Given VSM's behavior, that I wasn't particularly suspicious of Excal up to this point, my confidence in the game sanity and that I obviously wasn't sure if my rolecop abilities were real or it was just oddly specific flavor...
Yep. While it is well possible Excal is trying to miskill me, voting him has a ton of problems associated with it. For starters, if I'm wrong, we lose a cop. Furthermore, I die shortly after. In addition, is is a fairly weak line of argumentation anyway, because it amounts to "NO U." And, honestly, I've got nothing on him but him fingering me, which seems fairly suicidal if he's scum, since we tend to flip hidden special abilities after. Given the general stupidity of one-for-one trades on the scum side...
I'm fairly confident about tossing Occam's Razor to the wind and going with VSM scum, Excal honest and myself a stealth miller.