Author Topic: Trinity Limit - The Final Round  (Read 2337 times)


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Trinity Limit - The Final Round
« on: August 23, 2009, 05:49:56 PM »
- Godlike:
***Team Tournament***
Team Whip It Good -[9:0]- Team Heavy-turned-godlike Swordgirls
Lady's Entourage -[9:0]- Team XTREEM Speed
***Singles Tournament***
Team God-Killers -v- Team Heavy-turned-godlike Swordgirls
 - Yuri Volte Hyuga -[11:0]- Beatrix
 - Ryu3 -[9:0]- Celes Chere
 - Fei Fong Wong -[3:6]- Eirika
Hell's Angels -v- Team God Kitties
 - Piastol -[5:0]- Rika
 - Sephiroth -[8:2]- Mewtwo
 - Lamington -[4:2]- KOS-MOS

- Heavy:
***Team Tournament***
Priests -[6:1]- Traitors
Team Charming Lesbian Princesses -[0:4]- Team Cat-Girl
***Singles Tournament***
Gunslingers -v- Traitors
 - Billy Lee Black -[0:7]- Celes Chere
 - Jr. -[0:7]- Cait Sith
 - Gilder -[3:0]- Sialeeds Falenas
Team Charming Lesbian Princesses -v- All Them Smash Bros.
 - Lyn -[0:5]- Ness
 - Noa -[1:0]- Ike
 - White Rose -[5:2]- Charizard

- Middle:
***Team Tournament***
Team Guy -[1:5]- Team Headband
Team 01001001 01110010 01101111 01101110 -[0:6]- Team "Don't Ask Don't Tell"
***Singles Tournament***
Team Flying Traitors -v- The Other Kind of Yuri
 - Kratos Aurion -[5:0]- Florina
 - Kain Highwind -[1:6]- Virginia Maxwell
 - Jill Fizzart -[1:3]- White Rose
Team 01001001 01110010 01101111 01101110 -v- Team "Don't Ask Don't Tell" - Hatbot'd
 - Worker 8 -[2:2]- Kanji Tatsumi
 - Aigis -[5:0]- Lavitz Slambert
 - Gadget Z -[0:7]- Raven

- Light:
***Team Tournament***
Team "Twink Bait (In Game, But We Are Seriously Unimpressive In The DL)" -[0:5]- Team Musica
Team "Adopted under weird circumstances" -[4:0]- Team Ninjas
***Singles Tournament***
Team "Twink Bait (In Game, But We Are Seriously Unimpressive In The DL)" -v- Team Musica
 - Serph -[0:4]- Tear Grants
 - Zell Dincht -[0:5]- Ricardo Gomez
 - Karn -[5:1]- Nei
Team "Adopted under weird circumstances" -v- Team Hard-bitten Mercenary
 - Kid -[1:5]- Watari
 - Rena Lanford -[0:6]- Gafgarion, Gaff
 - Mallow -[6:1]- Selphie Tilmitt

Now, we've finally reached the final rounds. Here goes~

Team Whip It Good -v- Lady's Entourage
Yuri Volte Hyuga -v- Piastol
Ryu3 -v- Sephiroth
Fei Fong Wong -v- Lamington
Priests -v- Team Cat-Girl
Celes Chere - Lyn
Cait Sith - Noa
Sialeeds Falenas - White Rose
Team Headband -v- Team "Don't Ask Don't Tell"
Florina -v- Worker 8
Virginia Maxwell -v- Aigis
White Rose -v- Gadget Z
Team Musica -v- Team "Adopted under weird circumstances"
Tear Grants -v- Watari
Ricardo Gomez -v- Gafgarion, Gaff
Nei -v- Selphie Tilmitt

All teams listed since only one actually made it through in both tournaments:

hinode - Team Whip It Good - Godlike
 - Jessica Albert (DQ8 - Godlike/4.51)
 - Feena (G1 - Heavy/4.44)
 - Lucia (Suikos - Godlike/4.38)

Jo'ou Ranbu - Lady's Entourage - Godlike
 - Lady (SH3 - Godlike/5.71)
 - Killer (SH3 - Godlike/4.65)
 - Edna Capone (SH3 - Heavy/3.86)

superaielman - Priests - Heavy
 - Billy Lee Black (XG - Heavy/4.18)
 - Sasarai (S3 - Heavy/3.79)
 - Cristo/Kiryl (DW4 - Heavy/3.72)

