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Re: VtM:M - Vampire the Masquerade Mafia
« Reply #125 on: February 06, 2008, 05:00:49 AM »
Unfortunately I'm pretty much dead on my feet here, must sleep, won't be back for ~16 hours.  If I somehow do wind up on the vig block (though I certainly hope not) please to not be vigging me without giving me a last chance to speak/roleclaim.

I have a strong kneejerk against deadline extensions in general, my saying that I would antivote it if possible was a result of me not reading the rules closely and instantly teeth-gnashing at the mass of extends.  I realize that there are schedule issues and the like and, as I said in a response to Shale earlier, I do grudgingly support the extension for today.


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Re: VtM:M - Vampire the Masquerade Mafia
« Reply #126 on: February 06, 2008, 05:26:50 AM »
And now I am forced to post in my own defense.  So.

OK...  Despite the fact that Alex can't seem to make up his mind on whether our target of choice should be low post count, or people whose flips will tell us something...

This is false and mischaracterizing.  I have made up my mind and cast my vote.  Low post counts and lurking are not something I have addressed yet in this game, because to date I have felt it too early in both game and real time to do so.

We still haven't heard at all from... uh, a lot of people.  And if we still haven't by blood hunt time, I'm in favor of them as dusting targets over people who have posted.  General principle, yknow.

That's the basis behind that commentary on my part.  It seems something of a slip, but figured I'd toss it out there.

LadyDoor is also stating that I am suspicious for saying the same thing over and over.  I find that taking a definite statement on issues and having a continued presence in discussion is the best course of action for all townies.  In other words, uh, what would you prefer me to do, lurk and say nothing, or contradict myself?

I've found that there's a difference between forcefully stating one's opinion, and actually progressing in a debate.  How many times has town managed to waste time and effort fighting itself into a mire because both sides entrench themselves in their same fixed positions and keep sniping at each other?  I suppose the thing that galls me most, is that what this is shaping into is one gigantic clusterfuck because both sides were harping the same points.

That said, El Cid, I have a question for you.  Reading your posts, it's obvious you have something against Otter.  At one point you even go so far as to say that it's a specific post you have issue with.  Now, I could go back and find something similar to what you're talking about and divine my own reason as to why you're cheesed off with him (I'd rather not, seeing as I agree with most of Otter's non-Page 1 stuff).  But what would that tell me?  That you may have some justification?  That I'm good at making excuses for other people's actions?  Neither of those do me jack all.  So, show us the money.  Quote the relevant passages, and show us why we should buy into your claim.

Otter, you ask why I'm not focusing on lurkers.  I stated that already in my post.  I agree with Alex's idea that we focus on someone active to start off with, whose death will be able to tell us more.  Especially since the lurker cause du jour is OK, who may not have had a chance to post yet.  I'd like to have a little more to jump into for the second half of the day then just knowing that quiet person X was scum or town.

Finally, I reread Cid's two Page 3 posts with the chane in emphasis suggested by Alex, and I don't feel comfortable leaving my vote on him anymore.  I'm going to look some more into this, see exactly what the situation was when Cid started his crusade.  But for now...

##Unvote: Alex


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Re: VtM:M - Vampire the Masquerade Mafia
« Reply #127 on: February 06, 2008, 07:00:36 AM »
Excal: I wouldn't say I have something against Otter. I sure as hell wouldn't call this a crusade. I saw something that seemed to me to be uncharacteristic for him and I voted for him to see how he'd respond. That's it. Alex is actually the one who seized on this vote and made a big case out of it. Otter's conduct since the vote has actually done a lot to make him look worse, but I'll get to that in a minute. The original Otter post that I was responding to was simply this:

EDIT: ninja'd by the Rat.  I sort of agree that more time could be useful in this situation since we have to divide it between two lynches, but I also think the brief time limit could work in our favor.  It forces everyone to snap to action and I think this slightly more brutal game style could help town out.  I'll mention, however, that as we approach the Rat-lynch deadline, it may be the case that a few more hours will seem really helpful and desired and in that case I will vote to extend.  Until and unless that becomes the case, though, I'd just as soon stick with the short days.  Don't take more time for granted.

That's it. Fairly benign in that he does offer some tentative support for the idea of an extension, but the bolded sentence jumped out to me as odd. So I voted Otter to see how he'd react. I haven't got some kind of vendetta against the guy, and it was never my intent to build a case solely off of this. Yet, reading Alex's posts, that's what you'd assume I'm doing. I find it very peculiar that both of them leap on my phrasing (which was admittedly bad) and take pains to avoid ever addressing the question of whether a 24-hour cycle is logistically feasible.

As for what I want out of Otter now....some kind of rationale for why he voted for me in the first place would've been nice. "A Cid train is fine too?" What the hell? Seriously, Otter, that's the kind of thing you'd smack someone else for doing. He did drop something resembling a reason in an earlier post...

There's a temptation to OMGUS Corwin and/or El Cid for, respectively, voting me for being around and voting me for not wanting a time extension.  Alex covered the Cid issue pretty well in my mind, as well as CPU, who... is playing so phenomenally poorly that I think he must not realize we're out of the jokephase.  In which case he needs to read the actual topic and realize that we don't have time for that.

