
Author Topic: Another Peaceful Day in Arkham!  (Read 36914 times)


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Re: There's Something Foul in Arkham... (TURN 15- MOVEMENT/UPKEEP)
« Reply #350 on: August 14, 2009, 05:10:49 PM »
Updating tonight, and 4 actions are missing ^_^


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Re: There's Something Foul in Arkham... (TURN 13- MOVEMENT/UPKEEP)
« Reply #351 on: August 14, 2009, 07:13:01 PM »
Carolyn Fern

Stats -

Stamina: 1/4
Sanity: 6/6

Speed  0 1 2 [3]
Sneak  3 2 1 [0 ]

Fight  1 2 3 [4]
Will    4 3 2 [1]

Lore  [2] 3 4 5
Luck  [5] 4 3 2


Monster Trophy(Hound of Tindalos, two toughness)
2 Monster Trophies(Ghoul, one toughness each)
1 Clue Token
Spell: Wither - 0 casting modifier, 0 SAN cost, Cast/exhaust to get +3 to combat checks until the end of this combat
Luck skill - +1 Luck, when spending a clue token for a luck check, add 1 die
Expert Occultist skill - Exhaust to reroll a spell check
Bank Loan

“Psychology,” Upkeep: Dr. Fern may restore 1 Sanity to herself or another character in her location. She cannot raise a character’s Sanity higher than that character’s maximum Sanity.

No payment necessary on the bank loan, no stat adjustments, going to go hang out at the Unvisited Isle and try to bait a gate I guess?

<Tewi> Anyone here?
<Nitori> ~
<Tewi> Need to roll for the bank loan.
<Tewi> d6
<Tewi> Oh wait, bot missing.  Sec.
<Ranmilia> Here
* You've invited Hatbot to #rpgdlarkhamhorror (
* Hatbot (~Hatbot@ has joined #rpgdlarkhamhorror
<Tewi> It's not responding?
<Tewi> Ah, there.
<Tewi> Just slow.
<Tewi> I know the command, Alex.  But thanks anyway.
<Tewi> d6
<Hatbot> ACTION --> "Tewi rolls d6 and gets 4." [d6=4]
<Tewi> I keep my money.


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Re: There's Something Foul in Arkham... (TURN 15- MOVEMENT/UPKEEP)
« Reply #352 on: August 15, 2009, 06:29:18 AM »

Speed  1 2 [3] 4
Sneak  3 2 [1] zero

Fight  2 3 4 [5]
Will  3 2 1 [zero]

Lore  [1] 2 3 4
Luck  [5] 4 3 2

Stamina: 1/7
Sanity: 1/3


2 Clue Tokens
1 Nightgaunt trophy (2 toughness)
1 Formless Spawn trophy (2 toughness)
Speed Skill (+1 Speed, add one extra die when spending Clue tokens on Speed checks)
Enchanted Blade (1H, magic weapon, +4 to combat checks)
.38 Revolver (1H, +3 to combat checks)
1 gate trophy (Dreamlands)

