
Author Topic: DLC 4 aftermath: GOSH DARN NEW JERSEY ROADS  (Read 19164 times)

Luther Lansfeld

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« Reply #100 on: August 06, 2009, 04:29:38 PM »
Megaman Con (as we have dubbed it) is basically me, Elfboy, and Meeple running around doing things. Monday we went to the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island, which was really neat and I get some great NY Skyline pictures, as well as some cool pictures of the Statue. It is truly an impressive site. Just kind of an iconic New York thing as well as being very pretty on the water in its own right. Ellis Island had NUMBERZ and Meeple was miserable while Elfboy and I delighted. You are weak in math major-fu, Meeple!!! Elfboy and I are pretty predictable; if there is a map around, we will probably be looking at it. >_>;;

Tuesday we rode in a bus to Port Authority, and Meeple’s oldest sister met us in Times Square after we explored Toys’R’Us, which was fun. We walked around a bit, went to the subway (which was complicated, especially buying the passes, thanks you Meeple’s sister!). We walked through Central Park, which is huge and winding and could be really confusing without a tour guide. We then went to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, which just had so much amazing stuff and there was no way we could get through it all. We didn’t even cover the entire first floor. >_> One thing that surprised me was how easy getting in as a student was. In fact, Elfboy asked for two adult tickets and the guy at the counter probed us in order to give us cheaper ones. >_> I liked the Victorian and Greek and Roman eras in particular. There was a lot of Native American art, but being from Oklahoma, that’s about the last thing I am interested in really. >_>

After that, we rode a bus to Rockefeller Square, saw the Plaza Hotel and the famous ice skating rink, as well as NBC headquarters. At this point Meeple’s sister decided to get on with her life, so it was just the three of us. After that, we rested for a while (my feet were hurting and I was dehydrated, gulping down 4.50 worth of Snapple). We then explored the Nintendo store, where I bought Piplup. Sadly, no plushie because they were out. Vivi likes tiny Piplup better anyway! He takes better pics and is easily throwable. Vivi is apparently pretty jealous. Then we walked to the Empire State building, which was quite a walk and New York has crazy drivers and huge amounts of pedestrians. We couldn’t go up to the building because there was a two-hour wait. Boo. So I went shopping a bit and then we went to see Times Square at night. We also explored the RIDICULOUS M&M store. Just the concept is hilarious. Didn’t buy anything though – only thing I was interested in was M&Ms and they were way overpriced for COLORS!! There were Yankees/Mets/Giants/etc. themed ones so fun for a party at least.  Went back to Toys’R’Us to debate about buying a STARLY plushie but decided against it since it wasn’t STARAPTOR. Times Square at night was super crazy. We were shoulder-to-shoulder with people.

NYC is basically exactly the same as it is in the movies and on TV, which impresses me. It’s just so crazy and surreal and stuff. By the time we were on the bus back home, all three of us were dragging. Meeple tried to pretend to not be, but failed. Ten or so hours in the city was craaazy, and we walked most of it.

Wednesday was pretty fun, we just relaxed and played Godhand and SC4 and bullshitted around in chat before we had to leave. I also played several levels in MMPU before getting flustered and fleeing to watch Godhand. Elfboy graciously bought all three of us some tasty lunch at TGI Fridays, and then Meeple drove us to the airport. I successfully lost my cell phone along the way. Go me. So I am cell-phoneless, really sad to be leaving, and hanging out at the airport that for some reason fails to get Internet on my computer. I’m really hoping my ride or at least my car will be at the airport at midnight or so. I have a drive to get back home too! So yeah, crazy crazy day.

UPDATE: I’m typing this on an airplane where there is tons of ANNOYING CHILDREN TALKING, which makes me want to kick a puppy. I hate kids.

UPDATEX2: Well, I got back about 1 AM. I found my car in the parking lot, but no key. No cell phone so I couldn’t call my friend, so I take a wing of a prayer and get on Facebook, hoping one of our mutual friends is online. Turns out, one was, gave me the number, I pay phoned it and now I am in business. Get into my car after some searcxhing, drive to my friend’s house, and pass the fuck out. I am now there just hanging out.

I really want to go back and visit Meeple again so maybe we can see a play as well as seeing ground zero… and the huge mall… and… it’s New York, can’t see it all in two days right? >_> I really hope the Meeplelord is less stressed now. He was actually talking to where I could understand him at the Con, which was super-weird and I guess indicative of how tired he was. He got back to me not knowing what the hell was going on at MEGAMAN CON though.

So anyway, it was an absolute blast from beginning to end, as usual. Love you guys. I am pretty freaking whipped now though. All hail the Meeplelord.
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« Reply #101 on: August 06, 2009, 04:40:09 PM »
Aaaaaand there's the person to lose their cell this Con. Congrats(?), Ciato!

Glad you made it back okay despite annoying plane kids, lack of cell phone and lack of keys.
<Demedais> Humans look like cars to me.
<AndrewRogue> That must be confusing in parking lots

Luther Lansfeld

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« Reply #102 on: August 06, 2009, 04:41:04 PM »
Well, Meeple found it in his car, so I shall be getting it in a few days at least.
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Luther Lansfeld

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« Reply #103 on: August 06, 2009, 04:46:12 PM »
Also, our plane had to land for about an hour and a half in Kansas because there were tornadoes in OKC! Oh boy!
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« Reply #104 on: August 06, 2009, 04:47:57 PM »
Also, our plane had to land for about an hour and a half in Kansas because there were tornadoes in OKC! Oh boy!