That's taken from a long post (mostly about CPU) on page four. OMGUS, Otter? Brilliant. He does refer to Alex's arguments, yes, and he's been agreeing with those ever since--and both of them do a damned good job of finding things I didn't actually say to use against me. First off, here's Otter at the bottom of page five:

What's more, the Extend vote has already passed now.  Politicizing the Extension decision isn't just a waste of time, it smacks of a scum attempt to divert everyone's attention.  Are you seriously, as Alex suggested, using this as a litmus test?  You're saying townies always vote extend at the start of every day no matter what so there can be MORE DISCUSSION, while only scum would suggest that we go right for the discussion and get it done with in less than the maximum number of possible hours?

Nope, that's not what I'm suggesting. Maybe you should pay atention to what I'm actually saying instead of what Alex is saying about me? The entire quote above is nothing but you putting words in my mouth, Otter, as I'm sure you know. I never said anything of the sort. I know you can do better than strawman arguments, Otter, so please try. It was never my intent to politicize the extension--yet, in responding to my post, you and Alex have done a pretty good job of doing just that yourselves, well past the time when the matter has actually been settled. Seriously, my initial Otter vote was made before the extension issue was settled--and yet in this paragraph he's carrying on as though I were still harping about it now. If I'm doing so, it's only in response to him. Go back and reread my posts. Pretty much everything I've said since the extension was passed has been self-defense against people...yet, above, Otter says I'm making attempts to politicize the issue even after it's been settled? As near as I can tell, you and Alex have gone to the most effort to politicize the extension since it's been passed. An open question to the group as a whole: does this seem wonky to anyone other than me?

From a response to VSM:

If he let us extend it to week-long days, would you vote for that?  By Cid's reasoning, surely you would if you were a townie, because a week of discussion is much more than a day of discussion, and more discussion helps town!  This is bogus, though, because we don't NEED that much time.

You're right, that is bogus--because no one here actually said it. Nor would they. A week? Be serious, Otter. I think you've been in some debate classes, and you've probably been unfortunate enough to see a few political debates, so you should be aware of this, but: slippery slope arguments make everyone on both sides look stupid. I don't suppose you could stop using them? If you can't make your point without this kind of exaggeration, you haven't got much of one to begin with. Kudos on the question mark in particular. It nicely captures the spirit of enthusiasm I demonstrated in pushing this phantom argument.

Alex/Otter: No one asked for a bloody week here. Another day, real-time. That comes down to twelve hours for each half of day one. Do you mind telling me why each of you find it necessary to so grossly misrepresent my support of the extension (which both of you accept!) in every post you make regarding me? My initial Otter post was poorly worded, and I stand by that being the cause of some of the confusion here. If you don't believe me, I don't much blame you, but that's pretty much what happens when I divide my attentions at work (which is one reason why I usually don't do it). I think both of you have been pretty dodgy in your pursuit of me, though, Otter in particular for sloppy logic leaps and hyperbole represented as fact.

Also...I maintain that 24 hours for one game-day isn't sufficient for logistical reasons (at least while there are this many still in the game). Given the diverse schedules our players have, I believe more time is a simple necessity for everyone to weigh in. Neither of you spend much time actually addressing this point. Do you really think twenty-four hours is enough for us to rush through the first kill? I know you guys want the group to work that efficiently. That's been made abundantly clear and I don't think I can disagree with the sentiment. But...I find it very odd that both of you avoid the bare-bones matter of who can post when in favor of continually exaggerating my words to make me look like some kind of extension-obsessed loonie. If someone's flying off the handle, it's not me. Note: If either of you keep hammering home the same points in response to this paragraph without actually addressing the matter as a logistical issue, you're going to look VERY bad indeed. Right now you just look misguided.

Anyway, I think the Otter quotes above speak for themselves. He could very well be a townie trying to pressure someone else to get a read on them. But I'm not inclined to give much leeway for arguments as bad as the ones I've quoted here. All I wanted was a reaction. Well, it seems I got one.

Okay...I need to sleep soon, but I'll stick around for a couple minutes to see if anyone responds. What time are we looking at for the Ratkill? Because if it's me, I insist that my inquisitors here give me a chance to roleclaim first (even if it has to be done from work!)


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Re: VtM:M - Vampire the Masquerade Mafia
« Reply #128 on: February 06, 2008, 07:05:08 AM »
Just while I'm skimming, my kill should happen in about 8 hours.


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Re: VtM:M - Vampire the Masquerade Mafia
« Reply #129 on: February 06, 2008, 07:07:12 AM »
Ten AM for me, then. I'll try to get up early enough to catch up and respond before going to work, but I can't make any guarantees since I'm already up far too late. One way or another, though, I'll have something before Ratline.

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Re: VtM:M - Vampire the Masquerade Mafia
« Reply #130 on: February 06, 2008, 07:33:24 AM »
Sorry guys, I have a big ol' exam tomorrow morning, so I haven't had the time to dedicate to Mafia'ing. I will voice displeasure in wanting to lynch Cid offhand, but gah blargh time is not my friend right now. Super busy day tomorrow.
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Re: VtM:M - Vampire the Masquerade Mafia
« Reply #131 on: February 06, 2008, 08:07:29 AM »
Well if Ratkin's kill happens while I'm sleeping (and by his last time estimate it will be) then I'd like to lay out some thoughts here before I go crash.

