
Author Topic: Another Peaceful Day in Arkham!  (Read 36924 times)


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Re: There's Something Foul in Arkham... (TURN 8- ENCOUNTERS)
« Reply #175 on: July 01, 2009, 03:46:50 AM »
I blame Soppy entirely for this.  

<Tewi> Damn you, stealing all the luck!
<Tewi> Now I'm gonna die. ;_;
<AndrewRogue> Good job Sopko
<Ranmilia> ... I needed that roll for shotgunning Hastur!
<Strago|Dexter> You couldn't save that for an Enchanted Shotgun blast against Hastur?
<Strago|Dexter> Soppy sucks at this game.
<Strago|Dexter> (Jinx with Alex.)
<Soppy-TonelDeaf> KEITH LIVES!
<Tewi> Well that is a very closed gate.  Guess I may as well face my horrible fate now. >_>
<Tewi> Three stamina left, three dice.  This isn't a skill check, either, can I even use clues on it?
<Strago|Dexter> Do you fight the monsters this turn, or on Movement next turn?
<tainsanity> ... <_<;
<AndrewRogue> Movement.
<Tewi> 3d6
<Hatbot> ACTION --> "Tewi rolls 3d6 and gets 9." [3d6=3, 4, 2]
<Strago|Dexter> Buh
<AndrewRogue> Why'd you have to make that question relevant?

Carolyn Fern

Stats -

Stamina: 3/4
Sanity: 1/6

  • 1 2 3

Sneak  [3] 2 1 0

Fight  1 [2] 3 4
Will  4 [3] 2 1

Lore  2 3 4 [5]
Luck  5 4 3 [2]

Monster Trophy(Hound of Tindalos, two toughness)
Monster Trophy(Ghoul, one toughness)
4 Clue Tokens
Spell: Wither - 0 casting modifier, 0 SAN cost, Cast/exhaust to get +3 to combat checks until the end of this combat
Luck skill - When spending a clue token for a luck check, add 1 die
Expert Occultist skill - Exhaust to reroll a spell check (this came from the book read last turn)

“Psychology,” Upkeep: Dr. Fern may restore 1 Sanity to herself or another character in her location. She cannot raise a character’s Sanity higher than that character’s maximum Sanity.
« Last Edit: July 02, 2009, 04:49:25 AM by Yakumo »


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Re: There's Something Foul in Arkham... (TURN 8- ENCOUNTERS)
« Reply #176 on: July 01, 2009, 05:47:12 AM »
[00:45] <Shale> 2 Sneak. -1 check. +1 from environment.
[00:45] <Shale> 2d6
[00:45] * Hatbot --> "Shale rolls 2d6 and gets 5." [2d6=4, 1]
[00:45] <Shale> Sporks.
[00:45] <Shale> Screw it, clue token. I want Will.
[00:45] <Shale> d6
[00:45] * Hatbot --> "Shale rolls d6 and gets 6." [d6=6]
[00:45] <Shale> Woot!
[00:45] <Shale> Gimme my sidekick.
"Sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology."
-Ponder Stibbons

[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.


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Re: There's Something Foul in Arkham... (TURN 8- ENCOUNTERS)
« Reply #177 on: July 02, 2009, 02:48:45 AM »
Blasted democrats don't believe in keeping crime off the streets, I tell you. Probably resposible for all the killings in town lately too, I bet. Godless heathens.

Blue Flu!

All investigators in jail are released. No investigators may be arrested until the end of next turn. Leave this card in play until then to indicate this.

A clue appears in the woods (informing Monterey Jack of things to come). A gate appears at the unnamable (spawning a Cultist and a Byakhee). Hexagon moves on white, Dash, Triangle and Star move on Black.

The Cthonian Activates.

<AndrewRogue> Blar. I need to update
<Soppy-TonelDeaf> Yes you do
<AndrewRogue> roll 1d6 to see if players are happy or sad
* Hatbot --> "AndrewRogue rolls 1d6 to see if players are happy or sad and gets 4."12 [1d6=4]
<AndrewRogue> Sad it is

All investigators in Arkham take 1 Stamina damage.