I kill the Formless Spawn then die to Hatbot so horribly~

<Nitori> I forgot, was I supposed to try to kill the Formless thing~?
<Ranmilia> If you can
<Nitori> 'Kay
<Nitori> I'll do that now
<Nitori> Shfiting Sp/Sn to 3/1 so I can make it there, first
<Nitori> I'll fight the Spawn first and take 2 San damage since I am cheap
<Nitori> Or should I clue this, I'm not sure~
<AndrewTheRogue> Might be a good idea to clue it? Hastur rape is imminent
<Nitori> I have two, I will try 1
<Ranmilia> Makes little difference, I'd save your clue
<Ranmilia> You can use it against a Hastur attack to save 2 sanity anyway
<Ranmilia> And you might be able to recover the san loss before he wakes up if he isn't doing so next turn
<Nitori> Oh well then I'll just keep it, I guess
<AndrewTheRogue> Right. His damage is 2 Sanity as well
<Nitori> Now the fun part, I have 5 fight + 4 from magic blade = 9
<Nitori> -2 check, 2 toughness, I get seven dice to hit 2 successes
<Nitori> 7d6
<Hatbot> ACTION --> "Nitori rolls 7d6 and gets 19." [7d6=5, 1, 3, 5, 3, 1, 1]
<Nitori> It's dead
<Nitori> Oh and there's a Dhole there
<Nitori> I don't want to fight it
<Nitori> 1 Sneak, -1 evade modifier and Pallid Mask give me 2 dice I think
<Nitori> 2d6
<Hatbot> ACTION --> "Nitori rolls 2d6 and gets 4." [2d6=1, 3]
<Nitori> This is where I clue token or try to I guess
<Nitori> 1d6
<Hatbot> ACTION --> "Nitori rolls 1d6 and gets 3." [1d6=3]
<Nitori> Well banana
<Nitori> I have one left, do I lose it if I get murdered which is about to happen~?
<AndrewTheRogue> Uh.
<Ranmilia> Losses are rounded down so no but you would lose items
<AndrewTheRogue> One sec. tired and brain dead
<Nitori> All I have is the Pallid Mask/.38 Revolver/Enchanted Blade
<AndrewTheRogue> That works for the moment.
<Ranmilia> Mmmm you could just lose the mask then
<Nitori> That's what I was thinking
<Nitori> I'll toss that and go insane
<Ranmilia> Yeah, just take the death and ditch the mask
<Ranmilia> Failing the sneak check makes you take the stamina hit first, doesn't it?
<Ranmilia> Or is horror still first?
<AndrewTheRogue> Stamina hit, THEN you attempt the Horror
<Nitori> And by insane I mean battered and broken
<Nitori> I have 3 stamina so that kills me
« Last Edit: August 15, 2009, 06:37:22 AM by Nitori »
<Ko-NitoriisSulpher> roll 1d100 to grade Nitori?
<Hatbot> ACTION --> "Ko-NitoriisSulpher rolls 1d100 to grade Nitori? and gets 100." [1d100=100]


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Re: There's Something Foul in Arkham... (TURN 15- MOVEMENT/UPKEEP)
« Reply #353 on: August 15, 2009, 06:45:44 AM »

"So what's your story, friend?" A smiling man inquires about your adventures over a glass of gin. You tell him your story. If you spend 3 clue tokes, he introduces himself as Ryan Dean and asks to join you. Take his ally card. If it is not available, he gives you some useful items instead. Draw 2 common items.

Jackpot, you find just what you've been looking for. Search either the common or unique item deck and purchase any item of your choice at list prce.

"Bark! Bark!"

Pass a Luck (-1) check or you accidentally drop an item. Discard 1 item of your choice. If you have no item to drop, then draw again for a different enncounter.

A silent man brushes past you on the trail. Your arm goes numb wit hcold from the brief contact, and you whirl around to look at him, but he has disappeared. Lose 1 Stamina an pass a Will (-1) check or lose 1 Sanity as well.


Nurse Sharon slips something ito your hand when the doctor isn't looking. Pass a Sneak (-1) check to keep anyone from else from noticing. If you do, you later examine the object and find it to be an old parchment with a spell scrratched on it. Draw 1 spell. If you fail, an orderly takes it away and you gain nothing.


You've completed your task, but now you must escape before the portal closes. Pass a Speed (-2) check to return to Arkham. If you fail, you are lost in time and space. In either event, you automatically close the gate you entered through.


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Re: There's Something Foul in Arkham...
« Reply #354 on: August 15, 2009, 06:52:00 AM »
Kate Winthrop


Stamina: 1/4
Sanity: 5/6

Speed  1 2 [3] 4
Sneak  5 4 [3] 2

Fight  1 2 3 [4]
Will  3 2 1 [zero]

Lore  [2] 3 4 5
Luck  [4] 3 2 1

Bravery Skill (exhaust to reroll horror check)
Deputy (gain $1 during upkeep)
.45 Automatic (1 handed +4 to combat checks physical weapon)
Enchant Weapon (0 hand spell, 0 cast mod, 1 san cost, makes 1 weapon magical until end of combat)
Warding Statue (discard to cancel monster or ancient one attack)
5 toughness worth of monster trophies (Fire Vampire, Chthonian, Ghoul)
1 gate trophies (+0, City of the Great Race,)

Uh oh!  How will Kate get home now?!

[00:51] <Ranmilia> Speed 3
[00:51] <Ranmilia> Check -2
[00:51] <Ranmilia> 1 die
[00:51] <Ranmilia> d6 to get through portal
[00:51] * Hatbot --> "Ranmilia rolls d6 to get through portal and gets 1." [d6=1]
[00:51] <Nitori> Can we house rule she backstabs the shopkeeper with a cross and doesn't have to pay?
[00:51] <Ranmilia> Lost in time and space


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Re: There's Something Foul in Arkham... (TURN 15- ENCOUNTERS)
« Reply #355 on: August 15, 2009, 06:59:49 AM »
I guess I take a free trip to the hospital and lose one sanity, since I don't get any dice for that check.  I drop nothing due to rounding down.


