenogears - Fei, Elly, Citan

That's all I can remember right now, and I'm not even sure on a few of those.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2008, 04:08:16 PM by Talaysen »


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Re: Final Parties
« Reply #4 on: January 24, 2008, 10:03:25 PM »

FF1-Knight, Master, Black Wizard, White Wizard
FF6-Terra, Sabin, Mog, Gogo
FF7-Cloud, Red, Tifa
FF8-Squall, Zell, Quistis
FF9-Zidane, Steiner, Vivi, Garnet
FFX-Tidus, Rikku, Yuna
BoF2-Ryu, Bleu, Rand(I think...)
BoF3-Ryu, Rei, Momo
BoF4-Ryu, Scias, Nina
CT-Crono, Frog, Lucca. Though I've beaten Lavos with pretty much every possible combination of character at this point.
CC-Serge, Razzley, Viper. I didn't get Glenn until my second playthrough or he'd have been there instead of Razzley.
Pokemon Blue-Blastoise, Raichu, Fearow, Sandslash, Snorlax, Alakazam
Pokemon Gold(or was it Silver?)-Meganium, Sandslash, Tauros...and hell if I remember the other 3.
Pokemon Ruby-Blaziken, Hariyama, Brelloom, Flygon, Walrein, Wailord(HM mule)
Pokemon Diamond-Torterra, Starraptor, Floatzel, Skuntank, Luxray, Azelf(replaced my HM mule for the E4)

Meh, brain fogging up, I'll add in more later. Maybe. >_>
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Re: Final Parties
« Reply #5 on: January 24, 2008, 11:44:45 PM »
BoF3 - Ryu, Rei, Momo
BoF4 - Ryu, Ursula, Scias
BK - Kalas, Lyude, Mizuti
CC - Serge, Steena, Leah
CT - Crono, Magus, Ayla
Disgaea - Laharl, Etna, Gordon, Jennifer, Thursday, female Brawler, male Warrior, Blue Mage, Cleric, Succubus
DQ4 - Sofia, Maya, Alena, Kiryl
FE7 - Hector, Lyn, Eliwood, Canas, Rebecca, Wil, Erk, Fiora, Florina, Guy, Jaffar, Legault, Serra, Priscilla, Raven
FE8 - Eirika, Ephraim, Seth, Lute, Artur, Colm, Amelia, Forde, Ross, Marisa, Neimi, Tana, Innes, Joshua, Gerik, L'Arachel, Natasha
FE9 - Ike, Titania, Soren, Oscar, Boyd, Rolf, Mist, Ilyana, Mia, Rhys, Nephenee, Brom, Volk, Astrid, Marcia, Makalov, Muarim, Bastian, Reyson
FF1 - Knight, Thief, White Wizard, Red Wizard
FF3 - 2 Ninjas, 1 Sage, 1 Devout
FF6 - Terra, Locke, Gogo, Strago
FF7 - Cloud, Tifa, Yuffie
FF8 - Squall, Irvine, Selphie
FF9 - Zidane, Eiko, Freya, Quina
FFX - Lulu, Rikku, Wakka
FF XII - Ashe, Fran, Balthier
G2 - Ryudo, Elena, Millenia
Lufia 3 - Dekard, Wain, Aima (front row); Mousse, Dei, Yurist (middle row); Melphis, Ruby, Seena (back row)
Pers3 (Journey) - Minato, Mitsuru, Akihiko, Junpei
Pers3 (Answer) - Aigis, Metis, Mitsuru, Akihiko
PS2 - Rolf, Rudo, Shir, Amy
PS4 - The usual four and Kyra
RG - Jaster, Simon, Kisala
SH - Yuri, Alice, Halley
SH2 - Yuri, Karin, Blanca, Lucia
SH3 - Shania, Hilda, Ricardo, Mao
SMRPG - Mario, Toadstool, Geno
SO2 - Ashton, Precis, Celine, Rena
SO3 - Maria, Nel, Peppita
ToP - Cress, Mint, Claus, Suzu
ToS - Lloyd, Raine, Presea, Zelos
TotA - Luke, Guy, Tear, Natalia
VP - Lenneth, Lawfer, Aelia, Mystina
WA2 - Ashley, Lilka, Kanon
XG - Fei, Citan, Billy
X-Men Legends 2 - Wolverine, Jean Grey, Bishop, Iceman

Blah blah blah that's all I can remember blah blah maybe fill in the rest later blah blah blah
« Last Edit: September 04, 2009, 05:23:42 AM by Lance »


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Re: Final Parties
« Reply #6 on: January 25, 2008, 01:50:44 AM »
Just listing my last used party to beat the boss, since I sure as hell can't remember anything beforehand.

