Author Topic: Plotpower Tourney S6 Week 4! In which we debate if Mystics count as Vampires....  (Read 1824 times)


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Last Week's results!

Johnny Garland (SH3) vs. Dart (LoD) 5-2
Lucia (Lunar2) vs. Ryu3 (BoF3) 0-8
Alucard (Castlevanias) vs. Mother Brain (PS2) 3-1
Raidou Kuzunoha (SMT:DevilSummoners) vs. TimeLord (SaGaF) 0-2

Argilla (DDS) vs. Geno (SMRPG) 1-4
Hugo Hewitt (WA4) vs. Cecelia (WA1) 5-2
Alundra (Alundra) vs. Emeralda (XG) 0-3
Prier (LP:T) vs. Kevin (SD3) 2-3

Dryst (Brig) vs. Deneb (OB) 3-2
Zelos Wilder (ToS) vs. Garet (GS) 4-3
Ursula (BoF4) vs. Jessica (MK:AAR) 3-4
Paula (EB) vs. Rita Mordio (ToV) 0-4

Roger Bacon (SHs) vs. Leena (CC) 6-2
Alfred Schroedinger (WA3) vs. Poco (AtLs) 1-4
Dog (Secret of Evermore) vs. Mist (FE9) 4-1
Skye (Grandia2) vs. Shiho (VP1) 3-5

Wow, a lot of close matches this week.. and low vote totals... Perhaps there are too many obscure games?
Lucia was finally de-throned as the undefeated champion of 3 seasons of this tournament. It only took the likes of Ryu3 for it to happen. I'm sure Snowfire is ecstatic.

This week on "Teh Plotpower Tourney"!

Johnny Garland (SH3) vs. Ryu3 (BoF3)
Alucard (Castlevanias) vs. TimeLord (SaGaF)

Geno (SMRPG) vs. Hugo Hewitt (WA4)
Emeralda (XG) vs. Kevin (SD3)

Dryst (Brig) vs. Zelos Wilder (ToS)
Jessica (MK:AAR) vs. Rita Mordio (ToV)

Roger Bacon (SHs) vs. Poco (AtLs)
Dog (Secret of Evermore) vs. Shiho (VP1)

Can famed Vampire-killer Alucard overcome the Mystic TimeLord (a vampire-like entity in himself!)?! Are nanomachine colonies greater than werewolves? Will Dryst and Zelos become best friends and invite Jessica and Rita to the high school dance?! Can a minor god with no offensive powers overcome a laser-toaster-canine?!

All these questions answered and more!

Please vote for who you think would win in a match based on plot powers/logic. Typically voting on endgame forms here, but you may take a duelist at the peak of their power if you prefer. If you don't know a duelist very well, you may still vote on them if you take some time to research their plot powers, I suppose.
« Last Edit: June 17, 2009, 08:03:31 AM by DjinnAndTonic »


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Johnny Garland (SH3) vs. Ryu3 (BoF3)- Is roughly as strong here as he is in the DL.
Alucard (Castlevanias) vs. TimeLord (SaGaF)- In spite of sharing some style points with Dracula, Mystic Lords are stronger than the usual run of vampires. TL's imperfect control over time is more than Alucard can handle.

Geno (SMRPG) vs. Hugo Hewitt (WA4)

Roger Bacon (SHs) vs. Poco (AtLs)- Bacon is pretty helpless in combat.
Dog (Secret of Evermore) vs. Shiho (VP1)
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...


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Geno (SMRPG) vs. Hugo Hewitt (WA4)
"Turning into bats? Laughable!" says sparkly telepathic Volvo-driving vampire who spent century in high school.

Dark Holy Elf

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Johnny Garland (SH3) vs. Ryu3 (BoF3): I.... hmm. I dunno, here. This was my initial kneejerk so I'll go with that and await arguments.

Geno (SMRPG) vs. Hugo Hewitt (WA4)
Emeralda (XG) vs. Kevin (SD3): Werewolf is good but I don't give it much chance against state-of-the art killing (colony of) machine(s).

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.


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Alucard (Castlevanias) vs. TimeLord (SaGaF) - Don't know TimeLord at all so no vote, but I'm thinking Alucard will have the pocket watch as his subweapon for this fight.

