I suppose I may have picked too obscura, but it's FF6. Whatevs~
1. Martial arts? That's so totally me.
- Martial artist, dur~
2. Don't mess with my friends, either. Most people wouldn't.
- His friends are bears. I wouldn't mess with a bear. They're BEARS.
3. I'm also good with numbers, although my work with them would fly right over your head.
- This clue is so mean, but when the ultimate plot attack DOOM FIST comes out, it inflicts Death Sentence, and the numbers fly right over your head~
4. I also tend to blow people away. Some people claim this happens literally.
- Of course beforehand he blows everyone but Sabin away for frue plot fighting~.
Later clues would have alluded to GFAQS people being unable to Blitz. or something.
Go, Chisa~