Author Topic: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Monado Mandala Week 1  (Read 2621 times)


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Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Monado Mandala Week 1
« on: June 25, 2009, 12:57:42 AM »

"Ah, new blood... It is always so nice to see it flow. Let us see if you can all get through different floors this time, shall we?"

Teams Dude, Snowfire and Glen's Matches

Floor 1: A Re-introduction (The Beginning)

Ho ho ho ho! You've decided to return! Let us see what you can accomplish.

Battle #1: Palmer and Mist Dragon

Palmer: Muahaha! I am Science!!
Mist Dragon: Turn back!

Battle #2: Steelix, Shuckle and FF1 Knight

Knight: You shall not pass here!

Battle #3: Marle, Alice and FFT Priest

Marle: Yeah! Let's go!
Alice: Yuri...

Battle #4: Rampage Drive

Rampage Drive: ...!!!

Boss Battle #1: Lich 

Lich: I will... devour you...


Team Dude | Blue, Relm (Firefly), Zozma, FFT Monk, Rena
Team Dude vs. Palmer and Mist Dragon
Team Dude vs. Steelix, Shuckle and FF1 Knight
Team Dude vs. Marle and Alice
Team Dude vs. Rampage Drive
Team Dude vs. Lich (FF1)

Team Snowfire | Purim, Jessica, Garnet, Lyn (Firefly), Rena
Team Snowfire vs. Palmer and Mist Dragon
Team Snowfire vs. Steelix, Shuckle and FF1 Knight
Team Snowfire vs. Marle and Alice
Team Snowfire vs. Rampage Drive
Team Snowfire vs. Lich (FF1)

Team Glen | Cecilia, Raquel, Lilka, Jane (Firefly)
Team Glen vs. Palmer and Mist Dragon
Team Glen vs. Steelix, Shuckle and FF1 Knight
Team Glen vs. Marle and Alice
Team Glen vs. Rampage Drive
Team Glen vs. Lich (FF1)

For those who don't already know, Firefly forces ST attacks to hit the bearer, increases their damage taken by 20% and hit rates against them (for all things) by 10%.
« Last Edit: June 25, 2009, 02:33:14 AM by Nephrite »


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Monado Mandala Week 1
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2009, 01:50:59 AM »
My team makes it. Blue has enough spells from realm magic to get a magic mastery so he can cast energy chain indefinately. Zozma is extremely powerful at this point as Sharp Pain takes care of most fights, and Death can hit a few characters that Sharp Pain can't. Lich and Rampage drive is a bit complicated, but Zozma, Monk and Rena should be able to take Lich out quickly and Relm can soak up a status effect from Lich if necessary. After that Sharp Pain should be able to take care of rampage drive and even if you don't see it as affecting him, Blue can bust out a Vermillion Sand. Also, if you allow Relm an elemental rod she can break it on the rampage drive.

I think team Glen makes it, but it's very very close. Cecilia's solid early skillset tips it in his favor.

Unfortunately, team Snowfire doesn't. Jessica and Rena are the only ones who can damage Rampage Drive and I think both are rather drained by that point.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Monado Mandala Week 1
« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2009, 02:33:34 AM »
I made a modification to the floor and split the boss into two fights. Sorry about the confusion.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Monado Mandala Week 1
« Reply #3 on: June 25, 2009, 03:10:08 AM »
Still considering options here.

Team Dude | Blue, Relm (Firefly), Zozma, FFT Monk, Rena
Team Dude vs. Palmer and Mist Dragon - lol palmer, lol mist dragon
Team Dude vs. Steelix, Shuckle and FF1 Knight - Uh...I don't think Relm gets anything yet, and I'm not sure how good Rena's magic is on the offense.  Blue is still pretty strong at this point, though...I'm thinking Sharp Pain helps a good deal here.
Team Dude vs. Marle and Alice - Sharp Pain, pummel healers.
Team Dude vs. Rampage Drive - ...hoo boy.  Zozma's out.  Relm has no magic at this point, I believe, though she is used as a punching bag for a round or two--assuming she's still alive.  Rena, if she's got Ray or Press at this point, may be able to add onto the magic damage for the win.
Team Dude vs. Lich (FF1) - Lich is frail.  Unpleasant, but frail.  Blue's still strong, and the others should be enough to help.

