Author Topic: Proving Grounds H/G 4: Angels, elves, and the wyvern riding princess.  (Read 1035 times)


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Gau: 62-21 75%
Ness: 33-25 57%


Jowy: 26-30 46%

Gau shockingly dominates the round, easily crushing Ness and Jowy.  This week's fighters!

Solo- Has everything but speed. How much will that matter?
Tana- Put her in on a lark. The evade should keep things interesting.
Artea- Classic borderliner. Has everything but early fight damage.

Solo (DQ4) vs Avalon (LoL2)
Solo vs Lavos (CT)
Solo vs Seymour (FFX)
Solo vs Marino (MMXCM)
Solo vs Lulu (FFX)
Solo vs Yunalesca (FFX)
Solo vs Deathevans (BoF2)
Solo vs Amon (Lufias)
Solo vs Eileen (S1)
Solo vs Alhazad (WA1)
Solo vs Garnet til Alexandros (FFIX)
Solo vs Berserk (WA1)

Tana (FE8)  vs Avalon (LoL2)
Tana vs Lavos (CT)
Tana vs Seymour (FFX)
Tana vs Marino (MMXCM)
Tana vs Lulu (FFX)
Tana vs Yunalesca (FFX)
Tana vs Deathevans (BoF2)
Tana vs Amon (Lufias)
Tana vs Eileen (S1)
Tana vs Alhazad (WA1)
Tana vs Garnet til Alexandros (FFIX)
Tana vs Berserk (WA1)

Artea (Lufia 2)  vs Avalon (LoL2)
Artea vs Lavos (CT)
Artea vs Seymour (FFX)
Artea vs Marino (MMXCM)
Artea vs Lulu (FFX)
Artea vs Yunalesca (FFX)
Artea vs Deathevans (BoF2)
Artea vs Amon (Lufias)
Artea vs Eileen (S1)
Artea vs Alhazad (WA1)
Artea vs Garnet til Alexandros (FFIX)
Artea vs Berserk (WA1)
« Last Edit: June 17, 2009, 04:37:07 AM by superaielman »
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...


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Tana vs Lavos (CT)
Tana vs Seymour (FFX)
Tana vs Lulu (FFX): Tana might never land a hit.
Tana vs Yunalesca (FFX)
Tana vs Alhazad (WA1): WAo + Giving her Vidofnir and letting it hit a weakness... kills before Slow Down matters.
Tana vs Garnet til Alexandros (FFIX)
Tana vs Berserk (WA1): Vidofnir's +5 Def might hold off the OHKO, letting Tana land a lot of hits before Berserk's second attack. Clooose though.
"Turning into bats? Laughable!" says sparkly telepathic Volvo-driving vampire who spent century in high school.


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Solo (DQ4) vs Avalon (LoL2)- Solo going first doesn't change enough. HP-1/status? Something.
Solo vs Lavos (CT)- Too fast.
Solo vs Seymour (FFX)- Fendspell owns Seymour's offense pretty hardcore, fire resist gets him that far.
Solo vs Marino (MMXCM)- Think so.
Solo vs Lulu (FFX)- Fendspell/ID resist.
Solo vs Yunalesca (FFX)
Solo vs Deathevans (BoF2)- ID resist .
Solo vs Amon (Lufias)- Swordedge armor+heal all does it offhand, don't respect Amon's speed enough for a double to save him in time.
Solo vs Eileen (S1)-  Fendspell. Eileen going first odesn't do enough.
Solo vs Alhazad (WA1)- Strong kneejerk. Alhazad was slow based of what I remember.
Solo vs Garnet til Alexandros (FFIX)- Fendspell.
Solo vs Berserk (WA1)- Berserk no likely characters who don't suck.

