<Excal> 3d6 Will Check
* Hatbot --> "Excal rolls 3d6 Will Check and gets 6."12 [3d6=3, 2, 1]
<Excal> ... you've got to be kidding me.
<Excal> Exhaust Bravery for Reroll.
<Excal> 3d6 Will Check
<AndrewCrossEdge> (Not a Horror Check)
* Hatbot --> "Excal rolls 3d6 Will Check and gets 11."12 [3d6=1, 5, 5]
<Excal> ...
<Ranmilia> I don't think you can, yeah
<AndrewCrossEdge> (Will =/= Horror, unfortunately)
<Strago|Dexter> Bummer city.
<Ranmilia> 5d6 to close gate?
* Hatbot --> "Ranmilia rolls 5d6 to close gate? and gets 18."12 [5d6=1, 4, 6, 6, 1]
<Ranmilia> Yup.
<Shale> HAAAAATBOOOOOOOT....okay, that's better.
<Strago|Dexter> Yay!
<Excal> 6d6 to Shoot self in head
* Hatbot --> "Excal rolls 6d6 to Shoot self in head and gets 16."12 [6d6=3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 5]