Sounds like the plot for a Wizard of Oz spin-off.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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« Reply #105 on: August 06, 2009, 05:14:36 PM »
"It was such a wonderful dream, except you were there, and you were there, and you were there."


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« Reply #106 on: August 06, 2009, 06:03:22 PM »
Its finally over, and well, as the Con Host I guess I have a lot to say?

Note I'm going to be rather specific cause well, as the Con Co-ordinator, I had a lot of stress and figured you should all know what I was going through or something!  That, and I'm meeple; wordiness is what I do!

First off, I did want to meet up with Soppy/Grefter on Monday...til I realized Grefter was getting in late, so realized that wasn't realistically happening, oh well.  THAT SAID...

 Futzed around until about 2 PM doing some last minute shenanigans, then picked up Tonfa at JFK!  Its really quite amazing, cause you see, La Guardia is about 80% of the way to JFK in terms of distance...but barely 50% of the way in terms of time!  The traffic difference between the two is astounding.  

Anyway, Tonfa initially told me the wrong Terminal to go to...this...caused some confusion!  Luckily, we stumbled into one another, and I was wearing my DLC2 Nametag, so we found each other through that.  Way back was a lot less painful than the way there; JFK is EVIL in the afternoon.  EVIL I SAY!

Now this was probably the hardest part of the con, oddly.  Having to be a good host to ONE person is somewhat harder than several, cause you have to keep them entertained, where as when there are 3, they can usually keep themselves company so you just need to be available to help.  This goes double for someone whose coming across seas and its their first time in a foreign country so...yeah.  My parents were trying to give me a crash course in hosting, even though I was doing a lot of what they said, and was also trying to explain "He explicitly said he didn't want this! Bringing it out isn't going to change his opinion!"

Yeah, at this point, I'm a little worried.  It didn't help that my parents are all like "Take him to New York!" cause I had no clue when i could do that, given OK/Djinn were arriving mid day in Wensday...

Fun fact: Tonfa and I entered the house JUST as my sister was using Ancient Catastrophe for the first time.  She was excited since she's only pulled off Yuri and Judith's MA's beforehand, and Rita is her favorite character by far, so it was nice to see that.


I decided that it might not be a bad idea to pay Soppy a visit for the following reasons:
-Grefter's there, and he's fun to talk with
-Lets Tonfa familiarize himself with two other people besides myself, when things aren't quite so hectic, so at least he gets a chance to meet some people without feeling too intimidated
-Makes my life easier since being there is a good way to kill time and I don't have to try and keep things together until OK/Djinn arrive (see comments about how much easier it is to deal with 3 people than 1, despite how odd this sounds.)
-Soppy has commuted to New York plenty, so he knows the Bus Schedules and how to read them and such, so he could help out with that.  PLus he knows of places to see.

Tonfa was thankfully content with just having cereal for breakfast, so yeah, after that, we headed out!  Had fun talking to the Soppy/Grefter about arbitrary shit, had Pizza at a local pizza place, etc.  I can't help but agree with Soppy that if there's one thing Jersey gets right, its Pizza.

We left about 1 PM, cause we were expecting OK to come in, and I kind of wanted to be home when he was.  Brawl ensued to kill time!  Then I was needed to pick up sister from fear was this would be exactly when OK arrived ensuing in awkward scenario...thankfully, this was not the case!
OK told me he was near Webster, so I decided to try and flag him down...wasn't needed, since he found my street easy enough, but led to some amusement.  I found it equally amusing that my sister was playing Brawl with Tonfa by the time I got OK and Djinn into my house!  At this point, we just talked for about 40 minutes, then I whipped OK and Djinn into bussing down to New York.

So we took the bus in!  First thing in New York? Grab Dinner in Port Authority!  Apparently we were all hungry so yeah.  After that, off to Time Square!  Thankfully my parents had the decency to tell me Time Square was on 42nd and right near Port Authority, so finding it was easy. ("How do we know if we're going the right way?" *We all look at a giant Wii Resort Sign on a building that's elaborate and video'd and such* "...I'm pretty sure its this way...")

Not much happened in Time Square, but...well, just SEEING it is big deal, since its Time. Fucking. Square.  It also relieves some potential regret of not having brought someone who flew overseas SO CLOSE TO NEW YORK not into New York.  Anyway, it WAS raining most of the time we were it wasn't the most pleasant of experiences...but made for great conversations as we whined!  Also gave us an incentive to enter the most random of shops (MTV shop was completely useless!), and OK forced us to look for a Costume Shop somewhat outside of Time Square...which was already closed...and apparently into more Bondage Witch type stuff than Kaiba.
We did go to the Toys R Us at least, where OK got disappointed he couldn't ride the Barbie Dream Car, cause there was a line for the Ferris Wheel.  Also we couldn't find a Piplup to surprise Ciato with, though we did take a picture of one! (its seen above.)

Then we got Ice Cream cause they were handing out "Buy one, get one free" coupons.  OK apparently read it wrong and uh...this led to confusion for him paying...things worked out though <_<;

When we go back, not much to say.  They all just got themselves ready.  The light we gave Tonfa to use for convenience for finding the bathroom in the dark did die, so I ran and grabbed a flashlight.  OK got the luxury of using a Roger Rabbit Sleeping Bag that all 3 of my sisters used at one point; he found this a great...honor...