Tana (FE8)  vs Avalon (LoL2)
Tana vs Lavos (CT)- I would likely vote for Tana if she doubled. 16 CT speed I respect enough to avoid that.
Tana vs Seymour (FFX)- Ultima plus defense.
Tana vs Marino (MMXCM)- Did Quick silver do anything to evade?
Tana vs Lulu (FFX)- Tana needs a crit or to hit twice. That shouldn't happen before the damage or ID gets her.
Tana vs Yunaslesca (FFX)
Tana vs Deathevans (BoF2)
Tana vs Amon (Lufias)- Evade.
Tana vs Eileen (S1)- Walled.
Tana vs Alhazad (WA1)- Evade.
Tana vs Garnet til Alexandros (FFIX)- Evade.
Tana vs Berserk (WA1)[/b]-  EDIT: Don't think Berserk survives four Tana turns looking at the numbers. Up for arguments here.

Artea (Lufia 2)  vs Avalon (LoL2)
Artea vs Lavos (CT)- Too much pressure.
Artea vs Seymour (FFX)- usual punting of spell focusing.
Artea vs Marino (MMXCM)
Artea vs Lulu (FFX)- OHKO.
Artea vs Yunalesca (FFX)
Artea vs Deathevans (BoF2)- Walls ID, can heal.
Artea vs Amon (Lufias)- Can fight this one out in game.
Artea vs Eileen (S1)- Healer.
Artea vs Alhazad (WA1)
Artea vs Garnet til Alexandros (FFIX)- Artea can't blitz.
Artea vs Berserk (WA1)- Unless it's a WA1 boss with the right magic type.

Solo: 7-5
Artea: 6-6
Tana: 5-6
« Last Edit: June 17, 2009, 03:21:03 PM by superaielman »
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...


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Tana vs Berserk (WA1)- Evade.

WA1o Berserk ignores evade.


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Solo (DQ4) vs Avalon (LoL2): Not a fight Solo realistically has a chance in.
Solo vs Lavos (CT): Lavos is good at physical damage.
Solo vs Seymour (FFX): Seymour's Ultima is non Magical.  It ignores Magic Break, and Shell; this is contrast to every other version of Ultima which don't.  Considering his speed edge, he heal locks Solo with it. 
Solo vs Marino (MMXCM): Kills him before he gets a turn.
Solo vs Lulu (FFX): Goes first, Fendspell.
Solo vs Yunalesca (FFX): Yunalesca vs. a PC typically ends this way.
Solo vs Deathevans (BoF2): Solo resisted Instant Death, right?  That should give him enough time.
Solo vs Amon (Lufias): Not voting on L3 so...
Solo vs Eileen (S1): Copper flash or whatever.
Solo vs Alhazad (WA1): Kneejerk
Solo vs Garnet til Alexandros (FFIX): Need to check Garnet's status options.  Also, unsure if I see Fendspell hitting Summons considering how limited the number of things it hits in game.
Solo vs Berserk (WA1): Berserk was weak to Lightning, wasn't he?

Tana (FE8)  vs Avalon (LoL2): No.
Tana vs Lavos (CT): More no.
Tana vs Seymour (FFX): Seymour has idiotic physical defense to save that HP so yeah...
Tana vs Marino (MMXCM): Tana gets a lot of counters...but Marino just uses Parasitic Healing to get around that.
Tana vs Lulu (FFX): Evade + Parasitic Healing strategy should work.
Tana vs Yunalesca (FFX): Yunalesca vs. a PC...again...
Tana vs Deathevans (BoF2): Don't think he has enough to kill Tana fast enough.
Tana vs Amon (Lufias): Kneejerk.
Tana vs Eileen (S1): Copper Flesh hax, etc.
Tana vs Alhazad (WA1): Kneejerk.
Tana vs Garnet til Alexandros (FFIX): Goes first, 2HKOs, isn't one turned, I think.
Tana vs Berserk (WA1): outslugs.