BoF: Ryu, Nina, one of Krin's goofy things, Ox
BoFIII: Ryu, Garr, Rei
CT: Crono, Frog, Magus
Disgaea: Lharl, Galaxy Mage(Tina), Sage(Alice), Brawler(Melina), Archer(Cherise), Rhonin(Holly), Gordon, Kurtis, Etna, bleh...
FFI: Knight, Knight, whatever Black Mage and White mage become.
FFVI: Sabin, Edgar, Mog, Gogo
FFVII: Cloud, Red XIII, Vincent
FFIX: Zidane, Garnet, Eiko, Vivi
Pokemon Blue: Venasuar, Seadra, Moltres, Zapdos, Articuno, Alakhazam
Pokemon Silver: Lugia, Entei, Freligator, The electric sheep thing, Togepee's evolution, Cyndiquil
SMRPG: Mario, Geno, Bowser
SI: Tir, Viktor, Flik, Pahn, Cleo, Crowley.
SII: Riou, Tuta(Dead), Rikimaru(Dead)
SIII: Hugo(FC), Chris, Geddoe, Sasari, Futch, Bright.  Unique party am i rite?
SIV: Lazlo, Snowe, Jeane, Ted
ST: Kyril, Seneca, Adarc, Lazlo, Kika, Coreseilia, Roget, Flare, Lino
SV: Prince, Lyon, Kyle, Georg, Miakis, Galleon, Cathari, Killey, Marina
ToS: Lloyd, Regal, Presea, Raine.
TotA: Guy, Natalia(Dead), Jade(Dead), Anise(Dead)
WAII: Ashley, Marviel, Tim


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Re: Final Parties
« Reply #7 on: January 25, 2008, 04:30:44 AM »
Not getting all my games out of shear laziness

AtL4: Kharg, Darc, Volk, Maru, Diekbeck, Choko
BoF2: Ryu, Rand, Katt, Nina
BoF3: Ryu, Garr, Momo
VP1: PreSG, Lenneth, Arngrim, Lawfer, Mage (usually Mystina), During SG, Lenneth, Brahms, Freya, Mage (usually Lezard)
VP2: PreSG, Alicia, Rufus, Brahms, Arngrim OR Phyress.  During SG, Lenneth, Hrist, Brahms, Freya.
WA5: Dean, Greg, Rebecca
FF6: Terra, Mog, Shadow, Edgar
Bahamut Lagoon: 6 Parties time! Cross Knightx2/Knightx2, Dragnar/Summoner/Priest/Light Armor, Heavy Armorx3/Light Armor, Mini Devilx3/Light Armor (w/ Black Dragon), Wizard x4 (w/ Behemoth), Knight/Royal Guard/Assassin/Assassin, all with Master Dragons unless specified otherwise.
XG: Fei, Citan, Emeralda (and their respective Gears)
XS: Shion, KOS MOS, Jr
XS2: KOS MOS, Jr. OR Ziggy (situation pending), MOMO
ToD: Stahn, Rutee, Garr, Philia (if it weren't for my "use Plot Characters!" thing, I'd have punted Garr for Bruiser though)
ToE: Reid, Max, Meredy, Keele
ToS: Lloyd, Regal, Raine, Zelos
ToL: Senel, Chloe, Norma, Will
TotWND3: Frio (as Stahn)/Kyaro (as Farah)/Mint, Cless/Harold/Klarth, Sheena/Chester/Loni, Reid/Max (as leader purely for music, would swap to Reid instantly)/Keele
SO3: Fayt, Cliff, Maria
FE6: Roy, Saul, Lilina, Miredy, Ziess, Geese, Gonzales, Fir, Fa, Sue, Oujay, Bors, Alan
FE9 (based off my first file!): Ike, Oscar, Mia, Jill, Marcia, Soren, Illyana, Astrid, Zihark, Mist, Elincia, Nasir, Giffca, Rhys, Reyson
FE10: Ike, Micaiah, Sothe, Ena, Kurthnaga, Nasir, Reyson, Sanaki, Naesala, Caineghis, Mia, Mist, Elincia, Nephenee, Illyana, Soren, Jill, Rolf, Gareth
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