Alright, first off, OK agreed to drive the first group of people...whom ended up being delayed in a number of ways, and yeah, I think others who were in that group can explain the shenanigans better than I can!  But anyway, I made pancakes for the FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE here, and the 3 of them found it hard to believe cause they were actually good.  Apparently I have a natural talent in making Pancakes...

Before OK left, we went to Gamestop, and Djinn bought CV:J...which he later said we could keep cause he has no use for it in Japan.  This is either a blessing cause "yay, free game!" or a curse cause "HA HA YOU OWN CV:J!"  At least I can safely say I didn't spend money on it <_<;
Getting the game was a smart thing though, cause it had a lot of amusement value (for all the wrong reasons) at the Con, especially when people left, and Tonfa, Nitori, Djinn and Myself all tried to play the game to unlock characters, and learning of the deep plot and such!  Also Tonfa gained a new catchphrase <.<

Throughout Thursday, I'm dealing with random textings from Ciato, Xer whining about DC, and other such fun stuff.  Just when I'm about to leave to pick up Ciato...
"Yo, Meeple, we're lost on Route 23, care to tell us how to get to your house from there?"
...ok, so now Xer and Sage are close enough to my house that I feel I should wait til they get thre cause it'd be awkward if it wasn't.  Damn it, now Ciato's gonna have to wait for me which means she'll eat my soul!
About 10 minutes later...
"Meeple, your directions didn't help! We're stuck at Pacanack Lane Road!"
Ok, first off, the "Lane" thing kind of through me for a loop...cause I never heard of that...I just hoped they meant "Lake"...then Xer mentioned a Rite Aid, so I knew exactly where they were!  I said "Fuck it" cause I was so close and just drove there, and had them follow me back.  It turns out its exactly as I predicted; they merely DIDN'T GO FAR ENOUGH on Route 23; I even said "You will pass a Gamestop, just stay to your right at the Light after that!"  DAMN YOU GUYS!!!!


Anyway, after Xer and Sage settled in...kind of...I left to get Ciato.  
THANKFULLY, Soppy was already at my house by this point (with Grefter), so there was at least one person who I could trust and knows Jersey, and thankfully my Brother was home so there was one person who knew my house...even if it was Jeff.  I actually managed to get his attention and tell him to HELP OUT when I'm not there.  This apparently translated to "play Brawl with the others." ...well, whatever, at least it got him to acknowledge there were people in the house...which may have been a bad thing.  BUT anyway, with Soppy being there, I felt more comfortable leaving, as he's someone my parents at least know a little bit, so yeah, he was in charge of the Con while I was gone!

Getting to La Guardia was painless as expected.  Finding Ciato wasn't too hard either; she was eagerly standing in the front of the crowd checking every single black car, so when I saw her, I just waved, she jumped in, and first thing she said after initial greetings? "Meeple, shut up! I need to make a call!"  It was 5 seconds after she called that OK decided to call me, so I promptly picked up the phone and just said "OK, shut up, I'll call you back."  Is this rude? Of course! But I'm mostly just trying to get home at this point damn it!
The ride back we hit traffic but...Ciato being in the car just made things so much less painful, cause having someone familiar to talk too just helps make the time go by faster.  I then decide to whip someone to come with me for when I take Tonfa back to JFK on Sunday! ...but who that is?  Find out soon!

When we returned, my first thing was to deal with food, so I just shout "Anybody against getting Pizza?" then proceeded...PIZZA DRAMA!!! as far as what people wanted.
"Ok, so 9 Plain, one Green peppers?" "Get me one with Mushrooms!" and such.

EVENTUALLY we this worked out, and after requesting a few people come with me to help carry the damn pies, 3 people came with me (not gonna single out people here...for reasons you'll find out soon!).  I should note that I specifically requested that everyone be wearing shoes (or something similar to shoes like Sandals) upon entering my car; at least one person tried to come without them, I almost face palmed after I said "please put shoes on" and their response was "Do I have to?"

After returning, we started eating and such, but before I could eat, I had to run around getting sodas outside and what not, since we were eating out there!  Why?  Cause there was actual space and its cooler outside than in my basement when there's 18~ People.  It was around this time that Pyro got intrigued by my sister playing ToV, and saw the "ANCIENT CATASTROPHE ^_^" I think Ciato witnessed this too, and also found it adorably cute.

Then OK and I left for the Airport to pick up the last 5 people...super tagged along too for some reason, going with OK...despite OK's constant "DON'T COME WITH ME!" in fear of...well, if you don't know why OK was afraid, I shouldn't have to explain!  OK grabbed Dhyer and Tai, while I got Gate and MC, and we waited for Niu...who was on the OPPOSITE SIDE OF THE AIRPORT.  Ok, this is actually how it went...

I get Niu on the Cellphone, he tells me he's in Continental, at Baggage Claim #1...well, Continental happens to be in Terminal A!  Yet...its a dead zone there...we then call him again...turns out the MAIN part of Continental is in Terminal we have to head down there.  Thank god for Airtrains!
As far as finding Niu himself?  Well, once we got to the right gate, I saw an Asian playing a DS...needless to say, figuring out this was him wasn't hard <.<
On the way back, I proceeded to make the same futz up I usually do from Newark and get on 3 East instead of 3 West and make the trip a little longer...thankfully, I know exactly where the turn around is...which is after Route 3 ends...but no big!  I bring this up mostly for this reason:

Niu: Meeple, are we still lost or have you turned around yet?
Me: Actually, that's the Hotel Right in front of us...

