Author Topic: Rate Characters based on in game use: The Continuation!  (Read 18634 times)


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Re: Rate Characters based on in game use: The Continuation!
« Reply #50 on: March 26, 2008, 10:05:00 AM »
Mega Man X:

Chameleon Sting: 5/10. The weapon itself is mehish. I like invincibility in the climbing part before Vile in Sigma 1 from memory. But it's pretty much irrelevant everywhere else.
Boomerang Cutter: 4/10. Boring and not especially worthwhile. Servicable, but you should never run out of better things. Especially since the buster is one of them >_> Charged version is pointless.
Electric Spark: 5/10. Normal attack is generic. Charged attack would be decent at crowds if you had time to charge it up and you didn't already have a much better weapon at doing that.
Fire Wave: 6/10. Main weapon is alright, although the range is a bit low for my liking. Charged version is worse than pointless because it stops you shooting the normal version if you trigger it (although you probably shouldn't need to fire that long anyway).
Homing Torpedo: 5/10. Unless my memory is off, they're too slow for me to really care to use. Charged version is pointless.
Rolling Shield: 2/10. Lame. Charged version is also lame.
Shotgun Ice: 5/10. Main weapon is pretty generic BUT REBOUND SHOTS that are useful in one situation ever. Charged version is never worth using unless you weren't able to get that heart tank with Boomerang. Not sure on that.
Storm Tornado: 8.5/10. If it could fire in 8 directions it could well have surpassed Metal Blade. Best weapon in the game. Charged version is pointless but yeah.
X Buster: 6/10. It's there and has infinite uses. As per usual.


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Re: Rate Characters based on in game use: The Continuation!
« Reply #51 on: March 26, 2008, 09:24:44 PM »
Mega Man X:
Chameleon Sting: 5/10 The invincibility is nice, but the main weapon isn't very useful. The bosses who's weakness it hits are pushovers.
Boomerang Cutter: 4/10 Neither main weapon or the charge is particular useful. Good for fetching items though and the bosses who's weakness it hits are reasonable challenging.
Electric Spark: 1/10 Near useless and only hits the weakness of pushovers.
Fire Wave: 6/10 Good main weapon. It has short range, but does a lot of damage. Crap weakness hitting though.
Homing Torpedo: 3/10 I haven't found it useful outside of killing Boomerang Kuwanger. I remember it being to slow to hit the airborne enemies I really want to hit fast enough. I should probably test it more though.
Rolling Shield: 4/10 The charge up is nice for a few situation and it hits the final boss. Otherwise crap.
Shotgun Ice: 3/10 Good for getting a hearth tank without having to redo the stage. Also has very nice weakness hitting. Both main weapon and charged up weapon is crap otherwise though.
Storm Tornado: 9/10 It does way to much damage for it's ammo cost and covers quite a bit of area. Still no metal blades.
X Buster: 8/10 Infinite ammo allows one to keep using it's charged up versions and it can be spammed against hard to hit enemies with impunity. It's damage output is decent, but not spectacular.


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Re: Rate Characters based on in game use: The Continuation!
« Reply #52 on: March 27, 2008, 04:08:54 AM »
I Block: 8/10. Best in the game, yes.
J Block: 6/10. Versatile enough block and good for getting doubles.
L Block: 6/10. Its the J Block, but reversed! Same exact uses on the opposite side of the screen.
S Block: 1/10. The reason you lose the game, yes.
T Block: 5/10. Worked, but eh, often times I found it'd screw placement of others around.  However, it can fit into so many more areas than the two blocks its sandwiched between that its nowhere near as painful when you get it
Z Block: 1/10. See S Block.
Square Block: 3/10. Lacks versatility, and uses are very limited, but it can only really screw you over if you get too many in a row.



Mega Man X:
Chameleon Sting: 7/10. Stronger weapon than I had initially remembered, and its got a nice spread shot.  The Charged Version should you pick that up early is pretty awesome.
Boomerang Cutter: 5/10. Alternative to the buster, it can get items, kills a few things faster, and has piercing, once you get use to its arc.
Electric Spark: 1.5/10. Sucks.  Its weak, the niche it has ONLY kicks in against the wall, which is kind of worthless for the most part, and its charged shot is basically a Storm Tornado wannabe that goes on both sides and is more expensive.  Yeah, no.
Fire Wave: 6/10. Nice Power weapon.  Has some advantages over Storm Tornado (can change direction and altitude to adapt to enemies coming from multiple sides, and can be used while moving, mainly), but the situations are a bit too specific.  Still completely butchers mini bosses though.
Homing Torpedo: 8/10. Awesome. Yes, it starts off slow, but the weapon accelerates, and typically nails things well.  Its also reasonable on power too, and can be fired twice in a row.  Helps a lot for getting vertical enemies, and doesn't totally fail horizontally (though its admittedly underwhelming there.)
Rolling Shield: 2/10. Kind of like Electric Spark, except its niche is more useful (Bouncing off walls > vertical aspect on walls), and has a semi useful charged shot.
Shotgun Ice: 3.5/10. Needed to be a bit stronger to be actually worth something.  Granted, butchers the Spider, which earns it half a point.
Storm Tornado: 9.5/10.  Best weapon in the MMX series, probably.  Sickening power, pierces even when blocked (HI Sniper Joe-like guys!), what have you.  The Charged Shot actually DOES come in handy on some vertical climb areas like in Sigma 1, for all that those areas are probably easier handled with Homing Torpedo or Charged Chameleon Sting.
X Buster: 6/10. Its the Mega Buster except the level 2 shot is actually meaningful, and the level 4 shot (while takes a while), does have some defensive applications, and completely reams some more durable randoms due to how it hits about 10 times (Bosses have the whole flinching thing, thus block all but the first hit.)

