Author Topic: Rate Characters based on in game use: The Continuation!  (Read 18641 times)


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Rate Characters based on in game use: The Continuation!
« on: January 27, 2008, 03:32:50 AM »
You guys know the drill! Its back, and its...ah screw it, I'll just link you to the old topic:

Now, to start this one off, I shall...BRING UP WHERE WE LEFT OFF.  First, the old top 25!

Anyway, so what do we have left?  Well, not much though I guess we could redo things in the future or something! However, we have an unfinished session going...which is a good deal my fault, but also wasn't enough people, etc. 

Basically, the rule of "I need at least 5 raters for this rating to be valid" thing still exists.  If there's less than 5, its the same as a character getting a majority of DNR votes.  As a reminder, Abstain is *NOT* DNR; only way Abstain yields DNR is if there's enough of them to push the amount of raters below 5; if there's 20 raters, however, and 13 abstained, that's still 7 people rating, thus valid, where as 13 DNRs would yield an "N/A" to the rating.

If you don't feel something should be rated, label them with either a "Do Not Rate" or shorten it for "DNR.".  Again, do *NOT* put DNR when you simply are abstaining; abstaining simply means "yeah, should be rated, but don't know how to deal with it!" while DNR means "no, not rating."  I am *NOT* one who can read minds, so don't assume I can tell the difference between each specific DNR and such.

Rate on a basis of 0 to 10.  Anything above 10 will be taken as a 10, anything below 0 will be taken as a 0; no attempts to be cute like giving Yuri Hyuga a 15/10 cause he's THAT DAMNED AWESOME AND SEXY or whatever, cause I'll just be taking it as a 10/10, so don't bother trying <_<.  Please keep things to one decimal at most; doing stuff like "5.25" is not only vaguely pointless (you're giving a midway between a point and a midway? Just how specific DO YOU NEED TO BE?), but also makes it harder to tally up scores.  Also, I must emphasize this:


When I average ratings, I look at the FIRST number given often, and choose to avoid reading the entire description, cause its faster, etc. (if I want to read actual opinions, I'll do it whenever, so no, I'm not saying your opinions are meaningless, just for the sake tallying up scores, I'm skipping them...and yes, I'm aware that came off as probably meaner than it intended, I apologize for those offended.)  You can have your rating in the middle of an opinion if you're typing your thoughts out as we speak, but please, make sure its the FIRST NUMBER GIVEN.  Also, avoid joke ratings; there have been times I've actually accidentally used someone's joke rating when they had "(actually, its this low!)" listed later, and had to correct myself.  Again, AVOID BEING CUTE when it comes to your ACTUAL numerical rating.  You can say I'm taking the fun out of stuff, but as I said, it saves time, and generally makes things more accurate if people do things properly.

And yes, you *CAN* rate a game after its averages have been taken.  Do note, however, I won't be factoring that into the averages, so its as though it doesn't count.  You can still rate for the sake of tossing your opinions up there, of course.

Lastly, do not put subjectivity into your ratings.  By this I mean, do not rate a character based on like, hate, "THEY AMUSED ME!" etc.  No, that's not what this topic is for; if you want that, ask whoever was running the Character Ratings Topic to make that again.  Also, no rating out of spite either.  If you see someone getting lots of high ratings, and you agree he should be rated high, but not THAT high, do not suddenly give them a rating several points lower than what you want. 
For example, if you see Yuna getting lots of 10/10s, and you feel she's only an 8/10, do *NOT* give her a 5/10 just cause you're annoyed at the 10/10s and want to see her rating lowered; give her the 8/10 like you think she deserves.  Not everyone is going to agree and such, that's kind of the point of this topic.

Now, you CAN factor in your playing style, naturally; that kind of subjectivity is ok.  Please, though, make sure its not a case of "bah, I didn't use this cause its overpowered, so it doesn't matter!" and its actually a case of "I preferred doing this since I found it more effective." If you recognize somethings power (or conversely, recognize somethings failure, despite using it anyway), then try to factor that in somehow. 

You can also contest ratings if you want, though please try to keep things to minimal discussion.  You can try to correct people based on false views or info, request reasons why they are rated, etc.  Keep it civil; if the argument is erupting into something bigger than a few posts, I would request you start a new topic entirely, and move it there (or ask a Mod to do so...if it goes on, I *WILL* request that a mod do it.)  I don't want this topic side tracked too badly, is the point, but don't let that stop you from second guessing others if you feel the need too.

Why did I go through all that?  Cause I was noting this kind of nonsense in the past, so I'm trying to stop it before it arrives.  If people start rating based on things that go against this, I *WILL* ignore your ratings entirely, and move on.  Rating for the sake of rating and screwing over characters you hate/helping your favorites is *NOT* the point of this topic.  I would prefer you didn't rate at all if you aren't going to actually put personal input based on what you think of characters, but are only rating to mess with numbers.

*ANYWAY* to the topic itself!