Geno (SMRPG) vs. Hugo Hewitt (WA4) - If anyone could stop Hugo, it was Cecilia.  (Maaaaaybe Emeralda, I guess, but we'll see.)
Emeralda (XG) vs. Kevin (SD3) - Tough.  This is a case where gameplay actually antihypes a character to a degree, as despite the fact that Emeralda should theoretically be pretty much invincible to anything short of being tossed into a volcano, she's certainly killable in combat.  Not sure how much I should hold that against her, as certainly the idea of "Colony of nanomachines!" isn't losing to a straight fighter, no matter how strong.  Going to say that Kevin wins the fight, and manages to toss Emeralda into said volcano or equivalent before she can re-form.  Related: Does Kevin speak broken Japanese in the Japanese version?  Because it WAS weird how only Kevin spoke wild-man English when the rest of the Beast Kingdom could speak fine, at least in the Corbett translation.  If that isn't a weird translation artifact, that could imply that Kevin is too clueless to figure out how to finish the job and has to fight Emeralda repeatedly.

Dryst (Brig) vs. Zelos Wilder (ToS)

Roger Bacon (SHs) vs. Poco (AtLs) - Bacon robbed Leena, but he wins cleanly here.
Dog (Secret of Evermore) vs. Shiho (VP1) - Shiho collects another pet.  First Skye, now a dog...

Dark Holy Elf

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I thought most of the Beast people talked in broken tongues with only the Beast King and Lugar as notable exceptions (indicating their greater education/refinement), but it's been a while so I could easily be misremembering.

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.


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Geno (SMRPG) vs. Hugo Hewitt (WA4)
Emeralda (XG) vs. Kevin (SD3)

Dryst (Brig) vs. Zelos Wilder (ToS)


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Also, Djinn, I took a look at your numbers, and of the three I checked, two of your vote counts are wrong.  One of them could simply be a private, or your own vote, but you have Dryst - Deneb listed as 3-0, when there are two public votes for Deneb, and there's only two public votes for Dryst.


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Oh yeah, those are my votes.

All of them should be off by one from the public votes, with the exception of the few that I didn't vote on.

Dryst/Deneb is a mistake. Sorry. I voted Dryst and I must have mistyped Deneb because I remember counting both of her votes.

EDIT: And... Fixed.
« Last Edit: June 17, 2009, 08:03:56 AM by DjinnAndTonic »

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Johnny Garland (SH3) vs. Ryu3 (BoF3) - Kneejerk.  I could be swayed, but...  This seems right.  Entity with the power to destroy the world vs. quite a bit of power and the ability to unite the hearts of the people...  Lacking that second part, just a lot of power.  Each kills the equivalent of a god, but Johnny's Awaker seems to be on par with plot power as Lady, while I do believe it's been said a few times that Ryu wouldn't have stood a chance against Myria's power without his friends.
Alucard (Castlevanias) vs. TimeLord (SaGaF) - Alucard has yet to fight and beat someone that controls the very flow of time.

Geno (SMRPG) vs. Hugo Hewitt (WA4)
Emeralda (XG) vs. Kevin (SD3)

Dryst (Brig) vs. Zelos Wilder (ToS)
Jessica (MK:AAR) vs. Rita Mordio (ToV) - Easy~.

Roger Bacon (SHs) vs. Poco (AtLs)
Dog (Secret of Evermore) vs. Shiho (VP1) - I'm gonna say a toaster with lasers > a girl who can sing.  Properly aimed, and WHOOM!  There goes the larynx...  Not to mention most of the surrounding area.


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Johnny Garland (SH3) vs. Ryu3 (BoF3): Um, Ryu's Power is not THE POWER TO UNITE THE HEARTS!  Its the power of an entire race that the Goddess Myria openly feared WOULD destroy the world.  Considering a lone Dragon with power in the BoFverse is obscenely strong, Ryu3's got the power of pretty much the entire race backing him up.  Heck, he was able to use Kaiser (to some degree) when he was like 10 WITHOUT Infinity Gene, so...yeah.  I don't see how Johnny is that much more powerful than Myria, and Ryu's suppose to be strong enough to trounce her.
Alucard (Castlevanias) vs. TimeLord (SaGaF): Don't see Alucard beating someone who can manipulate time.