Note: All are based off of MMX1, despite having played MHX; MHX actually did alter some of the weapons some *waves hi to IMPROVED Chameleon Sting*
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

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Re: Rate Characters based on in game use: The Continuation!
« Reply #53 on: March 27, 2008, 07:47:40 PM »

I-block: 9/10 - pretty much the cornerstone of most tetris strategies, though it can screw you over if you get it at the wrong time.
J-block: 7/10 - Not a bad piece, but not nearly as versatile as I
L-block: 7/10 - The same
S-block: 4/10 - Can screw you up, but overall, I found this to be a pretty neutral piece, able to fit reasonably into 1- or 2- spaced holes
Z-block: 4/10 - the same, but reversed
T-block: 8/10 - Awesome piece, fits into any of the niches that I've been setting up for the S/Z and J/L blocks with almost no penalties. Only hinders you if the only piece you need is an I-block, and really ALL of the pieces do that.
Square-block: 1/20 - THIS is the guy who I want to run up and kick in the balls. Doesn't fit anywhere and is always a hindrance. Doesn't do anything that the other blocks can't do. Fails at life.



Edit: I somehow forgot the T-block. Fixed.
« Last Edit: March 31, 2008, 01:54:15 AM by DjinnAndTonic »


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Re: Rate Characters based on in game use: The Continuation!
« Reply #54 on: March 28, 2008, 04:21:24 AM »
No opinion on the T-block?
Don't think of it as a novel. Think of it as a chance to retroactively win every argument you have ever walked away from.


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Re: Rate Characters based on in game use: The Continuation!
« Reply #55 on: April 20, 2008, 03:56:26 AM »
I Block: 9.07
J Block: 6.96
*L Block: 7.25
S Block: 1.25
T Block: 7.79
Z Block: 1.25
Square Block: 4.43

Highest Rating of this session: I Block w/ 9.07
Lowest Rating of this session: Tied for S Block and Z Block w/ 1.25 each.

*Some people gave L Block points for reasons not directly related to Tetris Gameplay.  As a result, this score is inflated.  Again, this is IN GAME WORTH, not Character Worth.  If this was Ciato/CK's character ranking topic, being awesome would be adequate reasons for bonus points, but simply "I like him a lot!" does not qualify for points in this, unless its "I like the way they play!" which was not the case here.
(note that those who gave L Block points for something like "Found it more useful" is fine, even if I find it personally find it odd; at least that's a gameplay reason!)


Mega Man X:

Chameleon Sting: 7.22
Boomerang Cutter: 3.00
Electric Spark: 1.72
Fire Wave: 4.72
Homing Torpedo: 5.72
Rolling Shield: 2.33
Shotgun Ice: 3.61
Storm Tornado: 8.44
X Buster: 6.67

Highest Rating: Storm Tornado w/ 8.44
Lowest Rating: Electric Spark w/ 1.72

Top 25 Ratings:
1. Ryu (BoF3) 9.92
2. Sage (FF3j) 9.75
3. Yuri Hyuga (SHC) 9.70
4. Yuri Hyuga (SH1) 9.69
5. Citan Uzuki 9.53
6. Zemeckis 9.50
7. Reid Herschel 9.44
8. Maya Amano 9.30
9. Cai 9.29
10. Yuna (FFX) 9.27
11. New Almekia's Salamander 9.10
12. Cress Albane 9.00
13t. Cecilia Lynn Adlehyde 8.97
13t. Cidolfas "TG Cid" Orlandu 8.97
15. Lenneth Valkyrie 8.94
16. Deis (BoF2) 8.93
17t. Rolf Landale 8.92
17t. Sora (KH1) 8.92
19. Knight (FF1) 8.89
20t. Rena Lanford 8.82
20t. Ryu (BoF1) 8.82
22. Sharon 8.81
24t. Rika 8.80
24t. Timelord 8.80
25. Serph 8.78

