
Author Topic: Rate Characters based on in game use: The Continuation!  (Read 18646 times)


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Re: Rate Characters based on in game use: The Continuation!
« Reply #25 on: February 17, 2008, 12:01:07 PM »
BFG9000: 10/10 - Even when you don't know how to properly use it, as I didn't when I first played doom all those years ago, still the best weapon for taking down the big guys.
Chain Gun: 5/10 - Stunlocking is fine, but I never got too much use out of it.
Chainsaw: 2/10 - Melee in an FPS not related to the Half Life Series?  Hah.
Fists: 1/10 - See above, but slightly more useless.
Pistol: 1/10 - Shotgun ist betar
Plasma Gun: 5/10 - Would be better than Chaingun if it didn't use up BFG ammo.
Rocket Launcher: 5/10 - You know you're playing a man's game when the best sniping weapon is a rocket.
Shotgun: 8/10 - Main weapon until...
Super Shotgun: 10/10 - This guy.


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Re: Rate Characters based on in game use: The Continuation!
« Reply #26 on: February 17, 2008, 11:35:44 PM »
BFG9000: 10/10-  Yeah splatters all but 2 guys in one shot, availability/ammo costs not much of an issue either.
Chain Gun: 7/10- Pretty solid, but weaker later on
Chainsaw: 4/10- Saves some ammo, umm yeah
Fists: 1/10- No
Pistol: 2/10- Keeps first level from being super hard!
Plasma Gun: 4/10- Should be good, but ammo better saved for BFG
Rocket Launcher: 4/10- Powerful, but annoying
Shotgun: 3/10- Faster than SS, that is it
Super Shotgun: 8/10- Most used gun by me at least, anything it can't clear out can be BFGed.


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Re: Rate Characters based on in game use: The Continuation!
« Reply #27 on: February 21, 2008, 10:28:43 PM »
Wild ARMs 5:
Dean: 3/10.  Best character in the game once you beat Ragu and get his auto-critical badge with Violators and all that stuff to make use of Dean's Double Critical Skill!!!!!  Yeah, no.  The best skill to use with it is not worth it (Sonic Vision needed to be 25 FP), and he has nothing else.  You can get better damage through normal abilities if you know what you're doing.  Nothing special on stats, and really doesn't strike me as having much of a use overall.
Rebecca: 8/10.  Ok, has speed.  THIS IS INFINITELY BETTER THAN DOUBLE CRITICAL.  And the Continuous Shot has uses.  She makes a good mage or a good fighter, and she does wonders at stealing. 
Avril: 8/10.  Eh, I didn't use her much.  However, she makes the best mage and the best fighter, which is...weird.  Her special sucked, but...hey, the offensive stats were sexy.
Greg: 8/10.  Not as sexy as Chuck, but he's basically Avril with a twist.  Having high stats in an offensive category (ATK, MAG, SPD) in this game makes you better than the rest. 
Carol: 5/10.  See above about the stat thing.  Doesn't stand out in an important stat, but at least has a better skill than Dean...uh...well, no.  But she's better off in several other stats, and attacking from anywhere on the field...could be worse.  Eh...she can do magic and has ok speed. 
Chuck: 5/10.  I preferred him in-game to most everyone, but I suppose he's generally not that great.  Granted, has probably special skill, and he can get good use out of it.  I used him as a physical fighter, and he did ok.  Granted, accuracy ain't great, but he's otherwise not bad anywhere.  Still owns Dean.


Rate that weapon!