Yeah, kind of forgot to say "Ok, we're now on the right track!"  I was never actually lost, perse, just...sort of went East to go West, when I didn't need too!  Go figure, next time I make a trip to Newark, I found out what i was doing wrong and will never make that mistake gain!

Not much else happens from onto...


This time, Nitori was here instead of OK, who moved onto the Hotel now that his reservation is active.  Pancakes made again, I get a call from Xer asking if he can enter the house at 8:30...I politely tell him that the 3 staying here have not woken up yet, let alone eaten breakfast *OR* taken showers and such, and that he should wait.  Getting a little eager there damn it!

At this point, not much happens throughout out.  People arrive, shit happens, music quiz taken!  There were a lot of problems just doing the damn thing, including a few songs that I had to fix not playing properly so uh, yeah.  Super also claimed to have known all the songs, but he couldn't remember where a few were from, making me run all the way up to my room, check the answer key, then come back; I'm so glad I chose not to participate, instead act as judges.  Fuck it, I'm doing all DLC Music Quizes from here on in damn it EVEN IF IT KILLS ME!

After that, I think we headed to the mall...I honestly can't remember what we did for lunch, I think people just sort of skipped that, and had an early dinner at the mall.  The Cheesecake Factory was great, for all that I had problems eating my Ice Cream Brownie Sundae for the following reasons:

1. The way it was designed made it hard to actually eat without making a mess of myself
2. I was kind of stuffed from dinner
3. Soppy and Grefter (and eventually OK, who...was more making fun of himself)  comments about the sundae and how it looked had me laughing too much to actually stomach the food.  The two wouldn't let up either, especially when OK joined in and Grefter had constant "ANd yet, OK still has no problems with putting this in his mouth..." responses everytime OK spoke.

Returning, I started my Yiazmat fight!  I ended it roughly halfway for a few reasons, the main one was that Shale was coming and I figured I should be full alert as he got close.  Never got a chance to finish the fight, but I think I'm doing well!
Shale got there...rather late, but eh, whatever.

AFter people left, I had to sadly act like a bit of a jerk and tell the 3 people crashing at my house to fend for themselves?  Reasons being...


I had to wake up DAMN EARLY here. Like, 5 AM.  Why?  Cause Elfboy was coming into JFK at like 7...which ended up coming in an hour early!  I was constantly yelling "DAMN YOU ELFBOY!!!" the previous days cause the combination of Damn Early Flight + JFK = ;_;

LUCKILY, Ciato volunteered to join me in the drive, so I grabbed her along the way.  This really did make the drive down there a lot more enjoyable, for reasons I stated earlier.  Because its saturday and damn early, drive down there wasn't too painful, but still took about an hour.  We found Elfboy easily enough, then way back!

The most amusing thing happened here:
After all those constant "DAMN YOU ELFBOY FOR COMING INTO JFK!" shouts and hate yells...this ended up being a blessing in disguise.  La Guardia apparently had a False Bomb Scare that caused the entire airport to evacuate, which caused immense traffic on the way out...which ended at the Parking Lot, so we basically drove right past it without incident, more just going "huh, what happened there?"  So yeah, I was forced to take back everything I said <_<;

The Fighting game tourney...well, I got 3rd in Battle Fantasia, putting up what was a good fight with Sage in the semi finals but ultimately losing I felt.  Repeated DLC2 by taking the SF4 Tourney, beating Sage first round and sort of crushing everyone with Ryu...its funny cause while SF2 was a game I played a lot, SF4 I have limited experience with, just lucky Ryu's general fighting style plays the same.  Won a match in Brawl, this time NOT drawing Elfboy round 1!  Tried to be bold with Ike vs. Pikachu round two, this didn't work out so well.  Failed it up in SC4 and faced Elfboy round 1 in Blazblue, winning a Snowbait match cause neither of us had any clue what we were doing...then lost to Andrew, aka the only player who had any clue what he was doing besides Niu, the following round.
Prizes were a Burger King Gift Card (I can make limited use of this, yay!), Dissidia Hero's Guide (before someone says "predictable" I should note that everything else there had no appeal value to me whatsoever!), and an FESD Japanese guide (i didn't see this initially when I picked the Dissidia thing, so when I saw there was an FE thing, I said "yeah, obviously more interesting than everything else.)  I would have liked the Terra Figurine Tonfa got from the Music Quiz in his collection...but it did mean I didn't get 2 Rinoa FIgurines or a Songstress Yuna, so I can live <.<

Con pic!  I am still questioning why I didn't just call my mother to take it; she'd have made the scenario far less Snowbait than letting my brother deal with it.  But oh well, at least the pics didn't look too horrible...just took forever.

OK's car then breaks down and...yeah, our perfect "5 cars, 25 people, yay!" thing kind of dies.  So now I'm forced to ferry two trips, as is Soppy...well, actually Soppy didn't cause OK had to stay with his car.  Though, Soppy did ferry people on the way back as I had to go grab OK.

Gamestop, I grabbed MMSF3...I need to actually test if that works on that note <_<

Then to bowling! ...where I sucked round 1, did alright round 2, Ciato beat me both times *shakes fist*  Would have liked to play another game, but I ddin't want to leave OK waiting, so I rushed out of there, with the people in my lane + Niu.  To be nice, I dropped them by the place near the Hotel with food, so they could have knife fights over Pizza vs. Chinese Food.  Eventually, OK and I joined them since it was on the way, and OK was hungry, so figured he should be allowed to do something like this, and hey, others are there, why not?