Team Snowfire | Purim, Jessica, Garnet, Lyn (Firefly), Rena
Team Snowfire vs. Palmer and Mist Dragon - lol 1-1
Team Snowfire vs. Steelix, Shuckle and FF1 Knight - Sounds like Jessica gets some magic early on.  Should be enough to help Rena pummel these three into the floor.  Lyn dodging shit doesn't help.
Team Snowfire vs. Marle and Alice - Marle's durability blows.  Alice soon follows.
Team Snowfire vs. Rampage Drive - Never got too far in SoM, so I don't know how soon Purim gets spells.  Lyn should be able to avoid being killed by RAMPAGE DRIVE with the help of her evasion and Garnet's healing.  At the least, Rena slowly whittles it down.
Team Snowfire vs. Lich (FF1) - Beatdown.

Team Glen | Cecilia, Raquel, Lilka, Jane (Firefly)
Team Glen vs. Palmer and Mist Dragon - lol.
Team Glen vs. Steelix, Shuckle and FF1 Knight - Raquel + two mages should be able to push through.
Team Glen vs. Marle and Alice - HI INTRUDE.
Team Glen vs. Rampage Drive - Raquel hates this fight.  Jane might die here if she didn't during the TANK fight.  Cece and Lilka have enough magic power to take it down before it poses a threat, though.
Team Glen vs. Lich (FF1) - ...Cecilia and Lilka both have fire early on, I believe, hitting weakness.  Raquel hits hard if she doesn't get smacked with Hold.  Lich DIES.
« Last Edit: June 29, 2009, 06:49:18 PM by Namagomi »
<+Nama-EmblemOfFire> ...Have the GhebFE guy and the ostian princess guy collaborate.
 <@Elecman> Seems reasonable.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Monado Mandala Week 1
« Reply #4 on: June 25, 2009, 03:19:56 AM »
Zozma gets attack magic. He gets Pain Doubler and Rava Shot in addition to Phantasm Shot from mystic magic. Although they are pretty bad in game, they should be decent this early.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Monado Mandala Week 1
« Reply #5 on: June 25, 2009, 03:31:38 AM »
Will vote tomorrow. Gut says Dude passes, Glen should pass (Cecilia/Lilka down Rampage Drive, the non-Jane ladies finish up Lich), Snowfire... probably does? Lyn evade was okay at the start, gets 2HKOed but evades the second Rampage Drive attack which is all the time he needs is my gut check.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Monado Mandala Week 1
« Reply #6 on: June 25, 2009, 03:42:42 AM »
Oh joy! Back at last!

All three pass.
« Last Edit: June 25, 2009, 08:53:27 PM by ThePiggyman »
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If we believed in that, we wouldn't be forcing world-saving hero to fight eachother to the death for our amusement.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Monado Mandala Week 1
« Reply #7 on: June 25, 2009, 03:51:28 AM »
Team Dude | Blue, Relm (Firefly), Zozma, FFT Monk, Rena
Team Dude vs. Palmer and Mist Dragon
Team Dude vs. Steelix, Shuckle and FF1 Knight - Sharp Pain + Rena ensures that Relm lives through this.
Team Dude vs. Marle and Alice - Slow healers/status, Sharp Pain'd + Rena ensures that Relm lives through this one with Full Health likely.
Team Dude vs. Rampage Drive - No Sharp Pain cheese here... hmm... It's close. RD takes out Relm in two turns, but Monk and Rena aren't dealing any damage. Relm might get one hit in with SKETCH! of Mazio? After Relm's dead, RD's after Blue, but Rena's healing is keeping him alive long enough for Zozma and Blue to finish off RD.
Team Dude vs. Lich (FF1)  - Hmm... can Rena target Lich with her healing? Probably doesn't matter as Blue's Realm magic is enough here.