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Re: Final Parties
« Reply #8 on: January 25, 2008, 04:46:51 AM »
FFTLW: Ramza, Orlandu, Balthier, Agrias, Beowulf
FF4: Cecil, Edge, Palom, Rosa, Porom
DW4r: Solo, Pisaro, Alena, Cristo
SO2: Claude, Dias, Bowman, Rena
Brig: Zemeckis, Lance, Dryst
BrigGE: Lance, Cai, Ninjamaster Kiloph
OB: Lich Warren, Princess Norn, Lich Saradin, Debonair, Canopus
SaGa: Red, TimeLord, Fuse, Rouge, Asellus
FM4: Setup I used for Darill's team last game. The minotaur arms are sick and wrong.
S2: Riou, Flik, Camus, Miklotov, Kahn, Tir
G1: Justin, Gadwin, Feena, Rapp
FF6: Edgar, Terra, Locke, Setzer
PB: Marona, Ash, Midboss, Etna, Laharl, Bottlemail, Bottlemail
TotA: Guy, Luke, Natalia, Tear
S3: Melville, Chris, Hugo, Geddoe, Futch, Bright
FF7: Cloud, Cid, Yuffie
Lufia 2: Maxim, Dekar, Artea, Selan
FF1: Knight, Grand Master, White Wizard, Black Wizard (DoS)
VP2: Alicia, Dylan, Brahms, Rufus
S5: Richard, Belcoot, Miakis, Lyon, Prince, Lorelai
GG: Dragon based blitz
Dis2: Adell, Rozalin, Tink, two mages, three fighters, Cleric, Etna
SoA: Vyse, Aika, Enrique, Drachma
G2: Ryudo, Elena, Millenia, Roan
BG1: Ajantis, Fighter Bhaalspawn, Yeslick, Imoen, Dynaheir, Minsc
BG2: Fighter Bhaalspawn, Keldorn, Korgan, Viconia, Imoen, Minsc
DDS: Serph, Gale, Argilla
SD3: Kevin, Hawk, Carlie
S1: Tir, Flik, Viktor, whoever. Like I can remember S1.
FE7: Lyn, Guy, Matthew, Hector, Oswin, Serra, Rebecca, Lowen, Bartre, Canas
FE8: Ephraim, Erikia, Colm, Neimi, Franz, Garcia, Ross, Lyon, Joshua, La'Rachel
SH1: Yuri, Alice, Keith
SH2: Yuri, Kurando, Jochaim, Blanca
7S: Valsu, Lux
XG: Fei, Citan, Elly
BoF2: Ryu, Jean, Deis, Rand
BoF1: Ryu, Puka, Deis, Nina
PS4: Chaz, Rika, Rune, Wren, Raja
Kartia: Toxa, Larcyma, Posha, Alana, Duran
CT: Frog, Crono, Ayla
DW3: Hero, Fighter, Thief, Sage
ToD: Garr, Stahn, Rutee, Philia
LoL2: Lang, Sharon, Maya
XS1: Shion, KOS-MOS, Ziggy
XS3: Jin, Ziggy, Shion
AtL4: Kharg, Darc, Diekbeck, Paulette, Maru
FFX: Yuna, Tidus, Wakka
FF9: Steiner, Beatrix, Zidane, Eiko
SH3: Killer, Lady, Gilbert (WHAT?!?!) (Johnny, Hilda, Shania, Natan)
RS: Jack, JJ, Ridley, Ganz
S4: Keneth, Lazlo, Ted, Paula
ST: Kyril, Seneca, Lazlo, Kika, Flare, Lino, Mizuki, Akaghi
AtL2: Shu, Elc, Arc, Poco, Ninjamaster
G3: Yuki, Alfina, Hect, Ulf (My mind waffles on this some. Dahna's magic.. eh. I think Yuki's MT stuff is a bigger advantage on a party with two good mages.)
P1: Nate, Main, Ellen, Mark, Mary
VP1: Lenneth, Lawfer, Lezard, Janus
CC: Serge, Kid, Karsh
FF8: Squall, Seifer, Edea
MMXCM: X, Zero, Marino
PS2: Rolf, Anna, Amy, Rudo
BtB: Finn, Percy, Annie, Edward, Domino (Has to fail less than fucking Samson.)
« Last Edit: February 19, 2008, 07:11:09 PM by superaielman »
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Re: Final Parties
« Reply #9 on: January 25, 2008, 04:52:02 AM »
Recent games only for now:

WA5: Rebecca, Avril, Greg
MMXCM: Zero, Marino, Axl
TotA: Natalia (control), Luke, Tear, Guy
PKMN DP: Empoleon, Roserade, Hippowdon, Staraptor, Bronzong, Azelf
FF3: Warrior, Thief, Sage, Shaman
Legaia 2: Lang, Sharon, Maya
DDSs: Ser(a)(ph), Argilla, Gale
ACF: Rudy, Cecilia, Jane
VP2 SG: Lenneth, Hrist, Brahms, Freya. I r creative
VP2 main game: Alicia, Rufus, Phyress, Dylan/whoever

OG1: Excellen, Kyosuke, Lune, Leona, Rai, Kusuha, Aya, Rio, Russel, Bullet, Sanger, Elzam, Garnet, Latooni, Masaki... probably one or two others
FE9: (best of both my playthroughs kinda~) Ike, Oscar, Kieran, Boyd, Jill, Marcia, Nephenee, Mia, Mist, Astrid, Tanith, Calill, Reyson, Ena? Something like that.
FE10: Micaiah, Ike, Sanaki, Ena, Kurthnaga, Reyson, Nasir, Elincia, Nephenee, Calill, Nailah, Tibarn, Fiona, Nolan, Jill, Mia, Rolf.

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Re: Final Parties
« Reply #10 on: January 25, 2008, 07:18:02 AM »
The first character on the list, in the case of real-time combat games, is who I played as.

FF4a- Cecil, Edge, Cid, Rosa, Rydia
FF6- Locke, Celes, Terra, Edgar.
Fallout 2- Cassidy, Marcus, Lenny and... Myron, Baby, Myron!
SO2- Ashton, Claude, Celine, Rena
SO3- Albel, Cliff, Nel
Suikoden- Flik, Humphrey, Viktor, Tir, Valeria, Milich
Suikoden 2- Basically the same, except with some other water-rune-user-type in Milich's place. And Riou instead of Tir.
Suikoden 3- Fred, Geddoe, Sharon, Edge, Lilly, Sasarai
Suikoden 4- Kika, Anybody, Anybody, Healer.
Suikoden 5- Belcoot, Richard, Kyle, the Prince, Bernadette, Zerase
ToS- Zelos, Lloyd, Raine, Regal
XS anything- Junior, Ziggy, Someone else as a heal-bitch.
FFT- Orlandu, Beowulf, Ramza, Calculator, Mustadio
SH- Yuri, Alice, Keith
SH2- Yuri, Karin, Ana, Kurando
SH3- Johnny, Shania, Hilda, Ricardo
CT- Crono, Frog, Magus

That's all that I can think of.


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Re: Final Parties
« Reply #11 on: January 25, 2008, 08:19:23 AM »
ACF:  Rudy, Cecilia, Emma. R/C/Jack for sidequesting
TotA: Guy, Natalia, Jade, Tear (People who do not use Jade confuse the hell out of me.  Why miss out on all the extra damage?)
ToS: Lloyd, Presea, Regal, Raine
ToE: Reid, Farah, Chat, Mage (Usually Keele)
ToD: Stahn, Rutee, Philia, Bruiser (I are creative.  This are creative game.)
FE9: Ike, Oscar, Boyd, Rolf, Marcia, Zihark, Reyson, Soren, Illanya, Rhys, Kieran, rest of team empty.
XG: Fei, Citan, Em on foot, Maria in Gear
XS: Shion, KOS-MOS, Jr.
Paper Mario TYD:  Cheating, kinda, thanks to no penalty swapping, but primarily stuck with Vivian and Bomberry for partners at the end.  Occasionally switched to Goombella, too, for tattle.
FF3: Dark Knight, Knight, Devout, Summoner
Disgaea: Marjoly, Priere, Level 99 Monster, 7 Majins. >_>  To beat Lamington: Laharl, Gordon, Etna, Jennifer, Thursday, Prism Mage, Ronin, some level of scout, I think I had an Angel, and... uh... HOGGMEISER?! I forget. 
SH:  Yuri, Alice, Itemboy.
SH2: Yuri, Anastasia, Joachim, Kurando
SH3: Lanky whiny bitch with malice sword, Tirawa, Ricardo, Hilda


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Re: Final Parties
« Reply #12 on: January 25, 2008, 09:05:08 AM »
Going for most recent plays I suppose.
Some of these may be off.