AndrewRogue - Team Cat-Girl - Heavy
 - Nicole Mimi Tithel (Nikki) (MK - Heavy/4.16)
 - Lin (BoF5 - Heavy/4.09)
 - Katt (BoF2 - Middle/3.15)

Ultradude - Team "Don't Ask Don't Tell" - Middle
 - Kanji Tatsumi (Pers4 - Middle/3.71)
 - Lavitz Slambert (LoD - Middle/3.65)
 - Raven (FE7 - Middle/3.41)

MC50 - Team Headband - Middle
 - Cress Albane (ToP - Heavy/4.11)
 - Max (SF1 - Middle/3.61)
 - Locke Cole (FF6 - Light/2.97)

DjinnAndTonic - Team "Adopted under weird circumstances" - Light
 - Kid (CC - Light/2.98)
 - Rena Lanford (SO2 - Middle/2.69)
 - Mallow (SMRPG - Light/2.63)

Magic Fanatic - Team Musica - Light
 - Tear Grants (TotA - Middle/3.49)
 - Ricardo Gomez (SH3 - Middle/3.12)
 - Nei (S3 - Light/1.87)

So, these are the finals for this season. Get voting~!


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Re: Trinity Limit - The Final Round
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2009, 05:57:02 PM »

Team Whip It Good -v- Lady's Entourage- Thinking.
Yuri Volte Hyuga -v- Piastol
Ryu3 -v- Sephiroth- Pending a quick check on Sephy's turn one options.
Fei Fong Wong -v- Lamington
Priests -v- Team Cat-Girl
Celes Chere - Lyn- Vanish.
Cait Sith - Noa- Status.
Sialeeds Falenas - White Rose
Team Headband -v- Team "Don't Ask Don't Tell"
Florina -v- Worker 8- Donno.
White Rose -v- Gadget Z
Team Musica -v- Team "Adopted under weird circumstances"
Tear Grants -v- Watari- Watari doesn't 2HKO, and that's that.
Ricardo Gomez -v- Gafgarion, Gaff
Nei -v- Selphie Tilmitt
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Random Consonant

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Re: Trinity Limit - The Final Round
« Reply #2 on: August 23, 2009, 06:03:04 PM »
Celes Chere - Lyn
Cait Sith - Noa - Can Cait block charm?

Florina -v- Worker 8 - Should avoid the first counter and pull this off with a Killer Lance crit
« Last Edit: August 23, 2009, 06:28:05 PM by Random Consonant »


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Re: Trinity Limit - The Final Round
« Reply #3 on: August 23, 2009, 06:14:21 PM »
Singles now, teams later.

Team Whip It Good -v- Lady's Entourage
Yuri Volte Hyuga -v- Piastol
Priests -v- Team Cat-Girl
Celes Chere - Lyn
Team Headband -v- Team "Don't Ask Don't Tell"
Florina -v- Worker 8
Virginia Maxwell -v- Aigis - Guns don't work, healing handles any medium dickery.
Team Musica -v- Team "Adopted under weird circumstances"
Tear Grants -v- Watari - Don't... think he has any way to kill here.
Nei -v- Selphie Tilmitt - Don't think Nei avoids a limit, but not sure if that's enough.
« Last Edit: September 04, 2009, 08:03:18 PM by Ultradude »
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Re: Trinity Limit - The Final Round
« Reply #4 on: August 23, 2009, 06:52:14 PM »
Yuri Volte Hyuga -v- Piastol
Ryu3 -v- Sephiroth
Fei Fong Wong -v- Lamington
Priests -v- Team Cat-Girl
Celes Chere - Lyn
Cait Sith - Noa
Sialeeds Falenas - White Rose
Team Headband -v- Team "Don't Ask Don't Tell"
Florina -v- Worker 8
Virginia Maxwell -v- Aigis
White Rose -v- Gadget Z
Team Musica -v- Team "Adopted under weird circumstances"
Tear Grants -v- Watari
Ricardo Gomez -v- Gafgarion, Gaff
Nei -v- Selphie Tilmitt I cant see Nei avoiding a limit.