The Reoccuring FF Character lynch train: I don't see this one.  I'll be honest.  I went back over and read his arguments and the responses to them and he has a point that the Water Mammal and Fluffytails have taken everything he's been saying to extremes in the interests of making their own points.  I don't know if I exactly think that's scummy right now, though.  It's Day 1 and town tends to kill each other with just as much fervor as scum on every Day 1 that I've seen.  They have good points, but they're also fast tracking him to the vigkill based on arguments which really make my 'something's wrong' senses pester the heck out of me.

LAL lynching: Hmm.  I am seriously torn by this.  Instinct tells me to LAL.  Practice tells me to do it, too.  But there have been a few really good arguments (mostly from Fluffytails) on why taking out someone who is actively participating will actually do us more good in this Day 1 Special Eventtm.  I think with 2 lynches this day, though, we can have our cake and eat it, too.  I think we've generated a lot of discussion, enough for us to sift through after the lynch and glean some insight.  What I'd like to do is then ask the lurkers to pony up and start posting content based on what all has gone on.  If they don't participate with a flip and all of this discussion on their plate, LAL is a beautiful thing.

But, I am going to be asleep until almost 8 my time which is well after the Ratkin's designated kill time so I'm hesitant to place a vote on someone in case I miss a pivitol response on why they should not be lynched and be unable to remove my vote.  So, I will leave my vote on Sir Emptyness for now as he's the one I most want to see some content from.  Hopefully this happens pre-vigkill-flip.  And I'll be making a post of my own when I wake up based on thoughts as soon as I get the rugrat ready for school and before I head into work.
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Re: VtM:M - Vampire the Masquerade Mafia
« Reply #132 on: February 06, 2008, 08:22:49 AM »
At the moment, we have two pretty solid lurkers: OK and CPU's replacement. As such, I would love to hear from either of them at this point.

Outside of them... Otter does look a bit off to me. While I agree fundamentally with some of his ideas, his presentation is fairly questionable. Although they are minor things, arguments shouldn't devolve into hyperbole and misrepresenting what others are saying. I also think there are some notable problems with as short of days as you seem to be gesturing towards. Primarily, that DL timezones are all out of whack, people work and all that. In other words, for anything but a random lynch because there will be a very awkward window for a good number of people to respond in.

While I obviously don't think we need super long days, I also think we need to remember that the reality of the situation is that some of us can only post at certain times and this might not sync up to be conducive towards discussion.

On Alex... mrm... I'm not getting great vibes from you at all. You generally brush aside the potential for Rat to be scum aligned. While I agree that it is a subject that can't really be discussed at this time, I do generally feel that giving anyone a pass like that is... iffy, at the very best. I understand that discussing him now is pointless, but the way you phrase the disregard for the potential for Carth being scum is bothersome. Furthermore, well...

Glaring as CPU's play may be (or Berliner, I suppose he is now), I feel that he (and OK/Andrew) would make suboptimal dayvig choices compared to a case with an issue where we might glean some flip info.

Now, I'm not going to deny that I was a bit lurky at this point, but I do feel the need to attack this point slightly. You yourself have said that your style of scum play is to simply pass over things that you would normally pick up on/address as a townie (let bad play/lurkers slide by), and that's why I have a problem with this. First of all, you're comparing CPU to me and OK, despite the potential reasons for voting us being totally different (CPU for bad play, OK/Me for lurking). Furthermore, that's... kind of unfair to me at a lot of levels. At that point, I have far more content than OK (which is to say, two votes), and I'm about on par with Smodge and LadyDoor, who are conspicuously absent from your (essentially) call out for lurkers. In other words, you're making people look guilty by associating them with things they aren't guilty of (CPU to OK and Me), while ignoring others who could be categorized in the group (LadyDoor/Smodge).

Given what you've said of your scum play in the past, can you kind of see my problem at this point?

With the vig coming up though, I feel a lot worse about you than I do about Cid. While I still want to hear from OK and CPU's replacements, the vig has to be dealt with first it seems.

##Unvote: OK
##Vote: Alex

As is though, I definitely disagree with vigging before we have a chance to hear back from whoever we intend to vig before we actually do it.

Anyhow, I work tomorrow, so I should be back around 3pm PST or so!


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Re: VtM:M - Vampire the Masquerade Mafia
« Reply #133 on: February 06, 2008, 09:17:49 AM »

I dislike the way this Alex train is lagging up and find his detractors far more suspicious than himself. Firstly, there's been repeated claims of him, well, *repeating his claims* as if it's a bad scummy thing. LadyDoor is the foremost exemplar of this argument, as shown here-

Quote from: LadyDoor
That currently leaves me suspicious of Alex (repeated attacks, and setting up a straw man) and Andrew (for completely missing out on the extension discussion, either for or against, despite posting in the midst of the argument and citing lynch deadline problems). Primarily? Alex's harangue leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

As far as I can tell, Alex's so-called 'repeated attack' happened exactly ONCE at this point and not only that, it was in response to Cid's original reply. He already outlined why he didn't find that satisfactory and I see absolutely nothing wrong with his attitude there. In fact, can you highlight the posts you think actually consist of a repeated attack?