BK - Xelha, Lyude, Savyna. If Kalas was forced and I'm misremembering, nix Savyna.
BoF1 - Ryu, Nina, Karn, Bo
BoF2 - Ryu, Angel Nina, Devil Katt, Onion Spar
BoF3 - Ryu, Nina, Rei, Momo
BoF4 - Ryu, Nina, Ursula
Fallout - Vault Dweller, woman I don't remember the name of. Effectively (did not take her into the cathedral).
FE1 - Marth, Ogma, Rena, Marik, Linda, Gordon, Sheeda, Chiki, Samson, Astoria, Lawrence, Minerva, Hardin, Chainy, George
FE5 - Leaf, Othin, Halvan, Ronan, Saphy, Fergus, Asvel, Nanna, Carrion, Olwen, Sety, Rifis, Karen, Linoan, Mareeta, Delmud, Sara, Galzus
FE6 - Roy, Deak, Rutger, Clarine, Lugh, Ray, Echidna, Miledy, Sue, Fa
FE7 - Eliwood, Lyn, Hector, Athos, Nils, God Only Knows
FE8 - Eirika, Ephraim, Colm, Neimi, Lute, some other people
FE9 - Ike, Rhys, Lethe, some other people
FF1 DoS - Fighter, White Mage, Black Mage, Thief
FF7 - Cloud, Cait Sith, Yuffie
FF8 - Squall, Rinoa, Zell, ignoring ulti fight
FF9 - Zidane, Garnet, Vivi, Steiner
FFT - Ramza, Agrias, Orlandu, Beowulf, Rafa
GS2 - Isaac, Jenna, Sheba, Mia
LoD - Dart, Rose, Miranda
OBMotBQ - Tristan, Debonair, Shaman, Wizard, Shaman
PK Gold - Save has died ;_;
PK Red - Can't even find it, save's probably dead anyway
PK Saph - Sceptile, Ludicolo, Ninetales, Linoone, Swellow, Gardevoir
PS2 - Rolf, Rudolf, Anna, Amy
PS4 - Chaz, Rune, Wren, Rika, Kyra
SoA - Vyse, Aika, Fina, Enrique
SO2 - Claude, Rena, Leon, Chisato
S1 - Hix, Flik, Viktor, Cleo, Tir, Tengaar
S2 - Hix, Flik, Viktor, Eilie, Riou, Tengaar
SMAS - Moon, Mercury, Mars, Venus, Saturn
SRWAll - God only knows
Torment - TNO, Morte, Annah, Fall-From-Grace, Dak'kon, Vhailor
ToS - Lloyd, Raine, Genis, Kratos, I think
TRS1 - Ryunan, Rishuel, Narron, Ropharl, Atrom, Billford, Meriel, Lennie, Holmes, Shigen, Alicia, Yoda, Julia, Mel, Lionel, Renée
VP - Lenneth, Arngrim, Suo, Yumei
WA2 - Ashley, Brad, Lilka


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Re: Final Parties
« Reply #13 on: January 25, 2008, 10:13:47 AM »
AI: Klein, Lita, Norn is best (for all that I had to use everyone for the final)
BG2: Bhaalspawn (Paladin, so I don't have to use Keldorn for the awesome sword!), Viconia, Edwin, Imoen, Jaheira, Nalia. Not my initial final party, but probably the ideal one.
BoF2: Ryu, Nina (shamanized), Deis, Katt (shamanized). Yeah, I brought no healer against a BoF final. It worked great, lemme tell you.
CT: Ayla, Magus, Marle is the preferred party.
DDS (both): Serph, Argilla, Gale
FFVI: Terra, Celes, Edgar, Sabin
G3: Slayn, Annette, Monika, Yayoi
Legaia 2: Lang, Maya, Sharon
P3: Minato, Yukari, Mitsuru, Aigis
Saga: Asellus, Timelord, Mesarthim, Rouge, Lute was the party in my first game. Toss Lute for Gen and this is a keeper.
S3: Chris, Geddoe, Emily, Sasarai, Hallec, Viki
S4: Lazlo (punts), Kika, Ted, Maxine. Twinked Mitsuba would replace Lazlo if possible; Jeane can sub in for Maxine sometimes.
S5: Prince, Lyon, Richard, Cathari, Bernadette, Zerase (reserves: Belcoot, Nikea, Viki, Jeane)
SH: Yuri, Alice, Keith (item boy)
SH2: Yuri, Karin, Kuranda, Blanca
SH3: Hell with this.
SO3: Maria, Fayt, Nel is the ideal party, for all that I've never actually run with this one.
TotA: Guy (control), Natalia, Tear, Jade
WAACF: Rudy, Cecilia, Jane (though Emma is usually in the active party for the first turn of every boss fight, just for Great Booster)
WA5: Dean, Rebecca, Avril
XG: Fei, Citan, Emeralda
XS3: Shion, KOS-MOS, Ziggy
« Last Edit: January 25, 2008, 10:21:12 AM by El Cideon »

