-Finally-. Bernadette Egan it is.
1. I'm not from the place to which I pledged allegiance.
Bernadette comes from Obel, and joins the Falena rebellion.
2. Well, not really -allegiance-. You could say it's an invisible helping hand.
Skald says he can't openly support the Prince's uprising, but he'll provide the little help he can in his way. One of these involves handing his daughter as a warm body to the group.
3. You could say it's a small help, but I also can convince a couple friends to join the cause as well. And every person counts.
After Bern joins, you can recruit Nelis and some other loser whose name I forget in a sidequest that sorta requires Bernadette as well.
4. One of these friends also sports a spiffy hat.
Nelis' hat. You can't deny it, bitches.
5. Good thing I don't have to wear one of those, though. My father would never stop making jokes about it.
Skald is very fond of making fun of Bern.
6. Although my father would have fun at my expense anyway. Ugh, the mindgames.
-Really- fond. She constantly mentions how much he plays wordgames and mental scrambles with her.
7. And I can't even use my magic to shut him up. Not like my Silent Lake is much good compared to the rest.
Token Flowing Rune user in S5 DL-wise.
Your go, aiel.