And then you actually change gear completely with this.

Quote from: LadyDoor
That's my beef with Sir Alex. It's NOT about extension as a concept. It's about extension as a means to help us make the most of Day 1 and this dayvig power. That is why I cited those other people -- they've all made that distinction after a fashion. That's why I keep frowning at Alex -- every time he posted, he made it sound as if a vote for extension was stupid on the basis that "more time = more waffling/indecision/procrastinating." I'm all for someone deciding that they don't like extension. Awesome. What I don't like is when discussion moves past the general into the specific -- in this case, why this Day 1 in particular is a great candidate for extension -- but one person stays back in the realm of general without acknowledging that this case might be different (or why it's not).

So... are you attacking Alex because he set up a straw man? Because he's been too forceful? Because you don't like where he stands on the extension thing, which shouldn't actually be an issue but is anyway? I don't know anymore. I'm going to ask you to reiterate your argument again. And until you do, I'll be here. ##Unvote, ##Vote: LadyDoor


Cid: I don't like what I'm seeing. What he IS doing is posting extensively, which isn't what I feel he did as scum in Touhou. I'm not fond of his content; his early vote at Otter and such, and more recently his DIRE THREAT towards Alex and Otter that if they keep on the path they're taking, they'll LOOK BAD.

This seems like pretty typical scaremongering to me and I can't make up my mind if he's being genuine or trying to get out of a sticky situation. Or, well, both.


It seems there's pressure to not vigkill before claims... and I hate this. We need to get our act together and have things actually set up before the deadline as has been said. I'm leaning towards letting it happen this time, but in the future there will be no exceptions.


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Re: VtM:M - Vampire the Masquerade Mafia
« Reply #134 on: February 06, 2008, 09:34:30 AM »
Ladies and gentlemen,

I picked up a small error in my previous update;
Smodge13 (1): QuietRain, Corwin
This was incorrect. Smodge should have been on zero votes. It was correct in Kilgamayan's following tally, however. Just letting you all know.

And now, the update:

El Cideon (2): Carthrat, IHateThisCPU, Sir Alex, Smodge13, Otter
Excal (0): Shale
Smodge13 (0): QuietRain, Corwin
QuietRain (0): Lady Door
Ciato (0): El Cideon
VerySlightlyMad (0): Otter, Carthrat
AndrewRogue (0): Excal, QuietRain
Otter (1): Corwin, El Cideon
Corwin (0): Sir Alex, Excal
Sir Alex (4): VerySlightlyMad, Anonymous, Lady Door, Excal, AndrewRogue
Oblivion Knight (1): Carthrat, Carthrat, AndrewRogue, QuietRain
Drac (2): Smodge, QuietRain, Corwin, Otter
Lady Door (1): Carthrat

A number of 8 is required for majority.

Day Phase 1 will end 1pm Friday (+11), in 43.5 hours.

I have changed IHateThisCPU's name to Drac in the tally, but have left his voting record under his name. As such, the two votes remain on Drac, and it is up to the players to remove them if they wish.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2008, 10:00:22 AM by EvilTom »
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Re: VtM:M - Vampire the Masquerade Mafia
« Reply #135 on: February 06, 2008, 09:35:41 AM »
Gonna reiterate that anonymous votes don't count to the daykill.

I also at this stage would likely vote for Cid over Alex if it came down to that.


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Re: VtM:M - Vampire the Masquerade Mafia
« Reply #136 on: February 06, 2008, 09:53:02 AM »
Finally caught up. The last two posts bother me, as do the requests to wait on a claim/defense from Alex and Cid earlier. What's the point of setting a rule (set deadline, Rat vigs on it; Rat vigs earlier if we're -1 to hammer) we really intend to follow except, you know, not this time. But surely, tomorrow and onwards! Yeah, whatever. If Alex/Cid are granted this chance to flail/deflect and I happen to end on the vig block day 2, I certainly want to be given the same chance and any arguments for why I shouldn't be while they should are bullshit. (Not that I want or expect this to happen, y'know, but what better way to make a case than using yourself as an example?)

Also, and forgive me for reviving this tired, dead horse just to smack on it some more -- would we even have had time to wait on them to wake up and respond, redecide our case for a vig AND decide on a lynch for an unextended day? Yeah, just couldn't resist mentioning it, especially since I don't like Alex's stance here. He seems to rely on the very thing he doesn't like, pushing off a decision farther and then rushing through things near the day's end/deadline.

But then, I don't find it scummy enough to vote on. I don't know, it just feels like he's playing by one set of rules for the plebs and adopting another for himself. A quick consensus/lynch is fine, but as long as it takes place when he's awake and not me? Yeah, that bit of taking it personally is another reason I'm not voting, since it could definitely color my judgement.

Okay, some technical matters before I proceed. Tom, how did Smodge vote twice? I noticed the error you mentioned in your votecount as I was catching up, but Kilga seems to have counted Smodge twice and you just c/p'd that. And ##Unvote: CPU/Drac cause it's uncool to sack a new player who hadn't posted yet with a vote for someone who I certainly hope wouldn't be allowed into more mafia games in the near future since he keeps on wasting time and then dropping out or cause us to waste our lynch. And I won't even get into the grudges thing.