Top 25 Ratings:
1. Ryu (BoF3) 9.92
2. Sage (FF3j) 9.75
3. Yuri Hyuga (SHC) 9.70
4. Yuri Hyuga (SH1) 9.69
5. Citan Uzuki 9.53
6. Zemeckis 9.50
7. Reid Herschel 9.44
8. Maya Amano 9.30
9. Cai 9.29
10. Yuna (FFX) 9.27
11. New Almekia's Salamander 9.10
12. Cress Albane 9.00
13t. Cecilia Lynn Adlehyde 8.97
13t. Cidolfas "TG Cid" Orlandu 8.97
15. Lenneth Valkyrie 8.94
16. Deis (BoF2) 8.93
17t. Rolf Landale 8.92
17t. Sora (KH1) 8.92
19. Knight (FF1) 8.89
20t. Rena Lanford 8.82
20t. Ryu (BoF1) 8.82
22. Sharon 8.81
24t. Rika 8.80
24t. Timelord 8.80
25. Serph 8.78

Bottom 25 Ratings:
1. Jogurt 0.00
2. Mime (FFT) 0.54
3. Adam 0.61
4. Langueborg 0.63
5. Onix 0.85
6. Red Turnip 0.88
7. Trees (FFT) 0.91
8. Sansuke 0.94
9t. Sergei 1.00
9t. Alsace 1.00
11t. Bilcock 1.00
12. Koroku 1.04
13. Goblins (FFT) 1.09
14. Mogu 1.12
15. Slime 1.13
17t. Tuta 1.17
17t. Bard (FF3j) 1.17
19t. Lickitung 1.20
19t. Brusom 1.20
20. Kenji 1.22
21. Skeletons (FFT) 1.23
22t. Karla 1.25
22t. Galonwand 1.25
24. Guido 1.29
25. Beserker (FF5) 1.30

Credit to Elfboy again for helping me compile this list!

And now we'll pick up where we left off!

Mega Man X: Command Mission:


Rate that Weapon:

Mega Man 2:
Air Shooter:
Atomic Fire:
Bubble Lead:
Crash Bomb:
Item 1:
Item 2:
Item 3:
Leaf Shield:
Mega Buster:
Metal Blade:
Quick Boomerang:
Time Stopper:

NOTE: For those who already rated this session, I'm sorry, but you'll have to start over here.  Its just easier to have people rerate rather than go back and check what was rated.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
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Dark Holy Elf

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Re: Rate Characters based on in game use: The Continuation!
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2008, 04:10:07 AM »
Slightly modified from before.

Air Shooter: 7.5/10. Bad for a Mega Man air weapon! Still pretty badass. Great coverage and awesome damage. Price is on the expensive side but totally worth it.
Atomic Fire: 0/10. Oh god fail. It's good for 2HKOing a couple bosses... except Air Shooter pretty much equals Atomic Fire against Wood Man, and Wily 1 is abject fail. Godawful otherwise, extremely expensive and takes a while to charge and the lower versions are just useless.
Bubble Lead: 3/10. Power wasn't as good as I thought it was...  so it's just kinda underwhelming.
Crash Bomb: 5/10. I dunno. The power is really, really awesome. Like, really really. It also tends to pierce shields. But you can't fire them very often, and they're very expensive. Oddball weapon.
Item 1: 6/10
Item 2: 6/10
Item 3: 4/10. Utility weapons are tough to rate.
Leaf Shield: 8.5/10. Amazing power and defence. Trivialises entire parts of levels. Another "pricy but so worth it" weapon.
Mega Buster: 5/10. As always.
Metal Blade: 10/10. Two weapons I will give a 10 to, and here's the second. Hits all eight directions, awesome power, near-infinite WE, range, everything. How can you ask for more? Maybe it should have made Mega Man invincible for ten seconds after using it?
Quick Boomerang: 2/10. It's the buster with half the range! That a bunch of things are immune to. Okay. Slight bonus for increased vertical coverage but not much.
Time Stopper: 4/10. Handy to have in the right situation, but versatility is sorely lacking, due to being one-shot.

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Re: Rate Characters based on in game use: The Continuation!
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2008, 05:24:57 AM »
Mega Man X: Command Mission:
X: 7/10. Found him solid and useful the entire game.
Zero: 7/10. Genrally found him to be one of the best party members. Just missing the early game costs him a bit.
Spider: 7/10. Felt like the all around best party member until he left. Still, tempness costs him a point.
Massimo: 4/10. Has...some uses. Early on. Gets benched for good once Zero shows up.
Marino: 9/10. Hyper mode turn cheese insanity. Win.
Cinnamon: NA/10. Used her...uh...once? Twice maybe? Prolly should have used her more, just didn't. So, not ranking her.
Axl: 8/10. Good AT, invincibility is fun, all around impressive.

All around solid cast. Marino stands out as the best one, I think, with Axl and Zero close behind. Massimo...kinda fails, though.