Saturday Night was uneventful, outside of the Arkham Game going on a while, and me wanting people out of my house so Nitori could get sleep and prepare to leave cause he had to be out of there by 8:30...and I was waking up early to get Niu anyway!  Thankfully Shale volunteered to take the 8:30 trio.


First drove Niu back to Newark, with little problems.  Niu and I had some fun conversations, such like "FF4TA is the worst idea ever" and what not.  Niu can be a fun conversationalist, you just have to provoke it with him, see.  Otherwise,  he just plays his DS the entire way!

I get back, the trio at my house and myself play SC4, laughing at the character designs from Auto Custom.  Then Nitori leaves with Shale.  Shale also left to pick up Fnorder later on...which was a bad idea cause he had to leave with other soon too and...yeah, sounds like Zenny ALMOST missed his flight...but he got there, so yeah, no problems, yay!

Anyway, about 11:30, I drove Gate, MC, Pyro and Dhyer back to Newark.  Nothing really big here...except there was a huge fucking storm and visibility was awful on the Turnpike.  I was genuinely afraid of driving into JFK at this point later for Tonfa...THANK GOD the storm seemed to be moving south or something, as later there was no weather problems.

Then OK learns his car is ready, Tonfa has to get to JFK cause he's the last person I want to to miss a flight hence leaving 5 hours before his flight gets there, and its JFK so we don't know traffic, and I force Djinn to come with me so I have someone to talk to.  Oh yeah, seems Sage/Xer had already left!

Go OK to his car, Tonfa to the airport with PLENTY of time to spare, and then drove back wasn't painful cause Djinn was there.  Its like I said; having one other person in the car makes rides so much more tolerable.  Djinn, I really appreciate it.

Why Djinn? Cause he was staying at my house an extra night *ANYWAY*, so he had the time. Ciato and Elfboy could have come too...but well, I figured Elfboy still wasn't quite settled in from the previous day and he missed most of the con, it wouldn't be right.  Djinn was nice enough to leave his PSP at my house, letting my sister play Prinny...of which I hate him for since he's corrupting my sister with such things that early!!!!

When we get home, my sister is watching TV, my brother starts rambling about CV:J...we both just sort of go off to deal with mother comes upstairs asking when I got home 20 minutes later, explaining how she made dinner for us and spent the last 2 hours speaking to Elfboy and Ciato. I explain how my sister (whose 8 to be fair), and my brother (whose just flat out oblivious) didn't even so much as HINT this was the case.  So uh yeah, Elfboy and Ciato were in my house the entire time when I sort of expected they were at the Hotel or off on a walk or something, embarrassing moment ensues!
Rest of the night was mostly the Mega Man trio talking about random stuff and Djinn corrupting my sister further with Prinny ( ;_; ) Took Ciato/Elfboy back to the Hotel, Djinn and I cleaned up basement a bit, he gave me Dissidia Post Card BOok and a DS Kanji Translator as gifts and thanks for letting him bunk there; appreciate it man!

Anyway, that's it for the con; I'll get post con stuff up...eventually...figure one wall of text at a time though.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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« Reply #107 on: August 06, 2009, 07:44:11 PM »

Before OK left, we went to Gamestop, and Djinn bought CV:J...which he later said we could keep cause he has no use for it in Japan.  This is either a blessing cause "yay, free game!" or a curse cause "HA HA YOU OWN CV:J!"  At least I can safely say I didn't spend money on it <_<;

Prizes were a Burger King Gift Card (I can make limited use of this, yay!), Dissidia Hero's Guide (before someone says "predictable" I should note that everything else there had no appeal value to me whatsoever!), and an FESD Japanese guide (i didn't see this initially when I picked the Dissidia thing, so when I saw there was an FE thing, I said "yeah, obviously more interesting than everything else.)  I would have liked the Terra Figurine Tonfa got from the Music Quiz in his collection...but it did mean I didn't get 2 Rinoa FIgurines or a Songstress Yuna, so I can live <.<

Go OK to his car, Tonfa to the airport with PLENTY of time to spare, and then drove back wasn't painful cause Djinn was there.  Its like I said; having one other person in the car makes rides so much more tolerable.  Djinn, I really appreciate it.

Djinn and I cleaned up basement a bit, he gave me Dissidia Post Card BOok and a DS Kanji Translator as gifts and thanks for letting him bunk there; appreciate it man!

Clearly if you want to thank me you'll put Millenia in MF6... *ducks*


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« Reply #108 on: August 06, 2009, 07:46:27 PM »
So wait, they made a DS device which lets you draw in a Kanji and pulls up a list of definitions?  This is like the best weapon against the demon runes yet devised!
CK: She is the female you
Snow: Speaking of Sluts!

<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.


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« Reply #109 on: August 06, 2009, 07:54:07 PM »
Yeah, but I think its in Japan only, despite there having exact english translations of said moon runes...

Its still pretty awesome either way!
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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« Reply #110 on: August 06, 2009, 08:17:56 PM »
Re: Meeple's hosting: Rest assured I was more than satisfied with your efforts. Wish I could have conveyed "gosh you don't need to ask about all these 30 things I'll ask for myself if I want something else" better. I am very low-maintenance. >_>
<Niu> If I ever see that Langfadood, i'll strangle him on sight
<Gourry> What, for making the game three times better?
<Gourry> And playable, at that?
<Niu> that lose the whole point of of L2!!!