Bottom 25 Ratings:
1. Jogurt 0.00
2. Mime (FFT) 0.54
3. Adam 0.61
4. Langueborg 0.63
5. Onix 0.85
6. Red Turnip 0.88
7. Trees (FFT) 0.91
8. Sansuke 0.94
9t. Sergei 1.00
9t. Alsace 1.00
11t. Bilcock 1.00
12. Koroku 1.04
13. Goblins (FFT) 1.09
14. Mogu 1.12
15. Slime 1.13
17t. Tuta 1.17
17t. Bard (FF3j) 1.17
19t. Lickitung 1.20
19t. Brusom 1.20
20. Kenji 1.22
21. Skeletons (FFT) 1.23
22t. Karla 1.25
22t. Galonwand 1.25
24. Guido 1.29
25. Beserker (FF5) 1.30

No, I didn't forget Tetris ratings, just these are purely RPGs and very much not that.  That was purely for comedic relief in this topic and *is maimed, reemed, among other things*

ow ;_;

Anyway, moving back to RPGs, and ignoring Bonus Rounds for once...

Tales of Legendia:

Digital Devil Saga 2:
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Rate Characters based on in game use: The Continuation!
« Reply #56 on: April 20, 2008, 04:43:16 AM »
Senel: 7/10 Fast, damaging, can take hits, but his aerial abilities are ass.
Will: 5/10 ToL mage.
Chloe: 7/10 Senel - speed + durability and anti-air.
Normal: 8/10 Healer.
Moses: 6/10 Starts crappy, sure, but his later techs weren't really bad at all.
Jay: 7/10 retardedly powerful projectile spam is go
Grune: 6/10 ToL mage, sucks a little less than Will.
Shirley: 5/10 ToL mage.

Serph: 8/10 Controllable stats is ALWAYS a boon. Pity there's a period where he's not there.
Argilla: 7/10 High magic, gets a nice unique spell late.
Gale: 8/10 Is always available, sucks at nothing, gets an awesome spell late.
Cielo: 8.5/10 Is always available, has high evasion and magic.
Roland: 6/10 meeeeeh DDS physicals.
Sera: 8/10 is Serph basically.
Seraph: 9/10 late, but damn is it terrifying if prepared for. Packing a powerful almighty attack doesn't hurt.
Heat: 7/10 Only because you can slap the Hee Ho Ring on him.

<@SageAcrin> Where you realize that, when you think about everything that's said about this person...
<@SageAcrin> It adds up to one thing.
<+Ranmilia> MEGA MAN PLOT

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Re: Rate Characters based on in game use: The Continuation!
« Reply #57 on: April 20, 2008, 04:48:34 AM »
Digital Devil Saga 2:
Serph: 8/10. Same as in DDS1: Controllable stats are sexy.
Argilla: 6/10. Loses some for availability, buuut magic is still the god stat.
Gale: 5.5/10. Still a respectable filler third man.
Cielo: 4.5/10. Still vaguely underwhelming, although a huge improvement.
Roland: 3.5/10. I... ;_; He deserves better. Physicals were better in this game! Still not good enough to excuse the exit, though, and his stats weren't even worth it for physicals in the first half.
Sera: 7.5/10. Serph, minus just a little bit for not being quite so controllable on stats. As such she ends up halfway between Serph and DDS1 Argilla.
Seraph: 9/10. Yeah well you know. Serph + more evil + no weak.
Heat: Pass.

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Re: Rate Characters based on in game use: The Continuation!
« Reply #58 on: April 20, 2008, 05:17:23 AM »
Digital Devil Saga 2:
Serph: 8/10.  Awesome.
Argilla: 6/10.  Pretty good... but there's that huge stretch of the game she's unusuable.
Gale: 6/10.  Third guy.
Cielo: 4/10.  Works but felt inferior to other options.
Roland: 3/10.  Like Cielo, but gone forever and ever.
Sera: 7/10.  Serph-
Seraph: 9/10.  Is your God.  Note capitalization.  *cough*
Heat: N/A
CK: She is the female you
Snow: Speaking of Sluts!

<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.