Doom (2):
BFG9000: 10/10.  Ammo does not matter as much as people think it does - you don't use this on imps.  You use it for the big guys, and it downs them well.  Late, yeah, but perfectly good.
Chain Gun: 6/10.  This is good for suppressing fire, and to conserve ammo of other stuff.  Large clips, decent damage, excellent rate of fire.  Granted, weak later, but still fine.
Chainsaw: 4/10.  Conserves ammo?
Fists: 1/10.  KILLS IMPS!
Pistol: 2/10.  Better than the fists.
Plasma Gun: 5/10.  Uses BFG ammo, but is otherwise good.
Rocket Launcher: 7/10.  Explosives are awesome.
Shotgun: 6/10.  More stopping power than the chaingun on a single enemy, though doesn't handle strafing well. 
Super Shotgun: 9/10.  Hey, I think I agree with almost everyone on these weapons!  Super Shotgun is great overall.
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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Re: Rate Characters based on in game use: The Continuation!
« Reply #28 on: February 22, 2008, 01:37:48 PM »
Doom (2):
BFG9000: 10/10.  Ammo is not a concern as people say.
Chain Gun: 5/10.  Good for what it is, long range sniper/stunlocker.  It is super accurate.
Chainsaw: 2/10.  Kills Pain Demons I guess.
Fists: 1/10.  Berserk is silly fun. 
Pistol: 1/10.  Fist with range and no berserk.
Plasma Gun: 8/10.  You people are weird.  There is even still no ammo worries with this thing.  It loses points for ironically being bad with strafing in my experience which is what OK places on the Shotgun which I totally disagree with.
Rocket Launcher: 5/10.  To much of Doom is in enclosed spaces for this to really shine.  Does way to much damage to rocket jump very well.
Shotgun: 10/10.  Doom 1 doesn't have Super Shotgun, this rules that game because of it.  Also you should still use Shotgun in Doom 2 anyway for specific tasks.  It really is a war machine.  Shotguns are the reason you play Doom.
Super Shotgun: 10/10.  As abouve but Shotgun +ish   Has some high points, has some lower points.  They are hands down the most used bread and butter weapons of Doom though.  I am talking like more iconic for main play than the Spinfusor in Tribes.
NO MORE POKEMON - Meeplelard.
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Re: Rate Characters based on in game use: The Continuation!
« Reply #29 on: February 22, 2008, 11:13:24 PM »
Doom 2: (the new enemies affect weapon ratings just as much as the new gun)
BFG9000: 9/10.   This is the gun, all right, and ammo's not a problem.  The firing delay is, though, and the ammo is hefty enough so that you can't use this in *all* situations.  Just 90% of them.

Chain Gun: 7/10.  This is a surprisingly good weapon for keeping things off balance, mowing hordes of zombies,  and sniping if you know the trick (tap the button, the first two shots always have perfect accuracy).  Power's a little lacking and it eats ammo like mad, but the ammo is common and it is useful in various situations. 

Chainsaw: 4/10.  Chaingun but close range only.  I tend to use this only when ammo conservation is a known problem on the map. 

Fists: 0/10

Berserk Fists: 7/10.  Far better than the chainsaw.  Requires some skill, but can take down anything but Cyber/Spider/Archie/Arach/Mancu once you know how.  Better damage/time output than the SSG.   

Pistol: 1/10.

Plasma Gun: 8/10.  A better chaingun, with the same strengths and weaknesses but more power.  Sharing ammo with the BFG obsoletes it in any situation where you have both, though.

Rocket Launcher: 8/10.  What a rocket launcher should be.  Good accuracy, damage, blast.  Obviously not something you want to always use, and Doom's clipping/autoaim can kill you occasionally.

Shotgun: 5/10.  Okay for small fry, but you really should use something else.  The sniping function is a plus but is also more or less obsoleted by the chaingun tap.

Super Shotgun: 9/10.  Re-freaking-diculous as a standard gun.  Only thing keeping it from 10 is the long reload, which can screw you in some situations and make a rapid fire weapon better. 

Doom 2 has great weapon balance. 


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Re: Rate Characters based on in game use: The Continuation!
« Reply #30 on: February 22, 2008, 11:17:23 PM »
Oh yeah guess I should note my ratings are based with ZDoom (if the rocket jump statement wasn't obvious), so the guns flow slightly different I find.  No auto aim, better for leading shots and whatnot.
NO MORE POKEMON - Meeplelard.
The king perfect of the DL is and always will be Excal. - Superaielman
Don't worry, just jam it in anyway. - SirAlex
Gravellers are like, G-Unit - Trancey.