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Re: There's Something Foul in Arkham... (TURN 9- UPKEEP/MOVEMENT)
« Reply #178 on: July 02, 2009, 02:55:30 AM »
Diving into the Abyss sounds like fun times. I can get rid of two monsters, and it's a lower close check.

Edit: Hello, Other World! I can't help but wonder how hard it is to get byakhee out of a lab coat.

[22:46] <Shale> Adjusting speed/sneak to 2/3. Fight/Will and Lore/Luck stay at 2/2 and 3/3 respectively.
[22:46] <Shale> Oh, and doctoring myself to remove the effects of that unruly Cthonian.
[22:47] <Shale> Cultist first. no horror check, -2 combat check, 1 toughness. I have 2 fight, +1 from skill, +3 from the revolver. Four dice.
[22:47] <Shale> 4d6
[22:47] * Hatbot --> "Shale rolls 4d6 and gets 19." [4d6=6, 2, 5, 6]
[22:47] <Shale> Boom.
[22:48] <Shale> Byakhee. -1 horror check. I have 2 will and +2 ally bonus.
[22:48] <Shale> 3d6
[22:48] * Hatbot --> "Shale rolls 3d6 and gets 8." [3d6=1, 3, 4]
[22:48] <Shale> Bah. 2 Sanity.
[22:48] <Shale> No combat mod. six dice.
[22:48] <Shale> 6d6
[22:48] * Hatbot --> "Shale rolls 6d6 and gets 28." [6d6=5, 2, 6, 3, 6, 6]
[22:49] <Shale> It...violently explodes.
[22:49] <Shale> I step into the Abyss.
« Last Edit: July 02, 2009, 05:20:01 AM by Shale »
"Sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology."
-Ponder Stibbons

[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.

Hunter Sopko

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Re: There's Something Foul in Arkham... (TURN 9- UPKEEP/MOVEMENT)
« Reply #179 on: July 02, 2009, 03:58:35 AM »
I lower Fight/Will to 4/2 and take on monsters! Cultist and Fire Vampire go down, Dark Young sends me to the hospital (I immune Nightmarish due to ally). I drop the Dragon's Eye.