No vote yet, but I'd like Lady Door to present a comprehensive case in support of her vote. I tend to agree with her (and Cid) in that I've spotted strawman arguments in both Otter and Alex's posts (which in itself aren't proof of scumminess), but she seems to be going off more. Let's see the specifics, like several people before me had requested. Quotes/links/what have you.

Rat: I disagree with your decision to ignore Mr. Anon. It's pointless to debate whose side the vote belongs to (it's usually town, once it was scum), but it certainly counts towards a real lynch. While I understand your reasoning in disregarding it... this is a 'houserule' you're making for your dayvig. The more it happens, the less it is town's second lynch and more something you're ultimately controlling. I can't help but recall VSM's cautionary arguments, now. Would it be our lynch, except the deadline isn't a deadline, not all votes are equal (yours is already a tiebreaker, you stated, and anon doesn't count... what else works differently?). Eh. I don't like it, and I just know more exceptions will keep on coming.

On whom would provide the most information upon a flip: I actually agree with Alex's argument there, and the dayvig shouldn't be wasted on a lurker. That can be done with an end-of-day lynch. So far, however, the strongest connection I see is the Alex/Otter alliance. It is quite possible they would try to bruteforce the town into following their tune, especially given Touhou and the 'me too' sheep-like mentality that went where Alex directed it for a few days. They have the mafia skill for it, if nothing else, and NKs would whittle away any strong opposition in this case. Note, this isn't a 'one of them must be scum, let's lynch both!' argument, but one that goes 'if one of them is scum, the other is likely to be one too in this case, I feel; if one is revealed as town, it says nothing about the other.' Who else could flip that would tell us anything? If it's Cid, who flips scum, then... Cid and Alex could be engaging in bussing/a strange gambit to find a new target given that they ended up in an unfavorable condition. Or Alex could honestly be town going after Cid. Or Cid could be town and we get even less. I picked Cid for the example, here, since aside from Alex and Otter he seems the one most involved with other people.

Of course, this assumes I'm not mistaken about Alex's intent for the dayvig and what we could gleam from it. I'll let this stand so people could correct me or comment before committing to a vote well before Rat's deadline, whether he extends it or not.


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Re: VtM:M - Vampire the Masquerade Mafia
« Reply #137 on: February 06, 2008, 09:59:30 AM »
I blame Smodge for not ##Unvoting. His second vote will now be made null. Thanks for pointing that out.
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Re: VtM:M - Vampire the Masquerade Mafia
« Reply #138 on: February 06, 2008, 10:07:56 AM »
Finally caught up. The last two posts bother me, as do the requests to wait on a claim/defense from Alex and Cid earlier. What's the point of setting a rule (set deadline, Rat vigs on it; Rat vigs earlier if we're -1 to hammer) we really intend to follow except, you know, not this time. But surely, tomorrow and onwards! Yeah, whatever. If Alex/Cid are granted this chance to flail/deflect and I happen to end on the vig block day 2, I certainly want to be given the same chance and any arguments for why I shouldn't be while they should are bullshit. (Not that I want or expect this to happen, y'know, but what better way to make a case than using yourself as an example?)

I agree with most of this. I don't actually want to extend the deadline. I'm faced with the reality that several people have requested that we do extend it to allow for roleclaims and I can't just ignore that. I'm forced to weigh between 'Should I kill him, despite the fact that a roleclaim may change everything and I'm thus potentially denying us info?' or 'Should I let him live, despite that it is going against my previous hard line?'

iirc, alex, cid, andy, and myself are presently in favour of waiting for claims. Is anyone else going to weigh in on this?


Rat: I disagree with your decision to ignore Mr. Anon. It's pointless to debate whose side the vote belongs to (it's usually town, once it was scum), but it certainly counts towards a real lynch. While I understand your reasoning in disregarding it... this is a 'houserule' you're making for your dayvig. The more it happens, the less it is town's second lynch and more something you're ultimately controlling. I can't help but recall VSM's cautionary arguments, now. Would it be our lynch, except the deadline isn't a deadline, not all votes are equal (yours is already a tiebreaker, you stated, and anon doesn't count... what else works differently?). Eh. I don't like it, and I just know more exceptions will keep on coming.

Why should I pay attention to an unclaimed anonymous vote? This is an easy call for me. Frankly, I'd rather have the ultimate final lynch decision power in my hands than some mystery guy who I have no idea about and who may be town or scum. In my eyes, doublevoting is a gay power that serves exactly one pro-town purpose and that's to make sure we actually get a lynch in games where you must have majority by deadline. I'm giving it exactly the amount of credence it deserves.

I think you're exaggerating how much I'm shifting things and not really taking into account that the game isn't static and I have to modify how I play.

But let's be clear here, it is my power. *I* have to make these calls and someone is going to disagree with me either way. Unless there is a strong town consensus one way or the other I'm going to make these calls. I think there's absolutely nothing wrong with taking this attitude towards grey areas.


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Re: VtM:M - Vampire the Masquerade Mafia
« Reply #139 on: February 06, 2008, 10:12:08 AM »
And I'm falling into groupthink, huh.

To rephrase. I am in favour of waiting for claims assuming nobody else speaks up about preferring a faster deadline at this point in time. Apologies for not being clear.