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Re: Rate Characters based on in game use: The Continuation!
« Reply #31 on: March 04, 2008, 04:18:14 AM »
Wild ARMs 5:
Dean: 5/10. Crit twinking, and he served little else for purposes.  Hit was a bit too low, and attack without Sword Rune (combined with it not being ranged ala Greg/Rebecca) left me underwhelmed.
Rebecca: 7/10. Ranged attack has multiple uses and game best speed, and double attack can be a nice niche.
Avril: 7/10. Good Mage at first, good fighter later.
Greg: 7/10. Avril reversed.
Carol: 4/10. Shoot Anywhere is kind of neat, but she horribly wastes it with
Chuck: 3/10. Dean with Crit Twinking; completely wastes his neat special with low accuracy.

the way WA5 is set up, I can't realistically give below a 3/10 and above a 7/10.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

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Re: Rate Characters based on in game use: The Continuation!
« Reply #32 on: March 04, 2008, 06:59:34 PM »
Wild ARMs 5:
Dean: 6/10 - Double crit.  Only twinkable skill in the game, what with King's Crown, Gunstar Signs, and Punching Bag floating around.
Rebecca: 6/10 - Speed.  Range is good, but I didn't get a lot of milage out of Continuous Shot.
Avril: 8/10 - Stats.  Double DP is nice, but hard to do much with until towards the end.
Greg: 5/10 - Didn't get much use out of him, though he does make a decent mage.  Also, AUTO GUARD HYPE.
Carol: 6/10 - Good healer, I found.  Shoot Anywhere lets her stay behind everyone else on a leypoint at all times.  Too bad about that damage though.
Chuck: 3/10 - Fails.


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Re: Rate Characters based on in game use: The Continuation!
« Reply #33 on: March 09, 2008, 12:07:06 AM »
Wild ARMs 5:
Dean: 6.25
Rebecca: 6.63
Avril: 7.50
Greg: 6.88
Carol: 5.50
Chuck: 2.88

Highest Rating of this session: Avril w/ 7.50
Lowest rating of this session: Chuck w/ 2.88


Doom (2):
BFG9000: 9.78
Chain Gun: 6.30
Chainsaw: 3.67
Fists: 0.90
Pistol: 1.70
Plasma Gun: 6.56
Rocket Launcher: 6.22
Shotgun: 6.60
Super Shotgun: 9.22

Best Rating of this session: BFG9000 w/ 9.78
Worst Rating of this session: Fists with 0.90

Top 25 Ratings:
1. Ryu (BoF3) 9.92
2. Sage (FF3j) 9.75
3. Yuri Hyuga (SHC) 9.70
4. Yuri Hyuga (SH1) 9.69
5. Citan Uzuki 9.53
6. Zemeckis 9.50
7. Reid Herschel 9.44
8. Maya Amano 9.30
9. Cai 9.29
10. Yuna (FFX) 9.27
11. New Almekia's Salamander 9.10
12. Cress Albane 9.00
13t. Cecilia Lynn Adlehyde 8.97
13t. Cidolfas "TG Cid" Orlandu 8.97
15. Lenneth Valkyrie 8.94
16. Deis (BoF2) 8.93
17t. Rolf Landale 8.92
17t. Sora (KH1) 8.92
19. Knight (FF1) 8.89
20t. Rena Lanford 8.82
20t. Ryu (BoF1) 8.82
22. Sharon 8.81
24t. Rika 8.80
24t. Timelord 8.80
25. Serph 8.78

Bottom 25 Ratings:
1. Jogurt 0.00
2. Mime (FFT) 0.54
3. Adam 0.61
4. Langueborg 0.63
5. Onix 0.85
6. Red Turnip 0.88
7. Trees (FFT) 0.91
8. Sansuke 0.94
9t. Sergei 1.00
9t. Alsace 1.00
11t. Bilcock 1.00
12. Koroku 1.04
13. Goblins (FFT) 1.09
14. Mogu 1.12
15. Slime 1.13
17t. Tuta 1.17
17t. Bard (FF3j) 1.17
19t. Lickitung 1.20
19t. Brusom 1.20
20. Kenji 1.22
21. Skeletons (FFT) 1.23
22t. Karla 1.25
22t. Galonwand 1.25
24. Guido 1.29
25. Beserker (FF5) 1.30

Ok, so we're running out of games that can be legitly rated and I don't feel like splitting up Suikoden 5 quite yet, etc.  So instead, I decided to go for an entirely different approach on this next game!  Yes, I'm aware what this might do to me.