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Re: Rate Characters based on in game use: The Continuation!
« Reply #59 on: April 20, 2008, 08:12:28 PM »
Tales of Legendia:
Senel: 9/10.  Really good Tales main.  Hits hard, has great durability and good equip options, and even techs and weapons tailored for specific bosses!  Wow! 
Will: 6/10.  He's...the second best mage?  It's either him or Shirley, though I think I lean towards Shirley personally?  Healing and defense boosting is nice, and his durability is good, but he gets hosed on the physical, and doesn't get real good are effect until the Blades,  Still good, and he's serviceable until the end, at worst.  Always found him to have the worst AI of the mages, for what it's worth.
Chloe: 7.5/10.  Senel with a bit more range on the physical, much less durability, and less elemental variety, and damage...but hey, she's really much better at keeping enemies tied up, with really high combo potential, so...that actually counts for a lot here.
Norma: 9/10.  The best mage in the game.  MT healing, revival, has all elements, good AoE effects, etc.  Worst durability, blah blah is made up for by having Taunt and Rally.  Also has one of the better physicals and good equip options.  2nd worst AI of the mages on average, but so much better than Will's it doesn't matter nearly as much.
Moses: 7/10. AA of the entire cast.  He's also a decent enough long-range nuker, and has the best AoE of any fighter (well, Jay might be comparable, but Moses can do his from long range, so...).  That said, it's harder to hit with his skills, but his durability is good, he's awesome AA as I said, and he's not bad overall.  Best long-range attacker until Jay joins.
Jay: 9/10.  Dagger.  It's his best skill, and it's his first.  Decent damage early, great damage later, and if you get Extreme...yeah.  4000 damage for a cheap as hell tech that flies the whole screen is...insane.  And outside of that, he's good at combos, has solid damage, elemental control (best of the fighters, with techs and weapons - barring Senel, who comes close on weapons), and is good enough on durability (though you never need it).   
Grune: 4.5/10.  Worst mage, and worst character.  Her magic is very, very limited (1 weak ice and weak fire spell, and then all sea and curse), and she has nothing but attack magic.  If her damage were supremely awesome here, then she'd be better, but it isn't.  She's got an awful physical too (gameworst), and, while better AI than Will and comparable (or better by a bit) than Norma's, the lack of other skills limits the usefulness of that a lot.  Has a good unique title, and decent enough armour, but...otherwise not that great.
Shirley: 6/10.  She might be better than Will, the more I think about it.  Late-join, but that doesn't matter - he starting spells are stronger than most of the higher-level ones.  Also has healing, offense and defense boosting to round her out.  4th best physical in the game too, and she gets all but Curse element.  Also has the best AI of the mages, which works well with her.

Digital Devil Saga 2: Eh, not a huge amount of comments for these.  Mostly similar to DDS1
Serph: 9.5/10.
Argilla: 7/10.
Gale: 7/10.
Cielo: 6.5/10.
Roland: 5/10.
Sera: 8/10.
Seraph: 10/10.
Heat: ...5/10.  Really depends heavily on how you build Roland.
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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Re: Rate Characters based on in game use: The Continuation!
« Reply #60 on: April 24, 2008, 11:49:43 PM »
Tales of Legendia:
Senel: 8/10
Will: 5/10
Chloe: 9/10 I found her easier to use then Senel, I usually control her in battle
Norma: 9/10 Healer
Moses: 6/10
Jay: 9/10
Grune: 4/10 No variety, so often she ends up lowering grade.
Shirley: 5/10

Finally something I can rate in this topic!


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Re: Rate Characters based on in game use: The Continuation!
« Reply #61 on: April 25, 2008, 04:46:25 AM »
Digital Devil Saga 2:
Serph: 8/10. Yeah.
Argilla: 4/10. Unlike DDS1, is gone for -way too long- to be practical.
Gale: 7.5/10. Is pretty much the best non-buildable PC statswise, is also there for pretty much the entire time.
Cielo: 6.5/10. Is there pretty much after the first two easy dungeons. Makes him worthwhile.
Roland: 3.0/10. Not there long enough. Also worse stats than Argilla. Too bad, too.
Sera: 6/10. Serph-, yes.
Seraph: 9/10. Loses one point for looking silly as hell.
Heat: 1.5/10. ...yeaaaaaaaaaaah, uh, congrats, you fail more than most. Hee Ho Ring gives him 1.5 twink points of use, but uh him being Roland except rarely used is just... psyduck infinite.


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Re: Rate Characters based on in game use: The Continuation!
« Reply #62 on: May 02, 2008, 03:10:39 AM »
Tales of Legendia:
Senel: 8/10. Tales Main spliced with Farah.  End result is a decent character overall, though balanced (compared to overpowered.)
Will: 5/10. Solid Mage with decent support skills, but clearly the worse of the two.
Chloe: 7/10. Tales Main through and through, though generally inferior to Senel, albeit not obsoleted.
Norma: 7/10. A noticeably better Will.
Moses: 6/10. Screwed up version of a Tales Archer...still decent despite this!
Jay: 7/10. Sheena, replace Summons by giving actual worth to her normal techs, and make them more varied.  As a result, Jay is good!
Grune: 3/10. Pure damage mage that isn't really better at it than Will or Norma.  Not useless, but felt pointless.
Shirley: Abstain; haven't done after game.