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Re: VtM:M - Vampire the Masquerade Mafia
« Reply #140 on: February 06, 2008, 10:32:40 AM »
I think we are in agreement that we haven't hit all the gray areas yet, and I really wouldn't want to have the day's lynch later down the line (at LYLO?) be over them and your behavior/judgement calls instead of actually trying to find and kill scum. If we move on from OH YES/NOES EXTENSION and start discussing even this, now, I'd consider it an improvement.

Rat posts again, so I'll add my own clarification. If we do end up waiting for the claims, I would like us to agree on a set of basic rules for the dayvig that we'll all agree not to break, for it to have any meaning (the meaning is, after all, people putting forth arguments and committing to voting, just as with a real lynch -- and could be made moot it their votes may not carry the same weight, or if the deadline isn't a deadline for certain reasons/people). In particular, I would like Alex and Cid to weigh in on this.

Especially Alex. He mentioned earlier how scum used this tactic (of waiting around for me to post, of not hammering quickly) in Touhou which allowed us to push the lynch over to Nitori. The second paragraph in the following link goes on about this, and from the tone and context I believe he disagrees with town's behavior there quite strongly. Draw your own conclusions:

Yes, what he describes happened, though I disagree with his reasoning; what exactly made Nitori's claim so believable, except it coming first at a time when I was sleeping? Had I been around first, should town have hammered Nitori instead with the same swiftness Alex believes town should have acted with? Likewise, why does he believe that it is good town play to hammer quickly and effectively... except when it's him in the lead for the lynch, where it's suddenly okay to wait ~16 hours on him? He's not above making statements along the lines of 'well Andrew should vig himself if that's the consensus, take one for town', and if memory serves me right it wasn't because he was scum, but because he honestly believed that to be the case. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong on this one.

Why am I posting so much about Alex and things I dislike in his behavior this game, without actually dropping a vote on him? Like I said in a previous post, I can't shake the feeling some of this is me taking his perceived hypocrisy personally, and OMGUS is not the way I want to vote here. So I'm posting my thoughts, and allowing for people to poke holes in them. If no one does, and nothing else happens, however, I think I'll go vote based on who I think looks scummiest AND whose dayvig is likely to give us the best information.


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Re: VtM:M - Vampire the Masquerade Mafia
« Reply #141 on: February 06, 2008, 10:44:33 AM »
Ladies and gentlemen, your attention for just a moment; I have a small announcement to make.

As you know, violence is prohibited in Elysium. As CarthRat has made it known that he wishes to carry out judgment in just a few hours, Elysium will take a very short break during that time. After Elysium staff have had a chance to clean up the mess, we shall resume exactly where we left off.

As soon as CarthRat executes his daykill, consider it to be a temporary hammer. The day will not end, but I'll need to be around so that I can type up the result for you. In other words, the game will pause. Day Phase 1 will not end. However much time is left on the clock will be exactly how much is left when Elysium resumes with the results. As it is a temporary hammer, please do not talk until the game resumes. After we pause I will give some warning before we resume, so as not to disadvantage those in other timezones.

If you have any questions regarding this announcement, please speak to me about it privately (Private Message) so as not to detract from our current proceedings.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2008, 10:55:05 AM by EvilTom »
This is your life and it's ending one minute at a time.


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Re: VtM:M - Vampire the Masquerade Mafia
« Reply #142 on: February 06, 2008, 10:45:50 AM »
Ground rules again, eh. I'm game for this.

Hokay. Ideally.

1) I will lynch whoever has the most votes at the halfway mark. Town should get it's frigging act together and get roleclaims and whatnot out here before then with enough time to spare. I encourage people to vote early and often and the like. I also encourage people to have a clear head and not just latch on to a single case when others are floating around and are generating more discussion.

2) We will NOT utilize extensions frivolously, in fact I'd rather not use them at all at this point. However, I appreciate that there are problems in that sometimes people go missing and whatever. If we DO use an extension, that basically gives us a total of 48 hours to discuss the vigkill. If we get an extension, that's it- I WILL kill whoever has the most votes at that time (or as soon as I can afterwards, whichever.)  We MUST get stuff done by then.

3) Day 1 is an exception to the above rule due to length and a few demands on this. I apologize for not really covering this earlier. I won't allow a repeat of today.

4) I'm ignoring anonymous votes of any kind, claimed or not. I would like to retain executive power, as it were.

5) I'll say it now, I guess; if I actually live until LYLO, all the previous rules are void. Do people have a problem with this? My reasoning is that the game changes considerably at this point (it's dangerous to cast votes; scum are close to having a majority; roles and such might exist and mess things up and so on.) *Unless it is LYLO I will always follow town majority.*

My thoughts are pretty simple. I feel I'm putting this power at town's disposal. Like I said, though, it's still my power, and regardless of what you all think, I know I'm town, and I take that into account when I say my vote is a tiebreaker and I retain power at LYLO and such. Put yourself in my situation and think about it. I'm not a dumb tool, I have a voice and my own will. I trust myself more than anyone. And that's it.


