Well, FE vs. SO3 = lol interpwars. The main issue with Peppita in the DL is that she has a ton of options, but has to make significant sacrifices to use them due to all of her skillset being lumped within her attack skills, and her money support is very expensive CP-wise and has some interpretation walls on its own. So, you have someone who can deal damage, buff, heal, status... but not all at the same time, and she often needs to do that - off someone who is less than statistically sound. She's a fine Middle, but Raven probably should be a Heavy and this is the kind of fight he trives in: a non-durable, non-fast non-mage.
The team fight also highlights how badly Raven alone mangles your team members: all of them have durability/speed issues off the bat (glaringly, he doubles and one-turns all of them, and while he can only do that to one at a time, shoving off one third of your team off the bat gets you in a delicate position very fast), and can't properly apply pressure. Revival ain't going to help enough when it's hampering the opportunity to make any sort of headway and leaves you open for an assault from people who also have strong offense. If Eiko revives Yulie, she just gets killed again by Kanji and Lavitz and Eiko leaves herself open for being brutalized by Raven - and then, it's Peppita vs. three physical sluggers, two of them being outright powerhouses. Uphill battle there.