Digital Devil Saga 2:
Serph: 8.5/10. Tis Serph.  Docking him half a point for missing part of the mid game, so you can't completely control his stats the way you could in DDS1.
Argilla: 6/10. Pretty much the same as she was in DDS1!  Except she misses a good part of the game, so falls behind on skills in the final dungeon.
Gale: 7.5/10. Identical to his DDS1 form, pretty much.  If anything, better cause he joins earlier, though, believe in DDS1 he joined early enough with update to skills anyway, so yeah, not big difference either way.  Unique skill is pretty bitchin, though, for the final dungeon, and earns him half a point.
Cielo: 5/10. Improvement over his DDS1 form for a variety of reasons.  Main ones are actual presence in a game where it matters, and the fact that his weakness isn't exploited as much as it was in DDS1.  Still worse than Gale, Argillia and both Ice Aligned PCs!
Roland: 3/10. Heat with a different element, pretty much.
Sera: 8/10. Serph-, which is still better than all the other PCs!
Seraph: 9.5/10. At worst, s/he's equal to your Serph; at best, s/he's significantly better.  Reincarnate is ruthless, innate lacking of weakness in a game where it matters a lot is awesome...yeah.
Heat: 4/10. Roland, though at least his resistance is different than all other characters, so not quite as redundant.  Also, apparently you can give him an equip that overrides his weakness, thereby raising his use.  Yeah, this works.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Rate Characters based on in game use: The Continuation!
« Reply #63 on: May 15, 2008, 03:22:59 AM »
Bump.  plz update meeple, with games that arent boring

Tales of Legendia:
Senel: 6/10 - Eh, didn't seem all that great.
Will: 6/10 - Sure.
Chloe: 7/10 - Liked using her better than Senel.
Norma: 7/10 - Healer.
Moses: 5/10
Jay: 5/10
Grune: 5.5/10
Shirley: 5/10

Digital Devil Saga 2:
Serph: 9/10 - Is Serph.
Argilla: 8/10 - Knows where to put the stats.
Gale: 7/10 - Seemed pretty good to me.
Cielo: 6.5/10 - Usable.  Lightning is good.
Roland: 5/10 - Meh.
Sera: 7/10 - Solid but not special.
Seraph: 9.5/10 - Smash.
Heat: Abstain.


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Re: Rate Characters based on in game use: The Continuation!
« Reply #64 on: May 15, 2008, 03:30:55 AM »
Digital Devil Saga 2:
Serph: 9/10
Argilla: 6/10
Gale: 7.5/10
Cielo: 7.5/10
Roland: 4/10
Sera: 8/10
Seraph: 10/10
Heat: 4/10
<Ko-NitoriisSulpher> roll 1d100 to grade Nitori?
<Hatbot> ACTION --> "Ko-NitoriisSulpher rolls 1d100 to grade Nitori? and gets 100." [1d100=100]


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Re: Rate Characters based on in game use: The Continuation!
« Reply #65 on: May 15, 2008, 09:53:39 AM »
Tales of Legendia: No one really amazing or horrible here...
Senel: 8.5 - can't fight without your distraction characters.
Will: 4 - Not very good for a mage, wishes he dealt better damage. Serviceable, but almost gameworst.
Chloe: 8.5 - can't fight without your distractions...
Norma: 6 - Good for a mage, but still a Tales mage, so felt very support-ish.
Moses: 6.5 - Decent ranged fighter, needs to do more damage. Fun to play, though, even if the AI is more effective than a human will ever be.
Jay: 8.5 - can't fight without your distractions... best ranged fighter!
Grune: 3.5 - crappy for a mage, pass.
Shirley: 5 - exactly what you'd expect for a mage, would be nicer if she wasn't aftergame only. Would also be nicer if I didn't hate everything about her.



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Re: Rate Characters based on in game use: The Continuation!
« Reply #66 on: May 23, 2008, 03:09:00 AM »
Tales of Legendia:
Senel: 7.75
Will: 5.17
Chloe: 7.67
Norma: 7.67
Moses: 6.08
Jay: 7.58
Grune: 4.42
Shirley: 5.20

Digital Devil Saga 2:
Serph: 8.50
Argilla: 6.25
Gale: 7.00
Cielo: 6.13
Roland: 4.06
Sera: 7.44
Seraph: 9.38
Heat: 4.30

Best Rating of this session: Seraph w/ 9.38
Worst rating of this session: Roland w/ 4.06

Top 25 Ratings:
1. Ryu (BoF3) 9.92
2. Sage (FF3j) 9.75
3. Yuri Hyuga (SHC) 9.70
4. Yuri Hyuga (SH1) 9.69
5. Citan Uzuki 9.53
6. Zemeckis 9.50
7. Reid Herschel 9.44
8. Seraph 9.38
9. Maya Amano 9.30
10. Cai 9.29
11. Yuna (FFX) 9.27
12. New Almekia's Salamander 9.10
13. Cress Albane 9.00
14t. Cecilia Lynn Adlehyde 8.97
14t. Cidolfas "TG Cid" Orlandu 8.97
16. Lenneth Valkyrie 8.94
17. Deis (BoF2) 8.93
18t. Rolf Landale 8.92
18t. Sora (KH1) 8.92
20. Knight (FF1) 8.89
22t. Rena Lanford 8.82
22t. Ryu (BoF1) 8.82
24. Sharon 8.81
25t. Rika 8.80
25t. Timelord 8.80