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Re: Final Parties
« Reply #14 on: January 25, 2008, 11:46:09 AM »
FFIV - Rosa, Rydia, Cecil, Kain, Edge ;p
FFVI - Terra, Relm, Shadow, rotated fourth
FFVII - Cid, Yuffie, Cloud
FFVIII - Quistis, Selphie, Rinhoa
FFIX - Eiko, Garnet, Zidane, Vivi/Steiner
FFX - Lulu, Auron, Yuna
FFXII - Penelo, Basch, Fran

Arc - ToS - Kharg, Darc, Delma, Choko, Paulette, Volk/Maru/Camellia
CT - Chrono, Marle, Frog
CC - Serge, Riddel, Glenn. Harle on my replay.
Ephemeral Fantasia - Clair, Mouse, Rind Rinna
Legend of Dragoon - Miranda, Albert, Dart then Haschel, Meru, Dart
SD3 - Hawk, Angela, Carlie
Shadow Hearts -   Alice, Yuri, Halley/Keith
Shadow Hearts 2 - Lucia, Ana, Joachim, Blanca
S02 - Claude, Rena, Celine, Dias
Shadow Hearts FtNW - Mao, Ricardo, Masked Curvy Hilda, Frank
S03 - First was Nel/Albel/Sophia - Peppita's been in my final party ever since except on the rare occassion I do a non Peppita game to try out different character combinations. Ideal party imo - Fayt (Ethereal Blast), Maria (Scatter Beam), Peppita ( Power/Healing Dance > Dream Hammer)

Or this -


Suikoden V Prince, Lyon, Kyle, Miakis, Jeane, Viki/Zerase
Suikoden Tactics Kyril, Andarc, Coop, Seneca, Rita, Kika .. hell if I remember the rest <_< I didn't get Jeane during my first playthrough else she'd have been there ;p
Valkyrie Profile II - Alicia, Brahms, Rufus, Mithra/Zunde maingame. Brahms, Dylan, Hrist, Valkyrie for the Gate.
Xeno Saga II MOMO, KOS-MOS, Jr.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2008, 12:07:08 PM by Clear Tranquil »
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Re: Final Parties
« Reply #15 on: January 25, 2008, 02:08:24 PM »

BoF1: Ryu/Nina/MorphKain/Bleu. What? >_>
BoF2: First play, Ryu/Rand/Bow/Nina; second time, Ryu/Bow/Nina/Bleu.
BoF3: Ryu/Momo/Rei.
BoF4: Ryu/Nina-Ursula-Scias. Ershin was amusing but I rarely used her, Cray was meatbag.

FF1: 4 Knights as well. >_>
FF5: For the classes I mastered...  Knight/Blue Mage w. Summoner/Monk mastered, Samurai/Thief w X-Fight, Generic Mage, Generic Mage.
FF6: Terra, Locke, Gau, Mog.
FF7: Cloud, Cid, Red XIII. I -think- Red was the second-best mage in game? Maybe third? I don't remember, but he was my mage dude.
FF8: Squall.
FF9: Zidane, Freya, Garnet, Vivi.
FFX: Lulu, Rikku, Auron/Aeonless Yuna. Usually Auron. I... just never liked Aeons.
FFT: Ramza, Mustadio, Beowulf, Male Chemist/Knight, Female Oracle/Samurai
FFTA: *cough*

CT: Crono, Frog, Ayla
CC: Serge, Lynx, Harle. ...>_> <_<? >_>;
SO2: Claude, Rena, Celine, Leon
SO3: Fayt, Nel, Cliff
S1: Tir, Viktor, Flik, Alen, Someone, Someone.
S3: Hugo, Fubar, Sgt. Joe, Emily, Nei, Little Viki/Cecile depending on if I want physicals or magic.
Disgaea: Laharl, Etna, Flonne, Scout, Thief, Prism Mage
Phantom Brave: Morona, Ash, 4 Bottlemails.