Team Snowfire | Purim, Jessica, Garnet, Lyn (Firefly), Rena
Team Snowfire vs. Palmer and Mist Dragon - Lyn, Jessica, Rena can win this with physicals!
Team Snowfire vs. Steelix, Shuckle and FF1 Knight - Rena and Garnet on healing duty as these slugs manage to hit Lyn about 3 times in the entire fight.
Team Snowfire vs. Marle and Alice - They might be able to Status out Lyn, but Garnet or Rena should have some status-cleansing spell.
Team Snowfire vs. Rampage Drive - Snowfire's been saving resources for this in my view. Full-out assault from Purim/Jessica with Rena on healing duty and Garnet buffing should allow them to take this.
Team Snowfire vs. Lich (FF1) - Lich vs. strong healing team.

Team Glen | Cecilia, Raquel, Lilka, Jane (Firefly)
Team Glen vs. Palmer and Mist Dragon - Raquel OHKOs both before the damage starts to accumulate. Lilka alone is enough healing.
Team Glen vs. Steelix, Shuckle and FF1 Knight - Allowing Jane Mystic Heal Berries keeps her alive through this fight as Raquel and Cecilia take out the tanks.
Team Glen vs. Marle and Alice - Raquel OHKOs one of them while Cece/Lilka/Jane take out the other.
Team Glen vs. Rampage Drive - Raquel takes a breather cause she can't do anything. RD gets Jane, but Lilka and Cecilia do enough damage in the interim to finish off this fight.
Team Glen vs. Lich (FF1)  - Even if Jane and Cecilia are dead from RD, Raquel could probably solo Lich. Lilka assistance is just icing on the cake, but it's a close fight.

All three pass, but RD scares people.

Glen Veil

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Monado Mandala Week 1
« Reply #8 on: June 25, 2009, 04:44:13 AM »
Figured I'll comment on my team at least, had to use stat topics for a fair bit so feel free to yell at me if I'm wrong on something >.>.

Team Glen | Cecilia, Raquel, Lilka, Jane (Firefly)
Team Glen vs. Palmer and Mist Dragon –Easy enough fight, Lilka alone can keep Jane up, which means the rest of the characters can just spam physicals without wasting resources.

Team Glen vs. Steelix, Shuckle and FF1 Knight- Fairly certain Jane goes first, so she can defend which should keep her from being OHKOed by Knight, Lilka simply spams heal, Cecilia could probably opt to use Prison on Knight if there’s too much pressure, which makes the entire fight considerably less threatening.

Team Glen vs. Marle and Alice- Let’s see, Jane doesn’t do much of anything here, not sure if provoke would work and make Alice attack instead of using Advent, if not, party will end up eating that since Alice is a hair faster than Cecilia, .  Lilka can cast quick on Raquel who I think then goes before Marle who she promptly OHKO’s…I think.  Cecilia uses Prison on Alice.  Lilka can heal the party up before Alice is shattered.  On a second glance this fight looks rather easy, Jane can simply defend, Lilka cast quick on Cecilia, who promptly Prison's Alice, Marle hits Jane with her physical doing minimal damage since she can't cure prison, and since Jane is defending, then gets OHKOed by Raquel, or finished off by Jane on her next next turn if Raquel fails to do so.

Team Glen vs. Rampage Drive
- This fight sucks pretty hard, neither Cecilia or Lilka have multitarget healing early on unless you allow mystic berries, but that would probably cheese the fight.  Jane is basically forced to defend so she doesn’t get koed by a crit Assault Dive boosted by Tarukaja, if Raquel’s poison work, Cecilia and Lilka could probably keep everyone up and just heal stall the boss to death, if not, probably a messy fight, not sure really.  If Cecilia and Lilka can manage to Quicken Lilka into doubling  the boss, Lilka can keep both her and Cecilia topped off to avoid being killed by a crit Assault Dive, and Cecilia can slowly kill the boss, Cecilia effectively kills Lich solo I think.

Team Glen vs. Lich (FF1) – As long as Cecilia survives the previous fight she can easily solo Lich with Suction I think, who said you need a Parasol to laugh at magic casting enemies?