I Block:
J Block:
L Block:
S Block:
T Block:
Z Block:
Square Block:



Mega Man X:
Chameleon Sting:
Boomerang Cutter:
Electric Spark:
Fire Wave:
Homing Torpedo:
Rolling Shield:
Shotgun Ice:
Storm Tornado:
X Buster:

[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Rate Characters based on in game use: The Continuation!
« Reply #34 on: March 09, 2008, 12:14:53 AM »
J Block: 9/10. Mostly flat, easy to use.
L Block: 9.5/10. Mostly flat, easy to use. Gets 0.5 points for being awesome.
S Block: 3/10. One of the usual ARGH NO blocks.
T Block: 7/10. Mostly flat helps, can cover a hole.
Z Block: 3/10. See S block.
Square Block: 6/10. Flat without a niche to the side, tends to hurt more than it helps.

This is the best rating group ever.
<Ko-NitoriisSulpher> roll 1d100 to grade Nitori?
<Hatbot> ACTION --> "Ko-NitoriisSulpher rolls 1d100 to grade Nitori? and gets 100." [1d100=100]


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Re: Rate Characters based on in game use: The Continuation!
« Reply #35 on: March 09, 2008, 01:11:09 AM »
I Block: 10/10 The only block that always feels useful
J Block: 8/10 Not as useful as L.
L Block: 10/10 deserves that for beating Link
S Block: 1/10 Die in a fire for only working in spots were I/J/L.Square would work better!
T Block: 9/10 kickass
Z Block: 0/10 suffer worse then the S block
Square Block: 7/10 solid

Mega Man X:
Chameleon Sting: 8/10 Makes Storm Eagle easier and he was always the hardest for me so it gets points.
Boomerang Cutter: 1/10 Hahahaha no!
Electric Spark: 1/10 worthless.
Fire Wave: 2/10 Amusing but little use.
Homing Torpedo: 7/10 Homes in!
Rolling Shield: 6/10 I like this more then I should.
Shotgun Ice: 7/10 Same as Rolling shield but more useful.
Storm Tornado: 10/10 Kills every non-boss in one hit.
X Buster: 7/10 Gets 2 points above average due to Sigma crap.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2008, 08:37:15 AM by Fudozukushi »


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Re: Rate Characters based on in game use: The Continuation!
« Reply #36 on: March 09, 2008, 01:22:54 AM »
I Block: 10/10
J Block: 8/10
L Block: 8/10
S Block: 2/10
T Block: 7/10
Z Block: 3/10
Square Block: 4/10
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Re: Rate Characters based on in game use: The Continuation!
« Reply #37 on: March 09, 2008, 06:15:57 AM »
Meep wins at life.

I Block: 10/10- Yeah, gets you the high score with 4 baggers
J Block: 8/10- 3 baggers and you can usually find a place for it
L Block: 8/10- Same
S Block: 1/10- Never completely awesome, always overshadowed by T block, gets 1 point for not always killing you
T Block: 9/10- Fillers in anything, can almost never be bad barring a compeltely stupid setup.  Loses point for lack of big clears
Z Block: 1/10- See S
Square Block: 3/10- Yeah... sucks on a jagged board and oftentimes just builds an area too high.  Give me back to back Is overs squares any day!  (Not as fail as S/Z though.)

Dark Holy Elf

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Re: Rate Characters based on in game use: The Continuation!
« Reply #38 on: March 09, 2008, 06:48:31 AM »

I Block: 9/10. Meh, not seeing 10 hype. The other pieces have uses too. Also not really seeing 4-line hype, the best way to play Tetris is to keep things from building up at all, not create a 9x4 block just hoping for one of these guys. That said, it's still the best piece by a ways.
J Block: 6/10. Above average.
L Block: 6/10.
S Block: 0/10. If it weren't for this and Z, you would never be able to lose at Tetris ever.
T Block: 7/10. Feels versatile.
Z Block: 0/10
Square Block: 5/10. Whatever.