Rate that Weapon:

Mega Man 2:
Air Shooter: 7/10. Not bad at all.
Atomic Fire: 1/10. Remember when I rated Fireman's weapon so low? That's because I was confusing it with this.
Bubble Lead: 3/10. Just kinda lame.
Crash Bomb: 5/10. Very limited ammo hurts. Don't think I used it outside of bosses.
Item 1: Hell if I remember which item is which.
Item 2: See above.
Item 3: See above.
Leaf Shield: 8/10. See Elfboy, really.
Mega Buster: 6/10. Megabuster. Gets the job done. Infinite ammo is good.
Metal Blade: 10/10. I think WTFHAX sums up the sheer awesome of this weapon.
Quick Boomerang: 3/10. Yeah, if not so many damn things were immune to it, it'd be better.
Time Stopper: 5/10. A damn lifesaver when you need it. shot. Hurts soooo much.
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Re: Rate Characters based on in game use: The Continuation!
« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2008, 05:31:59 AM »
Mega Man 2:
Air Shooter: 6/10. Usable.
Atomic Fire: 2/10. It's the charge buster from the later games!! Except it drains weapon energy like there's no tomorrow and sucks uncharged. At least it hits weaknesses...that other weapons hit too.
Bubble Lead: 3/10. Because I have to give it more than Atomic Fire.
Crash Bomb: 4/10. Mostly utility. eats energy pretty quickly and trapping enemies in the explosion isn't very effective.
Item 1: See Gate.
Item 2: Ditto.
Item 3: As above.
Leaf Shield: 7/10. Energy cost kinda hurts, but damn does it kill stages dead.
Mega Buster: 4/10. MM2 is the one game that has a weapon that's better than Mega Buster in every way including cost-effectiveness.
Metal Blade: 10/10. And this is that weapon. Dear God the awesome.
Quick Boomerang: 3/10. Vertical range doesn't save it, noooooo. HITS SPRING ENEMIES THOUGH.
Time Stopper: 5/10. Pure situational, and one shot.
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Re: Rate Characters based on in game use: The Continuation!
« Reply #4 on: January 27, 2008, 05:37:17 PM »
Mega Man 2:
Air Shooter:  9/10.  Second most useful weapon by far; one-hits those annoying mecha riding Sniper Joes, makes Crash Man less irritating, has a large AOE, just all around awesome weapon made less awesome by Metal Blade. 
Atomic Fire: 0/10.  You should never be using this.  Ever.
Bubble Lead: 2/10. Forced use, better than Time Stopper.
Crash Bomb: 6/10.  Forced use, plus some utility.  Loses points for how irritating the turret boss is.

Instead of referring to them by Item 1, etc, since not even I remember which is which, I'll refer to them by what they do.

Floating Platform:  8/10.  Gets you across places quickly, forced use, etc.
Rush Jet Prototype: 8/10.  Bypasses Heat Man's stage's irritating section completely, forced use, great for bypassing other irritating sections of the game.
Wall Climber:  5/10.  For preserving Floating Platform ammo only.

Leaf Shield: 9/10.  Powerful, reasonable cost, provides invincibility for those automated track platforms in Wily's and Crash Man's stages.
Mega Buster: Two ratings:  Original, 3/10.  MMAnniversary Collection:  6/10.  The addition of the rapid fire button essentially makes it a free, slightly weaker Quick Boomerang.
Metal Blade: 10/10.  I am gay for this weapon.  See everyone else.  Idly, NEB:  What's the other MM weapon you'd give a 10/10 to?
Quick Boomerang:  Two ratings:  Original, 6/10.  MMAnniversary Collection: 2/10.  Low-cost rapid fire is only badass whenever you don't have free rapid fire. 

*Looks at others' ratings.*  Really?  The hell?  Rapid fire weapon, particularly one that makes the pain-in-the-ass Dragon boss less of a pain in the ass, only warrants a subpar score?  Sure, it's no metal blade.  Or Leaf Shield.  Or Air whatever.  Still the only other vaguely useful weapon MM2 has.
Time Stopper: 1/10.  Quick man isn't that hard, nor is the section of his level where you could get use out of it.  One point for being able to get items during that section, I guess?

Dark Holy Elf

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Re: Rate Characters based on in game use: The Continuation!
« Reply #5 on: January 27, 2008, 06:01:00 PM »
Metal Blade: 10/10.  I am gay for this weapon.  See everyone else.  Idly, NEB:  What's the other MM weapon you'd give a 10/10 to?

Thunder Beam. Though having played both games since, I would definitely consider Metal Blade better. Beam is still enough better than all other MM weapons to get a 10 as well, I think.

Rapid fire weapon, particularly one that makes the pain-in-the-ass Dragon boss less of a pain in the ass

I'm capable of pressing the fire button just as fast as Quick Boomerang fires normally, and I'm not especially skilled at this, so it can't be that hard. I'd honestly argue the buster as slightly better against the dragon (boomerang's initial trajectory takes it higher than the buster, and the dragon is below you more often than not so you can miss him this way) but realistically it's pretty much a dead heat.

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Re: Rate Characters based on in game use: The Continuation!
« Reply #6 on: January 27, 2008, 06:49:58 PM »
Mega Man 2:

Air Shooter: 3/10. Not very good and has issues hitting anything from a non vertical distance. If I want that, I'll use Metal Blade. It gets points for owning Crash Man.
Atomic Fire: 6/10. Solid. It's charge attack nukes a few bosses.
Bubble Lead: 2/10. Worthless.
Crash Bomb: 8/10. Useful even with ammo issues.
Item 1:
Item 2:
Item 3: 5/10 to all of 'em. They're needed but not much else.
Leaf Shield: 3/10. Only useful if you lack the Metal Blade or basic platforming skills.
Mega Buster: 5/10. Standard.
Metal Blade: 10/10. This weapon wins.
Quick Boomerang: 8/10. A fast, quick mauler.
Time Stopper: 5/10. Too one shotty, sure.
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Re: Rate Characters based on in game use: The Continuation!
« Reply #7 on: January 29, 2008, 03:37:13 AM »
Mega Man X: Command Mission:
X: 7/10.  Kinda hurt by the worthlessness of Charge Shot...! I think, at least until Ultimate Armor,  but still solid.
Zero: 7/10.  While he's hurt by availability more than anything.
Spider: 5/10.  Gets stuff done off good speed and all, but damage felt like it nosedived at the end there.
Massimo: 3/10?  He's not bad, just... there's never really an advantage to him over anyone else. 
Marino: 7/10.  Boss-slayer, but spamming Hyper Mode with her was risky and all so  not as potent against randoms as she could be.
Cinnamon: 4/10.  Renewable healing it good in theory, but that theory never panned out for me.
Axl: 6/10.  Ehh... didn't appeal to me, but I can see where he would be good I suppose...
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Re: Rate Characters based on in game use: The Continuation!
« Reply #8 on: January 29, 2008, 07:30:03 AM »
Rating MM1 weapons because I can!

Fire Storm: 9/10. This weapon is absolutely amazing. It murders the FUCK out of so many things, pierces shields, the shield around it is just so damn badass for beating a lot of various levels. Cutman's level and Wily stage 2 come to mind. Also the Wily form 1 gets killed by in about three seconds, which is highly amusing.
Hyper Bomb: 0/10. HahahaahAHAHAAHahaaha *takes a breath* hahahahano. The main use I've found for Hyper Bomb is killing those ground crawling guys on Iceman's level... if you don't have Thunder Beam... or Rolling Cutter... or Fire Storm... so if for some reason you decide you want to fight Iceman without Thunder Beam for giggles and decide not to get other, better weapons first and go for THE GLORY OF HYPER BOMB then I guess it has a use.
Ice Slasher: 5/10. Smashing at the three things it does well; freezes flames, kills Fire Man, and makes the hoppers on the stages and Wily 1 trivial. These three things are rather annoying so it gets plenty of credit here.
Magnet Beam: 8/10. Pretty godlike, better than the MM2 variants due to infinite extend and hopper avoiding, not to mention Iceman's stage and Wily 1 and Wily 4. Also really good on Gutsman's stage if you happen to have it there.
Mega Buster: 5/10.
Rolling Cutter: 5/10. It's okay but mostly there compared to Fire Storm and Thunder Beam. It's really vicious against Elecman, though. Giving weapons credit for being good against the boss they hit weakness on isn't really something I approve of, but in Rolling Cutter's case I think the exception is definitely worth it, because Elecman is a demon. Also good at killing ground crawlers if you don't have the other two.
Super Arm: 1/10. Saves you Thunder beam ammo in an efficient manner, as well as being useful for not having to do Elecman's stage twice. That's about it though. EDIT: Elfboy reminds me of the BUBBLE BOSS! Yeah, it gets another half a point for that, because that's a sweet ass fight that would be PAIN without Guts.
Thunder Beam: 9.5/10. Pretty much awesome stuff. Murders tons of shit high and low and all around and it is awesome fun good times. Also murders Yellow Devil, who is a bitch. It doesn't get a 10 because it's not OMNI-DIRECTIONAL, nor does it have a gazillion charges.


Air Shooter: 5/10. A weapon I find somewhat boring. It murders Crash Man like no other and definitely has some uses (big one is against the Sniper Joes in Wily 1 where you approach them from the bottom), but its awkward hitting mechanics make me leery toward it in general. I honestly find Quick better against Sniper Joes since it kills almost as fast and  doesn't take as long to clear off and they don't block Quick.
Atomic Fire: 0.5/10. Uhhhhh it's not Hyper Bomb! Yay! What bosses is this piece of shit useful against again, besides Wood Man who can easily be decimated by other weapons? It's NOT useful against Wily Machine 1 because of the ridiculous charge time (bustering it is barely slower, and besides, its other use is negated!). I've tried it against baby sniper joes and it's not very useful there either.
Bubble Lead: 1/10. Power is really poor, lots of things immune it. Owns the wall boss, though, and those ground crawling guys which are a nuisance.
Crash Bomb: 4/10. I don't like the weapon too much because if you miss it is very slow to recover, but it destroys things when it hits/when you time it right. Also shield piercing, but overall I found it fairly lackluster.
Item 1: 6/10
Item 2: 6/10
Item 3: 5/10
Leaf Shield: 8/10. Kills shit real good and the projectile has a large radius, which hits more things than the other weapons (it's close to Atomic Fire except it has seven more charges. And defends you against enemies. And you don't have to charge it. And it doesn't SUCK ASS.) It's really good against the egg guys in particular, and helps you be really lazy in Wily 4, which I consider a plus. It's also really good against those knife guys in the various levels, including Wily 2.
Mega Buster: 5/10.
Metal Blade: 10/10.  Lots of charges. Hits in any direction. You can fire a ton of them. Has very few things that immune it. Omni-directional. Just wins.
Quick Boomerang: 6/10. It's not as good as I thought initially (I did a run of it and Crash and Heat last night), but it's really effective against the dragon, is a nice substitute for Metal against the fire-breathing lions, and is useful in various other random places, like with a couple more bosses. Also very useful against Sniper Joes as I mentioned in Air Shooter's writeup; unlike Air Shooter it doesn't have that missing thing that happens (not sure why it does). Also kills the small version of Sniper faster than Buster due to rapid-fire.
Time Stopper: 3/10. It's useful in Air Man and Quick Man's stage and against Quickman, but that's about it.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2008, 08:46:58 PM by Ciato »
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Re: Rate Characters based on in game use: The Continuation!
« Reply #9 on: February 02, 2008, 04:10:38 AM »
Was hoping to playthrough MMXCM again before doing this ratings, but whatever.