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« Reply #111 on: August 06, 2009, 09:02:21 PM »
Yay, DLCon! I got in on Saturday morning, as mentioned, which meant I was only able to attend about 50% of the con. Still really super awesome to see everyone again. Wish I'd been able to spend more time with various people, but that's always how it is even when I have four days to work with, so... yeah.

New York is... well, I didn't think it could somehow live up to the caricature painted of it by TV, movies, and popular culture in general. It does, somehow. I've been in big cities (London, LA, Toronto, Paris, etc.) but nowhere else seems quite as BUSY. Or loud. Or gives the feeling that you take your life into your own hands whenever you cross the road. Doubt I could ever live there, but it is fun to visit.

New Jersey is awesome. Despite having the highest population density of any state it is very pretty and has trees literally everywhere, along with an excellent public transit system to NYC at least. Has the usual US problem of too many highways, and yeah the road signs do suck, but as a Canadian I am used to the latter.

New people!

Nitori: Wasn't able to talk to him very much. Seems like a cool guy, if quiet. Needs there to be tildes in real life, clearly~

Tonfa: Like Nitori, didn't get much of a chance to talk to him either. Still, someone else who was very fun to meet. I like how "Richard Hawk" was the best way to get his attention. Off course.

Tal: Well I expected him to be quiet. Fun to talk to, comes across as very thoughtful and intelligent. Also I am convinced the man is just talented at everything, mad bowling skillz are go.

DJ: Yay, a DL extrovert! That's like... four of them we have now or something? Not exactly my bestest buddy online but I had an absolute blast talking with him in person; he's just very funny and personable. I love you man, even if you are a crazy Tales/Disgaea fanboy.

Jim: Cool guy, even if when he was introduced I heard "Djinn" and was all confused for a while. My best memory of him from the Con was probably him patiently dealing with Meeple's brother. Jim's a good man. Also had a good time chilling with him and talking about boring things like SPORTS.

Pyro: Is super-nice. Don't ever lose that. ^_^ Not much else to say about him otherwise, another fun, intelligent guy who I wish I could have spent more time with.

Fnorder: Is awesome with kids, something I can always appreciate. Obviously wish I'd have had more of a chance to see him; someone I don't have much of an impression of but seems really fun in person, if a little high-strung from the bar exam this time.

Sage: Okay I've met him before but he wasn't dead this time, so he counts! Anyway it was great to see Sage alive and well and actually being the energetic, funny guy we know and love online. Is too overall good at fighting games, damn him!

Meeple's family: Got to hang out with them more post-con. Meeple's youngest sister is a lot of fun; her moments of awesome have already been listed. His oldest sister is also awesome for showing us newbies around New York. HIs parents are also a lot of fun, Ciato and I ended up talking with them a fair deal over dinner on two occasions, and of course they win forever for letting us take over their house for a weekend. I don't really have much to add about Meeple's brother. <_<

The dogs: Dookie is the cutest thing ever, definitely one of the favourites at DLCon for all. Truffles is the most cowardly thing ever, but she eventually let me pet her.

I won't bother to talk about everyone else, but briefly: Gate and Tai were fun to room with that one night, even if Tai wasn't feeling well. Definitely awesome people. MC just seemed so... happy this time. ^_^ Great to see things going well. Shale is still awesome, though we need to embarrass ourselves less at Soul Calibur next time. Sopko remains fun in person and is always good for sports talk. I could go on and talk about everyone else but the short version is that you guys are all a lot of fun to hang out with, I wish I had had more time to see you, etc., etc. Hopefully I can make all of DLC5. And there had better be a DLC5!

Saturday I got in from JFK. Meeple bitched about JFK being far away but that early in the morning traffic was a total breeze so it was no big (the journey back to the airport, on the other hand, would confirm why Meeple felt that way about it). Got into the hotel early enough to grab some breakfast and greet a few people, then walked to Meeple's. I mainly spent the day recovering from the fact I had had two hours of sleep the night before and, when I had the energy, trying to corner and talk to various people, but I didn't get to nearly everyone. Fighting game tournament interrupted this pretty well. Speaking of which, I failed miserably at any sort of title defence, though the fact that I had only played one game helped out here!

Battle Fantasia: Fun little game. Controls are fluid, artstyle is nice. Princesses dominate all, and laser chainsaw motorcycle is win. Had a close match with Shale, ultimately lost because Mandy took Shale's side. ;_;

Blazblue: More Guilty Gear, which is to say that I have nothing good to say about it where gameplay is concerned. Sorry! Controls felt like molasses and the game is slow in general; you spend nearly two seconds on the ground whenever you're knocked down? Bleh. Glad we started the other tournaments at the same time so I could watch more interesting games.

Street Fighter 4: I liked it more than SF3. It seemed to capture what made SF2 successful, while still modernising it with aspects of fighting games that have developped since. Played more of this after the Con. Doubt it'd ever be a favourite, but I at least see where the hype comes from.

Soul Calibur 4: Fuck Yoda. (OK's maniacal laughter while fighting him wins, for the record.) Aside from that, it's still Soul Calibur, which means it is still what I like about fighting games: fluid controls, fast, an intuitive system of what counters what, and special moves that are as simple as possible. I had never changed it before and since my SC game is based on reading the opponents, the changes to the characters threw me off a fair bit so that I wasn't able to carry my SC3 ability straight over. Oh well.