MMX soon, I hope!

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Re: Rate Characters based on in game use: The Continuation!
« Reply #39 on: March 09, 2008, 07:23:06 AM »
I Block: 9/10
J Block: 6.5/10
L Block: 6.5/10
S Block: 0/10
T Block: 8/10. My friend.
Z Block: 0/10
Square Block: 3.5/10


Mega Man X:
Chameleon Sting: 9/10. Without charging, it's a decent if slow shot. With charging, invurnerability. Yeeeaaaaaah.
Boomerang Cutter: 2/10. Uh. Grab items with it. Move on. Decent for rapid shots but loses ammo too quickly.
Electric Spark: 1/10. Blah.
Fire Wave: 1.5/10. A bit better for my playstyle than Electric Spark.
Homing Torpedo: 6/10. Useful against fliers.
Rolling Shield: 1/10. See Electric Spark.
Shotgun Ice: 4/10. Decent for hitting from behind.
Storm Tornado: 9/10. THE PINNACLE OF WEAP... no, that's MM1. Regardless, this weapon's effectively death for most everything, hits multiple times, is very damaging... yeaaaah. The weapon you break most of the game with. Chameleon Sting and Homing Torpedo cover the remaining bases.
X Buster: 6/10. Above average; infinite ammo + the various charge shot widths can prove handy.


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Re: Rate Characters based on in game use: The Continuation!
« Reply #40 on: March 09, 2008, 09:37:06 AM »

I Block: 9/10. Meh, not seeing 10 hype. The other pieces have uses too. Also not really seeing 4-line hype, the best way to play Tetris is to keep things from building up at all, not create a 9x4 block just hoping for one of these guys. That said, it's still the best piece by a ways.
J Block: 6/10. Above average.
L Block: 6/10.
S Block: 0/10. If it weren't for this and Z, you would never be able to lose at Tetris ever.
T Block: 7/10. Feels versatile.
Z Block: 0/10
Square Block: 5/10. Whatever.

NEB is right on all counts.  Tetris without S or Z would be stupid easy, but that could be a kind of calming effect as well.
NO MORE POKEMON - Meeplelard.
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Re: Rate Characters based on in game use: The Continuation!
« Reply #41 on: March 09, 2008, 07:43:32 PM »

I Block: 9/10

Useful at nearly all times.

J Block: 7/10
L Block: 7/10

Not many situations where there guys aren't hand. Very useful if two of the same come together, thus forming a nice rectangle.

S Block: 2/10
Z Block: 2/10

The bane of most Tetris players. They tend to annoy, that's for sure.

T Block: 8.5/10

Extremely handy to mend the damages caused by S/Z Blocks.

Square Block: 6.5/10

Not super useful, but they can be handy at times.
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Re: Rate Characters based on in game use: The Continuation!
« Reply #42 on: March 09, 2008, 10:55:47 PM »
I Block: 8/10.  Can be sometimes inconvenient, but other times useful
J Block: 7/10. Decent
L Block: 7.5/10. Better than J block because it's the L block, and thus more awesome.
S Block: 0/10.  Makes the game harder.
T Block: 9/10.  Most versatile block in the game once things start getting going.
Z Block: 0/10.  See S Block.
Square Block: 6/10.  Meh.