Mega Man X: Command Mission:
X:  6.5/10. Great on bosses, and MT damage for randoms, but can't help but feel something is lacking.
Zero: 6.5/10. X Variation, really.
Spider: 7/10. Good stats, but crappy AT. Nice Hyper Mode though.
Massimo: 4/10. Tank, and a nice powerful AT! Pity he's slow and doesn't have much beyond that, and is weak to all elements -_-
Marino: 7.5/10. Well rounded character who is awesome for opening on bosses.
Cinnamon: 4/10. The Healing sounds good in theory, but isn't really that practical.  Also absolutely needs Kitty Gloves to do damage, and that isn't a given, despite what some people will claim.
Axl: 8/10. Fast, has shot damage for randoms, and the invincibility AT.  Also a kick butt AT that is consistent strong MT damage out of the box.


Rate that Weapon:

Mega Man 2:
Air Shooter: 6/10. Yeah, nice vertical move that hits multiple enemies.
Atomic Fire: 1/10. Its that its usable.  Mind, this just means its not a 0/10 to me.
Bubble Lead: 4/10. Gets a point for being absolutely needed for Alien Wily, and OHKOs Piko Piko blocks, and is nice for finding invisible floors and such in Wily 4...but yeah, needs to be stronger.
Crash Bomb: 6/10. Niche weapon, pity its hard to work with though at times. Gets a point for being the ONLY weapon that works on that god forsaken Gun Turret boss.
Item 1: 6/10 Good for what it is.
Item 2: 7/10. Nice gameplay skip at times, especially in Heatman's stage.
Item 3: 4/10. Not really worth much beyond saving shots of Item 1.
Leaf Shield: 6/10. Nice Barrier weapon in moving platform areas, and hits hard with nice piercing in any direction if you want a projectile.
Mega Buster: 5/10. Definitive of average weapon <_<
Metal Blade: 10/10. Is the Metal Blade.  It needs no explanation.
Quick Boomerang: 3/10. I dunno, the places its hyped for I just...didn't find it worth that much.  The Dragon? Found the Buster's range equally as worthwhile as the Quick Boomerangs vertical.  Its not any stronger vs. the Dragon either.  Rapid Fire doesn't mean much, especially in MMAC, since again, the Buster is just as good.  Its...just not a very good weapon *shrugs*
Time Stopper: 4/10. Nice utility for Quick Man's stage and Wily 2, as well as shaving off half of Quickman's health from the get go, but yeah, one shit kills its overall worth.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A

Luther Lansfeld

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Re: Rate Characters based on in game use: The Continuation!
« Reply #10 on: February 02, 2008, 04:29:58 AM »
I actually think that Bubble Lead shouldn't be given credit for being the only thing that can hit Alien Wily. It is just them picking the worst possible weapon vs. him and making you use it, so if anything it is an annoyance.
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Re: Rate Characters based on in game use: The Continuation!
« Reply #11 on: February 06, 2008, 09:34:18 PM »
Mega Man X: Command Mission:
X: 7/10
Zero: 8/10
Spider: 6/10
Massimo: 3/10
Marino: 7/10
Cinnamon: 4/10
Axl: 8/10

Rate that Weapon:

Mega Man 2

Air Shooter: 8/10 Sniper Joes are annoying
Atomic Fire: 1/10 Yeah no
Bubble Lead: 3/10
Crash Bomb: 4/10
Item 1: 7/10
Item 2: 7/10
Item 3: 5/10
Leaf Shield: 7/10
Mega Buster: 5/10
Metal Blade: 10/10
Quick Boomerang: 7/10
Time Stopper: 4/10
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Re: Rate Characters based on in game use: The Continuation!
« Reply #12 on: February 06, 2008, 09:37:23 PM »
Mostly copied from the old board.

Mega Man 2:
Air Shooter: 6/10. It's there. Good for what it is, but what it is is isn't normally the best choice.
Atomic Fire: 2/10. Extremely mehish. I debated considering the merits of it taking out bricks in MMI despite the topic but ended up deciding that it would get less in that game than it does for this anyway, so that didn't end up mattering. Gets a point for paving the way for the Mega Buster.
Bubble Lead: 4/10. Okayish I suppose. Movement type somewhat restricts its usefulness, however.
Crash Bomb: 5/10. Loses points for causing that boss. Fair enough apart from that.
Item 1: 7/10. Utility.
Item 2: 8/10. Slightly more useful utility.
Item 3: 7/10. Can be better or worse than Item 1 depending on the situation.
Leaf Shield: 6/10. Okay wow. This thing has a lot of power sure, but it's nigh-completely worthless for defence since you can't do anything at all while using it for such. I can't think of many situations where that's useful.
Mega Buster: 6/10. Average with no weapon energy costs.
Metal Blade: 9/10. If it's not the best Megaman weapon ever, then it's close to it. Awesomeness incarnate.
Quick Boomerang: 6/10. It's there. It's like Rolling Cutter Minus Minus.
Time Stopper: 2/10. Needs less 'can only stop using it when it runs out of energy' and less 'can't attack while using it'.