<Soppy-TonelDeaf> K. Time to take down some monsters
<Soppy-TonelDeaf> Lowering my fight/will to 4/2
<Shale> You forgot to move me and Carolyn.
<Soppy-TonelDeaf> First up, Cultist
<Soppy-TonelDeaf> No Horror check
<Soppy-TonelDeaf> 4 Fight, 3 Magic Daggar, +1 bonus
<Soppy-TonelDeaf> roll 8d6
* Hatbot --> "Soppy-TonelDeaf rolls 8d6 and gets 20." [8d6=3, 4, 1, 1, 1, 4, 2, 4]
<Soppy-TonelDeaf> Woooooow
<Shale> Cultist is -2.
<Shale> HAstur's buff.
<Soppy-TonelDeaf> Oh. Right
<Soppy-TonelDeaf> Ruling, Andy?
<AndrewRogue> You fail.
<Soppy-TonelDeaf> K. Lose 1 Stamina
<AndrewRogue> Subtracting dice doesn't change the potential outcome there
<Soppy-TonelDeaf> 4/6
<Soppy-TonelDeaf> Rerolling! Correct dice would be 5
<Soppy-TonelDeaf> roll 5d6
* Hatbot --> "Soppy-TonelDeaf rolls 5d6 and gets 15." [5d6=5, 3, 1, 2, 4]
<Soppy-TonelDeaf> Yay. He dies
<Shale> 1 success out of 13 dice. Thanks, bot.
<Soppy-TonelDeaf> Fire Vampire
<asdgsdfasdfhdfgsdfgjfghdfgh> Could be worse
<Soppy-TonelDeaf> No horror check
<Soppy-TonelDeaf> Same mods
<Soppy-TonelDeaf> roll 5d6
* Hatbot --> "Soppy-TonelDeaf rolls 5d6 and gets 17." [5d6=6, 5, 4, 1, 1]
<Soppy-TonelDeaf> Dead
<Soppy-TonelDeaf> Now the fun beings
<Soppy-TonelDeaf> Dark Young!
<Soppy-TonelDeaf> Horror check. 2 Will, 1 Skill, no mod
<Soppy-TonelDeaf> roll 3d6
* Hatbot --> "Soppy-TonelDeaf rolls 3d6 and gets 13." [3d6=2, 6, 5]
<Soppy-TonelDeaf> Pass
<Soppy-TonelDeaf> 6 dice this time. (7-1 mod)
<Soppy-TonelDeaf> Question, if I use a clue then use Marksman, would I still roll that extra dice on the reroll?
<Shale> No idea.
<AndrewRogue> Yes
<Soppy-TonelDeaf> K.
<AndrewRogue> You reroll all dice rolled
<Soppy-TonelDeaf> roll 6d6
* Hatbot --> "Soppy-TonelDeaf rolls 6d6 and gets 20." [6d6=1, 4, 2, 6, 3, 4]
<Soppy-TonelDeaf> Hmm... to use the research materials or not...
<Soppy-TonelDeaf> Nah. I'll save that.
<Soppy-TonelDeaf> Using Marksman to reroll
<Soppy-TonelDeaf> roll 6d6
* Hatbot --> "Soppy-TonelDeaf rolls 6d6 and gets 25." [6d6=3, 5, 6, 4, 3, 4]
<Soppy-TonelDeaf> NOW I'm using Research Materials >.>
<Shale> <_<
<Soppy-TonelDeaf> roll 1d6
* Hatbot --> "Soppy-TonelDeaf rolls 1d6 and gets 4." [1d6=4]
<Shale> d'oh!
<Soppy-TonelDeaf> Hooboy
<Soppy-TonelDeaf> Down to 1/6 stamina
<Soppy-TonelDeaf> Horror check!
<Soppy-TonelDeaf> roll 3d6
* Hatbot --> "Soppy-TonelDeaf rolls 3d6 and gets 11." [3d6=3, 3, 5]
<Soppy-TonelDeaf> Fighting!
<Soppy-TonelDeaf> roll 6d6
* Hatbot --> "Soppy-TonelDeaf rolls 6d6 and gets 21." [6d6=4, 3, 4, 4, 1, 5]
<Soppy-TonelDeaf> Aaaaaand hospital for me

Sanity 3/4
Stamina 1/6

Speed  [2]  3  4  5 
Sneak  [3]  2 1  0 

Fight  2  3  [4]  5 
Will    4  3  [2]  1

Lore  0  1  [2]  3 
Luck  4  3  [2]  1 


0 Clue Tokens
4 Toughness Monster Trophies (2 Ghosts, Cultist, Fire Vampire)
2 Gate Trophies (Yuggoth, Plateau of Leng)

Will skill (+1 Will, One extra bonus die on Will checks if I spend a Clue token)
Marksman skill (Exhaust and reroll any combat check)
Enchanted Knife (Magical Weapon. +3 Combat checks)
Ally: Eric Colt (+2 Speed, Immune to Nightmarish)


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Re: There's Something Foul in Arkham... (TURN 9- UPKEEP/MOVEMENT)
« Reply #180 on: July 02, 2009, 05:06:01 AM »
Since we're talking about it in chat right now... I'm willing to forfeit and start a new game if other people are. 8 is a bit too many for maximum fun, both in game balance and peoples'-attention-style factors.


