
Author Topic: Cross Edge (Bosses), Version: Poor Man's Notes (MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS)  (Read 1093 times)


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Just using this as a repository for rough Cross Edge boss notes until I feel like going back and filling in real details. Still, this should do for right now. All stats taken on Normal mode.

Damage values are taken on a per turn basis, not a per action basis, currently.

Damage: 4-5HKO to average HP.
EX Damage: 1.25 PC HP to average or so?
Notes: Presuming it works the same in every fight, Prinny Dance has a low chance of adding any status. This seems to include instant death, but I don't have that confirmed.
Support?: Yes. 2 Giant Crabs and 2 Sahagin. All four are reasonably durable and have similar damage capabilities. YMMV on what this accounts for.
Comments: The quality of Prinny depends entirely on how much you credit his support and his ability to get Ex Attacks. Pain in the ass fight, though. Respectable duelist if you credit the support. Mediocre limit fighter if you don't. Prinny Dance hype here?

Etna and Prinny
Prinny is same as above.
Etna is as follows
HP: ~4500
Damage: 3HKO to average
EX Damage: 1.5x PC HP
Notes: This fight ends as soon as either Prinny or Etna is beat. Take it as you will.
Support?: Two character boss fight here, obviously.
Comments: Not a particularly flattering fight for either. They are both okay, but kinda crumble really quick thanks to Prinny's HP.

Etna and Prinny Squad
Prinny and Etna are both pretty much the same as above, with their damage decreasing to account for your stat increases.
Notes: Uh. Yeeeeah. You've gained some levels and what not, so your damage and durability are better (Prinny Rush is survivable by average, Prinny Raid is only OHKO range, etc), but it isn't making this fight any better for you. More support means more chance for them to build SP and unleash more EX-Attacks.
Support?: One Etna is supported by five prinnies
Comments: Ranking them comes down to how much you respect the five of them together. If you take them purely on their own merits, it really isn't that impressive a showing for either of them. If you credit support, both get pretty monstrous.

HP: ~5000
Damage: High 2HKO on a defense twinked Lyner.
EX Damage: I'm totally blanking here. Lyner survived it and a follow-up attack, as I recall, so I'm thinking it isn't that great.
Notes: Timed fight. The battle automatically ends after 5 or so turns.
Support?: None!
Comments: Good duelist all around, even if you account for the time limit.

Demitri and Lillith
HP: ~9000 for Demitri, ~5000 for Lillith
Damage: Demitri 2HKOs against average with normal attacks. Lillith scrapes 3-5 against average.
EX Damage: Demitri's EX scrapes OHKO on average. Lillith hasn't shown one yet.
Notes: The fight ends as soon as one of them is taken down. Take this as you will.
Support?: There's one Awesome Vampire and one Loli Succubus.
Comments: Lillith is utter light bait unless she has something she failed to show. Demitri is probably a solid heavy. Good slugging, good HP, dangerous limit, etc.

HP: 6357
Damage: Looked like a solid OHKO to average.
EX Damage: Didn't see a particular EX attack.
Notes: Nope
Support?: None
Comments: Hits like a freaking truck. That is all.

Augustine (and Co.)
HP: ~7000
Damage: 2HKO to average, I'm thinking.
EX Damage: Prolly doing about .75 PCHP to average.
Notes: The battle ends after his support is killed. His attacks do have some status attached, but I need to figure that out.
Support?: Two Earth Knights and Two Sorceresses
Comments: Not overly durable, but fast and hits decently hard.

Bourd Rade
HP: ~10,000
Damage: 4-5HKO on party best durability, so we're prolly looking at 2-3HKO on average.
EX Damage: Definitely skirts OHKO to average with his normal EX, and his secondary EX should hit it for sure (and REDUCE THEIR STATS!!!).
Notes: Battle ends after 5 player turns. Bourd seems to occasionally null out damage (physical?), although this might be HP based.
Support?: None
Comments: Tanky and solid damage, but the timed nature of the fight is a problem.

Anesha and Troy
HP: ~7000 and ~9000
Damage: 2-3HKO range on average for both I want to say.
EX Damage: Bloody Rain Skirts 1-2HKO to average (and has status) and Troy, like Lillith, does not deign to use his on me.
Notes: Battle ends when one of them is defeated.
Support?: 1 Aneesha, 1 Troy
Comments: Solid, but nothing special.

HP: ~18,000
Damage: 2-3HKO range on a tankier oriented Zelos. Really depended on the attacks he used.
EX Damage: .75 PC HP-ish to the tankier Zelos.
Notes: Battle ends after Raizen is reduced to half health or you reach 5 player turns. He also might have a low rate ID attack, but I'm basing that entirely off name and kinda sad damage.
Support?: Nada
Comments: Fantastic duelist. Except for those conditional defeat things. Could still prolly pull wins, though? He's a real brickwall in-game. Hopefully he gets a non-timed form.

Etna and the Prinny Squad 2
Improved version of the first fight. Wanna say that the numbers are pretty similar, although the group is less durable on the whole.

Raizen 2
Slightly worse than fight one, I want to say.

An irritating little bastard. Time limit and HP limit, but he also regens about 20% of his HP on each of his turns and has solid damage. Better than average durability or so.

Lazarus 2
Early fight, scaled up. No limits, I think?

Raizen 3
Best boss form for him. Have to kill it, very durable against physicals (and not horrendously bad against magic thanks to his HP). Also hits fairly hard.
Might get hurt in the DL because he won't be able to spam EXs the same way, likely?

Anesha and Troy 2
Much better damage than fight one, especially for Troy. Durability is similar.

Lazarus Duel
Not even worth mentioning.

Augustine 2
Same as the first, with worse damage.

Bourde Rade 2
Tankier and better damage by a decent margin.

Aneesha Solo
Okay damage, but massively fragile.

Godlike champ. Hits like a truck, tankiest boss by far yet. Has an HP limit and a time limit which could hold him back, but he really is a beast.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2009, 08:53:24 PM by The King in Yellow »