Geno (SMRPG) vs. Hugo Hewitt (WA4): Don't think Geno has quite what it takes to deal with someone like Hugo.
Emeralda (XG) vs. Kevin (SD3): Kneejerk.  Good fight though.

Dryst (Brig) vs. Zelos Wilder (ToS): Dryst is every bit as brilliant as Zelos, if not more; if nothing else, Dryst has experience on his side.
Jessica (MK:AAR) vs. Rita Mordio (ToV): Rita's, again, a damn powerful mage despite her age.  Jessica...again, I don't see her displaying much plot power;  Alchemists may get respect, but its an overwhelming amount, where as Rita gets several nods to just how talented she is despite her age.

Roger Bacon (SHs) vs. Poco (AtLs): I...don't know, I'm just gonna go with who I like more as a tie breaker >.>
Dog (Secret of Evermore) vs. Shiho (VP1): Dog. Toaster. Lasers.  I'm pretty sure that's enough to beat Shiho; her powers good and all, but now she's facing someone who actually has real plot power and should not have been in light.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A

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Emeralda (XG) vs. Kevin (SD3) - Kevin is unimpressive.

Roger Bacon (SHs) vs. Poco (AtLs) - Eh.
Dog (Secret of Evermore) vs. Shiho (VP1) - Being a laser shooting toaster in the future > singing helplessly.


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I thought most of the Beast people talked in broken tongues with only the Beast King and Lugar as notable exceptions (indicating their greater education/refinement), but it's been a while so I could easily be misremembering.

Pretty sure its just Kevin whose like that.  Kevin spent most of his life OUTSIDE the castle, in the wild, cause despite his talent and training in combat, he's no interest in fighting.  So he's got less contact with actual civilization than the other Beast Men who generally live there.  Also, Kevin's younger than most, being merely 15 (most Beast Men are implied to be adults), and its stated that many Beast Men, as children, are often left in the wild to be raised by animals (probably to invoke their natural instincts stronger?), indicated after you beat Lugar, so it may just be related to Kevin's age as well, as the adult beast men speak fine.

In any event, Kevin's the only one like that, and its primarily cause he spends most of his life outside of the castle.  Game isn't very clear on it though; my guess is he only recently started going back to the castle only a few years prior, thus has limited knowledge of language.  Alternatively, might be related to the whole "Kevin's a hybrid" thing nonsense, which of course would make NO SENSE WHATSOEVER, but its SD3 plot <_<

One scene that sticks out to me is the jail break.  The guard there speaks in full english in every scene.  He's not the only case too; shouldn't be too hard to check though, just do Kevin's intro and you can speak to many members of Beast Kingdom there.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A

Dark Holy Elf

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Ryu's suppose to be strong enough to trounce her.

I thought the game strongly implied that Myria trounces Ryu without Peco there, myself.

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.


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Closing sometime today. Vote now, the plot demands it!


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Johnny Garland (SH3) vs. Ryu3 (BoF3)- Definetely think these two feels very evenly matched. I guess Johnny is in theory as powerful as Lady plotwise, but I can't really say either way here.

Geno (SMRPG) vs. Hugo Hewitt (WA4)
Emeralda (XG) vs. Kevin (SD3)

Dryst (Brig) vs. Zelos Wilder (ToS)

Roger Bacon (SHs) vs. Poco (AtLs)
...into the nightfall.


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Johnny Garland (SH3) vs. Ryu3 (BoF3)
Alucard (Castlevanias) vs. TimeLord (SaGaF)

Geno (SMRPG) vs. Hugo Hewitt (WA4)
Emeralda (XG) vs. Kevin (SD3)

Dryst (Brig) vs. Zelos Wilder (ToS)
Jessica (MK:AAR) vs. Rita Mordio (ToV)

Roger Bacon (SHs) vs. Poco (AtLs)
Dog (Secret of Evermore) vs. Shiho (VP1)

And... my own votes, for the record.

Counting begins now. If I see another set of votes before I post the next matches, I'll add them to the count.