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Re: There's Something Foul in Arkham... (TURN 15- ENCOUNTERS)
« Reply #356 on: August 15, 2009, 03:17:18 PM »
Hey, I won't be able to get on IRC and do it probably until Sunday night, so anyone else can feel free to do my Encounter rolling for me. And take my next turn in some helpful way, if it comes to that.

Dexter Drake! Illusionist Extraooooordinaire!

- Stats -

Sanity 3/5
Stamina 1/5

- Skills (Focus: 2) -

Speed  [2+1] 3 4 5
Sneak  [4] 3 2 1

Fight  1 2 3 [4]
Will   3 2 1 [zero]

Lore  [2] 3 4 5
Luck  [3+1] 2 1 zero

- Inventory -

0 Clue Tokens
3 Toughness in Monster Trophies (Gug)
Ally, Richard Upton Pickman (+1 Luck/+1 Speed, ignores Physical Resistance)
Marksman Skill (exhaust to reroll combat check)
.18 Derringer (1 hand weapon, +2 to combat, cannot be lost/stolen unless allowed)
Cavalry Saber (1 hand weapon, +2 to combat)
Dynamite (2 hands, +8 to combat checks, discard after use)

Hunter Sopko

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Re: There's Something Foul in Arkham... (TURN 15- ENCOUNTERS)
« Reply #357 on: August 17, 2009, 03:09:29 AM »
Just as a confirmation, I do nothing, since I only have 1 clue.


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Re: There's Something Foul in Arkham... (TURN 15- ENCOUNTERS)
« Reply #358 on: August 17, 2009, 05:07:31 PM »
Please wrap up your turns/the turns of those who can't do it before tonight! ^_^


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Re: There's Something Foul in Arkham... (TURN 15- ENCOUNTERS)
« Reply #359 on: August 17, 2009, 07:04:16 PM »
I get a spell.

> Kay, rolling my encounter.
Back: Away for 2hrs 23mins 36secs
Away Deactivated:4 Auto Away reactivated
> 4 luck, -1, 3 dice
> 3d6 to get a new spell. Woo.
* Hatbot --> "Strago rolls 3d6 to get a new spell. Woo. and gets 11."12 [3d6=1, 4, 6]
> Delightful.
> Oh, that should have been Sneak, but I have the same number of dice for that anyway.


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Re: There's Something Foul in Arkham... (TURN 15- ENCOUNTERS)
« Reply #360 on: August 18, 2009, 06:29:09 AM »


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Re: There's Something Foul in Arkham... (TURN 15- ENCOUNTERS)
« Reply #361 on: August 18, 2009, 06:32:29 AM »
A gate opens at the Unnam...

A gate opens at the...

A gate


It begins as a mere whisper on the wind. A gentle breeze that you suspect is nothing more than the act of an overagitated imagination on a dark night.


But soon, the sound rises in pitch and is joined by a chorus of barking dogs and squawking birds, their voices cracking and distorting as they join the sound of the wind.


Within moments you realize that it isn't just the wind and the birds and the beasts, but the voice of every citizen in Arkham is rising in a single crescendo, their voices pitching in a mad cry that chills the very core of your being, that twists your soul and sears your mind.


The sky splits asunder, space and time tearing as the name is heard.

He has arrived.

The end is nigh.


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Any objections to doing the battle with the GoO in IRC at around 8pm PST tomorrow?

If it is generally okay but you aren't sure you can be there, please post your stats and who you'd like to trust with your rolls.

Hunter Sopko

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I'm good with it. Here's my last upkeep

<Soppy-Answerman> Whee
<Soppy-Answerman> Rolling upkeep on Blessing
<Soppy-Answerman> roll 1d6
* Hatbot --> "Soppy-Answerman rolls 1d6 and gets 1." [1d6=1]
* Soppy-Answerman sighs

I lose the blessing, unfortunately.