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Re: Rate Characters based on in game use: The Continuation!
« Reply #13 on: February 07, 2008, 04:51:24 AM »
Mega Man X: Command Mission:
Note that I tend to factor how they deal with bosses pretty heavily since I generally found randoms easily smashable.
X: 7/10. Decent enough, I guess.
Zero: 8/10. Great while he is around. Very smashtastic.
Spider: 5/10/ Slightly better Axl.
Massimo: 4/10. Come in, Hyper mode, throw in damage on tanky bosses. Go out. It worked well as an extra damage smashing.
Marino: 7/10. Solid
Cinnamon: 5.5/10. Yeah, the healing was based on a limited system, but I still found it pretty useful since sub-tanks were also limited.
Axl: 4/10. Maybe I'm missing something here, but I found Axl...really unimpressive. The speed is good, but an invinicibility hyper was something I didn't find to have any major use because the bosses are about durability over damage (Also, it negates his speed). Basically, his damage is game worst and his AT just didn't strike me as practical except in a few situations. Not good.
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Re: Rate Characters based on in game use: The Continuation!
« Reply #14 on: February 07, 2008, 05:19:39 AM »
Mega Man X: Command Mission:
X: 7/10. Elemental busters usually give him a decent physical despite the one hit, and later on he draws in often against melee spoilers. He's the best tank if he lives to get a turn (i.e. against everything except a few superbosses), X Heart is sexy, one of only two MT ATs (until Marino is L30). He... really has a lot of things going for him. Still, the fact is that one hit + unimpressive speed generally does make him an iffy choice for randoms unless they are specifically Charge Shot bait or you've predicted the weakness.
Zero: 8/10. Just clearly has way better overall damage than everyone else. Best Power or near enough, two or three hits to go with it, and an AT that is good in Hyper Mode (if not elsewhere). Works.
Spider: 7/10. A bit underwhelming until he gets the weapons that have two hits at 75 WE, since he's easy to twink for that. His AT is terrible, in Hyper Mode it's fine though. His auto-dodge is pretty good. This works.
Massimo: 4/10. Counter is nice, having the highest HP is nice for superbosses. Offence kinda blows though the HAT is... all right I guess.
Marino: 8/10. Most versatile Hyper Mode since it can do everything, broken for the same reason Intrude is. Is anything else about her that special? No, but she doesn't need it to be. And nothing else about her is too bad, either.
Cinnamon: 4/10. Gets some points for Kitty Gloves. Otherwise, generally found her bad durability would offset any extra healing she could give, and I didn't find the healing something I could pull off against tough bosses often anyway.
Axl: 8/10. His AT is excellent at smashing randoms and at bosses who summon support (and bosses who summon support are nasty/common enough for him to get points here). Otherwise, reasonably middle-of-the-line on damage (though the best at range after Spider leaves, since he gets two hits and X doesn't) with notably good speed. Best random fighter + decent boss fighter = MVP? Eh, Zero and Marino are enough better against bosses to make that honour a tossup.

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Re: Rate Characters based on in game use: The Continuation!
« Reply #15 on: February 15, 2008, 01:16:07 AM »
Mega Man X Command Mission:
X: 6.92
Zero: 7.41
Spider: 6.17
Massimo: 3.67
Marino: 7.58
Cinnamon: 4.30
Axl: 7.00

Highest Rating of this session: Marino w/ 7.58
Lowest Rating of this session: Massimo with 3.67


Mega Man 2:
Air Shooter: 6.39
Atomic Fire: 1.50
Bubble Lead: 2.78
Crash Bomb: 5.22
Item 1: 6.17
Item 2: 6.50
Item 3: 5.00
Leaf Shield: 6.94
Mega Buster: 5.44
Metal Blade: 9.89
Quick Boomerang: 4.89
Time Stopper: 3.67

Best Weapon: Metal Blade with 9.89(um, duh? Also, you may kill the person who stopped this from being a perfect 10.00 <.<)
Worst Weapon: Atomic Fire with 1.50

Top 25 Ratings:
1. Ryu (BoF3) 9.92
2. Sage (FF3j) 9.75
3. Yuri Hyuga (SHC) 9.70
4. Yuri Hyuga (SH1) 9.69
5. Citan Uzuki 9.53
6. Zemeckis 9.50
7. Reid Herschel 9.44
8. Maya Amano 9.30
9. Cai 9.29
10. Yuna (FFX) 9.27
11. New Almekia's Salamander 9.10
12. Cress Albane 9.00
13t. Cecilia Lynn Adlehyde 8.97
13t. Cidolfas "TG Cid" Orlandu 8.97
15. Lenneth Valkyrie 8.94
16. Deis (BoF2) 8.93
17t. Rolf Landale 8.92
17t. Sora (KH1) 8.92
19. Knight (FF1) 8.89
20t. Rena Lanford 8.82
20t. Ryu (BoF1) 8.82
22. Sharon 8.81
24t. Rika 8.80
24t. Timelord 8.80
25. Serph 8.78

