Yes, you read it right. Between my glaring error in Pool 1 and how the dumb luck of the nominations determining the seeding, Godlike was a complete juggling act. Hence, the lack of the word "Round" in this topic's title.
Anyway, let's start with the relatively normal Pool #4:
| Loss
Jenna: 2 Loki: 4 | Win
Jenna: 6 Miguel: 0 | Win
Jenna: 6 X-Death: 0 | Win
Jenna: 6 Dhoulmagus: 0 |
Loki: 4 Jenna: 2 | | Win
Loki: 4 Miguel: 2 | Win
Loki: 4 X-Death: 2 | Win
Loki: 5 Dhoulmagus: 1 |
Miguel: 0 Jenna: 6 | Loss
Miguel: 2 Loki: 4 | | Win
Miguel: 5 X-Death: 1 | Win
Miguel: 4 Dhoulmagus: 2 |
X-Death: 0 Jenna: 6 | Loss
X-Death: 2 Loki: 4 | Loss
X-Death: 1 Miguel: 5 | | Loss
X-Death: 1 Dhoulmagus: 5 |
Dhoulmagus: 0 Jenna: 6 | Loss
Dhoulmagus: 1 Loki: 5 | Loss
Dhoulmagus: 2 Miguel: 4 | Win
Dhoulmagus: 5 X-Death: 1 | |
Loki 4 0 0 1.000 4 5.12Jenna Angel 3 0 1 0.750 7 5.51
Miguel 2 0 2 0.500 5 4.62
Dhoulmagus 1 0 3 0.250 9 4.50
X-Death 0 0 4 0.000 3 4.43
Meanwhile, there was craziness in Pool 5, (Endora was a Tie away from being swept again,)...
| Win
Yuna: 4 CoD: 1 | Loss
Yuna: 0 TimeLord: 5 | Loss
Yuna: 0 Orlandu: 6 | Win
Yuna: 3 Endora: 0 |
CoD: 1 Yuna: 4 | | Win
CoD: 3 TimeLord: 1 | Win
CoD: 5 Orlandu: 0 | Tie
CoD: 1 Endora: 1 |
TimeLord: 5 Yuna: 0 | Loss
TimeLord: 1 CoD: 3 | | Win
TimeLord: 5 Orlandu: 0 | Win
TimeLord: 3 Endora: 0 |
Orlandu: 6 Yuna: 0 | Loss
Orlandu: 0 CoD: 5 | Loss
Orlandu: 0 TimeLord: 5 | | Win
Orlandu: 3 Endora: 0 |
Endora: 0 Yuna: 3 | Tie
Endora: 1 CoD: 1 | Loss
Endora: 0 TimeLord: 3 | Loss
Endora: 0 Orlandu: 3 | |
TimeLord 3 0 1 0.750 3 5.12Cloud of Darkness 2 1 1 0.625 3 5.16
Cidolfas Orlandu 2 0 2 0.500 3 4.82
Yuna 2 0 2 0.500 7 5.58
Endora 0 1 3 0.125 5 4.64
... resulting in the Returning Champ getting 4th Place in her own Pool! Incidentally, had CoD won her battle with Endora, she would've won the Pool. And had she lost, Yuna would've taken 2nd due to Noms.
Now, as for the Wild Card... I just allowed both of the guys from Pool 1 to be eligible, except that they'd auto-lose any tiebreakers. Fortunately for Dark Force, that clause did not have to be invoked, again thanks to Endora...
Win Tie Loss Avg. Nom DLR Pool
Jenna Angel 3 0 1 0.750 7 5.51 4
Killer 3 0 1 0.750 5 4.65 2
Elc 3 0 1 0.750 4 4.82 3
Dark Force 2 0 1 0.667 4 4.68 1
Cloud of Darkness 2 1 1 0.625 3 5.16 5Cidolfas Orlandu 2 0 2 0.500 3 4.82 5
Yuna 2 0 2 0.500 7 5.58 5
Shania 2 0 2 0.500 7 4.69 2
Miguel 2 0 2 0.500 5 4.62 4
Xenobia 2 0 2 0.500 3 4.40 3
Gilbert 1 1 1 0.500 10 4.67 1Now, with Loki getting the lowest number of noms among the perfects, he was seeded 3rd. However, instead of moving Ms. Angel from her Bye spot, I just swapped it with a Pool Leader. You'll see next week. (Had she the same number of Noms as Killer and been close to him in DL Rating, I might have swapped the two of them instead, possibly sticking Killer with a "Possession Arrow" for his troubles. But, meh.)
I am still considering a "Frue FIT Godlike 52", consisting of the Pools that would've formed had Tibarn not been on the list. For fun only, but that's why we're here, isn't it?
Anyway, here are this week's matches:



Elc vs Dark Force
Killer vs Cloud of Darkness
Voting ends Wednesday Night