Jane is pretty useless right now as expected, her ridiculous speed allowing her to defend before any damage starts happening though is rather useful for making up for her suspect durability at least *Begins Hyping WA series defend with firefly >.>*.

I'll try to comment on the other teams in a bit, need to do more stat topic digging.
« Last Edit: June 26, 2009, 06:50:32 AM by Glen Veil »


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Monado Mandala Week 1
« Reply #9 on: June 25, 2009, 06:16:58 AM »
Re resource issues: Personally, I see Floor 1 as ending at Maella Abbey.  Anyway, Staff gives a +20 MP skill which can be got quite rapidly (only 13 skill points) such that even if you see Floor 1 as ending earlier (Port Prospect?) she can easily get it.  Frizz costs 2 MP and Crack 3 MP; a quick YouTube has lvl. 10 whip Jessica with 28 max MP.  +20 and that's 48 MP, which is plenty, and arguably she should be even higher than lvl. 10.  If you see her at lvl. 15, then she has even more MP, though her magic does comparatively less damage due to competing against better stuff.  Checking Youtube, but Rena has 48 MP even against Allen Tax (the first boss), and Floor 1 surely ends later than that.  Press costs 7 MP, so that's 6 shots bare minimum.  And Garnet can handle healing, so there's no need to spend the MP any other way, really.

Team Snowfire | Purim, Jessica, Garnet, Lyn (Firefly), Rena
Team Snowfire vs. Palmer and Mist Dragon
Team Snowfire vs. Steelix, Shuckle and FF1 Knight - OHKO Steelix with magic from Rena or Jess.  Garnet casts Protect on Lyn if needed.  Garnet keeps Lyn healed.  Knight can try and make my mages blow resources by stalling and healing himself, but then he's not casting RUSE and Lyn's doubling damage + Purim easily negate that, so just spamming RUSE is his best option anyway.
Team Snowfire vs. Marle and Alice - Just beat them up.  Lyn is doubling, Purim & Rena are kung-fu fighting.
Team Snowfire vs. Rampage Drive - See above note on resources, really.  Assault Dive sounds like it's physical, so Garnet casting Protect on Lyn should be major.
Team Snowfire vs. Lich (FF1) - Frizz hits a weakness here, everyone is alive so Lich gets mobbed.

Will edit other votes in later.
« Last Edit: June 25, 2009, 03:59:01 PM by SnowFire »

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Monado Mandala Week 1
« Reply #10 on: June 25, 2009, 06:41:24 AM »
Team Dude | Blue, Relm (Firefly), Zozma, FFT Monk, Rena
Team Dude vs. Palmer and Mist Dragon
Team Dude vs. Steelix, Shuckle and FF1 Knight
Team Dude vs. Marle and Alice
Team Dude vs. Rampage Drive
Team Dude vs. Lich (FF1) - Zozma makes this floor cry.

Team Snowfire | Purim, Jessica, Garnet, Lyn (Firefly), Rena
Team Snowfire vs. Palmer and Mist Dragon
Team Snowfire vs. Steelix, Shuckle and FF1 Knight - Easy fights.
Team Snowfire vs. Marle and Alice - Cotton Panties makes Lyn cry.  If Marle gets a turn, then it's all over (Marle casts haste on Alice, Alice gets too fast for the team to manage properly)...  But I could be overhyping Shadow Hearts as usual.  EDIT:  Yeah, Marle dying that fast and that often puts too much pressure on Alice.  I'll pass it.
Team Snowfire vs. Rampage Drive - Only Jessica can damage this guy, right?... ... ...This really doesn't look pretty.  Am I missing something?  EDIT:  Okay, Jessica AND Rena.  Yeah, having two sources of damage is enough for me to be generous.  Djinn mentioned Purim doing damage duty, so that kind of threw me for a loop (as she doesn't get damage until...  What, floor 3?  4?) and made me forget about Rena.
Team Snowfire vs. Lich (FF1) - Joke fight against a full team.

