<Excal> Anyone here to witness my impending doom?
<Excal> Eh, whatever, the record will be here.
<Excal> So, let's start by shifting Fight/Will over from 3/3 to 2/4.
<Excal> Now, to open against the Hound.
<Excal> 2d6
* Hatbot --> "Excal rolls 2d6 and gets 10."12 [2d6=4, 6]
<Excal> Make the San check.
<Excal> Now, to bust out Hold Monster.
<Excal> Difficulty of 3, Lore 4 with a modifier of +4.
<Excal> 8d6
* Hatbot --> "Excal rolls 8d6 and gets 25."12 [8d6=1, 4, 2, 1, 3, 4, 6, 4]
<Excal> of course...
<Excal> Well, that's 2 Stamina gone. If I just blew the spell, then I'm toast. If I didn't, then I'll attempt a recast.
<Excal> 8d6
* Hatbot --> "Excal rolls 8d6 and gets 22."12 [8d6=5, 3, 2, 2, 6, 2, 1, 1]
<Excal> Alright, another two Stamina. Assuming failed attempts don't cost San, I get one more shot.
<Excal> 8d6
* Hatbot --> "Excal rolls 8d6 and gets 26."12 [8d6=6, 5, 1, 5, 3, 1, 1, 4]
<Excal> So, making those two assumptions, I win. If the second one fails, then I just burnt my Sanity to 0, but killed the Hound in the Process.
<Excal> And... assuming I still have San (so am now at 4/6 and have discarded Hold Monster after it worked), and have 1/5 Stamina, and I still have to fight what's around, let's take a stab at the Nightgaunt.
<Excal> 3d6 San
* Hatbot --> "Excal rolls 3d6 San and gets 12."12 [3d6=3, 4, 5]
<Excal> Made. Now I have a Fight Check at -2, but my gear gives me +4 for a +6 which goes back down to +4.
<Excal> It has Toughness 1, so one success wins.
<Excal> 4d6
* Hatbot --> "Excal rolls 4d6 and gets 11."12 [4d6=2, 2, 6, 1]
<Excal> So, if all those assumptions hold, I just cleared North Street and my turn is over with me a bloody battered mess.
<Excal> Annnnnd, damn. At this point I double check my sheet and see that I have 4 Stam. So the second failure ended me.
<Shale> I hate that hound.
<Excal> roll 8*6
* Hatbot --> "Excal rolls 8*6 and gets 48."12
<Excal> Damn those were some really average rolls.
<Excal> so, I'll scrap... the books and head to the hospital.