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Re: Trinity Limit - The Final Round
« Reply #5 on: August 23, 2009, 07:40:17 PM »
Team Whip It Good -v- Lady's Entourage
Yuri Volte Hyuga -v- Piastol
Ryu3 -v- Sephiroth
Fei Fong Wong -v- Lamington
Priests -v- Team Cat-Girl
Celes Chere - Lyn
Cait Sith - Noa
Sialeeds Falenas - White Rose
Team Headband -v- Team "Don't Ask Don't Tell"
Florina -v- Worker 8
Virginia Maxwell -v- Aigis
White Rose -v- Gadget Z
Team Musica -v- Team "Adopted under weird circumstances"
Tear Grants -v- Watari
Ricardo Gomez -v- Gafgarion, Gaff
Nei -v- Selphie Tilmitt

Jo'ou Ranbu

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Re: Trinity Limit - The Final Round
« Reply #6 on: August 23, 2009, 08:05:09 PM »
Team Whip It Good -v- Lady's Entourage - Actually there's not all that much to think about. Jessica definitely OHKOs Edna with Magic Burst (only Killer's fire resistance makes me even ponder if he doesn't get OHKOed there as well) and since Lucia is probably faster, she gets to -guarantee- Killer dies and that Lady gets some more damage. Afterwards, Feena just mops it up. Lady would win if she got a turn, but I think that's a bit much to ask from this level of MT speed blitzing.
Ryu3 -v- Sephiroth - Paralysis.
Priests -v- Team Cat-Girl - Yeah, don't think they go this far. Cristo IDs either Nikki or Lin and that's that. Billy can revive leftovers more or less at will once the pressure is off.
Celes Chere vs. Lyn - ...
Cait Sith vs. Noa - I do see LoL Charm as akin enough to Confuse. Cait gets a turn and frogs the girl.
Sialeeds Falenas vs. White Rose - Urk, WR even immunes the ID.
Team Headband -v- Team "Don't Ask Don't Tell" - Team Headband is sorta worthless in spite of the two Heavies. If Cless aims for Raven, he gets countered and murdered, and the team here doesn't have an easy time picking on any of the castmates. Kanji+Raven should crush Cless and/or Max, and that sorta fixes problems for good.
Florina -v- Worker 8 - Doubles with a good weapon, which means she's 4HKOing at worst.
Virginia Maxwell -v- Aigis - Um.
White Rose -v- Gadget Z - GADGET Z
Team Musica -v- Team "Adopted under weird circumstances" - I think they're better on support.
Tear Grants -v- Watari - SCIENCE MAGIC
Ricardo Gomez -v- Gafgarion, Gaff - Christ.
Nei -v- Selphie Tilmitt - ......
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Trinity Limit - The Final Round
« Reply #7 on: August 24, 2009, 01:50:32 AM »
Team Whip It Good -v- Lady's Entourage - It's a good fight, but the whip-girls take out the entourage too quickly for them really mount the necessary offense. Cool.
Yuri Volte Hyuga -v- Piastol - Multiturn overkill
Ryu3 -v- Sephiroth
Fei Fong Wong -v- Lamington
Priests -v- Team Cat-Girl - Thinking they put too much pressure on the Priests for them to keep up?
Celes Chere - Lyn - Vanish owns Lyn.
Cait Sith - Noa - I'm thinking since both games have a status called Charm and Cait Sith doesn't block it, that Noa wins this in her usual go first->Charm loop style.
Sialeeds Falenas - White Rose - Trainwrecky.
Team Headband -v- Team "Don't Ask Don't Tell" - Seems straightforward.
Florina -v- Worker 8 - Being immune to magic doesn't help against Pegasus Knights...
Virginia Maxwell -v- Aigis - Immune to Ginny's main damage. I allow Fire Medium, so it's closer to me than most... but Orgia Mode probably still takes Ginny.
White Rose -v- Gadget Z - Doesn't 2HKO... may not even 3HKO... WR has no trouble with her healing strategy.
Team Musica -v- Team "Adopted under weird circumstances" - Bah, critical resource failure for my Team. Musica just stalls until Mallow and Kid are out of MP/Charges. Rena can't handle it on her own.
Tear Grants -v- Watari
Ricardo Gomez -v- Gafgarion, Gaff - My Gafgarion damage respect is high enough for him to heal-lock Ricardo.
Nei -v- Selphie Tilmitt - Nei can't avoid a Limit and she's slow enough that I think Selphie has more than enough time to find something to take out Nei.