Sanity 4/4
Stamina 6/6

Speed  2  [3]  4  5 
Sneak  3  [2]  1  0 

Fight  2  3  4  [5] 
Will    4  3  2  [1]

Lore  {0}  1  2  3 
Luck  [4]   3  2  1 


1 Clue Tokens
9 Toughness Monster Trophies (2 Ghosts, Cultist, Fire Vampire, Elder Thing, Ghoul, Hound of Tindalos)
2 Gate Trophies (Yuggoth, Plateau of Leng)

Will skill (+1 Will, One extra bonus die on Will checks if I spend a Clue token)
Marksman skill (Exhaust and reroll any combat check)
Enchanted Knife (Magical Weapon. +3 Combat checks)
Shotgun (Physical Weapon. +4 Combat checks. 6's count double)
Food (Reduce Stamina damage taken by 1)


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I'll try to be back from work by then. If I'm not, Alex can take my place.

Somebody claim the Deputy's Revolver. It's not doing me any good.

Stamina: 3/5
Sanity: 5/6

Speed    0    1    {2}  3
Sneak    5    4    {3}   2

Fight    0   1   2  {3}
Will      4    3  2  {1}

Lore    {2}    3    4   5
Luck    {4}    3    2   1

Focus 2



Fight Skill (+1 Fight, add one extra die when spending Clue tokens on a Fight check)
Lore Skill (+1 Lore, add one extra die when spending Clue tokens on a Lore check)
Deputy's Revolver (+3 to combat checks, one hand, physical weapon)
Police Wagon: Move to any location in Arkham during movement phase.
Sword of Glory (+6 to combat checks, two hands, magical weapon)

Ally: John Legrasse (+2 Will)
Ally: Duke (+1 max Sanity, sacrifice to completely refill sanity)
"Sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology."
-Ponder Stibbons

[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.


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I think I should be good to fight at 8 PST tonight. In the event that I end up being unavailable, here are my stats. I don't particularly care who controls me in that event, so... uh, Yakko can do it.

Do people want to give me some better weapons, since I ignore his physical resistance? I could do some damage with the Dep's Revolver and a .45, maybe.

Dexter Drake! Illusionist Extraooooordinaire!

- Stats -

Sanity 3/5
Stamina 1/5

- Skills (Focus: 2) -

Speed  [2+1] 3 4 5
Sneak  [4] 3 2 1

Fight  1 2 3 [4]
Will   3 2 1 [zero]

Lore  [2] 3 4 5
Luck  [3+1] 2 1 zero

- Inventory -

0 Clue Tokens
3 Toughness in Monster Trophies (Gug)
Ally, Richard Upton Pickman (+1 Luck/+1 Speed, ignores Physical Resistance)
Marksman Skill (exhaust to reroll combat check)
.18 Derringer (1 hand weapon, +2 to combat, cannot be lost/stolen unless allowed)
Cavalry Saber (1 hand weapon, +2 to combat)
Dynamite (2 hands, +8 to combat checks, discard after use)


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Most recent Jenny stats.

Jenny Barnes


Stamina: 5/5
Sanity: 6/6

Speed  0 1 2 {3}
Sneak  4 3 2 {1}

Fight  1 2 3 {4}
Will    5 4 3 {2}

Lore  {1} 2 3 4
Luck  {5} 4 3 2

2 Clues

Skill - Bravery(Exhaust to reroll horror check)
Items - .38 Revolver, Rifle
Unique Item - Dust of Ib'n Ghazi
Other - Gate Trophy (Great Hall of Celeano)
Other - 1 Toughness in Monster Trophies (Cultist)


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Re: Another Peaceful Day in Arkham!
« Reply #367 on: August 19, 2009, 05:47:12 AM »
With a shuddering sigh, the great figure fades from view. The sounds cease, a tranquil silence descending over the city. And then, almost like nothing had happened, the normal sounds of the night resume.

You've done it.



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Re: Another Peaceful Day in Arkham!
« Reply #368 on: August 19, 2009, 05:50:46 AM »

<AndrewRogue> 99/104
<AndrewRogue> This shall not be...
<AndrewRogue> Luck -4
<AndrewRogue> Monterey
<Shale> Ahem.
<Shale> I exist.
<AndrewRogue> ...huh
<AndrewRogue> You do
<AndrewRogue> Attack!
<Shale> 8d6
<AndrewRogue> *Vince
<Hatbot> ACTION --> "Shale rolls 8d6 and gets 33." [8d6=2, 3, 5, 6, 3, 4, 5, 5]
<Soppy-Answerman> SHAMWOW'D
<Smashy> ...
<Smashy> 103/104?
<AndrewRogue> 103/104
<Tewi> 103/104. <_<
<AndrewRogue> Luck -4
<AndrewRogue> Monterey
<Shale> If Strago hadn't bollocksed that one roll that would have been AWESOME.
<Ko-NitoriisSulpher> roll 1d100 to grade Nitori?
<Hatbot> ACTION --> "Ko-NitoriisSulpher rolls 1d100 to grade Nitori? and gets 100." [1d100=100]