Pokemon Red/Blue/whichever: Gengar, Dugtrio, Alakazam, Hypno, Blastoise
Pokemon Silver: Espeon, Ampharos, Houndoom, Feraligatr
Diamond: Infernape, Staraptor, Cradily, Luxray
Shadow Hearts: Yuri/Alice/Margarete
SHC: Yuri/Kurando/Blanca/Anastasia
FtNW: Gay Incan Stripper/Tirawa/Hilda/Ricardo
SMRPG: Mario, Toadstool, Bowser. I hate Geno. >_>
FE7: Hector, Lyn, Priscilla, Raven, Guy, Matthew, Florina, Erk, Canas, Lucius, Rebecca.
FE8: Ephraim, Neimi, Colm, other people.

DDS1: Serph, Argilla, Gale
DDS2: Serph, Cielo, Gale
Nocturne: Demifiend, Metatron, Daisoujou (yes!), Shiva?
Legaia 2: Lang, Maya, Sharon, occasionally Ayne for Maya.
Front Mission 3: Either Kazuki/Ryogo/Miho/Alisa or Kazuki/Ryogo/Emma/Marcus.
DW3: Hero, Fighter, Cleric, Mage
OG1: Excellen, Kyosuke, Lune, Leona, Rai, Kusuha, Aya, Rio, Russel, Bullet, Sanger, Elzam, Latooni, Masaki. Yes, this is pretty much NEB's list. It's also remarkably accurate for me, except Garnet didn't see use.
SaGa: Done three quests, usually end up with Main/T260G/Gen/Riki/That Healing Mystic/Mei-Ling/Other Robot/Other Monster/Other Mystic/Other Humans>>>>>>>>>>>Lute, in order of what I can get.
Ogre Battle: Princess leader, two Liches, two Dragoons in front (Slust/Fenril)
« Last Edit: October 12, 2008, 10:54:05 PM by Taishyr »


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Re: Final Parties
« Reply #16 on: January 26, 2008, 03:27:44 AM »
FF1: Knight, White Wizard, Red Wizard, Master
FF3: Ninja, Knight, Devout, Thief/Monk (used a Geomancer for a while too)
FF4a: Cecil, Yang, Kain, Rosa, Rydia (bye Edge)
FF6: Celes, Locke, Shadow, Relm
FF7: Cloud, Red, Aeris/Yuffie
FF8: Squall, Rinoa, Selphie
FF9: Zidane, Garnet, Steiner, Freya
CT: Crono, Marle, Lucca
CC: Serge, Glenn, Marcy
Suikoden 1: Tir, Flik, Viktor, Tengaar, Hix, Cleo (later playthroughs used Valeria instead of Hix)
Suikoden 3: Hugo, Chris, Juan, Emily, Nash, Sasarai
Suikoden 4: Lazlo, Snowe, Kika, Ted (I'm very original here)
Suikoden 5: Freyadour, Lyon, Richard, Zerase, Bernadette and I dont remember the 6th
SO2: Claude, Rena, Chisato, Opera
SO3: Albel, Maria, Nel

all I remember for now

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Re: Final Parties
« Reply #17 on: February 19, 2008, 03:50:28 PM »
Haha like I can remember any.

FFVII - Cloud/Yuffie/Vincent. My three favourite PCs. Easy enough.
FFX - Yuna/Auron/Tidus (Could've just be Yuna though, with her 99999 damage per attack. <<) Uhhh. I like them? Rikku too, but not enough space for four. =/
FFX-2 - Dark Knight/Alchemist/Dark Knight. Cheeeeese.

Fire Emblem 8 - Eirika, Ephraim, Myrrh, Lute, Artur, Ross, Gilliam, Franz, Vanessa, Cormag, Neimi, Tethys. Lute/Artur/Ross tanked. Neimi/Vanessa/Cormag/Ephraim killed the occasional enemy. Tethys did her thing. Myrrh used the item that blocked crit, and laughed at the boss while Artur used Physic to heal. The others... took up space and made the chapter harder to beat without dying. <<

Shadow Hearts - Yuri/Alice/Keith. Duh. The two mandatory ones and the only other tolerable PC.
Shadow Hearts: Covenant - Anastasia/Kurando/Yuri/Karin. In that order. Couples go together, and they're positioned for maximum combo efficiency when Yuri fuses. Anyway, awesome character who is win, fusion guy who Ana has a thing for, and the mandatory plot characters.
Shadow Hearts: From the New World - Johnny/Shania/Ricardo/Slim Hilda. Two mandatory plot characters. Badass guitar. Awesome battle quotes. Good stuff.