Jo'ou Ranbu

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Re: Trinity Limit - The Final Round
« Reply #8 on: August 24, 2009, 01:56:24 AM »
Nei is faster than Selphie. Four swings in S3 = you're fast.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Trinity Limit - The Final Round
« Reply #9 on: August 25, 2009, 03:20:36 AM »
Team Whip It Good -v- Lady's Entourage - Magic Burst wipes out everyone but Lady to me, and Lady goes down in flames to Feena.
Yuri Volte Hyuga -v- Piastol - Hey, Neo Amon is pretty fast too, and in a system that actually allows double-turns naturally.  Yuri can keep up with Mind-Body Revivals...  but not sure that Yuri gets HIS double-turn in-time to steal some MP.  And even assuming he does, he may still be locked into only MP-stealing when he gets a free turn, and never have time to use For Everyone.  And if his victory is possible but incredibly slow, I start holding "oops I screwed up the Judgment Ring" against Yuri for wins that require 100+ perfect turns.  So yeah, Piastol, but this is actually rather close.
Priests -v- Team Cat-Girl - No idea.  The need to kill Billy early does seem a blow against Team Cat-Girl, as they'd really rather focus on the other two.
Celes Chere - Lyn - Well, Lyn still wins a decent amount of the time thanks to criticalling one one of her first two blows, but not enough.
Florina -v- Worker 8 - Close, but sure, she might make the 4HKO. 
Team Musica -v- Team "Adopted under weird circumstances" - Musica winning light?  Shock.
Tear Grants -v- Watari
Ricardo Gomez -v- Gafgarion, Gaff
Nei -v- Selphie Tilmitt


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Re: Trinity Limit - The Final Round
« Reply #10 on: September 04, 2009, 01:45:15 AM »
This will end in... approximately 22 hours, so get votes in~

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Re: Trinity Limit - The Final Round
« Reply #11 on: September 04, 2009, 02:52:49 PM »
Team Whip It Good -v- Lady's Entourage- Bah.

Priests -v- Team Cat-Girl

Cait Sith - Noa

Team Headband -v- Team "Don't Ask Don't Tell"

Virginia Maxwell -v- Aigis

Team Musica -v- Team "Adopted under weird circumstances"

Nei -v- Selphie Tilmitt

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Re: Trinity Limit - The Final Round
« Reply #12 on: September 05, 2009, 02:07:55 PM »
And the results are in! Two matches - one in each tournament - come right down to the final vote, and Musica just misses out on winning the double!

Team Whip It Good -[4:1]- Lady's Entourage
Team God-Killers -v- Hell's Angels
 - Yuri Volte Hyuga -[0:5]- Piastol
 - Ryu3 -[2:2]- Sephiroth - Tiebreak not needed.
 - Fei Fong Wong -[0:4]- Lamington
Priests -[2:1]- Team Cat-Girl
Traitors -v- Charming Lesbian Princesses
 - Celes Chere -[6:0]- Lyn
 - Cait Sith -[3:1]- Noa
 - Sialeeds Falenas -[1:3]- White Rose
Team Headband -[0:4]- Team "Don't Ask Don't Tell"
The Other Kind of Yuri -v- Team 01001001 01110010 01101111 01101110
 - Florina -[4:3]- Worker 8
 - Virginia Maxwell -[0:6]- Aigis
 - White Rose -[5:0]- Gadget Z
Team Musica -[6:0]- Team "Adopted under weird circumstances"
Team Musica -v- Team Hard-bitten Mercenary
 - Tear Grants -[7:0]- Watari
 - Ricardo Gomez -[0:4]- Gafgarion, Gaff
 - Nei -[1:5]- Selphie Tilmitt

Congrats to all those who nominated the winning teams. :)
I'm hoping to run something else like this at some point, so if you get any team ideas, feel free to PM them to me in advance.
Also, just to note. If I do run this again, I won't do the Singles Tournament again, and... I may re-use the teams that champed, also possibly including re-rankings for some. *eyes Team Musica*

And, finally, thanks again to all who entered teams and to those who voted~


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Re: Trinity Limit - The Final Round
« Reply #13 on: September 05, 2009, 07:41:35 PM »
This was a really neat idea for a tournament. I'm looking forward to the next one.


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Re: Trinity Limit - The Final Round
« Reply #14 on: September 07, 2009, 12:35:46 AM »
Yeah, also chiming in on the awesomeness of this tournament.

Nomination was really fun, and the Singles tournament wasn't a bad idea, it just needs to be refined a bit to measure the effect you're looking for.

As for rankings, you might want to consider adjusting teams' divisions on your own if you notice that one or two is extremely overpowered for the suggested division (or under-powered, I suppose).

Hope to see another Trinity tourney again soon. ;D