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Re: VtM:M - Vampire the Masquerade Mafia
« Reply #143 on: February 06, 2008, 11:29:12 AM »
Well, firstly a greeting to everybody gathered here, I am he who was roped in as CPU's replacement.

i think that this time extension is a nice thing to have. Especially for somebody like me who has just been dropped into the middle of it all, it gives me time to learn who everybody is so to speak, And also due to the dayvig situation eating up time like it will. 

In response to the Carthrats rules, i have to say that i'd like to see a bit more flexibility on the issue on giving time for role claims and such due to timedifferances but having said this. I respect that it while the he has placed the power at the towns disposal it is carthrat who will have to have to be online to execute the use his power at such times, so i can see credence in his ruling.


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Re: VtM:M - Vampire the Masquerade Mafia
« Reply #144 on: February 06, 2008, 01:08:13 PM »
Ok crap sorry for the forgetting to unvote, was about to leave for work and trying to get a post ASAP so to correct things.

Welcome to the game my Aussie freind.

El cid i would place a vote on again however reading over the days posts i am satisfied with his responses for now.

Currently who looks bad to me?

OK, Lady Door and Alex.

OK - awaiting a post, don't want to use rats dayvig power on him because regardless of the flip we're back where we started (lynch target i am for on the other hand)

Alex - i know me too-ism is bad but basically i'd just be repeating what alot of people have said already so i won't for now.

The Alex train at the moment feels bad to me, i dislike how votes just started to pile on there, it seems too much like a scum pushing someone to the top before use of a dayvig, however after just rereading Andrews post it really really does make sense to me, looking back over the Touhou game Alex was letting some things lside he normally wouldn't, but whats really getting me is as Andrew pointed out Alex berates people for lurking yet doesn't comment on myself and Lady door, this combined with the fact that he isn't hunting me with a vengeance like he usually does makes him look a bit weird to me.

Ugh, Seems more like Andrew was more OMGusing than anything now that i read Alex's post.
Sorry if this post of mine jumps around a bit.

Reason for this, 1 his original vote seemed to be a joke vote, yet it is still sitting there on the train when it begins to get serious, he then disappears for a while, comes back to make only a minor commentary and then goes again.
in this commentary he makes this mistake
My vote stands anyhow, because Alex saying "Let's vote in a timely fashion" goes against EVERY FUCKING GAME I've played with him, where he's all "More talk is good. Talk helps town."
This doesn't make sense to me Alex seems to always be on the agressive in most situations and Pro-lynch, Random he was adamant when noone would hammer me, hell even Tsukihime he jumped on me for being cautious with my votes, so far from what i've seen Alex is Pro-Talk and Pro-Action every game (except Touhou where he was scum).
seems like he's trying to fade in the background, joke vote and doesn't even bother to comment on the other cases

Finally Lady Door - once again if i comment it will offer nothing new, however on the reread it seems almost newbyish some of the things she's saying (although i've got to admit, she's somehow fitting in A LOT better than me and Tom did when we first joined).

Anyway nothing from me for 9 hours, sleep time again.


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Re: VtM:M - Vampire the Masquerade Mafia
« Reply #145 on: February 06, 2008, 02:11:14 PM »
I'm going to bed soon, and pondering on the best way to do this. Frankly, the way Alex has gone and said he needs 16 hours before he can post again irritates me a lot, given that he's one of the leading men for today (and has repeatedly argued that we should be decisive and quick and such. Frankly, he could've roleclaimed already, and in fact I wonder if this would not be preferable.)

I don't see any easy way to decide things and thus I'm going to issue an ultimatum to the rest of the town- I'm going to sleep for 8-9 hours or so. When I wake up, I want to vigkill someone. I would MOST like to vigkill my current target (LadyDoor), but Alex and Cid are the leading competitors at the moment and I would rather go for Cid over Alex.

If the rest of you could come together over this that would be grand; if you absolutely must have MORE TIME for claims after I wake up (and give that I said the deadline would be for halfway through, which is nowish, I'm already being weak @_@) then everyone better agree on it because I kind of... don't and won't be easily swayed again. I don't think it's necessarily unwise to ask for claims at this point (and in fact want one from Cid at least, myself.) If other people agree with me and pile up the votes on SOMEONE that would be GREAT.

I think it would be best if we directed our discussion along existing lines, as there just won't be enough time to discuss new cases. I say this while fully aware my vote is still on Lady Door, who I feel is one of the people taking a strong stance against Alex which I still feel is unwarranted.


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Re: VtM:M - Vampire the Masquerade Mafia
« Reply #146 on: February 06, 2008, 02:46:37 PM »
Well, since it's just about Ratline (though it kinda looks like this won't be enforced now, since Alex's schedule apparently won't let him respond in time. See how that works, dude?) I may as well claim:

I am the resident governator. This is quite easy to prove--assuming people are okay waiving the day-ending lynch today. We can use the day's formal lynch on a lurker and I'll overturn the decision. Assuming I'm not dayvigged first, of course.

Now, I'll understand if people are wary about actually doing this, since I'm sure someone out there is considering whether it could be a ploy by endangered scum trying to take a townie with them. If people don't want to take the risk, I won't hold it against them. My view, of course, is that this way we get to confirm someone is who he says he is without actually killing him.

Alright, that's all I've got time for for now, but I'll try to check in whenever possible.