Bottom 25 Ratings:
1. Jogurt 0.00
2. Mime (FFT) 0.54
3. Adam 0.61
4. Langueborg 0.63
5. Onix 0.85
6. Red Turnip 0.88
7. Trees (FFT) 0.91
8. Sansuke 0.94
9t. Sergei 1.00
9t. Alsace 1.00
9t. Bilcock 1.00
12. Koroku 1.04
13. Goblins (FFT) 1.09
14. Mogu 1.12
15. Slime 1.13
17t. Tuta 1.17
17t. Bard (FF3j) 1.17
19t. Lickitung 1.20
19t. Brusom 1.20
20. Kenji 1.22
21. Skeletons (FFT) 1.23
22t. Karla 1.25
22t. Galonwand 1.25
24. Guido 1.29
25. Beserker (FF5) 1.30

Fun Fact! Serph got punted from the top 25 list in favor of Seraph.  Kind of amusing if you ask me <.<

Anyway, I noticed we had one game people might actually care about left...with a huge cast no less...that we haven't rated *AND* is ranked.  As such, THIS WILL BE DONE IN SHIFTS!  THIS TIME, ITS ALPHABETICAL!

Suikoden 5 (A to H!):
Freyjadour (aka Prince):

NOTE: Like with the previous games, Non Stars are being exempt, for my own sanity.

I was going to do a bonus this round but then realized 25~ characters + a bonus was something I'm quite feeling up to, so...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Rate Characters based on in game use: The Continuation!
« Reply #67 on: May 23, 2008, 03:27:14 AM »
Suikoden 5 (A to H!):
Alhazred: 2/10. Seemed utterly useless.
Ax: 0/10. Oh GOD were the Dragon Knights awful.
Belcoot: 8/10. Found him to be pretty damn good the entire game until the couple of fights.
Bergen: 1/10. This was Levi's minion right?
Bernadette: 7/10. Very solid on paper if I remember right.
Byakuren: 1/10. Used two spots.
Cathari: Didn't use.
Cius: 1.5/10.  Uh heavy armor?!?! No.
Cornelio: 4/10. A lot of earlygame use saves him.
Dinn: 3/10. Not bad, just bland. Sorta like Hauser.
Eresh: 0/10. Costs you Euram, infinite fail. (Didn't get. <_<)
Ernst: 7/10. Resounding Roar is the most wasted move in RPG history. Kinda eh besides that but..
Faylen: 2/10. Suikoscrub.
Faylon: 2/10. See above.
Flail: 0/10. Fail.
Freyjadour (aka Prince): 7/10. Prince was tolerably above average but that's it. His rune is dead weight far too often. EDIT: Forgot he could do Fire magic well at least.
Galleon: 3/10. Usuable but why bother?
Gavaya: Pass. I know about his potential but didn't really use him much.
Genoh: 1/10. Awesome but worthless.
Georg: 7.5/10. I'm docking him for the MDef and availability issues. Awesome otherwise.
Goesch: 3/10. See Galleon.
Gunde: 2/10. Looked utterly useless.
Hazuki: 3/10.
« Last Edit: May 23, 2008, 03:37:53 AM by superaielman »
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...


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Re: Rate Characters based on in game use: The Continuation!
« Reply #68 on: May 23, 2008, 03:36:10 AM »
Suiko 5

Alhazred: 2/10. Tried using him, maybe I did something wrong because he wasn't even a good mage.
Ax: Did Not Use/10
Belcoot: 8/10. Physical wall, hits hard, all around good.
Bergen: Did Not Use/10
Bernadette: 5/10. Good mage, but everything she does, Kyle does just as well and he has something vaguely resembling damage, where she does not.
Byakuren: Did Not Use/10
Cathari: 8/10. Enjoyed twinking her for MASSIVE CRIT DAMAGE, but could have done it with someone else just as easily, I'm sure. +1 for Godspeed Rune. EDIT: ah, so it wouldn't have done just as well with someone else then? Alright, I'll up the rating a bit.
Cius: 1/10. Sucks.
Cornelio: 2/10. he loses points for me for being kinda cool...if you fill your party with lame elves. That's like saying you can have a cookie if you kick yourself in the nuts, it's worse then not offering the cookie at all.
Dinn: 4/10. Decent, but felt below average.
Eresh: 6/10. Solid mage.
Ernst: 7/10. Gets a point just for being unique, and not in a fail way like Cornelio.
Faylen: 5/10. Uh...think she was an okay mage? Average works.
Faylon: 3/10. Only used him a bit, felt like the weak link of the 'len/'lon/Roy trio.
Flail: Did Not Use/10
Freyjadour (aka Prince): 9/10. Always useful, made a good fire mage until his TR stopped sucking, is good enough physically, and has a nice Unite with Lyon/Miakis. Very good all 'rounder.  
Galleon: 3/10. Has...defense? Not enough to save him.
Gavaya: Did Not Use/10
Genoh: Did Not Use/10
Georg: 8/10. Same score as Belcoot fits, I think.
Goesch: Did Not Use/10
Gunde: 3/10. Think he was forced at one point? Wasn't impressed overly much if he is who I think he is.
Hazuki: 5/10. Fun, didn't feel as good as some of the other physicalers. Average works.