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Re: There's Something Foul in Arkham... (GAME ON, TURN 1, UPKEEP/MOVEMENT)
« Reply #181 on: July 02, 2009, 05:37:47 AM »
Kate Winthrop


Stamina: 4/4
Sanity: 1/6

Speed  1 2 [3] 4
Sneak  5 4 [3] 2

Fight  1 2 3 [4]
Will  3 2 1 [zero]

Lore  2 3 4 [5]
Luck  4 3 2 [1]

Bravery Skill (exhaust to reroll horror check)
Deputy (gain $1 during upkeep)
Patrol Wagon (may move anywhere in Arkham instead of normal movement, roll die after combat or returning from otherworld, breaks on 1) -> GIVEN TO X
Shotgun (2 hands, +4 physical to combat checks, 6s count double)
Healing Stone (heal 1 sanity or stamina during upkeep)
Enchant Weapon (0 hand spell, 0 cast mod, 1 san cost, makes 1 weapon magical until end of combat)
4 toughness worth of monster trophies (Fire Vampire, Chthonian)
1 gate trophies (+0, City of the Great Race,)

Look at Mr. Bearstone for +1 Stamina (counteracting the Chthonian hit), get paid, give $4 to Strago (and maybe the car to someone else), move to Woods, fight Chthonian.

[23:35] <Ranmilia> Cthon is 3 toughness, -3 fight.  I have 4 fight and +4 from shotgun, which also makes 6s double up.
[23:35] <Ranmilia> 5 dice rolled, I need a total of 3 successes.
[23:35] <Ranmilia> Sound right/
[23:35] <Ranmilia> ?
[23:36] <Nitori> Sounds right...
[23:36] <Ranmilia> 5d6
[23:36] * Hatbot --> "Ranmilia rolls 5d6 and gets 19." [5d6=2, 2, 6, 4, 5]
« Last Edit: July 02, 2009, 05:43:07 AM by Sir Alex »


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Re: There's Something Foul in Arkham... (TURN 9- UPKEEP/MOVEMENT)
« Reply #182 on: July 02, 2009, 02:27:55 PM »
Take $4 from Alex. Move to the Magick Shoppe, will draw and buy some shit during the Encounter phase.

Should I take the car? Just use it to hop around encounter-farming and maybe jump into a Gate if I hopefully get Find Gate?  What do we think? Also Nitori offered me the .38 Pistol at one point. Ought I still take as I pass him in the streets?

Dexter Drake! Illusionist Extraooooordinaire!

- Stats -

Sanity 4/5
Stamina 4/5

- Skills -

Speed  [2] 3 4 5
Sneak  [4] 3 2 1

Fight  1 2 [3] 4
Will   3 2 [1] zero

Lore  2 3 4 [5]
Luck  3 2 1 [zero]

- Inventory -

3 Toughness in Monster Trophies (Gug)
1 Gate Trophy (-2, Yuggoth)
Marksman Skill (exhaust to reroll combat check)
Shrivelling (1 hand spell, -1 cast, 1 san cost, +6 to combat checks for one combat)
Dynamite (2 hands, +8 to combat checks, discard after use)


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Re: There's Something Foul in Arkham... (TURN 9- UPKEEP/MOVEMENT)
« Reply #183 on: July 03, 2009, 07:36:06 PM »
Proposed course of action: Monterey Nitori heads to the Church and Blesses me this turn. Alex gives me the Paddy Wagon. Next turn I try my luck sneaking by the Hound and diving into R'yleh. Th... thoughts?


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Re: There's Something Foul in Arkham... (TURN 9- UPKEEP/MOVEMENT)
« Reply #184 on: July 03, 2009, 07:57:29 PM »
OR, I think this is a better idea: Alex gives the Paddy Wagon to Sister Mary, who uses it to jump into R'yleh this very turn, and once she emerges uses her fricking Elder Sign to seal that jazz and remove one of Hastur's DOOM tokens. She's blessed, would get 2 Dice to Evade the Hound of Tindalos (and get to re-roll the check if necessary due to her Stealth skill). I'd get 3 Dice but no re-roll, so even if Nitori blesses me Sister Mary's chances of making it to R'yleh are better. Also she's got a Clue Token, I think.