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Re: Another Peaceful Day in Arkham!
« Reply #369 on: August 19, 2009, 05:52:08 AM »
I Beeped it to death.  Yay Beep

(Also, totally /in for the next game)


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Re: Another Peaceful Day in Arkham!
« Reply #370 on: August 19, 2009, 05:53:52 AM »
Congrats, DL. Maya Amano's summoning of Hastur has been thwarted completely.


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Re: Another Peaceful Day in Arkham!
« Reply #371 on: August 19, 2009, 06:39:29 AM »
Also, since I was rolling for Mary...  Little fight summary:

Pre-fight: Kate gets instagibbed by LiTaS, Hastur's combat rating is -2, and takes 104 successes to kill because huge doomtrack is huge

Round 1 Upkeep: Lots of equip shuffling, Monterey gets brain bandaids (2 San). Darrell has a Shotgun
Round 1 Investigators: Darrell: 4/5, Mary: 1/7, Vincent: 1/8, Jenny: 3/10 and loses 1 San, Carolyn: 2/9, Monterey: 2/6, Dexter: 4->3/10 (Marksman),  16/104 Successes total
Round 1 Hastur: Everyone lols

Round 2 Upkeep: Monterey goes to 3 San
Round 2 Investigators: Mary: 3/7, Vincent: 3/8, Jenny: 2/4, Carolyn: 4/9, Monterey: 3/6, Dexter: 5/8, Darrell: 2/5, 38/104 Successes
Round 2 Hastur: Jenny, Monterey, and Darrell fail the check.  Jenny is at 3 Sanity, Monterey is back to 1, and Darrell is at 2

Round 3 Upkeep: Brain bandaids for Darrell
Round 3 Investigators: Vincent: 4/8, Jenny: 1/5, Carolyn: 3/6 (Wither failed), Monterey: 3/5, Dexter: 3/8, Darrell: 4/5, Mary: 2/7, 58/104 Successes
Round 3 Hastur: Dexter goes to 1 San

Round 4 Upkeep: Darrell gets more brain bandaids
Round 4 Investigators: Jenny: 1/5, Carolyn: 5/9, Monterey: gj, Dexter: 3/8, Darrell: 2/5, Mary: 2/7, Vincent: 1/8, 72/104 Successes
Round 4 Hastur: Jenny goes to 1 San, Dexter is devoured, Darrell goes to 2 San, Vincent goes to 3 San

Round 5 Upkeep: Darrell, brain bandaids, etc
Round 5 Investigators: Carolyn: 1/6, Monterey: 1/5, Darrell: 3/5, Mary: 2/7, Vincent: 3/8, Jenny: 1/5, 83/104 Successes
Round 5 Hastur: Carolyn uses her Clue Token but still goes to 4 San, Darrell goes to 1 San, Vincent goes to 1 San but discards Duke to restore sanity, Jenny uses both Clue Tokens but survives

Round 6 Upkeep: Carolyn gets 1 San back
Round 6 Investigators: Monterey: gj, Darrell: 7/5, Mary: 4/7, Vincent: 4/8, Jenny: 1/5, Carolyn: 4/9, 103/104 Successes
Round 6 Hastur: Darrell and Jenny are devoured, Vincent and Carolyn go to 3 San

Round 7 Upkeep: Prepare for VICTORY
Round 7 Investigators: * Hatbot --> "Smashy rolls 7d6 for the Beep that smites evil and gets 32." [7d6=5, 6, 4, 2, 5, 6, 4]
Round 7 Hastur: Dead.


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Re: Another Peaceful Day in Arkham!
« Reply #372 on: August 19, 2009, 02:57:23 PM »
Woohoo! Well done, team. Sorry I, uh, inadvertently made two of you be dead. Aherm.

Thanks for running the game, Andy. Would definitely play again, especially with fewer players and an expansion or two. I really like the Innsmouth investigators hint hint.


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Re: Another Peaceful Day in Arkham!
« Reply #373 on: August 19, 2009, 02:59:17 PM »
Congratulations, everyone, for removing Hastur.

-hands out free pats on the back-