If I ranked someone who actually has good twink potential low, pardon the oversight as I didn't play around with twinking overly much.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2008, 03:12:18 AM by Gatewalker »
<%Laggy> we're open minded individuals here
<+RandomKesaranPasaran> are we
<%Laggy> no not really.

<Tide|NukicommentatoroptionforF> Hatbot is a pacifist

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Re: Rate Characters based on in game use: The Continuation!
« Reply #69 on: May 23, 2008, 04:40:55 AM »
Suikoden 5 (A to H!):
Alhazred: 2/10. Think he was bad.
Ax: 1/10. Know he was.
Belcoot: 7/10. Respectable cross between tank and damage-dealer.
Bergen: 4/10. Recall him being not as bad as you might think, but still not great.
Bernadette: 7.5/10. Very solid overall mage. Saying Kyle matches her isn't really true, she has waaay more magic.
Byakuren: 1/10. Two slots.
Cathari: 8/10. IIRC she's very, very near the top of twinking potential. Two slots on someone with a base physical second only to Georg, and game-best speed/hit to boot? Hell yes.
Cius: 3/10. Tanks, but there are so many better.
Cornelio: 3/10. MEDIOCRITY.
Dinn: 6/10. Respectable tank. Belcoot but slower, basically. Speed costs him.
Eresh: 6/10. Uhhh. She's good statwise, but too many fixed slots hurts her a lot.
Ernst: 6/10. Stun's good for bosses I guess.
Faylen: 5/10. Okay filler.
Faylon: 3/10. Notably less good, if he's the guy.
Flail: 1/10. No.
Freyjadour (aka Prince): 7.5/10. Curses his right hand slot being taken up, and wants more speed. Good otherwise.
Galleon: 5/10. Dinn variant. Less offence, but his tanking is absolutely supreme. Granted, said tanking is probably overkill.
Gavaya: 5/10. EDIT: Whoa, really good after Level 55. Distinctly mediocre before that, though.
Genoh: 1/10. Byakuren.
Georg: 8/10. Kills things so very dead. Twinking pulls a... shockingly small number of people past him (Cathari, Miakis, and... honestly I think that's it before Level 55?) Leaving for the final boss / being bad against it due to MDef does hurt, though. Not much.
Goesch: 4/10. Uh.
Gunde: 3/10. Yeah, slug and underwhelming.
Hazuki: 5/10. One free slot fighter. Good stats but that's not really enough. EDIT: stats are a bit overall better than I thought though, not many have that HP/speed/attack/tech/armour combo.
« Last Edit: June 04, 2008, 06:37:37 AM by Dark Holy Elf »

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Re: Rate Characters based on in game use: The Continuation!
« Reply #70 on: May 23, 2008, 10:43:52 AM »
Alhazred:  0/10. No.
Ax: 0/10.  Cuuuute. No though.
Belcoot 5/10: Based on what I've seen of him. Belcooooot! I always mean to use him more extensively and check his twinking options if any but keep forgetting <_<
Bergen 0/10. No.
Bernadette: 5/10. See Belcoot.
Byakuren: 2/1. Snaaaake? >_>
Cathari - Need to use more extensively before judging.
Cius - 4/10 - Uhhh ... early game tank?
Cornelio: Haven't really used enough to judge.
Dinn: ^^
Eresh: 5.5/10. Good but loses out to Jeane, Viki, Levi and especially Zerase.
Ernst: DNR. Hax.
Faylen: 4/10. Whargle
Faylon: 3/10. Whurgle.
Flail: 0/10. Nooooooo.
Freyjadour: 7.5.
Galleon: 6/10. Give him credit for his tanking skill at least for all that I find dedicated tanks completely uneeded. Somebody else might like using them! <_<
Gavaya: DO NOT USE. Get to him someday I suppose.
Genoh: 2/10.  Giant turtle!
Georg: 8/10. Very, very good. So tempted to give him a 10/10 but that would be fangirling so no.
Geosh: Heard he has very good twink value!
Gunde: 3/10: Bleh.
Hazuki: 4.5: Blargle. What DHE said.

