....Took you guys so long, and it is not by someone from the Soul Cradle fad. This is kidan sad
1. Telepathic mind whisper is such a good tool when Xanatos gambiting.
Gagir talked in Median's mind and had him kill Vigilance. Which lead to Gig which lead to the devastation in Haephnes
2. And world peace is such a good excuse for world destruction
Yeah, building his ideal world on top of Haephnes's detsruction
3. And I am such a fan for super robots!!
He made the three world eaters
4. Really I am!! I even equipped one of them with Infinity Cylinder!!
Nutra's Spreading Black Void looks identical to Infinity Cylinder
5. Even better, I'll turn myself into one too!! If what I turned into counts anyway, but still, it is big, mechanical looking, and requires combination too.
Final boss form
7. The best way to brainwash people is to kill them first.
What Gagir done to Vigilance