Suikoden - Tir, Viktor, Flik, Cleo, Tengaar, Luc. Viktor had a Water Rune he never used, Flik had a Thunder Rune he used twice, Cleo had a Fire Rune, Tengaar had whatever the second tier wind rune is, and Luc had a Flowing Rune for 23 shots of MT full healing.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2009, 09:20:03 PM by Lady Ashe »


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Re: Final Parties
« Reply #18 on: February 19, 2008, 05:10:11 PM »

.hack (1, 2, 4) - Kite, Mistral/Elk, Blackrose
.hack (3) - Kite, Wiseman, Blackrose
.hack//G.U. (All) - Haseo, Endrance/Alkaid/Silabus, Pi/Kuhn
Final Fantasy 7 - Cloud, Red, Yuffie.
Final Fantasy 8 - Squall, Zell, Quistis
Final Fantasy 9 - Zidane, Garnet, Vivi, Freya
Final Fantasy 10 - Rikku, Auron, Wakka
Persona 3 - Minato, Akihiko, Mitsuru, Junpei
Shadow Hearts 2 - Yuri, Kurando, Blanca, Anastasia
Shadow Hearts 3 - Mao, Frank, Ricardo, Hilda
Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga (1) 2 - Serph, Argilla, (Gale) Roland
Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne - Demifiend, Daisoujou, Garuda, Arahabaki
Suikoden 3 - Chris, Emily, Hugo, Fubar, Nei, Geddoe.
Suikoden 5 - Freyjadour, Lyon, Miakis, Nikea, Richard, Zerase
Tales of Symphonia - Lloyd, Presea, Raine, Zelos
Tales of Legendia - Senel, Chloe, Norma, Grune
Tales of the Abyss - Guy, Luke, Jade, Tear
Xenogears - Fei, Elly, Citan
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Re: Final Parties
« Reply #19 on: September 26, 2008, 09:29:11 AM »
Beacause this topic is cool and needs to be revived.
Also, I wanted a place to write down all the SaGa final parties so I don't keep re-using characters.

SaGa Frontier:
Asellus - Asellus, Zozma, TimeLord, Mesarthim, Rei
Blue - Rouge, Riki (BlackDragon), Nusakan, Liza, Meiling
Suikoden - Tir, Viktor, Flik, Hix, Tengaar, Kasumi
Suikoden II - Tir, Viktor, Flik, Hix, Tengaar, Riou >.>;
Suikoden III - Hugo, Fubar, Chris, Geddoe, Emily, Juan
Suikoden IV - Lazlo, Snowe, Ted, Kika (Secondary Team: Akaghi, Mizuki, Kate, Frederica)
Suikoden V - Freyjadour, Lyon, Miakis, Richard, Zerase, Killey/Bernadette/Kyle
Golden Sun - Ivan (Medium), Isaac (Ninja), Garet (Samurai), Mia (Ascetic)
Golden Sun 2 - Isaac, Mia, Jenna, Piers (base classes)
FE7 - Eliwood Hard Mode: Lyn, Eliwood, Hector, Athos, Serra, Canas, Erk, Nils
Legend of Dragoon: Dart, Albert, Miranda
FF6 - Terra, Celes, Sabin, Edgar
FF7 - Cloud, Yuffie, Red XIII
FF8 - Squall, Rinoa, Selphie
FF9 - Zidane, Garnet, Eiko, Vivi
FFX - Tidus, Rikku, Wakka
ToP - Arche, Cless, Mint, Chester
ToD - Stahn, Rutee, Philia, Garr
ToS - Lloyd, Zelos, Raine, Genis
TotA - Guy, Anise, Jade, Tear
Disgaea - Laharl, Etna, Jennifer, Gordon, Ninjas x 3
CT - Chrono, Lucca, Ayla/Magus
SO1 - Ratix, Iria, Fear, Cius
SO2 - Claude, Ashton, Bowman, Chisato (who needs healing when you're 100 levels overlevelled?!)
SO3 - Cliff, Fayt, Nel
SMRPG - Mario, Toadstool, Mallow
VP: Lenneth - Lenneth, Arngrim, Lawfer, Mystina/Badrach

« Last Edit: September 29, 2008, 03:20:06 AM by DjinnAndTonic »


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Re: Final Parties
« Reply #20 on: September 26, 2008, 06:13:34 PM »
Awesome Suikoden 4 parties Djinn. My second party also had the 3 ninjas, though I think Mitsuba was the fourth. :P