Bottom 25 Ratings:
1. Jogurt 0.00
2. Mime (FFT) 0.54
3. Adam 0.61
4. Langueborg 0.63
5. Onix 0.85
6. Red Turnip 0.88
7. Trees (FFT) 0.91
8. Sansuke 0.94
9t. Sergei 1.00
9t. Alsace 1.00
11t. Bilcock 1.00
12. Koroku 1.04
13. Goblins (FFT) 1.09
14. Mogu 1.12
15. Slime 1.13
17t. Tuta 1.17
17t. Bard (FF3j) 1.17
19t. Lickitung 1.20
19t. Brusom 1.20
20. Kenji 1.22
21. Skeletons (FFT) 1.23
22t. Karla 1.25
22t. Galonwand 1.25
24. Guido 1.29
25. Beserker (FF5) 1.30

Running out of games to work with, so lets go with something relatively new, that I *THINK* I just enough player ship to work with, and...yeah.  Also, request for a NonMega Man bonus, so yeah, I'll do one of that or something.

Wild ARMs 5:


Rate that weapon!

Doom (2):
Chain Gun:
Plasma Gun:
Rocket Launcher:
Super Shotgun:

NOTE: Given how similar the two games play, and how they share ALL the same weapons barring one, you can rate based on overall worth between both games, or just one of the games if you've only played one of Doom or Doom 2.  Please keep it restricted to those two games though, and *PLEASE* list only one rating (if you want to list two, list the one you want counted FIRST.  Then explain a split, I keep saying this, people keep failing to listen <_<.)
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

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Re: Rate Characters based on in game use: The Continuation!
« Reply #16 on: February 15, 2008, 01:21:53 AM »
Been a reeeeaaaally long time since I've played Doom, so take these ratings with a grain of salt.

BFG9000: 9/10. Boom. Avaulibility problems though, iirc.
Chain Gun: 9/10. I remember using this alot, and it was really good.
Chain Saw: Abstain. Don't recal using it seriously ever.
Pistol: 3/10. Meh
Plasma Gun: Abstain. Don't remember this one.
Rocket Launcher: Abstain. I'm sure I used it, but hell if I can remember how useful it was.
Shotgun: 6/10. Boom(stick)
Super Shotgun: Abstain. Don't remember using this one.

Yeah, I probably shouldn't have bothered rating at all. It's been a really long time.
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Re: Rate Characters based on in game use: The Continuation!
« Reply #17 on: February 15, 2008, 01:32:40 AM »
Wild ARMs 5:
Dean: 7/10
Rebecca: 7/10
Avril: 7/10
Greg: 7/10
Carol: 5/10
Chuck: 3/10


Rate that weapon!

Doom (2):
BFG9000: 10/10 Does ungodly loads of damage for a reasonable amount of cells. Not so useful if you're using it against like 2 Imps and a pistol zombie all the time, but it's great for crowd control or taking down Cyberdemons and the like. I guess it's kinda slow but it doesn't really matter.
Chain Gun: 7/10 Good at stunlocking enemies, but the higher ones(Barons, etc) take too much ammo for it to be very useful and you don't need it for Pinkies. Which leaves Cacodemons and Pain Elementals. It's useful, but not incredibly so.
Chainsaw: 6/10 Locks up Pinkies and (mostly) Cacodemons and Pain Elementals, and can also be used to conserve ammo when faced with zombies and the like. Still not worth it for anything else, though.
Fists: 2/10 Worthless
Pistol: 3/10 Slightly less worthless
Plasma Gun: 8/10 Good power, infinite stream, makes mincemeat of pretty much anything
Rocket Launcher: 8/10 Hits really hard, but splash damage is a minus
Shotgun: 7/10 Good for sniping(as odd as that is...), as well as an all-around utility weapon
Super Shotgun: 9/10 Takes an extra shell and is uselss at sniping. It still doesn't matter, this is by far the bread and butter weapon of Doom 2 and massacres things at close range. Can be used for pretty much anything except for Cyberdemons and Spider Masterminds, and even those are possible if you have room to strafe.
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Re: Rate Characters based on in game use: The Continuation!
« Reply #18 on: February 15, 2008, 01:46:58 AM »
Wild ARMs 5:

Dean: 7/10 - Double Critical is something.
Rebecca: 6/10
Avril: 7.5/10 - Psychotic Attack growth late and good early Magic growth~
Greg: 8/10 - See above, switch, comes with Sword Medium.
Carol: 7/10 - Comes with Luck medium.
Chuck: 1/10 - Comes with most useless medium and is last to join. Not 0 because of the duel, thus you have to use him at some point.
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Re: Rate Characters based on in game use: The Continuation!
« Reply #19 on: February 15, 2008, 01:48:25 AM »
BFG9000: 10/10. EDIT: Evidently you can get a lot more Cell ammo then I remembered. Right. Anyways, is the Big Fricken' Gun, etc.
Chain Gun: 6/10. Cacodemon/Pain Elemental/mass Zombie slayer. Also basically has a monopoly on bullet ammo.
Chainsaw: 3/10. Demons, ammo conservation against zombies/imps, and that's about it.
Fists: 1/10. And that entire point is for Berserk.
Pistol: 2/10.  Uh...  You have to use it at the start!?
Plasma Gun: 9/10. Chaingun+++
Rocket Launcher: 7/10. Good for the requisite boom-boom weapons as long as you aren't a moron.
Shotgun: 7/10. Good stuff.
Super Shotgun: 9/10. Awesome stuff. See Trips, basically.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2008, 01:54:52 AM by Smashy »