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Re: There's Something Foul in Arkham... (TURN 9- UPKEEP/MOVEMENT)
« Reply #185 on: July 03, 2009, 08:02:31 PM »
Move to South Church, because blessing SOMEONE is probably a good idea. But wait there are guys in the way~

<Nitori> Well then, let's see if I even make it there
<Nitori> Shift Speed/Sneak to 2/2, +1 Speed means I can still make it to the Church
<Strago|Dexter> Heh. Yes, also a concern.
<Nitori> +1 Sneak from environment and +2 from Pallid gives me 5 evade
<Nitori> I have 3 clue tokens
<Strago|Dexter> Oh, nice, forgot the Environment boost to Sneak. Rad.
<Nitori> Evading Dark Young, with -2 check, three dice, one success needed
<Nitori> 3d6
<Hatbot> ACTION --> "Nitori rolls 3d6 and gets 11." [3d6=4, 3, 4]
<Nitori> I wish I was blessed
<Strago|Dexter> -_-
<Nitori> Clue me
<Nitori> 1d6
<Hatbot> ACTION --> "Nitori rolls 1d6 and gets 5." [1d6=5]
<Nitori> Better
<Nitori> Evading Star Spawn, with -1 check, four dice, one success needed
<Nitori> 4d6
<Hatbot> ACTION --> "Nitori rolls 4d6 and gets 12." [4d6=5, 1, 3, 3]
<Nitori> I'm totally there


Speed  1 [2] 3 4
Sneak  3 [2] 1 zero

Fight  [2] 3 4 5
Will  [3] 2 1 0

Lore  1 2 3 [4]
Luck  5 4 3 [2]

Stamina: 4/7
Sanity: 1/3


2 Clue Tokens
1 Nightgaunt trophy (2 toughness)
1 Cultist trophy (1 toughness)
1 Ghoul trophy (1 toughness)
1 Gug trophy (3 toughness)
Speed Skill (+1 Speed, add one extra die when spending Clue tokens on Speed checks)
Pallid Mask (+2 to Evade checks)
Bullwhip (1H, +1 to combat checks, exhaust to reroll 1 die of a combat check)
.38 Revolver (1H, +3 to combat checks)
1 gate trophy (Dreamlands)
« Last Edit: July 03, 2009, 08:04:40 PM by Nitori »
<Ko-NitoriisSulpher> roll 1d100 to grade Nitori?
<Hatbot> ACTION --> "Ko-NitoriisSulpher rolls 1d100 to grade Nitori? and gets 100." [1d100=100]


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Re: There's Something Foul in Arkham... (TURN 9- UPKEEP/MOVEMENT)
« Reply #186 on: July 04, 2009, 07:55:29 AM »
<AndrewRogue> Blessing check
<AndrewRogue> roll 1d6
* Hatbot --> "AndrewRogue rolls 1d6 and gets 6."12 [1d6=6]

Rolling with Strago's plan. Shifting one towards sneak.

<AndrewRogue> 3 Base + 1 Environment + 1 Sneak skill
* Shale is now known as Shale-zzzzzzzzzzzzz
<AndrewRogue> -1 Hound
<AndrewRogue> roll 4d6
* Hatbot --> "AndrewRogue rolls 4d6 and gets 12."12 [4d6=3, 3, 1, 5]
<AndrewRogue> Hound is SNEAKED.

Sister Mary

Sanity: 2/7
Stamina: 1/3

Stats: 2/3, 3/1, 4/3

Clues: 0, Dollars: 0, Trophies: Star Spawn, Dimensional Shambler

Skills: Stealth
Spells: ----
Items: ----
Unique Items: Magic Lamp of Alhazred, Elder Sign
Other: Blessing


Jenny will hang around and pay $2 to actually heal.