Artea (Lufia 2)  vs Avalon (LoL2): Yeah, no.
Artea vs Lavos (CT): *whistles*
Artea vs Seymour (FFX): Pretty sure Seymour has no problems one turning Artea.
Artea vs Marino (MMXCM): Or Marino for that matter.
Artea vs Lulu (FFX): Bunny Ring stops death! Pity I'm pretty sure Artea fails to 2HKO Lulu, and Lulu can use Focus or some such to raise her own damage, without invoking IPs.
Artea vs Yunalesca (FFX): Yunalesca vs. PC Round 3!
Artea vs Deathevans (BoF2): Bunny Ring stops Instant Death, so its just Healing + Good speed from there.
Artea vs Amon (Lufias): Think he could actually do this in game if it wasn't turn based.
Artea vs Eileen (S1): Copper Flesh hax. EDIT: Or, you know, that gets countered horribly by someone with high speed and healing.
Artea vs Alhazad (WA1): Kneejerk.
Artea vs Garnet til Alexandros (FFIX): Protects against his more powerful elements, eventually gets him with some nasty status (actually, Mini should be enough here.)
Artea vs Berserk (WA1): Think he's just fast enough to get past here.
« Last Edit: June 17, 2009, 07:27:18 PM by Meeplelard »
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Solo vs Lavos (CT)
Solo vs Seymour (FFX)-  right.  Seymour has dispel.  Darn, I was all set to hype Solo's mad spoilage.
Solo vs Marino (MMXCM)
Solo vs Lulu (FFX)
Solo vs Yunalesca (FFX)
Solo vs Deathevans (BoF2)
Solo vs Amon (Lufias)
Solo vs Eileen (S1)- Hum.  Solo can enforce spending MP to keep up Copper Flesh, and there's Fendspell to stave off any sort of double-turn EQ... sure.
Solo vs Alhazad (WA1)- Sleep should be on the list of things Solo mocks.
Solo vs Garnet til Alexandros (FFIX)- Not inclined to see any of Garnet's status as turn one on Solo, and she has 4 shots of damage that 2HKOs him.  Readily loses a slugging match, trying for status earns her a Fendspell... yeah.
Solo vs Berserk (WA1)- Indefinite heal-lock. ... scratch that, OHKOed.


Tana vs Lavos (CT)
Tana vs Seymour (FFX)
Tana vs Marino (MMXCM)
Tana vs Lulu (FFX)
Tana vs Yunalesca (FFX)
Tana vs Deathevans (BoF2)
Tana vs Amon (Lufias)
Tana vs Eileen (S1)
Tana vs Alhazad (WA1)
Tana vs Garnet til Alexandros (FFIX)
Tana vs Berserk (WA1)


Artea vs Lavos (CT)
Artea vs Seymour (FFX)
Artea vs Marino (MMXCM)
Artea vs Lulu (FFX)
Artea vs Yunalesca (FFX)
Artea vs Deathevans (BoF2)
Artea vs Amon (Lufias)
Artea vs Eileen (S1)- Hm.  MP-healing IP.  That'll do it.
Artea vs Alhazad (WA1)
Artea vs Garnet til Alexandros (FFIX)
Artea vs Berserk (WA1)- That lightning weakness.  Again.

CK: She is the female you
Snow: Speaking of Sluts!

<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.


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Kick upwards for more votes.
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...

Jo'ou Ranbu

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Solo (DQ4) vs Avalon (LoL2) - Status. I think it wasn't magical to boot.
Solo vs Lavos (CT) - Too much speed, and the way I see Lavos makes this even more problematic.
Solo vs Seymour (FFX) - EDIT: fuck, dispel.
Solo vs Marino (MMXCM) - Faster, IDs.
Solo vs Lulu (FFX) - While I'm never sure about that Deathstrike weapon, it works nicely on a tiebreak failure match like this. Dear -god-. She also has an argument for OVERDRIVE MURDERZ. Don't think I give much credit for a Sleepmore argument here. I think it'd matter more to me if Solo did less well against the rest of the Heavies, honestly.
Solo vs Yunalesca (FFX) - Um yeah.
Solo vs Deathevans (BoF2) - Fendspell handles Death.
Solo vs Amon (Lufias) - EDIT: Overrated Amon speed, I'm pretty sure.
Solo vs Eileen (S1) - Fendspell makes Eileen unable to hurt him properly. So, he outheals.
Solo vs Alhazad (WA1) - Depends entirely on who's faster, since Alhazad fails at pressuring Solo once Fendspell kicks in. Gave the match to the better Heavy, though.
Solo vs Garnet til Alexandros (FFIX) - EDIT: Eh, resistance.
Solo vs Berserk (WA1) - Thordain OHKOs. God bless that weakness.