Brawl: The one I've played a lot. Unlike in DLC2 where I felt I was the best Melee player, this time I saw several Brawl players I felt were better than I, namely DJ, Zenny, and Tal. This is simply because I no longer had the advantage of human opponent practice over everybody else; not only do I play Brawl less than I played Melee, but online play has made Brawl more accessible for everyone else.

DAMN THE 360 CONTROLLER applies to over half the games here for the record. Personally I would like to see a broader mix at the next FG tourney; every single game was for a next-gen system, compared to the DLC2 fighting game tournament which mixed in SF2 at least (not to mention that everyone has a PS2).

Anyway, after this came bowling. Sopko the stats nut (don't ever change, man) has already detailed everything. I felt I was able to do decently, but in general, seems like DLers have gotten better at bowling or something. This was a blast, glad it continues to be a tradition at DLCons.

Evening was just more chatting with some gaming mixed in, generally.

On Sunday, people started leaving early. Otherwise it was more of the same. Said various goodbyes. Went and had my first real meal of the Con in the form of lunch with Shale and DJ which was excellent. DLCons need to plan more meals in general, not only does it beat just having random junk food, but it's a good way to spend a few minutes hanging out with people. By the evening everybody except DJ was gone, who spent time indoctrinating Mandy to Prinny fangirlism. Poor Meeple.

On Monday, Meeple took Ciato and I to the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island. I really loved both. (Also never knew both were in New Jersey.) Ellis Island had a museum with STATS and MAPS and I am easily distracted by such things, not to mention the sheer amount of history is pretty special (my own great grandparents went through there about a century ago). Statue of Liberty just needs to be seen. It is probably the most iconic human-made feature of the United States. In some ways it's not as big as my imagination made it out to be, but it's still really impressive.

On Tuesday, actually went into New York. The highlight was definitely the Metropolitan Museum of Art. I could spend days here. Saw loooads of stuff, Greek and Roman and Egyptian and Southeast Asian and Enlightenment era Europe in particular, but muhc more. It's worth noting that we only visited one floor, and not nearly all of it. Holy crap that place is huge. Other things worth noting... Times Square, Central Park, the Empire State Building (wanted to climb up this, but we got to it late in the day and a 2 hour wait didn't seem worth it), riding the subway, and various crazy shops (WHY IS THERE A THREE-STORY TIMES SQUARE SHOP SELLING NOTHING BUT M&M's PARAPHENALIA? WHY?). Also Tonfa is right, everything is either too cheap or too expensive, never in between! Wish we'd gone to see Ground Zero but you don't even pretend you can see all of NYC in one day. Also wish I'd been able to meet Strago, but we tried to make plans a bit too late probably. NEXT TIME, STRAGO. NEXT TIME. </Dr. Claw voice>

Wednesday was just chilling and playing various games, and watching others play games. Actually we did some of this Monday night too. Highlights include watching DMC scenes be completely ridiculous, GOD HAND, MMPU, Street Fighter 4, and lots and lots of Soul Calibur 4. Yep.

Meeple deserves special note for being a seriously awesome host for both Con and afterwards. He really went above and beyond what was necessary, and I got to see a side of him besides the crazy guy who rants about FF6 main characters and Dissidia online; he really is a caring guy who tried to keep things running the best he could in a stressfun DLCon. You're awesome, Meeple!

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« Reply #112 on: August 06, 2009, 10:16:24 PM »
So wait, they made a DS device which lets you draw in a Kanji and pulls up a list of definitions?  This is like the best weapon against the demon runes yet devised!

I'm extremely curious how much this device costs. English gamers everywhere will rejoice with such a useful tool at their side! Even though finishing that goshdarned Japan-only RPG's going to take twelve hours longer because you have to draw the entire conversations in the tool, at least you'll be able to understand it! Hooray!


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« Reply #113 on: August 07, 2009, 12:16:56 AM »
It's just a DS game. I find copies of it pretty cheap. Also, every time I've seen a used copy, I've purchased it. I think I gave out 3 of them as souvenirs to various friends of mine in the states. Meeple's was my last extra copy. Now I must re-stock.


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« Reply #114 on: August 07, 2009, 12:59:08 AM »
I somehow got completely not screwed by Newark this time. Amazing. Penn station can however just fuck off.

I had a complete blast wandering through NYC for three days and meeting Snowfire again and Strago for the first time.  Bullshitting for literally hours on end with Miki was also great.
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...

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« Reply #115 on: August 07, 2009, 01:14:48 AM »
People first. Con breakdown later.