Mega Man X:
Chameleon Sting: 8/10.  Holy hell.  Spreadfire is one thing.  Add chargeup invincibility...
Boomerang Cutter: 4/10.  Best use I had for it was farming health items on the last fortress stage.  Which is is AMAZINGLY good at doing, mind.
Electric Spark: 3/10.  Can be useful for Sigma-1, and taking away Armored Armadillo's invincibility is nice.  Has nothing else going for it, though.
Fire Wave: 5/10.  Niche weapon, but it's got everything else beat for damage output against normals, I believe.
Homing Torpedo: 5/10.  Good for what it is, but do you REALLY need it with the other things?  Oh well.  Kills the annoying Kuwanger well enough.
Rolling Shield: 1/10.  Sucks.
Shotgun Ice: 3/10.  Has nothing really going for it.  X-Buster with a poor charge and lower fire rate.  Access to a Heart Tank for acquiring it is better than the actual weapon.  At least it kills that damn spider.
Storm Tornado: 9/10.  A few things won't die to it, or can't be reached by it, but everything else explodes.  And to make matters worse, it has WAY too much ammo.
X Buster: 7/10.  Infinite ammo can be worth a lot on a decent weapon.  This is okay, and the L4 charge is actually quite nice, what with the shield effect.
<+Nama-EmblemOfFire> ...Have the GhebFE guy and the ostian princess guy collaborate.
 <@Elecman> Seems reasonable.


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Re: Rate Characters based on in game use: The Continuation!
« Reply #43 on: March 11, 2008, 03:00:19 PM »
I Block: 8/10 - Sure, it's the only method of Tetris spammage and back-to-back tetrises but sometimes fumbling it up or using it for chaining can be rather inconvenient and unwieldy given the size of the Tetris playfield >_>. I honestly don't see "roffles 10!" hype for this precisely because of its size that makes it so useful, it is pretty much a double-edged sword. There aren't many strategic multiplayer uses for this block either unless you are running for New Block clearing
J Block: 6/10 - I find it more common than L Block, its counterpart, but there are far more situations that require the use of the L Block in nearly all of my playthroughs (and that's a lot. I'm sure some of you can attest). Still, it's fairly useful for building a foundation for lines.
L Block: 7/10 - Just a little less common than the J Block, but it's needed far more.
S Block: 1.5/10 - I see very little use for these blocks aside from pissing you off and giving you a much needed challenge. They serve minimal purpose unless your NEXT is a T, J or L Block, and you are lining them up against things like L and J Blocks themselves.
Z Block: 1.5/10 - Same as S block pretty much.
T Block: 9.5/10 - Insanely useful and crazy versatile. Expect to be hoping for these a LOT in chaining, line clearing and actually synergizing with the dreaded S and Z blocks. They can also fit in edge niches and fit inbetween certain blocks too!
Square Block: 6.5/10 - What. It's more of a boon than it is useful as there aren't that many situations that call for it, either, from my experience. It's probably more unwieldy than the I block, and that's a bad thing.
19:35:58 (trancehime) there's a specific spot in the game that's for item duping
19:36:14 (Sanae) o.o
19:39:11 (Sanae) I'd love to dupe a second trancehime.


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Re: Rate Characters based on in game use: The Continuation!
« Reply #44 on: March 13, 2008, 01:29:00 AM »
Tetris (Tetris DS):
I Block: 9/10 (10/10)
J Block: 6/10
L Block: 6/10
S Block: 1/10 (2/10)
T Block: 8/10.
Z Block: 1/10 (2/10)
Square Block: 3/10

Regular Tetris S/Z get one point for making the game as interesting as it is.  In Tetris DS, they have a use in that you can swap them out and save them for when you don't want to use up a T block.

Tetris DS also gives I block another point simply because you need it in order to get anywhere against an opponent in any of the multiplayer modes.  Non-Tetris lines just don't move them enough in Push mode, and don't add enough obstacles in regular multiplayer.


Mega Man X:
Chameleon Sting: 9/10. Invincibility.  Regular weapon sucks though.
Boomerang Cutter: 2/10.  Items.
Electric Spark: 1/10. Lol MMX weapon
Fire Wave: 2/10. Items.
Homing Torpedo: 1/10. Lol MMX Weapon
Rolling Shield: 3/10. Charge up is watered down Chameleon Sting.  Regular weapon is as terrible as just about everything else.
Shotgun Ice: 1/10. lol MMX weapon
Storm Tornado: 2/10. Lol, MMX weapon that isn't intrinsically terrible.
X Buster: 10/10.  All you ever need.

