We have a winner!
1) I’m starting to think my family avoids me deliberately.
2) Okay, most of them have a good reason. What’s my sister’s excuse, though?
3) If nothing else I’d really like to show off this spiffy new armor to her.
4) Speaking of which, I hope she doesn’t mind that I didn’t talk to her fiancé for the entire game.
1) Albert and his sister, Diana, are both recruitable PCs, and ostensibly looking for each other. But if Albert is in your party (or leading it), Diana won’t appear anywhere, and vice-versa.
2) His parents are dead. Diana isn’t.
3) When Albert finishes the Dragon Knight quest he gets a costume change, including some shiny new armor.
4) But only if you never talk to Prince Neidhart, who gets engaged to Diana in Albert’s prologue.