- Meeple: Is Meeple. Did a great job in general of doing the con.
- OK: Someone had to sacrifice their car to the elder gods this time and I sure wasn't doing it again. Still, wish we coulda had ya at bowling, man.
- Super: Was Super, is Super and will always be Super.
- Tal: Trust me, I paid attention to you showing off Cross Edge and totally appreciated it. Too bad we couldn't get your save file working.
- CK: I'm blanking on any interaction CK and I had apart from Gloom. He definitely made me laugh though! A plus!
- Ciato: Our geeky sports talk made up for all the time we didn't talk at DLC3, so that was cool.
- Nitori: I want to say I talked to Kappa a fair bit, I think I did, but I can't quite recall when that was. Maybe Thursday? Was kinda quiet but I recall coolness.
- Tonfa: I honestly don't know why I keep thinking you come from France and not Finland. My bad. Was still great to meet the man behind the panda (whee PWI jokes!).
- Djinn: Thanks a million for the swag. The artbook was more than a pleasant surprise and I fully intend to even the score someday. Though maybe the Niu performance piece worked enough for that.
- Jim: Hasn't changed since college. Always fun to hang out with.
- Zenny: As opposed to Grefter, who is totally my bro, Zenny is my homeslice. Totally someone I'd hang out with if given the chance.
- Gate: Woo for organizational skills! Didn't get to talk to him as much as I did last con, but remains awesome.
- MC: Again, didn't interact with her much except the one game of Arkham. We just operate in entirely different DL circles I guess.
- Andrew: Thanks for the crash course in BlazBlue before the tournament. That game is awesome. Was glad that I could finally show off Dreamblade to him and wish we could have played more games. Picked it up really fast. Reminiscing about old RPs remains the high point though
- LD: Remains a good match for Andy. Hopefully Grefter and I were able to give her great dessert time entertainment making fun of Meeple's sundae. 
- Grefter: Did you know that I had the title and the titular line of DLC4?
- NEB: Another awesome person for sports talk. I was also able to teach him why Obama's bowling game is important for the country. THE POWER OF PUNS COMPELLS YOU! I also like how he called me "the stats nut" in his breakdown, as there's layers of irony there. I'll always do the sports stats. I'm a man damnit.
- Xer: Did a great job with the fighting tournament. Don't listen to the critics, BlazBlue is AWESOME. Wish I coulda shown off Wipeout HD for you. Otherwise, was cool to talk to on Thursday since we didn't really get a chance in DLC3. There was Armored Core talk and I wasn't informed though!?
- Sage: I don't interact with Sage at all in the DL, really, which was why I was both interested and a little hesitant to have him stay at the house. Didn't know what to expect, but was totally cool. Thanks for the BlazBlue training as well. Sopko House still took home the gold and bronze!
- Pyro: Had a blast showing off VC for people. Selvaria brokenness is hilarious for all involved.
- Niu:  I didn't get to interact with Niu as much this con. No Niu plot discussion ;-; Was still nice to be able to look through the Neatherworld artbooks. But still... ::Holds up the Thousand Arms artbook and smiles::
- Dhyer: Still an awesome person who comes out of his shell in small groups. TOTALLY jinxed bowling. He knows what he did. Will always be a person to have in the trenches of Arkham Horror.
- Shale: Needed to be around for more days. Still remains one of my favorite DL people to hang out with. We totally need to make Gurren Lager beer.
- Tai: We didn't get to hang out nearly as much as we did at DLC3, for obvious reasons. Hope he's feeling better.
- Fnorder: Good to see him again, but other than some BlazBlue and MMO talk there wasn't much time honestly!
« Last Edit: August 07, 2009, 01:21:05 AM by Hunter Sopko »


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« Reply #116 on: August 07, 2009, 01:18:06 AM »
It was at that part where I was teaching OK to drive and you were all like "I am so tired of all this Duelling."
NO MORE POKEMON - Meeplelard.
The king perfect of the DL is and always will be Excal. - Superaielman
Don't worry, just jam it in anyway. - SirAlex
Gravellers are like, G-Unit - Trancey.


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« Reply #117 on: August 07, 2009, 03:07:19 AM »
DLC highlights:

1. Car ride to Newark to pick up Dhyer/Tai with OK. I always have fun talking with OK in general, and this was no different.
2. Saturday night talk. The fact that we managed to dig up a relevant link a few days later after Miki/Djinn's argument is hilarious.
3. General tie for several long one on one convos I had. Miki, Tonfa, LD, Dhyer, Tai, Djinn.. etc.
4. High fiving Mandy after she whipped her brother into doing something.
5. Music quiz.

Seeing NYC was fun too.
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...

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« Reply #118 on: August 07, 2009, 05:04:24 AM »
Wah, I missed fighting game tourney.  *cries*


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« Reply #119 on: August 07, 2009, 04:28:40 PM »
Oh my goodness. I see Talaysen after 7 years? Wwwwwwwweeeeeeird.

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« Reply #120 on: August 07, 2009, 04:36:13 PM »
When humanity stands strong and people reach out for each other...
There’s no need for gods.

Profile pic by (@bunneshi) on twitter!

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« Reply #121 on: August 07, 2009, 04:57:00 PM »
Some of those are fantastic. XD

Man do I slouch, though. Those last few are power slouching. My mother would be ashamed.
<Demedais> Humans look like cars to me.
<AndrewRogue> That must be confusing in parking lots

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« Reply #122 on: August 07, 2009, 05:09:09 PM »
You looked sooo cute on Sunday with the black and white getup. ^_^!
When humanity stands strong and people reach out for each other...
There’s no need for gods.

Profile pic by (@bunneshi) on twitter!

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« Reply #123 on: August 07, 2009, 06:23:40 PM »
The picture where Ciato ultraglomps Meeple and kills him is uncanny, for starters. I need to browse through these pictures later when I don't have to go to work.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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« Reply #124 on: August 07, 2009, 06:42:02 PM »
I'm partial to the shot of Sage strangling Hellhound!Dookie, myself.
"Sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology."
-Ponder Stibbons

[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.