Meeple forgot:
Hadoken:  7/10.  Silly weapon, still more useful than any other weapon he gets barring invincibility.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2008, 01:35:55 AM by Zenthor »

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Re: Rate Characters based on in game use: The Continuation!
« Reply #45 on: March 25, 2008, 10:40:04 PM »
I Block: 9/10.
J Block: 7/10
L Block: 7/10
S Block: 1/10
T Block: 7/10
Z Block: 1/10
Square Block: 3/10

Mega Man X:
Chameleon Sting: 8/10
Boomerang Cutter: 3/10
Electric Spark: 0.5/10
Fire Wave: 7/10
Homing Torpedo: 8/10
Rolling Shield: 1/10
Shotgun Ice: 2/10
Storm Tornado: 9.5/10
X Buster: 5/10
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Dark Holy Elf

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Re: Rate Characters based on in game use: The Continuation!
« Reply #46 on: March 26, 2008, 04:12:05 AM »
Storm Tornado: 2/10. Lol, MMX weapon that isn't intrinsically terrible.
X Buster: 10/10.  All you ever need.

What the hell does the X Buster do better than Storm Tornado? It's less damaging charged than Storm is uncharged, for crying out loud, and I can't see its superior fire rate (of its uncharged version, which is pretty much lol for damage) making up for Storm Tornado's huge size.

Mega Man X:
Chameleon Sting: 6/10? I dunno. Its uncharged version is serviceable, but only that. Invincibility... really feels overrated for me, there aren't many places I find myself using it, partially due to L4 charge times in MMX being moronic. And you only have charged weapons for 2.5 levels anyway. That said, it is really handy once or twice.
Boomerang Cutter: 2/10. It gets items, and is otherwise terrible. Slow and undamaging, which an annoying range.
Electric Spark: 1.5/10. The splitting it does makes it feel too good for a 1.
Fire Wave: 7/10. Awesome at quick kills.
Homing Torpedo: 8.5/10. Crazy. Learn how many kills each enemy, fire them off as soon as you see something annoying, watch it die. Takes care of everything not horizontal with you.
Rolling Shield: 1/10. Bubble Lead minus. That ain't good. Not giving it points for the Velguarder Sigma because they were obviously just choosing the worst weapon possible for it.
Shotgun Ice: 4/10. Saved from the garbage pile by nailing weakness against probably the game's two hardest Sigma bosses, as well as its hardest maverick. It's not toooo bad otherwise, but would definitely be 2.5-3 area.
Storm Tornado: 9.5/10. Holy crap. Insane power and sticks around a while so you can pull tricks like killing the ball-and-chain guys with it while dodging them effortlessly. Homing Torpedo kills everything not horizontal with you? This handles everything horizontal.
X Buster: 5/10.

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Re: Rate Characters based on in game use: The Continuation!
« Reply #47 on: March 26, 2008, 06:54:48 AM »
Mmm. I dunno, Homing Torpedo seemed to run out really fast for me. Also really don't get the Fire hype, but I spammed Tornado instead so.

Dark Holy Elf

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Re: Rate Characters based on in game use: The Continuation!
« Reply #48 on: March 26, 2008, 07:31:16 AM »
Fire's a bit faster. I... mm. I dunno. It's definitely the weapon I found myself using third most, and while Storm Tornado is clearly better than it, it's clearly better than everything worse than it, for the most part, too. <_<

Homing Torpedo gets 56 shots before running out for some insane reason, so I don't really see that complaint, personally. Maybe if this were classic MM, but in MMX, you get your weapons back between Sigma stages. 56 shots (which more realistically is going to be at least 70 because of recharge items) is more than enough for every level, seeing as Homing Torpedo isn't working in a vacuum.

In my last replay of the game I pretty much alternated between Storm and Homing and devastated everything without ever running out of ammo for either. I used some other weapons a bit (mostly fire) but not too much.

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Re: Rate Characters based on in game use: The Continuation!
« Reply #49 on: March 26, 2008, 07:42:21 AM »
Huh. Maybe I just suck with it then; honestly that's probably the problem. Still like it, tho. <_<