Tana (FE8) vs. Avalon (LoL2) - Nah.
Tana vs Lavos (CT) - Evade makes this match interesting, but just a bit too much speed.
Tana vs Seymour (FFX) - Maybe if PIERCE didn't fail at odds.
Tana vs Marino (MMXCM) - Think Mirage Dive is actually ITE to boot.
Tana vs Lulu (FFX) - Evade is a pain on both sides. Lulu just gets more out of the turns when that evade craps out.
Tana vs Yunalesca (FFX) - Yeah.
Tana vs Deathevans (BoF2) - Death is turn "after Evans is dead" against that evade.
Tana vs Amon (Lufias) - She probably can live long enough to kill Amon. She may not double, but Amon dies if he goes physical and he can't 2HKO otherwise.
Tana vs Eileen (S1) - Copper Flesh!
Tana vs Alhazad (WA1) - Even if Slow Down hits first turn... um I think she has too much of an edge initially.
Tana vs Garnet til Alexandros (FFIX) - Wrecks.
Tana vs Berserk (WA1) - Goes first, ITE OHKO.

Artea (Lufia 2) vs. Avalon (LoL2) - Avalon just rides this pool on its back.
Artea vs Lavos (CT) - Lavos pressure. It adds up.
Artea vs Seymour (FFX) - OHKOs. =|
Artea vs Marino (MMXCM) - Artea is faster, but can do approximately jack and shit to stop Marino from crushing him under her heel.
Artea vs Lulu (FFX) - EDIT: I keep thinking Artea is better than he actually is.
Artea vs Yunalesca (FFX) - Whores.
Artea vs Deathevans (BoF2) - Evans vs. ID-immune healer.
Artea vs Amon (Lufias) - Holy weakness burrrrrrrrrrrrrns.
Artea vs Eileen (S1) - Speed+resources.
Artea vs Alhazad (WA1) - Gutcheck.
Artea vs Garnet til Alexandros (FFIX) - ...
Artea vs Berserk (WA1) - Lightning OHKO? Maybe!
« Last Edit: June 24, 2009, 06:53:45 AM by Jo'ou Ranbu »
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Tana (FE8)  vs Avalon (LoL2)
Tana vs Lavos (CT)
Tana vs Seymour (FFX): ITD DAMAGE HYPE THOUGH. Anyways, he mows her down before her ITD comes out to play, since it's only like a 12% chance.
Tana vs Lulu (FFX): You think she'd have better Hit.
Tana vs Yunalesca (FFX): yeah.
Tana vs Deathevans (BoF2): A healthy "whatever" goes here. Doubles + Crits + evade should let her do this.
Tana vs Amon (Lufias)
Tana vs Eileen (S1)
Tana vs Alhazad (WA1)
Tana vs Garnet til Alexandros (FFIX)
Tana vs Berserk (WA1): ITE.

Artea (Lufia 2)  vs Avalon (LoL2)
Artea vs Lavos (CT)
Artea vs Seymour (FFX)
Artea vs Lulu (FFX)
Artea vs Yunalesca (FFX)
Artea vs Deathevans (BoF2)
Artea vs Amon (Lufias)
Artea vs Eileen (S1)
Artea vs Alhazad (WA1)
Artea vs Garnet til Alexandros (FFIX): Reflect/Mini and stuff.
Artea vs Berserk (WA1): OHKO