Snow: Roland's brother is named "Bo." (Is that what you're asking?)
(: I officially have a cat, and a puppy. They slept in the same room (not near each other last night), but the puppy wasn't clawed at all. Which is what I'm watching for.
Mom just had a run in with a neighbor whose dog was trying to jump on her. My mom asked what the breed was three times, and the neighbor didn't respond. Needless to say, the neighbor didn't respond at all and got her puppy. My mom is fuming about it, and I'm like "Yeaaaah, you've said hi to maybe two of your neighbors in this neighborhood in the last 8 years. . . . ." I personally would have just yelled "Nice to meet you neighbor," but she shouldn't let that get to her. I don't even think that was the owner of the home, so her importance should be, like, totally 0.