Team Glen | Cecilia, Raquel, Lilka, Jane (Firefly)
Team Glen vs. Palmer and Mist Dragon
Team Glen vs. Steelix, Shuckle and FF1 Knight
Team Glen vs. Marle and Alice - This one throws me.  Alice with Cotton Panties and Leonardo Bear (for immunity to Prison through ID), with her first turn for a Gospel on Marle and Marle using Haste...  Alice to Advent and Marle to light healing, while each has at least a few shots of Full Life...  Yeah, that doesn't seem like it ends well anytime soon.  Someone get back to me on this, in case I'm really wrong on something here.  Glen might get by on Intrude hype...  But if Alice manages to kill Jane, Marle can try to get lucky with a Stop from her physical to Cecilia, and then maybe Lilka...  Yeah, I don't know anymore.  I'm confusing myself.  I'm gonna call it a pass for now 'cause thinking about all the outcomes is just giving me a headache.

Also, someone remind me to bug whoever did the Shadow Hearts 1 topic to put in that Alice has Resurrection.
Team Glen vs. Rampage Drive - Only Cecilia and Lilka can hurt this guy.  That's enough.
Team Glen vs. Lich (FF1) - If Glen can get through the previous two fights, he's got this floor beat to me.
« Last Edit: June 25, 2009, 04:40:12 PM by Magic Fanatic »


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Monado Mandala Week 1
« Reply #11 on: June 25, 2009, 07:05:47 AM »
Magic Fanatic: Rena learns the attack magic Press at lvl. 5.  It's Void type, which since SO2 actually has a Light and Dark element, is probably not nulled by Rampage Drive.  As noted before, she has plenty of castings of it, too.  (Edit: Also, for Marle/ Alice: Marle has game-worst Defense and HP; the stat topic lists her combined physical durability as 168%.  This means that Lyn splatters her with a double.  Marle never lives to cast Haste.  And Jessica and Garnet are also both solidly above average speed to help if for some reason that was needed, so Alice never gets a chance to heal Marle.  If she revives Marle, it's at 0 CT, so Lyn just smashes her again while the rest of the team beats down Alice.)
« Last Edit: June 25, 2009, 07:37:23 AM by SnowFire »


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Monado Mandala Week 1
« Reply #12 on: June 25, 2009, 12:35:47 PM »
Neph, is there going to be more than one version of floor two?

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Monado Mandala Week 1
« Reply #13 on: June 25, 2009, 04:47:08 PM »
Magic Fanatic: Rena learns the attack magic Press at lvl. 5.  It's Void type, which since SO2 actually has a Light and Dark element, is probably not nulled by Rampage Drive.  As noted before, she has plenty of castings of it, too.  (Edit: Also, for Marle/ Alice: Marle has game-worst Defense and HP; the stat topic lists her combined physical durability as 168%.  This means that Lyn splatters her with a double.  Marle never lives to cast Haste.  And Jessica and Garnet are also both solidly above average speed to help if for some reason that was needed, so Alice never gets a chance to heal Marle.  If she revives Marle, it's at 0 CT, so Lyn just smashes her again while the rest of the team beats down Alice.)

Wow, Marle's physical durability was THAT bad?  Geez, then she's getting OHKO'd THROUGH Gospel, isn't she?  The only other thing I can think of is Alice casting Gospel on herself, which effectively gives her a five-turn time limit to win...  And she's spending every other turn casting Arc on herself...  Although where comes a turn where she needs to cast Arc and Gospel at the same time?  She's screwed.

The only problem I can see this causing is resource issues for Garnet from healing so much in that fight, but I'm likely to think it's a moot point (if not a completely irrelevant one).


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Monado Mandala Week 1
« Reply #14 on: June 25, 2009, 05:32:16 PM »
Neph, is there going to be more than one version of floor two?

Yes, but they have yet to be determined as of currently.

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Monado Mandala Week 1
« Reply #15 on: June 25, 2009, 05:41:51 PM »
It returns!  Hooray!

Team Dude | Blue, Relm (Firefly), Zozma, FFT Monk, Rena
Team Dude vs. Palmer and Mist Dragon
Team Dude vs. Steelix, Shuckle and FF1 Knight
Team Dude vs. Marle and Alice
Team Dude vs. Rampage Drive
Team Dude vs. Lich (FF1) - Seems like this team handles this floor easily enough.