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Re: VtM:M - Vampire the Masquerade Mafia
« Reply #147 on: February 06, 2008, 03:39:42 PM »
Roleclaim from Cid!  Possibly unnecessary and a little questionable just for that, but what the hey, Cid's play this game hasn't exactly been perfect.  What matters is whether he's scum.  I don't personally know of any scum roles which mimic the Governor's ability, so the question is: is it worth giving up one of our day 1 lynches (of which we have two, now) to confirm a townie?

I'm going with "Yes" right now.  If he's lying, then great, the lynch will pass and we can lynch him tomorrow easily for lying.  If he's really a Governor, though, we only get our dayvig-lynch today but we have Cid confirmed.  Just for clarity's sake, though, Cid: is this power a one-time thing?  If so, can you tell me why you're willing to spend it just to confirm yourself when you're not really the one on the block anyway?

Those concerns (along with my problem of Cid essentially threatening Alex and myself with "Don't keep bringing up that issue with my posts, or you will look VERY BAD!!") are present and should be answered, but I reiterate that I'm tentatively in favor right now of letting him try and prove himself.  As long as there's no Scum Governor (which I've never heard of), that should resolve the issue of Cid's alignment; his poor play could be discussed elsewhere and at another time, because that wouldn't help us find scum right now.

Vote defaults to LaL, since Alex looks fine to me and I see no reason to dayvig him.



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Re: VtM:M - Vampire the Masquerade Mafia
« Reply #148 on: February 06, 2008, 04:40:20 PM »
I wake up expecting to troll through the aftermath of a vigkill and fine...debate stil going.  Good.  I can actually use my vote.  So, formalities out of the place first and then down to talking.

##Unvote Sir Emptyness

Now, Of all the leading targets of the vigkill, I am most in favor of turning the Ratkin on Fluffytails.  He has been acting out of character as Mr. Cake has pointed out.

Now, I disagree with Mr. Cake's other synopsis of Fluffytail's actions in regards to comparing him to Sir Emptyness rather than to Egress or the Picturesless Wonder.  Egress has just a single post at that point with content, much as you did so I'm not going to argue that point.  However the Pictureless Wonder did have a few to his name at that point.  I would say that only a single post of content would bring you closer to Sir Emptyness' side of the lurker street than the other. 

Back to the matter at hand, Fluffytails' actions have seemed somewhat at odds with what he's saying.  He pushes for not running things up to the deadline, but then says, 'don't vig me before I have a chance to get back and roleclaim if necessary'.  ANYtime there's a roleclaim there's a period where people need to think a bit on whether a)they believe said claim and b)whether it's justifiable to ignore all the things that made them vote the person in the first place to preserve a claim they DO believe.  So, by his own comments about not rushing things to the deadline, Fluffytails should have roleclaimed then.  He was the leading candidate. It's doubtful that someone would have garnered so many more votes in the hours leading up to the Ratkin's kill to take him completely out of the running.  The Recurring FF character has claimed since there was a sizeable enough train on him to put him within easy reach of Ratkin's dayvig (and Ratkin himself said he'd vote him over Fluffytails if it came down to it).  Now we all get to analyze his power and see what that tells us.  I am not a fan of Day 1 rolelcaims, but really if your comment explicitly states not to vig you because you intend to do so if it saves you life, your life is in peril enough to warrant doing it then and not forcing a deadline to go later.

To put my money where my mouth is, then:
##Vote Fluffytails.
Said roleclaim.  I was WONDERING if a game would ever use that power.  I think it's cool.  That aside, do I believe his claim?  I don't know.  But I don't disbelieve it.  I would also like clarification if it's a one-shot deal or a multi-shot or unlimited.  Also, unless this is a different version of Governor than the mafiawiki has, the lynch is prevented altogether, no flip is given.  I don't see how this helps us.  Or are you saying you have a different version?
*waves hellow to Zammis*  Thanks for being willing to replace ComputerBoy.  I look forward to reading your thoughts on What's Gone Before.
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Re: VtM:M - Vampire the Masquerade Mafia
« Reply #149 on: February 06, 2008, 04:48:05 PM »
Those concerns (along with my problem of Cid essentially threatening Alex and myself with "Don't keep bringing up that issue with my posts, or you will look VERY BAD!!") are present and should be answered, but I reiterate that I'm tentatively in favor right now of letting him try and prove himself.

That wasn't a threat. I put the line there for your benefit--yours and Alex's--to hopefully dissuade you from making the same mistakes you'd been making the entire time you were criticizing me. That is, addressing a single thread to the exclusion of all else, in a manner that blows the original issue far out of proportion. That is what looks scummy to me, and the fact that you didn't really address anything else I said in my last big post despite my openly requesting that you do so leaves you in the same murky water you've been in since you started going after me.

As for the roleclaim, Otter? Should I not do this when I'm in danger? It sure as hell feels like I'm on the block, especially with the dayvig stating that, while he will follow the town vote, I'm his preferred target. role PM does not state that there is a limit on the number of times I can do this, only that I cannot prevent my own lynching. If we do wish to go ahead with me revoking the day-ending lynch, I'd propose that we use OK as the test subject. Concensus seems to be that we use a lurker for the end of the day anyway, and he's definitely the poster-boy for not posting right now.