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Re: Rate Characters based on in game use: The Continuation!
« Reply #71 on: May 23, 2008, 07:56:42 PM »
Suikoden 5 (A to H!):
Alhazred: Didn't use/10
Ax: Who?/10
Belcoot: 7/10
Bergen: Didn't use/10
Bernadette: 6/10
Byakuren: Who?/10
Cathari: Didn't use/10
Cius: 4/10
Cornelio: 5/10 - MEDIOCRITY
Dinn: Didn't use/10
Eresh: 6/10 - Think she was good for war battles at least!
Ernst: Didn't use/10
Faylen: Didn't use/10
Faylon: Didn't use/10
Flail: Who?/10
Freyjadour (aka Prince): 7.5/10
Galleon: 4/10
Gavaya: Who?/10
Genoh: 3/10
Georg: 7/10
Goesch: Who?/10
Gunde: Who?/10
Hazuki: Who?/10


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Re: Rate Characters based on in game use: The Continuation!
« Reply #72 on: May 24, 2008, 03:28:29 AM »
Suikoden 5 (A to H!):
Alhazred: 1/10
Ax: 0/10
Belcoot: 8/10
Bergen: 1/10
Bernadette: 8/10 Speed kills her usefulness
Byakuren: 0/10
Cathari: 8/10 Hits like a truck and with the speed of a god.
Cius: 0/10
Cornelio: 1/10
Dinn: 5/10
Eresh: 6/10
Ernst: 9/10
Faylen: 5/10
Faylon: 1/10
Flail: 0/10
Freyjadour (aka Prince): 10/10 Royal Paradise offsets the lose of a rune slot. 
Galleon: 5/10
Gavaya: 7/10
Genoh: 1/10 One points for being a turtle-like
Georg: 8/10 I want to give him higher but...
Goesch: 1/10
Gunde: 1/10
Hazuki: 7/10


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Re: Rate Characters based on in game use: The Continuation!
« Reply #73 on: May 26, 2008, 05:17:35 PM »
I leveled all characters up to 55 and compared there stats, so this is what I am basing this on. Also I dont give 0's except to Jogurt.

Alhazred: 2/10 not the worst
Ax: 1/10 fail Ax, fail
Belcoot: 9/10
Bergen: 4/10
Bernadette: 8/10 Mage that can wear heavier armor? Awesome!
Byakuren: 2/10
Cathari: 9/10 awesome
Cius: 3/10 not as bad as most think
Cornelio: 2/10 +1 for unique rune
Dinn: 6/10 He is okay
Eresh: 6/10
Ernst: 9/10
Faylen: 5/10
Faylon: 3/10
Flail: 1/10 take out the L and she becomes fail! (I think Flail was the female one)
Freyjadour (aka Prince): 9/10
Galleon: 6/10
Gavaya: 4/10 HATE, but not bad in battle
Genoh: 2/10
Georg: 8/10 Would be a 10, but not always useable
Goesch: 6/10
Gunde: 3/10
Hazuki: 7/10


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Re: Rate Characters based on in game use: The Continuation!
« Reply #74 on: May 31, 2008, 02:19:55 AM »
Suikoden 5 (A to H!):
Alhazred: 5/10. The best person to use to get Genoh early. +2 for giving Euram a scene.
Ax: 1/10 Isn't he forced at one point. Regardless I never used Ax and Flail seriously.
Belcoot: 10/10 Giving him a 10 because he basically makes you physically immune with some formations.
Bergen: 1/10 Good earth magic I guess, but why use him when the game gives you levi at that time.
Bernadette: 8/10 Pretty decent healer.
Byakuren: 3/10 Used it at a couple of points just for being a giant snake. Cool but damaging for your party.
Cathari: 9/10 Hp lets her down but besides that great.
Cius: 1/10 Terrible. Plenty of better people at the point he joins.
Cornelio: 6/10 Earlygame is +3. His elfs weren't completly useless. They filled up the slots at the start.
Dinn: 4/10 Someone I wanted to use but never really did. He just seemed like a weaker Belcoot.
Eresh: 5/10 Decent Spellcaster for what its worth but its her or Euram. I'm sorry but she is outclassed.
Ernst: 7/10 Used him a couple of times. Fancy but I remember him dying easily.
Faylen: 8/10 I remember her being one of the best L range fighters. It was her pairings that sucked.
Faylon: 1/10 Didn't he have average damage with crappy speed.
Flail: 1/10 Like Ax flail sucks badly.
Freyjadour (aka Prince): 8/10 Wanted to switch him out at times because he felt kind of average at times.
Galleon: 5/10 Best tank in the game besides Raven. Raven overshadows him big time.
Gavaya: 2/10 I've heard he can be decent so I'll give him a point. I never used him because I just didn't like him.
Genoh: 2/10 Tank that takes two spots. No.
Georg: 8/10 Incredable. Isn't around most of the time though.
Goesch: 8/10 pretty good for a farmer actually. His damage was pretty good if set right.
Gunde: 2/10 A point for being the best dwarve, but to be honest they all suck.
Hazuki: 8/10 Not the best at what she does but fun.