Jenny Barnes


Stamina: 5/5
Sanity: 1/6

Speed  0 1 2 {3}
Sneak  4 3 2 {1}

Fight  1 2 {3} 4
Will    5 4 {3} 2

Lore  1 2 {3} 4
Luck  5 4 {3} 2

0 Clues

Skill - Bravery(Exhaust to reroll horror check)
Spell - Bind Monster
Item - Axe
Item - .18 Derringer


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Re: There's Something Foul in Arkham... (TURN 9- UPKEEP/MOVEMENT)
« Reply #187 on: July 04, 2009, 08:11:26 AM »
You are bushwhacked by the Sheldon Gang, Pass a Luck (-1) check to avoid their trap. If you fail, lose 2 items of your choice and 2 stamina.

Wipe yourself off. You're bleeding.

Into the other world...

Into the other world...

Band-aids for everyone!

Clocks! Clocks EVERYWHERE!

Bless you my son...

You may take either or


A ripple in the air passes over you. Pass a Lore (-1) check or lose 1 spell of your choice as it is burned from your mind.

The caverns split. Make a Luck (+1) check and consult the chart below. Successes 0-1 sends you to the Black Cave. 2 sends you to the Dreamlands. 3+ lets you make a Luck (-1) check to draw a unique item.


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Re: There's Something Foul in Arkham... (GAME ON, TURN 1, UPKEEP/MOVEMENT)
« Reply #188 on: July 04, 2009, 08:32:16 AM »
Kate Winthrop


Stamina: 2/4
Sanity: 1/6

Speed  1 2 [3] 4
Sneak  5 4 [3] 2

Fight  1 2 3 [4]
Will  3 2 1 [zero]

Lore  2 3 4 [5]
Luck  4 3 2 [1]

Bravery Skill (exhaust to reroll horror check)
Deputy (gain $1 during upkeep)
Enchant Weapon (0 hand spell, 0 cast mod, 1 san cost, makes 1 weapon magical until end of combat)
4 toughness worth of monster trophies (Fire Vampire, Chthonian)
1 gate trophies (+0, City of the Great Race,)

Whelp.  Let's say the car was given to Strago Mary.

« Last Edit: July 04, 2009, 08:38:17 AM by Sir Alex »


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Re: There's Something Foul in Arkham... (TURN 9- ENCOUNTERS)
« Reply #189 on: July 04, 2009, 12:25:00 PM »
Well I've already got Shrivelling. Find Gate it is.


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Re: There's Something Foul in Arkham... (TURN 9- ENCOUNTERS)
« Reply #190 on: July 04, 2009, 02:20:07 PM »
[09:17] <Shale> Okay! 3 Luck, +1 check, would really like 3+ successes.
[09:17] <Shale> 4d6
[09:17] * Hatbot --> "Shale rolls 4d6 and gets 18." [4d6=6, 3, 6, 3]
[09:17] <Shale> Two successes not good. Clue.
[09:17] <Shale> d6
[09:17] * Hatbot --> "Shale rolls d6 and gets 4." [d6=4]
[09:17] <Shale> Fuuuuuuuuck.

I really hope a gate to the Dreamlands opens up in the next couple of turns. Alternately, Nitori could bless me and that last 4 would retroactively be a success, but that seems like an inefficent use of a blessing.
"Sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology."
-Ponder Stibbons

[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.


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Re: There's Something Foul in Arkham... (TURN 9- ENCOUNTERS)
« Reply #191 on: July 05, 2009, 06:18:34 PM »
Oh, and... not that I really mind, because I think I definitely wanted Find Gate anyway, but shouldn't my special ability as Dexter give me a third spell to choose from, there?


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Re: There's Something Foul in Arkham... (TURN 9- ENCOUNTERS)
« Reply #192 on: July 06, 2009, 04:28:22 AM »

Ahem. Sorry. That's your third option.


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Re: There's Something Foul in Arkham... (TURN 9- ENCOUNTERS)
« Reply #193 on: July 06, 2009, 01:28:23 PM »
I mean, unless people really think we need another Enchant Weapon floating around for the Hastur fight, I'm cool sticking with Find Gate.