Team Snowfire | Purim, Jessica, Garnet, Lyn (Firefly), Rena
Team Snowfire vs. Palmer and Mist Dragon
Team Snowfire vs. Steelix, Shuckle and FF1 Knight
Team Snowfire vs. Marle and Alice
Team Snowfire vs. Rampage Drive
Team Snowfire vs. Lich (FF1) - The Rampage Drive fight sounds a bit iffy, but I'll buy Snowfire's analysis.

Abstain on Team Glen


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Monado Mandala Week 1
« Reply #16 on: June 26, 2009, 12:46:11 PM »
Yeah, all three teams pass. Jessica and Rena can muscle through Rampage O-O-Overdrive, other two teams can break through as well.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Monado Mandala Week 1
« Reply #17 on: June 26, 2009, 07:40:22 PM »
Team Glen | Cecilia, Raquel, Lilka, Jane (Firefly)
Team Glen vs. Palmer and Mist Dragon - Jane goes nuts, shoots Mist Dragon in Mist form, and it doesn't actually matter.
Team Glen vs. Steelix, Shuckle and FF1 Knight - Jane defends, Lilka builds up a bit of FP to heal her, Cecilia OHKOs Steelix, the other team now officially sucks.  Going for RUSE means Lilka builds up more FP then fries Knight with Magic.
Team Glen vs. Marle and Alice - Worst comes to worst, Intrude saves the day, and I don't think it's necessary.  Raquel easily OHKOs Marle probably even through an Alice buff, but Intrude renders the question moot.
Team Glen vs. Rampage Drive - Even if a crit somehow did kill Jane, Cecilia has Revive.  Otherwise, Jane gets more fun defending action while Lilka & Cecilia take care of business.
Team Glen vs. Lich (FF1) - If Lich could open with Paralyze on Raquel, he'd have a shot here.  But he has to Paralyze Jane to stop Defend, and then kill Jane, then worry about the actually dangerous parts of the team.  Yeah, giving Raquel two free turns isn't wise.

As for Team Dude, that's two SaGa characters, so not much voting on him probably.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Monado Mandala Week 1
« Reply #18 on: June 29, 2009, 05:15:05 PM »
Updating this tonight.

Here are the two floors you may choose from:

Floor 2a: THESE! ARE! BOSSES!!

Team vs. Milon, Baigan and Kainazzo (FF4 SNES)
Team vs. Booster
Team vs. Scarmiglione (FF4 DS)
Team vs. Kary
Team vs. Augus

Floor 2b: Assaulting the Castle

Team vs. FFT Knight, FFT Archer, FF1 Black Wizard, FF1 White Wizard
Team vs. Frog and Crono
Team vs. Kain, FFT Dragoon and FF3 Dragoon
Team vs. Gilliam, Oswin and Galleon
Team vs. FF4 DS Cecil and Nina4


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Monado Mandala Week 1
« Reply #19 on: June 29, 2009, 07:52:53 PM »
Team Dude | Blue, Relm (Firefly), Zozma, FFT Monk, Rena
Team Dude vs. Palmer and Mist Dragon
Team Dude vs. Steelix, Shuckle and FF1 Knight- Not deserving of comments, these fights.
Team Dude vs. Marle and Alice- Psychic Prison on Alice, Marle gets pummeled to death otherwise.
Team Dude vs. Rampage Driv- Blue's magic damage should carry the day here.
Team Dude vs. Lich (FF1)- Lich can sort of pressure the team, but it isn't enough. RENA HITS A WEAKNESS WITH RAY YES

Tenative pass to Glen.

Unsure about Snowfire. Does the team have any real source of magical damage besides for Rena's Press spell?
« Last Edit: June 29, 2009, 07:55:39 PM by superaielman »
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<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Monado Mandala Week 1
« Reply #20 on: June 29, 2009, 09:00:48 PM »
Jessica's got magic here, which should be pretty competent right now.