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Re: Rate Characters based on in game use: The Continuation!
« Reply #20 on: February 15, 2008, 03:42:15 AM »
Dean: 9/10  - My big firepower against bosses, randoms, and basically everything that needed to be dead once I got the right gear for him.
Rebecca: 6/10 - Nothing essential, good choice for your Luck Medium thievery, which gets you some nice items.
Avril: 7/10 - Early game magic damage, later on goes physical and racks up the Double DPs with the Violator.
Greg: 7/10 - Big damage early on, provides your magic damage later.
Carol: 8/10 - Best Sea Medium user, which is good when you rely on perpetual MP healer for your survival over berries.
Chuck: 3/10 - Faster, less powerful Dean, or slightly slower, much less accurate Rebecca. Neither of which are needed, especially by the time you get him, and his medium isn't useful either.
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Re: Rate Characters based on in game use: The Continuation!
« Reply #21 on: February 15, 2008, 10:08:38 PM »
Dean: 4/10. Double Critical! Still isn't very good, and he has nothing else.
Rebecca: 6/10. Speed and hit and a good base physical.
Avril: 7.5/10. No really high scores for this game, but Avril is really good. Thief/Wizard Badge early, First Strike/best attack late.
Greg:  7/10. See above, reverse his talents, loses a point for getting worse timing on when his talents are good but gains half a point for a good base physical.
Carol: 5/10. Filler, has a good Magic/Speed mix midgame at least.
Chuck: 3/10. Like Dean but his "hey my skill is cool!" is even less cool in practice. If only he had Hit.

Bleh, whatever. Not too much to see here.

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Re: Rate Characters based on in game use: The Continuation!
« Reply #22 on: February 15, 2008, 10:19:29 PM »
should have done MM/10
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Re: Rate Characters based on in game use: The Continuation!
« Reply #23 on: February 16, 2008, 05:53:15 AM »
Wild ARMs 5:
Dean: 9/10. Double critical was pure money once you got a setup going. While he underwhelmed at points until then, he dominated until the post game that way.
Rebecca: 7/10. Speedy and shot stuff. Her bonus damage on fliers was a boon.
Avril: 8/10. Makes stuff go boom with magic.
Greg: 6/10. Solid but he never made the first team cut.
Carol: 4/10. Meh.
Chuck: 2/10. It's Chuck.


Rate that weapon!

Doom (2):

BFG9000: 9.75/10. The BFG9000 is a funny weapon. It looks simple on first glance, but it's the hardest weapon in the game to use effectively. It takes knowing how the BFG doles out damage and enough skill to get in demon's faces to take advantage of this. In the right hands it's the best weapon hand down, but ammo concerns and the skill requirements take it down a quarter of a point.
Chain Gun: 4/10. The chain gun serves only three purposes: A small arms weapon to deal with zombies, imps or enemies you need to keep hitstunned or as a burst fire sniper rifle. All of these are done better by other weapons except in small ammo maps.
Chainsaw: 5/10. It's okay if you know how to use it. The Berserk Fist is a lot better, as you can hit and run effectively.
Fists: 0/10 without berserk, 6/10 with it. It's all about the damage scale.
Pistol: 1/10. Inaccurate, low damage and not worth the metal it's made out of. It's also your default weapon, so get used to it or to using your fists.
Plasma Gun: 8/10. It's a fucking plasma rifle. It does okay damage per hit and can let loose a blue torrent of hell. It's like the chaingun but it doesn't suck! Ammo concerns and the BFG9000 hold it back, though.
Rocket Launcher: 7/10. The rocket launcher is, amusingly, either your heavy weapon or your sniper rifle. Either way it does good damage with a large splash range. This is great for wearing out packs of demons or to send zombie gibs flying. It's held back by being lethal if you misfire. Considering how Doom can do hit detection at times, this is a serious flaw.
Shotgun: 6/10. Your first workhorse weapon. It packs a decent punch and has a good rate of fire, so you'll use this quite a bit. It's overshadowed by it's bigger brother, but even with it the shotgun has some utility uses.
Super Shotgun: 9/10. It's your workhorse weapon. It does enough damage with a common type of ammo to take down most mid sized demons in two to three blasts. It can decimate packs of zombies or a few imps in one go, and it's ammo is very common. You do need to learn when to switch to a faster weapon or you'll end up a bloody smear on the wall, though.
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Re: Rate Characters based on in game use: The Continuation!
« Reply #24 on: February 16, 2008, 10:28:00 PM »
Doom (2):
BFG9000: 10/10 - The big gun.
Chain Gun: 7/10 - A bit biased towards it.
Chainsaw: 3/10 - Amusing but pointless for 90% of enemies
Fists: 1/10 - Rip and Tear!
Pistol: 1/10 - Useful for all of starting monster wars.  Then worthless because I remember getting a shotgun on the first level.
Plasma Gun: 4/10 - Bleh, waste of BFG Cells.
Rocket Launcher: 5/10 - Useful for groups in big areas. 
Shotgun: 8/10 - The workhouse weapon until you get the Super.
Super Shotgun: 10/10 - Makes things fall down painfully.