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Re: There's Something Foul in Arkham... (TURN 9- ENCOUNTERS)
« Reply #194 on: July 06, 2009, 04:44:21 PM »
Yeah, Find Gate sounds like a plan to me.

General update from chat yesterday: Mary made her Lore roll. Nitori Blessed me, making my 2 successes into 3. If anything remotely similar to that situation comes up again I get the feeling Andrew Hastur will kill us all, so let's not.

Anyway, then I rolled a 4 and 3 on the Luck -1 check and got an Elder Sign (!!!!!) for my trouble.

I think all we're waiting on is Alex before an update?
« Last Edit: July 06, 2009, 05:34:39 PM by Shale »
"Sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology."
-Ponder Stibbons

[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.


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Re: There's Something Foul in Arkham... (TURN 9- ENCOUNTERS)
« Reply #195 on: July 06, 2009, 05:25:05 PM »
Based on the stats Alex posted, it looks like he failed his check and lost 2 Stamina along with his Shotgun and Healing Stone. Or rather, had no way of even being able to roll his check (Luck -1 with Luck set at 1 = nope).

So... we can haz updaet pleez? If it could include updating the map on page 1, I would appreciate that as well.

Yay Elder Sign! Screw you, The Abyss!

Lady Door

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Re: There's Something Foul in Arkham... (TURN 9- ENCOUNTERS)
« Reply #196 on: July 06, 2009, 06:11:13 PM »
Y'all're going to have to wait until late tonight for update, ~10pm PST at the earliest.

<Demedais> Humans look like cars to me.
<AndrewRogue> That must be confusing in parking lots


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Re: There's Something Foul in Arkham... (TURN 9- ENCOUNTERS)
« Reply #197 on: July 06, 2009, 06:23:53 PM »
Screw you guys and your "lives," and "jobs." Who needs 'em, I say.
"Sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology."
-Ponder Stibbons

[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.


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Re: There's Something Foul in Arkham... (TURN 9- ENCOUNTERS)
« Reply #198 on: July 07, 2009, 06:11:21 AM »
Due to being really tired right now, this is a text only update. Will get the rest after work tomorrow.

Mythos: (Gate- Witch House) (Clue- Black Cave)
Gate: The Abyss
Monsters: Cultist and Warlock
Monster Movement: Byakhee moves to the sky, Dhole moves to Southside


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Re: There's Something Foul in Arkham... (TURN 9- ENCOUNTERS)
« Reply #199 on: July 07, 2009, 03:05:44 PM »
Unless there's another Byakhee running around, that one's dead.

[09:55] <Strago|Dexter> Hoi.
[10:02] <Shale> Hoi.
[10:02] <Shale> d6
[10:02] * Hatbot --> "Shale rolls d6 and gets 6." [d6=6]
[10:02] <Shale> Blessing stays!

Vincent Lee


Stamina: 5/5
Sanity: 2/5

Speed    0    1    2  {3}
Sneak    5    4    3   {2}

Fight    0   1   {2}    3
Will      4   3   {2}    1

Lore    2    {3}    4   5
Luck    4    {3}    2   1

Focus 2




Fight Skill (+1 Fight, add one extra die when spending Clue tokens on a Fight check)
Lore Skill (+1 Lore, add one extra die when spending Clue tokens on a Lore check)
Deputy's Revolver (+3 to combat checks, one hand, physical weapon)
Voice of Ra (Spell, -1 casting check, 1 sanity cost; Upkeep: cast and exhaust to get +1 to all skill checks for the remainder of the turn)
Red Sign of Shudde M'Ell (Spell, -1 casting check, 1 sanity cost, any phase: cast and exhaust to lower a target monster's toughness by 1 (minimum 1) and ignore any one monster ability except Magic Immunity for the rest of the combat)
Elder Sign (Sacrifice, along with 1 Sanity and 1 Stamina, to automatically seal a gate and reduce the Doom Track by 1)

4 Toughness worth of Monster Trophies (Ghoul, Witch, Byakhee, Cultist)
"Sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology."
-Ponder Stibbons

[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.